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The King’s Council – Rylee Meek pt 1
Episode 15022nd May 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:25:29

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 The King’s Council

Rylee Meek pt 1

Many churches and ministries are struggling to survive since the pandemic – when EVERYTHING was shutdown… but the expenses continued. Amen. Many business owners experienced the same thing and have struggled to adapt and survive as well. It is not unusual for ministries, churches and entrepreneurs to look for ways to save money AND still be a blessing as much as possible as we go about doing Kingdom business. Amen? If you are a Christian entrepreneur seeking to grow your business without compromising your faith; or you strive to keep your Sunday spirit alive from Monday to Saturday, in boardrooms and business meetings or you have a dream to build something meaningful, create a legacy, and you dream of making a difference in the world… If that sounds like you or thoughts you may have had, you will want to pay attention to the episode today. Our guest is going to shine a light that will be a blessing to everyone listening right now. Amen! Rylee Meek is the founder of “The King’s Council Community” and teaches on “Christian Entrepreneurship” and the “Kingdom Economy.” He is a successful businessman who has earned 7-8 figures in revenue for all of his 9 companies – in the first year they were in business. Praise God! The “King’s Council” mission is to start and scale businesses for the ultimate goal of GIVING and ADVANCING the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. Amen. Rylee is the author of a 3-book series called, appropriately, “The Kingdom Entrepreneur,” with 2 of the 3 books already published and his the host of “The King’s Council Podcast.” Amen! Help me welcome to the program, Rylee Meek!  Rylee, thank you for taking the time to join us today!  I’ve been looking forward to this conversation! First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Rylee Meek?” You formed “The King’s Council” back in 2020 – just before the pandemic.  What role did your organization serve during that trying time for many churches that, literally, shut their doors during that time? I saw the statistics on your website that the “average Christian” only tithes 2.5%.  Those are the “tithers.”  Which means the “givers” are actually less? Is that right?


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