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Gossip Girl S1E08 - Seventeen Candles
Episode 84th March 2024 • Non Judging Breakfast Pod • Mithril Chain Network
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Leif and Steve do a spoiler free afterwatch of the OG Gossip Girl.

This week the guys break down Season 1, episode , titled, Seventeen Candles.

The TWoP episode description: Nate -- surprise -- disappoints Blair on her birthday. Dan takes Vanessa to Blair's birthday party so that she and Serena will be bitches to each other. Jenny brings her mother home for a surprise visit which goes horribly wrong. Nate's parents screw him horribly for the eighth week running.

Produced by Leif Capicola and Steve Marchion. 

Edited and mixed by Leif Capicola.

The Gossip Girl Theme Performed By Steve Marchion.

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This is the non judging breakfast pod, where the gossip is hotter than ever

>> Leif: Jenny arrives back to the loft to fight her parents post coitus and his oddly happy.

>> Steve: Yeah, all of you should. First of all, you have a room and, like.

>> Leif: But no. All set.

>> Steve: But no. All is true. But, like, come on, guys. Like m.

>> Leif: Hey, upper, you ciders and all you scandal loving listeners out there, you just tuned into the non judging breakfast pod, where the coffee is strong, the waffles are fresh, and the gossip is hotter than ever. My name is Leif, and I'm your seasoned gossip girl veteran.

>> Steve: And I'm Steve. I've been exploring the glitz and glam of the upper east side for the very first time. I'm the newbie, the greenhorn, the, I don't know, Leif. What do you call the new kid on the block in Gossip girl terms?

>> Leif: Well, I don't think you've quite reached a golden God status in guitar hero, so I think they would just label you as your project. You know, the girls that have the potential to be a blairite.

>> Steve: Well, then dress me up in an Eleanor Waldorf original, and let's get started.

>> Leif: Sounds good.

since it first aired back in:

>> Leif: That's right. Each week, we're going to break down all the schemes, secret hookups, and couture catastrophes, and trust me, there are plenty of them.

>> Steve: And since we're all about inclusivity here at the non judging breakfast pod, there is always room for you at the non judging breakfast table. So go ahead and grab your coffee, grab your mimosa or some of nate and Chuck special medicine if it's that kind of morning. And let's get started.

This week's episode is season one, episode 817 candles

>> Leif: All right, we're going to go right ahead and jump into the episode. It is season one, episode 817 candles. Did, you catch the reference?

>> Steve: Absolutely. John Hughes classic eighties movie 16 candles. Another movie that I was watching at a wildly inappropriate age to be receiving wildly inappropriate messages.

>> Leif: Well, I would say it's kind of inappropriate for any age.

>> Steve: Yeah, I mean, it's problematic.

>> Leif: Yes. It has not aged well like those eighties comedies.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

inal air date was November of:

>> Steve: This is the 8th week running, isn't it? Yet it's not.

>> Leif: M a lot of pity from that. That old, website.

>> Steve: To be fair, Nate and Chuck weren't in episode five, so it's really seven weeks running. There was a week that Nate got away from his family. Episode. Ah.

>> Leif: Was directed by Ali Chalet. she's french, directed some episodes of Arrested Development, Gilmore Girls, and, 86 episodes of the middle.

>> Steve: Yeah, which means she probably knows a friend of mine who was an assistant director on the middle, one of my friends Colleen, from high school. So shout, out to Colleen.

>> Leif: Okay, well, let's. Let's get them both on the podcast sometime. Yeah, I'll try to reach out. Episode was written by our friend Felicia D. Henderson, who, most recently, wrote the, poison Ivy episode.

>> Steve: Yeah, and we both really liked that episode.

>> Leif: That was probably the best episode of the series so far. Yeah, and the gossip Girl opening monologue. According to the catholic church, mortal sin can only be absolved through the sacred act of confession. But it looks like a certain Wasp princess has recently found herself desperately in need of a little unburdening. And who is the man upstairs to discriminate?

>> Steve: Yeah, I love that, opening monologue. And the setup for. For as a kid who was raised a wasp, pretty much, who always had that, like, wait a second. They can just, like, go tell a dude that they did something, and then they're good like that? That seems like a really easy out, and I prefer easy to all this, like, thinking my dad wants me to do.

>> Leif: Yes. but, of course, you know, if you really want to be a Catholic, you got to be riddled with guilt.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: At all times.

>> Steve: Yes. Which. Which, again, being a wasp, we know nothing about that.

The writing was just never there for Vanessa. It's a shame. It could have been a good character

>> Leif: anyways, we open the episode in act one. Blair is in a confessional telling a priest about her limosex.

>> Steve: Yeah, I, first of all, I love the da Vinci code reference. The. The movie had just come out in zero six. and so the dual punish me, make me wear the chain like silas. I love that. I don't think it's a fantastic book or movie, but I loved the reference less.

>> Leif: Ah, self flagellation.

>> Steve: Yeah. She, also says the. At least he at least the guy is going to pretend like it never happened. And I love that because she's acting for this moment. And you see Blair remember who she is many times throughout this episode, who she, for a second, has that step back. And so this is the first time that she actually thought of herself like any other of Chuck's conquests. She kind of referred to herself in that manner. And then when she sees him in a couple scenes, she remembers, wait a second. I'm, Blair fucking Waldorf. Mm

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: All.

>> Leif: Ah, right. Dan and Serena are making out in a cafe where it just so happens Vanessa works. Awkwardness ensues.

>> Steve: My God. Vanessa just stopped talking. Vanessa, why are you bringing up the. The private conversation that you had with Daniel? Like, why?

>> Leif: Yes.

>> Steve: Stop talking.

>> Leif: Take it. Step back.

>> Steve: Can I get you a cup of coffee?

>> Leif: Oh, Vanessa already. Already on the bad footing.

>> Steve: I was so. I was. That first episode, I was like, why is. Where's all this hate coming from?

>> Leif: Yeah. Now you know.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: The writing was just never there for Vanessa. She had no chance.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: It's a shame.

>> Steve: It is great, opportunity for that character.

>> Leif: Yeah. It could have been a good character.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: And the books. It is. She is kind of interesting. She's a rebel, but she is part of the group.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: She's not budding in constantly.

Blair confronts Chuck in a limo; they argue

Anyways, we see Blair walking out of the church and is confronted by Chuck in a limo. They argue, and Chuck is uninvited to Blair's party.

>> Steve: So, yeah, the first thing that, kind of occurred to me there. First of all, the song playing was really cool. This is the first time we hear the virgins in this episode. but, the other big thing was, like I said, blair, when she sees Chuck and Chuck does bring it up again. Blair recognizes, for one, she's not just another one of Chuck's conquests, and she's not going to act like it takes that power back. which, let's face it, is a big thing that I would assume is what attracts Chuck to her. You know, she likes that this is someone that's on his level. and then we'll get to more of that later on. Yeah.

The casting of Allison and Jenny is uncanny. I didn't even realize it the first time

>> Leif: Jenny arrives back at the loft with Allison. Rufus is shocked and reluctant to talk to Allison.

>> Steve: yeah, this is. I didn't even realize it the first time, and it was because, you had mentioned something to me that they look so much alike.

>> Leif: Yes. Very good casting based on looks.

>> Steve: Yeah. The casting of Allison and Jenny, that is a mother and daughter I was when I actually, like, paid attention to it. It was uncanny. Uncanny. Yeah, it really was.

>> Leif: So we get that scene, and Rufus is still a little standoffish. You know, he just found out, you know, a couple episodes about, you know, the cheating.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: And they've been fighting you on the phone, and Dan overheard Rufus and Allison on the phone, and then Jenny over.

>> Steve: Yeah, and no one's talking to Jenny. And. And. And so Jenny did the thing that she thought was best and, like, good for her for going out and getting Alison. Yeah.

>> Leif: At least someone's taking action.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: Yeah, man. Blair and Eleanor are at the penthouse and discuss the captain being indicted.

>> Steve: Yeah. I found that. I know we're supposed to be really upset with Eleanor for blowing off Blair, and. Yes, Eleanor, be a better mom. Just be better.

>> Leif: just pay attention to your daughter once in a while.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah. And if you did that more often, this wouldn't have stood out because, like, this is your money. Like, this is your business. This.

>> Leif: You have a bigger concern about this.

>> Steve: Yeah. You have the. The bigger stake, financial claim to this problem, but. But do better.

The show opens with Nate and his family talking with a lawyer

>> Leif: All right, so we move on to Nate and his family talking with a lawyer and was late to the. On the scene, but quickly moving up the ranks for bad parenting.

>> Steve: Hoot so fast. And the. The fact, though, the way that they're both in such denial of everything and how they're just assuming they're buying their way out of all of this, and Nate is like, just listen to the lawyer. Yeah. Like, what about you?

>> Leif: What does this lawyer have to say that is an expert on this? But no, no, I can't be. I'm not guilty. No, no.

>> Steve: Yeah, and like, one. It's one of those things that anybody who the captain knows that he's guilty.

>> Leif: Like.

>> Steve: Like, the captain knows that he's the one that did, that's doing this shit. And there's no evidence so far that he's not.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: And so it really is just you have Nate being the grownup and the grownups telling him, you're just a kid. Go. Go relax. And the best part is, what do they want him to do when he goes, when he grow. When he grows up and graduates?

>> Leif: Be just like dad.

>> Steve: Well, they want him to go to Dart, to Dartmouth to be a fucking lawyer.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: And the writing is there be a lawyer to help me get around shady shit and do fucking shady finance business stuff.

>> Steve: And they're already grooming him for that. And now when he's saying, well, hey, I'm going to talk like a lawyer, they're like, no, no. You're a kid. Get out of here. Yeah.

>> Leif: Really, bad parents for Nate.

>> Steve: Awful.

Dan comes home to find Rufus, Alice and Jenny eating waffles

>> Leif: So we get. Dan comes home to find Rufus, Alice, and Jenny eating waffles.

>> Steve: Yeah. And, you know, Jenny really, really jumps the gun here. Just get over it like dad did. Like, whoa. What did I get over? Like, I ain't over shit.

>> Leif: Yeah. This is where it comes out that Jenny, knows about the affair.

>> Steve: Yeah. And that she overheard them and that they were talking it, and Dan's response was great, you know? Well, maybe we need to move to a place with more walls. Yeah. And storms off. and I love the storm off because Allison immediately gets up, and Rufus is like, it's usually best to give him a while.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: And, like, you know, you. You know your kid, when you know your kids, you know how to handle them, you know? I know. I know my daughter. If something happens that there's some kind of disagreement or something shocking to her or something, she's gonna stand there, she's gonna cry it out for, like, a minute, and then she's gonna get herself together, and she's gonna be good. I know that my oldest needs to go off and just be by themselves for a bit, you know, like, you know these things about your kids, you know, how to help them handle things, you know?

>> Leif: But, Allison has not been around, so she, she's kind of forgotten.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah.

>> Leif: And it's.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: It's a tough moment there for allison.

>> Steve: Yeah.

In Blair's room, Blair and Serena discuss Dan and Vanessa's relationship

>> Leif: In Blair's room, Blair and Serena are discussing Dan and Vanessa's relationship, as well as Nate and his family. Oh. yeah. This is the conversation about how the best friend becomes the second best friend.

>> Steve: Oh, right. Yeah. And the whole setup for. For later on. But also, there is that room for. Your boyfriend's best friend is a girl that he's very close to. Like, I get that at high school age, and I get that to a degree. but also, I think that Dan, in the last two episodes, has been treating her more like an annoying sister than anything else, too.

>> Leif: Yeah. And of course, it is weird because the whole Dan told her that he loved her.

>> Steve: Yeah. Like, a year earlier, and he said that, but, at the same time, there has only, been anything showing the other way the entire time.

>> Leif: Yeah. Rich girls by the virgins plays in Nate's headphones as his mom prattles onto him and tries to get Nate to propose to Blair. By the way, this is already the third song by the virgins in this episode.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah. I was. I was paying much more attention on my second watch through of it. but. But they. I really. I was into it. I pulled a couple songs out from them and put them on playlist, so.

>> Leif: Nice.

>> Steve: Yeah. and there's also another royalty reference here. The, another reference to royalty only. Is this where she says it changed zip codes, or is it something else? gossip girl. When Nate. When Ann is trying to get Nate to propose, when not proposed, but give the ring, and they. She makes the comment about royalty again, there's another.

>> Leif: I missed that.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah. yeah, gossip girl, in. In that conversation brings up, Is that the one where she says royalty changed zip codes? I don't think it is. I think she said that in an earlier episode, but there is mention of it.

>> Leif: All right, I'll take your word for it. But, yeah, once again, you know, bad parenting by Ann, pushing Nate to not propose. Not proposed, but give her an engagement ring.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah. Give her this family heirloom, and Nate has the appropriate response. This is a family heirloom. I'm 16.

>> Leif: Yeah. Not good. Yeah, but that is the end of the first act.

Dan and Allison discuss getting back together in act two

So we move on to act two. Blair is on her bed and gets a call from Nate. They discuss getting back together. If Nate is giving her the ring. Who bought the necklace Blair put on hold?

>> Steve: Yeah. So Nate says he has a big gift for her, and, you know, were we too hasty? And she immediately calls and sees what. What somebody bought for her. And it's a diamond necklace. Somebody picked up a diamond necklace for her.

>> Leif: But we already know Nate.

>> Steve: That's not going to be Nate. She has a ring for her.

>> Leif: Ah, we will see.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: Dan has a conversation with Allison and really unloads on her.

>> Steve: Yeah. and all of this is really, a great scene. and very cathartic for that relationship.

>> Leif: Yes. This is where Dan, like, Allison's, like, I asked you if you didn't want me to go, but Dan's like, it wasn't my place to tell you not to go.

>> Steve: Yeah. When you ask permission of your kids of something, first of all, you know, and there are tidy. There are times that you need to, But when you're asking them permission to exit their lives, that's a really big thing to put on them. You're putting the burden of you going away on them. You're basically saying you. Well, you said I could. This is you doing it. Yeah. And it's unfair to ask your kid that in the first place, because you're the. You're the parent, you know?

>> Leif: And Dan rightfully points that out.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Very powerful moment for Dan. And spot on. because there's also the whole, like, you think I'm mad that you cheated? Like, no, I'm mad that you abandoned my. My sister who's in a freshman, who's a freshman at a school of horrible.

>> Leif: People, you know, mean girls and date rapists.

>> Steve: Yeah. Mean girls and date rapists. Yeah. I mean, like, it's so much more than you. Than you sleeping with someone out there.

>> Leif: Yeah.

Chuck is giving good advice to Nate, but he's doing it for wrong reasons

Nate visits Chuck, and Chuck is extremely nervous. Chuck is giving good advice for all the wrong reasons.

>> Steve: Yeah. Chuck is being slimy. He's saying all the exact right things, and. And he's. And he is right on everything he says. Yeah, but he's doing it for all the wrong reasons. he was also, you know, horrified to even face Nate. You can hardly look at him, and.

>> Leif: He, you know, you see him hide the. The necklace or what? We'll be the necklace later.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: I'm guessing that that's a distinctive jewelry box for those who shop at that. That particular jewelry store.

>> Steve: Yeah. Although I do think that we have one of the most sincere lines Chuck has ever said here, and it's. There are three things in this world that I love. Money. The pleasures money can buy me and you. And he says it to Nate, and I believe every word of that. You know, I think Nate is his favorite person, and probably. Yeah.

>> Leif: I mean, he doesn't really care for his dad too much, and his mom is Mia.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah. And. And he doesn't really look at women as people most of the time.

>> Leif: Definitely. It's not like a real relationship.

>> Steve: Yeah. And. And here's this guy who always sees past all of his flaws, who doesn't need anything from him. You know? It's not like he's mooching off Chuck.

>> Leif: Exactly.

>> Steve: He doesn't need anything from him. He's just a friend to him. And like an unconditional friend.

At Blair's party, drinks are flowing, and merry making is happening

>> Leif: At Blair's party, drinks are flowing, and merry making is happening. Blair and Serena discuss when Nate and Dan are arriving, respectively. However, Chuck is the first to show up.

>> Steve: Also, when they're prepping that party, that sushi, they're. They're laying out looked so good.

>> Leif: Su. Blair is definitely a sushi aficionado.

>> Steve: Yeah. Oh, man. That I just. I wanted to tear into that.

>> Leif: And I believe Cotti's brother's restaurant or something.

>> Steve: I thought she said mom.

>> Leif: Yeah. Mom or bro.

>> Steve: Yeah, your mom's place is really good.

>> Leif: Yeah.

Dan and Vanessa walk in Brooklyn when Vanessa invites herself to Blair's party

We get Dan and Vanessa are walking in Brooklyn. When Dan receives a text from Serena. Vanessa invites herself to Blair's party.

>> Steve: Vanessa. Vanessa. He has a girlfriend like that. That's a thing that happens to people. Just let it fucking go and, like, get over it and stop being too much.

>> Leif: Don't you invite yourself to. Over to a party to someone you don't know?

>> Steve: Yeah. This is not a plus one kind of party.

>> Leif: Set up your own date to hang out with Serena and Dan.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: Make your own plans.

>> Steve: Yeah. Hey, you work at a coffee shop. Why don't you guys all, like, go get. Go get coffee there when you're not.

>> Leif: Working or, like, a walking tour of Brooklyn, you know?

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: You know, bring Serena into the friendship.

>> Steve: Yeah, but, like, don't.

>> Leif: Don't insert yourself.

>> Steve: Yeah. Inviting. And also, Dan, like, you did warn her, like, this really isn't the party you want to go to, but Dan, Dan, you knew what she was getting in.

>> Leif: You need to put your foot down.

>> Steve: Yeah, Dan really needed to put his.

>> Leif: Foot down, but I got it. He's 16, you know?

>> Steve: Yeah. yeah.

>> Leif: Say no to a friend.

>> Steve: Yeah. And you know what? I, you know, it's good because Vanessa got the introduction she deserves.

>> Leif: Yes.

Chuck reveals that he has real feelings for Blair in this scene

We get. Blair and Chuck are talking out on a balcony overlooking the city skyline. Chuck reveals that he has real feelings for Blair.

>> Steve: Their chemistry in this scene is fucking unbelievable. They are so good.

>> Leif: And the way that Jack jettison kill those butterflies.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah. And how. Yeah, she's just like, nope. And he's like, but here it is. And you can tell that she's not immune to it. You know, she has the love of her ambition, of, you know, she has this, you know, Nate is the accomplishment that she has been working on all this time that. That she doesn't want to let go of. But she clearly likes Chuck. You know, she clearly has, you know, a this needs to go away attitude. But there's so much chemistry.

>> Leif: Yeah. And Jenny bumps into Nate outside the birth, outside Blair's party. oh. Do we see sparks flying?

>> Steve: Yeah. And, I mean, I thought they were very cute together. the conversations and stuff, the meetup. I really loved the. I mean, we know Jenny can never keep her mouth shut about anything, but she's like, I told Blair, and he's like, I know. It's cool. Like, the fact that she immediately was like, I'm not going to sit here and hang out with this guy without him knowing that I. That his chocolates didn't buy me these chocolates that I didn't get yet. but then. But. But also his immediate response of taking accountability and being like, that is not on you. You're. You're cool. Like, no worries.

>> Leif: Yeah, definitely a bounce back for Nate.

>> Steve: Yeah. and. And that's the. That is the attitude I've always loved about me is that Nate is not always looking to throw someone else under the bus to solve his problems. Nate will fuck up and try to buy someone off, but when he's held accountable, he takes accountability. You know that I always really appreciate that about my man Nate. It's a fist bump to you. Nate.

Dan and Vanessa arrive at the party, and Blair comments on how beautiful Vanessa is

>> Leif: Dan and Vanessa arrive at the party, and Blair comments on how beautiful Vanessa is.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: Oh, sweetie. He didn't tell me she looked like that.

>> Steve: Yeah. And. And also the same time, Vanessa, like, you didn't tell me they were so nice. Yes, he did. He told you that Blair is a fucking monster and that you don't want to meet her.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: You walk into this person's party who you're crashing her party. She's not thrilled that you're crashing our party, and then you're like, wow, you're not nice to me. Yeah.

>> Leif: Vanessa. Yeah, Vanessa. Vanessa. Vanessa.

Rufus agrees to give the marriage another chance

Back of the loft, Rufus and Allison continue to argue. Rufus agrees to give the marriage another chance.

>> Steve: Yeah. And Allison has that really fair point here, right, where she's like, first of all, when it starts with her saying, like, I wasn't happy, and are you happy now? She. And she's like, yeah, in some ways, I am. Like, I did need this. And then she says that, like, you know, when he says, you're not considering me, and she says, like, you're all I considered. Like, I put everything on hold for you to be a rock star. And then when that died down, I didn't know who I was anymore, and. And, you know, that's all very fair. There was a lot of that when my ex wife and I split, a lot of that. There was a lot of time that she had put into me that I wasn't putting back, you know? And it was a very fair complaint. You know, I'll. I'll always say that my ex and I splitting up was the best thing for both of us. but, like, Alison has a very fair point there that, like, it also has to be her life.

>> Leif: Blair and Chuck have another private conversation. He uses his earlier conversation with Nate to poison the waters with Blair.

>> Steve: and, yeah, which, again, he's. He's doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. and he makes this bet with Blair, and he's like, you come home with me if he doesn't text you at midnight. To which her immediate response is no. And then when he pushes it, her face changes, and she says, you're gonna lose. But the attitude behind that statement is really, I felt there was a large amount of if. If you're right, if he doesn't text me, Nate deserves me going home with you. Like, then you are right that this is where I move on and this is where I go home. You know, that she kind of recognizes that if he doesn't text, that it is over, and it is her launching point to move on.

>> Leif: If you go back to the. Like, some interviews with Chris creators, the Josh orchestra, Steffi Savage, they're definitely trying to play into that cruel intentions vibe, which is still very much in the zeitgeist at the time with the, the Catherine and Valmont.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. That.

>> Leif: Yeah.

Act two ends with Serena and Dan discussing Vanessa coming along

All right, so that is the end of act two. Back at the party in act three, Serena and Dan discuss Vanessa coming along. So. Yeah, you know, they have another discussion. You know, communicate.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah, they're. Yeah, yeah. I actually have more. More dance arena communication, but I also have the note of more Vanessa not shutting up. Yeah. Like, Just. Just always has to say the wrong thing.

>> Leif: Yeah. And then we get an extremely long montage of Serena and Vanessa playing guitar hero.

>> Steve: they really wanted to let us know that they bonded.

>> Leif: Yes.

>> Steve: And. Yeah. Like.

>> Leif: And apparently, Blake Lively is a big guitar hero enthusiast, especially back then.

>> Steve: When it was pretty new. I mean, it was a newer game. You know, it was definitely popular. Yeah. The Wii was, like, the. The rage at that point. You know, everyone was trying to get their hands on a Wii that then they had the Wii guitar hero.

>> Leif: Well, they had the guitar here for all the systems.

>> Steve: Oh, yeah.

>> Leif: Okay.

>> Steve: I guess that I just. I had. I guess the Wii was what I had at the time.

>> Leif: You might have been able to just play without getting any additional accessories, like, if he. A guitar hero first was an arcade game.

>> Steve: Oh, okay. I didn't realize that it was like.

>> Leif: Like Dave and Buster and stuff.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah.

>> Leif: But then. Yeah, then it came to, like, PlayStation and Xbox and Wii. but if you had it for PlayStation, Xbox, you have to get the guitar adapter. And then, of course, rock Band came out, which was, in my mind, a lot superior.

>> Steve: Yeah. And I always wanted that. Never. Cause I wanted the Beatles rock band with the drum set.

>> Leif: I did have Beatles rock band.

>> Steve: Yeah. I wanted to play that so bad.

>> Leif: I played.

>> Steve: I ended up playing the rock band. I ended up getting to play the drums on either one of those games only, like, once, but I never actually.

>> Leif: Yeah, it's fun.

Dan and Serena discuss how good communication can solve most relationship problems

Then the reveal that Dan and told Vanessa about his mom coming back before Serena once again insert iroll emoji. Dan and Serena Lahren that good communication can solve most relationship problems.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah.

>> Leif: So, yeah, he told Vanessa first, but, in, fairness, Dan, there was not a great time to tell Serena.

>> Steve: Yeah. Are you going to text her? The only reason Vanessa knows is because she was there for him to vent to and because she's always around, because she doesn't go away.

>> Leif: She comes in through the fire escape without knocking.

>> Steve: Yeah. Ah. So she's like. And. And she's also. It's also reasonable to assume that she knows through Jenny because they all are just so intertwined.

>> Leif: Vanessa is basically part of the family.

>> Steve: Yeah. And. And, you know, this is also when Serena brings up what Blair had said about the best friend becomes a second best friend. He's like, are you taking relationship advice from Blair? And.

>> Leif: Yep, fair point.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: So Nate and Jenny have a heart to heart about fractured families, and Nate shows Jenny the Vanderbilt diamond. Jenny seems someone Nate can talk to.

>> Steve: Yeah. and they have this great conversation. They really, you know, they really have a. Feels very innocent, despite there being chemistry underneath there. But in the end, when Chuck, when, when Nate decides, yes, I'm going to put my foot down and I'm going to, you know, stand up to my family, he says, if not now, then when? Which, really, once again, we've discussed how easy it is to lead Nate.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: And those are Chuck's words. I mean, he's using Chuck's words.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: So he is being led. It's just that it's nice that he's being. It's nice that despite Chuck leading Nate with ulterior motives, it is the right direction, and it is out of love for Nate, and. And it is the first person that's leading. Chuck always tries to lead Nate to what Nate wants. Yeah. And you got to give that credit, too. Mm

Chuck and Blair have a tradition of celebrating Blair's birthday at midnight

>> Leif: Midnight arrives, and Chuck apologizes to Blair that Nate never showed up. Blair storms off.

>> Steve: Yeah. yeah, I I mean, obviously, she's going to be upset. Yeah.

>> Leif: This is the first time that Nate has never called it. So I guess Blair has a tradition of celebrating her birthday the day before her actual birthday, and, like, the party ends at midnight.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah.

>> Leif: That's what, her birthday.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: And all, Nate. But for some reason, Nate doesn't go to the party. He just calls her and texts her. Yeah.

>> Steve: Texts her at midnight every year. And also he texts her at midnight every year. But you're 17 years old and you met when you're eleven, so he started this when you were twelve.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: You know, like, so it's only. It's only been like five years.

>> Leif: Yeah, but that's. That's a lifetime.

>> Steve: It is. It is. That is true. Yeah.

>> Leif: So that is the end of act three.

This is the first time we've had gossip girl actually influenced in the plot

Moving into the epilogue, Nate and Jenny say goodbye and hug as friends, but of course, someone snaps a photo and sends it to gossip girl.

>> Steve: Yeah. I mean, obviously.

>> Leif: Oh, this is the first time a little while we've had gossip girl actually influenced in the plot.

>> Steve: Yeah. Oh, yeah, I guess so. That this is the first. Well, yeah, yeah. It's always just been observational, but this one is actually, you know, making decisions. Yeah. You know, decisions are made based on that picture and her post.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: everyone at the party gets the blast, and Blair is humiliated. Blair tearfully reveals that the breakup to Serena. And Blair says she wants to be alone.

>> Steve: I mean, Leighton Easter again. Like, she's a fucking powerhouse. She. She can. She owns any scene she's in, and this whole thing, she can just fucking give you the emotion that you're looking for that. That I, you know, that powerful person, but still a, 17 year old girl and. And, you know, just trying to keep it together. She played that whole part beautifully.

>> Leif: Nate tells his parents that he isn't going to give the ring to blair. Howard is inching back ahead of an is the. In the bad parent race.

>> Steve: Yeah. I mean, at least he doesn't hit him in this scene. Right?

>> Leif: Again, gives him serious guilt trip.

>> Steve: Well, and kudos to Nate, though, for holding his own in the end and saying, like, let's just hope they don't call your son to the stand. Like, damn. Damn. Yeah, get him, Nate.

This week's episode features some positive female friendship moments

>> Leif: Jenny arrives back to the loft to fight her parents post coitus.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: And is oddly happy. Yeah.

>> Steve: All of you should just. First of all, you have a room and, like.

>> Leif: But no. All set.

>> Steve: But no wall is true. But, like, come on, guys. Like,

>> Leif: But yeah. You get the impression that that's not something far into Jenny's eye?

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah.

>> Leif: Oh, wow.

>> Steve: My parents are dead.

>> Leif: We're back to normal.

>> Steve: Yeah, we're back to normal. Clearly, my parents just bang because that's how they look after they bang. And I know. Cause I can hear it through these walls.

>> Leif: So, yeah, you never see Dawson Creek, but it's famous in the first episode that Dawson and Pacey walk in on. Dawson's parents, like, ripping their clothes off each other in the living room. That's just kind of their relationship throughout the series.

>> Steve: That. That's awesome.

>> Leif: Except when she's cheating on him.

>> Steve: That's not awesome.

>> Leif: But she. She's cheating on him and also ripping his shirt off, too, so, yeah, she was a very insatiable woman in that first season, that gal. All, right. And then Serena and Vanessa have a heart to heart, and they both apologize. We get some positive female friendship moments. I'm sure they'll be BFF's now. Drama over.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, clearly that has been wrapped up nicely and neatly, and it's gonna be another six and a half seasons of these two being great friends. Yeah.

>> Leif: Supporting each other and everything they did.

>> Steve: Yeah, five and a half seasons, but, yeah, supporting each other and everything they do. And never having a problem with Dan, correct?

>> Leif: Yeah, definitely.

>> Steve: But also, once again, Serena and the communication. Serena showing that, like, if we talk about things, we're not going to have those kinds of problems. that's always kind of her thing. You know, she's just really a really good talker and communicator.

>> Leif: We'll see how long that lasts. And then Chuck is in Blair's bedroom and gives her the necklace that she picked out. Serena spies Chuck and Blair making out and quickly closes the door.

>> Steve: Yeah. first of all, and. And, you know, Robin likes to always pull out her favorite lines, and Robin's favorite line from this episode is something this beautiful deserves to be worn by something worthy of its beauty. When he pulls out the diamond necklace and puts it on her, it's such a beautiful scene. And the whole, like, I can't. And he's like, yes, you can. Like, you absolutely can.

>> Leif: I don't know if I would describe it as beautiful, but it was definitely hot. the neck, guesses was.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: Steamy.

>> Steve: Yeah, it was. But, I mean, I just really, like, I felt, you know, you don't see Chuck tender and when he puts the necklace on and he's any very tenderly, not aggressively, not even sexually, but still sensually touches the necklace across the chest, you know, like, you know. Yeah. Just I thought it was a really nice scene between them because you see this tender side of Chuck and not, you know, not looking for a conquest, but, like, someone who really cares about someone else. Yeah. Still fuck Chuck.

>> Leif: And then the episode closes with the monologue spotted be turning a year older but not necessarily wiser. Guess chucks the gift that keeps on giving. Blow out your candles. Be. This will be better in the dark.

>> Steve: Yeah.

Right now we have Blair, Serena, and Chuck as potential suspects

>> Steve: and now spotted. It's only three people there.

>> Leif: So gas girl might be Serena.

>> Steve: I. Well, my episode one. I said gossip girl might be Chuck. I did say that. Episode one, Chuck is my only. My biggest thing with Chuck is that Chuck doesn't keep shit quiet. But right now we have Blair, Serena, and Chuck as potential suspects. I think. I mean, Serena could be Gossip girl, but, like, she doesn't seem like it yet, at least. Like, she doesn't seem like she's gossip girl. She doesn't seem catty enough to be Gossip girl to me yet, whereas both Chuck and Blair are plenty catty enough.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: To do it. The other.

>> Leif: But, the other thing. I mean, the. Serena's kind of an actress, though.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah.

>> Leif: yeah, she could. I think she could pull it off in writing.

>> Steve: Yeah, I mean, that's possible, especially because it's not, like, super deep writing, you know?

>> Leif: Yeah. Just, like, quips and one liners.

>> Steve: Yeah.

The next episode is Blair Waldorf must pie; any predictions based on the title

>> Leif: The next episode is Blair Waldorf must pie. Any predictions based on the episode title?

>> Steve: no. I do know that this is a holiday episode, right? Thanksgiving.

>> Leif: Yes.

>> Steve: So, obviously, you know, food is involved. and then a matter of, you know, I'm. I'm expecting we'll explore more as to where the chuck and Blair thing is going. I'm expecting that we'll see a little bit more of, I'm hoping to see more of what's playing out with the captain and, you know, Nate's family. but as we said, I'm sure that everything between Serena and Vanessa is just perfect now, so we don't have to worry about that.

>> Leif: We shall see.

There's mixed feelings on Nate this week and in the past couple weeks

ck off the message boards for:

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: yeah, we got. We got, you know, lots, lots of, heat for Chuck and Blair. Definitely some, the Chuck boys are out in full force now.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

>> Leif: yeah. some Haiti on Nate. not. Not too thrilled with Nate this week and in the past couple weeks.

>> Steve: Yeah, and the fact that. And, ah, I saw in your note that nate to got. Got flack for not, you know, more for Blair, but not. But for not standing up for his dad, I think, is really.

>> Leif: Yeah, it's kind of odd but, anyway, and also there's mixed feelings on Nate and Jenny. some people seem to like it, some people don't.

>> Steve: Yeah. And there's the. There's the off screen age difference that makes it a little bit uncomfortable, which. It's the weird thing about teen dramas, you know, that you do have adults playing teenagers and you have teenagers playing teenagers, and it is weird. Whereas if you're doing a show about 30 year olds, if someone's 29 and someone's 38, it doesn't register, you know.

>> Leif: Now I know the new gossip girl, like, all the cast is, like 25 or old.

>> Steve: Oh, wow.

>> Leif: Because, I mean, it was on Mac, so they were there. they were allowed to get a little more brunchy with the scenes.

>> Steve: Oh, yeah.

>> Leif: So they had to make sure they cast actual adults.

>> Steve: Oh, so the reboot isn't with the original cast? No. Oh, I didn't know that.

>> Leif: No, I have not seen it because it just got such bad reviews. But there's, like, a few references, supposedly, and a couple of side characters may make, some appearances.

This week's episode was a little bit down from previous episodes

let's go ahead and move on to some episode grades. this is episode eight, so I will go first this week. I'm going to go ahead and give this one a b plus. It was a little bit down from, the. The, episode that Felicia Henderson wrote previously, poison ivy. But it was still a pretty good episode. You had, you know, good conflict leading up in the party and good Chuck and Blair scenes and Dan and Vanessa, their scenes were good together, even though Vanessa was annoying. hopefully this is the last of the episodes where we get the Serena and dad need to communicate better. Hopefully that that can move on because it's been three episodes now. So, yeah, hopefully that work tv can catch up with them and we can kind of move on from that. So we shall see. So, yeah, I gave it a b plus.

>> Steve: Yeah, I actually had it also at a b plus. Like, I thought it was a solid episode. There are some things that I really liked about it. I found I wasn't. I didn't love a lot of how the Rufus Humphrey. The Humphrey storyline played out. I like a lot of the things that took place in it, but honestly, I feel like it was a little quick to just be like, yeah, let's just get back together. I find that that is a little unrealistic, and especially in a show like this, it could have drug. They could have made it a little. More drawn out or maybe they'll go back to drawing it out, which would just be annoying. So in general, I thought a b was all right.

We are in the handholding club for stock watch

>> Leif: We are in the handholding club for stock watch. going up. I had Dan, Serena. They went out for communicating once again. Hopefully it sticks this time. Jenny, and Nate found some new friends from among each other, so they went up. I actually did give Vanessa a stock up, even though she was annoying, but she did, you know, come around in the end, and they had, like, the good body moment with Serena. And then we had Chuck going up, because he got his girl. He got the girl.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: And Rufus and Allison, you know, they seem to be, ah, getting back to, you know, at least they're banging.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, something's happening.

>> Leif: Yeah. So that. That is my stock up.

>> Steve: yeah, my. My stock up. I had. I also had Dan and Serena.

>> Steve: I also. I've had Nate stock going up for finally putting his foot down, standing up to his parents.

>> Steve: whether or not it'll catch this time, who knows? But, you know, kudos to you for trying. I'm, also, Nate was up for having a really good scene. Good scene with Jenny. Jenny's stock goes up for taking action with the family. You know, I may not have been thrilled with all of it, but her stock goes up for taking action with the family and having a nice. A good interaction with Nate there as well. my parents think I'm out with a friend. They think. Right? Yeah. It was very sweet.

>> Leif: Yeah, definitely.

I had Howard and Anne down for being worst parents on the show

Anyways, going down. I had Blair.

>> Steve: Ah.

>> Leif: because, yeah, even though she's clearly attracted to Chuck, it's not what she was hoping for at the start of the episode. So she kind of lost, I think, and then downgrade.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: Yeah. And then, of course, Howard and Anne, worst parents on the show.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: Down, down, down.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah, I had. I had Blair going down. I had Rufus actually going down because. Well, maybe quite literally, but, Rufus, I didn't love how he was handling a lot of the stuff in. In that. In the relationship fair. And then, I had Vanessa going down because I. She was just. Every time she opened her mouth, she just annoyed the shit out of me. So I had her start going down. And, then, just like you, the archibalds, the, you know, the captain, and Anne just down. Down for being clueless, down for being bad parents. Down for just being fucking delusional in what's going on in your lives.

>> Leif: Yes.

Um, so for best outfit, I am going to go with Blair's confessional outfit

so for best outfit, I am going to go with Blair's confessional outfit. She was wearing a pinstripe. Pinstripe pencil skirt, a, like, lavender undershirt with a black felt business suit. And she had, like, a bow tie with a kind of another tie underneath that. Like, I like a scarf, though.

>> Leif: I just kind of liked it. And it was. It was kind of a little bit of a chuck alpha with the bowtie. And the lavender's very close to purple.

>> Steve: Yeah. Yeah, I could see that.

>> Leif: Yeah.

>> Steve: my favorite outfit was actually Vanessa's work outfit, the hearts, the top with the colorful hearts on it and, like, the three quarter sleeve, like, leather jacket, which she also wore to the party, which. But, like, I really liked her earlier outfit. Thought it looked great.

>> Leif: Yeah. Unlike the humphries, I think Vanessa actually is poor. I mean, she's like, living without parents.

>> Steve: Yeah.

>> Leif: And, you know.

>> Steve: Yeah, yeah. And, like. Yeah. Trying to work.

>> Leif: So, yeah, I can understand her wearing the same outfit twice in one day.

>> Steve: Yeah. She is the only one of them to have a job.

>> Leif: Yeah.

You can follow us on social media, on TikTok and Instagram

All right. that is it for segments. We'll go ahead. this week I'm just going to plug my twitch. I'm on there, usually Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and then sometimes on the weekends. Twitch, tv hotcappicola.

>> Steve: Yeah, and, you can find me on TikTok at stevetheweedwizard or on Instagram at Steve Dot Marshan Marchion. And you can also find me on Spotify as well. Spotify, I heart and itunes and Amazon music. check out some of my music and tell me what you think.

>> Leif: All right, and if you're already, following, our podcast, if you want to stay in touch a little more, you can follow us on social media, on TikTok and Instagram, we are non judging breakfast pod. And on x, for formerly known as Twitter, we are njbpod. And then on, Facebook, you could, take your own seat at the non judging breakfast pod table by searching for the group non, judging breakfast pod.

>> Steve: And if you have any questions or comments, please send us an we'd love to read your emails live on air. We'd love to hear your thoughts and get your feedback. And please check us out on Spotify, iHeart, Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, anywhere else that you're gonna stream your podcasts and give us a like and a follow and leave a comment. It helps with our visibility and helps us know what we can do better.

>> Leif: Yup, rate us and, leave a review on Apple. and yeah, definitely helps with discoverability. next time. In two weeks, we will be breaking down. Season one, episode nine Blair Waldorf must pie. But until next time, you love us. XOXO.

>> Steve: I got nothing.



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