Artwork for podcast The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers
How to Handle Taking an “Off-Track” Job
26th April 2021 • The Work in Sports Podcast - Insider Advice for Sports Careers • Brian Clapp - Work in Sports
00:00:00 00:21:06

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Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is the Work In Sports podcast...  Question today comes from a regular of the show, someone I am personally very fond of, but who will remain anonymous for this conversation.  Their question came directly via LinkedIn, which is a great way for any of you listening to get your questions answered on an upcoming show, connect with me and then message your question right on the platform!    Alright here’s the question...and I know many of you will relate to it. This is from a recent college graduate:  “I recently started in a shipping/inventory role at a local bike and ski shop. It’s not exactly the trajectory I thought I’d be in, but life throws you curveballs sometimes (like pandemics) and you have to work with the batting count you got.  Anyways, I started in March and have taken on new responsibilities since then. It’s a small place but I think my movement shows my upward mobility and willingness to work hard. I haven’t updated my resume or LinkedIn yet, partially because I don’t know how long I will be here, partially because it’s such a small org, and partially (and I know this is silly and selfish) because I didn’t think I’d be in this position. Would really appreciate any legendary Brian advice on this situation. You’ve given me so much insight and knowledge over the years, I know you’ll have a great perspective on this."  A little bit of background – this is a recent college graduate, who in my estimation has done everything right. They connect and build relationships, they’ve done really incredible internships, they’ve studied the market and know what is in demand, their resume and cover letter look awesome.  I commend them, and I am enormously confident something more permanent and career-focused will come through soon.  But it does go to show you, we are not in normal times. All this is to say, you sometimes have to throw out normal advice and adjust.   Let’s start with this – in everyone I’ve talked to in hiring, they are more understanding than ever about the situations entry level job seekers are in. You all have been thrown into an untenable situation, something none of us could have imagined or prepared for.   Now, that is not a "get out of pandemic free card" allowing you to take a year off still get a great job. Employers are willing to adapt and look at potential hires more open-mindedly, but you still have to show accomplishments over the last year.   That is the number one question on interviews now, so what did you do during the pandemic? You have to have a story for that other than, I put on 15 pounds.   To this specific question – I think you own this with pride. Put it on LinkedIn, show the upward mobility and turn this into a cover letter story.   Let’s unpack this a bit.   In the past I never would have suggested that you put temporary, non-transferrable jobs on your LinkedIn profile. Sharing that you worked part-time at Taco Bell or the Gap doesn’t really help tell your professional story.   But these are different times.   I would include that you are working at the local bike and ski shop (with a caveat – which I’ll explain shortly).   And in so doing, I would try very hard to identify skills and opportunities you are exploring there that could be transferrable.   For example, if you want to get into marketing for your career is there any chance to help with their google PPC campaigns in addition to your other work? Create some of their brochures or flyers? Any excel work you can do for them?  Keep pushing yourself toward new skills you can highlight.   I also believe this is your new cover letter. I can see it a little in my head – Something like,   Two months ago, I accepted a position at a local bike and ski shop, and while it is not quite the career plan, I had for myself, I only know one way to work – fully committed.




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