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Developing a Personal Leadership Code
Episode 87th December 2022 • The TPL Show • Dave Cahill, Luke Weber
00:00:00 00:28:14

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What is a personal Leadership Code?

  • A Personal Leadership Code is a unique code of ethics that you develop for yourself as a leader.

Why is having a personal code important for leaders?

  • Having a personal code brings four benefits, it builds trust, garners respect, establishes accountability, and increases predictability of behavior.
  • Organizations led by people who demonstrate the behaviors that a personal code promotes, outperform those who don't by 400%.
  • So, personal leadership codes are profitable as well as the right thing to do.

How does a leader develop a personal code?

  1. Learn what a code of ethics is.
  2. Research existing codes to help you develop your own.
  3. Write down your own ideas. Look for patters. Group similar thoughts. Organize your ideas into a few key principles.
  4. Use your code in daily life. Check decisions and behaviors against your code.
  5. Reflect upon your code periodically. Assess how you are doing. Adjust your behavior and your code as you grow.

Key Tools

  • Write us at for a free guide on how to develop a personal leadership code.
  • Full Show Notes & Transcript -
  • Check out Alex Hoffer's article on predictability -
  • Read Douglas Satterfield's Article on Leadership Predictability -

Thanks for listening.

The TPL Show is a subsidiary of Avanulo, a global consulting firm that helps its clients overcome challenges and achieve excellence with intentional culture.




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