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8:17 Goodbye Stranger
Episode 172nd May 2024 • Devil's Trap: A Supernatural Podcast • Don't Be A Dick Productions
00:00:00 01:20:14

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In this episode, Liz and Diana discuss their recent experiences with bureaucracy and insurance. They also talk about Liz's trip to Palmetto State Park and her encounter with a snake. The conversation then transitions to a recap of Supernatural season 8 episode 17, 'Goodbye Stranger.' They discuss the opening scene with multiple dead Dean Winchester bodies and the mysterious burns and puncture wounds found on the victims. They also mention the cool map table in the bunker and speculate on the possible references to stigmata and crucifixion in the episode. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss the events of the episode in detail. They talk about the discovery of the town model in the basement of the Morton house and the significance of the bags of dirt hanging all over it. They also discuss Castiel's interactions with Wendy and the demons, as well as his conflicting loyalties. The hosts analyze Meg's return and her role in the search for the demon tablet. They also touch on Sam's reaction to Dean's prayers and the tension between the brothers and Castiel. The conversation ends with the revelation of the empty crypt and the confrontation between Dean and Castiel. In this episode, the conversation revolves around the events of Supernatural Season 8, Episode 17. The hosts discuss the return of Meg and the intense confrontation between Castiel and Dean. They also touch on the theme of honesty between Sam and Dean and the potential closure of the gates of hell. The episode is filled with humor and trivia about the characters and actors involved.


bureaucracy, insurance, Palmetto State Park, snake, Supernatural, Goodbye Stranger, dead bodies, burns, puncture wounds, stigmata, crucifixion, Supernatural, episode analysis, town model, bags of dirt, Castiel, Wendy, demons, Meg, demon tablet, Sam and Dean, crypt, Supernatural, Season 8, Episode 17, Meg, Castiel, Dean, honesty, gates of hell, humor, trivia



Introduction and Bureaucracy


Trip to Palmetto State Park


Recap of Supernatural Episode


The Town Model and Bags of Dirt


Conflicting Loyalties: Castiel's Interactions


Meg's Return and the Search for the Demon Tablet


Escalating Tension: Sam, Dean, and Castiel


The Empty Crypt and Revelation


Confrontation: Dean and Castiel


The Return of Meg and the Confrontation with Castiel


The Tablet and the Thunder


Meg's Stand Against Crowley


The Broken Connection and Castiel's Choice


Trivia: Meg's First Appearance and Favorite Way to Call Home


Trivia: What Happened to Meg in Season 1


Trivia: What Happened to Meg in Season 1 (Continued)


Trivia: Actors Who Played Meg


Trivia: Remembering the Actors Who Played Meg


Humor and Trivia: Behind the Scenes of Supernatural


The Importance of Honesty between Sam and Dean


The Potential Closure of the Gates of Hell


Humor and Trivia: Unwanted Bangs and Rudy Hobbit

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Jerk (:

Welcome to this week's episode of Devil's Trap Podcast. I am Diana.

Bitch (:

I'm Liz and trying so hard not to sneeze right now. It's just as soon as like it just happens like oh no. I wanna...

Jerk (:

Oh no. Well this week we're going to talk about season 8 episode 17, Goodbye Stranger while Liz sneezes. But in the meantime, what have you been up to Liz?

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

I don't even know anymore. That's so many things and they've all just like blurred together and just this one kind of like spiral of signatures and contracts. Like I probably shouldn't say this because the legal ship, I don't even know and I'm signing anymore half the time. Like there's just like an email and then like someone who I trust like, or hopefully I trust this was like.

Jerk (:

You're happy. Said sign this. Somebody you trust said sign this, yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and then I got yelled at because I used it and I was using an insurance broker to try and get some of my personal insurance squared away. And I should have just gone through the marketplace because I didn't need anybody to like tell me how to do that, but I thought I did it that I was just like, oh, and then like they chose something I started going through things and they got really mad that I filled out my application by myself because they're supposed to do that for me. And then like her assistant like got on the phone with me and reviewed it with me to make sure I didn't fuck it up. And she was like, Oh, this is

correct. And I was like, cool, I thought so. Like, it's not. This isn't hard. And like you were on my shit to do. So like the button came up and I was just like, well, I'm gonna keep like apply for this stuff. And, and she was like, well, you should have gotten the dental insurance. Like, that's not really worth it. And like, it's worth something. I have paid so much money for my dental work, bitch. Like you don't even know.

I need this fuck off like but she was still a nice lady. And I like I guess what happens if you do it yourself, then you can take the broker out of the equation. And then she don't get paid. And she was like, and she was like, and she did all the work, but I want to be like, but did she? Because like, yeah, I mean, she did put a PowerPoint presentation together, sort of. So I mean, like there was that.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Hmm. Right.

Jerk (:

But really?

Bitch (:

But also she Googled, like I saw this, I saw that like the same thing that she put together when I went and checked the marketplace out by myself and I was like, Oh, but she did explain some things. I don't know. And I probably made a choice. I would not have made without her. And so I was like, Oh, of course. Like I want you to get paid. No, I don't want you to do this stuff for me because that seems really fucking inefficient.

Jerk (:

I appreciate a good PowerPoint.

Jerk (:

Huh? Yeah.

Bitch (:

If I can just like directly like, do like that saves like, I know you want to get paid, but why? You're good with people. You're a people person. So, um, so that's just one of the many, like you're, I've just been in bureaucracy like hell.

Jerk (:

Is it really worth it? Yeah, I don't know. I don't know. I'm a people person.

Jerk (:

Your bureaucratic hell.

Bitch (:

Bureaucratic hell like I've got like letters You know people trying mooch off of like Comptroller lists like when you like deal with stuff with the Texas Comptroller's office like I get like all this man like oh We can help you with your business lady. I'm like who the fuck are you but like you're just like So I went out to the woods to go get some peace of mind because if I didn't I was I don't know What was gonna happen? So I went to Palmetto State Park and have you ever been there?

Jerk (:

Oh yeah.

Jerk (:

Mm-mm. Part of it.

Bitch (:

So it's, yeah, it's one of the Texas State Parks. It is.

little bit outside of Gonzales if you know where that is You don't know where Gonzalo is a slight Gonzales a slightly bigger town with me. Lou Ling is right by there And they are also expanding the Buc-E's so the Buc-E's that's out there that used to be one of the smaller Buc-E's is Getting built into the giant Buc-E's and I'm not sure but it was gonna be the same It looks at least the same size as like the large one in New Bromple's I was gonna match the Tennessee size one

Jerk (:

Oh yeah, that's a big deal.

Bitch (:

we may have like an even bigger Bucky's but so at present there was two Bucky's like right next to each other there was a double Bucky's and like I feel like that's like a something like I don't know what like Cap it's like a capitalism rainbow. I don't know just like look at all our products all our well branded marketing You don't know why you You don't know why you need this trash can with a sticker later on it, but you do

Jerk (:

Ooh, double Buc-Ees!

Jerk (:

That's like a double rainbow.

Jerk (:

Beaver nuggets for days.

Jerk (:

Definitely needed and this hideous t-shirt and some beef jerky and all

Bitch (:

or at least your friend does. And so you bought it for your friend. They had so many swimsuits that were actually really kind of cute. And they had like bucky pool noodles. And I was like, I'm going to have a pool soon. Like, should I get bucky's pool noodles? So I went to bucky's, so that's, that's awesome. The state park. So the state park is like, they have a bunch of different trails. There's a cute little lake in there. It's all near the San Marcos river.

Jerk (:

with the beaver on him.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

and is called palm meadows because the dwarf palm meadows grow throughout there and it's if you've never seen like it looks they're like a little baby like not like palm trees but like the palm fronds and so almost like a yucca plant a little bit you know so but there's just like valleys and like fields of them like in like surrounded by swamps and stuff it's really cool

Jerk (:

That's awesome. Yeah. I wanna see that.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and like I like went down like a swamp trail and that was really cool and like it was swampy But not too swampy And but i'm like on the lookout for like snakes like as soon as I get there i'm like I've just had it in my head and I was like, I know like i'm gonna see some Like I just I just in my brain like I don't know why like it's just fixed in there And I watched like some of this swiss lady had this video about anxiety and she tells a story about this chick was like so scared of like seeing a bear and the

It was like all she was thinking about it was ruining her time and then like she finally like sees the bear and then she's Like I was not a big deal. She's like, oh like so like the danger was like a perceived danger not a real danger Right. So I'm thinking about this as a China just trying to enjoy my day and not be like

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

snakes but like everywhere you go like this place is just like here on this side like we really like this rattlesnake it's so cool like it does not suppose like it's in no other part of texas but here and that's why we think it's so cool like it's usually only on the east coast but like it's in the swamp isn't that great i'm like no why are you proud of this like don't make this rattlesnake like more proud than it is right and so like i'm going through like and i'm just like commuting

Jerk (:

Hmm. Yeah.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

like I'm gonna like hug you and take your energy or like whatever but like there's just like all sorts of like little fun like wood things happening right like if there's all these butterflies everywhere and they're like eating each other and they're like all these like worms that are like all the fuzzy worms are out right now so it's like oh like there was a bunch of the black fuzzy worms and then there was these other leg ones that are like they're like an off-white and they have like two little horns in the front and two little horns in the back that are supposed to look like

thorns so predators aren't like I want to eat you like you got thorns but Julie's just like oh it's just my little antenna and I'm just gonna yeah so and it is like yeah so those are everywhere a butt tinnah yeah

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

My butt antenna. Butt antenna.

Yeah. Antenna and butt tenna.

Bitch (:

But so like, those are really great. But then like, it's, then there's like, I go and like, okay, like we're gonna go like walk by the river. And it's like, I love the sand workers river. I used to like paddle down all the time and hang out in that water. Like for some reason I was less terrified by snakes when I was an undergrad, probably cause I was like.

18 invincible. I'm like, what? Like, you know, looks. So I love this river, you know, but everywhere like they're like, Oh, look, here's this trail. This trail is named after the rattlesnake. Like, I'm not going on that trail. Like, why? Why? Like, stop naming that shit. That's trap, right? They told you. They told you this is like the where the snakes that you made it like I'm not

Jerk (:

No, that sounds like, it looks like a trap. That sounds like a trap. That's a trap.

Jerk (:

It's like one of the snakes like coerced somebody into making that.

Bitch (:

Come on, like it'll just be fun, you know? So I go like, I'm gonna go down this one trail. I'm gonna go down the San Marcos trail, so this one trail is called. And like, if you enter into one side, there's a sign that says, watch out for snakes. And I'm like, I'm just gonna go the other way. And I know like eventually I meet up with that sign, but I'm like, I'm just gonna go this way. So like, it just seems better. So I go through there and like, here doing my, la la.

Jerk (:

It's gonna be fun, yeah.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Bitch (:

The forest is great, look at all the creatures. Oh hi Mr. Person on the bicycle, you're kinda weird. Why do you keep driving past me?

You're not a serial killer are you? You're like, you know, like I'm gonna swamp shit. Why did I buy that stick? Like because I was like the day before I go look on Amazon like do I want a walking stick? Like what there's a snake like you want you know, like it was like no or like I was like we're rapists You know, it's like no, it's fine. Like I don't need to buy stick to go in the woods Like I'll just throw my water bottle at something in front

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So I'm walking through the woods and I'm like taking power from the trees. This is what I think was happening. So I'm taking power from these trees, right? And I think what I did is I manifested the snake. I think I was thinking so hard about snakes and getting all this tree power that I was just like, I made the snake appear. It was like, poof! Because it wasn't a rattlesnake.

Jerk (:

about snakes. Yeah.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

This snake was black and it was big. Like it was like fat and it was like, it was moving along, she's like, what the fuck are you? And I just like, leapt over it. Like it was a hurdle. I was just like.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

and I ran and it was 50 feet on the other side of that like watch out for snake side and I'm like what the fuck like you don't have to be literal side like did you really be like there's snake right there that's why

Jerk (:

whatever snakes then.

Jerk (:

That's a little different. There's not like an arrow says snake here. That's not what the sign said. Like in a cartoon, you know, like in a cartoon. Snake right here, right here, sign, snake. No.

Bitch (:

In a good way.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and so it was at the end of my day, like I spent like four lovely hours walking through, like getting my nature on and having deep breaths and like with the woods and yeah, and I just ran to my car and then like locked it, locked the doors. I just like looked like are there snakes in this car? And I just like jumped in like, like I heard something like in the trees above me. I'm like, ah, it's a squirrel.

But yeah, so I don't know if that helps my anxiety at all. I think I sent you, you can see in my heart rate monitor, the snake. The spike of it. And so that chick who was like, I saw a bear and then I was fine. It was no big deal. I'm like, now I saw a snake. No, I don't want to see it anymore. I'm good.

Jerk (:

Oh my gosh.

Jerk (:

Like the spike.

Jerk (:

Didn't work.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So that was my day just like full of snakes. Or a snake, I don't know.

Jerk (:

Oh. Huh. I'm just, I'm just full of, it wasn't full of snakes. That would have been much more upsetting, to be fair, to be fair here, like, full of snakes. Probably.

Bitch (:

I think I would have broken up with nature. Nature and I would have, we would have split. I would just become a city girl. And yeah, I'm like, we're living in an apartment where all I had to worry about is toilet rats and maybe toilet snakes.

Jerk (:

Concrete jungle for you.

Jerk (:

That doesn't help anything. Damn it. That's true. And they're unlearned and they are less common. Toilet snakes are not as common as wood snakes.

Bitch (:

But you can look in the toilet for those. I mean, like that panic attack. I know, but then they could like, they could come up while you're sitting there though.

Jerk (:

This is the story of how Liz doesn't go to the bathroom. Say without stressing out anymore. Just teasing. Ever again. Just never go to the bathroom again.

Bitch (:

You never go to the bathroom ever again. This is a no, just a bucket. Because that solves the problem, right? Like they can't get through the bucket and they just dump the bucket in the toilet. And then you're fine. That is how to snake prove your life. Snake proof your life.

Jerk (:

Right. That's true. Oh, my gosh.

Jerk (:

I'm gonna have to buy you like that snake, what is it? Snake repellent that you put around your house? Ugh, that's a thing.

Bitch (:

Lordy I mean I mean that I'm moving out to rattlesnake land. I really am. I'm like I'm already like thinking defenses I'm like what are the defenses I'm gonna need like in each house like of course is like I Am building a gun room in my house if I can afford it and nobody will know where it is. However, like I Was thinking that machetes are better snake weapons

Jerk (:

I know.

Jerk (:

Yeah, that's a fair argument. They're a little small. You have to be a really good shot with a... No, no, that's true. Yeah. Buckshot.

Bitch (:

So I think I just may get a bunch of machetes.

Well, I mean, none of I have a shotgun. I would use a shotgun for a snake for the most part and just, you know, or a very heavy load if I was far away, but yeah, like most snake problems I would see, the thing is also like, I know. There are good snakes, right. And

Jerk (:

There are.

Bitch (:

when we last had like a family ranch and there was like this giant motherfucking rat snake and he was just hanging out underneath the deck pretending to be a rattlesnake and I think I'm sorry Mr. Snake that you should die because I think you're a rattlesnake and you're pretending to be one and that is on you you're still a snake and

You know, I know you're good for the world. Just move on 10 feet. Just like, you gotta go. Like just gotta go 10th, Earline. You gotta go 10 feet. Let's just.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Not on the deck, yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I mean, I'm not like, you know, we've got a mutual friend who is like, she is petrified of like snakes, like wherever. But I can walk through for the most part, like snake farms and enjoy like the reptiles and be like, oh, look at the snake, you're cute. And you know, sneak talks like I, you know, like, I don't in captivity for the most part, I'm fine as long as I know where they are.

Jerk (:

like but I don't want to like I don't want to have them in my home I don't want a pet snake

Bitch (:

I don't want to have them in my home and I'm like, I mean, not on purpose. And, um, but I definitely don't want them sneaking up on me. No, sneaking, no sneaking, snaking, no sneaky snakes. No, nopes ropes.

Jerk (:

or accident. Not into that. Sneaky snakes, sneaky snakes. You've got way more exciting stories than I do today. So mine's just work's been busy, but you did mention potentially needing a walking stick instead of just chunking your water bottle. And I did get the walking stick that I bought as a small child at Scarborough Fair from my parents' house this weekend.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

you will finally have a use for it. That's amazing. You would discover real fair. Yeah.

Jerk (:

It has a unicorn carved into it. So I have that as a child. I've only been I've been a few times in my life, but like the ongoing joke in my family is like, what a dork I am, which is fine, whatever. But at the same time, I was like, I feel like I went like every year. Do I have friends that work it? Like, I know fucking Scarborough Fair dorks. God bless you. Now, I'm not a knock. I'm just saying it's a thing. But.

Bitch (:

No, we have friends who are way more into this stuff than you know, like...

Jerk (:

But like, and they're like, of course you did. I'm like, I've been three times in my life and I was with my family one of those three times. Like, this isn't like a thing. I don't know what to tell you guys. It was pretty funny. That was about it. That's about all. Celebrated my parents' birthdays and yeah, took it easy. Cause work's been fucking insane. But it's all right.

Bitch (:

Yeah, that's fine.

Bitch (:

Yes, yes, you have been overworking yourself. What happens when you overwork yourself? I know.

Jerk (:

Almost there, almost there, almost done. Then you get sick, like I am.

Jerk (:

But I'll be all right.

Bitch (:

You do. All right, so yes, but what do we do to remedy that? We rest, we take care of ourselves.

Jerk (:

And we get ready to go on vacation in a couple weeks. Yes.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I'm like I'm trying not to stress about like I was like, well, you can be able to relax during vacation. I have gotten like they have why I'm saying like so much tonight. I'm sorry. I was just very tired. And that's just what happens when I'm tired and stressed. I rely on things but there is a like, have you seen the good patches? They're just like nicotine patches, but they are filled with weird herbs and potions.

Jerk (:

potions now.

Bitch (:

And, and I don't know like exactly what I like. I only want to eat some organic fruit, but I'm gonna slap this weird like patch crap. I mean, like it says it's got ashwanga in it, whatever. It seems fine. So like it's like a nicotine patch, but there's a relaxed one, there's a good night one, there's one for hangovers, there's one for energy. And so the relax, I've tried the relaxed

Jerk (:

patch on me instead. Sure.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I want that one.

Bitch (:

meat like edible like relax but like you kind of like I took a nap sort of relaxing so I don't know if it's and if it is psycho if it's like a what's the word looking for placebo is a placebo effect fuck it like I'll take it

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Oh, interesting.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I'll take it. I'm okay with the placebo effect sometimes. I'll own it. I'm fine with me.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I mean it feels like it feels like something is happening on my wrist I could just be getting cancer, but I feel like something is happening on there Or yeah, it does like when you just want to take it off it leaves some things but like no It's like free and you know, it's fine. So I may take some of those to Mexico with me

Jerk (:

or rash, whatever.

Jerk (:

Ah, there you go. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Are you ready? Okay.


Jerk (:

Yeah, you're welcome.

sneaky snakes.

Bitch (:

And this was written by Robbie Thompson, speaking of fair things, because he wrote LARP and the Real Girl. He does all our Charlie stuff. He also did Benton with Thomas J. Wright. So they have paired up together before. So we started off with this recap and it's just like Meg and Cass. They're all like going at it. It's hot.

Jerk (:

And we got Crowley and Naomi and Angel Tablet and the trials.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and I decided that I needed like, we'll hear some suggestions that I came up with this, but I hate Naomi so much that I decided that I needed mean nicknames for her. So I try some out as we go through this, but feel free to, you know, try out some of your own. Okay.

Jerk (:

Well, our episode opens with Dean gun-drawn in, oh, a fucking abandoned warehouse. Ta-da!

Bitch (:

At least you don't have to wait for it. It was just like right off the bat.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and he's like, like clear in the room and then he gets hit, but it's Castiel and then Castiel stabs him. What the fuck is happening?

Bitch (:

Yeah, and he like breaks his arms and then you're like, wait, is this a set? I don't understand what's happening.

Jerk (:

because the lights turn on, Naomi strolls right in, and then comments positively on Cass's lack of hesitation and says, things are back in order and Cass is ready. We zoom out and this entire warehouse is full of dead deans.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so, Nahome has of course been making him sad. This is, you know, like, but also, what the fuck are you doing, Nahome? Like, I don't understand. I also don't understand how there are so many deans. Like, why is this CGI? Or I would like to think there is a bunch of people that are like, we're going to be pretending to be Jensen Ackles. Can you imagine how amazing that would be?

Jerk (:

I'm sorry.

Jerk (:

I'm gonna say they zoom out on this and at first you're like, oh shit. And then you kind of start looking at the bodies and it's kind of hysterical and that sounds morbid. But they're like in like really kind of like goofy dead poses like I say that not, you know what I mean, right? Like cartoonish dead poses. Yeah, it's fucking funny. Yeah.

Bitch (:

know where we are more of a dark humor like this is yes this is supernatural yes the way they are you know positioned or shaped and yeah i ran i did sorry i didn't have a ton of time to like deep dive and i ran through google searches and could not find anything on this but whatever it was i think it was fucking brilliant

Jerk (:

and the look on the face and like all that, it's hysterical.

Jerk (:

Mm, that's probably CGI. Yeah. So we actually go to where Dean actually is, which is in the bunker, and he's pulling out different artifacts from the storage of the men of letters. And Dean and Sam is researching on the laptop and they're on this really cool backlit map table. But I don't think we've seen before.

Bitch (:

Yeah, the bunker is the fucking shit, right? And so during my therapy, like my place is very mindful. And I was like, go to like, we're doing like, breath work, they're like, go to like, a safe space, they can be real or imaginary. And I think always are those boxes like in this room, like, that's my new safe space. I want to be there, like, oh, like, I just got this fear of destiny, like, just sitting here.

Jerk (:

Sure. Well, he's opening and sniffing the inside of a Fabergé egg, which seems questionable. Well, Sam coughs up blood and hides it, but Dean calls him Doc Holliday, which is interesting.

Bitch (:

Don't sniff things!

Bitch (:

Yeah, and how is Velcomer so hot as like Doc Holliday even with consumption? Like he should, that shouldn't have been attractive. And I know he's not always attractive, but even then just like, I wanted to bang a cons- ter- bu- bur- tuberculosis Doc Holliday.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Is this patient? I don't know one blames you. Most of us do, too. But Dean does happen to find in this pile of artifacts a vintage first edition voluptuous Asian lovelies magazine.

Bitch (:

Yeah, so we get some 1940s Asian fetishization going on. That's great. And Sam asks what we're all thinking, which is what the fuck is wrong with you?

Jerk (:

Well, yeah. But, oh, well, we've got, by the way, this map is really cool. It's got these rings and protectors on it on this table map. They zoom out really good in the scene. You can see it. And I really like it. By the way, Sam has discovered.

Bitch (:

Yes, I'm used to, I like that you're discovering it for the first time. You know, it's like discovering the, what was the fucking hall in Harry Potter land, right? Like, just going to that for the first time.

Jerk (:

Let's go. Make my new Sea Hogwarts for the first time.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I'm sorry.

Jerk (:

So, Sam's like, hey, I found dead bodies showing up all over the place with these severe burns around their eyes, hands and feet, and puncture wounds through the backs of their hands and their internal organs liquefied.

I said, yeah, burns around eyes.

Bitch (:

the eyes and internal organs are liquefied. So they had burns around their eyes, but their eyes and cells were also liquefied. Just to complete the picture, you know, because I wasn't gross enough, like I wanted to make sure you knew that, you know, that was also something that happened. In the puncture wound through the back of the hands though, I think that's a really weird, specific thing.

Jerk (:

Oh, ew.

Jerk (:

No, it wasn't at all. Thanks.

Jerk (:

Well, they do it, you see it later in the episode. So that's what's interesting about it. And I thought that that's a really distinct marker. It also has, I think, I'm wondering, my first thought was a loose, a loose reference to the stigmata.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

not a tube copper. Okay.

Jerk (:

Not a chief of government. That was my first thought when I heard about the hand, puncture in the hands.

Bitch (:

Yes, I know what they say, but yeah, they say puncture wounds through the backs of hands. Yes. But then I think about like, or, you know, also just maybe crucifixion things too, because like it also goes through there. Yeah. Or like, so if a Chupacabra, if it's, you know, like front legs, like if they were like, because I always kind of think of them sort of like prairie mantlesy like. So if they were like very like pokey, then they can go.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, crucifixion or stigma, that was where I'm like, oh, that's my brain, but.

Jerk (:

I don't think they are.

Bitch (:

and go through the hands. Is it sad that I would be totally okay seeing a cheaper cabra but not a sneaky snake? Alrighty, so...

Jerk (:

Maybe. I don't think Koopa Cobras are pokey.

Jerk (:

Yes. So either way, they're there. He's they need to go. There's no link between these victims. So they got to go suss out what the fuck's going on. And this point, Dean does discover the bloody napkin. So now he knows that Sam is coughing up blood and lying about.

Bitch (:

that he's like somehow like transported himself to the 19th century and gotten some Dickensian tuberculosis. That is clearly what is happening here because nobody costs up blood to fucking tissue anymore. It's so old school.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

At least to me that's always like, that's my movie reference, right? Like if I see like, oh, like that is. I have the consent. She's got the consumption. She must go to a sanitarium or Torium. I don't remember which one was which. Yeah. So, okay. We're going to go to the Morton house.

Jerk (:

They had consumption. It's TV.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I don't either. So we're going to go to their house and we've got this widower who they are talking to and he's like, yeah, you know, I already answered all the questions, but the one thing I kind of laughed out was that my wife wasn't really herself for the last week or so. She kind of stopped sleeping and eating. Okay. And then let me just show you the basement. And he talks about how she would just like mutter to herself about an orchard.

Bitch (:

Ooh, Morton Fish.

Jerk (:

and we get down to the basement and it is a craft. I don't even know. I was going to like, it is a mini. It's a town model, but it's like kind of made with found objects, like in a very fast. It's.

Bitch (:

How do you describe it? It's a town model. It's a town, you know, like it was done. It is amazing. It is, but it's kind of like what, you know, is done in Beetlejuice. And it's just this very rare thing that's done, except for like Halloween villages, maybe Christmas villages. But this miniature representation of an actual town for some reason is so delightful.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

It's a little kooky looking, but, and there's little hanging over it because apparently he followed her one night and found her digging in the playground. And that's where she was getting these little bags of dirt. These little bags of dirt are hanging all over this model of town. And when she would dig, she did this all over town, she would dig 10 to 15 feet straight down and didn't even break a sweat.

Bitch (:

It's so kooky because it's also got bags of dirt everywhere.

Bitch (:

Also, she never sweat. So clearly she's a witch because she's not sweating. And if I just did three little pumps, I'm sure just cover drenched in sweat. But I think she wants to compete with the boys in the Olympian digging contest, right? And also, she had no permits. What would have happened if she just hit a bunch of gas pipes? We don't know. She's just digging in people's yards.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

No, digging all over town and.

Bitch (:

As we clearly learn later, everything else has changed, right? So I'm sure she's just like, that's a gas line. That's your Google fiber. You know, now you don't get, now people like can't work, like way to go, Anne.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

So stressful. Well, he tried to confront her, but she was on the phone. And he said it wasn't really her. And he saw her eyes turn black and he must he must have imagined it. He told himself, but he went to the bar and drank a bunch, came back and found her dead. And so he blames himself because he should have stayed with her.

Bitch (:

And I think, well, which is sad, but also like, oh shit, my wife's got black eyes, I'm gonna go get hammered seems like a fair response.

Jerk (:

Well, if you just think you're like seeing shit like you're what the fuck is wrong with me? What the hell?

Bitch (:

I don't think he thought he was seeing shit. I think he, like, Ann she'd been so fucked up. But then you have to like deal with all of this shit, like, hammered. So he comes back and Ann is dead and he's drunk as shit. You are not gonna make good decisions. I mean, you will probably sober up fairly quickly, but at first things are gonna go wrong. And how do the cops, just like, how do you explain this to the cops?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I don't know. There's nothing. I don't know. So they're like, hey, this is Dean's outside. Is there a leave in? Dean's like, what's kind of awesome that someone else is killing demons?

Bitch (:

They're outside this house though. This house though, it's amazing. It's just like this weird Victorian craftsman is like green with a red brick and then it's got like this nice little like off white, like kind of orangey trim. It's so cute.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, he's just stoked someone else is killing demons and but they're like, but also what kind of demons digging all these holes? So they go visit.

Bitch (:

We're the diggers, what are they doing digging? Like they can't like, what, like, they don't understand how to dig. They should see, we're, I will show them. Some of them is fucking from digging straight down. Like what the fuck are they even doing?

Jerk (:

No, we're the pros, man. So they're gonna go, so they're gonna go visit the person that was on the phone with Anne. So they go and this woman answers the door in curlers. They introduce themselves as special agents, Lynn and Tandy, which is a reference to yellow, the band. But,

Bitch (:

Who is ELO?

Jerk (:

Electric Light Orchestra.

Bitch (:

I don't know who that is. Am I supposed to know who that is? Are they a classic rock band? Okay.

Jerk (:

You're not missing out. Yes. Yeah. And she's like, look, I never met Anne before, but she called me looking for an original map of the city, looking for this old orchard. But the town had been wiped out by a river and a flood and then they rebuilt. Oh, but I'm a PhD candidate. This is my dissertation. And here we go. Let's let me show you my cool, cool recreated map of town. I just discovered the location.

Bitch (:

Her her poor professors. Oh my god, there's you can imagine me in this like having like being this lady's like whatever you call that like, I can't remember what it's called. But the person she has to the one person that she's like, like giving off a shit to right. And then you know, everyone's probably like

Jerk (:

She's so excited.

Jerk (:

Well, but she's like, well, and never met up with me. Well, I never met up with her because I was dead. But apparently and assistant called about the map. And then there's a knock at the door. She's like, oh, there they are. But I didn't have an assistant. It's just three demons. And. Yeah, so she screams and this lady's house gets fucking destroyed. Poor Wendy's house.

Bitch (:

She's gonna show us her map again. God damn it, Wendy, no one wants to see your map.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and his assistant's a bunch of demons.

Jerk (:

They are throwing people through the glass doors.

Bitch (:

Why is there that glass door? And I know like I'm also just looking at a lot of features and houses because I'm thinking about, you know, renovating, but why would you do that? This seems stupid.

Jerk (:

Well, sometimes it... Well, sometimes you want a division and a space to make a defined room and you need to keep things separate sometimes. Like I know someone that just put in glass doors.

Bitch (:

That just seems an opportunity for to like to walk into to break things like that thing has to be cleaned It's gonna get fingerprints all over this seems like the dumbest idea ever and then demons get thrown it

Jerk (:

I knew someone that literally just put in some lovely glass doors on the interior of their house just now, like recently. That's right. It just depends.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I'm sure they're pretty until someone's drunk ass falls through them. Or a demon fight, that's just what would happen. Or they're gonna ruin your coffee table, they're gonna get thrown into that too.

Jerk (:

Or a demons fight in your house. Well.

Jerk (:

Well, we're getting some cocks smoke out. We're getting some fighting. We got all the shit going on. And then Wendy gets a demon in her and. Castiel shows up, smites a demon and then has Wendy by the curlers so he can question her.

Bitch (:

It's by the curlers, which is not a metaphor for anything So he puts her in a deep and then he puts her in a demon trap So we never see the disc can as an angel can he just be like? Poof of a demon trap. I don't feel apparently he did right

Jerk (:

No, it's not. Not by the curlies, by the curlers.

Jerk (:

I don't know.

But he's like, so this is the first time I've seen him in a long fucking time. And he's like, by the way, we're gonna interrogate her. Yeah, I'm not gonna answer about how I've been. I am gonna tell you that I did hear Dean pray to me, but I've been hunting demons. So, and we get this, this is where this starts in this episode and I kind of don't love it, but I get what they were doing. We get where like, we're popping back and forth in Cass's consciousness from what's real time to heaven.

Bitch (:

Nope, hit it.

Bitch (:

To Naomi, yeah, to heaven. Yeah, and it's like a flashback. It's like a flashback to like Elon Musk's room. So we're going to Tesla headquarters, just like right and left, and it's super obnoxious. Also, it just means more Naomi every time we're there.

Jerk (:

So he's getting coaching.

Jerk (:

Yeah. And she's like, tell them the truth. Just get them closer. And he's like, oh.

Bitch (:

But we also, so the things of character things, I think we saw during this. So Sam is kind of surprised that Dean was praying to Cas, right? He didn't know, like, Sam's like, what? Like, why were you doing that? And so we have that part going on that I think is really interesting. And also the boys just came in so hot to Cas.

Jerk (:

Oh yeah.

Bitch (:

It was, they're automatically in fight mode with him. Like there was nowhere for that to, you can tell I'm spending a lot of time in therapy, but there was nowhere for that conversation to go, but to like a fight with the foot cast, like where you been, why are you lying? And he's just like, I got, I've got Wendy to deal with. Fuck off.

Jerk (:

Yeah, but I kind of get where they're coming from. Like he's ignoring them forever. And then all of a sudden he just pops in and it's like, what the fuck? But he's been.

Bitch (:

Well, of course I am!

Bitch (:

Well, I do not know how, oh my god, I can't handle somebody calling me without having a plan in advance, much less pop it into the middle of a fight. Oh my. No, no thank you sir. Hard pass.

Jerk (:

go. Well, he's like, yeah, I'm searching for the other half of the demon tablet, just like you guys are, of course. And, but I found out Crowley found that Crowley is sending demons to locate Lucifer's crypts and there's dozens of them. And then now that's all kind of true, kinda, but then he starts lying and says that there's some fucking parchment to decode the tablet without the profit.

Bitch (:

Yes, but also Sam wants to know why they are doing Storage Wars and I also want to know like why and how and where and what they're finding in Lucifer's crypts and what the Storage Wars is going on. Are they bidding? Are the demons bidding against each other? Like who is there's a host? What channel, what platform is this on? Because I would really like to watch Lucifer

Jerk (:

sounds like an episode.

Jerk (:

Well, he's like, oh, well, the groups have been lost. And it's just, you know, he's been doing strategic possessions to get information and Castiel's like, fuck this, I'm gonna go interrogate Wendy. I don't need to talk to you guys anymore. So we get Sam and Dean have their exchange and I like Dean says, he puts the ass in cast. Ha ha.

Bitch (:

Yes, and he also called Wendy the strange-haired demon, which I do love. But Sam's also pretty much just a version of like, if you love him so much, why are you marrying him? But like, if you hate him so much, why are you praying to him? And then we get this very funny exchange from Cass. He was just like, you know, I can hear you. I'm a celestial being. Which is a very good point that it also sucks. Like, why can you just never talk about him?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah, I guess not. He can just always listen in if he wants to. That's unfortunate. But anyway, so they decide to join him in the kitchen, and where Demon Wendy starts talking about how much Wendy liked Sam and Dean, especially Sam and his smutton tops.

Bitch (:

some mutton chops, which is a great word I think everybody should use.

Jerk (:

Mm-hmm. So, but she's getting questioned and she's like, she's just talking shit mostly, and that's where she gets her hand stabbed. So now we know where this hand stabbing comes from of these dead people. And basically.

Bitch (:

But that's just, that is just stressful, right? So like you stabs her in one hand, she just screams. And then she says that they have one of Crowley's pets in a motel and then I can start, is it a pupper? Like, we don't know. Like, is it a hell hound? I don't know, maybe. And then she's like, I saw all the, and then like, she's like, I saw all the crits back in the day. Nevermind, wait, hold on.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

as a hostage.


Jerk (:

Well, she said the hostage had seen all the crypts back in the day, and that's why this person was is being held there. So Sam starts to ask about the parchment, which cast made up. And the demons were very confused and name it so.

Bitch (:

What parchment? And there's nothing worse than being tortured and someone's asking you about stuff that, like...

Jerk (:

something you don't know. And so the demon's really confused and starts talking about the crypts again and starts saying about tablets. And Naomi tells Castiel to kill Wendy. So he does. And. Yeah. Well, but they were also like she was about to give more information, they thought, and they were very confused. But he's like, no, she told what she needed. Fine, let's go. I've started this hunt without you, and I don't need you slowing me down.

Bitch (:

And that makes the boys what the fuck, because clearly that's what you do.

Bitch (:

And he just walks away and he's like, I'm gonna get to the motel now and Dean Sam are like, what the fuck is happening? We gotta leave I guess and they just like run out and they're like, they jump a baby and they go and cast is already in a smite page.

Jerk (:

Yeah, he's already like smiting all the fucking demons in this motel room, hotel room, excuse me. But they, um, they get in there and guess who's locked in the bathroom is a very bloody, a very beaten up man, very blonde Meg. Yay. Meg that big bat bitch Meg is back.

Bitch (:

You're very blonde.

Bitch (:

Yeah, that bitch Meg is back. And yeah, and we learned that the hair was Crowley's idea. And it's one of the reasons she wants to stab him in the face.

Jerk (:

And yes.

Jerk (:

Yes. Um, and basically she tells them that she does have this knowledge of the crypts. She visited them with, with yellow eyes with Yi. And so she used that knowledge that she has as, as leverage to get like not tortured, basically. She was tired of getting tortured.

Bitch (:

and just and to drag it out, right? To make sure that she wasn't going to fulfill her usefulness and get killed. In se...

Jerk (:

Well, she gave the real crypt info to get out of torture. And then now the process of finding the crypt, she is giving false info or just incomplete info to drag this process out, to make this take as long as fucking possible to try to locate these. And so Sam's upset. He's like, wait, so all these innocents have been dying just so you could buy some time. And she's like, hi, I'm Meg, I'm a demon.

Bitch (:

Oh, this is who I am. And also, duh, she wants to live. And so then we cut to back to Tesla and Cass doesn't want to kill Meg, right? Which is very sweet.

Jerk (:

Mm hmm. And because she's like, yeah, we've got to find this. She's like she says something about the angel tablet. And that's where it's like Rutt Rowe, because Naomi and Castiel don't want Sam and Dean knowing that there's an angel tablet. That's what this is about.

Bitch (:

And so, and Gross Naomi doesn't want to work with a demon because it's unclean.

Jerk (:

Mm hmm. Hmm. So either way, they're. Going to figure it out, Castiel is going to play dumb, but Dean's just unconvinced that this is all real and he didn't. But. No.

Bitch (:

Yeah, he's not lying well, and he never has lying well, because he doesn't understand human emotions or pop culture or anything to effectively lie.

Jerk (:

But Meg points out that they should probably get the fuck out of this hotel room now that all these demons are dead, because somebody's going to come looking for them. So they go real fast to go visit Anne's town model, because they think that's a good place for Meg to show them where they should go look for the script.

Bitch (:

motion needed a map. And so this was a good choice instead of a map like we can just have a town model there and that does seem to be an effective use of that town model. Also, thankfully, they let her wash her face. And she's just like, this is where the crypt is and I just sounds adorable. They're just like all I think that's what makes this town model extra special and why I like it is just there's so many crypts.

Jerk (:

They do, finally, which was nice of them.

Jerk (:

Well, she's going to point out where the crypt is. Sam and Dean are going to research and discuss Castiel lying while she has a beverage. And we've got Cass and Meg sitting there. And Cass feels like wrapping her wounds while she's sipping from a whiskey bottle. But can he not heal her wounds?

Bitch (:

Let's get hammered.

Bitch (:

She's a demon, so, and she's been tortured for over a year. So sometimes he does have power. She is in a meat suit, but sometimes his power is stuff. But he also, she does ask him, you know, do you really do after he tells her that her wounds have festered, that he really knows how to make a girl's nuthers quiver? And he says he does, and I love them.

Jerk (:

But she's in a meat suit.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Well, and she's like, which cast are you now? Are you the original make and model or crazy town? And he said, I'm just me. But he also insists that he remembers everything, which I think was interesting. So.

Bitch (:

Yep, and he remembers everything, including the pizza man. And it's a good memory, it really is. And that's all hot. And he also like, he's also just saying that his noodle works and that's not necessarily the truth.

Jerk (:

Not necessarily. And so in the meantime, Sam is figuring out that this crypt is shockingly below an abandoned building. I just want for once like, look, it's underneath this fucking McDonald's. It's going to be real messy to get in and out, guys, but we'll make it work. It's fine. But it's really busy. It's it's at the fucking breakfast, lunch, breakfast, rush time.

Bitch (:

Do you want to pay for all the extras and like how all the extra stuff it takes a film in a place where there are people and businesses? Yeah, I don't know.

Jerk (:

Just kidding, I know.

I know, I know, I know. It's just, it's just, I know, it's just funny. So either way, Meg's talking to Kath still about how she asks if he misses the apocalypse.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

You cannot just pass us. So while they are talking about what's underneath Diana's vacation home, Dean wants to know if they can trust Meg Ciel. Yes, they said it. They used it.

they shipped Kat Meg and Cassiel and they've they made the name for it and I just I love the show that they just embrace their shit. So like so hard, but that's amazing. Okay, so now we can go back. Yeah, so we can go back to maggot bag pounding liquor.

Jerk (:

Well, speaking of Megs DL, they are discussing. She's pounding that liquor and is asking if Castiel misses the apocalypse because everything was clearly bad or good. It was easier and things are so messy now because she's kind of good and that sucks and he's kind of bad and that's hot.

Bitch (:

Yeah, that's kinda hot. And she's not wrong, but it's like she's so like, she's getting her flirt on and she's like, you know, if we survive this, we are gonna bang. And Cass is kind of confused, but also does not seem opposed to making, and I just want poor Meg to like, at this point, get her Cass, right? But then Dean just kills the mood like he does.

Jerk (:


Well, and then back in the motel, the hotel room where they rescued her from are the remaining demon enters with the map and he sees the other dead demons. He calls his boss, which we know is Crowley and like, Hey, look, I searched the site that I found on the map, but it was empty. There was no crypt. Um, and Meg's, you know, Meg's gone now. And, uh, I'm kind of solo here. So Crowley shows up.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I fucked up! Oops, boss, sorry!

Jerk (:

And Crowley Big Mad and so he kills the demon.

Bitch (:

Yeah, he's mad because he lost his favorite chew toy, which is a terrible thing to call Meg, but he also looks really spectacular in that suit. Then we cut to the four of them walking down the street, all Reservoir Dog style, and Meg is so short or just compared to them. And then I was just like, how am I going? How would I look like in between the three? So now, like, unfortunately, I think most of those things are sold out at the next,

Bitch (:

I don't know what we'll be doing there, but we will be out there. And yeah, so, but I mean, most of those things sold out and early $300. But yeah, I do what I kind of just want to have a picture in front of all three of them just so I can be like, I want to know how short I look.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

That's funny. Yeah. So Dean's like, all right, me and Castiel are going to go in. Sam and Meg stay outside. And Sam does not love this planet first, but Dean calls him out about seeing the bloody rag in the trash. And then, and that, and that basically he hasn't been fined since the first trial. So Meg's like, I want to know what, what you're talking about, these trials. And they saw in unison say, shut up, Meg.

Bitch (:

Yes. Also, some in Super, in the wiki, they're like, yeah, like in like a shout out to family, family guy.

Jerk (:

Oh, oh yeah, that is a shut up. Meg is a family guy thing. That's funny. All right. Not that I watch it much. I've seen it, though. Yeah. And then because Castiel tells Sam that Sam is not OK and Sam is damaged in ways that Castiel cannot heal. And so.

Bitch (:

It's been a while. It's been a minute.

Bitch (:

Whaaaaat? That's a- Yikes! Oops, oops.

Jerk (:

and then says that Sam should stay outside and protect Meg because she needs protecting after being held and tortured for over a year.

Bitch (:

Yikes. And this is where if you haven't caught on, there's something that's starting to click in that Meg has been tortured for the past year. And then start remembering what happened. So like eventually like I think it starts to click in through this, but it's just something that everyone just kind of forgot, right? Like we just kind of forgot about Meg. So

That's why I don't keep pulling for this. So Dean gives Sam the demon killing blade and he takes off with his boyfriend.

Jerk (:

Yeah, and they go inside and Dean's trying to ask Cassiel what he meant about Sam and he's like, oh, yeah Something on the kiss subatomic levels and it might be lethal, but I don't know

Bitch (:

It sounds like something like Gwyneth Paltrow talks about, right? Like, oh, like my subatomic levels and my electric monarch fields are out of balance. So I put this crystal up my na-na and now I am all my chakras are balanced and my electromagnetic field is in alignment.

Jerk (:

some goop shit.

Jerk (:

Well, in the meantime, Sam and Meg have found a fuck ton of spray paint. Because all. I don't know, but all of a sudden they've got like 20 cans and they have got sigils all over this fucking building. Also, is there ever like, is there? I want to know if there's like a graffiti task force that's like looking for this tagger that does the sigil all over town. They're like this fucking tagger, which can't get him.

Bitch (:

Where did this prepay come from?

Jerk (:

Anyways, all right, so Meg points out, she's like, so I took how many bullets for y'all and you didn't even look for me.

Bitch (:

What? And then that's what it's like. I was like, oh shit. And then I was like, oh yeah, Meg, like that, when Dean went to purgatory and we lost him and we lost Cass, Meg also got taken off, right? Like that. And that same episode, she got taken and we're all like, just like, kind of like, especially Sam forgot about it. Right. And, but.

Jerk (:

Right, it was in that same episode. She was down outside.

Jerk (:

That's the one, the Sam's one that left. Yeah.

Bitch (:

To be fair, he also didn't look for Dean during that time either. Not yet, no. But so, well, like then he starts kinda picking these things up. But like, it's when I always forget about that.

Jerk (:

And she probably doesn't know that fun fact, which we-

Jerk (:

Yeah, she shrugs and she just calls him my hero. Sarcastic, it's good. And she's trying to ask him about the trial and whatever his damage is, but he just basically calls her untrustworthy. And then they have this weird exchange about, not weird, it's just a little bit of an exchange back and forth about how she knows him because she's been in him and all that, so.

Bitch (:

She's... Okay, yeah, and that's weird, right? Cause she's been on the inside of him. And that's a strange thing to think about, right? But deep down, she knows that he wants time away from the demons. And she thinks that him like spending a year with a chick is lame and he won't tell her Amelia's name, which sounds like it's a flashback cue, but thankfully it's not.

Jerk (:

But basically she's impressed that a chick got him off of hunting. And that must be a rare creature. So.

Bitch (:

A unicorn, you might say.

Jerk (:

Back inside, Cass and Dean are inside the crypt. And it's basically a dusty room full of artifacts that has a fancy box. And in the middle of this, Cass is still reporting to Naomi and wants to know what to do. She tells him to tell him that it's empty, which is the crypt is like this box in this dusty room. And, but Cass like, I can't, it's word against angels. So I can't fucking take it. So we need him to open it.

Bitch (:

My favorite place

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

And he's trying to tap dance because he doesn't want to kill Dean, right? And

Jerk (:

All right. So he just she's like, just tells Cassiel just to handle it. So Dean gets the box, puts it on the table, uses this blade to pop it open. And inside is a chunk of rock, which we know encases a tablet. So Dean. So he's like, holy shit. And Cass is like, hand it over. I'm going to take it to heaven. Bye. And Dean's like, no, no. Well, this needs to go to Kevin. Kevin is a true Kevin.

Bitch (:

I wanna take it to Kevin, not heaven, Kevin.

Jerk (:

And Cass is like, yeah, sure. I don't know about that, though. And he's like, well, I need to take Kevin's supplies anyway, so I can load up and we can just take a bunch of supplies and the tablet to Kevin all at once. No big. And Naomi's talking about telling Cass how bad things are going to be if demons get a hold of this. So Cass is trying to reason with Dean. And while Naomi is telling Cass to kill Dean.

Bitch (:

Yeah, may host base is just pressuring Cass like so hard, right? And Dean just asked Cass to be honest with him. And he was like, if you if you're just telling me what happened to you in purgatory, you can have the tablet and be on your way.

Jerk (:

Yeah, yeah. And he's like, yeah, you know, well, but they keep suggesting, Sam and I can just take this and you can go back to finding the other half of the demon tablet. And Cass is just not into it. And so Castiel pulls his blade. Uh-oh.

Bitch (:

Yeah, it's so weird. It's so weird. And then we flip from this back to Sam and Meg. So apparently while this is happening, because this is what it implies, is that Sam told her the story, because we jump into this part where she's just like, why did you stop after you hit a dog? I don't get it.

Jerk (:

and she doesn't understand why.

Jerk (:

the whole story.

Jerk (:

Yeah, her entire takeaway from hearing about Sam going out to the middle of nowhere, falling in love with Amelia and living this life that's not. Yeah, this not this not Hunter life. Her whole takeaway is why would you stop the car after you hit a dog? Anyway, she's like, yeah, I heard. But I heard she heard the story sad than sadder, laughed, cried, puked in my mouth a little. I kind of get it.

Bitch (:

Kermit Texas.

Bitch (:

Hi, I'm Meg, I'm a demon.

Bitch (:

Yeah, there's some in like she's empathizing with him. She is acting very human like she is like having feel. She is having empathy very much a different, you know, that bitch. Mag is clearly has clearly grown.

Jerk (:

Oh yeah.

Jerk (:

That bitch may has grown. And then they've got company. There's more demons coming. Well, back inside, Castiel is really going to beat the flying fuck out of Dean. That's what's going to happen here. He beats the shit out of Dean. And it's like repeatedly fucking knocking him in the face. It is brutal. And in the meantime, we get snaps to Naomi where she's like.

Bitch (:

She has.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Yeah, so now this one I have me oh my god, you're such a cunt and she like just says, you know That she fixed him and she aggrandizes. Well, I just i'm also very happy with that s.a.t word I threw in there. She is aggrandizing while demons are attacking sam and matt too. So we have like Dean just getting a shit beat out of him sam mag are fighting

Jerk (:

And Naomi is just berating Cass and telling him what this, why we need this tablet and how he will hurt Dean. But Cassio starts asking Naomi, what have you done to me? What have you done to me? And then he says it out loud in front of Dean.

Jerk (:

which is, and Naomi's still doing her, here's blood on your hands in heaven, blah, blah. And anyways, it's this whole back and forth. It's a lot.

Bitch (:

Yeah, and she's just becoming like Nagomi, right? So Nagomi is just nagging on him and Dean is just looking worse and worse. Cass is bitch slapping him at this point, just like doing a backhand. It's just, it's hard to watch.

Jerk (:

Oh, yeah. And the tablet and the tablet gets dropped in the midst of this and the stone breaks away. So we see the tablet itself inside this casing of stone and we get thunder everywhere. And so even Sam and Meg are aware of this thunder. And who also shows up right when that happens. Crowley.

Bitch (:

Big Daddy Crowley is here. So we have that happening. Dean tells so this is well this is happening and Dean is looking really bad. Dean tells Cass that they are family and he needs him and they need him. Originally though that actually was had Dean saying I love you to Cass and Jensen changed it because he said that the line was not in character for Dean.

Jerk (:

I agree. Good call. So in the midst of this, somehow he gets through to Castiel barely. And Naomi's still like, it's us versus them. Blah, blah, blah. And he deans gasping because he'll picks this up, this tablet and. And he's and he's apologizing to Dean and healing him as the tablet disappears.

Bitch (:

Yep. And so yeah, and Naomi also during that she's also telling Cass to choose, right? And I feel like he do. So he do. And he's just going and he's getting his glow up, right? And he's just like glowing and glowing and Nagami is just like, no, no. And and then Dean's like, and then he is like, and then everything seems OK.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And so it seems like Naomi's gone. I don't know. Either way, we've got Crowley outside and he's like, yeah, those sigils aren't going to keep me out forever. And Sam's like, well, just long enough for Cass and Dean to get the tablet and get out. Yeah. So.

Bitch (:

And yeah, so that points out to Crowley that it's Cass who's the one who has been poking his boys and not in a sexy way. And he has a good bone to pick with Moose after what he did to his poor dog. That's right, you motherfucker. What did you do to that poor pupper? You goddamn monster.

Jerk (:

Well, either way, Meg's like, are you just going to ask, are you just going to talk us to death? And Crowley is not thrilled with her. He's there for the tablet. So he pulls his blade. Yeah. He said, there's my whore.

Bitch (:

and he calls her my whore and it is very disturbing. I don't like that at all. No, sir.

Jerk (:

That was weird. So he pulls the blade, Meg tells Sam to go, save your brother and the unicorn.

Bitch (:

Oh my god, and then I just started bawling. Like she found her unicorn and now she's gonna fight Crowley. So she has an angel blade and Crowley has an angel blade. And we somehow skip this part. So wait, hold on. OK, let's switch to the Crowley stuff. We skipped it. We skipped a Dean. We skipped a Dean part that was pretty important. But so we want to.

Jerk (:

So Crowley asks, well, not yet. We've got first Crowley's and then Meg.

Bitch (:

No, my no, we did my notes are in order. Don't don't deny me of this. Before this happened. Cat like Dean begs Cass not to hurt him. And Cass just wants to know we didn't say that. I didn't say that. Okay.

Jerk (:

We already did that and Cass already healed him. I did.

Jerk (:

Yeah, they already picked up the tablet, cast Heal's Dean, and apologizes. And Dean's asking what happened, and that's when Crowley shows up outside.

Bitch (:

Okay, no, I didn't hear that part. But anyways, it was a moment. It was a very, very impressive moment. Okay, so I just wanted to make sure that was called out. Sorry, sorry.

Jerk (:

Yeah, no, I was like, no, we did that. I was like, hold on, because here's where Meg and Crowley are talking. And he says, Crowley's telling Meg, hey, they wanna close the gates of hell and that's gonna kill all of demons, including us. And then he stops. But in the meantime, Cass is telling Dean about Naomi and how she's been controlling him since she got him out of purgatory.

but they want to know what broke the connection. And Casio doesn't know, but he knows he has to protect the tablet from her and from Dean. So he flaps the fuck out right as Sam runs in.

Bitch (:

Right. And so Sam runs in and he was like, we now have to like we have to go after Meg is what they say. But that's not what they do. They run after and Meg is standing up for herself like the bad bitch that she is and she's fighting with Crowley and they just get in their fucking car. Well Crowley's

Jerk (:

Well, he told Dopey, he told Sam, she told Sam to run. I don't know.

Bitch (:

No, no, she told Sam to save Dean and her unicorn, but he like Sam just they left her they left her like they always do. I don't know. It's fucking disgusting. I hate how they treat her and baby just peels away as body as Meg's body lay on the ground.

Jerk (:

Well, they watch though Crowley and talks that he's talking shit to Meg still. And she, and they, she's watching them leave. I felt like she was intentionally buying them time. Do I still think that they probably should have given her a little more respect? Yes. No.

Bitch (:

She didn't want to die! She was buying them time, she wasn't committing suicide!

Jerk (:

No, but she does also stab Crowley in the midst of this, so she fought for herself too.

Bitch (:

No, that's a she's a bad bitch, but she didn't want to die. They left her for the past year. Anyways. Okay. That's why we're going to have a quiz now and I'm going to torture Diana. Cause I'm.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

So someone has to take my pain. And I'm sorry, Diana, you get it. So that bitch Meg is getting her time and her do, we're going to talk about her in, in the way that I enjoy, which is just talking about stupid knowledge that we will never ever use anywhere else. All right. You ready? All right. What season did we first meet? Meg.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I'm gonna guess four.

Bitch (:

No, it was one. We met, Med goes back to season one. Yeah, so all right. So what was she doing when we first met her?

Jerk (:

Oh, was it? It was. Wow.

Jerk (:

Um, was she hitchhiking?

Bitch (:

She was. She was. What was Meg's favorite way to call home?

Jerk (:

Oh, Blood Bowl.

Bitch (:

totally blood bowls. What happens to Meg in season one episode 16 shadow is she a thunder to holy oil by Cass B shot in the heart by a demon C thrown out in a window by a demon or D thrown off a building by Sam

Jerk (:

I thought she was throwing out the window. See.

Bitch (:

She was, she was thrown out the window by a demon. All right, in season one, episode 21, salvation, what happens to Meg? Is she thrown out a hole in oil by Cass? Is she shot in the heart by a demon? Is she thrown out a window by a demon? Or is she thrown off a building by Sam?

Jerk (:

What was this episode?

Bitch (:

This is salvation. So next to last.

Jerk (:

I don't know, I'm gonna go with B.

Bitch (:

She is in salvation. What's happening is John has a fake cult and he is presenting it to demons and trying to sell it as a real cult.

Jerk (:

Oh, that's when she gets shot. B. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Yep, she gets shot in the heart by a demon. Alright, so kind of give you that one. Alright, in season one, episode 22, Devil's Trap, does she get thrown into Holy Oil? Does she get shot in the heart? Does she get thrown out a window? Or does she get thrown off a building?

Jerk (:

We'll go with building.

Bitch (:

She does. She gets thrown off a building by Sam. So by power of elimination, what happens to Meg in season five, episode 10, abandoned all hope. Is she thrown into Holy oil by Cass? Is she shot in the heart by a demon? Is she thrown out a window by a demon or is she thrown off a building by Sam? She was thrown into Holy oil by Cass. All right. In season six, episode 10, Meg asks Cassio.

Jerk (:

I'm gonna go with A, holy water. Or holy oil.

Bitch (:

to keep talking because it makes her meat suit all what?

Jerk (:

Oh, I don't know.

Bitch (:

It makes her meat suit all dewy. Ew, but also so good. Question number nine in season seven, episode 17, the born again identity. What name does Meg take on at the end?

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

I don't remember.

Bitch (:

It's hers! Well, she takes on her first Mitsu and is called Nurse Masters.

Jerk (:

Oh, okay. Yes.

Bitch (:

Number 10, so last question in season 7 episode 23 survival of the fitness fit test What does Meg do with baby?

Jerk (:

Oh, drives it through the sign at the, um, the creepy corporation that the Groman runs.

Bitch (:

She does! We talked about this episode! I kind of pointed it out, so I gave you a bonus. But we also have another bonus. Name all the actors who have played Meg. If you get all these right, they will make up all of your things that you missed and you will have a hundred.

Jerk (:

Uh oh.

Jerk (:

Oh, god damn it. I know them if I hear them, and I looked them up before, and I can't name them.

Bitch (:

I gave you the cheat and I was like, hey. Yeah.

Jerk (:

I know I looked them up like 14 times this afternoon. I swear I read them repeatedly and I know them and I can see their faces and I can see their IMDB profiles but not the names in my head. Damn it. So bad, so bad. Nikki.

Bitch (:


Oh, so Nicky's, Nicky's last, yeah, it's Acox. Yep. It's close.

Jerk (:

starts with an A at Aacoxy. So close, Nikki Acox. And then who? Rest in peace. And then this one is...

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Nothing could be finer.

Jerk (:

Oh, Rachel Minor.

Bitch (:

Yep. And technically that was a trick question though, cause there's three. Also Jared Padalecki because she, he was possessed by Meg in season two 14. So theoretically three actors have played Meg.

Jerk (:

Told you I looked him up.

Jerk (:

Well, Jared, bad luck to you.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

And yeah, RIP to the A-Cogs. She did such an amazing job on the show. And, but Rachel Minor, I know to me, is my favorite Meg. And y'all did not do right by that bitch. You did not. Y'all just like, she gets kidnapped by, so. Well, they just take her. They didn't kid her.

Jerk (:

She's amazing.

Jerk (:

Well, but they're also conflicted. They're also conflicted because she's a demon at the end of the day, so they never trusted her.

Bitch (:

But she was safe. They never trusted her, but she went into battle with it, right? You just don't go into battle with someone and have her go in. She clearly, she self-sacrificed herself. At that point, she's one of your homies. I feel like, I feel also, it's just like what? Can no woman in Supernatural ever fucking survive? Can we stop this bullshit, right? Stop putting it.

Jerk (:

But I mean, they had a kind of a deal. I don't know. I kind of like, yeah, but they kind of knew that. Eh, not necessarily.

Jerk (:

A lot too. That's me.

Bitch (:

But she was such a one, besides me and for all my actors. Just the character itself, like I said, Meg grew so much and we don't know why. There's a weird demon, like this is an angel on Buffy, right? She didn't get a soul.

Jerk (:

Well, I think it's because she was a demon for so long, and then she spent a lot of time on Earth is the implication that I put together. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, she spent a lot of time in a meat suit, right? And so meat suits can't they can take on their emotions sometimes at their house. If she they're in there long enough. But she like she was one of Yee's torturers, right? And she self sacrificed her big time. And for like these dudes who just didn't give a shit about her.

Jerk (:

For a long time, yeah.

Jerk (:

Yeah, she's mean.

Jerk (:

I just don't think that she was, here's the deals. I do think that she grew as a character. I do think that she had some of those things that she did intentionally, but she was pretty, and I kind of believe her when she said that she wasn't doing it for them. This was for her bigger picture of stuff. Like she didn't always self-sacrifice because she thought it was the right thing to do. She was doing it because it served her as well for her side to whatever. If she died for her cause, even if it just happened to be a shared cause in that moment, that was worth it to her, I think.

Bitch (:

It's, yeah, but so...

Bitch (:

there's still like, I don't know, there's, I feel like there's a certain amount of loyalty she is due, right? From the amount of things she has done in their name.

Yeah, and she's at least like, what the fuck happened to Meg, right? At least like a hate, like at some point while you're dealing with all those demons and Kevin, something would be like, oh shit, that one rides me a Meg. Like something would have something would happen over the year plus, right? Because we have come back from purgatory. We have all this time to be like, oh shit, you remember when we did that thing as Succor, there was somebody else there, right? Well, whatever happened to her? Like

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

What like wouldn't you want like right and then just like oh shit and she's been tortured for a year like that's messed up and so that's what she has like right before she dies and it's sad and i want to sneeze again

Jerk (:

It's weird that no one mentions it. Yeah, like it's, yeah, I'll give it that.

Jerk (:

I mean, or maybe she felt maybe she felt good that she let them get away with the tablet and Crowley didn't get it. Maybe that was

Bitch (:

I think she well, I think nothing would make her happier than Crowley dying. This is basically her point You know if they shut the gates of hell

Jerk (:

Yes. As long as Kra- anything that keeps him from winning, she's like in for. And she knows if they get away with the tablet, the odds are higher that Crowley will suffer.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

Well, I'm glad she stood up for herself to the very end and I feel like she grew as a person so, RIP Meg.

Jerk (:

Well, back in the back in the crypt, Crowley and Naomi are going to face off because they both are in this whatever building room full of stuff. And they know each other and they know that

Bitch (:

Also they just left that there, like, I want that shit! That looks like you can get some money off of that.

Jerk (:

There's a bunch of other stuff there. Right? Come on now. And then they knew that...

Bitch (:

Don't let storage war that's a winner of storage wars you get all that shit

Jerk (:

Demonic Storage Force. Well, basically they both know that neither has the tablet. They know that Castiel has it and he's gonna protect it. And Crowley suggests that he wants to make a deal with Naomi, but she just poofs out.

Bitch (:


Bitch (:

He insinuates though that they fucked in Besopotamia, which does not line up timeline wise with his background story. So there is some questions about, you know, what that meant. But also, I like that she ghosted him. That's an Irish. I hate Nagomi, Nahomi, Nagagunty bitch.

me. But I do appreciate a good Irish goodbye. And this was just like, I couldn't have a flapping skill like that can't that can't be a superpower I have like I will just leave it every conversation.

Jerk (:

Peace out.

Jerk (:

So Sam and Dean are driving and Sam's like wants to know what happens and he's like, they're trying to figure out if like touching the tablet reset Castiel or what. But Dean just, it's kind of breaks. He's like, I just can't take any more lies. And so Sam apologizes and kind of opens up about some of the problem, but Dean's like, I can't, I, you know, I can't do these trials, but I can carry you, Sam, which is a Lord.

Bitch (:

I can't carry the burden for him, but I can carry you. And Sam does call him out on being a Lord of the Rings reference, but Rudy Hobbit always gives a pass. Rudy Hobbit.

Jerk (:

And goodbye stranger by Supertramp is on the radio.

Bitch (:

It is. By this point, I was listening, watching the episode at 1.25 speed because I didn't have enough time. So that was going in a much higher rate. It was like having a record, like, you know, that was like a 45, like a 33. And that was what was happening with Supertramp.

Jerk (:

Yeah. Too fast. Yeah. Well, we flash back to Naomi's office for the end of this.

Bitch (:

Oh, I have one last one here. So, may I bet your toes are gross on me.

Jerk (:

Oh, well, and a woman walks into her office like it's according to the Internet. It's her assistant. But either way, this woman just walks in, looks at Naomi and shakes her head. And that's it. And they look very distressed. And then we see Castiel on a bus by himself with the tablet and taking a bus across country. That's it. That's the episode.

Bitch (:

That's how we hide. That's how you hide as an angel. You just go to us. So do you have any things about the people?

Jerk (:

I just a couple quick. Yeah, just a couple quick notes. Nothing to we didn't have a ton of additional characters in this episode, honestly. So just a couple of folks. Wendy was played by Jennifer Clement. You've seen her in episodes of X-Files, Eureka, 4,400. And then she was Dee in the movie Fido, which was kind of like a weird cult art film. And then Mr. Morton, our widower, was played by David Franco. He's been in episodes of ER, Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Bitch (:


Jerk (:

24, Arrow, and Prison Break, and then he was an assistant priest in End of Days. And then Naomi's assistant was played by Teresa Wong, who's been in episodes of Flash, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. She was in Deadly Class several times, Good Doctor, Charmed, Supergirl, and Firefly.

Bitch (:

Yeah, she was awesome and deadly close. The show was only canceled ever when season ended. I wish I had more to have the best punk rock soundtrack.

Jerk (:

And I need to watch it still. So yeah. So.

Bitch (:

Well, I think it's like now you have to buy it. It's like they moved it behind a like a good word behind a paywall. So yeah, so let's get to opinions. I also realize as I had in very big cap letters that Rudy Hobbit always gets a pass. And now I'm just thinking it's like a rude boy Hobbit. So now I just have like, pick it up, pick it up, Hobbit. So Dean just wants to help Sam pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up, pick it up his burden. I'll carry you.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Pick it up, pick it up.

Bitch (:

He wants to have one set of footprints in the sand. He does. Rudy Hobbit's getting a pass. I'll make Dave rep Rudy Hobbit for us.

Jerk (:

It sounds like a ska song, it really does. It sounds like a ska song.

Jerk (:

Oh my gosh.

Yeah, it was it was a good episode. I really liked having Meg back. That was fun. It's interesting having Castiel back. Well, I know I just yeah, that was distressing.

Bitch (:

Until they killed her!

Bitch (:

Also, like the blonde thing, like I didn't dive into it. Like, I'm sure she explained this. Like, was her hair actually blonde, like for something? Or did they, then they just had to work this into it? Or was it, you know, was it just actually part of the script, right?

Jerk (:

Part of the torture. Oh, I know.

Bitch (:

Well, she said it was part of the torture that it was part that Crowley specifically did this to her and be like, at least he didn't give her bangs. fucked up man just like, oh no.

Jerk (:

Oh man, that's just mean.

Unwanted bangs is the worst.

Bitch (:

Unwanted bangs! Here are some very unattractive, straight, harsh, blunt bangs on you that you think you can carry off, but you can't.

Jerk (:

But no, I think that was fun to have her back in an episode regardless of how it unfolded. But I'm kind of relieved that we're potentially getting away from like crazy pants cast because I was kind of getting like the, it's kind of a lot. I mean, I get the storyline, but it's a lot.

Bitch (:

But we want to like Cass. We already had Cass as angry God, right? So we have had enough time to be in a negative place with Cass.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And then I'm glad that Sam and Dean are finally fucking going to be honest with each other. So there's a lot of good drivers in this, but I think it's a good progress in the story with the tablets.

Bitch (:

Right, and we have learned that Sam needs to get some magnet bracelets because his electromagnetics are just, his meridians are just out of line. Maybe he's gonna find a late line.

Jerk (:

All of them. Maybe. Well, that's all I got.

Bitch (:

Yeah, I wonder what episode was this? Was this 18? 17? Woo, man, season eight, it's... There's this season sometimes. Like, it's... So these episodes, like, this also, this is... I can make a point, I swear.

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

We are getting close to the end of the season. So there were some arcs, I feel, like got wrapped up in this, like you said, right? So we've got at least the boys know about Nahomi. At least the trials, we don't know if they are going to be part of this season or next, because it is 17.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:


Jerk (:

We're pretty late in the season for that.

Bitch (:

pretty late. So we don't know, like, if are we closing the gates of hell this season? I don't know. I think that was the point of the season. I think that was our, our thing, our goal. So we're at least, you know, we're moving there. And you cast and the cast and Dean part was really, really brutal, especially in a lot of people take this really hard, especially with the dusty old ship, right. But if, but even just like,

Jerk (:


Bitch (:

friends, you know, beyond whatever, you know, their family, that amount of violence between them, then the fact that Dean, like, that's how do you move past that, right? And how can Dean not carry that? You know, I would be so, you know, that'd be so hard to process and to trust Cass after that, you know? And also wasn't his, yeah.

Jerk (:

Pretty bad.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

Yeah. And how creepy and abusive is it that he can like beat the shit out of him and then heal him and apologize, then he could just do it again? In theory. Yeah.

Bitch (:

Yeah, that's the Lifetime movie we don't want to watch. I bet that's someplace like the way like the boys could like very creepily. Don't do that, Mr. Kripke. I'm just telling you now. All right. So, yeah, it was a long episode, guys. And since I retired, but also it's good stuff. So I hope you enjoyed it. I'm not going to apologize for our content because it was good. Cheers.

Jerk (:

Mm. Bye.

Jerk (:


Jerk (:

No, don't apologize. Cheers, bitch.




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