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Podcast# 231 Ernest truth: Why There is so Much Violence, and how you can Protect Yourself and Your Family From it.
Episode 2313rd July 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:38:23

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Welcome to episode 231 of Ernest Truth, where we're addressing the pressing issue of increasing violence, particularly in the US, and how you can safeguard yourself and your loved ones. In today's world, understanding the root causes of violence is crucial for personal safety.

We dive into the complexities of human nature, exploring the behavioral laws that often lead to conflict. Our discussion reveals that humans, neither inherently evil nor good, can exhibit ugly aspects under certain conditions. Interestingly, we find a correlation between abnormal behavior, psychopathy, and the rise of capitalism, shedding light on the chaos capitalism can sometimes create.

A key aspect of this chaos is the power differential complex. Research confirms that individuals tend to inflict harm when they're confident of facing no repercussions. This disturbing trend is a significant contributor to the escalating violence we witness today. Unless we implement transformative policies, the situation is likely to worsen.

The first step towards change is understanding and acknowledging these truths. Whether the aggressor is an individual, a small group, a police force, or a military, unchecked aggression only leads to more harm. This pattern, deeply rooted in human nature, is not confined to the US but is a global phenomenon.

The absence of payback or retribution often emboldens people to continue their destructive behavior until their targets are either completely subjugated or eliminated. Recent incidents in France, where a teenager's death at the hands of the police triggered massive civil unrest, underscore this point. It's a stark reminder that people, especially the youth, are on a hair-trigger with authority figures.

To protect yourself and your family, it's essential to understand the dynamics at play. Law enforcement agencies, contrary to popular belief, are not always your allies. Their primary goal is to restore order and ensure the smooth functioning of businesses. Recognizing this reality is the first step towards effective self-protection.

In conclusion, the escalating violence is a complex issue rooted in human nature and societal structures. Understanding these underlying factors is the first step towards personal safety and societal change. Stay tuned to Ernest Truth for more insights into pressing global issues."

Please go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello everybody good Monday thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again this is episode number 231 Ernest truth why there is so much violence and how you can protect yourself and your family I have recently received um quite a few uh emails asking me to talk about all of the violence that's going on and you know when you listen to this stuff and even if I'm you know I'm not talking about in the world and the world conflict I'm not talking about Russian Ukraine or any other place other than the US just the us alone just


that I'm gonna narrow it down to that because there is a misunderstanding of the limitations and what is taking place that there is a misunderstanding concerning certain laws of human nature and what I'm going to eventually get here is um I'm gonna talk to you and tell you some things that um well it's a bitter pill um reality unfortunately is often like that but as I keep saying in the end it's actually much better for you it's always better in my opinion to face the truth no matter how unpleasant as a matter of fact those


words I'm almost quoting verbatim uh from people who were well let's say much more enlightened than myself but at any rate we're going to try to break a few things down you see your understanding your perception of any situation that is the limiting factor in what you are able to perceive is going on so if you have certain built-in biases let's say well you know by definition you're kind of limited and that brings me to this point you see as we all know there are physical laws I don't think anyone with a uh


Norm normal function brain is going to argue that point with me that um there are simply physical laws that you can't deny and there are also behavioral laws and that is where a big part of the problem comes in in other words what this ties into is human beings innate nature and frankly I'm not going to argue the point that we are let's say inherently bad or evil or consequently you know that we're inherently good we just pretty much kind of sort of seem to be stuck in the middle on that and it depends on


a multitude of factors but the fact is studies countless Studies have been done on this you can find these easily enough yourself but they have been done I have found them and unfortunately there are some aspects about folks that are oftentimes pretty ugly but believe it or not and I am not going I don't want to tie this into some kind of socialist tirade here because that's not where I'm coming from at all I'm just stating the facts from what I have gathered but there is there seems to be a link between


um well abnormal behavior and psychopathy and the emergence of capitalism and again this is not meant to be a a boo uncapitalism it's not meant to be there I'm just trying to point out that while it does so many things in an IT undoubtedly has done those things um it is also um well created a hell of a lot of crazy it actually has and one of those aspects is the power differential complex and it goes by different names but here is the thing now I want to emphasize once again


that studies have been done on this to confirm that this is true and it is true it is true worldly socioeconomically all of that in other words wait there is this one trait that generally speaking now again bear in mind this is not taking every single person into account and saying yes absolutely every single damn person is just like this no that's not how you know you get a statistical analysis that's not how you do a k-square analysis the science done we have to Simply go into this and we generally speaking it's like okay yeah generally


speaking you know people do this kind of thing in other words there are General behaviors to um animals uh such as there is goat behavior and there is snake behavior and there's rat Behavior well there is human behavior it just is what it is one of those things that's a pretty unpleasant is that um people will dish out pain and suffering if they know that they don't have to worry about any Payback so the implications of this are huge and this what I'm giving you right now to listen to


is one there are multiple reasons but this is one of the very big reasons why we're having so much violence and why unless we put into place some of these um well policies that can change things it's only going to get worse that is not a pleasant thought but unfortunately that is where it is going to go it is going to ratchet up and For Better or For Worse we don't like that tough [ __ ] because that's the way it is and uh so we either have you know the choice of actually confronting it and saying okay this is


what this is make the necessary changes or don't and if you don't pretty much like I said the same thing's going to keep happening and it will get worse now as the old saying goes I can lay all this stuff out for you and I can tell you and that's like the old proverbial bringing the horse to the water but you can't make it drink and that's that's it I can just all that's all I can do all I can do is lay this out and you are either going to be willing to say okay and then you in turn will pass this up


all the way through the chain of command to make these changes happen but in a nutshell the way this works is like this if there is on the part of an aggressor now whether that aggressor and it quite simply it it it actually doesn't matter it does not matter it doesn't matter if it is an individual it doesn't matter if it's a small group or a larger group or a police force or a military I think you get the idea if you poke and prod something and you know you get some kind of reaction but the reaction you get


because let's say basically if you're [ __ ] with something you know you got a beast here let's say and okay and you're you're intimidated initially and you've got a really long pole with a spear on it or what have you and you you kind of poke it and then it you know it lunges out a bit and you know and so you jump back and you scurry but over time if the animal um doesn't actually attack you it just lets out a roar but it doesn't you know it doesn't really do anything to you


then it doesn't take you and the group let's say or any group belong to understand that this animal is either unwilling or incapable or whatever to do anything to hurt me and therefore I can poke it a little bit more that is to say I can [ __ ] with it a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more and that is what is happening overall um certainly in the United States but again this ties in with human nature so I think it's pretty Equitable to you know just about anywhere basically and again does not matter if it is an


individual like a next door neighbor or a everything all the way up to a police sport force or a government it's all the same when there is no payback when there is nothing to be worried about as far as retribution the only thing that has been demonstrated that we do is we [ __ ] with something more and more and more until it's either completely and utterly subjugated or it's dead so to give just a small example of this for instance in the news lately has been um the civil unrest going taking place in France


um a teenager was shot and killed by the police and there was a a huge revolt civil unrest lots of young people instantaneously um attack the police in turn and they're going back and forth with each other and that includes some of the most they I listened to this and I just I it's almost inconceivable to me how macron can be that disingenuous It's a combination of a statement was both idiotic and disingenuous simultaneously because first of all uh this kid was shot by the police and and killed and


if the Young of France and because there was no hesitation at all this should tell you something very clearly and just because it was in France you can bet your ass it's the same prevailing attitude here in the U.S people the people the citizens are on a hair trigger with authority figures that means the cops and if need be the military the locals anyway because there's this love-hate relationship but all it takes is a certain incident and if there's a Crackdown particularly if it's perceived as unwarranted


and um yeah it's going to get real crazy real fast just like it has in France the thing to remember in all this is um you've got to have a population of the young people the masses that are already there in other words they're locked and loaded they already in other words they have a b in their Bonnet as it used to be said they're on a hair trigger they are holding a lot of distrust and probably downright hatred of the cops they're harboring a whole lot of uh let's say well we call it violent energy


and that's the way these things happen it doesn't matter if it's France England the U.S zakapaka [ __ ] whatever Stan it doesn't matter because it's coming from Human Nature and when they perceive that they are being screwed when people on mass perceive that that only builds resentment and it doesn't go away and empty promises don't make it go away and slogans meaningless slogans don't make it go away and so for example which I was just talking about with macron of France and all that he could say


when this happened all of this this completely disconnected plutocrat all he can say is that this violence is unacceptable that's his that's his [ __ ] that's his moment of brilliance loses unacceptable nothing's going on here young people and and then's calling on mothers mothers to tell their teenagers tell them to remain calm and stay home and if I was a teenager I would instantly say [ __ ] you but he's saying that you know they always say the same thing the the those in power the plutocrats the oligarchs they all


say if anything's happening like this because they have legitimate complaints and legitimate concerns and that's all this prick can say to the nation this violence is is unwarranted or well who the [ __ ] are you to decide of course the power structures that be of course they're going to say that of course they are but that is not the truth and people know it's not the truth and they keep talking down to them particularly the French who are well you know certainly but cultured and intelligent you know and it's like don't don't try


to placate me and also don't talk down to me as though I were again a low IQ person or a [ __ ] child that's in turn what is pissing people off so he just keeps this this [ __ ] of a leader a leader is laughable he's a [ __ ] plutocrat that's it that's all he is it period that's it and so as is the norm for a plutocrat I mean that's all they oh nothing to see here now everyone just needs to calm down uh yes to calm down in the restore order and when they talk about order bear in mind


all they want is business as usual the status quo nothing nothing and I mean not even the [ __ ] second coming of Christ nothing is to in interfere with the flow of capital so if you for instance have a city a town whatever that is actively in Revolt then they're not making hundreds of billions of dollars it interferes with their money making so they want the wage slaves at all times constantly unendingly and unfailingly like a [ __ ] rat walking on that water wheel at all times always always and I mean always ever and ever for [ __ ] ever


and ever and ever they're lucky if they get a day off you know they are lucky they get anything and again uh by friend standards compared to places like [ __ ] America um you know they they have uh better standards which is good that is a good thing that is for you that is a good thing of course at every opportunity of course they're trying to take that away of course but then when something like this happens and all this [ __ ] plutocrat in a suit all he can this empty suit and all he can say look you know well the first


thing everything is to stop the uh don't attack the police don't do this and just be calm oh my God can you imagine if people could for instance you know of all the I don't know imagine I don't know a thousand or a couple thousand whether you could communicate with sheep or or you know cows and as you're corralling them into the into the shoot into the place where they're going up their last few moments before death and then you know as they have and then this has actually happened in the past


and they you know they Stampede or they Revolt because even these so-called dumb animals somehow there's a few bright ones I guess in the crowd and they're able to figure out and they just you know and they burst you get free and then they beat them and subdue them there's no difference it's the same [ __ ] thing here and that's that's the empty suit that's that's all this this creature that's it this this psychopath this is that that that's it there's no there's no Proclamation


there's nothing that would you know to say something like hey you know this has been really shitty we've been really shitty hey I apologize we're sorry yeah the cops are just you know you know thugs with batons and you know we we really need to make amends here and and I'm sorry and let's sit down and talk but you know I'd appreciate it if you'd stop putting you know breaking [ __ ] apart and setting [ __ ] on fire you might get a different reaction maybe I'm not guaranteeing because it's certainly not


do they don't owe you that as the people but you better you know in a situation like this you better come really hat in hand with your attitude as a plutocrat and so the other part of this is when I'm talking about protecting yourself and your family the part of this is understanding that what I am saying is the truth it is not I'm not saying I'm not putting a value judgment on it I'm trying to say that the very first thing that you have to do is you have to understand what you're dealing with


hopefully unemotionally because when I see these things and I know they're angry you know they'll take like a cop car and I don't know flip it over and you know set it on fire because that releases that some kind of release and they know that too so they don't give a [ __ ] yeah here here's a car and or bash in a few Windows here and set this on fire or something but that doesn't change things that is designed actually they they also designed that into it that's a relief valve for you because they're hoping


okay they'll get a little some [ __ ] out of the the cattle we'll get the [ __ ] out of their system okay you know you broke a few windows or a few uh you turned over a few cars and set them on fire yeah yeah that'll [ __ ] show them yeah that'll show the man no it doesn't the man's still laughing at you because that doesn't do it unity and walkouts and I mean absolute Unity of walkouts for production and just shutting [ __ ] down as long as it takes you know but you have to under the first part of this


I don't care if it's France America wherever it may be because this is certainly Coming to America you bet your ass on that and you're um you're going to have to be prepared and have the right uh frame of mind let's say the cops are not your friends the cops I don't give a [ __ ] what they said or what they say in the six o'clock news I don't think someone is talking like this and they don't understand it's like people need to cooperate with the you know authorities and please and


because you're your friend the other night [ __ ] friend they're not your friend they are there to restore order to restore production because that's the only thing that matters business and selling [ __ ] that's it pure and simple that is it no mas so if you understand that then you need to act accordingly and so I'm taught what I'm saying is doing things certain things you know flipping over a squad car and setting it on fire you know that's not going to show them I mean it certainly makes you feel good I I get


that but that is fleeting and temporary because then they just come over and bust your [ __ ] head some more and say hippie get back to work all they care about is production know your place shut the [ __ ] up be a consumer that's it that's it there is nothing more now if you as horrible as it sounds and it it really is and I get that and so once you understand that you have enough intelligence to figure out what it is you need to do because the other things are not working they're not working because they are


designed not to work you can make a big show you can throw some rocks I mean you know the with the the way the Palestinians are in the area with you know uh with Israel and [ __ ] people all essentially you know basically Barefoot people with rocks and they throw rocks that's what that's all they can do you know there's a lot of hatred animosity yeah because you people that come in and they have you know absolutely every technical advantage and high-grade Military everything and boots and protective gear and [ __ ] you know


it's it's it's like the modern you know a modern armies coming in to attack a group of you know [ __ ] neanderthals or something there there's that said absolute Slaughter it's just nothing so that's what I mean it's virtually the same thing and if necessary all they have to do is get the order and then those they're going that's the next phase that's coming they're going to get sick of this and then they'll just start shooting you well you take it seriously then


that's what I'd like to know I mean what do you what do you think of this consider this despite anything else I've said up to this point just consider this even if half of anything that I've said so far is true if that is the case where in the hell do you think that leaves you your family and the rest of us you know this is I had a program um on Friday this is Monday and I said it wasn't on Friday I said it wasn't really going to go into this because tomorrow of course being the 4th of July


and it's not the story that I did on the 4th of July which was Friday this past Friday but I'm just asking you to think about this because you know once once the mask is fully ripped off they can't put it back on and it's getting ready to make its presence known so bear the mind that the way the best way you can protect yourself and that means of consequence is your family without going without me telling you to go into the specifics which what should be for obvious reasons I cannot say but I think that you probably have


enough intelligence to figure out what you really need to do uh to protect yourself and consequently protect your family and so on the one hand which I have said many times he's not going to be carrying a sign reject their rights yeah yeah they really showed you how much they care about your [ __ ] rights when they overturned Roe v Wade didn't they and there's going to be a whole lot more rights quote-unquote they're going to be uh let's say overturned I think the incidents things taking place for instance in Florida


are a pretty good indication of that and you know what the uh in case you didn't notice this to the uh Supreme Court uh wasn't exactly there to defend those people's rights were they now maybe I'll get around to I don't know if you want to if I could hear from you that would really be great I'd love to hear from you if you want me to talk a little bit about that I would love you know the Supreme Court because something really big that I haven't discussed yet um let's come up with that and I could


do that let's say for a Friday show if if you want to hear it you just I'm you know how to reach me you know I'm here um you know so I'm like everybody else everybody throws their hands in the air tired of sick and tired of hearing about the violence violence I'm not shooting each other cop shooting people people shooting cops but I also notice in all these places it's the frequency of it's growing worse and worse it's again this is you know Insanity becoming the norm and that's the way it


happens it happened the same way in Nazi Germany it happened the same way same thing you know the laws were put into place but the Jews and people kind of chuckled and laughed and then they started arresting them and then they started harassing them you know and by the time you know it didn't happen instantly it you know this is something that this thing took several months but by the time they got around to the famous the Knight of Crystal the night of broken glass the writing on the wall became very clear


and so that's the way you lose control of your country it doesn't flip-flop instantaneously it happens just the way it's been happening it's only a shock it's only a shock to you when you've been so busy with a million distractions football and sports and video games and TV personalities the 10 billion distractions it's only a surprise when you haven't been paying any [ __ ] attention thank you [Music] you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night


that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the leave a comment subscribe or hit that notification Bell whatever the case may be until next time this is Ernest man reminding you that there are no bad words just bad actions [Music] thank you



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