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How To Create An Effective Lead Magnet Email Sequence That Gets Your Subscribers To LOVE You!
Episode 24217th July 2024 • The Email Marketing Show • Email Marketing Heroes
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Do you use a lead magnet to grow your email list? Does the strategy work for you? How can you make it work even better? We're Kennedy and Carrie, and today we're sharing how to create a lead magnet sequence that will get your subscribers to love you.

And grow your list.

And your business.



(0:35) Want to carry on with the conversation? Join our FREE Facebook group

(2:14) Check out our sponsor - Zerobounce

(2:46) Treat your lead magnets with reverence. 

(5:15) Don't deliver your lead magnet on your Thank You page 

(7:00) Create an awesome lead magnet consumption sequence. 

(11:38) Use your consumption sequence to make people love you. 

(15:38) Your lead magnet sequence is different from your Welcome sequence.

(18:19) Join The Email Hero Blueprint

(18:57) Subject line of the week.

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FREE list to improve your email marketing

If you want to write better emails, come up with better content, and move your readers to click and buy, here's how. Here's a list of our Top 10 most highly recommended books that will improve all areas of your email marketing (including some underground treasures that we happened upon, which have been game-changing for us). Grab your FREE list here.

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Do you want to chat about how you can maximise the value of your email list and make more money from every subscriber? There's a way! Every business is different, so come and hang out in our FREE Facebook group, the Email Marketing Show Community for Course Creators and Coaches. You'll find a lot of training and resources, and you can talk about what you're up to.

Try ResponseSuite for $1

This content is sponsored by, the survey quiz and application form tool that we created specifically for small businesses like you to integrate with your marketing systems to segment your subscribers and make more sales. Try it out for 14 days for just $1.

Join The Email Hero Blueprint 

Want more? Let's say you're a course creator, membership site owner, coach, author, or expert and want to learn about the ethical psychology-based email marketing that turns 60-80% more of your newsletter subscribers into customers (within 60 days). If that's you, then The Email Hero Blueprint is for you.

This is hands down the most predictable, plug-and-play way to double your earnings per email subscriber. It allows you to generate a consistent sales flow without launching another product, service, or offer. Best news yet? You won't have to rely on copywriting, slimy persuasion, NLP, or ‘better' subject lines.

Want to connect with Carrie?

You can find Carrie on her website or at Fully Leveraged Business

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Unknown 0:18

Hey, I am so glad you are here. Today, we're going to talk about how to create a lead magnet email sequence that gets your subscribers to love you capital L capital L capital B capital E love you. So let's jump right in

Unknown 0:32

the rails heroes. This is the new email marketing show with Kennedy and Kerry, tune in each week and learn the email campaign strategy and what's working right now to make more sales from that email list of yours.

Unknown 0:44

So depending on what your lead magnet is or what your business is, you're gonna want to apply what we're about to talk about in very different ways to make sure you're not left high and dry with loads of questions about how to do so come and join us in our free Facebook community. We call it the Email Marketing Show community. Just search Facebook for the evaluation committee come in join us and we can start a discussion around how you apply some of the questions that are raised during today's episode.

Unknown 1:02

Hey you guys, I am Carrie from Carrie I've been coaching seven and eight figure founders for years. My favorite place though, is by the swimming pool with the water features on full blast because I'm based just outside of Dallas Fort Worth, Texas here in the USA. Love it. I

Unknown 1:13

love it. And I'm terribly for people marketing heroes. And I'm just thinking if I just put a lovely family trip to see Tina which is the Tina Turner musical for my entire family. My mum used to clean the house on a Sunday playing Tina Turner music really really loud. And I was supposed to go London a few months ago now and I want to see our show solo loved it. I thought my mum will love it. So it was a big family trip. Must be really really amazing.

Unknown 1:30

That's amazing. Okay, we would love to read your review in this spot on the podcast so make sure you are submitting those reviews over on whichever podcast listener podcast What am i What word am I looking for Platform podcast player and in case you're worried about not doing things in your business because they're not perfect. Use me as an example. See I just stopped that write up.

Unknown 1:49

You've probably noticed that a lot of email marketing platforms are putting their prices up. And the more subscribers you've got, the more you pay. I've made a quick free video to show you what you can do to save a pile of money before your next bill goes out. Go watch it for free at email marketing Email Marketing This episode is sponsored by zero bounce the email cleaning and verification service. Okay,

Unknown 2:11

today, let's jump right in Kennedy. How do we make them love us from our lead magnet? But I

Unknown 2:16

think one of the things that happens is we put a lot of effort into thinking about what a great lead magnet would be. I've got this great new lead magnet but loads of effort into it and we build up in our head it was gonna be the greatest thing ever. And we put it out there. And then we remember that it's free. There was other free lead magnets here, right? We'll use that as just a gentle thing, right? So then we go Ah, well, I'm not going to really build it up very much because free I want you to build it up. I really want you to really treat it with some reverence a lot of people don't do this. I shared this at a mastermind I mean, recently and this was like the people's biggest takeaway from this insanely high level mastermind that was able to be out and people were like this idea of trigger my lead magnet with reverence and rather than like sort of holding around like if this flimsy little free thing, the currency they pay for it with was their email address, right? Yes, it was their email address. But that's a currency that's important to all of us these days. Right. So make sure you do treat it like it's important presented like it's important. Spend time on basically saddling people the lead magnet, right. And because there are so many people and these things are valuable, like we've put together a really valuable resource, whether it's a quiz that how to interpret something, it's a PDF, it's a checklist, it's a you know, a short video, whatever it's gonna be, it's effort. And the whole point of this is it's important. And if we don't treat it like it's valuable, people will think it's valuable enough to put their email address into. So what they'll end up doing is they'll use a fake email address. And there are more and more people doing this using either completely bogus email addresses which don't exist and you put like or whatever into the email field, or they're using those disposable email addresses which you can get everywhere. Now where you can put your email address in it's a real one kinda, but then it just doesn't really go anywhere. And really simple fix for this is on your lead magnet registration page, say, Hey, give us your email address, so I know where to send it. Tell me where to send it. Because now what you're saying is the reason I need your email address rather than just saying, Hey, here's the actual PDF for free. The reason I want your email address, I don't know where to send it to. So it makes more sense why you click on the email address and people know these days people are not dumb to that stuff, but also it tells them indirectly but quite plainly that I'm going to email you the resource. All we don't want to see is anyone having their lead magnet be delivered on the thank you page on the page immediately after opt in because you'll just have a lot of people signing up with fake email addresses when you're very explicit about the fact that I'm going to email you this results telling me where it's gonna go. Then you're gonna get more legit email addresses. You can also use various technology to make sure that they are really email addresses that was very intelligent you can use to do that some really, really brilliant ones. The other advantage of gives you if you don't deliver your lead magnet on the thank you page is you get to use that thank you page real estate for something else. You can have them hey, I'm about to email you with that lead magnet I think he requested but hey, here's a link come and join my community. So we could put the link to the email marketing show community on that page. Or you could make an offer like a tripwire offer or something small like that. Or you could do a welcome video. Add some extra value. You've basically freed up that page, which has got to be that to do something else. And that way you can move on to the next stage of that journey with you. So if anybody is still delivering the email on the next page, please stop doing that. It's a big waste that opportunity. Can you tell I'm passionate about this?

Unknown 5:40

Yeah, you are super passionate about it. The other reason I think that you don't want to deliver on the thank you page is because people are on the go people are out and about. So they lose the thank you page. They get busy, they get distracted, they do something else and then it creates customer service issues. Where they forget all about you. Actually you're doing them a service by delivering it to them you actually are and it's really very important. They're busy. You want to make sure they get it regardless and you want not to have to pay hourly for your customer service team to say oh, here's the link to that. Oh, here's what we can do. And then that leads to the next point, which is that also leads you to a consumption sequence. You have this great thing. Have you been through it yet? Have you ever said to yourself Kennedy when you guys were getting ready to fix tea or something and you say there's nothing in the house to eat? Nothing here. There's nothing here but the truth is did you really go to the pantry? Did you really go to the cupboard? Did you really go through all the fridge? Let's encourage people to check the pantry out for what they already shopped for. Talk to us about a good consumption sequence. Yeah,

Unknown 6:50

I think what happens is people we all do it. Think about your own behavior. Not nevermind, think about your customers maybe think about your behavior. You'll see a thing advertised or organically. However, you see it somewhere and you think that'll be useful. I'm going to just before I lose the link to it. I'm going to go download it. So you can click on the link on the ad or whatever. You put your email address in you name him and then you don't even look at the email you need to open the email if I open the link to go back and look at the damn thing. At that point, your relationship with the person you opted in for is no further forward whatsoever than when you didn't see the ad. You haven't moved the person any closer to a relationship with you. Because the whole point of a lead magnet is to begin the relationship by saying here's a little sample. It's like when you walk around Costco and they've got those little bits of whatever on a stick and they say hey, do you want to try this weird sausage or this but again, like I was saying Costco they still do that out level they still do that.

Unknown 7:49

We know people that plan their entire shopping routine around that weekend. Costco because they go eat their way. Right? Whatever's on a stick.

Unknown 8:00

ey are checklist items number:


exactly. The other thing that I think is really valuable about this is leadership. We're actually leading them into taking direction from us or leading them to click or leading them to consume. We're leading them to position us as the authority in subtle ways. And so your sequence gets them clicking, consuming, checking things out, even if it's a social profile, even if it's social proof, where somebody said, Oh my gosh, this one thing I learned on page 21 is amazing. You get people clicking and consuming, which helps your deliverability it helps all the things but it also gets them closer to your sales message. But let's also talk about the fact that people couldn't get content anywhere. Nobody ever fell in love with the encyclopedia. Really except that one guy and bless his heart but but people


think you've ever said what that really means,


or like 67 interpretations of it. It depends on context, but people actually will be falling in love with you. Not your content, but they're willing to give your content go because of how they fall in love with you. So you have to make sure your sequences include things about you that are lovable or hateable, but that are tangible. So for instance, orange is my favorite color. And it's impossible to come into my house without recognizing that my front door is orange. My major appliances are orange, the pots and pans that hang from the ceiling are orange and you know the kids friends. They'll say I appreciate your commitment to orange. Miss Wilkerson, appreciate that. But those are the things when they're out and about and they see orange things guess who they think of? They think of me. And same with polka dots or tacos or avocado. You know, coffee we make jokes about these things or musical theater. At least twice a week I have somebody reached out stranger or otherwise that will say we know you love New York Could you give us your top four favorite things because we're going like they associate with the things that you love. Rarely are people commenting on content or asking about content or asking me to clarify content, what they love and what they remember about me. Are those fun quirky things. And here's a really good story about that. I graduated high school 500 years ago, I ran into somebody recently that I had not seen since high school. And we were we were not close. We were close in the alphabet, meaning we always sat next to each other in homeroom. We sat next to each other at graduation. We knew of each other we weren't like buddies. They said you know what? My strongest memories about you from high school and now of course I was really nervous. I didn't know what the real was that Yeah, yeah. I said my two strongest memories of you in high school work number one that you typed faster than anyone else. You were like 100 miles an hour on the typewriter like we couldn't even fat that's back electric typewriter days. You guys I guess it was impressive. You remember that? And he said, I remember we were all so envious of your car. Now what's funny about that Kennedy is I drove a 22 year old car at the time it was 22 year old. It was 22 when I got it, it was 22. But it was this mobile because they hadn't seen one before. Nobody else had one. It was old. I guess he was into old cars. It wasn't like from Greece. I mean, it wasn't like one of those cool kind of cars. I liked it because it got me from point A to point B but I never there were people with new cars that you would think that too they envy but he said I just remember, get this coolest car and you couldn't care less what anybody else thought about it. And then you typed like a fiend. And that's what he remembered. Those are the things that he remembered and he had really fond memories of me because of that. So when you think oh people love me because I'm so smart about a to do list. Nope. They love that you both like tacos with avocado. That's what they love about you. Right? So you have to work those things in.


Yeah, and I think I'll just show you a personality with those things. Use the examples of whatever. Yeah, and I think a really good lead magnet, remember has to be teeing people up to take that next action as well. So whatever it is, that's how I feel a lot of lead magnets suffer from they're not really teeing people into the next action. So you really need to think about how does it fit in with your business. And the question that a lot of people ask is, Well, do you have a welcome sequence? How does this consumption sequence of getting people to fall in love with you through this lead magnet? How does that sort of run alongside does it run wet? Like how does it fit in with a welcome sequence? The welcome sequence that we use and we teach is called the getting to know you sequence and it's a full day email sequence, really simple, very powerful sequence that gets you to know the audience and gets them to know you. So you build that know like and trust thing that we all talk about and also getting to fall in love with you. That's the real point of that. And these two sequences run side by side so they join your email list. The very first email they must receive from you should not be your welcome email. I see this mistake all the time. The first email they should get from you should be the email that delivers the thing they actually asked for. Yeah, it's the other way around. They're like, what what is this? They don't know what it is. They've asked for something. Give them the thing. Yeah, it's firstly to the immediate zero minutes zero seconds delay when they opt into your email list for your lead magnet is to receive the lead magnet, then 20 or 30 minutes later, getting to know you welcome email number one hits the inbox. And then because our welcome sequence has one email a day for four days and actually says email one of four, two or four, three, or four, four or four people know that it's its own little series that is connected, those emails go out, and then your consumption emails are probably going to be like a couple of days staggered apart. So again, they're only going to get two emails a day, on maybe two of the days, the first day of may be day number three, day number four, so you're not going to be bombarding people, but you aren't going to be nurturing that relationship. So the welcome sequence and the deliveries it was are running parallel, which means they should not be the same. This is the other big mistake I see people making when I'm coaching people inside of our programs. And that is they make email number one that people get the delivery of the lead magnet email, they make that email number one of their welcome sequences. Well, those two emails have very different functions. So to help our subscribers compartmentalize and understand much easier, we want to compartmentalize those two emails, so they don't have to have that confusion of Is this me getting the lead magnet? Or is this me understanding the relationship? We want them to come into each of those two types of email with very different ways of thinking about it. If you want our welcome sequence or getting to know sequence if you want our consumption and lead magnet delivery sequence, we have a special one that we use, called the curious cat which is all about putting your lead magnet on a pedestal and making it look even more valuable and actually causing people to buy off their own accord without any sales emails using a bit of reverse psychology. You can get all of that inside of our email hero blueprint. You can get all the details on it at email hero email hero Watch the video on that page explains it all. I've really enjoyed this discussion. This has been really, really interesting. Now it's time for this week's


subject line of the week.


Okay, so this week's subject line is have you ever dot dot dot. And this reminds me of a whole bunch of and this works really well. Right? And this was just one of those emails. That was really about saying Have you ever had this problem? And I've got the solution to that problem. And I teach the solution inside of my program. Okay, that's what it was about. And the idea for it came from Have you ever done this? Like it's like a drinking game? Never have I ever, ever ever? Yeah, yeah, that one and again, you could use that one, you know, never have I ever dot dot dot. That'll be a good one. Or would you rather would be a similar sort of subject like, would you rather do this or do that they can get like kind of baggy, right? Or you could in the same sort of vein remember that game cards against humanity that was wildly popular for years after the well it's gone now. I think that probably still make it but you could do something against humanity because again, to tap into that cultural thing that everyone's talking about. So when that was popular, you were sent an email that was like email marketing against humanity or coaching against humanity or whatever is gonna be good. We're just tapping into the where's this going? Because it's usually like there's really edgy thing and of course you can be as edgy as you want or not in your email. So that's what this week's subject like.


I love it. I think you should probably also try who is the next dude? What's the next bridgerton glow up? I mean, while you're tapping into popular culture, you might as well just go all in. All right. Thank you for listening to the whole show today. Don't forget to go leave a review. Be sure to hit subscribe on your podcast player and we will check back in with you next week.



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