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Turning Leadership on its head | Origin Series #09
15th November 2022 • CROWD Church Livestream • Crowd Church
00:00:00 01:01:56

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In this episode of the Origin Series, we're answering the question: what is Servant Leadership, and why did Jesus wash feet?

Servant Leadership is a clear and simple model for leading people that emphasizes humility and servant-leadership. Jesus modeled servant-leadership through his actions, and we can learn from his example to be effective leaders. Tune in to this episode to learn more about what Servant Leadership is, and why it's so important!

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Matt Edmundson:

Welcome to this week's Crowd Church service.

Matt Edmundson:

We are a digital church on a quest to discover how Jesus helps

Matt Edmundson:

us live a more meaningful life.

Matt Edmundson:

We are a community, a space to explore the Christian faith and a place where

Matt Edmundson:

you can contribute and grow Our service, uh, will last about an hour and in a few

Matt Edmundson:

seconds you'll meet our hosts, uh, for our service, who will introduce today's talk.

Matt Edmundson:

After the talk, we will have a time of worship and reflection after which we

Matt Edmundson:

head into Conversation Street, where we look at your stories and questions

Matt Edmundson:

that you've posted in the comments.

Matt Edmundson:

Now, we want to invite you to connect with us here at Crowd Church, and we've got a

Matt Edmundson:

few ways in which you can do just that.

Matt Edmundson:

Firstly, you can engage with Crowd from any device during our

Matt Edmundson:

livestream, and if you're up for it.

Matt Edmundson:

Why not invite a few friends over and experience the service together?

Matt Edmundson:

You see, church is all about connecting with God and connecting with others.

Matt Edmundson:

And one of the easiest ways for you to do that is join one of our

Matt Edmundson:

midweek groups where we meet online together to catch up and discover

Matt Edmundson:

more about the amazingness of Christ.

Matt Edmundson:

You can also subscribe to our fairly new podcast called What's the Story,

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, where we deep dive into stories of faith and courage from everyday people.

Matt Edmundson:

More information about all of these things can be found on our website at

Matt Edmundson:, or you can reach out to us on social media at Crowd church.

Matt Edmundson:

If you are new to Crowd or new to the Christian faith and would like to

Matt Edmundson:

know what your next steps to take are, well, why not head over to our website,

Matt Edmundson: for more details.

Matt Edmundson:

And now the moment you've been waiting for is here.

Matt Edmundson:

Our online Church Service starts right now.

Matt Edmundson:

Well good afternoon, good evening.

Matt Edmundson:

Welcome to Crowd Online Church.

Matt Edmundson:

Great that you are with us here on Remembrance Sunday.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and I am with the beautiful and amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

Claire Glare.

Matt Edmundson:

Claire, thank you for joining us today.

Matt Edmundson:

How are we doing?

Claire Glare:

Absolutely brilliant.

Claire Glare:

Thank you.

Claire Glare:

I love taking a moment there to remember and, and, uh, yeah.

Claire Glare:

Good to be with you all today.

Claire Glare:

Thanks for having me.

Matt Edmundson:

No, it's great that you are here and I'm loving your poppy.

Claire Glare:

I know.

Claire Glare:

Oh, wrong side.

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Not done by me.

Matt Edmundson:

Not done by you.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Fair enough.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, for those of you outside of the uk, rememberance Sunday is just a time

Matt Edmundson:

when we remember those who have, uh, fallen, who, who or who are in service,

Matt Edmundson:

uh, at the moment, uh, and have fought so bravely for us over the years in the

Matt Edmundson:

many battles that we've had to face.

Matt Edmundson:

And so, yeah, that's why we do it.

Matt Edmundson:

And do you know why we wear the poppies, Claire?

Claire Glare:

Um, yeah.

Claire Glare:

Basically in, um, southern, well in France where people's bodies died, when

Claire Glare:

the poppy grows after disturbed ground.

Claire Glare:

And so it was what was growing on, you know, over people's, um,

Claire Glare:

bodies, the graveyards, really the of the fallen soldiers.

Claire Glare:

And, and I think, um, it was just a really stark reminder that

Claire Glare:

life comes after death, I think.

Claire Glare:

Um, Uh, you know?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, it is.

Matt Edmundson:

And there was that famous poem, wasn't there in Flanders

Matt Edmundson:

Fields, Uh, where Poppy's grow.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Which came from the, the war as well.

Matt Edmundson:

The Great War.

Matt Edmundson:

So, uh, yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, it's always good to take time and just be grateful and thankful.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, I'm reminded of the words by Churchill, never have, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

so many owed so much to so few.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and it's very true.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and so yes, uh, whether wars are just, or right or wrong or the morals of

Matt Edmundson:

that we can get into maybe another day.

Matt Edmundson:

But just for now, we say thank you and we are grateful.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So thank you for joining us on this Remembrance Sunday.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, today we are carrying on our troll is maybe the wrong word.

Matt Edmundson:

Our, our journey.

Claire Glare:

He was a fisherman.

Claire Glare:

I think that's

Claire Glare:

.. Matt Edmundson: Yeah.

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Well, let's go with Troll, uh, through the Gospel of John.

Claire Glare:

We're in a series called Origin, uh, and we have been, uh, on a whistle stop tour

Claire Glare:

through the Gospel of John, uh, looking at the life of Christ, getting ready to

Claire Glare:

dig into a book called Acts, which is this great book just sort of describes

Claire Glare:

the life of the early church and what happened right there at the beginning,

Claire Glare:

which we're really keen to get into.

Claire Glare:

Uh, but of course we can, we can just spend a little bit

Claire Glare:

of time here in John's gospel.

Claire Glare:

So my very good friend, uh, Mr.

Claire Glare:

Tony Uddin, who is a pastor of a church down in Tar Hamlets, is

Claire Glare:

gonna be sharing with us today.

Claire Glare:

Uh, after that we're gonna have a time of worship.

Claire Glare:

Um, and then after that we've got Conversation Street with myself

Claire Glare:

and Claire all in the context of Remembrance Sunday as well.

Claire Glare:

So we are gonna be carrying on that conversation.

Claire Glare:

But before we get into Tony's talk, Uh, Tony's talk.

Claire Glare:

Theres a lot of T in there, I've just realized it's Tony's talk.

Claire Glare:

Um, before we get into,

Claire Glare:

So, uh, we, something Matt.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

Matt Edmundson:

You should read something.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

So, uh, we are in John's Gospel chapter 13, I think.

Matt Edmundson:

Is it Claire?

Matt Edmundson:

You just read it out.

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

So it's John's Gospel 13 from the start of the chapter through to verse 16,

Claire Glare:

and it's called in, in, in this Bible.

Claire Glare:

It's Jesus washes the disciples' feet.

Claire Glare:

Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour had come,

Claire Glare:

that he should depart from the world to the father, having loved his own who

Claire Glare:

were in the world, he loved them to the end, and supper being ended, the devil

Claire Glare:

having already put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son to betray him.

Claire Glare:

Jesus knowing that the father had given all things into his hands and that he

Claire Glare:

had come from God and was going to God, rose from supper and laid aside his

Claire Glare:

garments, took a towel and girded himself.

Claire Glare:

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash the

Claire Glare:

disciples feet and to wipe them with the towel with which he was girded.

Claire Glare:

Then he came to Simon Peter and Peter said to him, Lord, are you washing my feet?

Claire Glare:

Jesus answered and said to him, What I am doing, you do not understand

Claire Glare:

now, but you will know after this.

Claire Glare:

Peter said to him, You shall never wash my feet.

Claire Glare:

Jesus answered him.

Claire Glare:

If I do not wash you, you have no part with me.

Claire Glare:

Simon Peter said to him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head.

Claire Glare:

Jesus said to him, He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet

Claire Glare:

but is completely clean and you are clean, but not all of you.

Claire Glare:

For he knew who would betray him.

Claire Glare:

Therefore, he said, You are not all clean.

Claire Glare:

So when he had washed their feet, taken his garments and sat down

Claire Glare:

again, he said to them, Do you know what I have done to you?

Claire Glare:

You call me teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am.

Claire Glare:

If then your Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you also

Claire Glare:

ought to wash one another's feet.

Claire Glare:

For I have given you an example that you should do as I have done to you.

Claire Glare:

Most assuredly I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master, nor is he

Claire Glare:

who is sent greater than he who sent him.

Matt Edmundson:

Very good.

Matt Edmundson:

So we are gonna let Tony carry on that conversation as we

Matt Edmundson:

talk about what that means.

Matt Edmundson:

And if you are new to the Christian faith or not heard that passage before, it's not

Matt Edmundson:

a bit weird, washing each other's feet?

Claire Glare:

Girded was the word that I was amused by.

Matt Edmundson:

Jesus was girded.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, so, I'm looking forward to that conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

Let me tell you.

Matt Edmundson:

So here is Tony's talk, uh, related to that passage.

Matt Edmundson:

After that, like I said, there's gonna be some worship and then Claire back.

Matt Edmundson:

Claire and I will be back for Conversation Street.

Matt Edmundson:

So do add your questions, do add your comments.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, in there I can see we've got some people in there already got Matt Crew,

Matt Edmundson:

we've got Elizabeth, uh, Miriam in there.

Matt Edmundson:

So I'm not reading the second name on the first name.

Matt Edmundson:

Sharon's in there.

Matt Edmundson:

We're all in the comments.

Matt Edmundson:

So do come and say hi.

Matt Edmundson:

It'd be great to see you.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and yeah, we'll be back to Conversation Street

Matt Edmundson:

after worship after this.

Tony Uddin:

Good afternoon.

Tony Uddin:

It's great to be with you at Crowd Church today as you continue

Tony Uddin:

your look through John's gospel.

Tony Uddin:

We today at John chapter 13, and I want us to look at how Jesus sets

Tony Uddin:

an example of servant leadership.

Tony Uddin:

In the, uh, chapters just before this, we see Jesus entry back into Jerusalem.

Tony Uddin:

In one sense, warmly welcomed, but in another sense talking about the

Tony Uddin:

fact that he would go to the cross.

Tony Uddin:

And what I want us to see is that John's Gospel gives this tremendous detail of

Tony Uddin:

the last few, uh, hours, particularly and of Jesus ministry before he was arrested.

Tony Uddin:

As John's gospel moves towards its climax, we see that so much of it is focused on

Tony Uddin:

the last couple of days of Jesus' life.

Tony Uddin:

And here we see in John 13, Jesus is preparing to go to the cross and

Tony Uddin:

in doing so, he sets the example of what it is to be a servant.

Tony Uddin:

You know, it's interesting, isn't it?

Tony Uddin:

Just how much, uh, leadership is such a contested topic.

Tony Uddin:

Our world has high expectations of leadership, but generally

Tony Uddin:

low expectations of leaders.

Tony Uddin:

We want leaders, we want leadership that will be good,

Tony Uddin:

that will look out for our best.

Tony Uddin:

We want leadership that causes others to thrive.

Tony Uddin:

But generally our experience is of leaders who use the power and authority

Tony Uddin:

they have in self-serving ways.

Tony Uddin:

That's certainly true in politics.

Tony Uddin:

It's often true in business.

Tony Uddin:

It's true in in so many areas, and unfortunately at times it's even

Tony Uddin:

sometimes true of the church and Jesus is leaving and setting the

Tony Uddin:

disciples a really powerful example of what servant leadership is.

Tony Uddin:

So I want us to take a look a closer look at that.

Tony Uddin:

Firstly, uh, the context.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus' love is expressed through being with his disciples.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus love is expressed through being with his disciples.

Tony Uddin:

Verse one says, Jesus 'knew that the hour had come for him to leave

Tony Uddin:

this world and to go to the Father.

Tony Uddin:

The very last, uh, day of Jesus' public ministry, you know, Jesus

Tony Uddin:

knew he was going to the cross.

Tony Uddin:

And he was communicating something to his disciples simply by the fact that

Tony Uddin:

he was with them and that he was giving them that his undivided attention.

Tony Uddin:

It's a powerful thing, isn't it, that we show people honor and

Tony Uddin:

respect through giving them time.

Tony Uddin:

Sometimes it may even be easier to give someone money than it is to

Tony Uddin:

give them our time, and what we see is Jesus is giving them time in the

Tony Uddin:

last day or, uh, before his arrest, he wants to be with his disciples.

Tony Uddin:

If you knew that your life was to end in a week's time, probably change

Tony Uddin:

how you live your life, wouldn't it?

Tony Uddin:

If you knew that your life was to end in a month's time or a year's time, I

Tony Uddin:

think you'd probably live differently.

Tony Uddin:

I'm, I certainly hope I would.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus knew that within hours he would be arrested.

Tony Uddin:

And yet he chose to be with his disciples.

Tony Uddin:

By being with them, he was expressing what it is to be a servant leader.

Tony Uddin:

But also we know that Jesus was preparing them for the fact that

Tony Uddin:

they, that he would go to the cross.

Tony Uddin:

He was building them up.

Tony Uddin:

John includes in his gospel, his own reason for writing the gospel.

Tony Uddin:

John chapter 20, verse 31.

Tony Uddin:

But these things have been written so that you may believe Jesus is

Tony Uddin:

the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.

Tony Uddin:

John wanted his readers, people like you and I, who would read

Tony Uddin:

this gospel to believe in Jesus and through believing in Jesus.

Tony Uddin:

Find life, real life, eternal life, life abundant.

Tony Uddin:

And Jesus wanted his disciples to have that.

Tony Uddin:

That is why he was willing to go to the cross.

Tony Uddin:

In speaking about what was to happen in preparing his

Tony Uddin:

disciples in being with them.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus was expressing love through servanthood.

Tony Uddin:

I want us just to contrast that with the disciples.

Tony Uddin:

This same account, the account of the same thing in Luke 22, shows us that actually

Tony Uddin:

there was a argument that developed between the disciples at this time.

Tony Uddin:

In verse 24 of Luke 22, it says, A dispute also arose among them as to which of

Tony Uddin:

them was to be considered the greatest.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus said to them, The kings of the Gentiles lorded over them, and

Tony Uddin:

those who exercise authority over them call themselves benefactors.

Tony Uddin:

But you are not to be like that.

Tony Uddin:

The greatest among you shall be the youngest.

Tony Uddin:

And the one who rules will be the one who serves.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus is preparing to go to the cross to die for your sin and

Tony Uddin:

mine, to pay the ultimate price to show what it is to be a servant.

Tony Uddin:

And the disciples are jostling for position.

Tony Uddin:

They're saying, Jesus, am I gonna be the one that gets the best place when you go?

Tony Uddin:

And in the midst of this, Jesus shows them what true servant hearted

Tony Uddin:

leadership is like, not something that is just merely expressed in

Tony Uddin:

words, but communicated in actions and Jesus actions of being with them.

Tony Uddin:

The phrase that's used there in verse one is he loved them to

Tony Uddin:

the end by being with them, by preparing to give his life for them.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus was showing that love is expressed and it's expressed in servant heartedness,

Tony Uddin:

but also secondly, Jesus showed them that love is demonstrated and he demonstrated

Tony Uddin:

it by washing the disciples feet.

Tony Uddin:

In verse three, we read, Jesus knew that the Father had put all things

Tony Uddin:

under his power and that he had come from God and was returning to God.

Tony Uddin:

So he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing and

Tony Uddin:

wrapped a towel around his waist.

Tony Uddin:

After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his

Tony Uddin:

disciples' feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus knew that he was going back to the Father.

Tony Uddin:

He knew that he was, uh, preparing to face the cross and then would be

Tony Uddin:

raised in return to God the father.

Tony Uddin:

And in doing so, he sets the tone.

Tony Uddin:

This idea that he got up, He says, This is what I have to leave you with.

Tony Uddin:

I have to show you something that is so important.

Tony Uddin:

And that was that he would wash his disciples feet.

Tony Uddin:

The scandal of the greatest teacher, whoever was washing the feet of the

Tony Uddin:

disciples, the scandal of God himself in human flesh, the one through whom

Tony Uddin:

and for whom all things were made, humbling himself before human feet

Tony Uddin:

in all of the squalor and filth.

Tony Uddin:

It's a remarkable picture.

Tony Uddin:

Isn't it.

Tony Uddin:

This is the glory of God.

Tony Uddin:

You wanna see the power and glory of God?

Tony Uddin:

The power and glory of God is demonstrated in Jesus washing the disciple's feet.

Tony Uddin:

You know, years ago I worked, uh, in homelessness and there was a podiatrist

Tony Uddin:

I worked with, and her role was to go out on the streets and to find entrenched

Tony Uddin:

rough sleepers and to really, people were resistant to help very often

Tony Uddin:

with extremely poor personal hygiene.

Tony Uddin:

And her role was to, uh, basically help them with their feet.

Tony Uddin:

And I was struck time and time again how she would literally

Tony Uddin:

deal with some of the worst, most unhygienic feet you could imagine.

Tony Uddin:

And she'd do it with a smile on her face, treating people

Tony Uddin:

with utter dignity and respect.

Tony Uddin:

Whenever I think of her, I'm reminded of this passage.

Tony Uddin:

This is a manifestation of the glory of God.

Tony Uddin:

Here's the substance.

Tony Uddin:

Here's what God looks like getting involved at the lowest possible level.

Tony Uddin:

This is the power of God at work as Jesus washes the disciples feet.

Tony Uddin:

You know, it was the job of the, in the context at the time of the lowest

Tony Uddin:

servant in the house to wash the feet.

Tony Uddin:

It wouldn't even have been a normal servant's job.

Tony Uddin:

Really, If you were washing people's feet, you were the lowest of the low.

Tony Uddin:

You were at the bottom of the pile.

Tony Uddin:

You know, those of you maybe watched something like Downtown Abbey.

Tony Uddin:

You'll have seen, you know, the, the butler.

Tony Uddin:

He's quite prim and proper, isn't he?

Tony Uddin:

And so much that he views as being beneath him.

Tony Uddin:

He's risen to a different station in life.

Tony Uddin:

And as you go through the different servants, they all

Tony Uddin:

look down on the one below..

Tony Uddin:

Well, the job of washing the feet in Jesus time was for the very lowest of the low.

Tony Uddin:

And Jesus demonstrates humility.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus demonstrates servanthood by washing their feet.

Tony Uddin:

It's quite interesting as Jesus does this, they would've

Tony Uddin:

been shocked and scandalized.

Tony Uddin:

And I want us to see, uh, to contrast Peter's response with Jesus.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus is demonstrating humility, but in one sense, Peter is demonstrating pride.

Tony Uddin:

In verse eight, Peter says, No said Peter, you shall never wash my feet.

Tony Uddin:

When Jesus wants to wash the disciples feet, Peter thinks he knows better

Tony Uddin:

and his pride won't let Jesus do it.

Tony Uddin:

And one of the things true humility means acknowledging and

Tony Uddin:

understanding that God knows best.

Tony Uddin:

Peter's pride is about to be humbled.

Tony Uddin:

He's gonna come and we'll see this.

Tony Uddin:

As these chapters go on, he's gonna come to the end of himself,

Tony Uddin:

the end of his own self will.

Tony Uddin:

You see, even though it was wrapped up in a kind of false humility,

Tony Uddin:

Jesus, I'll never let you do that.

Tony Uddin:

What we are experiencing there is pride and self will.

Tony Uddin:

When Jesus reminds him of the need to have his feet washed, Peter

Tony Uddin:

says, Then wash the whole of me.

Tony Uddin:

Don't just stop at my feet.

Tony Uddin:

Interesting how Jesus answers in verse 10.

Tony Uddin:

Those who've had a bath and you don't need to wash the feet.

Tony Uddin:

Their whole body is clean and you are clean.

Tony Uddin:

You see, Jesus is gonna make them clean through the fact

Tony Uddin:

that he would die on the cross.

Tony Uddin:

He was about to give his life.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus was going to die in their place, but in your place and mine, that on

Tony Uddin:

the cross, Jesus was gonna take every sin, every wrongdoing, all of our

Tony Uddin:

selfishness, all the junk from our hearts, and place them on himself so

Tony Uddin:

that by having faith in him, we can be made new, forgiven, having a new start.

Tony Uddin:

And Peter wants, uh, Jesus wants Peter to know that it's, that that will make him

Tony Uddin:

clean, not just having his feet washed.

Tony Uddin:

But Jesus wants to do this, uh, as a, as a demonstration, but also a

Tony Uddin:

metaphor for what it is to lead.

Tony Uddin:

That to lead involves servanthood and humility.

Tony Uddin:

And that means, firstly, acknowledging that Jesus is Lord not us.

Tony Uddin:

It means acknowledging that his way is best not ours.

Tony Uddin:

It means acknowledging that we can no longer live in our own self will.

Tony Uddin:

If Jesus was the ultimate servant, then to follow his example, we need to embrace

Tony Uddin:

his humility and die to self will.

Tony Uddin:

Watchman Nee famously said, Attempting to follow Jesus without denying the

Tony Uddin:

self is the root of all failures.

Tony Uddin:

Peter was about to fail.

Tony Uddin:

He was about to deny Jesus.

Tony Uddin:

He was about to come to the end of his pride.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus was showing him and Jesus actions show us what true humility looked like.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus demonstrates the role of servant leadership.

Tony Uddin:

Wouldn't it be amazing if our politicians, if our business leaders, if as church

Tony Uddin:

leaders, we lived in such a way that demonstrated that we are firstly servants.

Tony Uddin:

It's the example Jesus gave, but Jesus gave a uh, a demonstration

Tony Uddin:

that was to be followed.

Tony Uddin:

That's point number three, that Jesus actions are for us to follow.

Tony Uddin:

Verse 12, when he had finished washing their feet, he put on his

Tony Uddin:

clothes and returned to his place.

Tony Uddin:

Do you understand what I've done for you?

Tony Uddin:

He asked them, You call me teacher and Lord and rightly so for that is what I am.

Tony Uddin:

Now that I the Lord and teacher have washed your feet, you should

Tony Uddin:

also wash one another's feet.

Tony Uddin:

I have set you an example and you should do as I've done for you.

Tony Uddin:

Very truly, I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor a messenger

Tony Uddin:

greater than the one who sent him.

Tony Uddin:

Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

Tony Uddin:

So Jesus expresses his love for his disciples by being with them.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus demonstrates his love for them by washing his feet, but he also

Tony Uddin:

gives them a command to do likewise.

Tony Uddin:

Leadership in the kingdom of God is ultimately about serving.

Tony Uddin:

We have the example of Jesus.

Tony Uddin:

Verse 13 there, You call me Lord and teacher, and rightly

Tony Uddin:

so for that is what I am.

Tony Uddin:

Now that I your Lord and teacher washed your feet, you should

Tony Uddin:

also wash one another's feet.

Tony Uddin:

If it was good enough for Jesus, then it's the example we should follow.

Tony Uddin:

You know, think about the examples of servanthood and humility in your life.

Tony Uddin:

You know, one of the things that strikes me is my father came as a migrant from

Tony Uddin:

Bangladesh and when he came, he basically spent his life, uh, working all kinds of

Tony Uddin:

jobs and worked hard because he wanted us to have a better life than he had.

Tony Uddin:

He wanted us to have the opportunities that we, he never had.

Tony Uddin:

He gave of himself because he wanted better for us.

Tony Uddin:

That's what a good father does.

Tony Uddin:

Now, sadly, a lot of fathers aren't that way, but Jesus set the example of what

Tony Uddin:

it is to give, to give of ourself, to give of our very best in a selfless way.

Tony Uddin:

I believe that in the kingdom of God, aspiring to be a

Tony Uddin:

servant is an end in itself.

Tony Uddin:

And I want to challenge you today.

Tony Uddin:

If you want to be a follower of Jesus that involves using whatever

Tony Uddin:

power, whatever influence, whatever responsibility you have, whatever

Tony Uddin:

privilege you have in life, my challenge is for you today, will you use it for

Tony Uddin:

yourself or will you use it for others?

Tony Uddin:

Jesus set the example of the ultimate sacrifice.

Tony Uddin:

We don't need to die in for anybody's sins.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus has done it for us, but like him, we need to be willing

Tony Uddin:

to come to the end of ourself.

Tony Uddin:

In that sense, we need to live for him.

Tony Uddin:

We need to act in humility and serve others.

Tony Uddin:

So does that mean we should all go around and, uh, basically have a, a

Tony Uddin:

service where we wash each other's feet?

Tony Uddin:

Well, I don't think it's about that.

Tony Uddin:

What it's about is the example of Jesus willing to take on the

Tony Uddin:

lowest of tasks to serve others.

Tony Uddin:

I want to ask you, what does that look like for you?

Tony Uddin:

Are you willing to take on the lowest of tasks?

Tony Uddin:

Maybe that means mowing someone's lawn.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe it means letting others take the credit for the project at work.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe it means putting somebody else in the spotlight, allowing

Tony Uddin:

them to receive praise.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe it means cleaning someone's toilet.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe it might mean dropping someone else's kids off for them.

Tony Uddin:

Even when you've got a busy day, you see servanthood as

Tony Uddin:

the opposite of selfishness.

Tony Uddin:

But also, maybe there's something more fundamental here.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe even the fact that Jesus gave the disciples his time or

Tony Uddin:

to speak to us about servanthood through giving others our time.

Tony Uddin:

. Iknow for me it is very easy for me to be distracted.

Tony Uddin:

I have a short attention span, and maybe being a servant in terms of our

Tony Uddin:

leadership means giving the person in front of us our full attention.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe it means not looking at our phones while they're speaking.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe being a servant means being places on time, showing respect for others.

Tony Uddin:

Maybe it means being willing to do the hard work, manual grunt work.

Tony Uddin:

It might seem like to you, maybe it means like not asking people to do things that

Tony Uddin:

we are not prepared to do ourselves.

Tony Uddin:

You know, the church of Jesus is it's most beautiful when it is like him,

Tony Uddin:

and that is a church of servants.

Tony Uddin:

We don't really have time.

Tony Uddin:

But there's a beautiful passage in Philippians two verses one to

Tony Uddin:

11, which gives, which is in one sense a parallel passage to this.

Tony Uddin:

It shows how Jesus got up in John.

Tony Uddin:

It says, Jesus got up.

Tony Uddin:

Philippians two says, Jesus left the glories of heaven, this Passage

Tony Uddin:

John says, Jesus took off his robe.

Tony Uddin:

Philippians says, Jesus emptied himself and came as a man.

Tony Uddin:

John says, Jesus took up a towel.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus said, Uh, Philippians says, Jesus came as a servant.

Tony Uddin:

John shows us that Jesus poured water into a bowl.

Tony Uddin:

Jesus' example is that he poured out his life.

Tony Uddin:

Says in this passage in John, that when he finished washing

Tony Uddin:

the disciples feet, he sat down.

Tony Uddin:

Philippians tells us that Jesus, when God raised him, is

Tony Uddin:

seated at the right hand of God.

Tony Uddin:

I wanna ask you, are you willing to follow the example of Jesus, that

Tony Uddin:

sacrificial love for God, sacrificial love for each other, and sacrificial

Tony Uddin:

love for a hurting and dying world?

Tony Uddin:

Jesus love, verse one told us, was loving till the end complete,

Tony Uddin:

unending, not tokenistic, not convenient, but sacrificial.

Tony Uddin:

And I want to ask you, what's your response to King Jesus,

Tony Uddin:

the king who is a servant?

Tony Uddin:

Are you prepared to live a life of service to God and service to others?

Tony Uddin:

God bless you.

Claire Glare:

Welcome back.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, Claire.

Matt Edmundson:

Welcome back to me.

Matt Edmundson:

I mean, no one else has gone anywhere.

Matt Edmundson:

We, we were the ones that left, I suppose.

Matt Edmundson:

Just thinking about it.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Love that song.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and we're gonna get into the words of that hymn actually,

Matt Edmundson:

cause hymn talked about sacrifice.

Matt Edmundson:

Tony talked a lot about sacrifice, uh, in his talk.

Matt Edmundson:

And today is Remembrance Sunday, where we remember the sacrifice of many people.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and so we're gonna get into all of that.

Matt Edmundson:

Claire, It's been a while since you have heard from Tony.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, you were talking about this before we went online, weren't you?

Matt Edmundson:

That it's been a wee while, Right.

Matt Edmundson:

But what did you, what did you think to that talk?

Claire Glare:

I, you know, I just think, you know, their example down,

Claire Glare:

they work down in London, don't they?

Claire Glare:

In the church.

Claire Glare:

I know that they do amazing things in their community.

Claire Glare:

Just very practical, loving, um, kind serving stuff.

Claire Glare:

Um, Tony and his wife and their team down there.

Claire Glare:

So yeah, just brilliant.

Claire Glare:

I think just to, there was something that really struck me.

Claire Glare:

You know, I think it's often the simplest things, you know, giving time and

Claire Glare:

attention to people, you know, actually paying real attention to people doing.

Claire Glare:

See the phrase, the song that was going through my head a little bit

Claire Glare:

was not when I survey the Wondrous Cross, but um, How low can you go?

Claire Glare:

Do you remember that one?

Claire Glare:

Sorry I've completely gone off, off piece here, but just I think

Claire Glare:

almost not a competition cause it isn't a competition, but trying

Claire Glare:

to kind of outdo each other Yeah.

Claire Glare:

As servant hearted and as love has given to do the lowest job, the

Claire Glare:

job that nobody else wants to do.

Claire Glare:

And I think that that is a real challenge, isn't it, to us just, um,

Claire Glare:

Because there's always something more exciting or more fun to do, isn't there?

Matt Edmundson:

Um, there's always something that's more selfish to do.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And there's, I dunno about you, Claire, but I find there's never a

Matt Edmundson:

shortage of, uh, selfish things to do.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, there's just an abundance of them.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and so it's a really interesting one.

Matt Edmundson:

I think I wanna get into some of the things that Tony said

Matt Edmundson:

and one of the questions that Mims, Miriam's put in the post.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's a really interesting question cuz Tony.

Matt Edmundson:

It sort of ends this sort of, uh, talk with, will you be more Christ like,

Matt Edmundson:

will you, you know, will you do this?

Matt Edmundson:

Will you, uh, become more servant minded?

Matt Edmundson:

Which I think is a great question.

Matt Edmundson:

And, you know, we talked about why that is, uh, but it's just

Matt Edmundson:

a really interesting question.

Matt Edmundson:

Is it in terms of balance?

Matt Edmundson:

How do you do that?

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, what is the balance between, uh, what's the fancy phrase everyone loves

Matt Edmundson:

at the moment, which really winds me up?

Matt Edmundson:

Self care.

Matt Edmundson:

That's it.

Matt Edmundson:

Self love, self care.

Matt Edmundson:

And you're just like, I'm do you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

It's like, no, no, no, I've got, this is what I mean.

Matt Edmundson:

There's not a, there's not a, a shyness in terms of selfishness

Matt Edmundson:

in the world at the moment.

Matt Edmundson:

And so I guess for a question for you, Claire, is how do

Matt Edmundson:

you bring that balance, right?

Matt Edmundson:

Because you've, you've done the missionary thing, you've given up your life and

Matt Edmundson:

gone into distant, far away lands.

Matt Edmundson:

You're a, a beautiful lady.

Matt Edmundson:

You're a beautiful mum, you're a wife, you're doing all these things, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

for work, serving, helping people.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

How do you do balance?

Matt Edmundson:


Claire Glare:

Not quite sure there was a real question in

Claire Glare:

that, but I'll do my best.

Claire Glare:

Um, I think, can I read this bit from Philippians that I found and

Claire Glare:

go for it and Tony mentioned it, but, um, yeah, I'm reading from

Claire Glare:

the message from your bookshelf.

Claire Glare:

Bookshelf, actually Matt.

Claire Glare:

Um, but it was talking about, um, uh, if you've got anything out of

Claire Glare:

all of, of being following Christ.

Claire Glare:

If his love has made any difference in, in our lives.

Claire Glare:

I'm paraphrasing.

Claire Glare:

If being in a community of the spirit means anything to us, if we have a

Claire Glare:

heart, if we care, then do me a favor.

Claire Glare:

And I think it's Paul writing to the Philippians, isn't it?

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Agree with each other.

Claire Glare:

Love each other.

Claire Glare:

Be deep spirited friends.

Claire Glare:

Don't push your way to the front.

Claire Glare:

Don't sweet talk your way to the top.

Claire Glare:

I love that.

Claire Glare:

And put yourself aside and help others get ahead.

Claire Glare:

Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage.

Claire Glare:

Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand.

Claire Glare:

And I just thought that that really, uh, you know, Tony wanted

Claire Glare:

to sort of read it, but there's only so much time, isn't there?

Claire Glare:

I think, you know, it's not about forgetting yourself in all of that.

Claire Glare:

It's not about, you know, burning the candle at both ends and being so exhausted

Claire Glare:

that you're, you know, you can't Yeah.

Claire Glare:

get up on time.

Claire Glare:

It's not about that.

Claire Glare:

It's about.

Claire Glare:

Um, I think it's about, for me, it's trying to listen to the voice of the

Claire Glare:

Holy Spirit, um, uh, to, um, that little nudge, um, to, to say, Oh,

Claire Glare:

there's a, just stop and just listen to that person for a bit longer.

Claire Glare:

Um, or there's a, you know, just trying to find those moments to, to

Claire Glare:

connect and to love people, I think.

Claire Glare:

And, you know, in, in whatever way that might be.

Claire Glare:

Whether it's, you know, giving something to somebody on the street or so, a

Claire Glare:

stranger or, I think the challenge is even more with your family because

Claire Glare:

they see the rough edges, don't they?

Claire Glare:

Yeah, they do.

Claire Glare:

And I'm particularly grumpy at night and that's when they need me

Claire Glare:

Most I'm like, Just go bed, . I don't wanna read a story to you now.

Matt Edmundson:

Well, we best roll on with the live stream then.

Matt Edmundson:

That's all I'm saying.

Matt Edmundson:

That's not everyone.

Matt Edmundson:

No, I think it's very true.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, it's it's fascinating, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

It's not all about, uh, give, give, give.

Matt Edmundson:

But it's not all about take, take, take.

Matt Edmundson:

And there seems to be a balance, doesn't there?

Matt Edmundson:

And Sharon's put here in the comments, do you think there's a place for

Matt Edmundson:

self care in the Christian life?

Matt Edmundson:

Cuz I appreciate that by a comment.

Matt Edmundson:

We may have just ticked everybody off that thinks self care is important.

Claire Glare:

I, I think we've, I think we're, I think there's

Claire Glare:

a pendulum, isn't there?

Claire Glare:

And I think a pendulum swing and I.

Claire Glare:

I, I totally think that you have to look after yourself, you know, and you, um,

Claire Glare:

you, you know, the love one another, you know, as yourself kind thing, you know?

Claire Glare:

That is, that is a, that is a quote, isn't it?

Claire Glare:

From the Jesus said it, so it's fine.

Claire Glare:

He said it.

Claire Glare:

You know, sometimes we, we quote Jesus and we, we get it wrong

Claire Glare:

sometimes, but that is real one.

Claire Glare:

And I think it, so, you know, you have to take care of yourself, don't you?

Claire Glare:

You know, otherwise, you, But I, I think we are just, I think we are just

Claire Glare:

reacting to the word self-care, aren't we?

Claire Glare:

That we, Western world, it's been banded around a lot, and I think it is, I think

Claire Glare:

sometimes it is an excuse for selfishness or, but I, you know, nine times outta

Claire Glare:

10, it's, you know, you, you know your body tells you, you just need to stop.

Claire Glare:

You know, even if it's half an hour, you know, get a little nap.

Claire Glare:

I'm, I'm all about the daytime naps.

Matt Edmundson:

The day the power naps.

Matt Edmundson:

Dun dun.

Matt Edmundson:

No, I agree, Claire.

Matt Edmundson:

I think you're right.

Matt Edmundson:

I think, um, regardless of what you want to call it, uh, and the

Matt Edmundson:

reason why self-care winds me up is because it becomes an excuse not

Matt Edmundson:

to do anything for anybody else.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and that's, I think why I've struggled with it as much as I have.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

But the principles are still there.

Matt Edmundson:

Like you say, love one another as you love yourself, you know, treat others

Matt Edmundson:

as you would want to be treated.

Matt Edmundson:

There is this sort of, do not think of yourself more highly than you should.

Matt Edmundson:

Doesn't mean to think of yourself lowly, It's just not more highly than you should

Matt Edmundson:

help others get along, prefer others.

Matt Edmundson:

Do, you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

It's that kind of, I think it's a really interesting thing, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

That actually there is this balance that we, that we have to fight.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, but as Christians actually the emphasis is more on servant.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think the whole concept of leadership being servant leadership is

Matt Edmundson:

something without getting too political, that our political leaders, Oh, can we not

Matt Edmundson:

our political leaders should definitely, Well, I'm quite happy to get political.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, but it's, it's, it's one of those things, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

It's like Rishi Sunak who is the now prime Minister of the of Britain.

Matt Edmundson:

What's my best advice for him?

Matt Edmundson:

Be a servant, right?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

It's that kind of servant leadership is the best form of leadership.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think self-serving leadership is always just caught out, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And we struggle with it.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and so yeah, it's one of those where I think, I think if you are in some form

Matt Edmundson:

of leadership, Mm, asking yourself the question like, how, how do I, how well

Matt Edmundson:

am I doing in the servant leader role?

Matt Edmundson:

Is not a bad question to ask yourself.

Matt Edmundson:

And how can I improve in that?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

How can I, I do that.

Matt Edmundson:

Tim Keller quoted.

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

I've got a absolutely brilliant manager at work and, um, I've been

Claire Glare:

so impressed with how she has set.

Claire Glare:

Um, she just really recognizes like, when our team needs a bit of a break,

Claire Glare:

and she, one time she did a bit of self care with us, but it was lovely.

Claire Glare:

She bought us little chocolates.

Claire Glare:

She bought us some hankies.

Claire Glare:

She bought us a few little things like that, but she, she

Claire Glare:

also spent time thinking about.

Claire Glare:

The individual qualities that we all brought to the team.

Claire Glare:

And she just, it was just so thoughtful and from her heart, and I was just

Claire Glare:

like, you're a brilliant manager.

Claire Glare:

You know, you, you know, as far as I know, doesn't, doesn't know, uh, Jesus.

Claire Glare:

Um, but, you know, it was really modeled great leadership to me.

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Um, and I I love that.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

No, I, I think you're totally right.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, Dionne's, putting the comments here, what do you think about servanthood

Matt Edmundson:

being an attitude rather than an action?

Matt Edmundson:

So it's more about our motivation rather than how much actual servant we do.

Matt Edmundson:

I quite, I like the idea.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and I, I'm very anti the, uh, the measurement grade Do You know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

I've done 14 hours of, of serving this week, so therefore I've

Matt Edmundson:

checked that off in my checkbox.

Matt Edmundson:

I don't, I'm not a big fan of that.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and so I, I would agree that it starts with attitude.

Matt Edmundson:

Dunno about you Claire.

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

I mean, I, I do, but I, I think also kind of the proof

Claire Glare:

of the puddings in the eating.

Claire Glare:

I think if you don't, if you say stuff, you know, you talk, you talk the talk, but

Claire Glare:

you don't walk the walk, you know, Again, it's that balance, isn't it of Yeah.

Claire Glare:

It's good.

Claire Glare:

You've, um, you, I think actions in a sense, speak louder for me.

Claire Glare:

Um, I'm a bit of an activist.

Matt Edmundson:

No, really, really, Claire.

Claire Glare:

Not so much of a thinker.

Claire Glare:

Um, and so I, you know, Do think, do ponder and then do it.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

But I think, I think, I think Dion's right?

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's gotta come out, out of a right attitude.

Matt Edmundson:

You know, Paul, Paul talks about this, isn't he?

Matt Edmundson:

And he's like, If I do this, if I give away this and do that and do

Matt Edmundson:

all these amazing things, but have a lot, not, don't have love, Yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

Then I've become as a resounding gong or whatever the King James

Matt Edmundson:

says, which is a great phrase.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and so yes, we don't, we don't wanti resounding gongs, we just, we don't want

Matt Edmundson:

that hot air nonsense and dion's put here actually, our faith and works go

Matt Edmundson:

hand in hand, which is totally right.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and you know, you've, you've, you've gotta have both.

Matt Edmundson:

So here's a question that I came across, um, when I quickly googled

Matt Edmundson:

questions people have about servant leadership while Tony was doing his talk.

Matt Edmundson:

And I thought this was a great question.

Matt Edmundson:

Who do you serve who cannot repay you in any way?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Do, you know what I mean?

Matt Edmundson:

That's a really fascinating question, isn't it?

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Because I think, and I was thinking about the same sort of thing while

Claire Glare:

Tony was speaking, that, that actually, if you are, and I think it's that

Claire Glare:

sweet talk in your way to success.

Claire Glare:

If we're, if we're, if we're doing things to people that we know can somehow,

Claire Glare:

you know, scratch you, scratch my back and I'll scratch yours or the other

Claire Glare:

way around, or whatever, you know, that's, that's not really serving is it?

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

You know, But if you're doing things.

Claire Glare:

What is it to the least of these?

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Then you, you're doing it onto Jesus, you know, and I think I've

Claire Glare:

actually had a couple of amazing examples of washing people's feet.

Claire Glare:

Shall I tell you very briefly about them?

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I'm curious now.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, go for it.

Claire Glare:

I, it's actually one of my things that I really like to

Claire Glare:

do, and I'm gonna slightly tweak it.

Claire Glare:

I'm gonna call it a pedicure rather than washing your feet because, and,

Claire Glare:

but people are very, um, people don't like generally other strangers touching

Claire Glare:

their feet or, you know, but I've had some beautiful opportunities.

Claire Glare:

Um, it was one time in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Claire Glare:

And another time in Kyrgystan, where I lived for a few years.

Claire Glare:

And, um, I've just, and, and those were countries where people

Claire Glare:

didn't have great footwear.

Claire Glare:

So a bit like Jesus's, uh, time, you know, dodgy sandals and, you know,

Claire Glare:

muddy floors and all the rest of that.

Claire Glare:

But, and these women were just working so hard.

Claire Glare:

Nobody ever gave them any time or, you know, they never would

Claire Glare:

normally go for a pedicure.

Claire Glare:

It wasn't that, those kind of places, they didn't have that sort of money.

Claire Glare:

Um, you know, and, um, and it was just such a treat, you know, They were, they

Claire Glare:

were embarrassed at the start, but then were just like, Oh, this is really lovely.

Claire Glare:

Thank you.

Claire Glare:

You know, And, uh, you know, and, and it's more blessed to give

Claire Glare:

than it is to receive, isn't it?

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

, you know, I think they have a good time, but actually I was having a better time.

Claire Glare:

Um, you know, so, but I think it's trying to find those other ways, isn't it?

Claire Glare:

Like Tony said, it's not actually about us all, you know, grabbing

Claire Glare:

the towel around our waist.

Claire Glare:

Can I wash your feet?

Matt Edmundson:

Knocking on your neighbor's door with

Matt Edmundson:

a bucket, uh, and a sponge.

Matt Edmundson:

No, it's not gonna work.

Claire Glare:

Is it Maundy Thursday today?

Claire Glare:

Maundy Thursday.

Claire Glare:

That's a great one, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it?

Matt Edmundson:

And I, and I think the question right, was, you know, don't ask people to do

Matt Edmundson:

things that you personally wouldn't do.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think everyone around you needs help.

Matt Edmundson:

And it's understanding where you can help and you know where you, where that shape

Matt Edmundson:

is or where that hole is that you can fill and be God's hands in that situation.

Matt Edmundson:

I think it's interesting.

Matt Edmundson:

So Matt's put here, he regularly works with those who need, um, Dionne's

Matt Edmundson:

put, she volunteers for domestic abuse charity, which is amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think it's one of the, I just wanna give a shout out to my

Matt Edmundson:

Christian brothers and sisters here.

Matt Edmundson:

I'm gonna get the figures wrong.

Matt Edmundson:

Sharon's gonna shout at me, but you know what, I'm gonna do it anyway

Matt Edmundson:

and I'll face it to it later.

Matt Edmundson:

I think Sharon was telling me she was in listening to a guy

Matt Edmundson:

talk about the third sector.

Matt Edmundson:

So the charity sector here in the uk and the Christian

Matt Edmundson:

population apparently is about 2%.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, in the UK it's not huge.

Matt Edmundson:

We would say, I, I would, you know, England in effect is a Christian country,

Matt Edmundson:

but those who would be professing, uh, active Christians who would some have some

Matt Edmundson:

kind of active faith rather than as being Christian by sort of a natural response

Matt Edmundson:

or, you know, heritage, it's about 2%.

Matt Edmundson:

So it's a small part of the population.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, but Christians make up around, I think it was 60% of the workforce in

Matt Edmundson:

the third sector, in the charity sector.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, and so, you know, the church for all its faults and problems, Yeah.

Matt Edmundson:

Is just full of people who wanna serve and help.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and so big up to my Christian brothers and sisters.

Matt Edmundson:

If you do work in the third sector, it's amazing.

Matt Edmundson:

And I think we should keep doing that, uh, and keep serving.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, and it's important, uh, it's the highest form of leadership and I think

Matt Edmundson:

it has a big impact on the nation.

Claire Glare:

So, and, and it really does.

Claire Glare:

I think we really, the, the church does really punch above its weight in.

Claire Glare:

Um, metaphorically, but I think also there's that challenge to all of

Claire Glare:

us, to not kind of be Jesus or be the savior, be the one with all the

Claire Glare:

answers, but to actually ask people, Well actually how can I serve you?

Claire Glare:

And humility to think, Oh yeah, um, well I think that they might need

Claire Glare:

this, but actually let me talk to them and maybe they maybe might need that.

Claire Glare:

Um, or something else.

Claire Glare:

Or maybe I'm not the person who can help them, but either I can pray or I can give

Claire Glare:

financially or I can suggest to somebody else, Oh, you're really good at this.

Claire Glare:

Could you do this?

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Um, we don't, you know, working together as the church is, is brilliant in that.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And that's what we should be doing, right?

Matt Edmundson:

That's what we should be doing in, in community.

Matt Edmundson:

And so, ah, love the conversation.

Matt Edmundson:

It's, um, , this, this whole thing.

Matt Edmundson:

You know, why do we do it?

Matt Edmundson:

Why do we do the certain thing?

Matt Edmundson:

And Tony talked about it, you know, Jesus modeled it, didn't he?

Matt Edmundson:

This was his whole deal.

Matt Edmundson:

And in that song we sang all the vain things that show me most.

Matt Edmundson:

I sacrificed them to his blood.

Matt Edmundson:

In other words, let me lay down selfishness.

Matt Edmundson:

That's my sacrifice.

Matt Edmundson:

And let me take up, uh, the call of Christ, which is servanthood.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I'm not, don't get me wrong, I'm not brilliant at this.

Matt Edmundson:

I am getting better.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, I am, you are.

Matt Edmundson:

I am getting better over the years.

Matt Edmundson:

Um, so yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, servanthood.

Matt Edmundson:

So I think we will end that conversation there cuz looking at time, I, if we,

Matt Edmundson:

if I don't, we're just gonna carry on.

Matt Edmundson:

We'll say you just looking at time.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, so servant leadership, I hope you got something out of this today.

Matt Edmundson:

One, can I get a little bit political?

Matt Edmundson:

Would that be right?

Matt Edmundson:

And without taking up too much time,

Claire Glare:

You know me,

Matt Edmundson:

Let's do it.

Matt Edmundson:

So if you don't know, uh, Claire was a labor counselor, so you've

Matt Edmundson:

definitely got political in your, in your time, haven't you?

Matt Edmundson:

One of the things that I saw just in Wellsby, who is the Archbishop

Matt Edmundson:

of Canterbury, who in theory is the senior, most senior person in the

Matt Edmundson:

Church of England, in the uk, in the world, I think in the world.

Matt Edmundson:

Is he the top bloke?

Matt Edmundson:

We've met him a couple of times.

Matt Edmundson:

Have you met him?

Matt Edmundson:

Met him a couple of times.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, lovely chap.

Matt Edmundson:

Liz May, No, not Liz May, Liz Truss, uh, our shortest ever prime minister, uh,

Matt Edmundson:

who didn't have a particularly, uh, good time in office, let's put it that way.

Matt Edmundson:

It was fraud, uh, to say, to say the least.

Matt Edmundson:

So she resigns.

Matt Edmundson:

Justin writes on Twitter, just paying for Liz, uh, praying for Liz.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Good man.

Matt Edmundson:

Well, you should see the comments that came out of that.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

There was a lot of hatred and anger towards that very comment.

Matt Edmundson:

Why would you pray for her?

Matt Edmundson:

She's caused all this chaos.

Matt Edmundson:

What about praying for those that are poor or needy and just absolutely having

Matt Edmundson:

a go at Justin because he said she served.

Matt Edmundson:

Therefore, I'm gonna pray.

Matt Edmundson:

And that's not his exact words.

Matt Edmundson:

You'll have to read what he said on Twitter, um, himself.

Matt Edmundson:

And it was quite, you know, it wasn't, I thought it was

Matt Edmundson:

lovely actually what he said.

Matt Edmundson:

And I thought, actually this is a really interesting point.

Matt Edmundson:

Regardless of your political affiliation, especially in times like this as

Matt Edmundson:

Christians, before you have an opinion about the party politics, you have to

Matt Edmundson:

be praying for that political leader.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And you still have to remember, uh, that these people are serving,

Matt Edmundson:

maybe it's out of selfish ambition.

Claire Glare:

Maybe it's family.

Claire Glare:

She's got teenage daughters who must be going to school and everyone's

Claire Glare:

going, Eh, look at your mom.

Claire Glare:

You know, all of that is tough in it and absolutely need to pray for our leaders.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

And be thankful for those that, um, are in public office.

Matt Edmundson:

So there we go.

Matt Edmundson:

Politics over.

Matt Edmundson:

I saw that and just thought, I can't believe people are responding like this.

Matt Edmundson:

It's a really odd way to respond, but still, it may be the mood

Matt Edmundson:

of the nation in some respects.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

. Mm-hmm.

Matt Edmundson:

. Um, so Claire, what's coming up next week?

Matt Edmundson:

I did tell you, I wanna know if you remembered.

Claire Glare:

Whether I was listening . So Sharon is gonna be continuing in John.

Claire Glare:

We dunno what passage it is.

Claire Glare:

It it is, Sorry, that sounded like a swear word there.

Claire Glare:

I'm sorry about that.

Claire Glare:

I'm sure it'll be amazing cuz Sharon's fabulous.

Claire Glare:

And then, and Rachel Marshall is, Oh, am I meant to name, names, Surname?

Claire Glare:

I don't know.

Claire Glare:


Claire Glare:

Uh, we put it on the screen, so.

Claire Glare:

Oh, right, okay.

Claire Glare:

Um, she's gonna be hosting with you or by herself?

Claire Glare:

Is she doing it or by herself?

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, probably me, Uh, maybe somebody else.

Matt Edmundson:

We're looking at rotas at the moment, so I'm not entirely sure,

Matt Edmundson:

but we know that Rachel is on it.

Matt Edmundson:

So you'll be in safe hands.

Matt Edmundson:

Well, so yes.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, the Power Twins, uh, Rach and Sharon next week.

Matt Edmundson:

Oh yes.

Matt Edmundson:

You're not gonna want to miss it.

Matt Edmundson:

So do join us.

Matt Edmundson:

If you haven't done this already, head over to the website.

Matt Edmundson:

Sign up for the newsletter, um, and we will email you, uh, every week with

Matt Edmundson:

what's going on, the links, the transcript notes and all that sort of stuff.

Matt Edmundson:

So Cool.

Matt Edmundson:

Come straight through to your inbox.

Matt Edmundson:

We're getting our newsletters to be a little bit better and

Matt Edmundson:

a little bit more interesting.

Matt Edmundson:

Obviously, make sure you subscribe to what's the story.

Matt Edmundson:

We didn't actually manage to get that podcast out this week, but it will be out.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, next week as in starting tomorrow, uh, Monday we've got a guy called Brett Curry.

Matt Edmundson:

His story is gonna be released then Mark Mitchell, uh, from

Matt Edmundson:

the, uh, Mitchell Mazda fame.

Matt Edmundson:

So yes, he's gonna be on the podcast here.

Matt Edmundson:

Yeah, All amazing people.

Matt Edmundson:

So they're coming to What's the story.

Matt Edmundson:

All that information is on the website

Matt Edmundson:

I can put it on the screen.

Matt Edmundson:

There you go.

Matt Edmundson:

Or you can connect with us via social media.

Matt Edmundson:

Crowd Church.

Matt Edmundson:

We would love to hear from you.

Matt Edmundson:

We do have a midweek group on Wednesdays if you'd like to come join in.

Matt Edmundson:

And we pray, uh, in that group that.

Matt Edmundson:

Just a heads up, there are gonna be some changes coming to the Crowd

Matt Edmundson:

Church livestream in the coming weeks.

Matt Edmundson:

We will keep you updated on that.

Matt Edmundson:

All things get, Yeah.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Oh, uh, things are gonna be getting better hopefully.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

Uh, yes.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

I'm just looking down the comments cuz Matt Crew normally reminds

Matt Edmundson:

me of stuff that I've forgotten.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

He's awesome at that.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, so I think I've told them, Matt, tell me if I've missed anything because,

Matt Edmundson:

uh, I don't think that I have right now.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, so yeah, Dionne have a great week.

Matt Edmundson:

Everyone's in there saying, Have a great week.

Matt Edmundson:

Uh, so thank you everybody for joining us comments.

Matt Edmundson:

Claire, thank you for hosting with me.

Matt Edmundson:

It's been the first time you and I have hosted.

Matt Edmundson:

We should have to do it again sometime.

Matt Edmundson:


Matt Edmundson:

All right folks, have a fantastic week.

Matt Edmundson:

God bless you, and we will see you next week.




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