Hari Kalymnios is a wellness expert and author of three thought-jarring books – “The Thought Gym”, “The Super Journal” and more recently, “Working Well“.
With Health Awareness month upon us, I felt that this would be a great time to release this podcast as I get to witness first-hand just how stressed payroll and HR professionals are right now and I appreciate the pressures you are facing. In fact, the reality is that across all professions of the industry many employees are working under increased levels of stress.
We are in the grip of a stress epidemic.
However, there is hope! In this episode of the Payroll Podcast, Hari offers efficient and practical steps for changing habitual patterns that may be affecting our state of wellbeing. You will hear about several strategies you can implement right not to improve your wellness.
As our lives get busier and busier, boundaries between work and leisure blur and we spend less time thinking about what we’re putting our bodies through. If you work in payroll or HR, you are probably reading this and thinking “that’s me”!
The reality is that this fast-living is resulting in a pandemic of ‘ill-being’: from general weariness and ‘feeling under the weather’ to prolonged bouts of sickness, lethargy and sharp increases in stress, depression and mental health issues. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic lung diseases are now the four main causes of non-communicable disease death, making up around 70% of all deaths (around 17 million) across the world each year. By the year 2030, the figure will top 24 million.
The way we’re working isn’t working.
Hari teaches listeners on the Payroll Podcast how they can “unlock your inner superhuman” and be “on point” – mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually so you can be the best payroller, HR leader, entrepreneur, employee, colleague, parent, friend or human that you can be. To do this Hari shows you how first, you can need become the master of yourself.
Changing your thinking is the first step towards any change – especially if you want to achieve high performance.
Hari has trained corporates and entrepreneurs across the world to help them achieve improved focus, productivity, resilience, relationships, happiness, health, vitality and energy.
Here is what Phil James (https://twitter.com/philjms), CEO of the Institute of Leadership & Management had to say about Hari’s most recent book, “Working Well“:
“It’s time we took ourselves, that is our mind and bodies more seriously. Working Well asks us to do just that. Read this book, crease its pages, wear it out, share it and most of all act. Do something different and start working well today.”
To find out more about Hari Kalymnios: http://harikalymnios.com/
Hari puts it like this – “train the mind…and the rest will follow”.
The Payroll Podcast. For Payroll Professionals. Subscribe Today!
The Payroll Podcast has a primary aim. To cut through the confusing legislation, technology and compliance issues that can affect a payroll operation and provide practical tips and advice that you can implement immediately. Over the coming weeks, we will journey through subjects such as GDPR, workplace wellbeing, SaaS, global payroll compliance, leadership, recruitment, best practice, workplace psychology, payroll training, process improvements and career planning and who knows what else! I try to do it with a little bit of humour and with information that I hope can make your payroll function better!
Featuring many industry leaders, interviews will include meetings with Global Payroll Directors, Payroll Trainers, Payroll Managers, Payroll Software Professionals. However, we will also be speaking with Wellness-at-Work Practitioners, HR Managers, the HMRC, CEO’s, Recruiters and even Talent and Leadership Psychologists!
This is a niche podcast so if you like the show please subscribe to it, review it (on iTunes) and please, please share it with as many of your payroll colleagues as possible!
If you wish to get involved with the Payroll Podcast or indeed if you would like to suggest a topic or tell us what you think about it then please email me at Nick@jgarecruitment.com – I would love to hear from you! You can also Tweet us with your comments!
Thanks for listening!