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A Chat with Rachel Schwartz on Behavior Support
Episode 622nd November 2021 • The Collaborative IEP • Ashley Barlow
00:00:00 00:42:43

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Respect. Aretha Franklin saying about it for a reason. It’s something we all deserve and something we all crave. But sometimes when we are trying to support a child behaviorally, we forget about respect. I see this so often in schools and even in homes. Rachel Schwartz is a BCBA and has a PhD in special education. She knows her stuff and brings so much information on behavior support in today’s episode. I cannot wait for you to meet her!


Meet Rachel Schwartz:

Rachel Schwartz, PhD, BCBA-D has worked internationally creating and supervising programs for individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. Dr. Schwartz received her Master’s degree in Teaching and Applied Behavior Analysis from the University of Georgia and her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Pittsburgh. Her work as a consultant and trainer includes teaching behavior analytic strategies and exploring issues related to sexual education and quality of life. Dr. Schwartz has published original research on these topics in special education journals as well as presented at national, state, and local conferences. With her organization Behavior Goals, Dr. Schwartz shares her over 15 years of experience working in special education to empower students, families, and professionals (




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