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Kenny Cannon - The One Secret to Closing Deals: Simplified Success Strategies
Episode 911st August 2023 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
00:00:00 00:08:21

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In this captivating mini episode of the You World Order Showcase Podcast, host Jill interviews Kenny Cannon, an experienced sales professional with a 25-year track record. Kenny's expertise lies in the art of closing deals, and he shares six essential steps to master this critical skill.

The first and foremost step, Kenny emphasizes, is to engage with qualified prospects—individuals with genuine interest, the ability to pay, and the authority to make decisions. Once the prospect is qualified, the closing process becomes more effective and fruitful.

The core steps to closing a deal are:

  1. Find a reason why the prospect is interested.
  2. Understand the prospect's current situation and how they are attempting to address their needs.
  3. Future pace: Paint a vivid picture of the ideal situation the prospect desires after making the decision.
  4. Link the current situation to not doing the offer and link the future pace to embracing the offer.
  5. Customize the solution to align with the prospect's specific needs and desires.
  6. Close the deal with confidence.

Kenny stresses that this process can be applied to any product or service, whether it's a pack of gum or a million-dollar mansion, because it revolves around understanding the prospect's desires and linking them to the offer's benefits.

When discussing the importance of product knowledge, Kenny's perspective is refreshing. While some salespeople may obsess over intricate product details, Kenny asserts that understanding the overall result and being able to prove it to the prospect is paramount. Knowing the problem, the offer solves is crucial, but excessive product knowledge can create unnecessary objections and overwhelm both the salesperson and the prospect. Simplify the process by focusing on the result and how it addresses the prospect's needs.

Listeners are invited to explore Kenny Cannon's previous episode on the podcast, where he delves deeper into his expertise, offering valuable insights for closing deals with confidence and effectiveness.

In conclusion, this mini episode packs a punch with Kenny Cannon's valuable advice on closing deals. By understanding the needs of qualified prospects, linking their desires to the offer, and focusing on the results, sales professionals can achieve remarkable success. Tune in to Kenny's full episode for more in-depth strategies to excel in the world of sales.

You can listen to that episode here:

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Hi and welcome to the.


You World Order Showcase Podcast today on this mini episode.


We're talking with Kenny Cannon and he is going.


To share with us.


The one secret to closing deals.


Go ahead, Kenny.


Tell us all about.


It well, first of all, thanks Jill for having me so, OK. So I've been selling for 25 years, my whole basically my whole entire life.


I was 15 years old and there's really six things when it comes to closing a deal that you need to know.


And the first thing is definitely qualified prospects if you are not talking to people who have a want need and desire for what it is you're offering, they have the ability to pay you and have the authority to say yes or no make a decision.


You're wasting your time as long as you have a qualified prospect on the phone in the room, then it comes down to five things.


Number one, finding a reason why they're there.


Number 2, the current situation like what they're currently doing to solve whatever problem they have.


So if it's like, you know, maybe they need a new car or whatever.


What are they currently doing to look for a new car?


They go on other dealerships.


Looking outline, whatever it may be after that you.


Want a future pace?


So like the future pacing is like the perfect situation they could be in after it's over, right?


So if it's a car or a house or whatever, like, what would that look like for them three months out, six months out, whatever.


And then after that we wanna link that together with customizations.


It's a little confusing, so I want to kind of explain this.


Really quick so.


When we're linking it together, basically what we're doing is we're linking.


The current situation to not doing the offer and we're linking the future situation.


The good stuff.


To doing whatever it is that we want them to do, and then after we get that link together, we customize it up and then we close the deal.


Wow, that only took you like 60 seconds.


Well, I can go much deeper on all of those if I as you.


Know probably but.


I do know I didn't.


That that's pretty much the process from start to finish.


And it works really well, especially if you.


Have a qualified prospect on the phone, or you're talking to a qualified prospect.


That is the most important part.


And what's and what's great about that process is that it works in literally any like anything like all the way from, like, a pack of gum to like, $1,000,000 mansion. It's all the same process because it's all based on status experience, right. So current situation.


Is why they called you.


Their current situation is bad, so if we link the current situation to not doing what we want them to do, or the offer or whatever, and we link that future pace that they want like six months out, three months out, whatever, as long as we link those two together, they're going to buy pretty much every single time.


And let's talk.


About the offer for just a second.


How important is it to know what you're selling?


Ohh that's a.


Tricky question.


I'm not a big product knowledge guy.


OK, it's not it's not because I sold cars for 18 months and I didn't know anything about cars.


I didn't know anything about the cars that I was selling.


I sold stock for six years.


I didn't know anything like.


But you knew there were cars and they had wheels.


I was handing.


And they were gonna get people someplace.


Well, yeah, yeah.


So like so like what I would do is I would open up the door and I'd be like, oh, it has power windows and door locks.


It has a radio like I didn't know I sold HYUNDAIS and I.


I'm not even exaggerating.


18 months, I didn't know the difference between an Elantra and a Sonata.


Those are two separate models.


I didn't I couldn't.


Pick them out in the.


I had no idea so.


Is that you knew that the offer was a car?


It is it.


Yes, well, that's important.


What the details of the car are like.




The features.


Of your product.


Right, so here's the way that I like to put it right.


The thing that you need to know and what you need to get across to your prospect is that whatever it is you're doing is going to get them the result that they want, right?


So when I talk about product knowledge, what I'm talking about.


Was like we need to know car in it.


As an example, we need to know that when we step on the brake it's gonna stop.


But we didn't.


But we don't need to.


Know how?


The braking system works right that that's the big difference, right?


So you need to know that the results gonna get there.


You have to get that to the customer.


But you don't need to explain to them everything about how you're going to do that, that you, just that you're gonna get them.


There, that's pretty much it.


So that future pace just gotta show them that you're gonna.


Get to that place.


And then everything else, as long as you do have the right way, then you're pretty much good to go.


Exactly, exactly.


In my worldview, you need to.


Know what your offer is.


And by offer I mean.


What problem are you solving for this person?


Because if you don't know.


What problem you're solving?


Then you're lost from the beginning, like and like for example.


Yeah. Yeah. No, I I agree with that 100%. So, so like I said, you need to know the result that you're going to get them and you need to be able to prove that you're gonna get that result.


The problem that I have with product knowledge is this, cause I've trained a lot of sales people right?


So the product.


The problem that I have with product knowledge is that you'll have a book that looks.


Like this right?


That's filled with all the stuff about what they're selling and what they'll do is they'll study that material thinking that it's going to get them better at closing deals when it's not because all that stuff is pretty much useless.


Like I said, the car is a perfect example like or light switch.


We don't need to know electrical work to figure out how.


We just turn it on and we get the light.




So when we're selling stuff, we want to think about it that way, like just how am I gonna get that result?


Not like all the gritty little details, just how I'm gonna get the result and that's it.


If we get into too many details, what ends up happening is we create objections for ourselves, right?


And that's why, like again, just focus on the result.


And prove it to them and you'll be good.




Thank you so much for sharing that, Kenny and if you?


Guys got value out.


Of this, I encourage you to go and listen to Kenny's.


He's the 1st.


Episode I ever did with the You World Order Showcase podcast, and for that I'm very grateful to.


You, Kenny, thank you so much for joining me.


Thanks for having me.



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