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Ohio NFL Stadium Fundings and The Ohio State University Football’s Faith Awakening
Episode 10230th August 2024 • Common Sense Ohio • Common Sense Ohio
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Should taxpayers be responsible for funding stadium renovations for professional sports teams, and what are the potential benefits or drawbacks of such investments?

🚧 Comparing Modern Mistakes to Historical Blunders: The Failed Construction Project

A failed $250 million floating dock project in the Mediterranean, initiated under the Biden administration. They draw parallels with other historic construction failures and ponder the implications this has on accountability and taxpayer money.

🕵️‍♂️ The Government's Secret List: Terror Watch List Frustrations

The government protects the identities of individuals on the terror watch list. They discuss their efforts to obtain these names, reflecting on the balance between national security and public transparency.

😇 Faith on the Football Field: The Ohio State's Inspiring Event

The Ohio State University football players recently organized a faith event on campus, which included a revival and baptisms.

🏈 The Name, Image, and Likeness Debate in College Sports

Skepticism abounds about the trend of monetary compensation for college athletes' name, image, and likeness. ---

🎙️ The Softball Interviews: Kamala Harris Criticized

Dana Bash failed to address critical topics such as Supreme Court restructuring and the reversal of drilling policies in Alaska. They stress the need for leaders to be held accountable for their policy positions.

🔥 Political Strategies and Election Talk

The potential political implications of various scenarios, like President Biden pardoning Trump or the impact of Trump going to jail on public opinion. They also touch on concerns about ballot access and potential tampering in upcoming elections.

⚽ Local Issues: Stadium Funding and Taxpayer Dollars

Cleveland's Browns are requesting $2.4 billion for a new domed stadium, but our hosts question the fairness of allocating taxpayer funds for such projects, especially in cities lacking NFL franchises like Toledo and Dayton.

🛡️ Free Speech vs Content Moderation: Zuckerberg's Confession

Mark Zuckerberg's recent admission to manipulating content on Facebook sparked a heated discussion about freedom of speech on social media platforms.

Common Sense Moments

08:42 Black football players discuss issues facing community.

14:27 Nick Saban emphasizes coaching as teaching values.

26:10 Request for transparency in media's interview editing.

42:03 All candidates should appear on the ballot.

48:52 Zuckerberg confirmed government pressure on social media.

55:45 Frustration with BLM protests and curfew.

59:42 Houthis blow up huge oil tanker unnoticed.

01:04:39 Database tracks sexual predators, terrorist names withheld.

Stephen Palmer is the Managing Partner for the law firm, Palmer Legal Defense. He has specialized almost exclusively in criminal defense for over 26 years. Steve is also a partner in Criminal Defense Consultants, a firm focused wholly on helping criminal defense attorneys design winning strategies for their clients.

Norm Murdock is an automobile racing driver and owner of a high-performance and restoration car parts company. He earned undergraduate degrees in literature and journalism and graduated with a Juris Doctor from the University of Cincinnati College of Law in 1985. He worked in the IT industry for two years before launching a career in government relations in Columbus, Ohio. Norm has assisted clients in the Transportation, Education, Healthcare, and Public Infrastructure sectors.

Brett Johnson is an award-winning podcast consultant and small business owner for nearly 10 years, leaving a long career in radio. He is passionate about helping small businesses tell their story through podcasts, and he believes podcasting is a great opportunity for different voices to speak and be heard.

Recorded at the 511 Studios, in the Brewery District in downtown Columbus, OH.

Copyright 2024 Common Sense Ohio


Steve Palmer [:

Wow. It is August 30, 2024. The summer is gone. Bye bye. Football starts this weekend. The Buckeyes are taking on the Akron Zips. Is that right? The Akron Zips? I think so. Anyway

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

That doesn't make any sense, but we're about to make some a whole lot of common sense here at Common Sense Ohio, or you can check us out at Lots of, stuff at that website, not including, but not limited to all the old episodes. So if you if you just if you listen, watch anything, man, I really need more common sense in my life. Yep. We've got, over a 100, I think, sitting there waiting for you to consume them. Or you can check out our Facebook page. You can check us out on we're on Rumble, Brighteon, YouTube.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

We're all over the place.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Facebook. Yeah. I don't talk about Facebook. Yeah. Zuckerbucker.

Brett Johnson [:

Or the or the Gram. I don't think we'll

Steve Palmer [:

The Instagram. I don't know anything about that. So I thought this this is not my my, my backyard, but we're there, and you can get there from common sense ohio show dot com. You can also ask questions. You can comment on Facebook or elsewhere. We get people that, like to troll us, I think, here and there and really push Norm's buttons, which is what he lives for. They have his buttons pushed and respond to people. I dare you to to to pick a fight with Norman.

Norm Murdock [:

I'm cool under pressure. It does not matter to me. So Well, even if it's

Brett Johnson [:

a comment that, hey, good show, guys. Or it's like, that show really was Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Let us know.

Brett Johnson [:

Like, it doesn't have to be controversial. Just give us some feedback on, yeah, those all those topics you talked about. No. But can you cover this? Or it's like, yeah. Do more of this.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. More of this. Please.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah. Just that.

Norm Murdock [:

Had a had a comment, this morning, about the Takaya Young case, in our commentary on that. So, yeah. Bring it. You know, I'm I'm used to dealing with things, at a 100 miles an hour, being flung at me without any preparation. So

Steve Palmer [:

As a race car driver, you mean?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Right. So I could give a flip. I mean, just go ahead and try to terrify me. It doesn't work.

Steve Palmer [:

So what's the comment on the on the case that we do?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So we talked about this incident, in Blendon Township.

Steve Palmer [:

Up at Kroger?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Up at the Kroger where one of the officers has been indicted for murder. It's unbelievable to me. It's murder and reckless homicide and three other things they threw in, probably didn't have his shoelaces tied correctly or whatever it was. But, you know, pregnant lady, part of a flash mob goes in, steals a bunch of booze, gets in her car. The police stand in front of her car, say, get out. She dialogues with them and says, oh, hell no. I'm not getting out.

Norm Murdock [:

And then she moves the car in to run over the cop, and he shoots her. And he's indicted for being a murder.

Steve Palmer [:

What does our commenter have to say about

Norm Murdock [:

this discussion? Said, god God bless and and may may she rest in peace along with the baby who also died, of course.

Steve Palmer [:

Of course. Right. I mean, it's such a horrible it's like I think that was

Norm Murdock [:

our position.

Brett Johnson [:

And she

Norm Murdock [:

said it and this comment was, it was her fault. It was her own doing. But clearly, the grand jury didn't see it that way with a special prosecutor brought in from, I guess, Dayton or some place, who in which indicted the the police officer, which I I think is a it makes a tragedy. Now it doubled. That guy's life is over now. Yeah. I mean, he can't be a cop anywhere anymore.

Steve Palmer [:

No. It's too bad. And I know the attorney representing him, Mark Collins. Great. He's a good lawyer. I might even get him on the show here. But, at any rate, you mentioned grand jury, so now I've gotta I've gotta do a shameless self serving plug.

Norm Murdock [:

Go for it.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, for those who remember, we started as our this was an offshoot of my lawyer talk podcast. We used to we used to take questions on, on the blitz and legal questions, phone in stuff, and then we would have all these commentary. And I thought, well, this is really 2 different shows, so we started Common Sense Ohio. I still do the other show, lawyer talk off the record on the air. And I just answered a question about grand juries and how they work, what the sort of the idea of grand juries is. And, if anybody's got any, if you're curious about it, we take bite sized chunks, little, q and a sized chunks. Check it out, You can subscribe right there.

Steve Palmer [:

Love it.

Norm Murdock [:

So, Steve, I had a funny incident, pinging off your grand jury comments. So, I I'm not bragging because I didn't plan on this, but I happen to have the fastest time of the day at the Bellefontaine Hill Climb out of 70 cars.

Brett Johnson [:

Nice. Congratulations.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So I smoked the field. I think the the guy closest to me was in a z06 Corvette, and he was a half second behind me. But I didn't plan on that. I just drove my ass off. Anyway, the the county sheriffs up there, shut down this public road so that we can race up this road. So they're they're controlling traffic. And I was part of the crew handing out sandwiches and literally gave a a deputy sheriff a ham sandwich.

Norm Murdock [:

And I said, you know, you can indict these,

Steve Palmer [:

which is the old saying. I think I even talked about that in my podcast.

Brett Johnson [:

Did did he get it?

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. He was he was rolling. He said, not only that, you can indict a a cod sandwich, a turkey sandwich. Like, he he he had a whole grill. Yeah. Oh, no. But he did like that.

Brett Johnson [:

Good. Good. It wasn't lost on him.

Norm Murdock [:

That's great. That's great. Yeah. So cops are great in general. I I know. I know. Like, we just had some terrible scandals involving, police officers here in Columbus. I mean, just some I mean, a guy stealing cocaine out of the evidence room and then in his twenties, a Columbus police officer and then peddling it on the street.

Norm Murdock [:

Just But but 99% are good. Yeah. You know? So

Steve Palmer [:

It is, there are bad apples in every bunch

Norm Murdock [:

or every barrel, whatever the Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Every basket, whatever.

Norm Murdock [:

Some terrible podcasters too.

Steve Palmer [:

There are. I don't know that that's I don't know who qualifies.

Brett Johnson [:

We have

Norm Murdock [:

none in this room. Okay. None. None. You were speaking about Ohio State there very briefly. And I you know, we we we cover so many you know, like, this looks like a complaint show half the time. Right? Where we're rolling out, you know, the horrors of the week and, and, you know, talking about bad stuff. So one thing that was just this is unbelievable and it's gaining, it's garnering a lot of national attention is the Ohio State football players.

Norm Murdock [:

I think 20 of them got together this past Sunday along with some churches in the area, and they put on a faith event on campus.

Steve Palmer [:

Of of just a good old fashioned revival. I mean, they had a pool out there, I think,

Norm Murdock [:

a a baptism pool. Yeah. They did 50 baptisms.

Steve Palmer [:

They baptized 50 students. I mean, it really, really remarkable. I sent that.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

sent that remarkable. I sent that to a couple of my Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Fellow Christians, and we,

Steve Palmer [:

I was like unreal. You know, in the day and age where we have this, name, image, likeness Yeah. Taking over college football, which I think is horrible. I think, ultimately, this is the downfall of college football as we know it and maybe completely.

Norm Murdock [:

It legalizes bribery, essentially.

Steve Palmer [:

Well and and we'll get to this because, Nick Saban had some comments about it in an interview a bit ago. But, anyway, in the day and age of name image likeness, which is, like, anti you know, if if you study biblical scripture, one of the things, the worst the the greatest sin of all, and and if you read anything about CS Lewis, he would agree with this, is, like, pride.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Right? It's the worst. I mean, it's it's it's a gateway to hell. Yeah. Pride. Look at me. Look how great I am. Focus on me. Worship the human.

Steve Palmer [:

Worship not only the human, but the self human. You know, it's it's like you put yourself above God and and even if you don't believe in God, you can understand how that leads to really bad stuff. And so in the name of name, image, likeness, where I would fear that that would take over, where pride would take over, you know, give me give me give me give me give me look how great I am. Great. Great. Great. Great. Great.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And not appreciate and and not be humble. Yeah. You have these football players out there leading a good old fashioned revival. Right? Yeah. Come to Jesus revival.

Norm Murdock [:

I heard 2,000 people roughly in attendance, which is I I mean, we're talking about a secular campus. This this wasn't at Xavier University or something or over at, I don't know, you know, Yellow Springs or

Steve Palmer [:

This is a public university

Norm Murdock [:

that is not

Steve Palmer [:

permitted to that that just reminds me that somebody will probably protest because of

Brett Johnson [:

this. But, anyway, it's these students on their own.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. You know, it's not sponsored by the coaches. It's not sponsored by the school. They're doing it on their own. Like, there's hope in the world.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. The the I guess, the main organizer was a former receiver, but there were many members on the current squad that, were there as speakers. And I'm just gonna say this. So I watched the I watched as much as what was on YouTube of this event because I was fascinated with it. And I'm just gonna say something I noticed. They were all black football players. Okay? And and we talk a lot about, you know, black men and, you know, abandoning families and, you know, there's a whole Bill Cosby thing about black fathers not being in the house and, you know, and problems with black males. Governor DeWine just financed a new commission to look into trouble with black males.

Norm Murdock [:

Black males this, black males that. Right? This, that, they're the big problem. This entire event of upholding, faith in Jesus and and talking about God and and, baptisms and all this, it was organized. It was completely staffed by young black men. And I and I just say, I'm I'm blown away. I'm impressed, and I'm and I'm humbled.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, it shows you that sometimes leadership. Stereotypes are not always accurate. Right? I mean, it's like Exactly right. We often seem to notice the extremes either way and not the not the mainstreams either way. And But

Norm Murdock [:

we should comment when we see when we see positive things.

Steve Palmer [:

Look. And and this is this has been going on. I've noticed this for a couple years. I know, Justin Fields a few years back. He was the transfer that came in from, Georgia, and he was very, very faith oriented. And then, who was our other quarterback that came in after him? I can't remember his name, but very similar.

Norm Murdock [:

That that Cargill?

Steve Palmer [:

No. No. No. No. It's going way back. But, anyway, they they, you know, they they they are even they and he's continued with his faith into the NFL and and elsewhere. But, you know, this started a few years back, so people are not ashamed now to show their faith in Christ and Christianity.

Norm Murdock [:

Despite the war on Christianity.

Steve Palmer [:

Despite the war on Christianity. And then if you get, like, a Colin Kaepernick out there, it's like the total opposite of that. Right? It's the total opposite of that. It's be humble. Right. Be respectful. Understand there's a greater, power than us as humans out there. And, you know, like I said, even if you don't believe it, I'm not gonna this isn't a conversion podcast.

Steve Palmer [:

No. But even if you don't believe it, understand that if you're putting something bigger, and more important in front of you

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Then you're gonna you're gonna avoid that that nasty sin of pride. Right. Because pride just it almost always leads to bad things in your life. You know?

Norm Murdock [:

I would

Brett Johnson [:

be And it's difficult culture because, well, most pro sports is very ego driven. Mhmm. See me, watch me, see me, watch me play. You know, I'm dumb doing it. Money money money money. And that's just what drives it. It it is. So he's gonna he's that's kind of counterculture.

Norm Murdock [:

It is counterculture.

Brett Johnson [:

To a certain degree

Norm Murdock [:


Brett Johnson [:

Having Bring it bring the pendulum back maybe

Norm Murdock [:

a little bit.

Steve Palmer [:

And having played on a number of football teams even through college, the message from, like, within the team is always team. Yeah. There's no I in team is what they always say. And, you know, it's like, it is the the message is to avoid that at all costs because we are a group, we are a team, we're a unit. And that may be the higher thing that you that that guide you. Because when people do that, when people aren't, saying look at me, and instead they're focusing on the team, then good things tend to happen.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And, you know, that's like a little microcosm of the message, that we're talking about. It's like if if you're if you're giving the team credit for what you were able to accomplish, then it raises everybody, and it it makes you better. If you're focusing on something other than yourself, you tend to, succeed.

Brett Johnson [:

There's no downside to that.

Steve Palmer [:

There is no downside.

Brett Johnson [:

I I don't I don't know of any.

Steve Palmer [:

And and and the the the downside the other way is that it's it's bottomless. Yeah. Because Yeah. Accolade like, I think there's I don't know if Patton actually said it. But in the Patton movie, there's a little speech where he says glory all glory is fleeting. You know, all this pride, all these little these little bites of pride and glory, it's always fleeting. It it only lasts a very short period of time in today's day and age, even shorter.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And so it it and it's difficult to repeat without, making it an obsession where you start to please the the world instead of, what's important. And that's what we're seeing with our youth, black, white, whatever. I mean, that's what I'm seeing.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

And, this is a counter, this is completely counter to that.

Norm Murdock [:

Sure. Yeah. The these guys are not gonna get, like, popular in the the mainstream culture for doing an event like this. And in fact, it may cost them. To endorse them. You know, this is something that is is frowned on and looked down on by mainstream culture these days.

Steve Palmer [:

Well and it wasn't I didn't see it. I I don't watch ESPN anymore, but I'm not I didn't see any ads on ESPN on some of the stuff I look. I mean, is this did this hit the mainstream at all?

Norm Murdock [:

It did. It did. So the Cameron Babb, the main, organizer, Cameron was interviewed on Fox Live, about this event. And, and that's frankly, you know, that kind of exposure. And then I read about it on MSNBC and

Steve Palmer [:

Interesting. On

Norm Murdock [:

their website. Okay. So, yeah. I think it I I just, you know, want to start off with that since you mentioned, that the opening day is, tomorrow.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Big kickoff. Yeah. So, you know, we'll see. And and, you know, I think we've entered a new era where we have basically purchased players.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

you know, Nick For sure. Nick Saban had an interesting take on this, and then we can get to the the big the the stuff we need to get to. He, you know, he said, I'm I'm out of coaching because I sort of looked at my role as taking young men and and teaching them football, but also how to be men. You know? Like, it it was a it was like I could start with them, stay with them, and they would come to they would come to my team because I recruited with a certain philosophy. And the philosophy was, here's what I'm gonna teach you. I'm gonna teach you values. I'm gonna teach you team. I'm gonna teach you how to succeed in the sport, and then I'm gonna be with you for 3 to 4 years or 5 or however long it's gonna be.

Steve Palmer [:

And now it's not about that anymore. It's about you're gonna come to the school because they have 20,000,000 behind us in, name, image, likeness, money. Yep. And it, he just said it it's totally flipped it on its ear.

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, sure. And and when I said bribery earlier, I mean, just I mean, I think we all know. So, like, if there's a local car dealer that, wants to offer, half a $1,000,000 to a player to be his spokesperson, you do all the ads locally for that for that car dealership. I mean, yeah. I'll go to that school because that car dealer is willing to do. And that has nothing to do with my scholarship, but now it's all legal. And and it I mean, just flat out, you can bribe somebody to go to a certain school. All you have to do is is get the boosters to offer that guy, an advertising job.

Norm Murdock [:

And, you know, it's fine. Yeah. I mean, I just Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. No. It's it's it's crazy.

Norm Murdock [:

And that stuff that would have gotten the player disqualified and the team thrown out of the postseason, like, that was a huge crime in the past.

Steve Palmer [:

And did. Right?

Brett Johnson [:

And did. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

And did. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. And and, you know, and this kind of we we talked about the this a little bit last week about the Browns Stadium potentially moving and such.

Norm Murdock [:

And and

Brett Johnson [:

now it's gone all the way up to, you know, the corporate welfare state again. Now it's gone to DeWine's desk, and they're he's

Norm Murdock [:

And the Bengals now

Brett Johnson [:

He's meeting with them.

Norm Murdock [:

And the Bengals are now saying, well, what about us? Right? So whatever the state of Ohio spends in Cleveland, the people down in Cincinnati are saying, hey, us too.

Steve Palmer [:

Ordinarily, I would agree except the Browns are better.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, because so what I've heard, I heard him talk governor, looking at this at a from a bond standpoint from the state. He states the governor shouldn't be involved at this stage of the game at all, but he's but he he wants to talk to anybody who wants to talk. Yeah. It's like jeez. Okay. Yeah. Right. So anyway Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

But but yeah. He said looking at other pro sports stadiums, he also well, I did some digging into this too. It's like, okay. Great. We're seeing all this kind of money. I mean, the the Browns are asking for 2,400,000,000 with a b Yeah. For a domed stadium.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. For a completely new stadium in a suburb, not downtown.

Brett Johnson [:

Not downtown because they say they say it can't be done there. They say it can.

Norm Murdock [:

Because the FAA says if you put a dome on this, the the nearby airport there, Burke Lakefront Airport, it somehow interferes with the

Brett Johnson [:

flight. Exactly.

Norm Murdock [:

Which is a huge eye roll to me.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Just Or whatever. Yeah. So, I guess the the the mayor is offering a counter offer of you know, the city will offer 1 to 1,300,000,000 in renovations to keep the stadium where it is. But, Elsa heard, the city's not all that and love keeping the stadium there.

Steve Palmer [:

No. It's prime

Brett Johnson [:

They may want to take that back and kinda go go away. Sure. Because they they've always had a riverfront view problem and they're looking maybe recapturing that space. So, I don't think the Browns are gonna leave Oh,

Norm Murdock [:

they're not gonna Ohio. They they won't make that a park. No.

Steve Palmer [:

But but it's

Brett Johnson [:

that but

Norm Murdock [:

it It'll be a convention center.

Brett Johnson [:

Something, maybe. Who knows? Exactly. But it's that

Steve Palmer [:

I gotta tell

Brett Johnson [:

you. There is there is there is a little bit of temperature there that they they say, you know, k. You guys can go to where you wanna go maybe. I I don't know. It's interesting. I don't like I this whole the billionaire is asking for the state to help,

Steve Palmer [:

with when there's my stomach.

Brett Johnson [:

When there's no economic, and we're We

Steve Palmer [:

don't get anything for it. We

Brett Johnson [:

don't get anything for it. Exactly. I'm trying to get my

Norm Murdock [:

3 hours of nothing. Game. Come on.

Brett Johnson [:

8 times a year. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

If anything, let the city help. I don't care about it. If Cleveland wants to use its money, fine.

Brett Johnson [:

It's fine. Team. Yeah. Or the county, Cuyahoga County.

Steve Palmer [:

Maybe. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

You know?

Steve Palmer [:

And I I will say this. I've been in that city a handful of times, and it's really cool down there. You know? There's a lot of stuff going on around there. There's a lot the bar districts and,

Norm Murdock [:

and the Jacobs field.

Steve Palmer [:

Jake is there, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is just a hop, skip, and a jump away. I mean, it's a cool little entertainment district. Yeah. Somebody's got their eye on some development to do something else. I that's the only thing I could think. Yeah. Because I

Brett Johnson [:

guess the Buffalo Bills are in the same situation that, they're they're paying down some debt, but as fans, you could buy bonds that and just from a story I heard, the $5,000 a pop. And you'll and you'll get paid back, but it's from So no. From but this is from county money that you're already paying into, so you're paying yourself back. It's like again, there's no economic development Well,

Norm Murdock [:

the thing sports change. Nothing. The thing behind all this is the NFL franchises have never been more valuable. Yeah. I mean, I'm hearing, like, I mean, it's crazy money what what they're worth.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

And they do revenue sharing.

Brett Johnson [:

It's like a liquor license.

Norm Murdock [:

The more pop the more popular teams, their, their merch sales, a lot of it goes to the less popular teams. Like, they they they share this revenue. Yeah. And, you know, to to kinda make their their salary package sort of, you know, equitable. Mhmm. You know? So so, like, the Green Bay Packers out in the rural sticks

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

Can afford to pay people.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

They're not in a major area like, Los Angeles. Right? Right. Or New Jersey.

Brett Johnson [:

A market that can handle 3, 5, 7 teams of any Like

Norm Murdock [:

Gold Steinbrenner, you know, used to load up the Yankees with all these expensive baseball players. Well, the NFL has addressed that with revenue sharing. So these teams are super wealthy. And the idea that they go to the taxpayers and ask for anything is quite beyond.

Brett Johnson [:

It's a license to steal. It's a license. It truly is.

Norm Murdock [:

And what they're threatening, obviously, is we're gonna leave Cleveland again. You give us this or we're the hell out of here. And those people in Cleveland suffered with, you know, the Ravens, you know, their franchise leaving. They get it back again and this is

Brett Johnson [:

absolute come

Norm Murdock [:

on, man.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. They they say there's a model to this that look at the lease a year. So if it's like a 30 year lease, Yeah. At about year 20, the owners start to grumble.

Norm Murdock [:


Brett Johnson [:

They know it's a 10 year process

Norm Murdock [:

We're gonna leave.

Brett Johnson [:

To, okay, you throw ours, we'll throw yours, that sort of thing. We want new because we want better, we want better boxes, suites to sell. Right. We want all this kind of crowd that go around, you know, the little play areas for the kids, crawl walls, or whatever the case might be.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, the classic is Al Davis. How many times did he move the Raiders? Right? True. What? 5, 6 times in the last 40 years? I mean, they've been all over. Yeah. And now they're they're in, Las Vegas. Right?

Brett Johnson [:

Yes. Nowhere the franchise Yeah. Las Vegas now. Yeah. Exactly. Which was you would think I'd be almost the last market for a football team.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. It just Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Because that's Vegas.

Steve Palmer [:

But Vegas. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Exactly. Just

Norm Murdock [:

whoever pays. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah. So, you know, obviously, this is just the beginning of it, but you're right. It will affect other cities. What will Cincinnati do? What will, you know, how will that affect

Norm Murdock [:

the world? They're already yeah. They're already saying we we whatever you do there, we want it.

Steve Palmer [:

And you can't blame him for that.

Brett Johnson [:

No. You can't. But it's that but dang, this stuff's gotta stop some point in time.

Norm Murdock [:

You know?

Brett Johnson [:

And it and that's gotta come from the top. The state can maybe say a little bit about this. Like, you know, you guys take care of it locally. We're not helping you statewide. We're not helping you.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. This is a local problem.

Brett Johnson [:

Because Look. A a Cleveland Stadium does not help a Cincinnati market.

Steve Palmer [:

I do not.

Brett Johnson [:

It does not help

Steve Palmer [:

us in pay a single penny in taxes that goes to the Cleveland Browns.

Norm Murdock [:

No. Yeah.

Brett Johnson [:

Or or the Bengals.

Steve Palmer [:

It's not like we get to go for free.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it's Exactly.

Brett Johnson [:

And tickets, they're saying tickets could be up to $400 in another Right. 10 to 15 years.

Norm Murdock [:

And the state of Ohio. Right? It consists of more than 2 cities that have NFL franchises. So imagine you're the mayor of Toledo or or the mayor of Springfield, Ohio or whatever. Right? You're looking at this and you're why do these cities get this huge influx of of taxpayer funds when we're out here? We don't have an NFL franchise. You know, like, where's the, where's the development money for Toledo?

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:


Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Nothing. Yeah. You know?

Steve Palmer [:

We've been in Toledo a few times lately. It needs a little bit. Oh, yeah. Needs a bit out.

Norm Murdock [:

Or Or Or Dayton.

Brett Johnson [:

Yes. Mike and could.

Steve Palmer [:

He leaves a little bit updating. Right. Although, they do have a pretty cool, minor league ball.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah. Well, and it it's it's interesting you bring up it's interesting you bring up Dayton because Dayton is such it's so positioned well that that it's just a short drive to Columbus and short drive to Cincinnati.

Norm Murdock [:

And it's on 70, and it's on 70.

Brett Johnson [:

You have all this entertainment around you.

Norm Murdock [:


Brett Johnson [:

just never really got it there. It's almost like a suburb

Norm Murdock [:

of both Columbus and Cincinnati to a

Brett Johnson [:

certain degree. But yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Exactly. Anyway It's it's yes. Certainly not an equitable way to spend taxpayer.

Brett Johnson [:

No. It's not.

Norm Murdock [:

You know, to go to the 2 big cities. No. Oh, okay. Columbus too. But Yeah. We should talk a little bit about the, softball interview last night. If I don't know if you guys watched it. Did not.

Norm Murdock [:

It was, pretty terrible.

Steve Palmer [:

I felt so good last night. I got a lot of work done yesterday. I had been on the road all week long. I was in Marietta. I was all the way then I went from Marietta to Delaware, and then I had to drive out to Noble County to visit a client in prison. So it's, like, back to almost Marietta. And, you know, yesterday, I finally was able to get home. What I like to do is I like to get everything done at the office and go home and finish my day the last 2 hours or 3 hours on emails at home.

Steve Palmer [:

And I got all that done. I was not gonna ruin my movie.

Norm Murdock [:

Why ruin my movie?

Steve Palmer [:

By watching Comma Chameleon. The double talk on CNN.

Norm Murdock [:

I think what Steve's saying is, what can be for him was unburdened by what has been

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Earlier in the day.

Steve Palmer [:

Wasn't gonna unburden my future with the passage of time. Well

Norm Murdock [:

well, she had some doozies and, she had her minder there. Right? Tim Tim Waltz. I mean, I

Steve Palmer [:

And what was Ed Asner doing there?

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. So it was and and so she didn't I think for her her her devoted followers, she didn't hurt herself, but I don't think she gained anything either. It it it was it was a it's just a series of softballs questions like, you know, would you consider having a Republican on your cat in your cabinet? Like, okay. That's hard. Like, oh, no. I want diversity. Yeah. I mean, come on.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, Obama had the the or or or Bush had Norman at a you know, there was Ray LaHood, you know. Well,

Brett Johnson [:

this doesn't reflect on her then. Just reflects on the interview itself.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. It's terrible. This is this this shows you the dis disingenuousness

Brett Johnson [:

of the ratings opportunity.

Norm Murdock [:

It does.

Steve Palmer [:

If I had Kamala Harris here, like, we could and look, I wouldn't be mean about it. But it's like, look, you said you were gonna get rid of fracking, and now you're not. What changed? Is it just to get votes so you can go back? What's going on?

Norm Murdock [:

So I don't wanna strenuously disagree with my colleague here. But the fact is she hasn't done an interview for 6 weeks. The interview she finally sets up includes like she's gotta go in there with a committee and she chooses the most friendly network.

Steve Palmer [:

Not live, by the way, either.

Norm Murdock [:

And no. It was taped and they only gave they only gave us a half an hour of the one hour of tape. And I'd like to know what's on the cutting room floor, you know, what was left out. It should have been live and it should have been, you know, obviously, like, Trump goes to networks that hate him. He's been on MSNBC and and CNN and, you know, he'll he'll go talk to anybody because he just doesn't give a rip, you know. It like, he'll he'll give his answers and they whether they're popular or not, that's the way it is. Yep. But she she she is clearly afraid to be really grilled on her flip flops.

Norm Murdock [:

And when she says, for example, last night she said, oh, I made it very clear during the 2020 campaign that I was not against fracking. And, the, the the bullshit detectors out there in the media cannot find a single second in any of the debates where she said that she was not against fracking. In fact, in speaking to groups, she she directly answered, are you against fracking? She said absolutely.

Steve Palmer [:

Absolutely. And there's tape of her arm.

Brett Johnson [:

So so

Norm Murdock [:

it's just complete bullshit. I mean, she is trying to reinvent. She has turned into a Republican in the last 6 weeks. It's basically you go down the list other than her her wacky economic thing about I'm gonna give you $25,000 if it's your first house and, and we're gonna tax you on unrealized so you haven't sold your your item yet, but we're gonna tax you on it as if you did sell it. I mean, it so her unrealized capital gains idea.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, we we you and I talked about this. I wanna clear the record on this because you and I talked about this. She does have this idea of of taxing unrealized capital gains, but it's only for those who hold a 100,000,000 in assets. So it's not like you and I it's not a well, I don't know about you, Norm, but I don't have a 100,000,000 in assets. Yeah. So it's not it's not like every every day Joe.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, the question is, how do they find out if you have a

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Well, I'm not defending. I'm not defending it. I'm just correcting it because we didn't we didn't say that last time. And it doesn't make it any better. It it in in it's Of course. And in a lot of ways, it it it will be just as impactful because those who have a 100,000,000 assets are are, like, running businesses and and and and

Norm Murdock [:

Or they're businesses to themselves or their corporation.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Or their corporate or whatever it is. So Yeah. It's and and they're just gonna they're gonna dodge it. They're they're never gonna pay that. You know, it's like, they're gonna either sell the asset or they're gonna offset with depreciation somewhere else. I mean, something will happen. It's it's just nonsense.

Norm Murdock [:

It's just it's it's also the camel's nose. So you start there.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, that's right. Then it's incremental. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, go on.

Steve Palmer [:

So So a 100,000,000 will work for them. Why not? A 100,000,000. Yeah. Everybody has tried this. It it doesn't work. Right? No. I I think the Scandinavian countries had some version of this years ago, and it was an abject failure.

Norm Murdock [:

That's why we have something like, what is it? 800,000 Venezuelans now in the United States. Because they tried this kind of stuff in Venezuela. They leave. They crash the economy and Venezuela's emptied out its prisons and now they're up here.

Steve Palmer [:

This is why. See

Norm Murdock [:

Taking taking over apartment buildings in Aurora, Colorado.

Steve Palmer [:

And I understand comma now might be open to a border wall, but this is why those kind of countries

Norm Murdock [:

Isn't that rich?

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Not rich.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Venezuela, the Soviet Union, the Berlin Wall. It's like these countries have to build walls to keep people in.

Norm Murdock [:

She called Right. Yeah. She called Trump's idea of a border wall a vanity project from the medieval times.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

You know, like like, this is a medieval solution, you know, and and he's doing it for vanity reasons. And then she becomes a republican this past month and now she's for the wall.

Steve Palmer [:

And now she's for it.

Norm Murdock [:

So it's Kamala's vanity wall. Now It it and it's Kamala is in favor of

Steve Palmer [:

And she's

Norm Murdock [:

not really for it.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, let's let's be let's be honest about this. Stop

Norm Murdock [:

it. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Where where where then why did you why why did you and your administration then, immediately cancel the completion of the wall as soon as you came in office?

Steve Palmer [:

Well and this is like look. You don't have to be a genius. And most of most of the conservative commentators are are making the same point, so I don't claim it to be mine. But it's like the response to everything that she says is why didn't you do it?

Norm Murdock [:

Right. And so on immigration, last night, they they roll out this trope again, her and Walt, that Trump somehow killed this bipartisan senate.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. Blame Trump for everything. So

Norm Murdock [:

so let's talk again because at the time, we talked about what was in that bill. It was nothing the president would be doing until you reached 5,000 illegals per day. So what it did is it established a a red line of 5,000 illegals per day over the course of I think it was a 3 months and then it would trigger these powers of the president to do something about it. Powers that he already has and didn't need under this legislation. So 5 thou we figured out 5,000 people a day. It was basically sanctioning something like a a1000000 or a1000000 and a half, illegals per year before the president could do anything about it. 365 times 5000.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look. She's at the same time, she they're they're promoting offering these people zero interest loans to get houses. Right? So they

Norm Murdock [:

Out in California, they want to give illegals between a $125,015,000 to buy a house.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

I mean and California is, like, 30 I think $30,000,000,000 in debt. Their their budget is

Steve Palmer [:

Well and then what was the tax bill years ago? I think Trump killed it, where, basically, you were gonna get a deduction if you lived in California off your federal income tax because of your high California. And so, basically, they're they're sort of off shooting all their tax burden on the rest of us. Right. And I think Trump killed it. That'll be back under these people. Oh, yeah. So but, you know, here's what they didn't ask her. You know, are you in favor of packing the court, the US Supreme Court? Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Are you in favor of adding, like, Washington DC as a state and, maybe but what's the other one? They're always talking about adding. I'm drawn Oh,

Norm Murdock [:

like Puerto Rico? Puerto Rico as a

Brett Johnson [:

state. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

Or or they didn't ask her about SCOTUS, which the Supreme Court just once again told Biden he can't do the student debt forgiveness.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, they're no. No.

Norm Murdock [:

They're gonna pay for it. Yesterday. Why didn't she ask about that?

Steve Palmer [:

They're gonna pack the court.

Norm Murdock [:

Why should why should plumbers, roofers, drywallers, Walmart greeters, why should their taxes go to pay for some somebody going to law school or medical school or getting a humanities degree? What why do those people deserve to have their debt removed? Right. Because the elites are more important

Brett Johnson [:

than that.

Norm Murdock [:

In the rusty pickup truck. Right? Who's putting in your fence?

Steve Palmer [:

This is classism at its at its worst. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

But Dana Bash didn't ask about that.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, no. She didn't ask about whether or not they were gonna restructure the Supreme Court, meaning pack the court. Yes. Right? Add justice because they don't like the outcome of some of these decisions. Exactly. Or at least, limit or create term limits

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Or, add 2 states so they get 2 more senators each.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. And since she's not against, fracking now, why did her administration just this week, reversed the Trump, Alaska policy on drilling and for gas and oil up on public on public land in Alaska? Lies.

Brett Johnson [:

Lies. Are

Norm Murdock [:

you going to renew the pipeline that was canceled?

Steve Palmer [:

Of course not. She's not gonna do any of this. Right. They're gonna get rid of the filibuster. It's like if they had their way, and I'm not saying it's gonna happen. Right. But I think if you're interviewing Kamala Harris and Ed Asner Yeah. You're gonna have to ask these questions.

Steve Palmer [:

What is your agenda? What's the long term agenda? How do you feel about, getting rid of the filibuster in the senate? Would you support that?

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

How do you feel about adding Supreme Court justices and creating term limits so you can put, your liberal justices or the justices that you like on the court? How do you feel about adding states so the left gets 2 more or really 4 more senators and takes over the senate? It's like, what is your position on these things? Because these are huge ideas, folks. I mean, this changes the fundamental structure of our country probably forever. Right. And and they haven't they have an unspoken it's not unspoken, but if you go look for it, this is what they're advocating.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. This is

Steve Palmer [:

what they want. And what is Kamala Harris's viewpoint on it? And I look. I fear that I've said it before. I mean, I think she's getting elected. I think she's gonna get elected. I hope she doesn't. But I think she is. And I I now I'm starting to worry about the rest of the the house and the senate.

Steve Palmer [:

You know, it's like, it this could this could change the landscape of our country permanently.

Brett Johnson [:

Let's go to, the DC and the Puerto Rico idea. How heavy of a lift is that to create the to bring them in states, though? Is is that a reality?

Steve Palmer [:

If they have both yeah. If they have both sides of congress, it's it's like it

Brett Johnson [:

well I I mean, just I mean, I'm asking. I don't know. I've never my lifetime my lifetime, I've never we never added

Steve Palmer [:

a state. DC's been on

Brett Johnson [:

the I

Norm Murdock [:

don't know.

Steve Palmer [:

DC's been on a chopping block now for a number of years.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, DC DC requires a constitutional amendment because the constitution sets aside a national capital Okay. That cannot be a state.

Steve Palmer [:

There was a vote a couple years ago.

Brett Johnson [:

Other we've got 2 other territories with Guam as well. Right? So you

Norm Murdock [:

could if if the DC thing doesn't work American Samoa.

Brett Johnson [:

Yes. Very that's the other one.

Norm Murdock [:

If you have any.

Steve Palmer [:

Is it realistic? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. But and it's worth a discussion.

Norm Murdock [:

But Yeah. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

The fact that they wanna do it Yeah. To me is very telling. If they're not capable of getting it done, I think that's awesome. They're not capable of getting it done. But if they want to do it, you have to ask why.

Norm Murdock [:

The Puerto Rican people themselves have voted down statehood several times this time. They don't

Brett Johnson [:

want I was just trying to think

Steve Palmer [:

of what

Brett Johnson [:

did I hear? He's not recently, but in the last couple years, in regards to them, discussing joining us. They don't want to.

Steve Palmer [:

They don't want to.

Brett Johnson [:

So it's it's that

Steve Palmer [:

And maybe it backfires. Maybe if maybe it goes the other way. Maybe the Republicans get another couple of senators. But

Brett Johnson [:

You never know.

Steve Palmer [:

The the fact is that they they're advocating for these positions, and nobody's asking them why. Right. Like, why why do you think

Norm Murdock [:

It's it's self evident.

Steve Palmer [:

To grab the power. I know, but make them say it.

Brett Johnson [:

Make them say it. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

Make them say it. Yeah. So if I had a if I were cross examining a witness and it's self evident, I'm gonna make the witness say it. What did you say right there?

Brett Johnson [:

Put it on record.

Steve Palmer [:

In fact, why not, Kamala, why don't I show you this clip of you saying you're gonna get rid of fracking? Why don't we play your debate question when you said, oh, Joe, yes, we can.

Norm Murdock [:

When we

Steve Palmer [:

can get rid of guns, we can just do it.

Norm Murdock [:

And especially being a taped interview, they could have interspersed the segments with her prior statements.

Steve Palmer [:

And what would they have done with Trump?

Norm Murdock [:

Oh, that's they would have hammered it.

Steve Palmer [:

Skewered him.

Norm Murdock [:

Exactly. Right. So her dodge frequently in this, interview, was that her values haven't changed. And that is that is the cutest, dumbest reply to anything. So for example, you could sit down, Ralph Nader across from me and we could talk about the environment and we would both say our shared value is I want clean air and clean water. It's how you get to that that is the difference. And we can both say, oh, I'm for peace in the Middle East. But how do you get to peace in the Middle East can be very different policies.

Norm Murdock [:

So to say that your values haven't changed is is like a non answer. It's it's just

Brett Johnson [:

It may not be questioning your values. It is questioning the path to getting where you

Norm Murdock [:

want. What's

Steve Palmer [:

your plan?

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. What's the question? It is a fair for both sides.

Norm Murdock [:

For both sides. Everybody is

Steve Palmer [:

is. Question. She is bad.

Norm Murdock [:

She she is playing around in the Merc. She she wants it to be fuzzy.

Steve Palmer [:

Her values haven't changed.

Norm Murdock [:

Her values haven't changed.

Steve Palmer [:

She believes whatever's gonna give her the most power and get her elected. That is her primary fundamental value. That is it.

Norm Murdock [:

She says that we need to reject the last 10 years of leadership in Washington DC. And Dana needed to say, but you're the last 4 of those candidates. You're

Steve Palmer [:

a part of this. But aren't you aren't you

Norm Murdock [:

dumb DB? You know?

Steve Palmer [:

You don't even have to be remotely intelligent to to see that question.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. Like Well, when when you talk like a Valley girl who so her her mannerisms just irritate the crap out of me that

Steve Palmer [:

Who's her? Is it talking about, the the or the interviewer or the interviewee?

Norm Murdock [:

Kamala. I I can't stand to listen to her talk because people complain about mansplaining. Right? She does valley girlsplaining. Well, a timeline is a series of deadlines that you have to meet on time. And you're like, you know, okay. A coconut tree? Yeah. She just she she rolls out these these planets. And then she laughs like Idi Amin Dada Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

At at the end of the airport. She she, you know, oh.

Brett Johnson [:

Of course.

Norm Murdock [:

Of course. Of course. Of course. Everything will be fine.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. I have to listen to her differently now in regards to this this explaining that you just because I I didn't catch her, but that that I've not heard her speak over a long period of time

Steve Palmer [:

Go listen.

Brett Johnson [:

To to for that deterioration.

Steve Palmer [:

Oh, listen. Here's the

Brett Johnson [:

thing. To.

Steve Palmer [:

Here's the thing. When she is off the teleprompter Oh, forgot. She is abysmally bad. I mean, abysmally bad. She has, like, these long word salad explanations that mean nothing. Like

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

Like, unburdened future. We have 2

Brett Johnson [:

candidates that are terrible off off.

Steve Palmer [:

That's right.

Brett Johnson [:

That, though. That's the thing. It's so sad.

Norm Murdock [:

Once again, I'm voting for the least terrible. The problem

Steve Palmer [:

is Trump's problem is he unlike Kamala, like, she will actually stay on the teleprompter and read what's said. And when Trump gets up there and it's on the teleprompter, it's he's like, oh, I'm gonna die now. Heck of that. I'm gonna so now he has even more. He's

Norm Murdock [:

I will know

Brett Johnson [:

I have more.

Norm Murdock [:

That, I will note that governor Brian Kemp of Georgia and Trump have like like, now they're they're buddies.

Steve Palmer [:

Trump Trump Trump has sort of zeroed in again. I mean, Trump Trump is like, he's learned. Yeah. So he's he's making amends with Kemp. He is,

Norm Murdock [:

Kemp had a fundraiser for

Steve Palmer [:

him. Yeah. And he's got RFK Junior in his camp. He's got, Tulsi is now in his camp.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know? And and look, I think it's telling that those kind of powerhouses are throwing in their lot with Trump. And what they're really saying like, if you listen to what, Elon Musk Elon Musk you listen to what these people are saying. It's not that they like Trump so much. It's just that what's going on in the left is is significantly more dangerous

Norm Murdock [:

than Trump. Out of control.

Steve Palmer [:

I mean, Michigan's a perfect example. They had RFK so RFK leaves the race. And he actually has this long speech that says, I'm gonna take my name off the ballot wherever it could change the outcome of the election. Right. So he doesn't wanna be the spoiler. Right. Now, you know, I get it. Then he goes and throws his lot in with Trump.

Steve Palmer [:

So to some extent, he's saying, well but he's taking his name off the ballot. Michigan, for instance, is fighting that. Michigan won't let him take his name off the ballot. Meanwhile, what's the other Democratic candidate? The Cornwell? Mhmm.

Norm Murdock [:

Corn Cornell West.

Brett Johnson [:

Or Cornell. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

I said Cornell. Cornell West. Yeah. They are not letting him on the ballot.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

So they have one candidate they won't let on the ballot.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, they fought He's running. They fought RFK getting on the ballot. And and they fought Donald Trump getting on the ballot.

Steve Palmer [:

Now they're not

Norm Murdock [:

If you guys remember Yeah. That right? They said, oh, he's disqualified because of j6. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

So the the the the party of democracy Right. That basically crowned their candidate without an election. Right.

Norm Murdock [:

Not a single vote for Kamala Harris.

Steve Palmer [:

Excluded all other primary candidates, essentially, when Biden was still on the ticket. Right. Did not have any votes at the I mean, there was really no question about the convention. There was nothing.

Norm Murdock [:

It was done over telephone before the convention.

Steve Palmer [:

They will not let any candidates on or off the ballot if it's either way, whichever way helps them. Right. It's like, this is, like, all you have to do is start looking at this stuff. It's happening. And and I I I am not advocating to take the Democrats off the ballot, but just put everybody on the ballot. Like, who would say that you can't be on the ballot?

Norm Murdock [:

Well, if you want to withdraw from a race And who

Brett Johnson [:

would say you

Steve Palmer [:

have to be on the ballot? Not a candidate.

Brett Johnson [:

Exactly. Right. So then,

Norm Murdock [:

like, if I had I always look at this. I find So they're in

Steve Palmer [:

court, just to your point. They're in court, Robert RFK Junior, has lawyers in court

Norm Murdock [:

suing to get off the ballot.

Brett Johnson [:

To get

Steve Palmer [:

off the ballot. So you would have to ask the Democrats, why do you want him on a ballot? Exactly. Like, why on earth would you want him

Norm Murdock [:

In order to tamper with the election,

Steve Palmer [:

that's why. Confusing? Yeah. Isn't it like, even if there's a law that says he has to stay on the ballot because of some time deadline or something, it's like, wait a minute. Do we have time to get him off the ballot? Can we make this happen in the days of computers? Yeah. I mean, in TikTok? Well,

Brett Johnson [:

they've got to print it for the international vote. That's gonna go over the overseas vote is got they they gonna get that done here soon. I I think there's, what is it, a 60, 75 day? I don't know what the window is, but they have to start printing that to mail them internationally.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, if it were tomorrow, that'd be one thing. But all this like, they're they're clearly stalling in order to keep him on the ballot because what they're really saying is we think that people are gonna screw up and vote for RFK when they would have voted for Trump. Yeah. That's what it's like they're trying to rig it.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, speaking of, some of these other issues, it And and now we I think it's this week, isn't it, that Trump has to appear in court for his sentencing? Isn't that coming up?

Steve Palmer [:

This week or next week.

Norm Murdock [:

This week or next week.

Steve Palmer [:

He could be in jail.

Norm Murdock [:

You talk about another another election interference, game that's being played. So they took a record keeping arguably, a record keeping mistake or misallocation or something, and they turned it into 34 felonies.

Steve Palmer [:

What do you guys think about this? I mean, what do you look, irrespective of the nature of the case, which we've talked about and it's, you know, it's clearly politically motivated. But if Trump goes to jail or prison here, what do you think that does for the election? Do you think it helps him or do you think it hurts him? I'm

Norm Murdock [:

not sure it changes anything. I

Brett Johnson [:

don't know. I don't know.

Norm Murdock [:

I think it's baked in. Those who don't give a shit that he's a convicted felon on phony charges have already they've already factored that.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. The conviction is already I I think the I was thinking about the idea. I was like

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, they've tried to kill him. Right? They've they've convicted him.

Steve Palmer [:

And they've died him in in 4 different places.

Norm Murdock [:

And some lady some lady in a department store can't remember what dress she had on or or what year it was, who who writes for Playboy Magazine and claims that the incident destroyed her interest in sex even though she writes for Playboy. You know, he owes her 1 and a half $1,000,000,000 or some crazy amount of money because he he said, no. I didn't sexually assault this lady. So I mean, it's just more it's just more shit that they've thrown at this guy to try to smear him. And I think people who think that, people who have have have chewed on the on the idea that there's a that he's a convict and that he was accused of sexual assault and he's this and he's that and he's the other thing. I think they've I think that's already been factored in. I don't think it changes the vote at all.

Brett Johnson [:

At this stage of the game, I I I kinda tend to agree. If it were a year ago or a year and a half ago, maybe a little different. I don't know. Maybe. I don't but, again,

Norm Murdock [:

I It might make you

Brett Johnson [:

more fun. I think you've already made up your mind whether he's in jail or not. I I Alright.

Steve Palmer [:

I have.

Brett Johnson [:

Maybe? I

Steve Palmer [:

have. But what what if you're in the middle? And it's, like, you know, that what if you're the suburban vote in the middle that they say is gonna change this election one way or another. Right. So on the one hand, you could say, well, I'm not gonna vote for this guy. He's in prison because he's in prison. On the other hand, you would say, man, it doesn't really seem fair that they would send him to prison now right before the election. Doesn't that seem like a little bit of an overreach?

Norm Murdock [:

Well, it's banana republic.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

I mean, this is this is what dictators do.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. So if I were let's let's let's just say, even if I had the agenda of the Democrats

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

I would say postpone this sentencing until after the election so we at least avoid the appearance of impropriety. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

And you know how much okay. Go in the opposite direction, how much mileage the Democratic Party would get

Steve Palmer [:

for that? That into a plus. You could say we want to be the

Brett Johnson [:

prime minister. Branch

Norm Murdock [:

out. Wow. I've often said That could be big. The biggest play Biden could have done would have been to pardon

Steve Palmer [:

Pardon Trump.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Would have been they went after him.

Norm Murdock [:

Would have been huge.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. I bet you almost if they had a pardon him, he may not have even run. You know? It's like

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know, it's it's such a

Norm Murdock [:

It outraged him so much. No. He he

Steve Palmer [:

I was calling for that. I was like, if I'm Biden, I pardon him right away. Now I

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, I think he well, since I've got Trump's ego, he was gonna run no matter what.

Steve Palmer [:

You're you're probably right. But but you take away

Brett Johnson [:

that good what ifs? Oh, you love this. Yeah.

Norm Murdock [:

You take away that talking point, every interview opens up. Are you grateful to president Biden for for having pardoned you?

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

I mean Yes. And then he's gonna say something nice.

Steve Palmer [:

So right. Yes. He has to. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Without being a yeah. Jerk. He'd say, oh my gosh. Yeah.

Steve Palmer [:

Wow. Instead, they went after him. They went after him. And 10 times over. And so, like like I said, if I'm the Democratic party and I have any control over this prosecution, which you sort of do. Yeah. Or if I'm the trial judge, I would say, guys, I am not. I am not gonna

Norm Murdock [:

send you.

Steve Palmer [:

I'm postponing this sentencing until January.

Brett Johnson [:

Biden is in this perfect situation to do this right now. He's not for up for reelection. He's done. Well, he do it.

Norm Murdock [:

He could pardon Trump and Hunter and get away with it.

Steve Palmer [:

He could. Yeah. But he won't do that until after the election.

Norm Murdock [:

But so just this week also, Jack Smith, on the case that was thrown out in its entirety in the federal case on records, down in Florida, the the federal judge threw out that entire case and Jack Smith has rejiggered his indictment to exclude the communications within the White House that the Supreme Court said were not, you know, that that's covered under presidential immunity. So he can't let this go. So so Jack Smith has reindicted Trump, gone to a grand jury, got fresh indictments, and and is still pursuing this records case. And it's just like a pile on. And I think I think even Democrats have to concede this is just giving Trump more ammunition. It's it's making him more of a sympathetic figure that he's being martyred and persecuted. Yeah. It will it

Brett Johnson [:

will increase donations as well too. That's right. There'll be an influx of money

Norm Murdock [:

So so for for

Brett Johnson [:

for the reelection cap.

Norm Murdock [:

So Steve, you touched on the Zuckerberg. You you at least dropped his name. Big news with, congressman This

Steve Palmer [:

is huge news. Right?

Norm Murdock [:

Huge news. And if you guys remember a couple of years ago, I said the biggest story was gonna be freedom of speech. And Zuckerberg did confirm the Matt Taibbi Twitter and Facebook releases that the files that they put out once Elon bought, Twitter and and Facebook had to disgorge a bunch of information that, in fact, the FBI and the CIA under White House orders and direction were sent to Silicon Valley to do what the government could not do itself, to actually like the Louisiana case, which which the Supreme Court threw out. But the Louisiana, case with the state of the attorney general of Missouri and Louisiana brought against Facebook and Twitter. Those allegations were admitted to by Zuckerberg in writing to Jim Jordan, congressman from Ohio, that they did visit, they did pressure, they did twist arms, and they did, finally succeed in getting Silicon Valley to squash the Hunter Biden, Joe Biden bribery allegations that were on that laptop. And number 2, to squash any COVID descent, any anything about alternative treatments, anything anti vaxx, anything about the origin of COVID. Oh, it couldn't be from the Wuhan lab even though it came from Wuhan. Right? The germ came from Lou Wuhan.

Norm Murdock [:

You know? So all the common sense conclusions, all the things that you would normally say are clues were were were squashed by the FBI. And and and Zuckerberg admitted it. And the FBI lied about it in testimony to Congress.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Now, look, the the the the story is is huge in and of itself. I mean, basically, it's come out now. What what we've all been sort of, railing about now for 2 years or 3 years or even more. Yeah. The question is, why Zuckerberg coming out with this now? Is he about to get exposed? Was a letter

Brett Johnson [:

coming out? Timing of it.

Steve Palmer [:

Like, why is he coming out?

Norm Murdock [:

Because a Telegram guy got arrested in Paris for for

Steve Palmer [:

yeah. Makes sense.

Norm Murdock [:

For allowing, supposedly illegal conduct to happen on his messaging, app. And so Zuckerberg and Musk have to be looking at this going, oh, I better not fly to France.

Steve Palmer [:

You know? And and they're vowing to prosecute these guys.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, because there's there's haters like, Steve and Norm and Brett that have this little show where we talk about illegal things that the French don't want us to talk about. So so yeah. Right.

Brett Johnson [:

Oui oui.

Norm Murdock [:

But if if we were really big fish, you know, like, like like old Rush Limbaugh used to be or, Glenn Beck or whatever, those guys got to be wondering, you know, will I get arrested in Europe? Yeah. Yeah. Because this is hate speech. When you talk about things openly, right, this is considered hate. We're we're engaging in hate speech right now.

Brett Johnson [:

In some depending on who's wearing the glasses and the and the headphones, you're right. It can't You

Norm Murdock [:

can't talk about reality because that's hate.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. And and I think this is a bigger picture too.

Norm Murdock [:

Even if you love everybody.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Right. Exactly. And, I think you could take the a look at this as a bigger picture like just be careful what you read and see on social media.

Steve Palmer [:


Brett Johnson [:

It's a great big picture of this. It's that It's not news. Don't allow that those platforms to be your news source.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, Zuckerberg may to do your homework. In particular, Zuckerberg made made a decision to have fact checkers. Right? So he became an editor of the content on Facebook, and that's not what section 230 had in mind.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, this is the this is the section 230 problem. So they've got immunity right now. Those those big platforms have immunity because they're basically cork boards for the, the middlemen for the public.

Norm Murdock [:

Public square. That's the idea.

Steve Palmer [:

So it's like you're posting on the public square. So if I go post a a message, and I the owner of the message board doesn't moderate it in any way, well, he enjoys immunity.

Norm Murdock [:

Yes. Right.

Steve Palmer [:

You can't be sued for what other people say. But once you start tinkering with it, once you start meddling and who can say what

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You're opening yourself up to lawsuits for defamation of character or libel or libel. No.

Brett Johnson [:

They've always meddled with it though. If you think about it and maybe it's not changing the content, but it's allowing how often and when you get to see the content. For example, if you Yeah. If you follow our show on Facebook, that doesn't mean you're gonna see every post.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. It gets throttle by the

Brett Johnson [:

But they

Norm Murdock [:

get throttle. The Telegram guy is in trouble with France because he didn't moderate.

Steve Palmer [:

Because he didn't moderate.

Norm Murdock [:

Because he let it hell's a poppin'. You can post whatever you want. If you want to post the instructions on how to make an atomic weapon, you know, like the trucker who wrote a whole book about it and it was published in the US, If you wanna post that, the telegrams guy, like, I'm not reading your post. I'm not reading your message.

Steve Palmer [:

I'm just giving you the I'm giving you the corkboard.

Norm Murdock [:

You AT and T doesn't monitor your telephone calls. When I call up grandma and I say, hey, grandma, do you have that trap shotgun set up behind the front door when you go on vacation? Well, that's illegal. You can't do that. But AT and T doesn't tell me. They don't interrupt the phone call and say, you can't tell your grandma that. But if you're on Facebook and say that, supposedly, Zuckerberg has a duty to censor that speech. And that's what France is upset with. The Telegram guy didn't censor people.

Steve Palmer [:

Yeah. And look. And he didn't censor people in a way that the government would have wanted him to. So we're not talking about censoring everybody. It's talking about sensing people who are dissenting from their ideas.

Norm Murdock [:

Exactly right. Yeah. Yeah. Like like on immigration. You know, like, the you you have unfettered immigration, and they would say, oh, that's because you hate brown and black people. No. I don't care. I don't care if they're coming from Sweden.

Norm Murdock [:

I don't care I don't care what country they're coming from. I don't want illegal immigration. Like, it's against the law. It's a felony, you know. But it's it's considered hate speech and racist somehow. And I I don't know how that got started.

Brett Johnson [:

I I could say Zuckerberg, some days he has to be sitting going, what the hell did I create?

Norm Murdock [:

He should've just what the hell did I do? If the Neo Nazis wanna have a Facebook page, let them have a Facebook page. I mean, it's America. We know that there's dirty rotten sick people. Oh my gosh. Yes. And if they wanna have their stupid page, let them have their

Steve Palmer [:

stupid page. This is this is the argument. Right? And anybody who has studied the real value of free speech understands this. Yes. The only medicine for awful stupid ideas is to expose them.

Norm Murdock [:

Let them have their

Brett Johnson [:


Steve Palmer [:

Is the truth.

Norm Murdock [:

Let them have their parade. They can have their speeches.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Yeah. I I

Steve Palmer [:

I I gets to go. Write their

Norm Murdock [:


Brett Johnson [:

I was just gonna say, let the KKK go on the state house lawn. Do not protest it. Look how stupid. Don't show up for that.

Norm Murdock [:

Look how stupid they look out there with their stupid hats.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Saying that they hate they hate Jews. They hate Catholics. They hate blacks.

Steve Palmer [:

Here's a perfect example of this. I was arguing with

Norm Murdock [:

They look like idiots.

Steve Palmer [:

This is back in the BLM takeover the city or the when they were riding around Columbus, and I was pissed. I mean, I was like, look, I can't get to work. And now they're telling me I have a curfew, so I'm not allowed to come to work. It's like, this is absurd. Shut this stuff down. And, you know, the person I was arguing with was telling me, well, look. They have a right to go I was like, no. They don't.

Steve Palmer [:

You don't have a right to shut down the city. You have a right to go get a permit.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

And you have a right to go create and schedule your protest. Do it.

Norm Murdock [:

That's right.

Steve Palmer [:

I encourage it. I will represent you to help you do it. Exactly. I will be there at your side even though I disagree with your message. I will assist you in doing it. Of course. And I said, this is the difference. And she was like, well, the KKK got to do it.

Steve Palmer [:

And I said, yeah. But they were smarter. They went and got their permits. And she was, you're calling them smarter. And I'm like, listen. And he said, but you saw what happened there. They shift the debate, like, somehow, I'm favoring white supremacists because I call them smart enough to go get a permit. And I'm not.

Steve Palmer [:

I think they're idiots. I think they're morons, but they But if they

Norm Murdock [:

know how to get a permit.

Steve Palmer [:

They would go get

Brett Johnson [:

a permit. Legally. Yes.

Steve Palmer [:

Then you can take over the state house lawn lawfully. Yeah. But don't screw up my life by shutting down my city, breaking windows Sure. And creating a danger to everybody to ruining private businesses. You can't tolerate that. I don't care what the message is.

Norm Murdock [:

Sure. I mean, when you shut down a street, that's an act of violence. Ambulances can't go down that street. Fire departments can't go down that street. Police can't respond because you you shut down the street.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

So you're affecting other people's lives.

Steve Palmer [:

Yes. You

Norm Murdock [:

know? Yes. Natural life and life and death.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, property damages and violence. I I saw the Kachinger's guy sweeping up the window of his store, this huge storefront window over on Third Street.

Norm Murdock [:


Steve Palmer [:

You know, just with his head down, he just looks so dejected. And it's like, you know, that guy probably believes in your cause.

Brett Johnson [:

Oh, he

Norm Murdock [:

that catchangers hosted Hillary, like like, for coffee.

Steve Palmer [:

Even if he doesn't, he didn't deserve to have his window broken.

Brett Johnson [:

Not. No.

Steve Palmer [:

And, of course, not. Pay taxes to protect our property. Right. And

Norm Murdock [:

He probably had a BLM decal or a George Floyd breaking on his on the same window that they brought.

Steve Palmer [:

Or maybe he was just neutral. Right? So who knows?

Norm Murdock [:

Well, I drove around the German village right after George Floyd, and there were all the little protective decals on everybody's house.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. Thinking don't do it. It's like putting your f o p sticker on your bum. Exactly.

Norm Murdock [:

Right. Oh, hey. I'm a liberal. If you're gonna break a window, you know, pass by this house, it was like the Passover.

Brett Johnson [:

Mhmm. But but when you have the insurrectionists that are paid to come in and make hell, they're not looking at stairs.

Norm Murdock [:

So we You know,

Brett Johnson [:

they're gonna go after anything.

Norm Murdock [:

So we talked a little bit about the election. So we talked about how Ohio's Secretary of State removed somewhere between 56100 illegals or a non qualified voters from the election rolls. Texas I don't know if you guys saw this this week. Texas removed 1,000,000 illegal voters. And of the 1,000,000, 200,000 of them had voted in previous elections. Tell me that did not have a material outcome on local elections.

Brett Johnson [:

Well, they've they've got 200,000. They've got problems, with enrollment down there then. If they're allowing that many to register to vote, what the hell is going on in

Steve Palmer [:

that state?

Norm Murdock [:

That's nuts. Federal judges knocking down voter ID, legislation. That's what happens. And they and they've tried that and recently, I don't know if you guys got your Ohio mail in ballot request forms. Yeah. It requires a a a photo ID.

Brett Johnson [:

Which is readily available.

Norm Murdock [:

So you write down your your driver's license and then they can look up your photo.

Brett Johnson [:

And there are there are ways of getting IDs if you don't have a photo ID. You can get that. That's right. You can. Of course. Pretty inexpensively.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, there's people who don't drive and they can get a a state of Ohio Right. Photo ID.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

For free, by the way.

Brett Johnson [:

A million. Wow.

Norm Murdock [:

A million in 10 seconds.

Brett Johnson [:

Some problems, man. They got problems.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. Wow.

Brett Johnson [:

Wow. Wow.

Norm Murdock [:

That's a that's a bunch. Another little environmental thing and and this is, you know, I'm just gonna point out the hypocrisy here. So the Houthi rebels, I think yesterday or the day before, knocked out an oil tanker in the Red Sea 3 times larger than the Exxon Valdez. And you if you guys remember during the Excel the Exxon Valdez cleanup, the media was all over that for like, you know, the oil industry is super evil and, you know, and and Exxon cleaned it all up but it was like a year of talking about the drunk captain of the Exxon Valdez and what an evil company Exxon was. So the Houthis blow up this oil tanker 3 times the size of the Exxon Valdez. Not a word from the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, or any of the normal environmental groups condemning the Houthis for polluting oil in the Red Sea. Of course, you know, because

Steve Palmer [:

A mistake is unforgivable. Right. Or maybe wreck I can't call it getting drunk and wrecking your tanker a mistake, I guess. But a reckless mistake is unforgivable, but an intentional act of destruction.

Norm Murdock [:

Yeah. They never said anything about Saddam Hussein setting Kuwait on fire either.

Brett Johnson [:

All the

Steve Palmer [:

This is what happens. When when when when you

Norm Murdock [:

call him because he's one of our guys. Right? He hates America, and we hate America. Right. So, like, we're on the same team here.

Steve Palmer [:

Right. When when when you're when you shape shift based on identity Yeah. Instead of actual legitimate causes and issues Right. And things you believe in, then this is what happens. You can divide it up to the point where it's nonsense.

Norm Murdock [:

Where's all the Sierra Club outrage when, the

Steve Palmer [:

And this happens on the other side too.

Norm Murdock [:

Well, environmentalists spike trees and lumberjacks get killed when there's when their, when their chainsaws blow up right in their face, takes off their head or their arm. You know, you never hear anything about caring about them. But the snail darter, we gotta protect that. But we but the hell with lumberjacks, it's it's okay to kill lumberjacks.

Steve Palmer [:

Well, look, I I should point out when I see it on both sides. I I see, quote, conservative or Republicans make these mistakes too, where they are saying we need to be tough tough on crime. These crazy people accused of crimes that have way too many rights, blah blah blah blah blah. Well, and then Trump gets accused. They're like, well, this is unfair. But at least he has rights. You know? It's like, if you get rid the rights for 1, you get rid of them for all. And if they're intact for 1, they're intact for all.

Steve Palmer [:

So we wanna protect everybody. Right? And we would much rather see guilty people go free than innocent people be convicted. So there's my soapbox for common sense.

Norm Murdock [:

Another little Middle Eastern war thing that came up, it has been disclosed now by the Department of Defense that that floating dock that Joe Biden insisted against all the generals and admirals advice.

Steve Palmer [:

This is this is a debacle.

Norm Murdock [:

A $250,000,000 floating dock in the Mediterranean that was gonna be used to evacuate Palestinians in the wake of Israel's response to October 7th. US tax dollars, $250,000,000 dock, it was in operation for 23 days and then a big storm blew it apart.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

And it hasn't been used since. Yeah. Just A quarter of a $1,000,000,000 just because Biden said, well, I want a dock. And they're

Steve Palmer [:

like I don't know who built it. President. What's their connection to Biden? Unbelievable. I'd like to know that.

Brett Johnson [:

What a piece of crap they built.

Norm Murdock [:

23. Are they

Brett Johnson [:

responsible for it? Crap. Was there was it I wonder

Steve Palmer [:

if it was under warranty.

Norm Murdock [:

And this is a lesson

Brett Johnson [:

in that amount of days. So I'll do

Steve Palmer [:

I'll do your

Norm Murdock [:

I'll do your world war 2 story. Jeez. This is a lesson we learned after d day

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

When they brought in the, they brought in the floating concrete docks that were gonna give us, you know, docking space right off the beaches of Normandy and and the the the the the straits, the the, the narrows there, they completely blew it up. Like like the storms just sank it all and there's chunks of concrete out there to this day from from this failed idea. We and here we go. You know, like He's

Steve Palmer [:

gonna do it again.

Norm Murdock [:

Years later, we're gonna we're we're doing the same stupid thing.

Steve Palmer [:


Norm Murdock [:

Well, look. The Mulberry docks.

Steve Palmer [:

The Mulberry, is that what you're trying? I was trying to come up with it too.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Okay.

Steve Palmer [:

So look. We gotta probably wrap it up. Do you have 1 or 2 more nuggets, and we can finish it up?

Norm Murdock [:

There are people trying under FOIA to get to the 100. So you we talked about this on the show. There were somewhere around a 100 to a 150 people on the terror watch list that, customs and border patrol processed and then were ordered to release into the country. So we have over a 100 of these people. So people have been trying to foil you to get to the name. They wanna know who these people are. Right? So local law enforcement could put out APBs, keep an eye on whatever. You know, some guy who diddled himself watching a porn, we we've got a database of them, and you can find out, oh, he's the guy around the corner that's a pervert.

Norm Murdock [:

You can know who that guy is and and the sheriff here in Franklin County and all the other counties in Ohio have these sexual predator databases. You can look up where they live. But actual terrorists are being protected according to, the border patrol for privacy reasons. They will not release the names of these 100 to 150 people.

Brett Johnson [:

I mean

Steve Palmer [:

Government nonsense. Wow.

Norm Murdock [:

I mean, these are people that wanna machine gun a bar or blow up an airplane or whatever. We cannot know their names. Mhmm. But I can know the name of some guy who played with himself on the Internet.

Brett Johnson [:

Right. Or or peed or peed in public.

Norm Murdock [:

Or peed in public. Yeah. I can know those guys' names, but I can't know the terrorist names who may live in the same neighborhood right around the corner from me.

Brett Johnson [:


Norm Murdock [:

I mean Wow.

Steve Palmer [:

Yep. Alright. Well, with that, we have I I I've got my trail of common sense. Wow. It's just too much nonsense

Norm Murdock [:

Too much nonsense.

Steve Palmer [:

In the world, and we need a lot more Common Sense Ohio. See what I did there? So from nonsense to common sense, we are Common Sense Ohio where you can check us out at If you wanna be a sponsor, like, for Norm's little final nuggets, we've got an open slot for that. If you want

Norm Murdock [:

my race car.

Steve Palmer [:

Or his race car. If you wanna put your name on his race car. We can do you can do that or you can put your face on it maybe.

Brett Johnson [:

Yeah. Are you so you're NIL on it? You're NIL on it, Okay.

Norm Murdock [:

You can do anything you want with the flanks of my Mustang. You any statement. You could say The

Brett Johnson [:

parts of his Mustang? Is that

Steve Palmer [:

code? I don't know.

Norm Murdock [:

You could say Norm a

Steve Palmer [:

little bit suspicious.

Norm Murdock [:

You can pay me money to put on my car. Norm's full of shit. And I I'm I'm all about it. Give me a $1,000. Norm's full of shit. Alright. Flanks of his Mustang. You heard

Steve Palmer [:

it. You heard it right from the Norman's mouth.

Norm Murdock [:

I'm a racing whore.

Steve Palmer [:

Alright. Well, that is Common Sense Ohio Show, and you can again find us at, where we are coming at you each and every week right from the middle.




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