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Ask An Expert: Your Guided Health Journey with Melissa Deally-Ep: 093
Episode 9315th May 2022 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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Join me as I speak with Melissa Deally, health empowerment crusade, coach, podcast host, and speaker. Melissa is an Integrative Health Practitioner & Registered Health Coach, and she is dedicated to helping her clients discover the root cause of their health issues and truly heal.

As you listen to this episode notice how Melissa has taken so many of the challenges in her life and used them as fuel to discover and create a business that is completely driven by her curiosity and passion.


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Your Guided Health Journey, Melissa Deally:

Discover Your Toxic Load Quiz


Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to sheet coaches coaches, I'm your

Candy Motzek:

host, Kandi motsek. And I'm going to help you find the

Candy Motzek:

clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are

Candy Motzek:

meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always

Candy Motzek:

wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're

Candy Motzek:

going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to

Candy Motzek:

because step by step only works when you have the clarity,

Candy Motzek:

courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started.

Candy Motzek:

Hi, everyone, and welcome to this episode of she coaches

Candy Motzek:

coaches. Today, I have got a special guest episode, I'm using

Candy Motzek:

these Ask the Expert episodes to bring all kinds of different

Candy Motzek:

perspectives to you, and windows into different types of

Candy Motzek:

coaching. And really just from this, this place of if you could

Candy Motzek:

see what some of the other people are doing in the coaching

Candy Motzek:

and more integrated areas, it might open possibilities up for

Candy Motzek:

you. So let me introduce you to my guest. Her name is Melissa.

Candy Motzek:

And she worked in corporate. You guys know this thing, right?

Candy Motzek:

This corporate world shows up in a lot of these episodes. She was

Candy Motzek:

in corporate for 24 years, until as she says, One day a big fish

Candy Motzek:

bought the little fish. And here's the more important part.

Candy Motzek:

And then she was given one hour to clear out her desk, and no

Candy Motzek:

word of thanks, like big clunk there. So this led Melissa on a

Candy Motzek:

journey to reinvent herself. And seven years later, she is an

Candy Motzek:

integrative health practitioner, and registered health coach.

Candy Motzek:

She's dedicated to helping her clients discover the root cause

Candy Motzek:

of their health issues, and truly heal. But it wasn't always

Candy Motzek:

that way. Now Melissa's business is 100%, virtual, she works with

Candy Motzek:

the entire English speaking world. And she uses a two prong

Candy Motzek:

approach. Let me just read this to you because it's fascinating.

Candy Motzek:

And then I'm going to let her dive in and tell us more about

Candy Motzek:

it. She helps you to discover your toxic load and lower it.

Candy Motzek:

And also to discover your body's imbalances and support it with

Candy Motzek:

natural supplements and herbs. So the body can come back into

Candy Motzek:

balance, at which point it will heal itself. And this is done

Candy Motzek:

through the use of functional medicine lab tests that are

Candy Motzek:

mailed to your home. She's a very, very interesting

Candy Motzek:

professional. And I really wanted you to hear her message.

Candy Motzek:

Melissa, welcome. Glad you're here today.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you so much for having me candy. I'm

Melissa Deally:

excited to be here and have this conversation with you. So tell

Melissa Deally:


Candy Motzek:

it's such a fascinating bio. Tell me a

Candy Motzek:

little bit more about the journey. I would love to hear

Candy Motzek:

more about it.

Melissa Deally:

Thank you candy. And when I go back to that

Melissa Deally:

moment in time, which was such a momentous shift in my life of

Melissa Deally:

being let go after 24 years. I knew three things in that moment

Melissa Deally:

as I was clearing out my desk, that I wasn't ever going to work

Melissa Deally:

for someone else again, that whatever I did next had to be of

Melissa Deally:

more benefit to humanity and the planet. And that three, I had no

Melissa Deally:

idea what I was going to do next. But I was open to being

Melissa Deally:

guided and guided I was later that year, I stumbled upon a

Melissa Deally:

company that specialized in brain health supplementation.

Melissa Deally:

And I thought, well, that's interesting, because I use my

Melissa Deally:

brain 24/7 And no one's ever told me that I could be doing

Melissa Deally:

more for my brain. And I knew there was near epidemic rates of

Melissa Deally:

Alzheimer's and dementia over here. But I also knew that I had

Melissa Deally:

a grandmother, who was 99 at the time, still living at home by

Melissa Deally:

herself fully caring for herself fully cognitively functioning.

Melissa Deally:

So I thought, well, I want to be on her path. And I wondered

Melissa Deally:

though, okay, I have good genes, but is that enough in today's

Melissa Deally:

world, and it got me thinking about her life. She was born in

Melissa Deally:

little Christchurch, New Zealand in 1916, before World War Two in

Melissa Deally:

the advent of all our toxins we have today and growing all their

Melissa Deally:

own food on the property. And I was actually raised in Tokyo,

Melissa Deally:

Japan, in the 1970s during the height of manufacturing plants

Melissa Deally:

spilling out toxins. We've all seen those photos of

Melissa Deally:

manufacturing plants spewing toxins out into the atmosphere.

Melissa Deally:

So I realized right there that I was behind the eight ball

Melissa Deally:

relative to my grandmother because I was going to be way

Melissa Deally:

more toxic. And so I thought well, I want to do more for my

Melissa Deally:

brain is the starting point and I jumped in started learning

Melissa Deally:

about the brain and learning about toxicity toxic load on our

Melissa Deally:

body and how that it was impacting our health and for

Melissa Deally:

about four months later, my oldest daughter got a concussion

Melissa Deally:

in her first grade 12 soccer game of the season. And she had

Melissa Deally:

just started using this brain supplement and was on the way to

Melissa Deally:

soccer game saying it was really helping her focus during class

Melissa Deally:

in the afternoon, I started going to all of her appointments

Melissa Deally:

with her, because a I had started building relationships

Melissa Deally:

with a physiotherapist because of this nutrition for the brain.

Melissa Deally:

But also because she didn't have the cognitive ability to go and

Melissa Deally:

then come home and tell me what they'd said she should be doing

Melissa Deally:

so I could, you know, help support her during the week

Melissa Deally:

between her appointments. And so I continued my learning about

Melissa Deally:

the brain. Two months after that, my second daughter got a

Melissa Deally:

concussion, I was driving to Vancouver, and I got a phone

Melissa Deally:

call from the high schools asking me to go pick her up

Melissa Deally:

because she had a suspected concussion from grade eight gym

Melissa Deally:

class. In that moment, I literally looked out my

Melissa Deally:

windshield across the ocean up at the heavens, and when really,

Melissa Deally:

this is how you show me my path. Stop taking out my children. So

Melissa Deally:

now I have two very different concussions in the household,

Melissa Deally:

great nutrition for the brain and started going to both sets

Melissa Deally:

of appointments. And that was kind of the birth of your guided

Melissa Deally:

health journey, because I realized what other people do

Melissa Deally:

that don't have a mom that is conveniently not working right

Melissa Deally:

now. Everything happens for us, right? Yes, yeah. to guide their

Melissa Deally:

healing journey.

Candy Motzek:

And it just means me think about it makes me think

Candy Motzek:

about concussion management, and how that is such an ongoing

Candy Motzek:

issue. So many developments in that area. I'm really interested

Candy Motzek:

in how you had the supplementation, along with the

Candy Motzek:

management. And then thankfully, of course, that you are able to

Candy Motzek:

put the time and the energy into supporting your daughter's

Candy Motzek:

recovery. So yeah, continue. Just I just wanted to kind of

Candy Motzek:

chime in there. I'm like the voice of the listener in your

Candy Motzek:


Melissa Deally:

No problem at all. And so yes, I continued

Melissa Deally:

learning as I continued guiding my daughters and supporting

Melissa Deally:

them. And we live in a small town. So people knew our story

Melissa Deally:

and started calling me and saying, Oh, my husband has got a

Melissa Deally:

concussion. What do I do I have an employee with a concussion.

Melissa Deally:

What do I do? My child has a concussion, what do I do? And I

Melissa Deally:

was invited around that same time to work at a holistic

Melissa Deally:

clinic that was opening to support to the many people with

Melissa Deally:

concussions. I live in Whistler, BC downhill ski resort in the

Melissa Deally:

winter, a downhill biking resort in the summer, right, lots of

Melissa Deally:

concussions, and lots of experts. But nobody was bringing

Melissa Deally:

the nutritional piece to it that I had, as well as, luckily for

Melissa Deally:

all of the other practitioners, they hadn't actually had

Melissa Deally:

concussions. And so what I was hearing from people is they

Melissa Deally:

really loved working with me, because I truly knew what they

Melissa Deally:

were going through. And I had that empathy. And I wasn't just

Melissa Deally:

telling them go do this. I was explaining why they needed to be

Melissa Deally:

doing things and how it might feel and how they needed to be

Melissa Deally:

listening to their bodies, et cetera, et cetera. They just

Melissa Deally:

felt more supported. And so the next thing that kind of threw a

Melissa Deally:

spanner in my works and got me onto the right path was it I

Melissa Deally:

couldn't actually work at that clinic until I had insurance,

Melissa Deally:

liability insurance, which I couldn't get because no

Melissa Deally:

insurance company would touch me because I had no education. I

Melissa Deally:

simply had experience and my own research and knowledge, which is

Melissa Deally:

education, but it wasn't a certified education. Oh, yeah,

Melissa Deally:

yeah. Right. So at this point, I decided, okay, I should become a

Melissa Deally:

life coach, which had been floating around in the back of

Melissa Deally:

my head ever since I've been let go. But it hadn't landed. But I

Melissa Deally:

thought, okay, now's the time, I need to do this. And I contact a

Melissa Deally:

friend who is a life coach and a very successful life coach, I

Melissa Deally:

said, Where did you do your training? I'd like to do a life

Melissa Deally:

coaching course where you did yours. And he just said to me,

Melissa Deally:

you don't want to be a life coach. You need to be a health

Melissa Deally:

coach. And I went, Wow, what's that? Like? I never heard the

Melissa Deally:

term before. But again, it was just another like complete

Melissa Deally:

download gift from the universe, right? It landed immediately,

Melissa Deally:

which is why the life coaching had never landed since I've been

Melissa Deally:

let go, because in this time, a good 18 months is fast. And so I

Melissa Deally:

started Googling health coaching courses, found one that I

Melissa Deally:

absolutely loved. And literally within 10 days, I'd started with

Melissa Deally:

their next cohort. And from there, I never looked back like

Melissa Deally:

I knew I'd landed I knew I'd found my purpose, my passion,

Melissa Deally:

and I couldn't get enough of it. And again, over the course of

Melissa Deally:

two years, because I did several levels of it. I did my life

Melissa Deally:

coaching but I just didn't have the same passion for it, but it

Melissa Deally:

was included as an add on course so I went ahead and did it. They

Melissa Deally:

then introduced me to the integrative health practitioner

Melissa Deally:

organization. And when I saw the work of Dr. Steven Cooper, all

Melissa Deally:

and The ability to run functional medicine lab test to

Melissa Deally:

see what is going on inside the body, and where those imbalances

Melissa Deally:

are, and how we can support the body and coming back into

Melissa Deally:

balance. And it will heal itself because that's what it's

Melissa Deally:

designed to do. That's when I knew that's the path I want to

Melissa Deally:

go down. Because people need to see that, right, we don't see

Melissa Deally:

what's going on inside our body, we don't see the toxins inside.

Melissa Deally:

We don't realize when we're living in a state of chronic

Melissa Deally:

stress, we're burning through our vitamins and minerals and

Melissa Deally:

becoming depleted. We don't realize when our gut is in

Melissa Deally:

dysbiosis, or, you know, that's another word of saying out of

Melissa Deally:

balance, or you might have bacterial overgrowth, yeast

Melissa Deally:

overgrowth, all of these things that can happen for so many

Melissa Deally:

reasons in today's world, when we get in that state, our body

Melissa Deally:

can't heal. When we create the environment for it to heal, when

Melissa Deally:

we know what's going on, it will heal very, very quickly. And

Melissa Deally:

that's what I love about our body. And so that was my

Melissa Deally:


Candy Motzek:

just a sec, there's so there's a couple of

Candy Motzek:

things here that I want people to really notice is that along

Candy Motzek:

the way, and it's not that it always has to be this way. But

Candy Motzek:

your experience, and especially how you described it so

Candy Motzek:

eloquently is that there were sort of milestones or critical

Candy Motzek:

events that happened, critical questions that were answered.

Candy Motzek:

And but so often, in your case, it was along with something that

Candy Motzek:

was difficult, you know, a daughter that was injured,

Candy Motzek:

another daughter that was injured, a loss of a job. And so

Candy Motzek:

I really want the you know, the listeners to know that, to be

Candy Motzek:

able to take that step back and get that perspective. Sometimes

Candy Motzek:

you're not going to get that perspective, looking forward. Or

Candy Motzek:

in the moment, you've had lots of water under the bridge, and

Candy Motzek:

you've taken those those events. And you could have left them as

Candy Motzek:

very difficult events, but you took them and you change them.

Candy Motzek:

You took them and you use a new perspective, you use them as a

Candy Motzek:

springboard to the next thing. And so I really want the

Candy Motzek:

listeners to think about that. What has happened in your life,

Candy Motzek:

that maybe if you had a fresh perspective, you could look at

Candy Motzek:

this as a guided place, like Melissa's website is your guided

Candy Motzek:

health journey. Where are you being guided to become the coach

Candy Motzek:

that you are meant to be? Where is your life giving you signs?

Candy Motzek:

So just wanted to interject and sort of layer that on there,

Candy Motzek:

because I think it's like, you've got such a great story.

Candy Motzek:

But we forget that it didn't happen in the five minutes that

Candy Motzek:

you explained it to us every single time you had to turn

Candy Motzek:

around and look for meaning every single time you had to

Candy Motzek:

learn around it and reframe it and get a new perspective and

Candy Motzek:

then still keep moving forward. And so I just really wanted to

Candy Motzek:

honor that.

Melissa Deally:

Well, thank you very much. And you're so right.

Melissa Deally:

And still today. I am reminded of this yesterday, I was doing a

Melissa Deally:

podcast interview and we were talking about the fact that

Melissa Deally:

things happen for us, not to us. So exactly as you say, when it's

Melissa Deally:

happening for us when we can put ourselves in that mindset and

Melissa Deally:

step back and say, What am I supposed to learn from this, we

Melissa Deally:

can give ourselves that space to move forward instead of feeling

Melissa Deally:

all upset that it's not working out the way we want beating

Melissa Deally:

ourselves up and kind of getting stuck in that place. Right. And

Melissa Deally:

so there was a lot of personal growth through this time, for me

Melissa Deally:

a lot of reading a lot of, you know, digging into a number of

Melissa Deally:

different books, et cetera. And right now I'm reading atomic

Melissa Deally:

habits with my book club group. And we just started it we

Melissa Deally:

literally to chapter one yesterday. And in that book,

Melissa Deally:

he's talking about how nobody is an overnight success. We think

Melissa Deally:

they are because we don't know the story of the 10 years of

Melissa Deally:

hard work that it took them before they suddenly shot to

Melissa Deally:

being famous, right? But overnight success isn't a thing.

Melissa Deally:

It's hitting, you know, atomic habits he's talking about. It's

Melissa Deally:

the it's the success comes from the habits that you build upon,

Melissa Deally:

build upon build upon and the consistency that you take with

Melissa Deally:

those habits over time. And so I totally agree with what you're

Melissa Deally:

saying that it is a journey. And a lot some of our greatest wins

Melissa Deally:

come from the difficulties that we encounter along the way,

Melissa Deally:

because they're there to teach us something. They're there to

Melissa Deally:

change my path. Health and wellness was never ever on my

Melissa Deally:

radar. In my conscious world, I should say. I went to

Melissa Deally:

university, I did a commerce degree. I went into accounting.

Melissa Deally:

I flipped out of that into sales because I spoke Japanese and it

Melissa Deally:

was the heyday of Japanese coming here and I loved it. And

Melissa Deally:

then from there Still, when I was let go health and wellness

Melissa Deally:

was not on my radar. But it was I was pointed in this direction.

Melissa Deally:

And when I got here, as I said, I couldn't believe how much I

Melissa Deally:

loved it. I knew I'd landed, I couldn't stop studying, I wanted

Melissa Deally:

to learn more and more and more. Because I finally found my path

Melissa Deally:

and purpose. And what's super interesting is I had my Akashic

Melissa Deally:

Records read at the end of December 30, December 2020. And

Melissa Deally:

those are the that's the library of your your souls library,

Melissa Deally:

right. And I learned that I'd been a healer. In all my past

Melissa Deally:

lives, I'd been a white, which I had been a wizard, I come from

Melissa Deally:

the Mary Magdalene alliances, that was super fascinating to

Melissa Deally:

me, but gave me even more clarity, because I wondered how

Melissa Deally:

can I absorb all of this information so quickly?

Candy Motzek:

Well, and the perfect answer to the question,

Candy Motzek:

but you would never have even asked the question. If you

Candy Motzek:

hadn't been at that part. Right? Exactly. weren't ready, you

Candy Motzek:

weren't ready for the answer? Because you don't even know the

Candy Motzek:

question exists. Exactly. Fascinating. Yeah. And it just

Candy Motzek:

makes me Well, sorry, you can see my little brain here. If

Candy Motzek:

anybody is looking at the video, you'll see my brain, I've got

Candy Motzek:

five different questions happening at one time. Let's

Candy Motzek:

just focus down a little bit more on how you work with

Candy Motzek:

people. And the purpose of this is to give that window for other

Candy Motzek:

coaches who are listening thinking, like maybe they know

Candy Motzek:

coaching is for them, but maybe they feel like they're, I don't

Candy Motzek:

know, it's kind of like when you have your your cross country

Candy Motzek:

skis and the grooves and one ski is not quite in that groove,

Candy Motzek:

like, you know, you're kind of almost there, but not quite. So

Candy Motzek:

talk more about how you work with people, because maybe

Candy Motzek:

somebody else can hear that and find that groove for themselves.

Melissa Deally:

I love that analogy, being a cross country

Melissa Deally:

skier. So I know exactly what you're talking about. My entry

Melissa Deally:

program with every single person I work with, is my detox

Melissa Deally:

program, which I offer as a group program or a one to one

Melissa Deally:

program, but they must do a detox. And the reason for that

Melissa Deally:

is that if we're going to be running labs, and we're going to

Melissa Deally:

be discovering those deficiencies, and we're going to

Melissa Deally:

be putting in healing protocols, et cetera, et cetera, I want

Melissa Deally:

those healing protocols to be effective, I want them to get to

Melissa Deally:

the cells that need them. And if we've got a whole bunch of toxic

Melissa Deally:

mush inside our body that we do have, we just don't see it. The

Melissa Deally:

effectiveness of the healing protocol is much, much less, I

Melissa Deally:

liken it to the image of an overflowing garbage bin in a

Melissa Deally:

city park, we've all seen that it's overflowing, you come along

Melissa Deally:

and you put a healthy apple on top. Where does that Apple land

Melissa Deally:

on the ground next to the garbage bin, it does not go down

Melissa Deally:

inside where we want it to go. And that's the same even if we

Melissa Deally:

start putting healthy stuff into our body, it's not getting to

Melissa Deally:

the cells that need it. But when we clear our detox pathways,

Melissa Deally:

then everything can get to the cells that need it, and people

Melissa Deally:

get results. And even in my detox, which is a 21 day detox,

Melissa Deally:

people get results inside those three weeks. And here's the

Melissa Deally:

thing that I found really powerful that other coaches can

Melissa Deally:

figure out for their own business. The detox price point

Melissa Deally:

is a pretty low range price point, when you look at the

Melissa Deally:

value people get out of it. But what it does is many people come

Melissa Deally:

to me and they're hesitant about detoxes, they've maybe got

Melissa Deally:

health issues going on and they're struggling to get

Melissa Deally:

answers. You don't know if I can really help them because so many

Melissa Deally:

other people haven't. But in three weeks, their

Melissa Deally:

transformation begins. And they start to believe that they're on

Melissa Deally:

the right track. And when they believe they're on the right

Melissa Deally:

track. And they then that's when their healing can truly start

Melissa Deally:

happening. Right. So in three weeks, people will notice their

Melissa Deally:

inflammation goes down. So aches and pains go away, they might

Melissa Deally:

start sleeping better, they might have less brain fog, more

Melissa Deally:

mental clarity, there's so many benefits to a detox and each

Melissa Deally:

person has their own results that you know, kind of all

Melissa Deally:

overlap into about 10 different common benefits, right? Even

Melissa Deally:

just one benefit. And they're like, Oh wow, there's something

Melissa Deally:

to this, I've finally found the person that can help me. And so

Melissa Deally:

that's powerful for building that relationship, and then

Melissa Deally:

building them into further work with me, whether that be lab

Melissa Deally:

tests, you know, one to one coaching, etc. Another group

Melissa Deally:

program, whatever that is, because they now know that their

Melissa Deally:

body truly can heal itself. It is what it was designed to do.

Melissa Deally:

We're just not taught that through our education system. We

Melissa Deally:

think you know, many of us think that I get sick, I go to the

Melissa Deally:

doctor, they give me a pill they make me better. But the reality

Melissa Deally:

is, that's a lot of pressure to put on our doctors. They don't

Melissa Deally:

make you better They're trying to help them do the best they

Melissa Deally:

can, the system is pretty broken, you know, seven minute

Melissa Deally:

appointments, 15 minute appointments, they don't get to

Melissa Deally:

know your whole health history at cetera, et cetera. But it

Melissa Deally:

ultimately it's you that's responsible for your health. And

Melissa Deally:

when you find a doctor or somebody that you can work in

Melissa Deally:

partnership with, that's when you can get the results that you

Melissa Deally:

want. And so that's what I offer somebody to work in partnership

Melissa Deally:

with me, and I guide them, because the other piece that's

Melissa Deally:

really important is the body doesn't heal in a stress state.

Melissa Deally:

So if you're trying to figure it all out on your own, you're

Melissa Deally:

still in that stress state. And you're not sure if you're doing

Melissa Deally:

it right, then you might be going to Dr. Google. And that's

Melissa Deally:

not the best place either, because anybody can self

Melissa Deally:

diagnose themselves.

Candy Motzek:

be sick with anything. I actually vice your

Candy Motzek:

med student problems.

Melissa Deally:

Yeah, exactly. So I ask people to stay away

Melissa Deally:

from Dr. Google. But that's what happens when you don't have

Melissa Deally:

support. When you have support, when you have someone that can

Melissa Deally:

show you what's going on inside your body. And this is what we

Melissa Deally:

need to do about it. You just need to trust in the process,

Melissa Deally:

you start getting the results, your trust builds your belief

Melissa Deally:

builds, and guess what you heal. And it's incredibly powerful,

Melissa Deally:

our bodies designed to heal, and our body imbalanced, doesn't get

Melissa Deally:

sick, doesn't harbor illness, and doesn't hold on to excess

Melissa Deally:

weight. The problem is, is that our lifestyle today has uh, so

Melissa Deally:

far out of balance, the body's to deplete to come back. And

Melissa Deally:

we're out of balance because of high stress, poor sleep, poor

Melissa Deally:


Candy Motzek:

So there's a number of parallels here, and

Candy Motzek:

the parts that I have heard and, you know, so from a, an

Candy Motzek:

educational standpoint, for the listeners to understand this way

Candy Motzek:

of looking at their body and creating a partnership to own

Candy Motzek:

their health and their recovery is very important. And at the

Candy Motzek:

same time for new coaches thinking about can I become a

Candy Motzek:

coach, is this something that I can do, whether it's a health

Candy Motzek:

coach, or a relationship coach, or a life coach of any type,

Candy Motzek:

some of the key points that you've said are, people are a

Candy Motzek:

little bit nervous coming in, the easiest way for them to gain

Candy Motzek:

trust in both themselves and in their coach is to help them get

Candy Motzek:

results quickly. And not just results that the coach shows

Candy Motzek:

them, but results that they feel themselves the change in their

Candy Motzek:

life, the benefit in their life. And then one of the other things

Candy Motzek:

that I work strongly with is belief. You know, when you

Candy Motzek:

believe that it's working, and you start to trust, the past is

Candy Motzek:

so much easier, because you're not dealing with all that

Candy Motzek:

resistance. So what you've described is partnership, which

Candy Motzek:

is massive, not trying to do it all on your own, again, massive,

Candy Motzek:

who wants to do everything on their own, it's a lonely, hard

Candy Motzek:

journey, not just for your body's health in your life, but

Candy Motzek:

for your emotional health and for your spiritual health as

Candy Motzek:

well. So a quick result, helping your client to know they're

Candy Motzek:

getting that result, building that trust, allowing that trust

Candy Motzek:

to build organically because of the expertise that you bring to

Candy Motzek:

them. That is the secret for having an impact on your clients

Candy Motzek:

lives. And when we help our clients, we can't help but be

Candy Motzek:

successful in all that outer and all the other ways as well. But

Candy Motzek:

it starts with trust, and belief, and partnership and

Candy Motzek:

connection. Right? What do you think

Melissa Deally:

you've said that so beautifully, I couldn't have

Melissa Deally:

said it better myself?

Candy Motzek:

Well, I just said what you said, but in different

Candy Motzek:


Melissa Deally:

more succinctly. So I love that. And then the

Melissa Deally:

piece that I like to add to that, too, is that we're always

Melissa Deally:

working on ourselves. So in order for us to hold that space

Melissa Deally:

for our clients, we need to make sure we are supported as well.

Melissa Deally:

And so I have a couple of different coaches. I have a

Melissa Deally:

mentor and I have a business coach. And I've built a tribe of

Melissa Deally:

people around me that believe in me, which further helps me

Melissa Deally:

believe in myself because we all have good days and bad days,

Melissa Deally:

right? And when our belief dips, I've got those people to go back

Melissa Deally:

to to remind me that I too need to trust in the process. And I

Melissa Deally:

recently did another whole week of training, which was

Melissa Deally:

absolutely phenomenal. It was super intense. And my Word of

Melissa Deally:

the Week was surrender. That just came through to me loud and

Melissa Deally:

clear and stop trying to make it hard. It doesn't have to be

Melissa Deally:

hard. You can let it be easy. So you In letting it be easy that

Melissa Deally:

is surrendering for me. Right. And this training was NLP and

Melissa Deally:

then timeline therapy and hypnotherapy. So more modalities

Melissa Deally:

to be working with clients on their emotional and their mental

Melissa Deally:

beings, as in addition to the work that I do on their physical

Melissa Deally:

being in order to give them that really well rounded support and

Melissa Deally:

their healing journey. But in order for me to do that, I still

Melissa Deally:

have to look after me, I have to walk my talk. I, you know, I

Melissa Deally:

make sure I get my physical exercise in every single day, I

Melissa Deally:

recently bought a mirror, which I totally love so that I can do

Melissa Deally:

it anytime at home. I have changed the way I eat over the

Melissa Deally:

last seven years, because I have so many AHA eyes when I came out

Melissa Deally:

of the corporate world and into health coaching going, how come?

Melissa Deally:

I didn't know that? Why didn't someone tell me that? How is it

Melissa Deally:

that I'm 40 plus years old, and I don't even know this. And then

Melissa Deally:

I realized, because I was so busy being a mom and a wife and

Melissa Deally:

and working in the corporate world, I just didn't have time

Melissa Deally:

to learn it. And oh, wow, that probably means there's millions

Melissa Deally:

of other people out there that don't know, that I could share

Melissa Deally:

this with in bite sized pieces. And through the programs that I

Melissa Deally:

create, which is why I come back to education. Because I'm so

Melissa Deally:

passionate about all that I learned and sharing that with

Melissa Deally:

others that don't have time to go back to school for three plus

Melissa Deally:

years that I did

Candy Motzek:

a great resource you are for other people, right?

Candy Motzek:

Like, it's like they can you can be there Google?

Melissa Deally:

Yes. Integrity.

Candy Motzek:

I'm thinking about that. And the other end, that's

Candy Motzek:

kind of interesting to

Melissa Deally:

add in there very quickly. I'm the first to

Melissa Deally:

say, I don't know everything, it's impossible for anybody to

Melissa Deally:

know everything.

Candy Motzek:

Everything either.

Melissa Deally:

I now have this amazing network of other healers

Melissa Deally:

and doctors that I can tap into. So when people ask me questions,

Melissa Deally:

and I don't know the answer, I'll say, You know what? I don't

Melissa Deally:

know the answer to that. But let me find out and get back to you.

Melissa Deally:

And then I learned in the process as well.

Candy Motzek:

Wonderful. Yeah. There's, when you were talking

Candy Motzek:

about your network of people that are around you, it makes me

Candy Motzek:

It reminds me of the difference between this kind of business

Candy Motzek:

and what draws a lot of my clients to this kind of

Candy Motzek:

businesses that corporate often is stuck with a lot of

Candy Motzek:

dashboards and KPIs and measurements and

Candy Motzek:

competitiveness, and doing more with less, which is such a

Candy Motzek:

different approach than these types of businesses. The

Candy Motzek:

businesses have coaching, and integrative health, and this

Candy Motzek:

where we have collaboration, and we get the synchronicity, and we

Candy Motzek:

get the the, the result that is exponentially so much bigger,

Candy Motzek:

from what each person could do on their own. And that is

Candy Motzek:

something that I notice, not everywhere, of course, but has

Candy Motzek:

been slowly lacking and much of corporate. And I think that's

Candy Motzek:

one of the reasons there are so many people who want to do

Candy Motzek:

something different. Because they have that they know there's

Candy Motzek:

something more maybe they can't put their finger on it. And I'm

Candy Motzek:

hoping that you know, hearing your story, they can get that

Candy Motzek:

thought of, oh, there is something more here for me it is

Candy Motzek:

possible. And it can be even more than just me. It can be

Candy Motzek:

myself, my contribution, my clients and all the people that

Candy Motzek:

I gather around, who are resources and supportive. What

Candy Motzek:

do you think?

Melissa Deally:

And the ripple effect of that is powerful. And

Melissa Deally:

you may never know it. But you know what's happening, right? I

Melissa Deally:

just had an email from a woman in Australia yesterday who said,

Melissa Deally:

I just discovered your podcast, and oh my god, I love it. I

Melissa Deally:

can't wait for more episodes. Like how random is that? Right?

Melissa Deally:

I had no idea there were people listening in Australia. And

Melissa Deally:

maybe I don't know, very much. I really appreciate that. And

Melissa Deally:

would you mind writing a review so that more Australians can

Melissa Deally:

find it because your review will show up in Australia? It doesn't

Melissa Deally:

show up in Canada, right? So there is this massive ripple

Melissa Deally:

effect. And it's interesting because again, I was having a

Melissa Deally:

it's actually my LinkedIn post today I was talking about the

Melissa Deally:

movie dark waters, which I just watched this weekend after a

Melissa Deally:

client who had done my detox, told me about it and said, Now I

Melissa Deally:

understand why you're so passionate about helping people

Melissa Deally:

detox. It's about corporate knowingly poisoning water supply

Melissa Deally:

in West Virginia. And choosing to keep doing that because

Melissa Deally:

dollars talk. Right? Yeah, similar to the Erin Brockovich

Melissa Deally:

movie, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, and that unfortunately, as

Melissa Deally:

I was thinking about it, corporate is so driven by making

Melissa Deally:

more money. It's all about making more money doing more

Melissa Deally:

with less you. We're gonna pay you a salary for 40 hours but we

Melissa Deally:

expect you to work 60 hours data Gotta right. And we get caught

Melissa Deally:

in this hamster wheel. And honestly, it's not fulfilling

Melissa Deally:

right now, how can you live in a place of joy, when you're just

Melissa Deally:

on this hamster wheel trying to survive still look after your

Melissa Deally:

family still put dinner on the table. And it's not even

Melissa Deally:

fulfilling. And I loved my job. But I am so much more fulfilled

Melissa Deally:

now in what I do, because just seeing the transformation in my

Melissa Deally:

clients and seeing them regain their health gives me so much

Melissa Deally:


Candy Motzek:

so much more to life. Right. And it's not and

Candy Motzek:

this isn't to disk corporate, it just has to, it has to sort of

Candy Motzek:

shine a light on an element that is present in some areas. And

Candy Motzek:

the more that we kind of shine that light on it, the more we

Candy Motzek:

realize the parts that don't work for us. And it doesn't mean

Candy Motzek:

that everybody who looks at something like that and goes,

Candy Motzek:

Oh, I don't like that doesn't mean they have to leave

Candy Motzek:

corporate, it means that maybe their maybe their path is in the

Candy Motzek:


Melissa Deally:

of that status quo. Absolutely. And there are

Melissa Deally:

absolutely companies that are changing. I do sense a big shift

Melissa Deally:

in the world today a shift in the way people want their health

Melissa Deally:

care, but also a shift in the way people want their corporate

Melissa Deally:

work experience to be. And there are some amazing companies that

Melissa Deally:

are absolutely putting employees first and figuring out how can

Melissa Deally:

we make this better for people, you know, and realizing that if

Melissa Deally:

people work, you know, a three day work week and get four days

Melissa Deally:

off that ultimately, they're more productive in those three

Melissa Deally:

days, knowing that they're gonna get it all done in those three

Melissa Deally:

days, and they're not wasting time talking at the watercooler

Melissa Deally:

or looking at their phone or whatever, because they're just

Melissa Deally:

gonna get it done in three days, and then they get their four

Melissa Deally:

days off. There's amazing results from that. So there's

Melissa Deally:

definitely a shift that is happening. And like you said, if

Melissa Deally:

you're in it, you can be the driver of that change for your

Melissa Deally:


Candy Motzek:

Right. Wow. Well, we covered a lot. We did. Yeah.

Candy Motzek:

Absolutely great having you. People find out more about you.

Candy Motzek:

What, what do you suggest Share, share the ways they can find out

Candy Motzek:

more about you?

Melissa Deally:

Well, the best way is my website, your guided

Melissa Deally:

health I'm also on LinkedIn as Melissa daily and I

Melissa Deally:

post regularly there I do one minute little health hack videos

Melissa Deally:

three times a week, people can check out. I am on Facebook as

Melissa Deally:

Melissa, Delia as well. And the other thing that I'll do is I'll

Melissa Deally:

send you a link to my discover your toxic load quiz, which

Melissa Deally:

people can do to just take the quiz, find out how toxic EMI

Melissa Deally:

it's a bit of an aha for people where they might go, Yeah, I

Melissa Deally:

have that symptom. And I have that. And I have that. And I

Melissa Deally:

have that. And I just thought those were all aging, or I just

Melissa Deally:

thought they were seasonal allergies, or I just thought

Melissa Deally:

they were my genetics, not really realizing they could do

Melissa Deally:

something about it. And so you do the quiz, you get your

Melissa Deally:

answer. And if your score is high, guess what? nearly

Melissa Deally:

everyone's scores are high. But the great news is, is we can

Melissa Deally:

bring it down, and better to bring it down now, then wait

Melissa Deally:

another 10 years until that high score has started to trigger

Melissa Deally:

health issues. So that's a free gift I'll send to you for your

Melissa Deally:

clients. And once they do that quiz, they actually get invited

Melissa Deally:

into a complimentary call with me to discuss their results and

Melissa Deally:

what their health goals might be.

Candy Motzek:

Oh, that's wonderful. And I'll put all

Candy Motzek:

these links in the show notes. So anybody who's listening, I

Candy Motzek:

would highly encourage you to reach out to Melissa, go and get

Candy Motzek:

to be part of her world. Find out what your toxic load is and

Candy Motzek:

learn more about how to have the most amazing, vital life that

Candy Motzek:

you can have. Thanks again so much. All right, everyone, we'll

Candy Motzek:

talk to you again next episode. Thanks again for listening

Candy Motzek:

today. Please hop on over to Apple podcasts and leave a

Candy Motzek:

review. Also, I would love to hear from you. It's something

Candy Motzek:

that I say resonate. What else would you like to learn about?

Candy Motzek:

Click the link in the player and leave a comment on the post.

Candy Motzek:

This is going to give me great ideas for future episodes so I

Candy Motzek:

can help you best. Join me again next week. For more coaching,

Candy Motzek:

support and teaching to help you become the confident coach. You



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