We think if we don't push our kids that they won't grow up, but the reverse is true. When we try to push them into being what we want we get resistance and make parenting much harder on ourselves than it has to be.
Linda is all about making parenting easier! She notices all the ways that we overcomplicate our lives and especially our parenting and shows us how to clear all that away.
Listen to this week's episode for amazing insights on when not to push your kids, and what to do instead!
Linda Clement, parenting coach and author, long-time La Leche League Leader (recently retired), fastpitch softball umpire (also retired) and occasional doodler, offers a quirky, insightful view of children and childrearing. From a philosophy of respect for kids to lifelong learning in fields from child development and neurobiology to meditation and nutrition, Linda helps parents see through the cultural clutter for what kids (and parents, and families and communities) really need.
The mother of two grown daughters and grandmother to one adorable Luka, Linda wrote her first book, The Way and the Power of Mothering, meditations on mothering, balance and the Taoist Way, as a new-mom present for her sister, Liz, upon the birth of Linda's niece, Gabrielle Grace. The original publication was hand-drawn, and it is now available from Amazon as an ebook and paperback. Her second book, Lazy Parenting, parenting a simpler way, is also available as an ebook or paperback, on Amazon, and her third book, the covid-pivot, is the ebook The Manual Your Child Came With, a parenting book about your child, available from www.raisingparents.net, and will soon be followed by her third book, Lazier Parenting, still more simpler parenting.
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