What you believe about yourself, your confidence, effects everything that you do. Your level of confidence effects how you feel about your work, how you feel about yourself as a mom and your ability to make decisions. My client, Ana, experienced a high level of self-doubt when she came to me for coaching, and it was effecting both her happiness and her potential to get a new job. But over the past 4 months, Ana has completely changed her relationship with herself, and she knows who she is (and likes who she is) on a level she has never experienced before. On today’s podcast I’m interviewing Ana and how she was able to make such a dramatic shift in such a short time and how it contributed to her recently getting a new job at a fortune 500 company.
Topics in this episode:
- The importance of speaking kindly to yourself.
- Why putting language to your identity can make such a big shift.
- How to manage the negative tantrums in your head.
- Ana’s #1 tool for building up her belief in self every day.
- You can’t always help your first thoughts, but you can always choose your second.
Show Notes: