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Ep. 102 - The Wisdom of Your Body
Episode 10218th July 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
00:00:00 00:19:19

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Understanding Your Body's Natural Barriers: Protecting Against Illness

In this episode of the Reality of Health Podcast, we delve into the importance of your body's natural barriers—such as your skin and gut lining—in protecting against illness. Learn how these barriers function and why it is crucial not to breach them through methods like injections. We also discuss the benefits of obtaining nutrients from whole foods rather than supplements, emphasizing the body's ability to selectively absorb what it needs. Join us as we explore how proper nutrition and respecting the body's natural defenses are key to maintaining health.

00:00 Introduction to the Reality of Health Podcast

00:19 Understanding Body Barriers

00:52 The Importance of Skin and Gut Barriers

02:24 Vaccines and Body Reactions

04:53 The Wisdom of the Body's Natural Barriers

05:57 Nutrient-Rich Foods vs. Supplements

08:15 Biological Transmutations and Alchemy

09:55 The Power of Whole Foods

19:01 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health podcast. Yes. I'm definitely. Onscreen, you can now see my face. Is what it is, I guess now, you know, who you been listening to all this time? So let's get into this.

Today. We're talking about barriers. See, you have all these barriers in your body. You've got mucus. You've got your gut, your skin.

Without them. You're in trouble. I mean, you can get all kinds of nasties.

You can see here on the screen, we've got picture of your skin. This, I hope he could see my cursor now. I know everybody has said before. I can't see your cursor. Well, now we've got it. All right. So basic barrier.

You have your epidermis. Right. Major dermis, upper cutaneous and your muscle. See how the blood supply is close to your top of your skin. This is why you don't want to create scars. You don't want to puncture your skin. You don't want things to bypass because it will go through this blood. Matrix, you know, your veins, your capillaries, this kind of thing. Let's look at the next one. We have your. Epithelial cell.

So these occur in lots of different areas of your body. This is basically probably the picture of your intestines. You can see here's your villi and your so-called other cells that sort of, eh, They keep you, uh,

Let's call it. Mucusy, right. That's where all that stuff lies. See all that, like. That lining between those little villi. Then you got your cells underneath. And then you've got everything that flows underneath that. So this is a barrier. This is a barrier to protect this area. We don't want these barriers breached.

Okay. This is not a good thing. This is how you get sick. From poisons and other things.

Very very important to not break these barriers. I'm telling you, this is, this is serious stuff here.

So if you do something like a vaccine, right? You've got something like this. You know, all know what this is. If you inject something into you in break that skin.

And you can become contaminated. Not infected. Then our bodies have to remediate the situation. It's called your terrain. Not an infection or germs.

Rather than putting it directly in your blood or in your muscles or in your, your, your tissue and your body. It hasn't decided whether it wanted it or not. If you bypass those natural barriers. And you usually get a negative reaction. Then they say. My reaction is proof. You have an infection. Okay.

If you inject something. Four. Into your tissues.

It didn't go through your natural barriers, your normal type stuff. Of course, it's going to have a. Uh, reaction your body's going to retaliate so to speak. If you only have contact. With someone. Or something and you don't inject it. Like right into your tissues. And it has to go through your normal channels.

It's proven that you can't make people sick.

From. An unwell person to a well person, never been proven, ever.

You have to break the barrier. This is so important to understand never in history. Prove it. To take. Material from one person.

And make another person ill.

Pasture right, Louis. We all say, well, this guy, he, he showed no viruses exist. No, he didn't. Every single experiment he did failed. The only one that showed any benefit was he put. The material he was looking at. Directly into the brains of the monkey. Oh, of course the monkey's going to get sick. I mean. Inject anything into your brain.

You're going to get sick. So, no. He couldn't get these monkey sick in any other way.

Your body has an innate wisdom. It knows what it needs. And when it needs it.

You're a barrier's know what to do. They know what they want.

They try to keep stuff. Out that they don't want. And then we go and breach these barriers and wonder why we get sick. They don't want toxins. They don't want bacteria. Waste materials, pollens mold, beast, which are outside the body. Histamines from other people. You know, what other people get sick? They release histamines. And a bunch of other things. Those can make you sick. But the bacteria. Or yeast or mold or the V word. Doesn't make you sick. That's there to remediate the situation. The barriers, keep the bad stuff out. And let the good stuff come in. That's what we want.

So what you eat? And consume. Your body knows what it wants. From that food and it also knows what it doesn't want from that food.

Let's take for example.

Quickly, let me just show you, um, This, I've talked about this in the other episode called Soma. Kids or your Jedi medical Koreans. But basically. This is, uh, when I tried to describe an episode, let's go, let me just show you this real quick and we'll move on. So here's your submitted your micro Dima. FEMA.

And it turns into different bacterial forms. And then into yeast and into mycelium, which is mold. It goes to this whole process to clean up your body. It remediates the poison or anything else that it has that it's. Well, anything that's in the bias, not supposed to be there. So.

Here's oranges. Just this, isn't hard to find. Check this out. Oranges contain a variety of chemicals, including a score Vic acid. Which we all know is vibrancy, but look at how many things are in here. Pectin. Oxygen.

Whatever that is full of gas at thyme mean potassium, nicotinic acid. Yes. Nicotine had asked that's why that's niacin B3, magnesium flavonoids. See how this list keeps going on and on. The peel of the orange contains bromine calcium serum potassium. Whatever. The Phantom is never even heard of that. Sodium. You know, scandium, which is pretty cool stuff. But you see all these things that are in here. So when you consume something like that, You're getting. Much more than a single nutrient.

Just saying. Like you eat food. Your body then takes what it needs. From the essence of that food. Like energy. Nutrients water. And then excretes what it doesn't want, like fiber or poisons or too much of something.

Then the body, depending on what it needs, can trans mutate. Materials and substances.

From one type of entity into another, like silica into calcium.

Look here.

Erik. That's so weird. There's no way the body can do that. Well, we had an episode on that. So you hear biological transmutation. Ken organisms really do this. Combine elements together, produce new elements.

Transformation of one element into another by radioactive decay.

Showing that biological systems, chemical elements can be transmitted into other elements. And it goes on and on transmutation of cobalt and magnesium.

Chemistry alchemy transmutation philosopher's stone, three different sets of ideas and skills fed into the origin of alchemy. You think that maybe when we go way back. People have used. They've tried. They've changed things. They've mutated them. And then they said, Hey, check this out. Well, they did.

So. Things like. Transmutation of light elements into plant animals and minerals. Biological trans mutations.

It's it's so interesting that the body can take something and transmit it into something else that it really needs at the time. And by the way, that's how Cell Salts work.

Your body is so much smarter. Than just putting in a single nutrient or a substance.

If you want to nourish the body. Then Fu containing what you want is better. It's more than just chemicals. If you need a specific nutrient.

Or substance much better to get it in a form of food or liquid.

So here's an example. Calcium. From your food. You can see. All the different types. Right. You've heard this a million times in your life. It's true. Look at. Yogurt. Cottage cheese. Ricotta. Compared to a banana. You see.

So, yes, you get a lot of calcium from spinach, but you also get a lot of anti-nutrients and those block, the absorption of spinach, my point is just.

Why not. If you want to get calcium, why not get it from food? Which has lots and lots of other nutrients.

You see, look at this, you have. Just a basic photo of food, right? Do you see straight calcium or just straight fat or zinc or. Vitamin a no. Those are all inside food. So if you want. A lot of ina the neat vitamin, a rich foods, you're getting so much more in that food than just. Straight vitamin a.

Let's look at ginger. Yes. Everybody knows. I love ginger. We'll look at this. 400 different compounds. So not just carbohydrates and lipids. Turpines. Amino acids. Ash. Protein Ash actually has minerals by the way. And it's good for pH balance. Protein. Phytosterols all these vitamins and minerals. But the fact is. This is just from science direct 400 different there's more than 400. I've read books on ginger and they stopped counting at over 700. That's pretty amazing.

And then for it to do. Things like helps you with arthritis and rheumatism sprains, muscular aches, pains, sore throats, cramps, constipation, and on and on. How does it do all of that? It's just a little root. How can it do so many different things? It's because of all of these components. All the gingerols, all the 400 plus compounds. All working together as an energy, they have an effect on your body. Okay.

Let's look at collagen. You want protein? This is how you get the best form of collagen right here. If you. Cool. Your bone broth and it doesn't do this. Then that's not good bone broth. That means there's very little collagen in there. If you buy expensive, frozen, organic. This is what it'll look like. If you put in the refrigerator. If you make your own, this is what it'll look like. Anything outside of this. It's not bone broth. It's just broth. Let's be real. How about zinc? You one zinc will look. Would you rather take a pill? Or eat a ribeye. I mean, really? How about some asparagus?

Even beef jerky. I mean. I think about that. You have real food that you eat normally. So why are you buying a supplement? And I'm not anti supplement. I've said this before. Supplements are very good. Under certain circumstances, but it will never be as powerful as an oyster. Yeah, I know. Oysters are. You know, well, we all know what they are. But. Wouldn't you rather, you got to eat anyway.

So why not just have a ribeye?

I hope that comes across as what I'm trying to say is. You have so many more nutrients in that ribeye, working with the zinc to be powerful and to help your body. Then just taking zinc, which is a single new. Like a single nutrient doesn't really do all that much. Yes, it'll raise your zinc. In your body. But is it effective? Well, it's only effective.

If you take copper. At a 15 to one ratio, 15. Z to one copper. Otherwise, you can get too much sink. Well, why? Because you don't have anything else balancing that. That's where the ribeye comes in. You have essences in there. You've got so much more going on. I think you get my drift.

Food has many more things than just nutrients. It's got energy. It's got life.

It's warming. Or it's cooling.

Let me just put this up here. Go back here. See this. Neutral foods, warming foods, cooling foods. We have, yeah, the basics you've seen many times, right. So we have warming foods. Like we just talked about ginger. And pumpkin. And chicken.

We have cooling aspects. Isn't it funny that chicken can be warming, but duck has cooling. Oh, interesting. Cameo and rabbit and spinach, you know, most of the greens are pretty much cooling. We have neutral. These don't really do much as far as I can affect. Like, uh, like. A hot pepper doesn't really do that.

Right. You just, you can eat these they're pretty. Yeah. I hate to say bland, but they're just not. Really powerful on the pallet. Or in the stomach. Very good way to go when you don't feel well.

But you can have foods that are purging or herbs and things that are purging, right. You're going to, you know, what, or, you know, what.

You have foods that can dry you herbs that can dry you. You've got stimulating. Cinnamon we see right there. Right? Cinnamon is stimulating. Warming foods are stimulating. This is a very basic graph. This is not highly intense. I could give you a really highly intense one, but I just wanted to bring the general concept to you. But do you have stimulating things like ginger stimulating? And you've got calming things.

So the calming would be something like salmon is not gonna, it's not gonna, you know, ramp you up apples. Aren't really going to wrap you up.

Spinach. Camomile we knew is. a sedative, right? So that's not going to be a stimulating type of a. Uh, uh, tea before bed. To see how this works. It's pretty simple stuff.

The entirety of the food is what does this. You have so many compounds all coming together to give you a response. In the cinnamon, for example, there's not one thing that gives cinnamon that spiciness there's many, many things, and those many things can be very helpful for you. Not only do they actually taste good, right.

So if you break the barrier. With poison of any kind.

You get sick. Of course.

Don't willingly break it. If you know what I'm trying to say here.

Work with your body. Nourish it with. Good food and good water.

Your body knows what to do with it.

Why not just give it.

Good quality food and let it. do its own thing. Why are we. Trying to force it into. I have to get an IV of vitamin C or I have to get an injection or you're not letting the body do its magic. It's better than that. That's just my 2 cents. But it works. It's been happening all around the world for generations and generations and thousands of years, people healing themselves with food. Or beverages. If you go into a tribal area, they're not buying zinc tablets. Are they. Well anyway. I appreciate you listening. This is the first time my face on screen. I'm going to try and get better at all of this. 📍 Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves.




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