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The Effortless Life – Courtney Elmer
Episode 132611th August 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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The Effortless Life

Courtney Elmer

In this economy we are all enduring right now, many people are contemplating starting their own business. Take control. Be the boss. And that is all based on our good intentions to help other people and grow our own business.

Many people just “go for it.” Taking action. Launch first and figure it out later. Amen!

Our guest today shares that “taking action” is the “least scalable thing you can do, as a business owner.” You first need the backend systems in place to support the public facing aspect of the business.

So, the question is:  HOW do you do that?

That is what our guest is going to share with us today. Courtney Elmer is a sought after consultant, podcast host and speaker who empowers online entrepreneurs to embrace ANTIFRAGILITY and grow through what they go through in life, to create greater income, greater influence and greater impact.

Drawing on her background in psychology and her personal experience as a cancer survivor, she is the CEO of “The Effortless Life,” located in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Courtney empowers online business leaders to establish the systems, structure and support they need to build self-sustaining businesses that thrive in a rapidly changing digital environment, expand their thought leadership through podcasting and use their voice to catalyze positive change in the world.

Hailing all the way from Cajan Country down in south Louisiana (my old stomping grounds) with Boudin, crawfish, gumbo and etouffee, help me welcome to the program, Courtney Elmer!

Courtney it is so good to finally have you on the program today. I do appreciate your time.

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Courtney Elmer?”

So, you learned by necessity how to seize the silver lining within everyday adversity we all face.  Can you share a little bit about that process with us?

You focus on “antifragility.” I used the term “That which does not kill me only makes me stronger.” So I can relate to that term…amen!

You help people to leverage that adversity and to embrace the antifragility as “hidden opportunity.” Can you explain how that works for us?

You started your online entrepreneur journey while recovering from cancer. Was this your first online attempt at business?

What were some of the obstacles you discovered that you were not expecting?

How important is it to get some help with things you may not be great at doing?

Tell us about your podcast, “Anti-Fragile Entrepreneurship…” How long have you been podcasting?

I see you have 180 episodes! Praise God!  That’s awesome!

What do you look for in a guest for your podcast?

You have a coaching program on how to “Launch a Top 1% podcast.” Can you give us a brief rundown on how your coaching program helps someone to do that?

As we get ready to wrap up, I just wanted to ask you one more question…

I discovered you were going to go to law school, after five years as an undergrad, but decided against it. What changed your mind after all that effort?

Courtney, this has been so interesting. If someone wanted to reach out to find more information on your courses or if they have a question, or maybe they would like to do an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, as you have heard, it is possible to turn your setbacks into a setup! Praise God! You just need someone who has “been there and done that” to be your guide along the way. Courtney Elmer is just the person.

I highly encourage you to drop down into the show notes below and click the links right there. Get in touch with her. Get added to the wait list for her programs. It will be the one of the best things you can do for yourself as you travel down the road to entrepreneurship. Amen!





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