This is the second part of this two part episode (Podcast 12 and 13) in which Suzi talks about the 12 Universal Laws of success and how they apply to entrepreneurship.
This podcast focuses on what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur when you have an inside out lense. Throughout the episodes (podcast 12 and 13), Suzi explains how these 12 laws work in an entrepreneurial context, energetics around business, how you can build the laws into your business life and then use them to uplevel in business. Once you do, your business journey will become a lot easier.
Links mentioned in the podcast:
The 12 Laws of Universal Success Snapshot:
Suzi's Blog post with the link to the Hidden Messages in Water book and the YouTube Video:
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Suzi's YouTube: If you want videos to help you with your inner journey, see Suzi's youtube channel.
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You're listening to the Inside Out Entrepreneur Podcast today.
Suzie Belmont:In this episode, I am covering the other eight laws of entrepreneurial and leadership success and why these are so important if you really want to start to feel successful.
Suzie Belmont:This episode continues on from episode 12, so if you haven't listened to that one, go and have a listen to episode 12 first.
Suzie Belmont:All right, Buckle up, enjoy the ride.
Suzie Belmont:This is your time now.
Suzie Belmont:Okay, let's go.
Suzie Belmont:Hi, I'm Suzie Belmont, a multiple seven figure entrepreneur with 15 years experience building and selling businesses, as well as being a psychology expert, qualified coach and therapist.
Suzie Belmont:Think of this show as personal development for women like you who want to master your inner world in order to lead yourself to greater external success, whether that's in relationships, emotionally, in business or financially.
Suzie Belmont:So pull up your chair and get ready to change your life and your business from the inside out.
Suzie Belmont:This is the Inside Out Entrepreneur Podcast.
Suzie Belmont:Hi there everyone, it is Suzy, back with a continuation of the show about the laws of success for leadership and entrepreneurship.
Suzie Belmont:And just to recap, I am Talking about the 12 laws of the universe and how you can harness them to improve your business and your life.
Suzie Belmont:We covered laws one to four already in the previous episode.
Suzie Belmont:And so let's pick up now with where we left off with law number five.
Suzie Belmont:And law number five is the law of inspired action.
Suzie Belmont:And this law is the one I like to call the reason by behind all of the goal setting.
Suzie Belmont:This law says that you must actively pursue your goals and dreams.
Suzie Belmont:And it is one that many people kind of get wrong.
Suzie Belmont:And here is why.
Suzie Belmont:I'm sure that you will have all heard of vision boards and thinking positively.
Suzie Belmont:And many people set themselves up with a vision board and attempt to think their way to success by constantly thinking positively.
Suzie Belmont:Yet this doesn't work.
Suzie Belmont:It's not enough sticking some pictures on the wall or on a Pinterest board and sent, then saying lots of gratitudes and positive affirmations, or telling yourself you can never ever think negatively is unrealistic.
Suzie Belmont:Like, who can do that?
Suzie Belmont:Like literally no one.
Suzie Belmont:You're going to have sometimes where you feel anger and frustrated and you've got to let that go through your system.
Suzie Belmont:So just constantly thinking positively doesn't get you there.
Suzie Belmont:The law of inspired action is why you have to actually take action on things and you have to know when to take action.
Suzie Belmont:So when you're in a real negative place, that's not when you're going to want to take action around your business, but when you're in a better place.
Suzie Belmont:This is about when you actually take action, rather than just putting ideas on a vision board, you have to actually take the steps and take the action.
Suzie Belmont:Now, you don't need to take huge actions, just baby steps towards the things that you want in life.
Suzie Belmont:So, for example, if you've got a million dollars a year on your vision board, or a million pounds a year on your vision board, well, that's great.
Suzie Belmont:That's great from a subconscious point of view.
Suzie Belmont:You are telling your subconscious to look for ways to make 1 million.
Suzie Belmont:But if you add this to the law of inspired action and pursue it, you're going to have more success.
Suzie Belmont:For example, trusting the process and setting the vision is one thing, but then leaning into some of the doing energy to actually take action.
Suzie Belmont:Not just always being in the more feminine receiving energy, but actually doing things to take action.
Suzie Belmont:So thinking about how you can show up in alignment with making money is part of the how that might be.
Suzie Belmont:500 courses sold at £2,000 each.
Suzie Belmont:That's one way you can make a million and then you can take action to work out what the business would be that would make you that money.
Suzie Belmont: Or a thousand courses at: Suzie Belmont:It isn't a lot of work to think about all of the different options, but taking inspired action, usually in the form of baby steps in the right direction, is so important.
Suzie Belmont:And it's those baby steps that compound over time.
Suzie Belmont:And then all of a sudden you've achieved your goal.
Suzie Belmont:Except all of a sudden isn't really all of a sudden.
Suzie Belmont:It's the compounding effect of all of the smaller steps that you took each and every day to get you to that place where it looked like it was all of a sudden, okay, law number six.
Suzie Belmont:That is the law of perpetual transmutation of energy, or the law of flux.
Suzie Belmont:This law states that everything in the universe has a constantly changing or fluctuating energy.
Suzie Belmont:And that makes complete sense.
Suzie Belmont:If you look inwards and see you again, your energy doesn't stay const constant.
Suzie Belmont:Your emotional state doesn't stay constant.
Suzie Belmont:You change and you often change without wanting to or without realizing why.
Suzie Belmont:And if you combine this law with the law of vibration and the law of attraction, you can start to see it in action.
Suzie Belmont:For example, have you ever woken up in the morning and you've been super happy and super positive and full of beans and just ready to go, and you just feel that energy?
Suzie Belmont:You're in a good mood, you're in a good place, like you got out of bed on the right side.
Suzie Belmont:Now, if you are in that great mood with that positive vibration.
Suzie Belmont:But you walk into the kitchen to grab your coffee and your partner is in a really foul mood, or your toddler is having a mass temper tantrum, or your teenager is full of angry back chat, what does that do to your positive energy?
Suzie Belmont:It typically depletes it, right?
Suzie Belmont:And at that point, subconsciously, something happens.
Suzie Belmont:You either manage to maintain your frequency or your energy as the higher vibration, or perhaps your energy spreads to the other person, or you go down with them like a sinking ship.
Suzie Belmont:And it's this latter one that you have to watch.
Suzie Belmont:Having the capacity to keep your own frequency and your own vibration despite the tornadoes going on around you, is how you build your inner core and your inner strength.
Suzie Belmont:And it's what one that I have to watch really frequently in my own home.
Suzie Belmont:Because my home environment isn't that easy.
Suzie Belmont:I have teenage sons and stress like everyone else.
Suzie Belmont:For me, it was actually in learning to build up my emotional resilience that things started to really change.
Suzie Belmont:And putting in tools in place to help me with my emotional resilience by learning that I can use these tools to help me with choice around how I show up and how my energy is affected by the things around me was such a game changer in my business.
Suzie Belmont:You see, if you have people around you who are very negative, very whiny, very frustrated the entire time, well, usually the strongest energy wins, especially if you've got no inner tools to work with.
Suzie Belmont:And the strongest energy is usually the lowest frequency.
Suzie Belmont:So in my family, if I apply that to my situation, if I'm not careful, I can get sucked into the lower energy.
Suzie Belmont:So my role becomes about staying steady in my own energy.
Suzie Belmont:And usually a higher energy vibration wins over a lower one if you can do it with intention.
Suzie Belmont:Conversely, if you don't use intention, you can just end up stuck being sucked into the lower energy and it kind of wins out.
Suzie Belmont:So hopefully you see a little bit about how that works.
Suzie Belmont:And now you know this, it's down to you to start to use your thoughts and your actions and your mindset to keep you not only in a positive place in a in a higher frequency place, but also not allow other people to pull you down.
Suzie Belmont:How you show up matters.
Suzie Belmont:How you decide to use your power and your frequency and your influence around other people matters.
Suzie Belmont:Now that doesn't mean, and I really want to keep emphasizing this, it doesn't mean you need to go out there like a Duracell bunny and fake being positive bounc you like you've just consumed Your body weight in Haribo Sweets.
Suzie Belmont:No, it doesn't.
Suzie Belmont:That's not what I'm talking about.
Suzie Belmont:It's more subtle because it needs to be sustainable and it needs to be real and it needs to be not exhausting.
Suzie Belmont:There is a lot I could talk about here, but for today's show, take away the importance of understanding the fluctuating energy in everything, including your thoughts, and those thoughts affecting your actions, and those actions affecting your business and your income and your life as a result.
Suzie Belmont:Okay, let's go on to the next law, which is law number seven and the law of cause and effect.
Suzie Belmont:And this is a nice easy one.
Suzie Belmont:Most people actually do learn about this as children and that is what you do.
Suzie Belmont:Your actions result in the effects or the events that you see in your life and in your business.
Suzie Belmont:However, what happens is that most people are impatient, especially in today's world of same day delivery on Amazon, on email and this world we have of immediate responses.
Suzie Belmont:So you might take certain actions, but then when you don't see an immediate effect, you assume it has not worked.
Suzie Belmont:And that is where the problem is.
Suzie Belmont:I've seen this so often in the entrepreneurial space and I've done it myself as well, where someone might be taking steps to build their business, for example, building an audience, then they launch something a little early so they don't get so many results.
Suzie Belmont:Or they set a goal for, for example, a hundred sales and they get 20.
Suzie Belmont:And instead of being delighted and happy that they took the action that is the first step on the cause and effect path to results.
Suzie Belmont:They say, oh, it fail, it didn't work, and then they just give up.
Suzie Belmont:No, no, no, no.
Suzie Belmont:This is what you can't do with this law.
Suzie Belmont:You often can't see the effects straight away, but they do come.
Suzie Belmont:You put out the energy and that creates a ripple.
Suzie Belmont:And if that is a positive and intentional ripple, then you take that action forward using the other laws, keeping your vibration and frequency high over a sustained period, not all of the time, but the best that you can do.
Suzie Belmont:And that will then cause the results in due course.
Suzie Belmont:However, if you go and give up and go into the negative, oh well, it failed, it failed strai.
Suzie Belmont:It stops the energy totally dead and then nothing happens.
Suzie Belmont:That is really the origin behind the statement that the only true failure is to give up and stop.
Suzie Belmont:And as somebody who has stopped their business after selling, albeit it wasn't really stopping the business, I sold it, but then I didn't start a new one.
Suzie Belmont:It's actually so much harder to rebuild that momentum.
Suzie Belmont:I can tell you firsthand that stopping and restarting is way, way harder than keeping going and just reducing things.
Suzie Belmont:One of the hardest steps ever for me has been coming back into the business space after such a long time off.
Suzie Belmont:And I speak about this and the impact of this a lot more in the Secret episode of the podcast, the first secret episode.
Suzie Belmont:So if you've not downloaded that already, head on over to podcast and you can see the link to access the secret episode at the top of the page.
Suzie Belmont:My honest advice here though, is that if you feel like you want to give up and stop, don't slow down.
Suzie Belmont:Instead, slow down, pivot, take a break from socials.
Suzie Belmont:Remember, you don't have to always consistently be there all the flipping time.
Suzie Belmont:You're not a robot.
Suzie Belmont:You can actually take a break because starting over is a lot, lot harder than just taking a break and then reigniting things.
Suzie Belmont:And if you want to have a bit more process on reigniting things, have a listen to episode seven where I talk about that whole process of kind of moving forward when you're not seeing results.
Suzie Belmont:Okay, moving on to law number eight, and this is the law of compensation.
Suzie Belmont:Or in a more easy to understand expression, you reap what you sow.
Suzie Belmont:What you put out is what you get back.
Suzie Belmont:And so if you put out bad stuff, then expect back bad stuff.
Suzie Belmont:I like to think of this law in the social media world.
Suzie Belmont:You often hear about the importance of engagement and invisibility on platforms, and for sure both matter.
Suzie Belmont: ow when I sold my business in: Suzie Belmont:My intention was not to be visible.
Suzie Belmont:It was a very conscious move not to be visible because I was taking a sabbatical from work.
Suzie Belmont:And then as I've taken a return, as I've returned into the world, I've taken a really slow approach to socials.
Suzie Belmont:But that will build over time.
Suzie Belmont:I know that when I am slowly appearing and I'm not there on socials, I'm going to make less sales than when I'm appearing there much of the time.
Suzie Belmont:But I'm also balancing various other things in like my studies, my MSc studies, and so on.
Suzie Belmont:So it's intentional what I'm doing.
Suzie Belmont:But assuming you are actually working on your business with intention to grow as much as possible, your full focus is on your business.
Suzie Belmont:Then you find yourself saying things like no one buys my stuff or no one leaves me a testimonial or no one comments on my posts.
Suzie Belmont:Instead of looking outwards and blaming, look inwards.
Suzie Belmont:What are you doing?
Suzie Belmont:What are you putting out?
Suzie Belmont:Are you leaving comments on other people's posts?
Suzie Belmont:Are you buying courses?
Suzie Belmont:Are you leaving other people testimonials?
Suzie Belmont:Are you seeking to collaborate, not compete?
Suzie Belmont:Nope.
Suzie Belmont:Well, then don't expect to receive.
Suzie Belmont:If you don't give, what you put out is what you get back.
Suzie Belmont:One of the biggest lessons I learned in running an online business is the more I gave, the more I received.
Suzie Belmont:And that doesn't mean you have to give out everything for free.
Suzie Belmont:That doesn't mean you just need to constantly give.
Suzie Belmont:But by giving to others, by commenting on their posts, by engaging and putting out some free content, I started to receive back and it took a little while for that traction to happen.
Suzie Belmont:But it did happen.
Suzie Belmont:I put this podcast out for free as it helps others.
Suzie Belmont:I give and under the law of compensation I receive in return.
Suzie Belmont:As long as I'm open to that and I allow it to happen, it doesn't happen immediately and I'm okay with that.
Suzie Belmont:I trust that I'm working on my frequency in line with what feels right to me and in due course, especially with the compound effect that will pay off.
Suzie Belmont:And I absolutely have proof of this working.
Suzie Belmont:I think I've mentioned already before, in this episode or a previous one, that most of my one to one clients have found me through my free content, through my podcast.
Suzie Belmont:They listen, they get to know me a little bit more, and you know who you are if you're listening.
Suzie Belmont:You got to know me and you've always told me this.
Suzie Belmont:People have always told me this when they've come through.
Suzie Belmont:They get to know me a little bit more, then they reach out when there are programs for sale.
Suzie Belmont:This obviously makes it even easier because you give people ways to pay you.
Suzie Belmont:But even without that, there's still the law of compensation that is playing out universally in the background.
Suzie Belmont:Honestly, I really believe that if I had stuck a price tag on every single thing that I did for the last decade, I would not have had the same success that I did in my business.
Suzie Belmont:I've always operated on a model that has some free content because for me this works on so many different levels.
Suzie Belmont:Even those who can't afford my paid content can bear benefit from this podcast and those people might at some point be able to then afford the paid for content or they might tell their friends about the podcast and their friends may purchase.
Suzie Belmont:So it's always a win win for me.
Suzie Belmont:But above all it gives people A way just to get to know you, to find out if they resonate with with you.
Suzie Belmont:Like for me, you're listening and you're thinking, do I like Suzy or is she not my kind of thing?
Suzie Belmont:And that is really important as part of the overall process of giving and receiving.
Suzie Belmont:Okay, law number nine, which is the law of relativity, this law says that although you tend to compare everything in the world, actually everything is neutral.
Suzie Belmont:Everything in the universe, I should say, everything is neutral.
Suzie Belmont:What you perceive as better or worse is down to your perspective and your perception.
Suzie Belmont:Now this is quite a juicy law when it comes to your inside out journey because if you find yourself scrolling on socials and falling into comparisonitis, which we all do at times, including me, consider this law.
Suzie Belmont:What do you think the other person is doing that makes them better?
Suzie Belmont:Why do you think they're better?
Suzie Belmont:Maybe you think they have it all together.
Suzie Belmont:Maybe you think they've made loads of money, maybe you think, oh, they're winning awards and that makes them better.
Suzie Belmont:Maybe you think that they're further ahead, maybe you just think that they're really good at it and you can't beat that.
Suzie Belmont:But your views when you do this are all based on your own perspective and your own perception, which will be skewed by your own self doubt and your own fears.
Suzie Belmont:And if you haven't listened to episode eight of the podcast, then go and listen to that one as that will really help you understand this law a little bit better.
Suzie Belmont:It talks about perception and how you form judgments in the world and how you how you process information.
Suzie Belmont:An external third party may prefer you because of all of kinds of number of reasons, all sorts of different things that make people warm to you.
Suzie Belmont:And it's often very based on energy as I speak about a lot.
Suzie Belmont:But you can't necessarily see that people who like me will prefer me to someone else for no concrete reason.
Suzie Belmont:That I can see people who hate me will prefer someone else for no concrete reason.
Suzie Belmont:This is why you need to focus on building your tribe with your business.
Suzie Belmont:People who like you, people who resonate with you, people who warm to what you're doing.
Suzie Belmont:And so much of that is based on feelings and energetics.
Suzie Belmont:People will sense whether you are for them.
Suzie Belmont:They will use their gut feeling.
Suzie Belmont:Try it now, test it on me or someone else.
Suzie Belmont:If your gut feeling is you like me, you want to work with me, you want to listen to the podcast, you will follow me and you will listen.
Suzie Belmont:If your gut feeling is you prefer someone else and you prefer their podcast, you will follow Them and listen and it's in your gut, that feeling.
Suzie Belmont:And this is not something that you can can ever control.
Suzie Belmont:It's not something that I can ever control either.
Suzie Belmont:It's just about you as a business owner.
Suzie Belmont:Finding your people and finding your people becomes easier and easier when you just show up as yourself.
Suzie Belmont:And that's not always easy.
Suzie Belmont:Sometimes it takes practice just getting into finding out who you are.
Suzie Belmont:For me, coming back into this world after a long break, there's a bit of a journey now of re exploring how am I showing up as myself.
Suzie Belmont:And sometimes I feel like I nail it and sometimes I feel like I don't quite.
Suzie Belmont:It's a work in progress.
Suzie Belmont:And so who you are also might adjust and amend as you move forward, as you get older, as you get more confident in just being yourself.
Suzie Belmont:And then that will attract different people to perhaps the people that were attracted when you weren't fully being yourself.
Suzie Belmont:And you've got to allow that.
Suzie Belmont:You've got to allow that come and go ness of everything.
Suzie Belmont:It's a bit of a revolving door.
Suzie Belmont:Sometimes you are not the exact same person as you were when you were 20.
Suzie Belmont:You change, you gain experience and then you adjust.
Suzie Belmont:But where your adjustments are not in line with your true self, this is where the issues start to form and then you start to feel it in your gut.
Suzie Belmont:So returning this to the point that was making and knowing that everything in your world is neutral, this is why there's no need for you to really freak out when someone leaves your mailing list or doesn't buy your stuff initially.
Suzie Belmont:They're either not your avatar or they don't yet know you well enough.
Suzie Belmont:So they're not going to buy in at the moment.
Suzie Belmont:But you've just got to respond to that by keeping being you.
Suzie Belmont:Keep being you and be confident in who you are.
Suzie Belmont:Because the people that are meant for you will appear.
Suzie Belmont:If you haven't got them yet, they will appear.
Suzie Belmont:The more you show up as yourself, the more you will resonate with those people and you will be like Marmite.
Suzie Belmont:You will have people that fall away as well when you're being your true self because you can't possibly have everyone like you.
Suzie Belmont:It just doesn't work like that.
Suzie Belmont:You are unique and only you can do the things the way you would do them.
Suzie Belmont:And that's where you want to lean into it.
Suzie Belmont:And this in itself is the very reason you don't want to copy someone else.
Suzie Belmont:Because you are stripping away the you in your business when you do that.
Suzie Belmont:And it just doesn't work in the long term, you might be inspired by someone else to get you started.
Suzie Belmont:There's nothing wrong with that.
Suzie Belmont:We've all been there.
Suzie Belmont:But once you start, it is as much about letting go of what you've done already in order to move fully into your own lane and fully into the personification of all of you.
Suzie Belmont:Do what works for you and be grateful for what you have, even if it's small at the moment.
Suzie Belmont:And if you're ungrateful, it's usually because you are comparing to someone else and you're seeing that their thing is bigger in your perception and therefore you're not happy with your thing.
Suzie Belmont:But actually come back to your thing and say, this is great because it's uniquely mine and this is all mine.
Suzie Belmont:And maybe it's small, but it will grow.
Suzie Belmont:If you stay focused on that.
Suzie Belmont:It doesn't matter what the other person is doing, because remember, it's all relative.
Suzie Belmont:So the only real big takeaway I would give you from this rule is you just need to keep focused on building you, understanding you, turning up as the real you, understanding who you are.
Suzie Belmont:And your people will appear and then they will hang around.
Suzie Belmont:Okay, law number 10, which is the law of polarity, and this is the law that says everything in life has two sides or an opposite.
Suzie Belmont:So good versus bad, or good versus evil, love versus fear, hot versus cold, up versus down, and so on.
Suzie Belmont:And a great way to use this law is when you are struggling in your business.
Suzie Belmont:For example, let's say you're having a really hard time getting your first online business going, getting your ideas clear in your mind.
Suzie Belmont:Well, contrast and duality always brings clarity.
Suzie Belmont:So instead of focusing on what you're struggling with, what you want for your business, focus on the duality on the other side.
Suzie Belmont:What is it that you don't want?
Suzie Belmont:This will then bring the clarity because it will show you the opposite of what you want.
Suzie Belmont:All you then have to do is match it up with the opposing side.
Suzie Belmont:It's like two sides of a coin.
Suzie Belmont:And then you'll start to see what you do want.
Suzie Belmont:So whenever you're struggling in your business, you can use this law of polarity and say, okay, I really don't know what I'm trying to do here.
Suzie Belmont:And you can ask, well, what am I trying to not do?
Suzie Belmont:And that will then give the clarity on what you are trying to do.
Suzie Belmont:A line that I often use and I like a lot in coaching is to tell my clients, if you want to know why you do something, then don't do it and see what happens, because that's where your wounds are.
Suzie Belmont:That's where you really start to understand what's going on.
Suzie Belmont:Another example here would be that if you don't want to struggle exchanging time for money anymore, then what you do want is a business that eliminates the time for money exchange, which suggests that online courses and memberships might be what you're looking for, where you can sell to many people at once.
Suzie Belmont:That's certainly how I made a lot of money in my first business, but it's not where I started.
Suzie Belmont:I started out 1 to 1, then 1 to 2, then 1 to 6, then 1 to 8 in face to face trainings.
Suzie Belmont:And then when I reached capacity and when I knew that I had a business model that worked and I moved it online, it then became to one to a thousand or one two, actually more than a thousand, sometimes one to three thousand at once.
Suzie Belmont:I was still doing the same kind of work, but it was doing it in a different way.
Suzie Belmont:So take this law and use it as a tip for when you're struggling to work out how you want to do your business, how you want to frame it, and so on.
Suzie Belmont:Work out what you don't want to feel, and then do the opposite to that.
Suzie Belmont:You can also do this with your emotions.
Suzie Belmont:If you're feeling an emotion or you you don't like the emotion, then say, well, what is the emotion that I want to feel?
Suzie Belmont:And then what's the opposite?
Suzie Belmont:And where am I in that?
Suzie Belmont:For example, if you feel jealous in your emotions, then you may say, I don't want to feel angry or judgmental of others.
Suzie Belmont:So what is it you do want to be?
Suzie Belmont:That would probably be caring, collaborative, calm.
Suzie Belmont:And once you know that, once you know what the opposite is, you can set yourself on that path instead.
Suzie Belmont:Often the opposite of what many entrepreneurs and leaders want is the opposite of struggle, which is ease.
Suzie Belmont:So schedule in some time in your diary and ask yourself, what would my business and my life look like if I just let it be easy?
Suzie Belmont:That's a great question to ask yourself over and over again when things get difficult.
Suzie Belmont:Well, what would it look like if I didn't let it be difficult, if I let it be easy?
Suzie Belmont:And that opens up new creativity and new ideas.
Suzie Belmont:Okay, law number 11, this is the law of perpetual motion or rhythm.
Suzie Belmont:And this law says that cycles are part of the law of the universe.
Suzie Belmont:So we have season, spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Suzie Belmont:They're all cyclical, and they come around in nature over and over, over.
Suzie Belmont:Now, as a woman you will know about monthly cycles for sure, and you will know that you will go around a cycle which affects your mood.
Suzie Belmont:But if you've ever tried to track this with a mood app, which is what me and one of my clients did, you will see that everything is cyclical.
Suzie Belmont:In my case, I kind of know, or I did know before the perimenopause exactly what days of the month I would want to retreat and not be so visible.
Suzie Belmont:These are the days when I ensure that I don't have many client facing things happening.
Suzie Belmont:I'm not doing meetups and so on.
Suzie Belmont:And that makes it easier for me to manage the rhythm and the motion and the perpetual motion in my life life.
Suzie Belmont:The perimenopause added a little bit of an extra dimension to this.
Suzie Belmont:Not such a great dimension at times, but the cycles that once served me well and which I understood really, really, really well, all started changing.
Suzie Belmont:And so I've had to start to remap this process.
Suzie Belmont:And for, for a while, it has kind of felt that all the wheels have come off the car a little bit and I was a little bit like, oh my God, I don't know what's happening anymore.
Suzie Belmont:If you know, you know, you know what I'm talking about.
Suzie Belmont:And I'm also not going to lie here.
Suzie Belmont:This is quite hard at times.
Suzie Belmont:There is often a lot to break down before there is a breakthrough.
Suzie Belmont:And sometimes in my own world, I've had to stop myself and just notice the rhythm and the patterns and analyze and say what's happening here with the rhythm and the cycle in my life and how's that impacting my business?
Suzie Belmont:Taking it upper level.
Suzie Belmont:I also work with a reflexologist and she does specific work on my feet, which affects the neural pathways in my brain based on my cycles.
Suzie Belmont:And this helps me rebalance things when I get out of sorts.
Suzie Belmont:And my gosh, it really, really works.
Suzie Belmont:So I highly recommend reflexology if that's something that you are interested in exploring the law of rhythm.
Suzie Belmont:Them here is to help you gain perspective.
Suzie Belmont:Nothing is permanent.
Suzie Belmont:This too will pass is a famous quote, and it's so true.
Suzie Belmont:Nothing, whether good or bad, stays static in your business and in your life.
Suzie Belmont:It's always moving.
Suzie Belmont:So if you're listening right now and you've been in a very difficult stage in your life or in your business, know that this too will pass.
Suzie Belmont:In fact, it could be the very preparation you needed for a more prosperous cycle.
Suzie Belmont:It could have been the thing that made you listen to this podcast today and understand what is going on so that you can calm your mind and know that you can move forward.
Suzie Belmont:Okay.
Suzie Belmont:And then finally, we're going to move on to law number 12, which is the law of giving and receiving or the law of gender.
Suzie Belmont:This has nothing to do with being male or female.
Suzie Belmont:This law is again, talking about energy.
Suzie Belmont:And it says that there are two types, like yin and yang, anima, an animus, male and female.
Suzie Belmont:And to build a business that you really love and enjoy, you want to have both types of energy and you want to be able to balance them.
Suzie Belmont:So, for example, if you're spending all of your time doing and hustling and working crazy hours, not sleeping, not taking care of yourself, that is all one side of energy energy.
Suzie Belmont:It's all more hustling and masculine doing, pushing, taking action.
Suzie Belmont:But if you're leaving no room for the other side, the other side of receiving, trusting, flow, the more feminine approach, and allowing time for rest, relaxation, calm, self care, education, self learning, self empowerment, and so on.
Suzie Belmont:If you haven't got that built into your balance, then you're going to fall outside of this law and things are going to be more difficult than they should be.
Suzie Belmont:The secret is in doing both and permitting yourself time to have both.
Suzie Belmont:Due to the way that we're raised in Western culture, the concept of investing in yourself and doing something for yourself is not something that comes naturally for most women.
Suzie Belmont:We are tending to be more like factory pieces coming off a conveyor belt.
Suzie Belmont:But nothing is going to stop that conveyor belt in the world moving.
Suzie Belmont:You actually have to stretch out your little legs, stand up and say, nope, nope, I'm putting me first.
Suzie Belmont:I matter.
Suzie Belmont:I want more balance.
Suzie Belmont:I'm getting off this conveyor belt.
Suzie Belmont:I'm going to get off the frigging conveyor belt and choose how I want to live my life.
Suzie Belmont:And if you can focus on the balance between these two types of energy, your life and business start to become more aligned with who you are and become more authentically you.
Suzie Belmont:And for so many women, that is a bigger focus on the more feminine, energetic side of things, because the masculine side is something that comes so much more naturally because of the social, cultural and educational norms.
Suzie Belmont:I think this is something I keep touching upon this, and I think this is going to be something I need to do a separate podcast on this masculine and feminine energetics and how I interpret them and use them in my business, which may not be the same as somebody else that you listen to who uses them as well.
Suzie Belmont:So I will give you my unique perspective on them.
Suzie Belmont:For now, though, for this episode that is all of them.
Suzie Belmont:You have all 12 laws of the universe to help you make yourself a more successful entrepreneur from the inside out.
Suzie Belmont:And I would normally recap at this point, but reading out 12 titles isn't going to make much sense at this point, especially as I split this podcast between two episodes.
Suzie Belmont:So what I've done instead is made you a neat little cheat sheet where you can have a list of all of them with a little summary that you can put on your fridge wall, on your desk wall or on your desk, wherever you want to do that.
Suzie Belmont:And you can find that@su podcast 13 a bit of advice on these laws though.
Suzie Belmont:If you try and learn them like legal laws and stick to them no matter what with rigidity and lack of forgiveness and no compassion, if you get them wrong, you will struggle instead.
Suzie Belmont:Just plant them in your mind.
Suzie Belmont:Listen to the show again if you want to, or diaries to listen to it again in six months time if that's what you'd like to do, to let it permeate and percolate.
Suzie Belmont:And then all you need to do is understand the general principle, principles and the meanings and you will find a way to start to work them into your business life just because you've become aware of them.
Suzie Belmont:You will start to notice things that remind you of these laws.
Suzie Belmont:And remember, as I always say, it always starts with awareness.
Suzie Belmont: catch up in the next show in: Suzie Belmont:By.