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In this episode of "A Changed Mind", our host David Bayer shares his top five personal development books that transformed his life. He discusses how these works, including "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle and Neville Goddard's collected works, provided practical tools for manifestation and spiritual growth. Bayer reveals how Florence Scoville Shin's "The Game of Life" and Raymond Charles Barker's "The Power of Decision" shaped his understanding of reality creation.
Surprisingly, he ranks the Bible as his number one personal development book, interpreting it as a metaphysical guide to consciousness and manifestation.
5:38 A New Earth: Collective awakening and hope
10:13 The Neville Goddard Collection: Power of imagination
15:49 The Game of Life: Spiritual laws and manifestation
22:25 The Power of Decision: Decisions shape reality
"Most people get into self-help, they get super excited. It's like, 'Oh my God, I can create my own reality. I can change any circumstance in my life. I can attract more wealth, my soulmate, transform my health, create a multi-million dollar business.' And by the way, all of that is true. But the question is, why are so many people actually struggling to materialize their dreams?"
"When you align with divine truth and inner certainty, the external must adjust to match your state of being."
"The Bible isn't teaching that God is distant. It's showing us that God consciousness is within us, available in every moment, and it works through us."
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David Bayer: You can talk about personal growth. I'll share with you how to become a better speaker. Share with you some of my tactics around finance because he's a two time New York Times bestselling author on finance. And so I said, yeah, that sounds great. Next thing I know, my now wife, my girlfriend at the time and I are rolling up to this incredible villa in Tuscany and she says, what do you know about this guy Garrett? And I said, very little. But I know I made a decision that I wanted to develop even better relationships with even more extraordinary people doing even more amazing things in the world. And this was a byproduct of that. So take Barker's advice. Stop waiting and just decide. Because the beautif thing about decisions is it's not like a magic genie lamp where you only have three wishes. Decisions give you an unlimited number of wishes to start shaping your reality differently. Now number one on my list of top five personal development books of all time is. Welcome to A Changed Mind. A journey into the topics that matter to you most. From the neuroscience and spirituality of mindset and personal growth. To groundbreaking strategies for health, wealth and relationships. To open and honest conversations about pressing global issues such as the environment, censorship, corporate capture and democracy. Each and every episode reminds us of the certainty of the goodness of the future and provides the teachings, tools and timeless wisdom inspiring you to create real lasting change in your life and in the world. If you've been desiring. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place to go to tune out the distraction, negativity and doom and gloom so that you can tap into the deep power, the vibrancy and the potential you have inside. You're in the right place. Welcome to a Changed Mind. Hey guys. Welcome back to A Changed Mind. A sanctuary for your spirit. A place where each and every episode I remind you of the certainty of the goodness of the future. I'm your friend, your host, your guide, David Bayer. Most people get into self help, they get super excited. It's like, oh my God, I can create my own reality. I can change any circumstance in my life. I can attract more wealth, my soulmate, transform my health, create a multi million dollar business. And by the way, all of that is true. But the question is, why are so many people actually struggling to materialize their dreams? Why does it feel like the more information we have around personal growth, psychology, neuroscience, how the human being operating system works, the further and further we feel like we are from achieving our goals? Well, the truth is that this is actually part of the problem. There's too much information out there there are literally tens of thousands of books on personal development and success and wealth. And over the course of the last 10 years, I've read most of them on everything from the neuroscience of to peak performance, law of attraction, spirituality and consciousness theory. But it wasn't until I found these five books that everything changed for me. And together they created a roadmap where I was able to go from broke self help junkie to discovering my purpose, launching a 30 million dollar company, marrying the woman of my dreams, finding my dream home in Puerto Rico, literally manifesting just about everything that was sitting on my vision board just 10 years ago. And if I had to go back and distill all of that information that I learned in all of those books and seminars into a real roadmap for how to change my thinking and create my reality, I'd only need these five books. So I'm going to give them to you in reverse order. I'm going to save the best for last. And I guarantee that at least two of these books you've never even heard of. Now let's start with number five on the list. Number five is a book called A New Earth. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Not Eckart's first book. Eckart's best big coming out party was with the Power of Now. This was a game changer for people in personal growth. That book was basically the bringing to awareness this thing called the ego, the voice in your head. Before that, very few people in mainstream personal growth were really talking about the ego. Very similar to what happened over the last couple of years with Bernay Brown. Talking about shame. We were all feeling it, but nobody was talking about it. Well, what the Power of Now did was it gave a new name, a new identity and a set of tools. In particular coming back into the present moment to deal with the destructive power of the ego. But in his second book, A New Earth, Eckhart takes it further. So rather than focusing on your own awakening in the Power of Now, he talks about a collective awakening in A New Earth. And I remember reading that book and feeling so much hope and so much excitement because it wasn't just that my life could get better, but that the entire world was on a trajectory of change. He uses this metaphor where he talks about the great spiritual teachers are like a single blossom on a grassy hill and what's happening now is the entire hill is beginning to blossom. So this was a really powerful book for me, especially with all the chaos going on in the world that seems so Senseless and violent and tragic and unnecessary. A new Earth helped me see that no, this all has a purpose and it will pass. Just like the challenges in our own lives are necessary in order to teach us how to grow and evolve. These challenges are helping humanity how to get to the next level. Because I think sometimes in personal growth you can see that, well, my life can improve, but I'm stuck here on Earth where everything is cray cray. And so what's the point of my life improving if I'm in a prison cell controlled by other people, really powerful people. And what Eckart says is, look, you're in your own cell. You're not in a cell that anybody else has put you in. And you hold the key. And as you step out of that cell, you'll join thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions and billions of other people who are stepping out of their own cells at this incredible time in history. And you will create something new together. Don't mind the people who are stuck in the old ways, they can' and when you free yourself and there is an immense power rising amongst people like you, you will come together to create a new Earth. And I'm like, I'll have a double shot of that. I read that book two times. Sometimes I go back to passages of it when I feel like I'm getting lost in the chaos of the world. I think of this book as the macro to help you stay focused on the micro of your own growth without letting the ego get too wrapped up in what's happening out there on social media, the forever wars, censorship, big pharma, corporate capture, basically saying, don't worry about that, just do the work on yourself and the world will change because a lot of us are doing the work together. So this book was super, super energizing for me. Number four on the list is not just one book, but it's a compilation. It's called the Neville Goddard Collection.
reat mystical teachers of the:It's whether you choose faith or fear. And what I love about that is it's just, it's a binary way to manage your life. It cuts out all the clutter of the many conversations that your mind might be trying to have with you and breaks it down into faith versus fear. Every time you choose fear, she says, you block your good. Every time you choose faith, you allow miracles. And she teaches how to actively reject doubt, fear and negative energy so you stay in alignment with the good that's already yours. And for this she uses things like affirmations, incantations, what she calls metaphysical treatments. And what makes Florence Scovelshin so unique is how she interprets scripture metaphysically. She doesn't just quote the Bible, she decodes it in a way that aligns with the law of attraction, the power of words and spiritual alignment. So here are just a couple of examples. Scripture in Proverbs says death and life are in the power of the tongue. Shin takes this literally. Your words create or destroy. So she teaches that you must guard your words ruthlessly because whatever you speak, you call into being. She references Matthew 7. Ask and it shall be given. Seek and ye shall find. Most people think that this is just means prayer. But Shin explains that asking isn't begging, it's declaring with certainty. And she teaches that when you make a firm spoken declaration, the universe must respond. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. That's Hebrews 11. And Shin says faith is more than belief, it's a spiritual force that shapes reality. And when you act as if something is already done, you bring it into form. So this again you start to hear these themes across these great works of literature, very similar to what Neville Goddard talks about in his collected works. When you act as if something is already done, you bring it into form. From the fourth dimension to the third dimension. Now, by showing how scripture supports manifestation, the power of words and faith based creation, she bridges the gap between Christianity and metaphysics in a way that's really, really practical and was really, really potent for me. So this is why the Game of Life is one of my top five favorite personal development books. And I recommend if you've been on this journey for a while but haven't fully integrated change, you check out her book again. A lot of self help books teach visualization, goal setting and intention. But Shin's work moves you into a place where of absolute certainty. And once you truly grasp that your words and beliefs create instantly, then hesitation disappears. And this is really, really important because she says it removes force and struggle. So if you've been feeling like you've been working on yourself, but things still feel hard, this book teaches you how to let go of resistance and allow things to unfold effortlessly. I really feel like it gives a practical method to apply a spiritual law because she doesn't just talk about mindset, she gives clear, simple steps for changing your language, shifting your faith and seeing immediate results. So again, if you've been feeling like you're on the edge of a breakthrough but can't quite step over, this is the book that will push you there. Now my second favorite book of all time is the Power of Decision by Raymond Charles Barker. And most people think that decisions are about choosing between actions, what to do, when to start, or whether to take a risk. But Barker reveals a much deeper truth. He says your life is a direct reflection of what you have decided about yourself, your worth and what's possible for you. This book, the Power of Decision, isn't just about making choices. It's about understanding that the moment you truly decide something, your entire reality begins to shift. I've talked about this in a lot of other episodes because this book has had such a profound impact on me. We actually give this book, not my book, but give this book to all of our first year high level coaching clients. The Power of Decision is one of the most profound personal development books of all time. And Barker teaches that the most powerful decisions aren't about external things like careers money or relationships. The most powerful decisions are the ones you make about yourself and your reality. He says, quote, you are at this moment the result of the decisions you have made or failed to make. So let that sink in. Your health, your wealth, your happiness. It's all a reflection of what you have accepted as possible or not possible in your life up until now. Not what you want, but what you have decided will be yours. This means that changing your life isn't about working harder or controlling your external circumstances or hoping for better opportunities. It's about making a new decision right now, about what you will accept as truth for you. And here's what makes this book different from all the others. Barker isn't just talking about willpower. He's talking about the miraculous shift that happens when a decision is made with conviction. He shares stories of people who were stuck financially, emotionally, or physically until they finally decided to accept something better. And once they did, life reorganized itself in ways that they could never have predicted. And I've talked about so many of these types of miracles or coincidences or synchronicities on other episodes, and I'm sure that you've experienced them in your own life. But Barker gives us a roadmap as to how this is actually occurring. Opportunities appear, solutions reveal themselves, and struggles dissolve, not through effort, but through the power of a firm decision. The moment you fully commit to a new decision, something powerful happens. Barker describes it as a shift in your subconscious, your energy, and even the universe itself. And here's what starts to unfold when you give yourself permission to decide. Number one. When you make a new decision, your subconscious mind instantly responds. Your subconscious doesn't argue. It follows orders. And so when you make a real decision, you're giving it clear instructions to work with. And Barker says, indecision delays the good you seek. Decision begins its arrival. Number two, the universe moves to support you. When you truly decide, people, opportunities, and ideas begin aligning with your choice. You don't need to figure out how the how starts unfolding once the decision is firm. Number three, fear and confusion dissolve. Most anxiety comes from not deciding, not from making the wrong choice. And once you decide, the inner conflict disappears. And number four, your energy and momentum increase. Have you ever noticed how exhausting it is to sit in indecision? The moment you decide, you feel lighter, you feel clearer, and you feel more in control. But if decision is so powerful, the question is, why do most people avoid it? And Barker explains that it's not decision itself that people fear. It's what they believe will Happen after. First, there's a fear of change. A new decision might require you to leave your comfort zone. Even if life isn't great, the familiar feels safe. And number two, fear of responsibility. The moment you decide, you can't blame circumstances anymore. Many people prefer to feel like life is happening to them rather than being the one in control. And number three, fear of letting go of the old. You cannot cling to the old and expect the new to arrive. And so people resist decision because they fear what they'll have to release. Number four, fear of failure or fear of success. So some people fear that if they decide, they might fail, so they just avoid deciding altogether.
place, it is within you. Luke: