As we enter into Holy Week, Beth is suggesting a special intention for your fasting and prayers - namely, priests.
“By virtue of the cross alone must the priest-apostle, with the lively faith of Saint Peter, let down his net into the troubled sea of this life, certain that sooner or later the divine Master will make him an instrument of salvation to many.” - Fr. Samuel Mazzuchelli
Beth begins the episode by meditating on the profound healing and hope that comes from pondering the love of a God Who underwent such a humiliating death to bring us closer to Him. She particularly dwells on St. Peter, suggesting that, in him, we can find a representation of our own relationship with the Lord, as well as a symbol of priests everywhere. She reminds us that priests are humans, called to mission, fighting to keep their gaze on the Lord, just as St. Peter frequently did in the Gospels.
Beth shares her personal experiences of the priests she has in her own family, describing them as human beings who live for the glory of God, but also need friendship and prayers. In particular, she shares the inspiring story of her nephew, Fr. Jacob, who overcame his sugar addiction and became capable of fulfilling his heart’s desire to go on mission for the Lord through the graces of spiritual fasting. But not just his own spiritual fasting - His mother, grandmother, aunt, and others were also fasting for his healing. The power of fasting is profound!
In light of this, Beth suggests two courses of action for you to incorporate for priests. First, consider offering up your Friday fasts/abstinences for them. Second, dedicate at least one hour a month of Eucharistic Adoration for priests. And if you want to learn more about fasting for priests, join the Delay and Pray Program! Fasting for priests can change the world.
A Prayer for Priests
Divine Savior Jesus Christ—thank you for the Eucharist and Priests who are inflamed with the fire of your love—seeking nothing but your greater glory and the salvation of our souls. Protect them, Lord. And, cover them with your Love.
Saint Peter—pray for us.
Holy Mother of God—intercede for your Priests and pray for us all.
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