HTSTM host W.G. Bunch & co-host Vanessa Hankins talk about Halloween with W.G. dressed as a Star Wars character.
Welcome to the Huntington Tri-State Time Machine, sponsored by Realty Exchange.
I'm your host WG Bunch. This is a podcast where my guests and I share our memories of the Huntington Tri-State Area. Huntington, West Virginia, Ashland, Kentucky, Chesapeake, Ohio. Nothing too serious, no political views, and no ulterior motives. We're just here to share our fun stories about this great area.
Whether you're a past resident or a current Tri-State resident, I think you're going to have fun with us.
So sit back and relax and welcome to The Huntington Tri-State Time Machine, sponsored by Realty Exchange.
If you have a memory you would want me to talk more about, just send me an email at Or post a comment on the Tri-State Machine FB Group page.
Realty Exchange is the top-performing real estate company in the Tristate area, which covers Huntington, West Virginia, Ashland, Kentucky, and Chesapeake and Proctorville, Ohio.
When you are selling, buying, or looking for investment properties, your first stop is Realty Exchange. And let us know what you think about the podcast!
Copyright 2025 Vanessa Hankins
Intro: This is the Huntington Tri State time machine brought to you by Realty Exchange, the top performing real estate company in the Huntington, West Virginia tri state area. Each week, your host, W G. Bunch, and his guests share memories and stories about the past, the present, and the future of the Huntington Tri State area. That's Huntington, West Virginia. Ashland, Kentucky, and the Chesapeake and Proctorville, Ohio areas. If you used to live here or you currently live here, you're going to catch yourself saying out loud, wow, I remember that. Now, here's WG.
W.G.: Here we are. Wait, hold on. Hold it, hold it. Halloween episode. Here we are. There you are.
Vanessa: Frankenstein.
's the, uh, Halloween episode:Vanessa: Picture, like I don't know what I'm doing. Picture this foggy.
W.G.: Uh, let me ask you this real quick because we will post this with a photo. Can I take this helmet off? This helmet is hot as hell.
Vanessa: Please do, because I feel terrible for you. I didn't know we were dressing up. Wonderful surprise.
W.G.: Yeah, it took like 2 hours for me to figure out, how does this work? Velcro sucks. I hate to tell you this, velcro is not as great as you think. Everybody sees Velcro and they're like, Velcro. Well, that's very easy.
Vanessa: I just love seeing you navigate, getting out of your Cadillac as I'm pulling into the drive, like the parking lot.
W.G.: I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding. I got out of my car to come record the, uh, podcast and a Cavill County public schools. I'm not kidding.
Vanessa: The kids go crazy.
W.G.: The bus went up the street and there were all these kids, like, pressed up against the glass.
Vanessa: I love it.
W.G.: There's a grown man dressed as a stormtrooper.
Vanessa: I love it. And I was like, I missed the kids. But I definitely I guess I must have been behind them.
W.G.: I came in just for the effect of the two or three people that are here. But what ended up happening was I don't know what's going to happen, but these kids are going to go home.
Vanessa: And say, mom, why are we not trigger treating?
W.G.: Is the empire coming? Are we under attack?
Vanessa: That's fantastic.
W.G.: We saw one and it starts with one and then it grows. Uh, anyway, hi. Huntington Tri state Time Machine podcast. It's me, WG Bunch, with my co host, Vanessa Hankins. You know what? We haven't talked. Oh, uh, uh, I'm sorry. How are you?
Vanessa: I'm good. I just had a birthday. It's been a fantastic week. I love October, favorite month of the year, anniversary, birthday.
W.G.: Beautiful leaves, leaves are falling. That's Carl Lewis's favorite.
Vanessa: I love it.
W.G.: Anyway, um, well, happy birthday.
Vanessa: Thank you.
My dad contacted me one random morning saying he saw the podcast
W.G.: You know the one thing we really have not talked about which knocked me out of my shoes and we haven't really had a chance to talk about it. What the hell is the thing where we're like one of the top podcasts in this? What are we, the Herald dispatch.
Vanessa: I wasn't about that. We haven't talked about it.
W.G.: I wasn't contacted or anything. It was just like all of a.
Vanessa: Sudden, we were there.
W.G.: Yeah. My dad, who I love to death, obviously, one random morning, contacted me and said, hey, did you see the podcast thing?
Vanessa: And I was like, I'll claim you now, son.
W.G.: Yeah. And I was like, what do you mean, did I see the podcast thing? He's like, yeah. And then he sent me the link, and it was like, the top ten West Virginia podcast to hear. And there we are.
Vanessa: And then I had, like, family members texting me, and I was teaching, so I'm, like, catching up with I couldn't believe and I didn't know what the heck was going on.
W.G.: High five.
Vanessa: Yeah. And then you called.
W.G.: Hold on.
Vanessa: Better. High five.
W.G.: Yeah. Hold on. Everybody, listen. We're going to do a loud high five. Hold on.
Vanessa: Better.
W.G.: There we go.
Vanessa: That was.
W.G.: Has. Vanessa and her son have come up with a cool new logo and the whole thing, and everything is happening.
Vanessa: I feel kind of like an adult.
W.G.: Yeah, I know. And I'm still selling houses. However, this episode, we're talking about, uh, uh, haunted houses and Halloween and stuff. And I am dressed in a Star Wars costume, which is the hottest I am not. I should have dressed myself into Saran Wrapping.
Vanessa: I don't know. You're a basic white girl.
W.G.: No, you're like regular.
Vanessa: Exactly.
W.G.: I'm in a stupid ass Star Wars stormtrooper outfit.
Vanessa: You do look like you're burning up.
W.G.: Uh, yeah. It's hotter than hell in this thing. My favorite part is when she showed up. When she showed up, Vanessa was like.
Vanessa: Okay, wait, I thought I missed something.
W.G.: Yeah. She's like, hold on. What are you wearing? And I took my helmet off, and she was like, you look like you are getting ready to completely die from dehydration.
Vanessa: Yeah.
W.G.: And I was like, uh, I think I might be.
Is Brandon into Halloween or is he into Halloween because you're into Halloween
W.G.: Anyway, let's talk a little bit about Halloween.
Vanessa: Spooky season.
W.G.: I know. Anyway, all right. I love Halloween. Do you love Halloween?
Vanessa: I am obsessed.
W.G.: I have a feeling you have.
Vanessa: Have you seen any of my pictures on Facebook of how I do my yard?
W.G.: Yes. Vanessa is way it's a lot. Yes. Now, okay. Is Brandon into Halloween, or is he into Halloween because you're into Halloween?
Vanessa: He is supportive of my addiction.
W.G.: Okay.
Vanessa: So it's that kind um, of he is supportive. He helps me make all the things because I don't buy the things because I don't want it what everybody else has. I want cool shit. Uh, sorry, guys. That buy it. Ah. Um, but he loves Christmas. Christmas is his holiday.
W.G.: But if you piggyback I still can't.
Vanessa: Believe I'm wearing as you realize, your arms are in the suit.
W.G.: I just looked down at my sleeves and realized I'm in stupid Star Wars outfit. This is ridiculous.
Vanessa: I love it.
W.G.: I'm a grown ass man. I love it. This is dumb. Anyway, point being is that you get your Halloween, uh, thing going and then he gets his Christmas thing going. Right?
Vanessa: Yeah. Is that kind of how it he, um his mom is super into Christmas and she's fantastic at decorating. Shout out to Michelle. You know her. Oh, yeah.
W.G.: Fantastic.
Vanessa: Um, so he grew up in a house that was just beautiful. Christmas puked everywhere in their house. Uh, I'm keeping up with it.
W.G.: Hold on. Circle 270. Let's rewind that. Because I believe that I think Vanessa just said that Christmas puked in their house.
Vanessa: Yeah, it's Christmas. Everything.
W.G.: Let's rewind that and let's maybe it's beautiful.
Vanessa: I don't want to imply that it's not beautiful. It's beautiful. It is fantastic. And she's amazing at decorating. So, um, I have to try to keep up to make him still feel like home.
W.G.: Oh, that's sweet.
Vanessa: Yeah.
W.G.: Yes. Uh, this is going to be the first Halloween. Uh, I'm going to be with the girlfriend.
Vanessa: You all get a lot of trigger treaters.
W.G.: Here's the other thing.
Vanessa: Do that first, then we'll talk about hold on.
W.G.: I got warned. Stop referring to me as the girlfriend.
Vanessa: I mean, that's a pretty good title.
W.G.: But it's better than The Ex Wife. I could call you other things.
Vanessa: I don't know what I thought you were going to say. No, she was fantastic. What does she prefer?
W.G.: She was like, on the show. You keep saying and then me and the girlfriend. And I'm, um, like, I like it.
Vanessa: What about lady friend? I called Brandon my man friend for many years because we weren't engaged.
W.G.: I think we're micromanaging this thing. And you all have been together for like, what, 28 years or 18.
Vanessa: Yeah.
W.G.: You have a history of success. I'm just starting. Um, you're on the home stretch. I'm on the beginning, anyway. Uh uh, I'm not a big fan when you say the girlfriend. And I'm like but that's what you are. Anyway.
Vanessa: Yeah, I mean, I like it. And I think it like the girlfriend. If it was just like my girlfriend. She's the girlfriend.
W.G.: And the other thing is, she has said, don't ever mention my name because I'm not sure I want to be associated with you yet.
I'm wearing a Star Wars costume. This thing is so hot. Let's get to it. And I'm like, relatable. What
W.G.: And I'm like, relatable. Yeah. What do you mean, relatable? Are you talking about relatable to me or I still can't believe I'm wearing a Star Wars costume. This thing is so hot. Anyway, uh, all right, let's get to it. Let's get to it. Let's get to it.
Realty Exchange is the top selling real estate company in the Huntington Tri State area
W.G.: First of all, sponsors. I can't believe we have three people who want to help us to believe in and and the number one is realty Exchange yeah.
Vanessa: With top selling real estate agent in the agency in the Huntington tri state area. Pause that. Let's start over.
W.G.: Okay.
Vanessa: All right. Realty Exchange, the top selling real estate company in the Huntington Tri State area. Licensed in West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Florida. Find us online at realty.
W.G.: Ex I want to tell you this. I'm not going to pause it and I'm not going to edit it.
Vanessa: That's okay, just leave it because yeah, I should know that by heart.
W.G.: Yeah. Again, one of the best compliments you can make to us, or at least to me, is you guys are like a real show.
Vanessa: It is wild. I still don't believe it, honestly.
We have four podcast studios in Huntington, West Virginia
W.G.: Anyway, so, yeah, here we are. All, uh, right, so we've got Realty Exchange. Now we've got Circle 270 Media.
Vanessa: There we have four. Go ahead and finish them four. We have our studio.
W.G.: It's given to us, right. Uh, you go with number two. Go with number two.
Vanessa: We've got CoWorks, Huntington, West Virginia. This beautiful studio, it makes it feel real to me.
W.G.: Now if people go, I don't know what that is, where that is. Okay, you're in Huntington and you're driving down, ah, Fifth Avenue and you pass Jim Spaghetti. Same side of the road. All of a sudden, the old Chase Bank.
Vanessa: Well, Chase is still there, but yes.
W.G.: There'S the bank building. Humongous.
Vanessa: It is a massive building, believe it or not.
W.G.: We record there. Yes, that is where the podcast studios are. So thank you to CoWorks for letting us use absolutely. Podcast studio.
Vanessa: It's pretty awesome.
W.G.: Yes, for sure. Then we have circle 270 media. Circle 270 Media is the one that gets everything out. Look, I know everybody says stop doing commercials at the beginning of this show. We're almost done. There's almost one. Well, there's not almost one. There is one left. And Stewart's hot dogs. And we are doing a giveaway on this show because of, uh, Stewart's original hot dogs. I spent so many hours eating hot dogs when I was in high school.
Vanessa: I'm surprised I wasn't literally like, they're the only hot. And I love most of our hot dog places around here, but they're the only one that don't judge me when I ask for my bun not to be warmed. And I love that.
W.G.: And my favorite thing about stewards, I talked about this on the past episode, is that, uh, some places they call it sauce. It's like, do you want sauce on.
Vanessa: Your hot dog or chili?
W.G.: Yeah. And people don't realize, yeah, there is a difference.
Vanessa: Sauce and chili are not the, they're not the same.
W.G.: No. Sauce is, uh, in my opinion, sauce is sweeter and it's kind of condiment.
Vanessa: Like.
W.G.: Wow, nicely done, less chunky and that kind of stuff. I was born and bred on Stewart's and I like chili. And I remember people are going to hate this and I am so sorry, but when I moved to Houston, uh, there was only one place to get hot dogs. And I'm not allowed to say their name. Because I don't have legal, uh, permission. But anyway, my thing it was James original Coney Island. Anyway, um, and their thing was sauce. And I was like I remember the first time I went down there, I was like, what is like, you said sauce. They were like, this is hot dogs. I was like, These ain't no hot dogs.
Vanessa: Sounding like a true West Virginian.
W.G.: I was like, you all don't know nothing about no hot dogs.
Vanessa: I just can't picture you saying y'all in basic.
W.G.: I text it all the time.
Vanessa: Oh, yeah, I love that. I love that.
W.G.: Uh, I text it, and I'm like.
Vanessa: Hey, y'all, I don't believe you at all. You're a fiber.
W.G.: Didn't you just say, I don't believe y'all at all?
Vanessa: You at all?
W.G.: I'm sorry.
Allison and I did an episode last Halloween about Halloween music
W.G.: Okay, anyway, all right, let's get back to let's back on track. Back on track. Back on track. Yes. Okay, we're talking trickortreat. Now, mhm a year ago, I did an incredible episode with, uh, she was my go to girl.
Vanessa: Her voice is so calming.
W.G.: She's freaking fantastic.
Vanessa: Her voice is very she yes. You just want to sit on the porch, like, set a spell and have a conversation.
W.G.: She's been one of my best friends forever and ever and ever. For sure. What we're doing today is a little bit of a spin off of that. Now, uh, number one, uh, what day is it?
Vanessa: Today is the 26th.
W.G.: Okay. Now, here's the one thing that we want to bring up is so Allison and myself, uh, we did an episode last Halloween. We talked about Halloween music. What is your favorite song?
Vanessa: It's a pretty good episode.
W.G.: I know. And let me ask I know, because.
Vanessa: It was a good episode.
W.G.: I told you to do your homework, and you did it.
Vanessa: I did, actually, I had listened to that one prior because, like, I told you, Halloween's life, um, homework.
W.G.: You did.
Your first Halloween costume that you remember was what?
W.G.: Now, let me ask you, your first Halloween costume that you remember was what?
Vanessa: Um, so I don't even know if this is, like, a memory, because I have pictures of it to kind of create that memory for me. But, um, when I lived in Georgia, I was, like, four or five. I was a Georgia Bulldog for Halloween.
W.G.: Oh, really?
Vanessa: Yeah, I totally looked like a boy.
W.G.: I'm not kidding. Is that a store bought costume?
Vanessa: No, I can tell that it's made it's, like, Sweatpants sweatshirt. The ears are, like, attached to the hood of the sweatshirt.
W.G.: Um, did you have something on your chest? How about them dogs had the red.
Vanessa: T, uh, shirt, like, over that was the Bulldogs logo.
W.G.: Um I'm not kidding. That's very cool.
Vanessa: It was super cool. I loved it. I, um, love that picture. I love the memory, but, um, the first one I actually remember running around in, and Halloweening with my friends was, like, in third grade, and we lived in Catholicsburg, and I was a princess. So my dress came from Goodwill. My shoes, Goodwill. I could not walk in them. We had one of those old floor heaters, uh, that would burn the piss out of you if you stepped on it barefooted.
W.G.: A floor furnace?
Vanessa: Yeah. So my heel got stuck in it and I fell and burnt the front of my dress, my leg. It was a whole ass mess.
W.G.: Oh, wow.
Vanessa: Funnest costume ever. It was the first time I ever wanted to be girly because I was such a tomboy that's.
W.G.: I think the whole story is beautiful.
Vanessa: Thank you.
W.G.: It sounds like a Disney movie getting.
Vanessa: Ready to happen from, um, bulldog Princess.
W.G.: All of a sudden, Vanessa's going to be the next Disney, uh, princess. Wow. Yeah. That's pretty awesome.
I'm going to ask you Halloween candies which is best and worst
W.G.: Okay. Now, I did this a year ago and with Allison, and I'm going to do it with you now. I'm going to ask you Halloween candies.
Vanessa: Okay.
W.G.: Which is best and which is worst? All right.
Vanessa: Okay.
W.G.: All right, here we go. There are no layups. There's no like oh, that's easy. No.
Vanessa: Okay, here we go.
W.G.: Ready? Mhm. Three Musketeers or Milky Way?
Vanessa: Oh, that's, um.
W.G.: Just and just so you know, I hate both do.
Vanessa: I don't love both, but I don't hate them.
W.G.: Um, I think three Musketeers and Milky Way are snickers bitches.
Vanessa: I feel like it's no, that's accurate. That's accurate.
W.G.: You get the bag and all three of them in there and snickers is like, y'all work for us.
Vanessa: Yeah. You are always searching for the snickers in that group. Um, yes. I'm going to go with Milky Way.
W.G.: Okay. I don't think there's a real winner in those.
Vanessa: Yeah, I don't love them. I don't hate them, though.
W.G.: Here's what I would do is I would say, hey, buddy, that we trick or treated with.
Vanessa: You want to trade?
W.G.: Yeah. How about I give you seven? Three musketeers.
Vanessa: Musketeers are the best. How about we trade? You want the good ones?
W.G.: Okay.
Vanessa: I'll take the bad ones if you don't want them.
W.G.: And if you don't know the show, now you know the show. Vanessa and I don't share any of this stuff prior, so she doesn't know what's coming.
Vanessa: No, we're usually running around like chickens with our heads cut off. Hey, how are you? Hey. Let's go.
W.G.: I know. For some reason, people seem to love it. I don't know why.
The mini Reese cups are next most overrated Halloween candy
W.G.: Anyway, what I was going to say is next most overrated Halloween candy.
Vanessa: Oh, man, the mini Reese cups. They're terrible. They're fucking awful.
W.G.: Are you kidding me?
Vanessa: You gotta have a regular Reese cup. They don't taste the same. I don't like the ratio is off.
W.G.: I don't like Reese's cups at all. I hate them.
Vanessa: Oh, God. Well, I don't hate the minis.
W.G.: First of all, I hate themes. I don't think I've ever met a Reese Kip that I haven't eaten. I'm not going to say I hate them.
Vanessa: They're the worst.
W.G.: But they're such a I have to.
Vanessa: Freeze them to eat them. I don't know. It's weird. I mean, I freeze the big ones, too, on occasion in the summer.
W.G.: My girlfriend, uh I'm not allowed to call her she freezes candy.
Vanessa: Does she?
W.G.: Yeah.
Vanessa: I do a lot of different candies that I freeze first.
W.G.: You know what we did the other night?
Vanessa: We watched don't tell me.
W.G.: No, you silly little freak. Um, I'm not talking about that. I know. And I'm burning up in this thing. No, what I mean is no. I went over to her house and we watched a Love Boat marathon and ate frozen candies.
Vanessa: I love it.
W.G.: And she was like, would you like another frozen chocolate bar? And I was like, yes, please. Uh, uh uh. What am I going to say other than no, of course I do. Yes. And I had to tell her at one point, I just want to let you know I love the frozen chocolate bars more than this show. This show I used to watch with.
Vanessa: Without the chocolate bars. This invite is not open.
W.G.: I used to watch this show with my mom. I like the fact that I'm watching it with you and that you're giving me frozen treats.
Vanessa: Oh, baby getting treats.
W.G.: Yes. It was very incredible.
Vanessa: I don't know a whole lot of people that do that, so that's pretty interesting.
W.G.: Well, we're old.
Vanessa: Well, no, not watching this. That is not what are you talking about, freezing the chocolate bars? I don't know. That's how I hide them from Brandon. I don't have to worry about them disappearing.
W.G.: Does he not he just doesn't get in the freezer.
Vanessa: He doesn't like them that way. Uh, he likes it all, like, melty and shit.
W.G.: Oh, no, I'm not eating poop.
Vanessa: Yeah, exactly.
W.G.: That was deep. I didn't mean to say that.
Vanessa: He's gross.
W.G.: Sorry, folks.
How old do you have to be to stop trickortreating
W.G.: Anyway, all right, now the next question is, besides Halloween costumes and the candy, how old do you have to be to stop trickortreating? Because we're getting ready to hit trick or treat here in the next few days, and there will be teenagers that look like they're well, they look like they're 18 or 19, and they just show up with no costume, and they just have a bag. And they just open up the bag and they don't even say anything.
Vanessa: Oh, no, that's a no go for me. Have, um, to be dressed up. I don't care what age you are. You have to be actively participating in the holiday, and you got to be cheerful. I'm there to have a good time. I didn't decorate this whole ass yard and set my husband up to scare the shit out of you and have my daughter sitting beside me looking so cute to pass out candy for you just to walk up, shove a shopping bag in my face and not be cheerful.
W.G.: Wow.
Vanessa: Yeah.
W.G.: You sound very angry.
Vanessa: I'm serious about it.
W.G.: Okay.
Vanessa: Yeah. Okay.
W.G.: All right.
Vanessa: I've noticed as a mom, would you.
W.G.: Like to give out your address?
Vanessa: I want to come back to that because I have questions about your neighborhood. Um wow. I've noticed that the kids want to go out and they want to run around with their friends. That's great. Go do that.
W.G.: Yeah.
Vanessa: But dress up. Even if it's like you drew on a T shirt and then say trick or treat. Or happy Halloween. Do that.
W.G.: Would you like to know my favorite Halloween story?
Vanessa: Yeah, absolutely.
W.G.: I did not tell it on the last episode, but I was in junior high school. I was out of the trick or treating phase.
Vanessa: Were you that kid?
W.G.: Okay. Or as the modern kids call it, middle school. Whatever.
Vanessa: Anyway, grade school.
W.G.: I've never told this story ever, uh, in my entire life. I'm not kidding. I've never told it.
Vanessa: I'm excited.
W.G.: And a group of people I went to I can't believe I'm telling you. Anyway, a group of kids that I was going to school with showed up at the door, knocked on the door. I opened the door to give trick or treat candy to, and, uh, there oh, my God. Even my girlfriend has not heard this story. I know. No, it was a thing where okay, I opened the door, and here's this group of people that I went to school with, but they were all, like, a grade below me.
Vanessa: Okay.
W.G.: And you know when you're, like, in middle school, at least back in my day and stuff, think you're cool? It's something where it's like that's how you judge yourself. I'm a grade older than they're great younger.
Vanessa: They're kids.
W.G.: Yeah, exactly. And this girl said, hey, um, we're trickortreating. And I went, you all are old to be trickortreating. We're in junior high school.
Vanessa: Are they in costumes?
W.G.: No.
Vanessa: Oh, that's a no, then. Fuck you.
W.G.: None of them are in down the driveway. And, um, then this girl leans into me and says, Carrie likes you. And I was like, mom, where's the candy? I need you to hand out the candy for the rest of the night. I'm out, and I am walking around with this group of junior high schoolers. And it was like, okay, cool. This is awesome. And it was like, nobody had costumes on.
Vanessa: Same neighborhood you live in now? Yeah, down the street.
W.G.: And it was like, okay, here we are. I still can't believe I'm wearing a Stormtrooper.
Vanessa: You keep, like, catching it out of the corner of your eye. You're like, what the hell am I doing?
W.G.: Yeah. Every once in a while, I just catch this thing that I'm wearing a Star Wars costume currently. Anyway, let's go back to the story. And then the story, it was like, all of a sudden, she and I are walking together.
Vanessa: And was there handholding?
W.G.: I don't think so. I did not know her, and she did not know me. It was just like, she thinks you're cute. And I was, yeah, that's all I need.
Vanessa: We're hanging.
W.G.: That's all I need. You had me at mean. Come on, let's go.
Vanessa: This is a ah, doorbell.
W.G.: And we end up at this girl named Debbie. Was like, I'm having people over to the house, and I want you to come because Carrie likes you and stuff. And I was like, okay. All right. Whatever. Sure. I was like, I'm not going to turn that down.
arrie at a Halloween party in:W.G.: Are you? No, no. You can't take a she's trying to take a photo and I don't have the helmet on.
Vanessa: Just for our memories. We'll do a picture for everybody else. But we need a memory of remember when we did gotcha.
W.G.: All right. Anyway yeah. Anyway, Vanessa just took one of her infamous selfies. Anyway, so, uh, we go to this girl Debbie's house for this after trick or treat party.
Vanessa: Like late.
W.G.: No, it was like because trick or treats over, like at eight.
Vanessa: Right.
W.G.: So it was early.
Vanessa: And we were not a school night.
W.G.: No.
Vanessa: Okay.
W.G.: It probably was not a school night. But we were in junior high school and all got you. So we did it that way. And then, uh uh.
Vanessa: Did you give them candy before you took off from your house?
W.G.: Good Lord. What?
Vanessa: I need to know. Did you give them candy?
W.G.: No.
Vanessa: Good, because they weren't in costume. Okay, continue. Sorry, that was really bothering me.
W.G.: Wow, you're getting inappropriate. That's usually my role. Hold it.
Vanessa: I just don't spit my drink.
W.G.: Oh, my god. That's very uncharacteristic. But anyway, uh, yeah, so we go to this party. Um, and it was the typical junior high school makeout party where it was like, hey, we have a basement. Go down in the basement. And I'm like, spin the bottle. Yeah. And it was like, spin the bottle. Seven minutes in heaven and stuff like that. It was like that kind of I'm like but actually I wasn't because since I was a little bit older, I was like, well, of course, yeah. Who's going to be the lucky woman? Who's going to be the lucky winner of this jackpot? Uh, and what I'll never forget is yes, I end up making out with Carrie. And I, uh, don't even really know her well. Uh, I don't know her at all.
Vanessa: I was going to say, do you know her now? Is she going to probably hear this.
W.G.: And be like, what the fuck? Probably.
Vanessa: Could you not ever mention me again? Thanks.
re we are. It would have been:Vanessa: So you went from like I love you on my first meeting to, uh, sorry, I dropped you at the wrong house real quick.
W.G.: No, that's a different girl. No, I went from I don't know you to I love you. And she was like, I think it might be one of the it's probably the only time that the girl looked at me confused and went, I love you, too. I was like, you guys like the.
Vanessa: Talk of the school the next day.
W.G.: Yeah. And it was like, wait, what's going on?
Vanessa: They're in love.
W.G.: Yeah, they're going to be forever. Yes, of course. Every time. Hold on. I love the fact that people are listening, going, this has nothing to do with Halloween.
Vanessa: Yes, because we all have, like, a Halloween that we got to sneak like, not sneak off. But our parents gave us the free ring. Go hang with your friends. And that shit went down.
W.G.: And that was the Halloween.
Vanessa: I love it.
W.G.: Yes. And I was like, it was the Halloween night. I fell in love in one night. I love you. And she responded with a question mark. I was like, what? I was like, I don't know if I'm doing this right. This is crazy.
Vanessa: That's fantastic.
W.G.: But you know what? I was not wearing this stupid stormtrooper outfit.
Vanessa: It's a good thing. You probably would have had a heat stroke then, too.
The kids asked me if I wanted to go trick or treating with them
W.G.: Yeah, I know. I was like, uh I think I was like Joe Cool from, like, Snoopy. I was like because they came by and went, hey, do you want to go trick or treating with us? And I went, aren't we all kind of old?
Vanessa: Suddenly? We're not too old real quick?
W.G.: That was crazy. That's nutty.
Brick: I love that story. Thank you for sharing it with me
W.G.: Anyway, all right, enough about me. Now I know I get sidetracked.
Vanessa: And yes, I love that story. Thank you for sharing it with me.
W.G.: And I swear I've never shared.
Vanessa: I hope girlfriend likes it.
W.G.: Girlfriend is probably going to go, it's a little too much information. I don't know. Circle 270.
Vanessa: I hope she just looks at you later and it's like, I love you. I love lamp.
W.G.: I love lamp. Brick. Brick. Are you just saying, I love lamp? I love, uh, lamp.
Vanessa: I love lamp.
W.G.: I love lamp. Brick, what is wrong with you?
Vanessa: I love it.
W.G.: Yeah. Anyway.
Vanessa: I love it.
W.G.: Anyway, I know people are like, I'm lost. Where are we going with this?
Vanessa: They're having the best time with us.
W.G.: I can feel it. Let's reel the big fish back in. I'm sorry I went off on that story. And I have a feeling I'm going to hear from Carrie's attorneys and say, hi, uh, I represent Carrie and she would like you to remove that story from the podcast. And I'm like, okay, try.
Vanessa: Carrie, I need to know if it was love at first sight or not. Please let me know.
W.G.: No, it wasn't. It was just like I was just, like, happy to be there.
Vanessa: Confusion at first sight.
W.G.: I was like, hey, I'm kissing someone. This is cool.
Vanessa: This is great.
W.G.: I know.
Vanessa: It was a great middle school night.
W.G.: Yeah, exactly. It was junior high school, and I. Was like, I am just happy to be here. And so I'm like, I don't know what else to offer her. Anyway, uh, I don't have anything.
Vanessa: I love you. That's what I have to offer you.
W.G.: Yeah, great.
Vanessa: I'm on cloud nine.
W.G.: Let me just tell you right now, I love you. And by the way, what's your last name?
Vanessa: Do you go to school here?
W.G.: Yeah. And again, uh, I still don't know what is who are you? But I just want to let you know you're a good kisser, and I.
Vanessa: Love you, and this is great.
W.G.: Yeah. Anyway all right, so doesn't have anything to do, uh, with Halloween anyway, then.
All right, so before we wrap up, I've got some key Halloween questions to Vanessa
W.G.: All right, so before we wrap up, I've got to ask some very key Halloween questions to Vanessa. Number one, I don't understand the pumpkin spice thing.
Vanessa: I'm probably the worst person to ask about this.
W.G.: Okay, go ahead.
Vanessa: Pumpkin anything? Smell the whole hype?
W.G.: That was a trick question, because I love pumpkin.
Vanessa: Do you?
W.G.: Yeah.
Vanessa: My dog loves pumpkin. I bought him some pumpkin treats today. She I bought she some her pumpkin treats, pumpkin cookies and pumpkin bites.
W.G.: That went in a weird way. She her no, it was weird that I was like, I like pumpkin, and you're like, my dog likes pumpkin too.
Vanessa: But it's very healthy for you. Like, actual pumpkin. That's why I fed it to my dog.
W.G.: My God. There's no way you can salvage that. There's no way.
Vanessa: Uh, I don't know anybody. Well, I have a lot of girlfriends that are, like, diehard literally sitting in line at Starbucks until the death of them, when husband's like, where the fuck are you? Are you coming home? Nope. Still setting my target. Waiting for my PSL.
W.G.: PSL. That's pumpkin spice late.
Georgie shared a scary Halloween story with us. It's a story about adolescence
Vanessa: Yeah, it's a whole I did tell I wanted to tell you about, um, since you shared a very story close to your heart, uh, about Halloween I was going to share with you.
W.G.: I don't know if that's really a story about Halloween.
Vanessa: It was Halloween.
W.G.: It's a story about adolescence.
Vanessa: Um, I talked Brandon into because I love Halloween. Yada, yada, yada. You would assume that I love haunted houses and being scared. I do not. I like to be scared, like, in the comfort of my own home. Uh, like movies. I don't like to be jumped at. I don't like to be touched. And I fight. I need to do better with that word. But clowns terrify. Ah, me, like, in the worst way. Hi, Georgie. Yeah, no.
W.G.: Would you like a balloon?
Vanessa: No. Yes. No.
W.G.: Come on in. I've got a balloon for you here.
Vanessa: I can't come on. Cannot we can be friends. That's pretty accurate. That's scary.
W.G.: I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Vanessa: That's scary. That is accurate.
W.G.: Yeah.
Vanessa: That's terrifying.
W.G.: I found out it's one of the worst sexual, uh, impressions you can do to turn a woman. Like, they're like, I am not into that. I am not into this.
Vanessa: The stormtrooper works out better for I'm.
W.G.: Like, come on, Georgie.
Vanessa: Hi.
W.G.: They're like, I don't know where you're going with this, dude. And I don't know you very well. What is happening? And I'm like, whatever. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Vanessa: No, you're fine. So I convinced Brandon to go with a group of our friends to the, um, haunted tunnel down in Ironton.
W.G.: Okay.
Vanessa: And, um, if anyone's ever been there, it's like this old tunnel that we used to be driven through way back in the day. And you would have a red light on one side, green light on the other. So one lane of traffic would come through while the other didn't. Whatever. So it's no longer so they I think it's the Lions Club. Don't quote me on that because I'm not positive. But I think the local Lions Club puts on this haunted house or this haunted tunnel every year.
W.G.: Do you walk through it or drive?
Vanessa: Yeah, you walk because it's closed off. Now you can't get through the other side.
W.G.: Okay.
Vanessa: Like, it was demolished on the other side and new road put in. But, um, a long time ago, when my dad was a kid, there was a really bad accident, a bus accident.
W.G.: Okay.
Vanessa: And I don't know if it was a semi. I think it was a semi. And a school bus came through at the same time.
W.G.: Oh, God.
Vanessa: Yeah. There was like a lot of deaths and stuff. Uh, yeah. So haunted tunnel makes perfect sense there. Whatever. So, um, we go to get in the line. We wait forever to get in the line, to get up front. And I ask the people, I'm like, are there clowns in there? No, there's no clowns.
W.G.: Are there clowns in the tunnel?
Vanessa: Is there a clown in this whole situation? I just need to know, like, if I know oh, my I'm cool. I just need to know where it is. I need to prepare myself. Whatever. So listen, I'm terrified. I'm telling you. It's messed up. So, um, he's like, no, you're good, girl. Blah, blah. So then I see another worker. Hey, that guy says there's no clowns. Are we sure there's no clowns? No clowns. Get to the very entrance. There's a little peak hole out the side right where I'm standing. They open it up, and he does his terrible clown laugh. And he's like, right by my fucking head. I ran to the Jeep, locked the doors, and Braden's like, are you coming back? Fuck no, I'm not coming back.
You've been afraid of clowns your whole life
Vanessa: They lied to me. I'm not going through there because that thing's going to pop out everywhere. Because now they know that I'm afraid of it. Fuck them. So, um, I have never been back to a haunted house or haunted anything since. That was probably ten years ago. I need to double check with Brandon. But so clowns have been the thing that everybody my whole life, all of my family have just totally fucked with me the whole time.
W.G.: Let me just tell you this. Uh, as a clown, I'm offended. I'm not exactly sure how to react.
Vanessa: Terrify me.
W.G.: I belong to the organization and the association, and we're sorry. Yeah, we don't condone that kind of, uh, craziness.
Vanessa: No, I think we talked about it before about my cousins having me watch things that were way too above for me.
W.G.: We're running short on time. But I remember I went to school with a girl, and she disclosed to me at a high school reunion that she went to clown college. The actual Ringling Brothers barnuman.
Vanessa: I mean, that's kind of cool.
W.G.: Yeah, that's pretty badass. But the problem is with me is they think I'm making fun of them, and I'm like, I'm not making fun of you. I'm seriously honestly, I'm very intrigued. How does it work?
Vanessa: A skill set?
W.G.: Yeah. And she's like, Just stop making fun of me. And I was like, no, I feel.
Vanessa: Like that's a skill set.
W.G.: Oh, it's awesome.
Vanessa: But they're still terrifying.
W.G.: I didn't go that far with her anyway.
Okay, last one is, let's be honest, scariest Halloween movie
W.G.: Okay, um all right, last one is, let's be honest, scariest Halloween movie. It doesn't have to be based around Halloween. Yeah. Uh, scariest scary movie ever.
Vanessa: Hellraiser.
W.G.: Hellraiser? Are you kidding me?
Vanessa: Oh, it's psychological. It'll mess with you. Yeah. I think that's the one that has scared me the most. I want to wake at night thinking about it. Like, am I going to become one of the people that need to solve the do you like jump scares?
W.G.: No, it's okay.
Vanessa: See, I don't like jump scares.
W.G.: I became a different child after I watched the Exorcist.
Vanessa: I was like, that doesn't scare me. Even when I was young. Never. But I'm fucked up. There's probably a reason. I'm highly medicated.
W.G.: Yeah. Ah. Uh, the other night, I was having digestive issues, and I just started looking at my gut and saying, the spirit of Christ compels you. The spirit of M christ compels you.
Vanessa: That's what I'm going to start saying to Brandon when he's having some tummy problems.
W.G.: Yeah. And it did not work. So I was like, no wonder the devil won.
Vanessa: No one threw tums your way.
W.G.: Yes.
You vote for the scariest movie ever. Doesn't have to be Halloween based
W.G.: Anyway, all right, there you go. Hey, everybody. I know a lot of people are shaking their heads, going, I can't believe this is a real show. I can't believe this is one of the top ten West Virginia.
Vanessa: I hope they get to laugh with me, and then they get to go do Halloween with their children and grandchildren. And they're like, God, at least I got to have fun with WG and Vanessa first.
W.G.: Now, here's the deal. Uh, let's give away some Stewart's hot dogs or Dracula. I don't know. We're doing, Stuart's? Original hot dogs. Okay, here's what you need to do. Go to our Facebook page, huntington Tri State time machine, new logo, all this crazy stuff. It's beautiful. Go to the Facebook page. And here's what we want to know. Scariest movie ever. Doesn't have to be Halloween based, but just the scariest movie ever. And you cannot vote for the photo of WG in his stormtrooper costume.
Winner is Debbie Adams. Congratulations. Now here's the next step. You need to contact us and just say
W.G.: That's not an us your and then we will give away, uh, our next.
Vanessa: Dozen dogs, our hot diggity dogs.
W.G.: Now, of course, we gave away a dozen last time, and I have no idea who this person is, but our winner is debbie Adams. Debbie Adams. Debbie Adams. Congratulations.
Vanessa: She's been like Die Hard since the that's true. I, uh, see, her name Lola.
W.G.: I know. That is true. Yeah. Hey, if you don't love us, we don't love you. Yeah, that's the way it works.
Vanessa: That's true.
W.G.: That's called reciprocal. Yeah. Debbie Adams, thank you very much. And yes. Now here's the next step. You need to contact us and just say, here's the deal. Um, here's my mailing address. Um, I don't even know she's local. Oh, she is local.
Vanessa: Do we have an option? Can they pick them up if they're local?
W.G.: Well, yeah.
Vanessa: How's that?
W.G.: We'll ship them.
Vanessa: Okay.
W.G.: We're rich.
Vanessa: Oh, we are?
W.G.: Yeah. We got money coming in from the walls.
Vanessa: Totally true. No, but probably brandon lets me do.
W.G.: This, but still, probably better she picks them up.
Vanessa: I'm just saying, like, you get that fresh, and she could do it on her.
W.G.: Exactly. So all right, we'll have her do that. All right. But yes, Debbie, you win. Congratulations. And we'll get a dozen, uh, hot dogs set, uh, up for you.
Vanessa: That's better. I wasn't confused which one it was that time.
W.G.: Which:Vanessa: Good at this.
W.G.: Yes. I could be the Count from Sesame Street.
Vanessa: I have to tell everyone how you sang to me on my birthday. I got serenaded by who? Who, uh, was that?
W.G.: I'm not going to oh, and also, let's make sure everybody knows vanessa's married and I've got a girlfriend. And don't let your minds wander. It's not like that.
Vanessa: But anyway, we were planning time and date to record, and it just happened to be on my birthday because I was working.
W.G.: But, yeah, go ahead. I would like to hear your impression of my impression.
Vanessa: I do not have an impression at all. I am terrible at them. But everyone should be very jealous. I had Happy Birthday sang to me by Stevie Wonder in all his glory.
W.G.: Yeah.
Vanessa: Uh, it's even better seeing you do it now.
W.G.: Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday. I can't see you at all. Please don't let me drive a car. Happy birthday. Yes.
Vanessa: Perfect.
W.G.: Madness. Madness.
Vanessa: Perfect.
W.G.: Yeah.
We're out of gas, so I'm going to let Vanessa take us out
W.G.: Welcome to the show. All right. Hey, thank, um, you so much. Circle 270 Media, our podcast company. We love you. Realty, uh, exchange. We love you. Stewards. Hot dogs. We love you. Thank you so much for everybody listening. And believe it or not, we're out of gas, so I'm going to let Vanessa take us out.
Vanessa: Uh, we are out of here.
This podcast is brought to you by Realty Exchange
Intro: Thanks for listening to the Huntington tri state time machine brought to you by Realty Exchange, the top performing real estate company in the Huntington, West Virginia tri state area. If you have a memory you would want WG to talk more about, just send him an email at memories at or post a comment on the Time Machine Facebook group page. Did you like this episode? Be sure to share it with friends and family. You can find a link in the show notes that you can use to share it. And be sure to let Realty Exchange know that you like the podcast as well. Their contact information can be found in this episode's show notes.