Hidden Fruit
Robert Bass pt 2
Robert experienced, not one, but two, major motorcycle accidents. This served to, let’s just say, “get his attention” focused on things that matter. The result, was answering the Call of God for his life. He started to write books and entered the ministry. Now, he is a podcaster, speaker, author of three books and a ministry leader. His latest book is “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You.”
Today is the conclusion of a great, two part interview with Pastor Robert Bass...
You said in an interview recently that people can be in a situation that is not peaceful – but you can still come away with a sense of peace. Share about that statement with us…
In your first couple books, you focus on “Purpose.” Share a synopsis of your first two books with us and why you were led to write them…
Let’s shift gears now and talk about your latest book, “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You.”
You share this book is for everyone who ever “longed for the Love, protection and wisdom of a father – whether a human father of or our Heavenly Father.” And that this book should be read like a “letter from a Father” to his children. Share with us a little bit about that with us…
This book is also about the “Fruit of the Spirit” operating in our lives. Explain how the “Fruit of the Spirit” is “hidden” from us, as you outline in your book?
There is no doubt the “god of this world has blinded the eyes and minds of the unbelievers,” as outlined in 2 Corinthians 4:4. But what about the believers? Are some believers, though born again, are they still “blinded” by the decisions they have made or are still making?
Share with us the story of you building a tent blindfolded…
How can someone receive all that God has for us?
As we get ready to close, can you briefly go over the fruits “Love, Joy and Peace” as outlined in your book and why they are important in a believers life?
Pastor, this has been so interesting. How can someone obtain a copy of your book, “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You?” I take that it’s on Amazon, correct?
If someone wanted to reach out to you, to ask a question or perhaps request an interview such as this, how can they do that? How can someone get in touch with you?
Folks, we have been blinded to the blessings God has designed for us to have. It is high time that we open our eyes, both Spiritual and physical, to the blessings God has for us. Blessings that will lead us to lead a “fruitful life.” Amen!
In Pastor Robert Bass’s book, “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You,” you will find out how to live a fruitful life. A life of “Love, Joy, Peace,” and more. Amen!
Pastor Bass has written this book as a Father would write a letter to his children whom He dearly loves. This book, if taken in that context, will help you to be healed of your past, your past mistakes, your poor choices – all of it – and to start to produce GOOD FRUIT! Amen! This book will help you to draw closer to God and to fulfill your destiny.
I urge you to drop down into the show notes, right now, and click the link there to order your copy of “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You.” In fact, at the time this recording is being released, we are entering the Christmas season! Praise God.
That means you could order two, three or more copies of this book and give them away a gifts this Christmas season! Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good! Praise God!
Imagine giving someone a gift that will turn their life’s perspective around!
Imagine giving someone a gift that will answer lingering questions they may have about their life.
Imagine giving someone a gift that will bring the closer to God and to fulfilling His purpose for their life.
You can’t find a better gift than that. Amen!
So, drop down into the show notes, right now, and click the link there to purchase your copies today. In fact, get one for your pastor, too! I know he will appreciate it and the fact that you did if to be a blessing to him as well. Amen!

Email: redeemedonpurpose@gmail.com
Website: https://www.hiddenfruitbook.com/
Book: “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You” - on Amazon
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