Welcome to "Ask the Tech Coach," a podcast for Instructional Coaches and Technology Integration Specialists.
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Weekly Topic: How to Get Organized … Digitally!
In today’s world, we’re often overwhelmed by our digital devices and the volume of available digital information.
Get Organized Digitally! outlines a complete digital organizational system for the busy educator and helps you harness the power of technology to save time.
This book is your go-to source, presenting the "nuts and bolts" of exactly how to make technology work for you in both your personal and professional life.
The motivation for the book was the Pandemic. If it hadn't been for technology, we wouldn't have had school in so many places.
We have always had people like you and I who were pushing the frontiers when it came to technology. But, we also have so many who aren't comfortable with technology and especially don't have a way for it all to work together.
When everything is pencil and paper, life is easy. When everything is digital, it's easy. But when you have one foot in the boat and one foot on the dock, that's when life becomes hard. This book is the how to do it book to organize your life digitally. It connects the dots. It shows how things build upon other things.
About Our Guest: Dr. Frank Buck
Dr. Frank Buck is currently ranked #1 in the world by Global Gurus Top 30 in the “time management category.” He is a public speaker, productivity coach, and author of
Get Organized!: Time Management for School Leaders. Frank started as a band director and then moved into school administration as an assistant principal, principal, and curriculum coordinator. Since his retirement from public education in 2009, he has spoken to audiences throughout the United States and internationally. His mission is to help busy professionals achieve total control over their time and the peace of mind that nothing is falling through the cracks. Frank’s nuts-and-bolts approach, along with his blend of content and humor, has made him a favorite with audiences.
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