Analysts Don Kellogg and Roger Entner are joined by Marc Price, CTO of Matrixx, from the 6G Symposium this week.
0:40: New charging models for 5G - what is changing for consumers versus 4G.
3:17: Exploring the possible new business models.
5:21: Business to Business sales possibilities and why new metrics are needed.
6:54: What Marc sees on the horizon as coming soon.
8:38: Reasons why we need new devices such as smart glasses or IOT Devices.
10:24: Telcos can be hard to work with - how they can begin to change this to attract new partnerships.
Tags: telecom, telecommunications, business, wireless, cellular phone, cellular service, Recon Analytics, Don Kellogg, Roger Entner, Marc Price, Matrixx, 6G Symposium, latency, AI, artificial intelligence, 5G,