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Fake Friends & B Holes | A Little Bit Bothered | Ep. 1
Episode 18th August 2024 • A Little Bit Bothered Podcast • A Little Bit Bothered Podcast
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Welcome to the Bothered Bitches Club!

In this episode of 'A Little Bit Bothered,' we're tackling the challenges of making friends and maintaining adult friendships, especially as moms. We're getting pretty personal pretty quickly with stories about finding mom friends, and why no one ever told us butthole hair was a thing, and Kelsie's unfortunate encounter with a razor..... We're sharing our love of funny reddit stories and Chat GPT and anything that is making us "A little bit bothered"

Thanks for coming along for the ride with us and we hope you stay to be part of our Group chat!

Meet your hosts:

Kelsie @mynameiskelsie

Nicole @niclucchetti

Ashley @ashley.baileybonner

Monica @the.monicajean

Follow us @alittlebitbothered

Join us every Thursday for new episodes!!


Kelsie (:

Welcome to the very first episode of A Little Bit Bothered podcast. Step into the podcast that feels like your best friend's group chat. The inner sanctum of friend conversations, the secret snark society, the sass and spill social, the sparkle and snark squad, the petty posse, the banter brigade. You get the point. Where the tea is piping hot, unpacking the things that bother us one chat at a time. And we're your hosts. I'm Kelsey.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I'm Ashley.

Monica (:

And I'm Monica.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

So we all put a little bit bothered on our Instagram little note and people are noticing. I didn't think anybody would notice. I didn't think anybody was going to notice that all. But multiple like multiple people have messaged all of us now and been like, what is this? We're stirring up interest. We're stirring up interest.

Nicole (:

I didn't either.

What does that mean? Did you guys do this on purpose? Just put the eyeballs.

Kelsie (:

So if you're one of those people and you're listening to this now, just know that's what was happening.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

This is what it's about.

Nicole (:

This is it! Welcome,

Monica (:

Right? Right?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

we decided on a little bit bothered. I think that that was our name originally, right? We never had a different name because we just, have our little group chat on Instagram where all four of us, feels like are just, we're bothered by things and we tell each other and it's just like the randomest shit.

Nicole (:

gosh. The amount of times, yeah, the amount of times we just all come to the chat and we're like, this is pissing me off today. And then just like.

Kelsie (:

Well, it started because we were trying to think of a name for the podcast and Nicole's like, what if we did unhinged and unbothered? And I'm like, well, that would be a lie, because I think we're a little bit bothered. We're at least a little bit bothered.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we're unbothered. Yeah, we're like, that is catchy, but wait a minute, unbothered, does that describe us? Actually, no, that's the exact opposite. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Yes, yes,

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

We're pretty... we're kinda bothered.

Nicole (:

No, we are very bothered. Actually, the name should be very bothered, but that doesn't sound good. a lot of it.

Monica (:

or bright.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, yeah, a little bit bothered might be optimistic.

Kelsie (:

We're a little bothered.

Monica (:

Well, and I feel like, right. Well, and we end up coming to the chat like literally about everything and just talk through it. And I love our friendship where we vent, but then we always kind of find the way to like keep encouraging each other and finding ways to keep moving through it. But the other part of the name is because we always vent and then end with like, I'm fine. I'm a little bit bothered, but I'm fine. Which translation is I'm not fine.

Nicole (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, fine, yeah, a woman's favorite word.

Nicole (:

Literally the amount of times we've said

I'm fine. I'll be fine, but I'm still bothered by this thing.

Monica (:

Right. So if you are a listener and joining us today for our first day, this is kind of what you can expect. Like the group chat where we can talk about all of the random crap that kind of bothers us and just talking through it. There's a little bit of everything

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

Also, don't be surprised if we trauma dump and then cry.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

god, Yeah. Usually, usually one of us like reels it in. We like balance.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

That could definitely be very realistic.

Nicole (:

Because that's actually what our group chat. Yes. Same. Hi. I was just crying literally yesterday. So.

Kelsie (:

I'm Kelsey and I'm the crier.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Kelsey's the crier, I'm kind of the mean one. Ashley definitely reels us in. She's the more level -headed one. And Monica's our mom. Monica's our mom. Yep, that's her.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, but Monica's like the mom. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

She's also very sarcastic. Monica's the mom.

Monica (:

Mother fox. Mother fox.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

The Mother Fox.

Kelsie (:

She keeps her little ducks in a row. Her little foxes in a row, I guess.

Nicole (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

Yes. Yes, my little foxes. How do you say foxes plural? Is it foxes? What is it? I don't know. Okay, you're my little foxes. Perfect.

Nicole (:

It's foxes, yeah, no.

Kelsie (:

That's what foxes.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

My fan is making a noise. Can you guys hear my fan?

Nicole (:

Fox eye.

Kelsie (:

Foxi -siss -siss -siss. The fox eye.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I don't think that's it.

Monica (:

I love it.

Welcome to our podcast. am so, I'm so excited. We are finally doing this. This is, this is happening.

Kelsie (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

It's happening. I'm sweating. Like too long.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

What a long time coming. Like a really long time.

Monica (:

such a long time, but I guess that's what happens when you are busy moms, but we're making it happen. Here we

Nicole (:

or making it work.

Monica (:

Yeah, so I think maybe for our listeners who are brand new, like let's just kind of introduce ourselves a little bit more. Like we are friends who have met on the internet, which is so wild to me still that we have become best friends literally living in three different states.

Nicole (:

Even more wild because some of us haven't even met each other in person and some of us have. So I neither have I. Yeah, Kelsey is the odd man out for most of us. and so.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Yep, I've never met Kelsey.

Monica (:

Yeah, yeah, that is pretty wild. Right? Like, yes, one time in person. We literally have a girls trip planned and have not all been together in the same place ever before, which is wild. But I guess this is what mom friendships look like in 2024.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, I've met Monica.


Nicole (:

ever. It's wild.

Kelsie (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

gonna be the first

Nicole (:

Yeah, right.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

I don't know. I feel like that's such a huge thing is trying to find friends in motherhood, but not even just motherhood, like being adults. Like, why is it so hard?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm Mm It's like almost impossible. Yeah,

Nicole (:

Trying to find friends period. Literally.

Kelsie (:

It's definitely different.

You're not forced into it like you are in school. Like in school you are shoved into an environment where you do or die. You make friends. Yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Pretty much. You make friends or you don't.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

And you have so many activities. Yeah, when you're a kid, have like activities like sports and whatever, clubs. Even as an adult, if you're in a sport or a club, it's actually still kind of awkward to like introduce yourself or like, like really like make friends with those people outside of that thing, you know?

Monica (:

for real.

Nicole (:

Thanks, too.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

It is true. Yep. I was going to say we need clubs and like outings as adults. And then I thought like, there are things like that. So I'm just not part of them.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

What even

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


I'm not either.

Monica (:

Well, and I don't know about you guys, but I had this idea in my head that, OK, once my kids start doing sports and stuff and we're out and about, we're doing stuff, I'm just going to make mom friends there. It's just going to happen. We're just going to have the friends and we're going to make the play dates. So easy. And it's not.

Nicole (:

not wrong, you are wrong, you are very wrong, because I had that same thought.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -mm. Mm -mm. Mm -mm.

Monica (:

I, yeah. No, not even, not even a little bit.

Nicole (:

No. And like, I feel like

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Basically the only friends I've had in adulthood are like work, like from work. Like that's the only place. So like, if you're a stay at home mom, I actually have no idea how you, I'm not even sure how we all came together. And then let alone like if you're a stay at home mom and you don't go to work, I don't know where you find a friend. Cause that's the only place I've found mine besides you guys.

Nicole (:

Yes, yeah.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

very hard.

Well, I feel like that's really accurate. Like I've had a hard time, going from working and then to being the only one in my friends group that had kids. So then I was the only stay at home mom that I knew. And I lost all those friends from work. don't keep in touch with them anymore. It may be a little bit the first year that my daughter was born on this earth. But after

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

that like they all just kind of like except for my very like best friend that I've known since childhood. But, you know, other than that, it's so hard to like keep friends when you become a parent without a job, I feel

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, I had a problem finding friends even before having kids. It was hard to make friends as an adult.

Kelsie (:

think that

Nicole (:

True. Very true.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, I think it's just a totally different environment, but I think that like military has kind of given me a different experience for friendships just because like I lived on an island and away from family. I had no choice. Like if you don't get out there and make friends, then you are going to be the loneliest bitch that there could be.

Nicole (:

Does that make it a little easier though? Because like you're on an island, well, your case you're on an island, but you're also on like a base. like everybody on the basis in a similar position to you, right? So you have like a immediate kind of bond. Does that make it easier a little bit or not so much?

Kelsie (:

I'm really shy and awkward. So I am. If you met me randomly in person, I probably would be like standing in the corner looking like a creeper. No, no, you guys have you have you've unlocked my full freak and it will never be reined back in. But like my first six months in Hawaii, I

Nicole (:

Are you?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

I don't think so.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Is that how it's gonna be when we meet you in Savannah?

Nicole (:

No, God no.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

The only friends I had were the people that Trevor worked with. And then they started a spouse's kickball league. And I don't know what possessed me to join because I don't put myself in situations where I don't know people, but I did. I joined. And it was the best thing I ever did because I have made lifelong friends from it. But that goes back to school. It's kind of a situation where if you're in it, you got to make friends, but you have

Nicole (:

Wow, good for you.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

be put in that situation and as adults we don't put ourselves in those situations as much.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Very true, definitely don't.

Monica (:

Well, it's almost it's the convenience of it, right? Like if you're on similar schedules and you're in similar places, it becomes easier to become friends and like maintain that. But once your life start to change, it's not like you stop caring about those people, but like it takes so much more work to maintain those friendships.

Nicole (:

yes for

Kelsie (:

But I feel like once you find your adult friends, you like, you get, especially like our friendship, you get to know them on a level that you didn't know existed.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Yes, you get to know them.

Monica (:

Yeah. Well, it's almost like you have to, because you have to like filter out the friends that like you still care about them, but they might not be your closest friends. And so you have to like decide who gets more of your time and your energy because you only have so much of it.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

If they can't handle your freak then they don't, they gotta... Yes, you have to find the people that match your freak.

Nicole (:

for sure.

Is somebody gonna match my freak?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Okay, that's okay. Okay, but that's why this friend group works so good is because we all match each other's freak because I've had other friend groups and this is like so annoying in adult friend groups where I'll have a friend and they don't like they're not fully honest or fully transparent and they still have like a front up, you know what I mean? Where it's like, if I'm complaining about my kids or I'm having trouble with something and they kind of like pretend everything is perfectly fine in their life like

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

makes me insane. Especially if I know like somehow secondhand like this has happened to me so many times. I know something negative in this person's life that's happened but they don't want to come out and tell me themselves. It's like well are we friends then or like what is this you know that yeah that has like dwindled friendships.

Nicole (:

Are we friends or not? Like, life is hard. Life is hard for everybody. Nobody's perfect all the time. So like, give it to me. Dish it to me. I wanna know. Tell me all the things. I wanna skip the small

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, I don't need to know what you think about the weather. I need to know like the most traumatic thing that's ever happened to you.

Monica (:

Yeah, trauma dump on me.

Nicole (:

I need to know, I need to know, have you ever shaved your butt hole?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Kelsie (:

This feels like a personal attack, Nicole.

Nicole (:

It is.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

It is a personal attack. is. Kelsey, wait, wait, you guys. People are listening and they don't know. Yeah, Kelsey. Bring us in. This is, this is a safe space. This is a safe space. The people listening. Yes, the people listening are coming into our friend

Nicole (:

Kelsey, please.

Monica (:

I think Kelsey has a story. I think Kelsey has a story.

Nicole (:

Kelsey, please tell me.

Kelsie (:

You want to find out if everybody that listens to this matches our freak right off the bat.

Nicole (:

right off the

Monica (:

Let's do it. are going to find our people right now.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah. Mm -hmm. Yeah. No, we're not doing it here. We're not doing it. We're going to. Kelsey can tell

Nicole (:

No fake friends. No fake friends.

Kelsie (:

Listen when you are an adolescent, no one tells you that you're gonna grow hair on your butthole. They say They say pubic hair you're gonna get pubic hair. Okay? Eleven year old me didn't think pubic hair meant I was gonna have pubes on my butthole like no no one said that so when I started getting pubic hair on my butthole I was

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

They don't. Nobody

Monica (:


Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

And I thought that I was a freak.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

mean, you are in a different way, but.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

You're like, my God, I'm turning into Wolverine.

Kelsie (:

I mean, I was like, people cannot know that I have hair on my butthole. No one else has mentioned having hair on their butthole. No one talked about this in the puberty period classes. I'm a bear.

Monica (:

I'm a monster!

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Kelsie (:

an animal.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

So, so of course, like, I attempted to shave it because nobody else had it. I had to do what you got to do when you're a teenager with butthole hair. So I got a razor and I attempted to shave it. Now, this is gonna this people are gonna come for me because some people don't like bats. I'm a bath girly. I've always been a bath girly. I shaved my butthole in the

Monica (:

Why not? Yeah, yeah, why

Nicole (:


So you were just floating around with your bow.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Ew. Wait, I didn't even think of

Kelsie (:

You made that so much worse than it had to be.

Monica (:

We just discovered a whole new level to this story.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

That's my job. I'm here to make things worse. That's my job on the podcast.

Kelsie (:

So, my god, you guys are learning so much about me. So I shaved it and I accidentally cut my butt hole.

We're gonna have to cut all the breathy noises for me dying into this mic. Okay, I shaved my butthole and I cut it and It obviously hurt so I was talking to one of my best friends and I couldn't tell her that I shaved my butthole So I lied because I obviously wanted to share enough to know that for her to know that my like why I was complaining because my Butthole was in pain from cutting it with a razor, but I didn't want to tell her that I shaved my butthole

Monica (:

because the hair doesn't exist.

Kelsie (:

So, right? mean, mean, adolescents, insecurities. So I said

Nicole (:

because fake friends, come on.

Also, like, you don't want to tell people things when you're 11, just in case they go tell anybody else, like, what the hell? Like, okay. You know what I mean. When you're in your teenage years.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

Well, I don't think I was 11 because like I was a late bloomer, but

Yes. But I think that made it worse because like, don't know. Anyways, so I told her, I said, I was like, like my butthole hurts. I dropped the razor in the bath and then I scooted to find it and I scooted over it and I cut my butthole.

Monica (:

What did you tell her? Yeah.

Kelsie (:

But we had this conversation in our group chat and they're like, did she believe you? And I was like, at the time, I thought she believed me. But now that I'm saying it to you, like it's hard to imagine that she did. So I asked her, I hope she listens to this. So I asked her, I said, do you like remember this? Yes, just like, yes, within the last month, I

Nicole (:

There's no way.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

And this was recent, Like current day you asked her. Yeah. If she remembered it. I'm sure she remembered it because that's like scarring that conversation.

Kelsie (:

She did. Yeah. I she instantly started laughing. She yes, I remember. And I said, Did you believe me? And she and she said, No. But that makes me I feel better because like, obviously, she probably had but whole hair too. And if she had just shared that with me, I wouldn't have had to lie. And this

Monica (:

Yeah, like that's a very specific experience.

Nicole (:

No, hard no.

you correlating her having butthole hair to her just pretending like she believed you when I think she was just trying to be a good friend.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

What a good friend though. That was so nice of her to just go along with that wild story.

Monica (:

Yeah, that was a good friend.

Kelsie (:

She was. I needed, at that point in my life, I needed to believe that she believed my butthole hair story, yes.

Nicole (:

You needed it to be true, yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Here's the thing though, why'd you even tell her about the cut butt hole in the first place?

Monica (:

yeah, how did it even come

Kelsie (:

I'm an oversharer. I don't know. I'm an oversharer. I share everything. Have you guys learned this about me? I'm telling you about me shaving my butthole. Obviously, I told her I cut my butthole. I was just too afraid to admit that I had butthole hair because I thought I was a freak. What is happening?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

That's where the line was though. You tell her about the cut butthole?

Monica (:

How many times can we say butthole hair in one episode?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

no. It's gonna be the hashtag.

Nicole (:

Don't tempt me. I have a microphone, don't tempt me. It might have been dangerous. Kelsey, this is one of my favorite stories.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

my gosh. But like, why is it that... Yeah, it's one of my favorite too. But like, why is it that like that issue, like that doesn't end in like junior high and high school because that carried all the way through like to labor. Like there were so many things that just nobody told me. Nobody said anything.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

Literally. We'll see. Okay.

Kelsie (:

I want to know at what point I realized that other people had butthole hair and I wasn't a freak. I don't know, but I mean at some point I

Monica (:

I wanna know that too.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Do you know now? Do you know now? For the record, other people have that butt hole hair.

Nicole (:

Yes. However, I would like to say I didn't get my butthole hair until I call it second puberty when you reach like your 20s. And like, I just remember like my body changing again. And I was like, I've done this already. Excuse me. Why are we doing this again? Like, ew. then again, when you have children, hormones are so fun.

Kelsie (:

I mean, yeah.

Monica (:

Hormones are fun.

Kelsie (:

I care a lot less about my butthole hair now in case anybody wondered. Yeah. I don't have time to care about my butthole hair.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm, I barely care at all. Yeah. Yeah. No. You can't risk getting cut again.

Nicole (:

But yeah, exactly. like, I nope, sure don't, sure don't. Right.

Monica (:

Yeah, it's hair.

Kelsie (:

So if you're young and you're listening to this and you think you're the only one with butthole hair, I promise you're not. And I think that they should add that to period classes.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

They really should.

Nicole (:

Disclaimer if you're young, please don't listen to this. Just kidding.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, I know. was like, eww. When you said 11, I was like, God, I hope there's no 11 year olds on here.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, if you're young, should turn turn this off now.

Nicole (:

No, like, I don't know why the age 11 just came into my brain that just did we say the number 11? I don't. OK.

Kelsie (:

Well, yeah, I did. said, think that's the age that we had the period talk in school, like fifth grade -ish. I don't know.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Kelsey did.

Nicole (:

Okay, okay, Probably. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that makes

Monica (:

I so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I remember like fifth or sixth grade or something, but it was a very vague class. And I don't think I really learned a whole lot of anything of what to do and how to handle things and what exactly would change. I actually remember them talking more about like boys and having like their voices changing. And I'm like, I don't care about

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

maybe. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

I just.

Nicole (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm. It was taboo. They're not talking about what's going on with the women. You're gonna get a period.

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

Not that I regret learning how babies were made. Like I think that's a good thing to teach. But also like, could we focus more on the things that an 11 year old is going to care about in that moment? when their butthole starts sprouting hairs?

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

I mean they talk about it for like armpits why can't we talk about it for the buttholes?

Kelsie (:

Yeah, they said armpits and like, obviously, when I'm thinking of my pubic region as 11 year old, I'm not thinking I'm thinking the V, not the B.

Nicole (:

I'm just thinking of the front. Front only. Yeah, not. They should have just said the whole nether region, like every al of it down there, crack to crack, front to back. Lord.

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

The v and not the b

Kelsie (:

From crack to crack, the whole split.

Monica (:

of it down there.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Crack to crack.

Monica (:

and that's just the beginning of all the fun stuff we go through as women. My gosh.

Kelsie (:

We got from friendships to butthole here just like

Nicole (:

really quickly and that's how it happens.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm, that's how it happens. It's that quick.

Monica (:

It does. It does.

Kelsie (:

Just a butthole hair away.

Nicole (:


Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

And that's how we knew we were best friends.

Nicole (:

gosh, literally, because we could talk about butt holes.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Okay, I have never had this conversation with another adult friend. I mean, any friend, but never another adult friend. this is, we're locked in now.

Nicole (:

Right. mean, exactly. But that just goes back to like, it is hard to find your people when you're older, because when you're younger, for some reason, it's easier, maybe. But when you're older, you just want to find people that you don't have to have any fluff with. Like, cut the shit and just be real. Small talk is boring. Right. Yeah, it is work. Yeah. You know, I feel like I

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

And they have to put in the same amount of work. Like it's work, you know? The other people have to be able to reciprocate.

Monica (:



Nicole (:

thought, because it is hard, but I really was stuck in that like, it's so hard to make mom friends. It's so hard to make mom friends. But when I actually started putting the effort into making the mom friends, then it wasn't that hard. It was like, I do have you have to also take a certain amount of responsibility for what you want. I was like, I want friends. Well, I can't have friends if I'm not out there making friends. So, you know, to a certain point, you have to

Monica (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Okay, I'm gonna put myself out there. it doesn't work, then well, I don't have to speak to that person ever again if I don't want to. And if it does work, then great. Fantastic.

Monica (:

Yes. Yeah, I think that's the hard part too is like you have to work through like the dud friendships too. Because when my, I think it was when my oldest was born, it may have been my second though, but I just remember feeling like really lonely and feeling like, gosh, like I really need mom friends. And so then I discovered Bumble because Bumble has the friends side of it.

Nicole (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

Excuse me.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

Can I just tell you how awkward it is to like scroll through and you're like, I'd be your friend. I'd be your friend. Yes. Yes. Basically, yeah. Yeah. And it's like specifically for mom friends. And I loved the idea of it, although it was weird of like reading through and being like, yeah, we'd bond on that. like, probably not. Probably not.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Do you swipe left and right? No. Based on what? Wait, no, I didn't know.

Nicole (:

Hold on. Hold on. You went on a dating app for friends? I

Kelsie (:

I've never actually met someone who really actually has used a friend

Monica (:

It didn't go well.

Nicole (:

okay, so there's a story. Okay, give it to me. Give it to me. This story we haven't heard.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

What were your, what were your? Did you meet with someone?

Monica (:

Well, I attempted to. There were a couple of girls that I had talked to and was like, maybe. They kind of lived nearby. And the one girl that I was trying to set up a play date with, who I don't know other than this one picture and some chatting, which is OK. And I can't really judge because we met online. We met through the internet.

Nicole (:

We did meet through the

Monica (:

But I just remember we were trying to coordinate something and I'm like, I don't know her. We're gonna meet somewhere public, right? Like we're bringing our kids together. And she was so insistent on coming to my house and like being in my space. was like, I don't, there's something off here.

Nicole (:



Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Kelsie (:

No. No. No.

Nicole (:

Red flag.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, red flag, red flag. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Red flag, where's that red flag guy on TikTok?

Monica (:

And that's when I realized I am very thankful I am married and never having to go through the dating app side. Because if it sucks for friends, my gosh.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

my god, for real. No, I couldn't imagine.

Nicole (:

Could you imagine? No, no, no, No, no, no. my God. I could never. We've all been with our husbands like very long times, correct? I think so, right? Yeah, okay. I have been with my husband since a month before I turned 19. So like I missed all the dating app stuff. I was barely an adult when I met him. So yeah, no.

Kelsie (:

The anxiety on the round that is just insane.

Monica (:

Mm -mm.

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.


Monica (:

Yeah, same.

Kelsie (:

Same, 17, yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

We're lucky.

Nicole (:

I think my lucky stars every day for that because I could not imagine having to go through the dating app era. Like, not for me. for sure. I have a few friends.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

Mm -mm. I know that there's like some success stories obviously, but I definitely hear far more like horrifying stories than I do of like the successes.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, like they're a serial killer. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

I have way too much anxiety for that.

Nicole (:

Same, I watch too much true crime and I have too much anxiety and I would be like, I'm going to get yeeted, like, marked and just like, no, I think that just in my everyday life because I'm paranoid. So I could never.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

murdered. 100%.

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

Me too. Anytime I go anywhere.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, yeah, my, yeah, my husband's way more social than I am. And so he has always like our whole we've been together 14 years since high school, like the end of high school. And so he's always told me like, you need to make more friends. You need more friends. You need to find friends, whatever. And I basically never did never listen to him. I would like make friends with people from work, like I said. And like when I finally realized, like, shit, this would be a good time to have friends was when we got engaged and I needed to come up with a bridal party. Literally, I was like.

Monica (:

my goodness.

Nicole (:

have, my God. Same.

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I didn't have friends and I like, okay, people who have bridal parties that are like eight, seven, eight, nine girls, I'm like, mind blown. Even right now today, I'm like, who were those people? Who were those people? I can't believe they're all your friends. That's so much work. Okay, but I had, so I had two and one of them was my best friend from growing up. Like since I was in kindergarten, I knew her and she lives in a different state and we like really only talk

Nicole (:

What? Monica?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

every few months, but the bond is still there. So she does like totally deserve to be in my bridal party, but I couldn't make her my maid of honor because we're far apart from each other and like we don't talk that often. So then my other friend that I was going to have be in my bridal party was my best, like she was my best friend and my work friend. And we're not really like close anymore. We've kind of grown our separate ways, but I was still like debating on this maid of honor thing and I was like, my God, do I?

ask my mom to be my matron of honor. Like, I was literally like messing with that in my head because I'm like, I don't know who to choose. Anyways, I ended up choosing my like best friend who lived here everything worked out fine. But so my bridal party was two people because that was like, unless I added my mom for number three, that was top. That was max number of people I could have.

Nicole (:

I feel you on that though.

Monica (:

Yeah, I don't feel like they need to be huge. Wait.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

No, it was small and it was intimate and it was great, but.

Kelsie (:

I had like six and that was a hard thing to narrow down. Like I could have had 10, I think.

Monica (:

I had six, yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Tenero? Who were they?

Monica (:

Yeah, I probably could have had more too, but yeah, I had six as

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Were some of them family? I don't have a sister or anything like that.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

So yeah, well, my both of my sister -in -laws that are married and I actually regret now looking back. I'm like, I should have made Trevor sister one too. Like that was rude. She's one of and she's one of my very like best friends in the whole wide world now. But like then I don't know what I put my brother's sister, my brother's wife, my brother's sisters, my brother's wife's in there. And then like a bunch of my friends. And honestly, I there's friends that I didn't ask that I wanted to, but I was

Nicole (:

Me either.

Kelsie (:

There's so many, Trevor will never be able to, I mean, he probably could, that's like a whole, we'd have 27 dresses where the line is like out the door.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

my god.

Nicole (:

my God. my God. No, I had a hard time too. It was a stretch for me to find. Well, I had like a solid three and then it was a stretch to find a fourth. And I was actually shocked because like my husband is not like we're definitely opposite. I'm the social one. He is not really. So he doesn't have a very large friend group. And I was actually shocked when he came up with four people to ask to be part of

wedding party, because then I was the straggler. I was like, wait, excuse me, I to find another one. I thought we were, what? 25, we got married? Yes,

Kelsie (:

How old were you when you got married?

I think that makes a difference because I was 19 so I still had so many connections of my high school friends.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

your high school friends. Yeah.

Monica (:

Same, I was 22, so I had lots of college and high school friends and stuff, so yeah, I think it makes a huge difference when you're in that community still.

Nicole (:

Yeah. Okay. College and yeah.

I agree. agree. Yeah, I was already like removed from that. I was removed from that the second I graduated high school, to be honest, because that friend group, I was like, they were I don't mean to be mean, but they weren't going anywhere like I and neither were our friendships. You know what I mean? Like I could see. I don't care if they're listening. I have a story about I have lots of stories about one of them. Maybe one day we'll touch on it. But obviously, I won't name her by name, but she'll know who she is anyway.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.


Kelsie (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

They're gonna be, they're gonna hear

Nicole (:

I just live like I wasn't even in high school, like towards the end of high school, I was becoming disconnected from those people anyway. So by the time I was ready to like leave high school, I was just okay with piecing out and be like, bye time to move on with actual life. So yeah, by the time we got married, I had first we decided on two, like each of us having two. And I was cool with that because I was like, I two off the top of my head. Perfect.

because I only had two like really close friends at that time. And then my husband went rogue and found two more and I was like, excuse me, I have to. And so like, one, I don't regret having them in my bridal party, but I don't talk to any of them now. Like none of them, except for my best friend, my maid of honor. She's the only one I talk to. All my other bridesmaids, we don't speak. And like, I even tried to message one and I was

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

my god, I miss you. Or I said it was her birthday. So I was like, happy birthday, I miss you. And all she said was thanks. I was like,

Monica (:

Okay then.

Nicole (:

Okay, know. Okay, bye. No, that was recent. That was recent. So was like, okay, I guess we're really not friends anymore. Yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Kelsie (:

That's, I hate that for

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

She's like thumbs up emoji.

Kelsie (:

The dreaded.

Nicole (:

it's okay. you know, we had grown apart, which I knew and that was after we had our first daughter, my husband and I. And so I think like, for me, I know, once I had my daughter, my values changed. Once I had my daughter, I had like a, it's just, I don't know, like everything that I thought I knew was different. And I started feeling different about certain ways. And I think that that friend group, like some of those people that were in my bridal party and

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

in my friend group at that time either just didn't understand it or like didn't maybe necessarily agree with like my changes of opinions and values, which is fine. So unfortunately we grew apart, but I don't talk to any of them anymore. And that is on keeping and making friends in your adulthood. It's difficult. And like, what can you do, I guess. But now I have you guys. You guys are my bridal party for life now.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Yeah. Thank God. This is the friend group I didn't even know I needed. And that's why I feel like I hope the listeners feel like they're brought into our friend group because I think there's so many people out there who just like, like don't have a group chat of friends because I didn't.

Monica (:


Nicole (:


Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

They better feel included because I talked about my butthole to them.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yes, we know all about Kelsey's butthole.

Nicole (:


Monica (:

Right? We did not delay on bringing them into the inner inner circle. No, what is it? The inner sanctum.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

No. The inner sanctum.

Kelsie (:

The inner sanctum. You're on the inner sanctum.

Nicole (:

Were those?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, isn't that kind of like another word for butthole? What's word I'm thinking of here?

Nicole (:

No, stop.

Kelsie (:

This is what I was trying to say when chat gbt suggested the inner sanctum as it sounds

Nicole (:


was gonna say... The

Monica (:

be in a

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, maybe that's I'm thinking of. Yeah, that's kind of we should take that out. Actually, every week every episode isn't going to be about buttholes, guys.

Kelsie (:

It sounds like no.

It's fine. Where are you? This is the you're in the inner sanctum. Hey, did you ever watch sky high whenever they were like the secret sanctum? Now I'm going to think of a secret butthole every time I watch that movie.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

God. my God. No, I didn't watch that.

Monica (:

my gosh.

Nicole (:

I was gonna, I was gonna call you out and say, was that all Chappy? Wow. Chad GPT. Yes. Your other BFF. The only other person that you talk to more than you talk to us and your husband.

Monica (:

My other BFF,

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

my god.

Kelsie (:

It's Chad GPT Monica's side piece.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I hate talking to Chad GPT.

Monica (:

can't even defend it, I can't even argue because the amount of times that I'm just literally chatting on my phone, I'm like, help me with this now.

Nicole (:

No, you can't.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Monica's husband's like, that your friends or is that the robot?

She's like, they're all the same.

Nicole (:

He can tell, he can tell.

Monica (:

Mom friends are hard to find, okay Ashley?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

They're so hard to find Monica made friends with the chad GPT. If you guys are lonely after this, just pull up AI. It's almost like a real person.

Kelsie (:

If you're desperate for a mom friend, chad GBT has your back.

Nicole (:

If you need to talk to AI. God. No. No. I can't with AI. I can't. You're like so much more into it than me. Somebody talks about AI and I get weird. like, I think it's... That is true. We are the conspiracy theorists of the group.

Monica (:



Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I can't either.

Monica (:

I just can't think about it too much.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

That's because we're the conspiracy theorists and I don't think I don't need that robot in my life.

Nicole (:


Kelsie (:

Okay, you want to know something that I'm not a little bit bothered by?

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Kelsie (:

this moment in pop culture this week. Did you guys see the Olympic couple that they broke up? They're a duo. And they broke up sometime. What? Yes, the same sport. They play a sport together. Like I said, duo. So I assume tennis, but I don't actually know the sport. But they they play the sport together. They're a team. Yes.

Monica (:

What sport are they in? Does it matter?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Were they in the same sport?

no, I haven't heard about this. they're a team. Got it. Got

Nicole (:

We don't know the sport. Okay. That's fine. But they're a team. Got

Monica (:

13. Okay.

Nicole (:

and they were a real life team.

Kelsie (:

I assumed it was tennis because I think tennis is called tennis duos when they play together. So they had been together, I want to say four years or something like they were a couple couple. Yes. And let me yep doubles tennis. Yeah, they broke up. They had been dating since 2020.

Nicole (:

Maybe, I don't know. Somebody fact check us.

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I thought that's doubles.

Nicole (:

Like a relationship couple.

Kelsie (:

and they announced their split last month. And then they...

Nicole (:

that's bold right before the Olympics.

Monica (:

Okay. Right, like how do you, ugh.

Kelsie (:

They were quoted saying it's a private matter, but of course we will play together. We are professionals. But the pictures when they won like they're... He's like kissing... They won! They won gold at the Olympics!

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

they won.

shit. How do you not just

Kelsie (:

And there he's like kissing her head and she's like crying. I'm this Hallmark movie. I don't I mean how would the endorphins from that how could you not get back together?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

There must have been so much resentment between them.

Are they back together though?

Nicole (:


How do you win the Olympics and then not get back together? But how do you, wow, okay, no, okay, so they must have a very healthy relationship because like, how do you even go on to play the Olympics if you guys broke up? their commitment, what are you committed to? Are you committed to each other or are you committed to tennis? Like I need to know. But maybe they're committed to both. Like tennis did, no, I mean like, I don't mean committed to each other in the sense that like they're

Monica (:

If it's a Hallmark movie, yes.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

That doesn't make sense to me.

Kelsie (:

it would be very difficult.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

They were committed to tennis. They were clearly committed to tennis.

Kelsie (:

They're committed to tennis.

Monica (:

tennis won.

Nicole (:

like they're still in a relationship. I obviously it's important to both of them. So they still have to have that commitment to each other as teammates.

Kelsie (:

Yeah. They obviously have very healthy boundaries and healthy communication to get through that and still play because I'll I feel like they have to have a therapist.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

Maybe that's it.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

I wonder if they have a therapist. I want to talk to them. I want to talk to that therapist.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

They probably have a few. To win, to go on to win gold after a breakup, that seems foreign.

Nicole (:

And then to be that like, right, like how could you play to get like it had to have been either an amical breakup or they just set the boundaries very clear and like, you know, really stuck to them because I would not be able to play a sport that I loved with a person that I used to love without having some resentment if it wasn't, you know, like four years is a long time, right?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

I guess it all comes down to why they broke up maybe, but.

Monica (:


Yeah, like maybe there was stuff going on in the relationship and they needed to like not be stressed about that kind of stuff to be able to focus on the game.

Nicole (:


Yeah. Well, and:

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Wow. It couldn't be me.

Monica (:

in isolation.

Kelsie (:

If you see the pictures, I'm begging you to go find them after this. They're so

Nicole (:

Send me them. Send me them. I want to see you send me. Send them right now. Because I want to see.

Kelsie (:

like okay they're so cute like I I'm not even seeing some of the ones that I saw earlier but I would melt into a puddle if it was a matter of

I would be, let's get back together right now.

Nicole (:

I was going to say, did they not run off and get married?

Kelsie (:

I would have run off and got married right now and I would have asked them to make a ring out of my gold medal because...

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, we need an update.

Nicole (:

literally or like the tennis like the tennis racket that you used to win or something like my gosh that's so cute though i have not i had not heard about that the only thing i've heard about the olympics is Simone Biles that's all i've heard because

Kelsie (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Yeah, that's what I mostly, I haven't watched any of it, but side note on the Olympics, my swim coach in my senior year of high school was an Olympic gold medalist and I got to wear her medal and it was like very cool and very heavy by the way.

Nicole (:

they're so cute.

I bet.

Monica (:

Ooh, okay. Actually, random Olympic story. This is so random. But when I was pregnant with my first, my husband was doing some videography for one of the ice rinks here and Dorothy Hamill, which is an Olympian from years ago, was the instructor. And she ended up being one of the first people who knew we were having a boy. Because we told her. Because we

Nicole (:

Cool. yeah, yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

my gosh.

Nicole (:

So cool.

Monica (:

We were getting ready to go to our appointment and had her sign something for my mother -in -law. And so like we are, it was just after our appointment. So we had just found out and I'm pretty sure she actually was like the first person who knew we were having.

Nicole (:

That's so funny. I love that. That's so random.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, that's cute.

Kelsie (:

I bet celebrities find out genders a lot, a lot of secret genders.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Like all kind of secret stuff.

Nicole (:

that picture of them that couple well not couple anymore is so cute they just look so happy and he is how sweet

Kelsie (:

Right? If Hallmark doesn't turn this into a movie, they have seriously missed their opportunity because this is, can you imagine, from lovers to competitors together back to lovers, they find their way back to each other with their Olympic gold.

Monica (:


Nicole (:

my gosh.


Mmm, cute. they find their way back to each other. that'd be so cute.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Their medals are so shiny.

Monica (:

So cute.

Nicole (:

Okay, I have something. You're gonna be bothered but not in like an aggressive way. It's gonna be a weird bothered. Okay. All right. Because the title, the title got me. Okay. So I was on Reddit and I was on am I the asshole? My favorite Reddit area. So it says, am I the asshole for doing weird or awkward poses whenever my mother -in -law

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Kelsie (:

No, weird, bothered.

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

quote unquote, accidentally walks in on me in the bathroom. And I saw that, I was like, excuse me? I'm uncomfortable. What do you mean? So many questions. Okay, so she says, and it's a girl, she says, so my mother -in -law, I'm a gal, by the way, which I love the word gal, how cute. Okay, she says, so my mother -in -law came to stay with us for a few weeks till her home is renovated for Christmas.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, what?

Monica (:

So many questions, so many questions.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

The problem is that she has been randomly walking in on me while I'm in the bathroom. Thankfully, not once has she seen me naked because I started picking up on her behavior after the second time in a week. Weird. She'd barge in and then turns and says, sorry, then closes the door. I tried talking to my hut. OK, well, hold on. Just wait.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Wait, I'm sorry, do they not have locks on their doors? Okay. Okay, okay.

Nicole (:

I tried talking to my husband about it, but he kept ignoring me and then flat out said, so what if she accidentally seen you naked? She's family, he said. Seriously, just like that. So that's how I read it. That's how it was typed, so that's how I read it. We have a lock and I could have used it, but I have passed trauma from the idea

Locking or being locked in a room after my brother locked me in the bathroom when I was five So that's why she doesn't use the locks which I'm like, okay I can understand cuz like I'm claustrophobic and it's and it's mostly because like of People like holding me under a blanket and I didn't want to be you know Like things where you feel like you're not in control. Okay, so I was like can relate got it Okay, so you guys want to say so I came up with this idea I'd go inside the bathroom pretending to use it and wait for her to

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

because honestly, it's deliberately at this point. When she accidentally barges in, she'd see me in a weird or awkward position. For example, doing a ballet stand, standing on the toilet or standing facing the wall with my hands up, fully clothed, of course. Such as weird shit. I could see how awkward and weird this would be for her because she'd stand there for a few seconds trying to figure out what I was doing.

Monica (:

my gosh.

Nicole (:

It was hilarious at first seeing her initial confusion, but she told my husband about it, claiming she caught me practicing rituals in the bathroom.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

my god, rituals!

Kelsie (:

Stop. She was looking for something to like complain to him about and she got

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Right, okay. So I cleared things up and revealed my reason why. My husband was livid. He called me childish and said that I made his mom feel terrified and weirded out by my behavior.

Monica (:

Not the asshole.

Nicole (:

Okay, hold on. He said I should have acted maturely and locked the damn door instead of playing mind games. And then she put an edit. She was really excited about like thousands of people responding to her. And she's glad that she was anonymous, but she was

I'm sorry, my husband and his mom are extremely upset with me. He still thinks it's ridiculous and is demanding an apology before she goes back to her home. I'm not sure if I will apologize because yes, while it is a me problem that I couldn't use the lock, it still feels wrong what she did and maybe I'm wrong too, but at least I got and so did everybody else a little bit of chuckle out of it. Also, I'm sure Thanksgiving dinner will be hella awkward tomorrow.

I would just stand in the corner all Thanksgiving dinner and be fucking weird.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Ew, not the mama's boy.

Monica (:

think that, yeah, I don't think that she's, yeah, I don't think that she's the asshole. And I could see it as like two ways of like, okay, communication's good, just confronting it, right? However, I could almost, if this is the approach, I could almost see communication and trying to be direct about it would probably just make it worse.

Nicole (:

Okay, right? Okay, so like I feel a lot of things.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:


Right. And I mean, she brought it up to her husband and he just kind of brushed it

But that's weird. I agree.

Monica (:

feel like it's

Kelsie (:

Once is an accident. Anymore after that is on purpose because when if I walked in on somebody, I would be making sure for the rest of my life that I never walked on in anybody again. Granted,

Nicole (:

Literally knock on the door. How hard is it you see a door closed knock?

Monica (:

Yeah, if the door is closed.

Kelsie (:

This is something my mother -in -law would do she would totally walk in however. I don't care But it's still weird to I mean if you're gonna walk in and put like my mother would walk my mother -in -law would walk in and she would act like if my tits were out she would just act like nothing happened and she would just say whatever she needed to say which is fine, but if you walk in and you're gonna be like my gosh I'm so sorry then if you're gonna pretend to be embarrassed then you better make sure you never walk in on me again like

Nicole (:

It is weird.


Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:

and then continuously do it. So my mind was reeling. I'm like, why does she keep doing that? Does she have some of weird obsession with you? Is she obsessed with you? is she trying to find... Okay, hold on. I was like, is she trying to find reasons to maybe she doesn't want you to be with her son anymore and so she's looking for things to get her son upset with you?

Kelsie (:

Yeah, you

Monica (:

Well, and how do

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, what does she want? What's the deal?

Kelsie (:

She, I'm gonna, this is gonna get real incestuous. I have a theory.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

Is she like I was spiraling I was like, what is the reason? is the reason like Cardi B?

Monica (:

Well, and how do you make that jump too from like you see her doing a ballet stance and like it's rituals now. Like how do you not just stand there and go, what are you doing?

Kelsie (:

I really think it's gross.

Nicole (:

Or standing in the corner or like whatever like I would do that. I would do that. What are you doing?

Kelsie (:

This is giving this is giving I want my baby boy back to myself energy. And and a little bit like maybe going in there because she caught her. Did she catch her naked once? Did you say that or like

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Monica (:

Yeah, yes.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

And it's weird.

No, she said she never caught her naked thankfully like so she must have been like pulling up her pants or like

Kelsie (:

because she could have been going in there like, I'm sorry, but I've read some gross stuff about like, moms and like, I have boys and I can't imagine a little but like, like going in there to like judge their significant others body, you know, or

Nicole (:

Right. I had another, I have another one.

Yeah, yeah. well, see, and that was the other thing. I was like, what is what is? Is that a reason? Is she trying to see like, you're not good enough for my son? Like, that's weird.

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, but then she starts acting, you know, doing ballerina poses and then she's like, I can tell my son that she this is weird. And then like, I can create this divide this way, you know, she, she went in with one. Yeah, she went in with one thing, you know, she was probably just like feeling insecure and wanted to like, see the wife in a vulnerable position, and then ended up getting ammunition to you're not the asshole, but you probably just made your life harder.

Nicole (:

Yeah, she did,

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

And she did.

Monica (:

And she did. She was successful.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Nicole (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, you're not the asshole, but the mother -in -law wins. mean, she got what she wanted.

Nicole (:

Well, you're definitely not the asshole, but you, I think, might have a bigger problem than that.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, yeah, because if I said something about my mother -in -law to my husband, he would be like, Mom, cut it out. You're being a freak.

Nicole (:

Like, rein it in. Like, yeah, yeah, stop. That's weird. Don't be, don't be weird. Listen, listen. My mother -in -law lived with me for quite a while and would literally stand outside my bedroom as far as she could and yell if she couldn't see me just to make sure, you know what mean? She'd be like, hey, are we, can I come? You know,

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, I'm I'm bothered by the husband. I'm very bothered by the husband being upset with her.

Kelsie (:

I thought, yeah.

Monica (:

Are we good?

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

I feel like the mother -in -law was just sitting there listening, waiting till she heard the bathroom door close, and then she'd be like, OK, now's my time, and just go like, that's so weird. More than once. I know. She didn't give the number, but I want to know. But the mother.

Kelsie (:

what I'm saying like it's not an accident if it's happening multiple times you are made it

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I wanna know how many times. She just, that's like, that's a lot of times. That's a lot of times.

Monica (:

Like if she can get to a point where she's expecting it and planning it, then it's way too frequent and consistent.

Nicole (:

then it's gotta be a lot.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah. Yeah.

Nicole (:

It almost sounds like the mother -in -law was waiting outside the door to like maybe here. Like. Because to me, it doesn't seem like she necessarily wanted to see her naked because she hadn't. She could have literally opened the door as soon as the girl got in. You know what I mean? So maybe she was listening to like here when she was finished up and then just like maybe it was supposed to just be like an invasion of privacy that way. Or I don't know. Or just

Monica (:


Nicole (:

Maybe she was just trying. I think it had malicious intent. I do, but I'm like, that's not right. Even if it was just to make her daughter -in -law think that she was crazy. Like, I feel like that, you know, like a minor inconvenience, like stealing the batteries out of everything. So you feel like you're going nuts or like, yeah.

Kelsie (:

What do you think you're gonna find? Yeah.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

It had malicious intent. Yeah, whatever it was, it was malicious.

Kelsie (:

Yeah, whatever the reasoning was, it wasn't a good one.

Monica (:

Well, thing that's, yeah, like the thing that's weird to me.

Right. I think what's weird to me is that if you're the mother -in -law and you find out that this is what somebody, like what length that this person is going to because they're expecting you to walk in on the bathroom, like how do you not go, my gosh, like I'm the asshole. Yeah.

Nicole (:

Right, I was gonna say then you're caught. You're caught. Like you are caught and you're the weirdo and why are you still doing

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, be embarrassed. Yeah.

Kelsie (:

It's hard to even imagine because I just, my mother -in -law would be, she'd be like, what are you doing, you weirdo?

Nicole (:

Yeah, yeah, So would mine. Mine would look at me and be like, or she would tell, she would be like, tell my husband like, what the hell is wrong with her? Which this lady obviously did, but she did it in like, a I'm fearing for my life kind of way when there's no reason to fear for her life. Like clearly she thinks her daughter -in -law is a witch, or that's just what she's saying. You know what I mean? Like she's doing, she's doing rituals in the bathroom. Yeah. Yeah. I, you know what? I would be

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

I'm kidding.

She's leaping to conclusions.

Kelsie (:

She said, the next time you come in the bathroom, I'm gonna hex you.

Nicole (:

think I'm a witch. Go ahead.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yes, she should write it.

Kelsie (:

You wanna mess around and find out?

Monica (:

Right? Do you want to find out what hexes, right? Do you want to find out what hexes I was doing?

Nicole (:

Yeah, I don't think you want to test this theory, right?

Kelsie (:


Monica (:

Do you know who they were on?

Kelsie (:

I can't... Yeah.

Nicole (:

Maybe you should stay away. my gosh. no!

Monica (:

They were for people who barge into bathrooms.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

She should bring a voodoo doll to Thanksgiving dinner.

She should ride like go with

Nicole (:

How many years ago was this? This was two years ago and it's still like pretty relevant on here. I found some other ones that were just like disturbing, which honestly I would maybe we'll save that for another one because I found one that was like really another mother -in -law situation. it's a slippery slope. It's a slippery slope being a mother -in -law. I hope I'm not a crazy mother -in -law, but I'm crazy.

Monica (:

my gosh.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

the mother -in -law, the mother -in -laws are gold. It is a little slippery, yeah.

Monica (:

I hope I'm not either. But also I feel like part of it is like just allowing your kids to be separate from you and start their life and not feel like you can still control

Nicole (:

No offense, because you guys all have boys. You guys all have boys. I was going to say, well, you have one. OK, but you have mostly boys. And I was going say, it does seem like a lot of this is more boy moms than it is girl moms.

Kelsie (:

It's also just disturbing that it seems to be boy moms. Yeah, I know. I was literally about to

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Mm -hmm.

Monica (:

girl, I've got one.

Yeah. That's why I hope that I'm not a crazy boy mom mother -in -law. I hope

Kelsie (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

No, this is a thing, yeah.

Nicole (:

I don't think he will be. Just... I don't think he will be. Yeah! Yeah! I hope.

Kelsie (:

I wanna be best friends with my daughter -in -law. don't wanna

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for too. Yeah, I've seen a lot of stuff actually lately on like social media like negative about boy moms and it kind of like hurts my heart a little

Monica (:

Mm -hmm.

Kelsie (:

Well, that's because there's people out there barging in on their...

Nicole (:

So have I.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

This is why. This lady's why. Thanks a fucking lot.

Nicole (:

Yeah, mm -mm -mm. Literally a bad rap.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

giving us all a bad rap.

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

although I have seen it actually. ooh. that. okay. I have seen the bad. the bad boy mom stuff. I've seen

Monica (:

my goodness.

future episodes.

I think that's a great teaser for our next. No, I feel.

Kelsie (:

Monica's like, we're not going there.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


off! Okay,

Kelsie (:

The tea is not gonna get too piping

Monica (:


I was just gonna say I think that that's a great teaser for our next episode. Yeah, so if you guys have made it this far listening to us, you freaking did it. Welcome to the

Nicole (:

I agree.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


We love you, we love you. Yes. That's our group chat name, by the way, the Bothered Bitches.

Nicole (:

You're now a bothered bitch. Yes. We love you. Thank you. Literally the bothered bitches.

Monica (:

Welcome! Welcome!

Kelsie (:

It is the Bothered Bitches. Welcome to the Bothered Bitches Club!

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

The bothered bitches who have the a little bit bothered podcast. Welcome to our inner sanctum.

Nicole (:

We'll get more bothered as time goes on. Please. It's our first episode and we're already planning our merch. What's wrong with us?

Monica (:


Kelsie (:

We'll get Bothered Bitches t -shirts.

Monica (:

Yes, yes, please. my gosh.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

god, yes.

Yeah, we need merch. We should all be wearing merch right now.

Monica (:

Yes. Yes.

Kelsie (:

I have merch sitting behind me that I've never sent to you guys, so.

Nicole (:

You actually do that you need to send, rude. Yeah. Where's my

Monica (:


Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Yeah, where's my hat? Where's my hat?

Kelsie (:

At this rate, might be Savannah before you get it.

Monica (:

Might as well. Might as well. Might as well. Alrighty. Well, thank you so much for listening. We had so much fun. You can find us on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube at a little bit bothered.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

my god, you might as well just bring them with. Yeah, put them in your carry -on.

Nicole (:

Might as well. my gosh. Okay.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:


Nicole (:

And anywhere podcasts are anywhere, like anywhere that podcasts are streaming. There we go. That's the word. Wherever you listen to your podcast.

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Streaming, yes.

Monica (:

wherever you listen to your podcast.

Kelsie (:

Make sure you hit subscribe and leave us a review. We're watching you. It's important. We'll love you forever.

Monica (:

Do it. We'll love you. Stay tuned for more episodes to drop.

Nicole (:

Do it. Do it. Do it. Love

Ashley Bailey-Bonner (:

Leave a review, yes.


Nicole (:





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