Artwork for podcast Building a Life You Love: Faith, Passion, and Purpose for Women
Ep 129: Merry Christmas & Happy New Year- Season 1 is a Wrap
Episode 12921st December 2021 • Building a Life You Love: Faith, Passion, and Purpose for Women • Kristin Fitch - Transformational Life & Leadership Coach, Encourager
00:00:00 00:04:26

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On today's episode Kristin wishes you a Merry Christmas and wraps up season 1 for 2021 and will be back with new episodes for season 2 in January. Thank you for your support and helping the show to launch, and release 129 episodes in 8 months.

What is holding you back from going after your dreams to start your business or to write a book or launch a podcast, to sell your art or clothing, or to start an online business or scaling it? And to build a life you love- both your work and personal life?

 Kristin speaks to entrepreneurs who are doing work they love while building the life they want and doing it on their terms- let's start taking action to create and monetize our creative ideas and passions and turn them into thriving businesses- let's go after our dream work, find financial freedom, and spend more time with people we love.  Let’s build businesses we are proud of and have lasting impact in the world.

Kristin will share inspiring stories of entrepreneurs creating lives and businesses they love, as well as share strategies and tactics you can apply to build a life you love.  We will also talk about overcoming challenges, limiting mindsets and pivoting. And how has your creativity, curiosity, sense of adventure or faith helped you to build a life you love?





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