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Becoming A Category-of-One #5: Accelerate Your Sales
Episode 14121st February 2024 • The Category Queen Show • Kinsey Machos
00:00:00 00:33:47

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Ready to turn your expertise into a revenue-generating machine? In this final episode of The Category of One series, I talk about the last pillar to creating a profitable, in-demand coaching business, which is also the most important — sales. 

I unpack the biggest mistakes coaches make when sharing their offers, the beliefs holding you back from generating more revenue, and the connection between value and selling. 

Ultimately, your business will transform when you change your relationship with selling. Tune in to this episode to begin that journey now. 

Key Takeaways:

  • The key shifts you can make in your beliefs about selling so you can share our offers with more heart and soul. 
  • How to simplify the sales process by focusing less on complicated marketing and sales systems and more on the authenticity of the results you can provide.  
  • The most important element to sales and how to instantly improve your conversions. 
  • Sell something people actually want: understanding customer pain points and aligning the offer with their desires is key to increasing sales and creating a successful business.

Resources Referenced:

Episode 137: Becoming A Category of One Series: #1 Don’t Dominate, Play In Your Own League

Episode 138: Becoming A Category-of-One #2: How To Think Like A Thought Leader

Episode 139: Becoming A Category-of-One: #3 Elevate Your Message

Episode 140: Becoming A Category-of-One #4: The Key To Amplifying Your Impact

Apple Podcast | Spotify 

Connect With Kinsey Machos: 

Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | Facebook 

If you want to stand out online and get clients, join our free masterclass, Newsfeed Masterclass:

If you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level with a framework that will get you fully booked with top-tier clients, join us inside The Category Queen School Today:

About the Host

Kinsey Machos is the host and founder of The Category Queen, a podcast and community for coaches, consultants, and course creators. 

She left her six-figure corporate salary to pursue her passion for helping women unlock their unique brilliance and achieve success in their businesses. 

Kinsey's mission is to help entrepreneurs gain recognition, reach more people, and make more money while balancing success with motherhood and marriage.


Kinsey Machos:

I'm Kinsey Machos your host and founder of the category queen. Welcome to the podcast for coaches, consultants, and course creators who don't just want to dominate their niche, but they desire to play in their own way. My mission is to help you unlock the power of your unique brilliance, and use it as a vehicle to gain recognition, reach more people and make more money. Not too long ago, I took a bold leap, leaving behind a six figure corporate salary, with nothing more than a US MacBook, and a burning desire for more freedom. Today, our brand has become globally recognized helping 1000s of female founders to become industry leading experts join us each week as we go on a journey together to discuss mindset, marketing, and money. More importantly, the real life discussions about balancing success with motherhood and marriage. Because we're a community of women who build and scale impact driven businesses, but do it without sacrificing the things that matter most to us. Welcome to the category Queen show. Hello category queens, I hope you're having such an amazing day, I am coming at you. At the time this recording it is Friday afternoon. And it's snowing here. And I am just really sick sitting in just this almost odd amount of peace and serenity. On a side note, I have been really, really focused on my mind and my spirit and my body and really integrating more tools and resources into my life. Or just equipping myself with more of those tools and resources to regulate my nervous system to reprogram myself for those big quantum shifts, and really just feeling centered. And so the work has been so transformative. And you know, I share all the time, when I come out on the other side of these, like really big seasons of shifts. And this is not really one of those, although it will lead to that it's really just more of the daily integration, and seeing how these tiny small shifts in my habits and practices are really lending themselves to long term results, but in the most transformative way. So I have just been noticing how much more present I am to my life, how much more calm I feel. And as a more you'll, you know, higher anxiety person highly anxious, I'm really focused on reading with my heart and leading with my head too, and not letting my emotions

Kinsey Machos:

distract me, right emotions are a tool. And this is not a message to say that we should ignore our emotions or suppress them. But this is something that I'm really leaning into in knowing that there's feelings coming from some sort of programming or subconscious thoughts that I have that are not serving me. So really just unpacking that, but not in a heavy, heavy way. So that has been really amazing. I'll bring more conversations around that. And what that might look like for you. We also just updated some curriculum inside of the category Queen school related to mindset in a more practical way. Because I think that mindset is such a big thing. And I think you and I both know that it is the key to success. But I think sometimes a lot of times actually it's taught so ambiguous or more at that conceptual level, and it lacks the integration work, like how do I actually bring this into my day to day when I'm feeling stuck? Or when I have like insane amount of fear or when I have like crippling anxiety, how do I like move through that? Or how do I continue to create success. And so we just updated some of that curriculum to include some new frameworks and tools and really starting to weave and infuse more of that work into our curriculum and into our coaching. So it's been really really incredible. Alright, all that to say we are on our final episode of the category of one series and this has been a really fun journey. Hope you guys have been having as much as as much fun as I have, recording this series and taking you on this journey. meaning, I think that it's really that high level, the five core elements of moving through the journey of becoming a category of one, but redefining what that means for you. And that's really what we started with in episode one, understanding what that means not just in your business, but also in your life, and then infusing that into how you think. And then what that means for your message for your offer, and also for your impact. And so this last episode is really hitting the sales piece, and helping you see how we kind of put this all together to make sure that you are actually moving the needle in your business. And while money is not the end all be all, it is one of the most important indicators of business success, you have to be tracking your revenue. And it's really, really important to have revenue goals, or else you'll be running a nonprofit and you did not sign up to run a nonprofit, you can do that when you have the funds to do so you have the freedom to do so right now, your priority is generating enough income for you. And I don't even like saying enough, like everybody has what their own sort of personal intrinsic goals for their revenue. And I find that it shifts and evolve some, a lot of women get into this just thinking like, oh, it'd be so nice to replace my income. So I can walk away from my job, or it'd be nice just to have like the lifestyle income, right, I can be comfy, and I'm good. And then they start to get go on that personal development journey and start to see that they just want to access more of that potential and see where they can go. And it's not about now, it never been enough. But just really expanding the vision that you have or had for yourself and your business. And so then we start to draw in this bigger, more expansive future of what's possible for you. And all that being said, using that revenue marker as a goal to drive that. And also, right, we have the impact goal, what are the numbers attached to that. So when we're doing strategic planning, with my team, or even our clients, we're looking at key numbers, we're looking at, what are your revenue targets, but then also, what are the number of people you are going to impact that's associated to that revenue goals. And that really, really helps us get a little bit more excited for people that aren't really money driven, and more impact driven, that gets people more excited. But also, it just helps us really anchor to that bigger, why. But I also know that some of you might resonate with this, too, in that I love blowing my own mind, I love seeing what what I what is possible for me or like achieving things that I never thought to be possible for myself. And so that's always a, that's a it's a fun game for me to play. Now you have to balance, right, the unhealthy, or you have to kind of see this through the Healthy lens, and then unhealthy lens, right when we're just like constantly chasing the next thing. And thinking that that's going to be the thing that leads more happiness, or bring us more fulfillment, like you'll always be chasing, you'll never be happy. But if you can find happiness in the present moment, find that fulfillment in what you have, and also be excited about where you're going. And what's coming. That's where the secret sauce happens. And so when we start to see a bigger vision for our business, and or either you, maybe you are just like I would love to hit six figures, this, you're awesome, it comes down to sales. And in order to grow your revenue, you have to make sales. Okay. And this is where a lot of people stall out, I think it would be a lot in the previous episode, we talked about like will through our content or messaging, we have to tell people that we can help them right. And so even if you start to get momentum there, but then ultimately you don't have a monetization strategy. That's where things start to fall flat. But if you're not even telling people that you can help them and showing them how you can help them then there is also no monetization strategy needed. And so in order to build that momentum for people to be ready to buy your offer, whether it's a coaching package or a program a membership, etc, right, we have to let them know how we can help them and then we have to make sure that At the monetization piece is in place, so that we are taking them to the finish line. Because what happens is people will generate buzz about their offer. But then we have a lot of gaps in our process or either like sales or enrollment process. And so they don't end up becoming a client, they either ghost you, or you're not getting the volume that you need to fill your group or a plethora of things. And so in this conversation, I really want to unpack some of the bigger challenges related to sales and how to fix them. So that you can truly, truly start to see yourself in that bigger picture vision in relation to Yes, the incredible money that you want to make. And also right, the impact that that is going to create in the world, in your life in your claims lives. So let's talk about the biggest challenges related to selling in first of all, and just foremost, the challenge or the beliefs around selling itself. And this is huge, because naturally, anytime I ask people when I'm training or coaching, you know, what's the feeling that comes up? When I say selling, there's usually a negative emotion attached to that. And I think that it's generally through the experiences that we've had in our past related to selling, or the it always ties back to right, the money patterns that we've adopted and taken from our childhood, right, what we've been modeled to, or what we've been modeled by our parents are the people that are raising us, right, because this is directly related to are you open enough, right to receive the abundance that you desire, and it's all related to money, it's, there's so much here, and I want to really do a good job at kind of keeping this a secret, because I could go on for ever about money mindset, and how this is obviously directly tied to selling. But what I want you to really see and maybe unpack for yourself is, what are your beliefs about money? And how is this showing up in your relationship with selling. And this could be that could give you some good sort of

Kinsey Machos:

good awareness points to start to unpack a little bit more and start to see, of course, there's no judgement, right? This is not meant to bring in more shame or guilt, it's really to just bring you that awareness, so you can move through it and adjust as needed. But it also when we think about beliefs or limitations around selling, again, it goes back to even some of the personal experiences that we've had with that car salesman, or somebody sending us those spammy DMS or something that you have felt in the past when someone has sold to you and you don't want other people to feel that way. And so I really want to shift this for you, because ultimately, at the end of the day selling is serving. And why is that? Well, you think about all the if you think about just the economics of bringing solutions to the market to other people's problems, there's a value exchange that occurs. And so when you, the more you sell, the more value you put out into the world. And selling can look and feel in so many different ways. This is, you know, sharing how you help people in your content. This is giving people those tips and tricks to elevate their life. And also the next steps if they want to go further with you selling is making an offer to help somebody selling is giving, you know purchasing a product that that takes away acne that they've been struggling with their whole life like there, I could go on and on and on about all the ways that selling is the gift that keeps on giving. And you are a consumer of it every day. And you should be also a creator of it every day, the more value you put out in the world, the more that you change people and also change yourself. And so if you could fully believe that selling is serving, then everything else will change for you. Because this leads us into the next biggest challenge around selling, which is not making enough offers. So I want to unpack that a little bit because there's different iterations of this. But first, we have the beliefs around selling Okay, challenges related to not making enough offers, selling something that people don't want, and then overcomplicating the sales process in general. So I want to individually unpack these but let's go back to the beliefs around selling. So first of all selling is serving if you could believe that, how would this change you? How would this change what you're doing in your day to day in your business? I also want you to really think about the last time you bought something that was maybe a little bit higher price and you're used to paying for something or you purchase something that you've been saving up for for a long time or even You know, you purchased a vacation and you didn't get that item right away. Maybe you, you know, say bet for a Louis Vuitton purse, you bought it online. And instantly you have this, this really transformative feeling in your body of excitement, right? You're not touching it yet. But the feeling of that gratification of buying something that you desire, it creates a chemical reaction in your body, you already feel it without even touching it or having it. Same thing with a vacation, right? When you purchase a vacation, you're already starting to feel excited about it before even going on the vacation, I want you to think about this, even when people are buying from you. The transformation starts with the transaction, right? So if we know that selling is serving, and that the more offers that we make, and the more people that take them up on that, on those offers, right, we're instantly creating transformation. Because people change when they invest in things, people change, when they buy things they want, they instantly transform, when they start to really sink their teeth into oh my gosh, you know, I'm finally doing this thing, or this is the time for me. Right? You I know you have had experiences like that personally, and your clients are going to have this experience when they purchase from you too. So when we follow that full spectrum of people just watching you not ready to buy, but you're transforming them through your free content. And then they're it's gearing them up to be excited about being able to buy from you in the future. And then they actually buy the thing or they hire you. Right, that exchange in value instantly creates transformation, before you even start working with them or before they even consume, you know, your curriculum or what have you. And so I really want you to start to see what your relationship is to selling how does that relate to your relationship with money? And then lastly, in relation to this piece, what are you afraid of? Because I think that the beliefs around selling are also strong in the regard of the fear of being rejected. Right? If somebody says no, that means there's something wrong with me. And let me tell you what, there's going to be more people that say no, then more people. That's the people that say yes, so you will 100% get nose. But can we soften that by saying a there's nothing wrong with you? And B, it's not rejection, right? I think this rejection is like such a traumatic word. And it instantly creates this feeling of unworthiness, we need to detach from that outcome altogether. And we need to really see nose for nose. And I think that the more offers you make, and the more nose you get, the more This softens. I have no drama, no drama, when people say no, it doesn't even have a charge in me like it used to. And so it's about reframing what that means when people say no, and then starting to change the feeling around that. Because if you are afraid of being rejected, what is that going to do for you, that means you're not going to put yourself out there either as fully, right, or as as much as you should be. And so this all ties into the beliefs around selling and the behaviors around selling because of the limitations that are there. And also the emotions that are tied up into that. But let's move into the second challenge that I want to unpack in not making enough offers. So the your revenue is directly tied to the number of offers you make period. Okay, but let's talk about the two different types of making offers, okay, you have making offers that are given without feedback. And then you have making offers that are given with feedback. So making offers without feedback means that you're, you have like a call to action in your content, right. So it's like, if you are ready for this thing, or you're trying to you're tired of, you know, struggling with this thing. This is how I help you. If you want to learn about what it's like to work with me, you know, click the link in the bio. So they go and they click the to schedule a call with you. But that call to action that is in my mind. And in this case, really it is making an offer. You're putting an offer out into the world and you're telling people hey, this is who I help. This is how I help them if this is you, here's what next steps are. But the challenge with this, this format is that you're not actually getting any feedback. People will you'll find feedback in people scheduling the call or not. But you're not getting a direct yes or no until you have the making offers with feedback step which is literally a container where people are saying yes or no to you. Okay, so let's go back to the example you make an offer in your content, right? It puts value out into the world for people that are ready to claim that value. They go and click Add your link in the bio to schedule a call with you. And then they get on the call, then you make an offer again, right? They tell you what they're looking for you show them how you help them. And you say, Is this something you want? Or not basically? And I mean, in a much more fluid way, but it really is that simple is we just are determining, are we a match for this person or not? And this person is determining, right? Are you a match for them or not? And that's the container where they are saying yes or no, that is immediate feedback. And that is what we really, really want to measure our sort of, quote unquote, results on and whether or not you're making enough offers, I believe you should have a call to action in all of your content, if your content is good and valuable in the way that we teach it inside of the category, clean school, there's really no reason why you shouldn't have a call to action, and you're putting more offers out into the world. But those are going to be the things that generate the actual making offers with feedback containers, where you are getting Yes, or nose. And that is a literal math equation that you can build out in. Because if you have write a number, I heard this, I don't remember who said this, but there was a mentor that was like, your revenue is the most simple equation ever, right? It's the number of offers you make minus that number of people that said no, right, which gives you your total number of yeses, right? And then you calculate your offer price on that. So if it's that simple, then all we need to do is increase the number of offers, we're making right with that feedback and decrease the number of people that are saying no, or not even decreasing, right? We're just continuing to make offers, but you can turn up those dials in whichever way you want. But the important element here is that you have those containers where you have a measurable yes or no. Because without that, it's really, really hard to assess if anything's working, you know, when people start to change their offer, and they'll come into like the school or I'll be coaching them. And I'll be asking them, like, why are you changing your offer? And they're like, because nobody's buying it. And I'll ask them how many sales calls they've had. And they said it said zero. So again, you can see here where you don't really have data or effective tools to even use to measure is this my offer? Is it my messaging, right? You just have to get in front of more people. And so what I want you to consider is how do I increase the number of offers that I'm making, without feedback so that I can also increase the number of offers that I'm making with that feedback. But here's what's so powerful about making offers with feedback is that you get the feedback, right? One of the most powerful tools that I was taught in sales years ago, was asking people why they didn't buy.

Kinsey Machos:

It's like, oh my gosh, right. Mind blown. This alone gives you so much. And we still to this day, we ask people why they didn't buy, it gives us so much data of as to where are we missing the mark in articulating the value of the offer? Because it's not ever really about the offer itself is that there was a value misalignment, right? So if they're saying like the price, I couldn't afford it, or it would require too much time, etc, etc. I'm not changing the offer, I'm changing how I'm communicating the value of the offer. And that's going to help me overcome these objections that we're hearing saying for you, if you are not asking people why they didn't buy or if they say no to your coaching offer, and you follow up with like, awesome, I totally get it if it's not the right time, or it's not the right fit for you. But I would love to understand what would have made it a no brainer. Yes, for you. That is the most powerful question you could ask anybody. And, and also just understanding, right? And that's how we start to gather the assessment, we need to figure out what are our next steps, right, because a lot of times people are solving for problems that aren't even problems, you know, like changing their niche or changing their offer or changing their launch method or changing their platform, right? It's almost always not those things. And sometimes it just means making more offers and getting more feedback. So we can really understand what people are looking for what people will buy and what they're ready to buy right now. And so when we think about not making enough offers as that primary challenge related to sells, I want you to understand or or I guess really consider where could you improve in both making offers without feedback and also making offers with feedback? How do you infuse more of that direct language in your content, so that people understand how to hire you where to hire you what next steps are, but also increasing the number of opportunities you have in making offers with that direct feedback. How do you get in conversation? Here's where people how do we get to talk to them, right? This also is related to the overcomplicating challenge that comes with sales, which is sending people to all the which ways, besides just a conversation. This is especially for you, if you are not making the revenue you desire, or you're under multiple, six figures, if you're sending people to anything else, besides just having a conversation with you, you know, maybe like a sales page, or you're sending them through a lead magnet and nurture sequence, do not make that mistake, just talk to them human to human, how do you really really help them see that the best opportunity for them is to just get on a phone with you to learn more about how you can help them. If we overcomplicate our sales process, you're creating more layers that you have to fine tune. And perfect to continue to not just Captivate attention, but hold it attention and then convert it. And the more layers that you have in there, right, the more opportunities that people fall off. So if we start to simplify this, and we just have the most authentic, genuine way for people to have a conversation with us to learn more about how we can help them, you're going to increase both making offers without feedback, and also making offers with feedback. And it's one of the most powerful shifts you can make, right? This also means not trying to go back and forth in the DMS, right, as soon as somebody expresses interest, move them to a phone will move them to a phone call, right? Going back and forth in DMS like is just not not the greatest. And it's also not the setup you want to create for your potential client to make a decision that's in alignment with their desires. And when you ultimately think about your role, right, we teach about value based selling in the category of Clean School, which is selling something that people desire, and creating a container, where they where they have the power to make the decision that's in alignment with their desires, not yours, right. So we're not forcing people to buy, we're not making people buy now on the phone, we're not, we're not even following up a bunch of times after the call, right? It's really about creating this experience a transformative experience, really, with that person on the other end, helping them get out of their own way and make a decision that is going to serve their future desires. And when you can do that in a transformative way, it will change everything. And this is the model that we teach inside of this school. Because what happens is even for people that say no, they walk away feeling changed. And we hear this time and time again, from clients and students in that they love doing sales calls, because it's just them basically being a coach and transforming people without them even being a client yet. And so we don't need to overcomplicate it to get to that end point, right? Just get people on the phone, simplify that, right and increase the number of making offers with feedback and making offers without that feedback. And you'll see things really, really start to accelerate for you. Which brings me to my last piece in selling something that people don't want. Okay, another biggest challenge, obviously, with sales is people not buying your offer, or people not taking you up on your offer. Because it's there's a disconnect, there's a mis alignment, but you're only going to know this, if you bump back up to right making offers with the feedback, because you cannot assume that it's what people don't want. If you don't actually have conversations with people, or you're not understanding why people are saying yes or no. And so when you have a misaligned offer, the obvious byproduct of this is not making sells. But the assessment and the fix to that is getting feedback, moving people to a conversation, understanding how they're describing their pain points, what their pain points really are, and understanding how you can show them that yes, I can fix those, right. And I actually can transform you instead of selling them this offer stack this beautiful members portal of all these features that they're not really looking for. They're just looking for their problem to be solved. When we sell something people don't want. That is also going to be reflected in your messaging and your content. Right. So if your core messaging is using language that doesn't resonate with the people that you're you're going to reach, we're not going to be able to see full a full journey of them, taking you up on your calls to action, right moving them to the call and then saying yes. And so I want you to really assess within your mess to join in content and even the conversations you're having, is there a gap here in what they say their problems are, and what I'm saying I can help them do. And that's the easiest way. But then also, again, asking people why they can't buy or why they didn't buy, it is one of the most powerful things in it might feel a little uncomfortable for you. But if you think about any sort of responsible business owner, right, they are collecting data, they are assessing feedback, it's just like, when you have a client, you want their feedback, you want to ensure that they're getting the experience they came for? Well, we want to do the same for people that aren't even clients yet. And you want to help more people get out of their own way. But the only way you can do that is by meeting them where they're at. And that is how we do that is by really learning them and knowing them so deeply, that it's almost better than they know themselves. So that's really how we tie all of this together. When we think about the monetization piece and moving people right through the finish line to okay, we've created desire, we've helped people see how we can help them, but how do we actually convert? How do we actually monetize this? How do we actually accelerate ourselves so that we're not constantly chasing the next client, or we're not accepting clients that are not a good fit. And these four core challenges and how to fix them, hopefully, will really help you assess where to start or where to shift. And I would strongly, strongly encourage you start 100%, no doubt around what your beliefs are about selling and money, what your relationships are there and how it might be impacting the rest. And at the end of the day, just as a reminder, your revenue is directly correlated to the number of offers you make period. So how do you increase that in the most genuine, authentic way, and really, really claim your expertise, knowing that there are people out there suffering, there are people out there with the problem that you can help them fix and they and you know, you can change their life if they just knew it. And your responsibility is to tell them and your responsibility is to show them and lead them closer to you. All right, my friends that is going to wrap up this series, it was so phenomenal to really take you on that journey. And I hope that it was enough to really start to give you some tangible next steps. And also, though, to get you thinking bigger about your brilliance about your possibilities about what is available to you, when you really step into your fullest fullest potential, and unlock that magnetism that's really, really just like holding, like waiting inside of you to be unleashed. And really just reach the right people and amplify your voice so that you can make not just an impact in their lives, but yours as well. So I just love this conversation so much, and I hope you did as well. All right, my friends, I will see you next week.

Kinsey Machos:

Hey, if you're ready to stand out online and get paying clients consistently, without having to fumble your way through tag, run ads or create complicated funnels. I want to invite you to join us in the category clean school where you're going to learn my simple, proven formula for getting clients online. It's risk free, you either make your money back or we'll give you a refund, Just head over to and join today to get instant access. We will see you inside




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