Artwork for podcast Your pet business content your way
How to find your voice in your content with Rikki Sullivan
Episode 5611th March 2021 • Your pet business content your way • Rachel Spencer
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Do you worry about how you sound when you write about your pet business?

Maybe you feel too formal or are concerned you don't sound 'professional' enough?

As a pet business owner you have to wear so many different hats and it can feel overwhelming having to create content and put yourself 'out there.'

In this episode Rikki Sullivan - the Canine Copywriter - shares how to overcome any anxieties you might have around this.

Key topics and timings in this episode:

0.18 - Intro to Rikki

1.40 - Rikki’s background and her experience in the pet industry

2.20 - How Rikki left her corporate job to become a dog walker and launch a daycare business

5.16 - Why blogging is seen as the ‘Boring uncle’ of the promotion world

6.37 - How blogging helped Rikki build a waitlist of clients who wanted her to care for their pets

8.32 - What puts people off blogging 

9.05 - Why your writing voice should be as close to your personal voice as possible

11.32 - How to get started with blogging and why you shouldn’t worry about being rubbish at first

12.02 - How a ‘brain dump’ can get you into the flow of writing

13.30 - Why you don’t need to fret about the structure at the beginning 

15.19 - Writing in layman’s terms and avoiding jargon

17.14 - Why it’s important to write for your clients, not for your peers

18.26 - How the pandemic has made it more important than ever to stand out

21.02 - Speaking in your own authentic voice 

22.03 - How your friends and clients can help when it comes to finding your voice

23.55 - Example - Canicross business 

27.05 - Getting friends to check your content and how tools like Grammarly can help 

28.02 - Sharing you own experiences to build confidence in your writing 

32.10 - Finding people to collaborate with in my free Facebook group

34.34 - Being accountable with your content and pledging to post regularly

35.58 - Outsourcing and how to brief a copywriter

40.59 - How to find out more about Rikki 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Find out more about Rikki at

Free website for checking Grammar -

My free Facebook group - Publicity Tips for Pet Businesses





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