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The Power of Cultivating Your Network As a Mom, Part Two
Episode 12721st December 2023 • Momma Has Goals • Kelsey Smith
00:00:00 00:09:55

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We're all about helping moms like you build a strong support network while reimagining "mom life." In this episode, we'll explore how to prioritize relationships that align with your goals and values, both personally and professionally.

I'll guide you through a practical exercise to list the people you want to prioritize in your current circles, emphasizing those who uplift and support your dreams. We'll also dive deep into setting personal and professional goals, identifying mentors and resources needed for success, and aligning your goals with your network and schedule.

Lastly, I'll stress the importance of regular check-ins to ensure you're on track to create the success you desire. If you're a mom with dreams and aspirations, this episode is a must-listen. Join me!

What you'll hear in this episode:

[0:00] Building a supportive network for moms.

[2:05] Prioritizing relationships in a season of life.

[4:20] Personal and professional goals with a focus on mentors and resources needed.

[6:15] Prioritizing personal and professional connections.

[8:15] Aligning goals with network and schedule.

Be sure to catch part one:

Get the Cultivating Networks Worksheet:


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We've talked about in the last episode, understanding who we currently have and what that association is. Now we're going through building our network and creating what we need in this season. And the first section is understanding who you already have that you want to prioritize. The second section is knowing who you want in need personally. And the third section is no professional. Welcome to mama has goals, your weekly reminder that you shouldn't have to sacrifice your dreams to take on the role of mom. I'm Kelsey Smith, mom of two boys. Why an entrepreneur who's passionate about helping other moms current and aspiring to reimagine mom life. I'm bringing you the resources, support and relatability to debunk that limiting belief that you may have about your ability to achieve your goals while raising a human. We're covering everything from mom guilt, marriage, relationships, careers, finances, mental health, physical health, you name it, your life doesn't have to fully shift once you become a mod, you can have it all. And we'll show you how.


Okay, in the last episode, we talked about how we can build a community and cultivate a community and network for success in whatever that means in this season. So sometimes we need people that are supportive in different ways depending on what our goals are. And we talked about evaluating your current network first, so that then you can build what you need. But in order to build what you need, you first need to evaluate where you're at. So if you haven't caught that episode yet, go down to the show notes and make sure you listen to part one first, because you need to do that exercise first. Once you've completed that, then you can come back here and take the secondary step of actually creating and building what is necessary. And so the first thing I want you to do is think about who you're currently prioritizing, that are currently in your circle. So when you think about what your goals are for this season, that could be personally professionally, creating better friendships, it doesn't matter what you currently are working on, based off of what you're currently working on, who do you want to prioritize in your current circle. And who do you want to prioritize just because you want to prioritize them. So let's say you have a business or career goal right now, then you may select that you're prioritizing people that have to do with your business or career goals. You may be grabbing a beverage before or after work with a mentor, you may be connecting with different co workers or people in the industry to support that goal. And then you also outside of that may want to be prioritizing certain family members because of the season of life you're in or because they're really important to you, or specific personal relationships and friendships. So we're not only prioritizing one version of our circle, we're not only prioritizing just the professional circle, but I want you to list in this section, all the people that you currently want to prioritize in this season. And let's say you have a goal of better health. Maybe you're prioritizing people that also have really good habits, or you're prioritizing people that you know will go on a walk for you while you're hanging out. Instead of just sitting around and grabbing a beverage. It doesn't matter what it is that you're looking to achieve. But what buckets do you need filled in this season? And who do you currently know that is going to help you get there, and what things are just important to you. So spending time with certain people is important to you. And it doesn't relate directly back to your goals. That's okay. So go ahead and put all the people you want to prioritize in your current circle down in this part of the list. And you can also grab the worksheets to this in the show notes below as well. So go ahead and grab that link if you want to fill in the worksheet. Or you can just write down on a piece of paper or in your phone. The people that I want to prioritize in my current circle are and make a list. Now the second question is the people that you want or need in your life personally. Now, these may not be people you know, you might not have any idea who this person could be. But someone that you want or need in your life is. Now let's say you're going back to that career goal or that business goal. Maybe you need a specific type of mentor, or you need to learn something specific. You might not know who that person is, or you might have an idea who that future mentor may be. That person would be listed here. Maybe it's a health goal and you need a personal trainer. Maybe you're looking for a specific friend that makes you feel specific way, because these are personal goals. That is another person that could be here, you could say, I'm really looking for a friend that I can talk about movies with, I'm really looking for a friend that helps me get moving. I'm looking for someone that makes me feel inspired. You might not know who these people are, but you want to make a list of the people that you either want or need for how you want to feel or what you want to achieve. And that's the second section. The third section is what you want or need professionally. So we talked about this personally, too, but there, who do you want or need to achieve that specific professional goal? First, maybe how do you want to have a personal relationship with that person. So you may need a specific mentor professionally, for your business or for your career. rather than needing someone to bring something out of you personally, if you're looking to hit a specific achievement, or milestone, professionally, that's the type of resource you're looking for here. Maybe you need someone to truly execute something for you, you need a new employee in your job, or in your business, you're looking for a freelancer or someone to hire to do a specific task. That may be someone that you want or need professionally. Again, we've talked about in the last episode, understanding who we currently have and without association is, now we're going through building our network and creating what we need in this season. And the first section is understanding who you already have that you want to prioritize. The second section is knowing who you want and need personally. And the third section is knowing who you want and need professionally. So once you understand who you're currently prioritizing what you want and need personally and professionally, you have the three buckets that I often come back to, which is your personal professional and people. This allows you to holistically look at your association and your community and build this network that you can act on daily. So in the morning, when you decide you're gonna go tech someone, you can look at your list of who you're prioritizing and check in on them. When you're looking to engage with someone on social media, or reach out to someone or say, Hey, do you know anyone that does this, you're looking at those personal and professional buckets to help you achieve your goals. Now, a couple months down the road, you'll hopefully look back at this list and realize you've cultivated this community because of the way that you're spending your time and the decisions and choices that you're making. So if an opportunity to go to an event or a dinner party comes up, you can run it through this filter, does this go in alignment with what I'm trying to create and build in sometimes you can go off course. But if you notice that you're doing that a lot, you might need to check in with yourself because it's not allowing you to create the success you desire. When you're realizing that you haven't prioritized some of the people that are currently in your life that you may want to, you can come back to this and realize, hey, I did want to prioritize that friend or that family member when you are trying to decide what programs you should be investing in. Or if you should be making different training decisions, or what that looks like you can run it through this filter. And this allows you to make decisions in alignment with your goals with the support that you want in need in a way that feels a little bit easier to execute because you have a guide, right? Go ahead and take a minute and look through the list that you made in the first section of this framework, and the list that we just made for building and cultivating your network. And then look at your schedule coming up. Look at the next month, the way you're spending your time. Review the last month of how you spent your time and think about what do you need to do a little bit differently? What decisions do you need to make going forward to really bring this all together? If you have any questions, go ahead and hop over to our DMS on Instagram at Mana has goals mo MMA and send us a message and ask me, Hey, I have this question about cultivating my community or building my network. I would love to answer that for you in a follow up episode here and in the messages. So go ahead and pop over there. Say hey, Kelsey, here's what I'm working on. Or here's something that came up for me when doing this exercise. I'd love to know sending you so much love mama. Remember you are in control of your association in your network. How much energy you give them, what time you give them and how you act on that is up to you even when it feels difficult. So make sure you take action on mom in your life that you see and love her by sharing this episode. Giving while your cup is overflowing always pays itself back tenfold when you need it most.




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