Do you feel like you’re forever being told about what you’ll miss out on if you don’t ‘put yourself out there?’
You know that being seen more will bring more inquires, sales and customers, but it doesn’t stop it feeling daunting and overwhelming.
So how about you reframe it and look at who will miss out if you’re not visible?
There will be people searching for what you do on Google, asking for recommendations from friends and family on social media, asking in person.
And if no-one knows who you are and what you do, what happens?
They miss out as well as you. In this podcast episode I’m exploring this topic, and I hope it will inspire you when you’re feeling wobbly about being visible.
You can also join in a free training I'm doing from September 5th - 9th 2022, the Be Bold Challenge and you can register here.
Key topics and timings in this episode:
0.19 - The inspiration for this episode.
0.59 - About the Be Bold Challenge that's taking place 5th - 9th September.
2.38 - Reframing your fear around being visible and thinking about who misses out if you can't be found easily online.
3.24 - Why 'famous' dog trainers and big brands can intimidate us when it comes to showing up and why we have to overcome this.
4.55 - Why being visible isn't just for celebs and John Lewis.
6.22 - Ethics and why it's hard to see people who don't share your ethics and values standing out online.
8.17 - The struggle around putting yourself out there.
10.51 - Is Marketing really a dirty word - how to reframe it to be positive.
11.48 - Example - how your customers search online.
13.10 - Thinking about what your customers are searching for so they find you.
14.17 - How we 'check out' the brands we consider buying from or working with looking for reassurance that they're right for us.
16.10 - My experience with an aversive trainer.
21.24 - Five suggestions to ensure people who need your product or service can find you.
23.00 - Get in touch, for the free training or to work with me.
Links mentioned in this episode:
Join the free Be Bold challenge by signing up here:
Join my Facebook group:
Comparisonitis and how to overcome it with Kate Hoyle:
How to create FOMO for your pet business with May King Tsang:
Grab my free resources:
And you can sign up for my weekly newsletter here.