What is a personal Leadership Code?
- A Personal Leadership Code is a unique code of ethics that you develop for yourself as a leader.
Why is having a personal code important for leaders?
- Having a personal code brings four benefits, it builds trust, garners respect, establishes accountability, and increases predictability of behavior.
- Organizations led by people who demonstrate the behaviors that a personal code promotes, outperform those who don't by 400%.
- So, personal leadership codes are profitable as well as the right thing to do.
How does a leader develop a personal code?
- Learn what a code of ethics is.
- Research existing codes to help you develop your own.
- Write down your own ideas. Look for patters. Group similar thoughts. Organize your ideas into a few key principles.
- Use your code in daily life. Check decisions and behaviors against your code.
- Reflect upon your code periodically. Assess how you are doing. Adjust your behavior and your code as you grow.
Key Tools
- Write us at for a free guide on how to develop a personal leadership code.
- Full Show Notes & Transcript -
- Check out Alex Hoffer's article on predictability -
- Read Douglas Satterfield's Article on Leadership Predictability -
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The TPL Show is a subsidiary of Avanulo, a global consulting firm that helps its clients overcome challenges and achieve excellence with intentional culture.