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Vanessa Albury - Igniting Dreams through Akashic Wisdom
Episode 20515th January 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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In this energetic episode, we meet Vanessa Albury, an Akashic Records Transcriber who performs a mini Akashic Records reading for our host, Jill. Vanessa shares success stories, offering clarity and insights to embrace one's true self.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. Today we are talking with Vanessa Albury and man I am so excited to have her on the show today.


She is an Akashic records reader. Is that exciting? She's also a visual echo artist, self love and energy management coach. And she is going to do an Akashic records reading for me


Live on the show today, so buckle up, baby. Ready to roll. Welcome to the show Vanessa, I'm so excited.


Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate what you do and.


I'm excited to be here.


So we talked a little bit before the show about doing this little mini reading and I gave you all the data and you're going to.


Go through this process and then you're going to.


Let me just.


Have you explain what we're going


To do, that's probably easier.




That sounds good.


Well, what I'm.


Going to do with you is what I call a mini reading, which is also the first part of any full Akashic records reading that I give. So I don't give clients many readings anymore, but I do give full Akashic records readings. And so the beginning of any full reading is what we call.


Opening remarks. So it's.


For those that don't know, the Akashic records are this. This library of information in the energy field around every being. So there's data there across all time and space and from all lives past lives, future lives.


Current lives parallel lives. It's all there. It's all available. And as a reader, each reader has their own relationship to that information.


And you can really only receive what you're ready to receive, right? So as a reader, I do a lot.


Of work on.


My self love on my self-care on my spiritual growth and I'm able to divine very specific information for your highest best experience of this life.


So it's an.


Unconditional love message.


Every time you receive a reading, it's a healing. It's a full healing. Even when you personally re- listen to this podcast, it'll be a.


Healing when you're.


In that experience. So it'll be interesting also to get your feedback on what it felt like to be in, in the middle of your reading to be receiving that energy, because even just the short.


Message is an energy transformation.


I'm excited.


Full disclosure, I have had


Done, Akashic records readings in the past.


But when I did it.


With this other friend of mine, she took me on the journey. So it was me going to the Akashic records and so this experience is going to be.


New for me, but I'm.


I'm really interested to see how.


How it goes?


I love hearing about other people's readings because it really speaks to the quality of the variation due to the reader. Some readers see visions and they like you, ask your question. They close their eyes, they see a vision, they come back and they tell you what they saw. I've been dubbed the record keepers.


Transcriptionist because.


It's as if I'm transcribing the energy into words, so I'm a direct channel through uh, through my mouth. I'm Clairaudient. Clairsentient. Claircognizant channel. And so my mouth becomes their mouthpiece, kind of like in an Abraham-Hicks style.


Yeah, and but I'm.


Still there, like I'm still here as me witnessing, so I'll also hear songs. I'll see visions. And so then after I close someone's records, I'm able to tell them.


What I saw, what I heard since I don't have two mouths like one mouth, is dedicated to what they're saying. And then I had a second mouth I'd be like and listen to this song and check out this thing, you know? But that's not possible. So afterwards we, I call that a digestion. We discuss what else also came through.


OK, sounds exciting. Wonderful. So how do we start?


OK, great.


So I have your.


Specifics for permission to go into your record.


I'll perform a silent prayer and after that prayer, I'll begin speaking as the record keepers transcriptionist. So the message will begin in that moment, and then I'll close your records. It will be short just a few minutes and then we'll see. What?


Came through. We'll discuss it. Sounds good.


Sounds great.


OK, great.


So are we ready to start with the prayer?




Welcome. Most of luck, Jill.


Miss Jill, that Jill bang, welcome, welcome to.


Your Akashic records with our record keepers transcriptionist Vanessa.


We are aware you have been here before.


We see you and we love.


You and we appreciate you. We appreciate.


Your willingness to go above and beyond and outward and forward into this world. You are brave.


You're daring. You are.


Excited and you excite you ignite, you accelerate.


Those around you, just by being you


You recognize this in yourself, but this


Is who you are.


You are.


So much more than where you're from.


Or where you live, you touch the world.


In a way that most could never even fathom.


And you're thirsty for more.


It’s never enough. It's never going to be enough.


So our message for you now is embrace.


The striving and the drive.


As you do so well already.


Consciously call to mind I want more.


I choose more. I'm here for more with that big smile on your face and that.


That fast pace clip run of yours, you run off mountain tops off buildings. You have No Fear here.


Hold on to this truth.


Of who you are. Keep running forward. Accelerate, accelerate, accelerate. How do you accelerate? You consciously choose to accelerate.


It is that.


Simple. So if we were to give you just a wee tiny bit of homework and this very, very brief reading that we're offering to.


You now it is this.


Take 5 minutes.


Every day, first thing in the.


Morning. For the next week.


Script from the place of having already.


The life beyond your dreams that you know.


Is available to you.


What does it feel like to be that much farther? Who are you when you are Oprah?


That's what we wish for you. Feel into that energy. Start your morning every day.


With that reminder of who you really are.


Or even as we all look at.


Beautiful Oprah Winfrey today, sitting in her palatial landscape of a palace of a home overlooking avocado groves and natural abundance.


She is and always was that person, and there is still more for her.


Even when she.


Was four, and with her grandmother in the backyard in Alabama, Mississippi, and.


And this is.


As she grew up in Tennessee, she.


Was always this person.


She recognized it in her heart.


So we wish for you to consciously grab and call forward with your words.


That version of who you are pull her into you.


Feel her in you.


And then just naturally evolve.


That is our.


Unconditional love message for you today.


We know that it resonates because we feel it in our.


Akashic words readers our transcriptionists.


Then this is fine.


The light and.


The love this truth is for you.


We look forward.


To your input.


At the close of your records.


Thank you for inviting us to you today.


OK, Jill, that was it. What do you think?


I'll tell you a little story. So today I was while I was walking my dogs.




With my husband.


I was thinking about where I was going.


I was.


Putting forth the idea that.


I want to be on Joe Rogan's podcast to get.


To generate excitement about what is happening and I've been getting.


Kind of downloads I would say, about different people that I should have on my podcast that would help other people be inspired to step into their power.


Because really, that's what.


My show is all about, it's.


Helping people to really grasp it. They have a gift and they have a purpose for being here and the more of us that step into that purpose.


The more the world will.


Become, I would say, healed.


And in a frequency that that benefits everyone because we all are a part of each other, we are all connected.


And until we get to that point where we recognize the connection and we work to be our very best self. So we can help.


The person next to us be their very best self without having to be our best self and their best self all.


Of this time.


Which sounds silly, but it happens a lot.


Well, what you just said, it happens to me all the time, which is what I observe is that the message I channeled is directly tied to what you're thinking about today, right? Yeah. That that's the feedback I get over and over and over, especially with the mini readings because.


In those, it's a very short, it's very concise and we don't discuss what the topic is. The topic just goes. And so in every reading I have a deal with the Akashic record.


Record keepers and guides to be able to wow my audience. My, my participant, my client because for some people there's the requirement of a little bit of magic like a little bit of proof that it's real, right, like you didn't. I had no idea you had that conversation with your husband. That that's where your mind was.


This, but that's.


Exactly the entirety of what you're reading is.


About right.


Yeah, and it just.


Confirmed for me some other things


And for the audience, Vanessa and I did not discuss anything about what she was doing. I told her my full name. I told her where I lived. I told her my birth date and I told her where I was born and.


I asked her if she was willing to do this little mini Akashic reading, and we discussed the technical parts.


But nothing about what I've been thinking about, who I am. We don't really even know each other than a few conversations we've had on Facebook. So.


If you're, you know, even wondering a little bit if an Akashic records reading is for you or will help you, you know, really cement.


Things that you might be thinking about.


Or pursuing it helps.


You to.


To decide whether you're on.


The right path or not?


Do you? Do you ever find that you?


You're given a reading to someone, and then they're like.


No, that's not it or.


I really want it to be.


This way.


It's very rare because and I'd love to know what the feelings were going through your body during the many reading. But what happens is that I'm channeling your higher information about who you are as a higher being, a greater than this body being. And actually most of us exist outside of this physical.


Time, space, embodiment and so I'm able to access that version, that part of who you are, that the rest of the world doesn't really reflect back to you. Right. It's like the world is always societal programming. Like, how are you going to shrink from me? How are you going to people please me. How are you going to? How you going to be smaller than who you.


Really are and so I'm able to connect with.


Who you really


Are and so it's very. It's very rare that that information lands on someone unappreciated or unwanted I.


Mean I've given.


Probably almost 300 readings.


Over the last couple of years.


Twice someone has two different people haven't been fully on board, but one of them within a few days was like, Oh my gosh, I thought about it a little more.


And like wow.


Like that's it and the other person I haven't heard back from. So it's, you know, less than .5%.


Yeah, that's.


I'm curious what was the feeling for you while


You were in.


While you were receiving the reading.


I was. I was feeling.


In my gut like.


This is.


This is a message about which direction I should be going in. It was confirmation of some other things that I'd already started doing, like I started doing that 5 minute thing in the morning.


And you, you scripted it from the place of already having it.


I mean.


Yeah, it's having and it's having is the actual word that I'm using rather than wanting or desiring it's having I'm having.


This and I'm being this and.


Do you connect


To the feeling of the having of that and.


The being of that.


OK, good. Because that's really the substance of.


The message like.


That feeling, yeah.


And before this, before this conversation, I was already doing a meditation.


Where I was.


Envisioning my future self and how I would feel and who I would be and.


How I showed up.


Oh my gosh.


So when you do this, it was just.


Like the universe talking.


That's amazing. I love hearing that.


That this is what lights up my life. You know, this makes me so.


Happy. I love being able to provide.


This service to people.


For so many unlike you, they don't.


Have that clarity yet. So you're ready to accelerate? It's like you can't accelerate until you know what to accelerate, right?


Yeah, you.


Weren't into trouble when you step on the accelerator and you're, like, not on the road.


And you don't know where.


If you don't have a steering wheel, I.


Don't know. Yeah.




That's so beautiful. I'm. I'm so grateful that you had that idea for us to.


Do it.


Yeah, I'm. I'm glad that you were. You were open to it and I really.


Which I would like you to share your experiences with other people and how you can help people.


Through an Akashic records reading. Why? Why would people want to?


Come to you. I know why I want it.


Well, the biggest challenge is that people.


Find solutions to in the readings. Well one is clarity.


Clarity in all aspects of life, but the main focuses are typically in career and relationships, right? These are the two most important things.


To people so.


You have a dream burning within you and you just don't know how to move forward in it. That's a great time to get an Akashic records reading, because what happened? What's very common energetically, and you might be familiar with this, is just a 1% shift.


Gives you that open portal that open door to make the 100% shift, but until you make that slight energetic shift, it's hard to walk through that door. So I have a client that's also in relationships. I have a client who's here in New York, and she was telling me before reading that she was in like this.


Yeah, vast dry spell. For dating. It was just like not nada. Right? We did her reading. We asked some questions about that.


I had a call back with her.


A week later, she had five dates that week.


Fighting. You can't make this up so and also what's come through for people is.


One of my favorite things, a burning desire within that they have put a cup over like a candle that you hide under a cup that goes back to childhood. A desire for who they wanted to be that was real, part of who they really are, that they just put aside and shoved into the corner because they.


Needed a career.


They needed to pay their bills. They needed whatever.


And then we take that cup off the candle and that that fire is reignited within them. I have another client who has been guided to right to write her story, and she's already a writer, but she thought she was a scientific writer. She thought that was the direction she was supposed to go because she's also loved science, but turns out.


She's had this desire to tell a kind of fantasy fiction story about her own life, and I channeled the full feeling of that of that book. And she's like.


Oh my God.


I forgot that that was something I want.


So it's a really great tool to reconnect with the parts of yourself that you've compromised away.


I've written a book that was called ignited.


Which is another thing that I wanted to share with.


You when you were.


Going through that because you used the.


Word ignited this is like I named my book.


There are no coincidences.


And you didn't know about?


I had no idea.


That so it's like.


Wow, you can choose.


To believe or not believe but.


I choose to embrace all the possibilities.


So it's like.


You can get so much clarity around direction. You know if you're going the right direction.


Yeah, like you said, the confirmation and.


Also, what people find?


Is that not only do they get confirmation of things that they've already been stewing on brewing and then clarity of, oh, like, OK, I can just move forward in this way. But often a further development of that idea. So especially in a full reading, we get a much bigger picture of what that looks like. I mean, I was already.


Starting to see.


Versions of UM of who you are and like where you're going and also where you've come from. I thought that was really interesting.


The way they talked about.


Oprah's past and how she was already who she is now and who she's going to be in 10 years when she was 4, when she was little, when her grandmother was with her in the backyard, telling her I hope you get a good white family to serve as a servant like that was her highest, best wish.


For her, for her granddaughter in that era. But she was already who she is now then.




We all are, though.


We are.


We it's like that.


I don't know who.


Said it, but it might.


Have been Michelangelo. You know, the sculpture is always there. Yeah. The masterpiece is always there. It's just chipping away that excess stone to get it.


Absolutely and some of.


Us have a.


Lot of excess stone.


Yeah, it just kind.


Of gets caked on in life.


Till you start the process of chipping away at the excess stuff so that you can.


Let who you are really.


Yeah, shine. It's like.


And the world.


Needs you, you.


Know they need you to step out and to be who you were meant to be and. And really, I think the Akashic Records readers are important.


People because you help.


People understand this is what your mission was.


This is where your mission still.


Is sitting waiting for you.


Right, right.


And so from my readings actually developed my Dream life accelerator, my seven week program.


To support people.


In having community and having structure to.


Start living that now. Because what happens? What I was seeing happening for my clients is they would get their reading. They would feel that energy of who they really are. They would reconnect with a part of themselves that they had forgotten about, that they had discarded. But then they go back out into their life and no one's there looking at them that way.


No one's there being.


Like, hey, I see you.


World famous author I see you, you know.


It just it.


Just doesn't happen that quickly in the world around you, but it does happen eventually. So in the seven week program I create kind of a bubble where we move through.


My 4 steps to living the life of your dreams, which includes community and direct support for supporting those visions supporting that greater truth of who you are, which is such an honor and a delight to see people fully step into it. One of my clients, we just finished a session 7.


Weeks 2 weeks.


Ago and when we came into it, he.


Such a sweet soul. He had his full reading and he's like, I want to be a tarot reader. I want to be able to give people the gift of tarot, and he had a YouTube channel that he was not very regular on and very shy about being in the public eye. At the end of the seven.


Weeks he was doing he's doing currently.


Tara readings every weekend in October at the Renaissance Fair in Austin, TX. So now he's fully.


Living that dream and I. And just like what was coming through in your reading.


It was like.


You know.


While you're there.


At the festival giving these readings, see yourself there at the festival, giving these readings. Acknowledge that this is part of your path. This is part of who you.


Are and then feel into that feeling of what's next?


Yeah, and you, you're hitting on something that's really important because it can be fleeting when you do something like an akashic records reading and.


And society wears on all of us. You may know who you are, but everybody else, you're still just mom or the wife or the sister, or the daughter, or the whatever. And the label you've been labeled with and.


And those closest to you are the ones that.


They do it.


Probably, yeah, they do the most damage, but as you as you provide a container for people to also go into to, to get, to start taking the steps and you know even baby steps in a direction will change the trajectory of your life.


The worst?


Like enormously messy action is.


Very quickly, very quickly.


It's still action and it causes other changes to happen and you know the whole the old saying. If you're plot a course between where you are and some other distant.


Destination and you're off course just 1% you're going.


To the further.


Out you go the.


Larger the area that you miss it is.


Becomes obvious, but the same works for your life. You know you if you stay on the trajectory you're on right now, you're going to keep getting more of what you're getting and not making progress towards the thing that you really should be focused on. Whereas you know you start with is just a records reading to like affirm.


And get direction and.


You shift.


A little bit now and in time.


That little bit.


It adds up.


Adds up to a lot.


And in fact, it can be an exponential shift immediately because energy eclipses time and space, so this this healing that happens can immediately change your energetic, your inner identity, and then suddenly you come out of the reading a different person. I'm hearing that.


Song. I'm a brand new person.


I think it's Rhiannon.


I don't care. I'm in love.


It's just.


A beautiful song.


But really that that's possible. It's like the difference the way Gabor matte talks about an event that causes trauma and trauma, real trauma can be healed quickly the event.


It's just facts, it's just data. It doesn't really matter, it's.


And it may not even exist, because it's just a memory and everybody's memory of that event is different.


Absolutely. But if you have it as trauma.


It replays your.


Version of that event over and over and over until.


You heal that trauma and then suddenly it all shifts across all time and space. You still remember facts. You still remember details, but they don't hate you the same way they don't resonate the same way, and then you can start to become grateful for the things that created, struggle, challenges and even trauma.


In your life.


Because those are the things that showed you the.


Way to who you really are.


And that shift itself can happen so fast.


I I've seen that happen. Personally I've had experiences.


I live it like I live it.


Yeah, that happened and.


It's how as I was like 6 years old.


This one event and.


And I I'm.


63 so I mean, I carry this for.


A long time harbored really bad feelings over it, but it.


That made me.


Who I am today, if I had gone through that, then I would not have.


Am I wouldn't be where I am and I could just take it and make it gratitude and.


It was just like, wow.


It's very powerful in that moment when you feel that gratitude and then you see how valuable.


The clarity of how painful that experience was, because the more painful the experience, the more crystal clear you know what you don't want. And when you crystal clear, know what you don't want, you are very much closer to what you do want.


And it helps you really formulate what you do want and when you focus on what you do want.


You do move.


Towards it it's.


Physically impossible to not get what you do want.


Or what you're focused on your brain? Just it's.


It's how it happens. We create our own realities.


There's no room.


Absolutely. There's no room for ambiguity when you have those, those sharp contrasts.


Yeah. Yeah and.


And again, it kind of all starts with getting some confirmation somewhere.


Even great spiritual leaders in the world have all gone.


Information from the source. What are they called it?


You know, they all called it God because none of them.


Really claimed to be God's people claimed about them that they were God, but.


Something different, yeah.


It's entirely different.


So your process is.


You have and.


And you do have a number of offerings as far as different types of Akashic records readings, all with Angel numbers. We catch that.


Yes, yes, yes, that's true. Thank you.


So you want.


To tell the tell the audience the.


Several of the different types of Akashic records readings that you do.


For people and then.


Then we'll let them know that that's kind of the first step towards getting into the master class and really.


Pursuing what?


What you've uncovered with the records reading.


Absolutely. So the main offering for the Akashic Records is a full reading, which is about an hour and a half to two hours. Some have gone significantly over that time. But that's normally the range we ask.


6 to 8 questions.


You get to ask.


Follow up questions in the reading so.


You know, when you when we asked the question you received the answer. Sometimes they'll say do you have a follow up question and then you.


Get to add.


You know, if you need clarity, if you want.


To ask a little something more. Sometimes they also just say and we're complete on this topic. Next, you know I was like, OK, you're just on the ride, you know?




What I find is that it takes about three months to fully integrate a full reading some people a little longer, but about 3 months, so every season you're ready.


For another reading.


Basically, because once you've integrated that, there's more for you. I have a deal with the record keepers and guides that I only channel messages.


From unconditional.


Of and that are for my clients highest best to know right now.


So once you've integrated, what's the highest best to know right now? Well, then you stand on that as your new ground. There's going to be more highest. Best because we are infinite beings having finite experiences. There's always more. There's always more.


And what I like to say is.


Do you want to finish one round of the video game, or do you want to play?


Through 100, right, it's like.


How? How far? How many advances do you want to go through? How many cycles of the of the process of who you really are, do you?


Want to get through? Because your life's purpose is always going to be expanding. Once you achieve a version of it like.


My client, being a tarot reader, well, once he does that, he might realize from there actually there's something more for him because he's standing on his own shoulders, right? He's in the next.


Level of the video.


OK, so then I also have an offering for four readings for the year at a discounted rate, so you get 20% off for the year.


And I occasionally offer half seat readings, which is 3 or 4 questions. It's at a more affordable rate, obviously, but I find that you get the most out of a full reading and I want people to get the most. That's what I'm here for.


So UM, those are my main 2.


For the Akashic records, I also.


Have a medical medium ship package which I've been developing. My medium medical medium ship gift I'm very clear.


Energetic channel so I can feel exactly what parts of the body are lighting up and what they need, and I'm able to help clients immediately shift their experience with their body.


Like one client has a full body toxic situation from a medication she took and has pain and walking after her reading her medical mediumship reading, she followed the steps and was immediately experiencing significantly less pain and walking around like 70% less.


Plane or so you can actually just.


Walk around, yeah.


So it happens very quickly. It happens very quickly.


So I have a medical mediumship package which is a reading plus three follow up sessions where I support the person and because with health it seems to be a little more challenging for people to integrate that information. So I.


Have a package for.


That as well.


It's. I'm sure it's like everything else when you're trying to change something it.


Like massage, you know, you go in.


For the massage, you feel great.


And then your.


Muscles tight back up.


And you need to go back in and get massaged again until they get used to the idea that it could be there.


Have integrate integrating.


The new state.


Is how I think about it, yeah.


And then there's another.


Our navies chiropractic.


That there's another goal after.


That always what I find with practices like?


Very, very important and essential practices such as massage, kundalini awakening, acupuncture, chiropractic S.


You have to go back multiple times for that reintegration of this shift, but.


It's often treating the symptoms of the deeper problem, and I'm able to channel what the deeper energetic problem is, so I recommend.


To people to do both.


To like take from everything right, take the Western medicine, take the eastern medicine, but also address the energetic.


Root of the problem because once you heal that then you don't have the problem anymore. Like you know, I used to have a lot of tooth decay.


Well, if you know Louisa Hayworth, you know that that relates to fear from taking a.


Bite out of life.


And I've healed tooth decay.


In my life.


By healing through that root issue of being safe to explore, safe to be in the world, safe to get out there and.


Be who I am.


That that's what healed my tooth decay.


Yeah, and it's can be as simple as.


That just like.


There I think there are a lot of things in life.


That are like that. So how do people get in?


Touch with you.


Absolutely. So you can e-mail me I have Instagram. Vanessa Albery official.


And my website currently is the Akashic records so the Akashic Records is dedicated specifically to Akashic Records reading solely. But on the Instagram and that website that I'm developing it encompasses that.


Awesome, awesome. And what's the one thing you want to leave the audience with today?


The one thing I want to I want everyone.


To walk away from this conversation is the.


The value of being coached.


It's good to have.


Mentors. It's good to have leaders that you look up to.


But you need someone who is there for you on a one-on-one.


Basis that can support you to shift.


What's going on within you, and thusly shift what's going on around you? You just need someone who sits a little higher up in the building than you do. Just need a slightly higher perspective. And then that person can bring you up to where they are and then also push.


You above.


You think?


Sports stars like.


Olympic professionals, they have coaches who can't do what their bodies can do, but they know how to get the.


Body to do that thing and they work.


One-on-one with that person. So if you really want to make.


Progress in your life.


And get out of the cycles that you spend.


In get a coach be coached.


Be supported.


Couldn't agree with you more. Almost everybody that's.


Making progress in life has some has a coach has someone that is helping them, mentoring them, showing them the ropes.


I have multiple coaches.


I do.


Too, just like it's.


It's kind of it's the way the world is shifting now. It's kind of going back to the old.


Ways of Apprentice and master and.


Yeah, there's.


Different levels along.


The way and.


I like it. I think it's a more connected way.


To operate in the world.


It's a beautiful experience. It's a beautiful way to share information, and it also acknowledges that not everyone needs to be a monk on the mountain. In the Himalayas, we all have different roles and but yet that person has value to give to other people, like my yoga master, Master sheer karsina studied in the Himalayas.


His grandmaster, who was born and raised in the Himalayas.


But he doesn't live in the Himalayas anymore, right? He's meant to live in the city. He's meant to share that knowledge with a different group of people. And so you resonate with.


A specific group of people you're energetic is ready for a specific group of people that those people might not actually be called to your mentor to your coach, right?


So it's a beautiful.


Way that we're all interconnected. I love the way.


You said that.


Thank you so much, Vanessa. This has been an amazing experience.


For me and I.


Really appreciate you and what you're doing out there.


Thank you so much. It's been an honor.



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