"Our job is to give them grace and mercy and be a pillar of stability in their lives." -Wesleyne
Word of the Day
Be merciful to those who doubt — Jude 1:22
In this episode, we explore the importance of showing mercy to those who experience doubt. Doubt can stem from past experiences, such as a lack of emotional safety in childhood or challenging work environments.
It can also arise during difficult life circumstances, leading individuals to question their faith and self-worth.
Instead of judging or trying to fix those who doubt, we are called to extend grace, love, and understanding.
By being consistent and supportive, we can help others find stability and comfort in God's love, reminding them that they are not alone in their struggles.
Show mercy to those who doubt, recognizing their struggles come from past experiences.
Understand that doubt can affect anyone, regardless of their background or faith journey.
Provide consistent support through encouragement, kindness, and presence.
Remember that our actions can reflect God's love for hurting people.
00:00 - Introduction to Mercy
00:45 - Understanding Doubt
01:40 - The Roots of Doubt
03:54 - Our Role in Supporting Others
05:30 - Practical Ways to Show Mercy
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So this very short verse, let's unpack it because it has a lot of meaning. Be merciful. What does it mean to be merciful? It means to be kind. It means to show people the mercy that God shows us to others. And what is mercy? It is if you don't have all the questions, if you don't have the right answer,
I still love you. It is, you don't have to be a perfect person, but I'm going to extend you mercy because I understand where you have come from or what you are going through. And the specific.
example of mercy is used with the word doubt. So people that doubt
come in very different forms and shapes. There are some people that have doubted their entire lives. They doubt everything. They doubt whether you're gonna be on time. They doubt whether the job that they currently have is gonna work out. They doubt whether the food that they ordered at the restaurant is going to be good. And what we have to understand is that
Wesleyne (:
Typically, people's doubt stems from experiences that they've had in the past. So a child that grows up in a household where they're not emotionally safe, they can't express their own opinions, they can't say what they want to say, everything they say, they're getting told that they're wrong. They don't learn to trust themselves.
They don't learn to trust others. And so they grow up in a fashion where they are doubting everything. Or maybe someone had a great childhood. They had very loving support of parents. And that person ends up in a job where the leadership, the manager, second guesses everything that they say or do.
They never allow them to flourish, to make mistakes and be corrected. So then they start doubting their abilities. Or doubt can creep in when you feel that you have been walking with God for the majority of your life, or you've just started walking with God, but things don't seem to be working out.
got a bad medical diagnosis, your bank account doesn't look like you need it to look, your job is rocky, your marriage is rocky. And so you start doubting God. You're like, God, are you real? God, are you with me? So all of those situations are ones where a person has previous
experience or something that has happened in the past that has caused them to doubt. And so our job is not to judge them. Our job is not to try to fix them. Our job is to show them how
Wesleyne (:
Our job is to give them grace and mercy. Our job is to be a pillar of stability in their lives so they can see that everyone isn't out to be mean. Everyone isn't out to not trust you and to also show them the love of God through our actions, right? Things may not be going well in their lives.
and but we can show up consistently. We can give them a hug. We can send them an encouraging word. So be merciful to those who doubt. Oftentimes people that doubt do not trust themselves or their opinions. They've been hurt. They've been broken. It is our responsibility as children of God.
to truly come alongside those people and show them mercy and grace.