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Make a Decision
Episode 114th June 2021 • The BraveHearted Woman • Dawn Damon
00:00:00 00:23:27

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Dawn Damon:

Beautiful Braveheart, women, you are listening to season one. And the very first episode of the brave hearted woman. This is a podcast designed with you in mind. We are women who need to uncover our vision, find our brave and truly live out our best life and if that sounds like you at all then you found yourself in the right place. I want to talk to you today about making a brave decision. You don't want to ask you a question. What do you want your life to stand for. Because living your best life means that you're going to be living a brave life, so many of us are living our lives to please someone else. And I'm not saying that that's not appropriate at times, but at the end of the day, when your time on this earth is done. Do not live with the number one regret that so many people live with, do not leave this world with the number one regret that so many people live with and die with, and that is, I wasn't more true to myself. I didn't live true to my own vision my own desires, that's not a selfish life, but it is a self care life. It's saying hey, I've got a purpose in this world. I know that my life is meant to mean something. I stand for something, and I've been created for something. Do you crave for more. Well, if you do now is your time to release the resistance and say yes to your adventure, and it is an adventure, because not everybody's going to applaud you when you decide to live brave, but that's all right, they won't applaud you at first, but when they see the joy in your life when they see transformation when they see you blossom and bloom into the woman that you've always wanted to be, then they're going to get on board with you and say yeah, that fits you well that suits you well. I see brave on you, and it's beautiful.

So let me tell you this, the wealthiest place in all of the world is not in the diamond mines in South Africa. It's not in the oil wells in Texas, the wealthiest place in the world is not in the shipyards, carrying cargo here and they're the wealthiest place and all over the world, according to Myles Munroe, is the graveyard. It's people who went to the grave, carrying their greatest vision, and the most expensive treasure you can imagine the song, the book, The screenplay the business the idea the invention, whatever it is. And so I don't want that for you. I want you to start to see the vision that you might have for your life and that's what my course is all about it's uncovering your brain vision, and I use the word uncover specifically because I think so many of us have not truly yet tapped into what it is we're good at and what it is we want to do, and our meaning and our purpose, what is it that we're supposed to be doing in this world, and I want to start with telling you about vision, you've got to have a vision for your life you have to see it. You have to be able to see it, because if you see nothing, you can expect nothing. If you want something to be different in your life you can go from wishing things are different, to creating things to be different living your dreams. I'm going to tell you how to do that in this podcast because you're never going to leave where you are, until you see where you'd rather be. You have to live on purpose. Did you know that you will only succeed on purpose, you might accidentally step into it, in fact that happens it does happen, where all of a sudden because you've got in the right environment, you on earth, the treasure that's within you, but you won't go the distance with it unless you create a plan on purpose, create the vision. And so your new life is going to all start with a decision you can make a decision, you can take back the power of your life because if you don't make decisions for yourself, someone else will. You know we give power of attorney to people, long before we're in a place of sickness, or where we're not capable, we give power of attorney to people early on in our life because we don't want to make decisions, or we don't want to take responsibility for our lives. Well, let me share that the word responsibility means responsible response able you are response able, you can do this. You're brave. And if you don't think you're brave or you don't know you're brave you haven't met your brave self yet, you're going to, I pray and believe by the end of season one you are going to be well on your way in, let me share a story I just heard about yesterday, there was a woman it's Mother's Day and she decided to make some cookies. She had just listened to a tutorial on YouTube on how to make these sugar cookies. And so she decided to make some for the moms at church and she created these cookies. I want to tell you, these were so delicious, it. Yes, I decided to have one, I'm responsible I made the decision, I ate the cookie. It was a flower and I was only going to eat one petal at a time, but by the time I got home I had eaten all of the petals on the flower, and only the center was left. But I digress. Listen, these cookies were so, so delicious. From that she discovered that she had a talent that she never knew about not only a talent but she had a passion. She has been making these cookies, and she is now teetering on the idea that maybe this is a new business for her a new stream of income, living her passion, doing what she loves. And so she's thinking about how to incorporate all of that into her life right now. You have a purpose, and you might stumble into it but once you stumble on to it, then you need to have a strategic plan, you know I like Jack Canfield. He is the guy who wrote Chicken Soup for the Soul, And he also has another book out but from that he says this, If you want to be successful in your life. You have to take 100 responsibility for everything you experienced in life. This includes the level of your achievements, the results you have produced the quality of your relationships, who that's kind of a hard one to swallow, isn't it, the quality of your relationships, you take 100% responsibility, the state of your health, your physical fitness, your income, your debt, your feelings, everything. And I know this is not easy, but freedom and success and victory and brave starts when we take 100% responsibility for our lives. And you know, actually most of us have been conditioned not to take responsibility, we've been conditioned to blame something outside of ourselves for the parts of our life that we don't like. We blame our parents or siblings, our bosses, our friends, our co workers our spouse, we blame the weather, the economy, our lack of money, we blame the bank, we blame COVID anything or anyone we can pin the blame on, and we never want to look at where the real problem is ourselves. Because even when life happens, we still have a choice on how we're going to respond to it. So if you want to create the life of your dreams. Then you're going to start by making a decision to take 100 responsibility for your life. And that means being willing to give up all your excuses. I know here, Let's just take a minute, go ahead and breathe deep on that one, you're going to survive. You're going to give up all of your excuses, you know, and if I could just stack this for a moment I will also say, giving up all of your excuses, cousin to that is giving up all of you're complaining all of your victims stories, all the reason why you can't do something, or why you haven't done something, up until now, all of the blaming of outside your circumstances, you have to give it all up forever. And I'm not asking you to do something that I didn't do. I had to say Dawn, you know, these things happen to you and they did. I've overcome many hurdles in my life and things that I think would have taken out a lot of people, but I am not comparing everybody has their own journey and everybody has their own story that I had to say Dawn, you're still responsible for your life, you know, look around, nobody else is coming, you got to decide, you get to choose. If you're going to rise like the Phoenix, out of these ashes, or if you're going to sit here and play in them. If you're going to write little stories with your finger in the ashes and hoping somebody takes notice.

Sometimes we look around and we don't like where we are. But we have to remember, we chose it. We are exactly where we are because of the choices that we made and Ouch. I know that hurts, And not just the choices but do you know, I will stand by this forever. Your out side world reflects the inside world choices that you've made by default because of the self esteem, or the self worth, that you place on yourself, you are where you are your outside world is reflecting what you feel you deserve, how valuable you are, your outlook and your perspective on life is reflected in everything that you see around you. I was talking to a doctor, while I say talking I wasn't talking to him I was reading about a doctor, and I was reading his amazing quote, it was Dr. Dr Seuss. That's right, Dr. Seuss. He said, Your brains in your head and your feet in your shoes, and you can stare at yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And you are the only one who decide where to go. And that's a good quote that's from his book. Oh, the places you'll go. Just to empower us to say, you know I'm not on my own I have a great support system around me. But the point is, when you are ready to make decisions, you are crafting the life that you want, you'll listen to the wisdom around you but at the end of the day, you have a brain in your head, and you have feet in your shoes, and you get to steer your life, any way you choose.

rd the story of Jim Carrey in:

out that he was cast in the movie. Dumb and Dumber. And for what amount. You guessed it $10 million. So you have to see it. You have to use your imagination. What will it feel like to live your dreams. What can you see yourself doing Albert Einstein said, your imagination is everything. It's a preview of what is to come. Walt Disney had such an amazing vision for Disneyland, and he saw in his heart and in his mind so many great things, and it is told that he died just before Disneyland was opened, and came to a reality, and someone once said as they were standing in his funeral. Oh I wish he could have seen this. I wish he could have seen it. And to that, one of his good friends said back to him. Oh he saw, he saw it. What about you, what do you see for your life, what can you envision. Are you ready to make a decision. So for me, I started writing down all that I wanted to do. I was in the ashes, but I didn't want to stay there. I didn't want to live that kind of life. And today I still do the same thing, I write down what I want. I want to get clear on what it is I want to do and what I longed for. I knew I wanted to write books. I knew I wanted to do women's conferences. I knew I wanted to do radio, podcasts, weren't really a thing back then but radio was. And since then, I have written five books. I have done numerous women's conferences, and I've done three podcasts, and numerous radio programs, and I'm not done. I'm just getting started, but it started with taking some courageous action. It started with me giving myself permission to to indulge myself, if you will in that dream, to say you know what Dawn, this is a good dream. And do you want just to be a dream, or do you want it to come to pass, do you want to manifest this do you want it to be a reality. And so what are you going to do about it, you're going to just keep talking about it and and make excuses of why you don't have it, or you're going to go after it. What about you, my friend. You are a brave heart you've got this. Now, it's going to take some time, it's going to take some courage, but what do they say the journey of 1000 steps or 1000 miles starts with the first step. Take a step today. Get a journal, put on the front of it. My ultimate audacious vision, and then fill those pages every day with what you want and where you want to go and start seeing it. And if it's something easy that you can do, you know that's low hanging fruit. That's not a big enough vision. Do something like your Jim Carrey did. Now, obviously he was an actor and he knew that as an actor. That was a feasible dream, but you can do the similar thing. What is, what is within your realm of possibility, and then push the needle just a little bit to the edge of impossibility. In other words, what I'm saying is, you know, you're not going to make $10 million. Being a sole singer. If you're tone deaf. You get the point. But what is it that you have inside of you, what is, what has your Creator placed inside of you. I know I can write books, but I'm gonna write a best seller. How about that. I know that I'm creative, but my creativity is going to give me an invention that earns me millions. How about that you might say, I know I can cook, but actually, I'm going to win, I'm going to go on the, the baking contest show and I'm going to win. What's your vision. Put it there. I've heard numerous stories, Arnold Schwarzenegger he's another one that he wanted to be Mr. America, and he put that on his vision board, and he put pictures of bodybuilders and huge muscles and all those kinds of things on a vision board, and he placed it right by his bed. So when you went to sleep that night and when you woke up in the morning, he saw his vision. He spoke powerful affirmations that reminded him of the direction he was going and he chose it. And then we know that your mind is like a magnet, and it will draw to itself, whatever you are believing in whatever you focus on whatever becomes important to you. Whatever stays in front of you, your mind begins to draw to you whatever you meditate on both positive and negative, it works. So what do you have in front of you. What are you willing to believe for. What are you dreaming for. Are you ready to take this journey you want to become brave. Do you want to get out of the comfort zone yeah it's scary, you bet it's scary, but only for a moment and then it is exhilarating, hips, it's awesome, it's over it. Oh, you overcome your fears, you'll, you'll be overwhelmed with anticipation and excitement, instead of paralyzed by fear and complaining and naysayers, be done with all of that be done with being bored with life and start getting excited about your vision. All right, well, I believe in you. I think you're going to do amazing things in your life. I'm here to cheer you on and believe in you. I'm here to help you uncover your vision, and live your brave think that's it for today. This is done Damon, saying yes, uncover that vision. Live your brave. take courageous action and do it today. Next row.

Transcribed by Opulence Multi Media Management



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