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#27 Attention Workaholics, What is Enough for you?
Episode 2727th July 2023 • From a Full Cup • Natalie Mullin
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Today on Episode #27 Attention Workaholics, What is Enough for you? , we break free from the workaholic mentality, redefine success, and prioritize our wellbeing .

In this episode I discuss:

-why running a race is not always a worthwhile feat

-a $1.2 billion dollar deal that I'd turn down

-3 practical strategies to help you figure out what is enough

-an easy way to embrace your desired future life now

Call to action:

 Engage in mindfulness practices to become more aware of your thoughts and emotions. This self awareness can help you recognize when your desire for more is driven by external pressures rather than genuine aspirations.


I am worthy beyond all achievements. I find contentment in knowing that my value is inherent and I am enough. 


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From a Full Cup is a mental wellness education podcast that teaches women to prioritize their wellness and put themselves first, because you can’t pour from an empty cup. 

I'm your host Natalie Mullin , Certified Wellness Educator, Speaker, Facilitator and Teacher. Every Thursday I release a new episode, teaching women how to dream big, take action and move the needle forward in life.

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Copyright 2025 Natalie Mullin



[00:00:47] Before we get into the episode, it's time for the take action segment, where we celebrate friends, clients, and listeners who are able to take action and move the needle forward.


[00:01:07] If you've taken action, please send me an email or a DM so I can celebrate you too.


[00:01:22] So I was listening to Jamie Kern lima's audio book. Believe it. And if you don't know Jamie, she's the co-founder of. It cosmetics and sold the company for $1.2 billion to Loreal. And also became L'Oreal's first ever woman CEO. Now. $1.2 billion. Billion with a B that's that's a lot of money. So I give her her, uh,


[00:02:12] She said that herself and her husband Paulo worked a hundred hour weeks for years. I'm sorry. What. They didn't see their family and friends. They didn't go on vacation. They didn't even sleep at home most days. And all I could think of as I was hearing these details was like, you know what? If that's their choice, that's their choice. But for me, no way, it's not worth it.


[00:02:57] Unless I'm going to do good things with it anyways. I just know for me, I could never work a hundred hour weeks, not even for one week. Like it's just absolutely not worth it to me. And I know that because I know what my priorities are. My priorities are my family time, time for myself, free time. Playtime leisure time, joy time. In case you can't tell. I really covet my time and I want to use it in ways that bring me joy and fulfillment now. Not just the one day, because I think a lot of people are like, okay, well, I'm going to make this sacrifice now. And I'm going to work, work on a hard now, and I'm going to do all these hours. Because one day I will dot dot, dot. Be able to retire, be able to sell the company, be able to move away, be able to work less.


[00:04:06] to live life in the way in which I want. And I want to know that if I die, I lived my life in the present and fully and enjoyed as many experiences as possible and spent time with the people who mattered most to me.


[00:04:34] And, you know what it actually reminds me of in university. I had a friend and I remember we were talking about what are we going to do when we graduate university? And he said, you know, I just want a simple nine to five. I'm not looking for a big salary. I just need this amount and it's good for me. And that's all I want.


[00:05:12] And now I sit back and I think about it and I was like, you know what? And maybe he's changed his mind. I don't know. I'm not in contact with him anymore, but.


[00:05:43] What do you want out of life? How will, you know, when you'll be satisfied? Is it based off a specific income or revenue target? Is it that you want your business to be acquired or sold? Is it that you want to work for the next 20 years? Is it that you want to own your business until the day you die? Is it that you want to pass it on to your kids or to somebody else?


[00:06:18] But understanding what is enough helps you define your goals and aspirations more clearly and allows you to set realistic and achievable targets so that you're not. Constantly chasing this, this. Never ending ideal.


[00:06:59] So to really paint a picture here. I want you to imagine a runner who's participating in a race, but there's no finish line. No matter how fast they run, they can never reach the end because the finish line doesn't exist. So as a result, they keep pushing themselves to run faster and harder. And they're never able to experience the satisfaction of crossing the finish line.


[00:07:56] Just as a runner needs a finished line to mark the completion of a race, a workaholic also needs to define their limit and recognize when their efforts have reached a point of sufficiency to achieve a healthier and more balanced life.


[00:08:26] And you have to reframe this belief by recognizing listen, your worth is not tied to your work. You are a valuable individual based simply on your existence. You are on this planet, breathing and living. And because you are here, you matter. You are valuable because of your humanity.


[00:09:04] Striving for excellence is admirable, but perfection is simply unattainable. You will drive yourself crazy. Seeking others' approval recognition or validation of your perfectionism and accomplishments. So you need to give yourself grace and room to grow and be human and be pleased with your efforts.


[00:09:41] If so great. Celebrate your progress and stick to your own healthy goals and aspirations. So, let me ask you, have you thought of any of these thoughts before. And you have it's okay. It is. Okay.


[00:10:08] And I'll talk more about this in another episode, but for now, I just need you to know that. When you can figure out what is enough for you, you operate from a place of peace.


[00:10:38] Absolutely not. At that point, I would just be living an even more joyful, fulfilling, and meaningful life. And we'll have even more time on my hands. And no, I said even more because I'm already living that now. And I really think that that's key. The future life that you want for yourself start embracing, and body and living it now in whatever ways you can, even if you're limited in your resources, such as time, money, space, location, whatever.


[00:11:12] If you are currently a workaholic, I want you to ask yourself why. Is it because you want asserted a financial award. Are you running from something and work as a distraction?


[00:11:33] So now I'm going to give you three practical strategies to help you in determining what is enough. The first is to start by setting clear goals. So we've all heard of smart goals. These are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound goals. And honestly, sometimes those letters are a little bit different for people, but.


[00:13:57] I truly think a lot of times people just desire more and keep working harder and pursuing more Because they just think they have to they don't realize that they can stop they don't realize that they're actually in control of their life they just feel like society says okay good more what's next For more chasing more And if we can get to a place of contentment to save this as enough that's where we have power And only you can determine what is enough for you so i encourage you to look deep within and ask yourself if your wellbeing is worth risking in pursuit of your enough I invite you to say today's affirmation with me. I am worthy Beyond all achievements I find contentment In knowing that my value Is inherent And i am enough.





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