Bring it on! At 162.5kg I am putting a stake in the ground and taking positive action to change my weight, health, and life, starting this week. This episode is the introduction to my story of transformation starting on 29th October 2022.
The great people I mentioned and recommended are:
Sheryl Takayama of Why Weight Nutrition - you can find Sheryl on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok
Dave Margison of Workout Unleashed - You can find Dave on Instagram
Hi, it's Kate Nankable here from the Shape of Kate.
Speaker A:I'm starting this brand new podcast because I've thought about this for a really long time
Speaker A:and I haven't taken the action.
Speaker A:I'm literally recording this process and, you
Speaker A:know, I'm just going to take you back that in 2008, I lost over 38 kilos to get myself to
Speaker A:the best shape of my life.
Speaker A:So it was 2008 and so we're 2022.
Speaker A:So that was like 1314 years ago that I took that action.
Speaker A:At the time, I was just having a look back at 128 kilos or 130 kilos, and I lost the 38 to
Speaker A:40 kilos to get myself down to around 90 kilos.
Speaker A:And I was in really **** hot shape.
Speaker A:Since then.
Speaker A:So much has happened in my life and I'm gutted that all the things that have happened led me
Speaker A:to.
Speaker A:I want to say comfort eat.
Speaker A:Emotional eat.
Speaker A:Deal with my feelings by eating whatever I was
Speaker A:feeling.
Speaker A:Whether it was grief.
Speaker A:Heartbreak.
Speaker A:The result of trauma that I'd experienced in
Speaker A:my life.
Speaker A:That I'd buried all the things.
Speaker A:I used food as a ***.
Speaker A:And I stopped expressing myself and my
Speaker A:feelings.
Speaker A:So I feel like I got myself oriented in a
Speaker A:really awesome way in 2008 and 2009.
Speaker A:And then it's really been an ever increasing
Speaker A:number of kilograms have piled on since then to the extent where I'm now, as we weighed on
Speaker A:Friday, I'm 162 and a half kilograms, which is a lot.
Speaker A:That's tough to say.
Speaker A:That's tough to share in a podcast.
Speaker A:That's tough to share with the people who saw what I did in 2008.
Speaker A:And it makes me sad for how hard I worked in 2008 and all that I gave up and giving up all
Speaker A:those habits that I had created.
Speaker A:However, life right, things happen.
Speaker A:And at the time, I used Jenny Craig's food, which was a cool way to work out portions and
Speaker A:control of what I was eating, but it's not for me.
Speaker A:It wasn't a long term way to live.
Speaker A:The awesome thing that I did physically was
Speaker A:that I trained with just an incredible trainer, a guy called Dave Margison, who his
Speaker A:business is absolutely incredible.
Speaker A:His training skills are out of this world.
Speaker A:And, you know, I did heaps of walking, I did heaps of weight training with Dave, and he was
Speaker A:an expert guide on my journey.
Speaker A:So as I lost the weight back then, he really
Speaker A:helped me craft the body I wanted, which was stronger and fitter, able to do spin classes,
Speaker A:even run and run distances and be strong.
Speaker A:So I know that the decision I made to work
Speaker A:with and invest in Dave was a brilliant one at the time.
Speaker A:But, you know, injuries happened in 2011.
Speaker A:I broke my foot and then subsequent things.
Speaker A:Anyway, I'm not going to lay the blame on a whole bunch of a bunch of different things,
Speaker A:although they have had a part or played a part in getting me to where I am now, this state of
Speaker A:unfit and this 162 and a half kilograms.
Speaker A:And I've been back and forth between basically
Speaker A:150 and 160 kilos through the time of COVID and lockdowns and all that sort of stuff.
Speaker A:But this could get a little bit political because there's a lot of stuff around health
Speaker A:and wellbeing and weight and not weight and body positivity.
Speaker A:And I'm all for body positivity, but one of the things as a 54 year old woman that I can
Speaker A:share with my younger self and some of you younger selves is that there comes a point
Speaker A:where carrying extra weight around becomes health threatening and causes physical
Speaker A:symptoms in your body that I don't want anymore.
Speaker A:At 25 or 30 I probably could have got away with a whole bunch of stuff and my body
Speaker A:wouldn't have worn out in some ways.
Speaker A:But carrying this much weight around is hard
Speaker A:work.
Speaker A:It's really hard work.
Speaker A:It's hard on my joints and things start happening that aren't the things that I want
Speaker A:to be happening to my body.
Speaker A:After having been fit and able and able to do
Speaker A:lots of things, I want that back in my life as best as I can craft it.
Speaker A:Not quite sure what that might look like because one of the things I learned in 2008
Speaker A:was I had no idea of the potential that I could achieve.
Speaker A:So I'm really starting this conversation with you, the person who wants to listen to this,
Speaker A:the people who want to listen to this, and thank you for listening, thank you for being
Speaker A:part of my journey.
Speaker A:I made a decision for a whole raft of reasons
Speaker A:and I'll share more of this as I create and craft more episodes.
Speaker A:That enough is enough.
Speaker A:And so on Friday, the 28 October 2022, I had
Speaker A:my first meeting with the beautiful person who was Cheryl Takayama with Y Weights Academy.
Speaker A:And I've chosen to work with Cheryl on my food and eating because I know that I need
Speaker A:accountability and I could probably design a whole raft of things for sure.
Speaker A:I've learned a lot about food over the years.
Speaker A:But I wanted to work with someone who could be
Speaker A:my expert guide in that.
Speaker A:Someone who I would be checking in with on a
Speaker A:regular basis and someone who's an expert at helping people lose weight and also someone
Speaker A:who's really positive and has a lot of fun energy and could help instill the hope that I
Speaker A:want for this journey.
Speaker A:And Cheryl and I happened to meet through a
Speaker A:course that we were doing together, which has just been a brilliant coincidence of stuff in
Speaker A:my business and in my life.
Speaker A:And so I met Cheryl and I was like I like this
Speaker A:woman, I think I could work with her.
Speaker A:So I went and had a meeting with Cheryl on
Speaker A:Friday and that meeting confirmed everything that I thought that I wanted to get this show
Speaker A:on the road.
Speaker A:So I have joined Cheryl's Huaweiweight
Speaker A:Academy.
Speaker A:She's got an online group that you can join.
Speaker A:She's got one to one services and I'm going to be working with her on a one to one basis.
Speaker A:So I'm going to be getting lots of feedback for these next steps that I'm taking.
Speaker A:And so I went and had that meeting with Cheryl on Friday.
Speaker A:And I just want to say I was really scared because I've tried so many times to adjust my
Speaker A:eating and failed.
Speaker A:What feels like it failed to me, like I've
Speaker A:tried things, how to go, I lost a bit of weight and then kind of given up that it's
Speaker A:scary for me to think about trying something again.
Speaker A:And what if I do fail? And so that is also why I've chosen Cheryl and
Speaker A:her program and her one to one work and her services, because I need that accountability
Speaker A:to commit to this and to be successful.
Speaker A:And I know it's going to be a really long
Speaker A:haul.
Speaker A:And I'm starting this also the Shape of Kate
Speaker A:podcast because I want the accountability of telling my story to you.
Speaker A:You're beautiful people who want to listen to this story and I want to share how this all
Speaker A:goes.
Speaker A:So let's get into the guts or the nuts and
Speaker A:bolts of this.
Speaker A:I had my session with Cheryl, worked on a
Speaker A:program and with her guidance and came away with the structured plan for what I'm eating
Speaker A:in my days and the sorts of foods that I needed to get.
Speaker A:So I drove home and on Saturday I went and did my shopping based on these new things that I
Speaker A:needed and got a whole lot of more vegetables and a range of different products and snacks
Speaker A:that will support.
Speaker A:Because the protocol or process that I'm doing
Speaker A:is a relatively low carb process.
Speaker A:It's not keto, but it is having less carbs.
Speaker A:One of the things about being 54 is that I'm fully into menopause these days and I've been
Speaker A:through perimenopause and I've had the blood test and everything.
Speaker A:And I'm currently on HRT, so that's been brilliant for me.
Speaker A:I have estrogen patches and that really helped.
Speaker A:But one of the things that I've noticed totally is the impact on my body.
Speaker A:The amount of body fat that I put on I think has been impacted and influenced by the
Speaker A:menopause process within my body.
Speaker A:And so I'm looking at the ways or the
Speaker A:successful ways that I can manage my food consumption and plan and weight loss strategy
Speaker A:that understands what's happening in my body.
Speaker A:So went off to get the food, started eating
Speaker A:based on the plan yesterday, and I was a bit freaky.
Speaker A:You know, I think through the lockdown and various things, being able to get out and get
Speaker A:a coffee became a super treat.
Speaker A:And sometimes that sort of included having
Speaker A:maybe some baked goods.
Speaker A:It might be like a piano, chocolate or a pie
Speaker A:or something, because when you couldn't kind of go and get stuff, suddenly getting stuff is
Speaker A:kind of cool.
Speaker A:So last year I fell prey to a bit of that and
Speaker A:then I decided, no, I'm putting it into that.
Speaker A:And so I gave up all of that stuff and I gave
Speaker A:up sugar.
Speaker A:And yes, that was a journey in and of itself,
Speaker A:but this year, because I caught covert in June, I think it was May, June, May, and the
Speaker A:beautiful people who provided me with support and food and stuff when I was sick brought me
Speaker A:a whole lot of cool stuff and it included some foods with sugar in it.
Speaker A:And to be honest, I'm in such a sugar addict that I fell prey to the sugar.
Speaker A:So starting sugar again.
Speaker A:So since that time, I've kind of on and off
Speaker A:again, had foods that I would say would not be the foods that I would want to be eating if I
Speaker A:really was serious about losing some weight.
Speaker A:So anyway, yesterday getting into a plan where
Speaker A:I was having more like a salad based lunch or a vegetable based lunch, where the focus is on
Speaker A:the protein and the fat that I'm having and less carbohydrates, and then the same for
Speaker A:dinner and snacks that fit into that routine.
Speaker A:It was quite a change in what I'd been eating,
Speaker A:definitely the proportions and stuff.
Speaker A:So I felt quite hungry and then I was kind of
Speaker A:reminding myself that I had a snack coming and then another meal coming.
Speaker A:So I survived day one.
Speaker A:Yay.
Speaker A:And I got up this morning and I went to the bathroom, as you do, and I thought, oh, I'm
Speaker A:going to jump on the scales because I feel like my body's changed already and it might
Speaker A:just be fluid and it might just be one of those things, but I'd already lost half a kilo
Speaker A:with this change in what I'd done in the first day.
Speaker A:Now, I'm not saying that I expect that to happen every day for the next week or
Speaker A:anything, but it's kind of exciting to see a bit of a change on the scales so quickly when
Speaker A:you have not had a change in the scales and you've been trying various stuff.
Speaker A:So that's cool.
Speaker A:So, day two today, went out and got some more
Speaker A:of the foods that I was looking for.
Speaker A:Some of the foods I was looking for include
Speaker A:some things like some low carb breed options and various things that I want because I'm
Speaker A:kind of choosing those instead of having regular bread and what have you.
Speaker A:So hunting down where I can get those from and working out where I could order stuff online
Speaker A:as part of this routine and plan.
Speaker A:So I got that sorted at another day of the
Speaker A:program and I'm at the end of day two, and that's what brought me to recording this,
Speaker A:because I thought, what better way to hold myself accountable than to start a podcast
Speaker A:recording of my journey.
Speaker A:So I'm at the very beginning, like I said,
Speaker A:starting at 162 and a half kilos, not really wanting to share a photo of myself with you
Speaker A:guys, but I will at some point soon because there will be some comparison coming up so we
Speaker A:can do some of that before and after your progress kind of on the journey.
Speaker A:And I just wanted to step forward into being honest about where I'm at because one of the
Speaker A:thought processes that I've been engaged with in recent times is that through this time of
Speaker A:putting on so much weight, I had also buried being honest about who I am.
Speaker A:I've kind of held that in and been careful about it.
Speaker A:And I want to be honest, I want to be the Kate who sees how things are for her and this
Speaker A:podcast is a really brilliant way to do that.
Speaker A:I don't want to be bearing my feelings anymore
Speaker A:or putting on a performance.
Speaker A:I want to be me.
Speaker A:So this is the first episode in the shape of Kate.
Speaker A:Hope that some of this is connected with you, that you find a little bit interesting.
Speaker A:If you are interested in I guess if you've got any questions for me, I'm going to find a way
Speaker A:that I could invite you to share that, but I will record something more soon.
Speaker A:May perhaps tell you a little bit more about my history.
Speaker A:Also, before I finish, I just want to talk a little bit about my why for doing this.
Speaker A:So I've just spent the last two months in Topo looking after my mum.
Speaker A:My mum is a remarkable woman in her early eighty s and she was skiing at Kadona, which
Speaker A:near Wanika, if you don't know where that is, but most people, if you're in New Zealand,
Speaker A:would know that.
Speaker A:But anyway, it's in South Island, if you're
Speaker A:listening, outside of New Zealand.
Speaker A:Mum at 82 was skiing, second day of a ski
Speaker A:holiday and she got knocked over at the top, getting off the chair lift and she hit the
Speaker A:ground, possibly, we think, either really icy ground or was snow packed over concrete.
Speaker A:We're not quite sure of that surface.
Speaker A:But the consequence of it was she broke the
Speaker A:top of her femur, which is pretty much the equivalent of breaking your hip.
Speaker A:Anyway, she was flown an amazing helicopter to a hospital.
Speaker A:That's as close as you can get to Monica, which is the needham they put a pin in her
Speaker A:femur and into the top of her femur and screws and all that amazing, you know, bionics that
Speaker A:you can get when you break a bone these days.
Speaker A:And so I've been, since she got home to Topo,
Speaker A:have been helping her while she regained her mobility.
Speaker A:And my mum is amazing and inspiring and super active in her 80s in a way that I would like
Speaker A:to be, but I'm so far off that again, the critical nature I'm going to get all emotional
Speaker A:now.
Speaker A:The critical nature of the change that I need
Speaker A:to make for myself became so potently in my faith that the last couple of months
Speaker A:supporting Mum has really brought it home to me how much I need to make this positive
Speaker A:change.
Speaker A:So I have to sort that out.
Speaker A:When I'm doing recording, you can hear my outlook, taking little things to you.
Speaker A:My goal for my wife, my mum and my other closest family member, my lovely nephew, they
Speaker A:motivate me to want to be the best that I can be, and I'm physically a long way off that at
Speaker A:this point, and I want to close that gap.
Speaker A:So I've got a really clear why.
Speaker A:And my goal is to go from this current weight I'm at to around 90 kilos, because I achieved
Speaker A:that figure in 2008 and I was in a really good state, but I want that to be a well muscled 90
Speaker A:kilos.
Speaker A:I want to be doing weight training and
Speaker A:strength training that enable my body to be as strong as it can be, because I know that when
Speaker A:I have that balance right, that kind of weight is fine.
Speaker A:Now, I'm a long way off that and we can review that and everything, but that's my goal.
Speaker A:And as I lose more weight, I want to be able to get more active, because at the moment,
Speaker A:being active is just really freaking hard.
Speaker A:It's hard to go for a walk, it's hard to go
Speaker A:for a bike ride.
Speaker A:There are things I just can't do.
Speaker A:I'm able to do a little bit of yoga, which that really helps, so I'll keep you updated
Speaker A:with how that goes as well.
Speaker A:And I guess that's about it for now.
Speaker A:From Kate, from the shape of Kate.
Speaker A:Thank you, Phyllis, and thank you for coming