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Are You Ready to "Make Space for More"?
Trailer29th April 2024 • Make Space For More • Melissa Swink
00:00:00 00:04:38

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Join us to learn about our host, Melissa Swink, and what the Make Space For More podcast is all about!


Melissa Swink:

Welcome to the Make Space For More podcast, I'm your host, Melissa Swink, the founder and CEO of a virtual assistant services company. I went from being a burned out time and money stress solopreneur to a thriving CEO with a powerhouse team. To tell you a little bit more about my background, I started my company in 2012. And I work primarily on my own for the first six years, I thought I wanted a small manageable business. But as it turned out, that small and manageable business managed me. The truth was that I had reached capacity in my business, and I couldn't take on any more clients or projects. And because I was wearing all the hats in my business, I could only earn as much as I could work. Plus, if I wanted to take any time off, I wasn't getting paid. I ultimately was stuck in a job that I had created for myself, and I wasn't sure how to get out of it. How did I How did I achieve more time freedom? How did I make more money, I was doing all that I could possibly do. So in 2018, about six years in, I hired two team members to work with me behind the scenes. And that was a huge step for me. And well, that gave me some relief and allowed me to take on additional work. After a while I became the bottleneck in my business once again, because in that model I took on the role of air traffic controller, I spent the majority of my time communicating between clients and team members, and doing all the project management that goes into managing all those parts and pieces. Today, my business is structured in a way that is far less stressful with unlimited growth potential. And I'm here to share with you that since growing and scaling my company with systems and team members, I have 20x my revenue to multiple six figures 5x profitability, and maintained a 20 to 25 Hour Workweek. It's all about working smarter, and not harder, and leveraging the systems to make things easier for you, and also fantastic team members who are there to help you and collaborate along the way.

Melissa Swink:

In this show, I'm going to teach you the five parts of my make space for more framework, including creating your dream role as the CEO of your company decluttering aspects of your business that aren't aligned with your vision and goals. Implementing systems to make running your business easier and less time consuming. Building a powerhouse team to support you and your clients, and ultimately growing and scaling your business in a way that's authentic and aligned for you. And you may be thinking that all sounds great, but I've been stuck in this place where I'm at my business for a while. And the truth is, is that there are many limiting beliefs and fears that get in the way of making the necessary changes in our in our businesses. A few of these examples might be having a DIY mindset, how many of us have grown up hearing, if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself. There might be a fear of hiring the wrong people, the fear of losing clients because you think they only want to work with you. Maybe it's not being able to afford investing in that new software or hiring those team members right now, because money is tight. It could also be not having the time or patience to train other people. There are so many things that can prevent us from taking the steps that ultimately we know we need to take. But it can make it really difficult to do so.

Melissa Swink:

And in this show. We're gonna unpack all of these challenges and more, but most importantly, we're going to talk about effective strategies for overcoming them. I have been leveraging these tools to scale my company. I've been teaching them to my clients and those who attend our events and some speaking engagements that I do over the years. And I am now creating this podcast to deliver this game changing information to you in a super convenient way. This is something that you can listen to on the go when you're getting ready for the day when you are waiting to pick up kids from different activities. This is a way for you to discover ways to grow and scale your company in a convenient way possible. So if you are a business owner, who wants to get unstuck, wants to work less and earn more, follow subscribe and tune in weekly to learn practical tools that you can grow your business beyond you and I'll see you in the next episode.




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