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America in Therapy – Phyllis LeAvitt
Episode 13416th September 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:31:48

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America in Therapy

Phyllis Leavitt

All you have to do is turn the news on at night and you will receive a dose of hopelessness, despair and a feeling helplessness. It’s all around us. All of the time.

The country and the society that we once knew is gone.

The goal of every generation prior to this one was to provide our children a better life than the one we had. To help them prepare for the future. To leave a legacy that will be a blessing to our posterity.

I believe, and this is just Pastor Bob speaking here, but I believe this is going to be the first generation where we are leaving behind something nobody wants. This is the first generation where we are actually leaving things worse than what we had – and nobody seems to care.

This is the first generation that is all about “me – right now” and not worried about tomorrow.

Our guest today is writing a book titled, “America in Therapy.” And do we need therapy right now – and a lot of it. Amen!

Phyllis Leavitt  is the author of this book, “America in Therapy,” and she is here today to share insights about this book and to bring awareness of the urgency to bring our whole country into therapy. Amen!

Phyllis has a Masters Degree in Psychology and Counseling and has been in private practice for more than 30 years. She has authored two books, “A Light in the Darkness” and “Into the Fire.”

Help me welcome to the program, Phyllis Leavitt!  Phyllis, it is such a blessing to have you join us today!

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Phyllis Leavitt?”

You believe that we, as a nation, are on a collision course with our own extinction. Why do you believe that?

So you are saying that we, as a nation, are suffering from psychological disfunction?

What can be done to turn this situation around?

We see a huge increase in violence across America. Shootings are happening every single day in our inner cities. On the news, here in Baltimore, every morning is a discussion of the four or five shootings that took place over night. Every single night.  If there are no shootings on any particular night – THAT makes the headlines for the morning news. What can be done to turn the tide of violence that we see happening on an ever increasing level?

Do you really believe there is hope for this nation to turn from this cycle of violence and “me-me-me” that seems to be rampant in our society?

How will your book help us to do that?

When will your book be released?

How can someone obtain a copy of your book? Is there are pre-sale registration taking place?



Phyllis, this is so interesting. If someone has a question or would like to get more information, how can they get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, as you heard Phyllis share and you’ve probably heard me even discuss the terribly mindset of society today. It’s definitely the “ME” generation. It seems like society has turned against itself in some situations. It’s terrible. It’s also a sign that, without help – without some kind of Divine Intervention – our nation will not be around as we have known it – in very short order.

Phyllis has just shared some unique, professional insight into what is truly the root causes of our societal troubles. She has also outlined some possible solutions. But she can’t do it alone! Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and sign up for the pre-release order of her book, “America in Therapy.” Do it right now, while you are thinking about it. In fact, order two, three or more copies for people you know who could use this information to help sound the alarm. Order one for your pastor, your teen group pastor, etc.

You could be listening to us right now because God has a plan for YOU to one of the people that helps to initiate change in this country – right now!  Imagine if He called 1000 people to purchase these books, with each ordering, let’s say, 5 copies – then distributing them all over the nation – to people of influence!

Imagine the impact that would make if, all of a sudden, there is the “Great American Re-Awakening” to what is wrong in society and how it can be fixed. Amen!

Drop down into the show notes and pre-order your copies of “America in Therapy” right now! Amen!

Phyllis, thank you for writing and publishing this book and taking a stand, not only against what we see happening, but offering some solutions as well. Praise God for all that you have done.

I do appreciate you taking the time to come on our program and share your message as well.

Folks, that is all the time we have for today. For Phyllis Leavitt and myself, this is Pastor Bob reminding you to BE BLESSED IN ALL THAT YOU DO!




Pre-Order Book:  By joining her newsletter for notifiction

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