Hey there, I'm Earnest Mann, and today I've got a real humdinger of an idea that's bound to get some eyebrows raising. Imagine, just for a second, the United States deciding to shake hands with history and rejoin the British crown. Yep, you heard me right. We're talking a full-circle moment that could potentially turn the economic and geopolitical tides in favor of not just one nation, but the entire world.
The thought of the U.S. under the Union Jack, alongside Canada, spells out a colossal shift in geopolitical power and economic clout. This isn't just about removing borders or simplifying trade laws; it's about harnessing the unparalleled might of the world's top naval and air forces. Picture a world where the U.S. and the UK stand united, not just in name but in purpose, steering the planet towards a future of undeniable strength and security.
Throughout history, the U.S. has leaned heavily on the concept of coalition forces, a term you've probably heard from presidents across the board. But what if I told you there's a smarter, more seamless way to navigate international relations? By aligning with the crown, America could transcend the challenges and obligations tied to these coalitions, setting the stage for an era of unparalleled geopolitical harmony.
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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show
00:02 [Music] hello folks lately I've been thinking well actually I tend to think a lot but I suppose in this case you could say I've been thinking the unthinkable what if America decided to rejoin the crown yes that's right you heard me right if the American governance decided to become subjects of the British crown once again and no I'm not kidding now once you're able to pick yourself up off the floor from left so hard just consider for a moment just how much that would change the economic and
01:07 geopolitical situation I believe for the better for the entire world if America were truly unified with Canada flying the Union Jack now in case you don't know this that's a hell of a lot of planetary real estate my friend a hell of a lot of potential political economic clout especially if America would no longer have to be dealing with all those silly border control laws and regulation issues with Canada and I can think of another positive aspect of this reun unification right off the top of my head having the greatest naval and Air Force
01:58 in the world bar none and if you haven't completely stopped laughing just yet well just listen to what I'm about to tell you if you want to know the truth about the state and role of the military in the world here is an admittedly grossly oversimplified yet ultimately accurate assessment of what currently really matters as far as resource security and allocation is concerned maintaining massive armies is Obsolete and irrelevant I'm not saying armies are totally irrelevant what I'm saying is we're simply no longer going to have any
02:51 dday style invasions on the shores of Normandy or anywhere else for that matter the two primary military forces that really matter right now and going forward are the Navy and the Air Force and whoever has dominance in those two Fields simultaneously at least in military terms is going to run the planet and that is exactly what would happen if America decided to become subjects of the crown or the United Kingdom if you will just think of that for a moment okay I believe a person saying they are part of a United Kingdom sounds much
03:43 better than United States which almost sounds as though a person is proudly stating that they are a member of an autonomous hillbilly Collective you see what the very Wars that America has been involved with if not downright created in the last 40 years we've pretty much gotten by and accomplished what we did through the use of Coalition forces does anyone out there remember that term many of our most current presidents love to kick it around you know both the bush presidents used it all the time Obama used it a lot Coalition forces and with
04:35 our Coalition forces but uh but Coalition forces have geopolitical limitations and perhaps most importantly obligations buil in and that is the problem America currently finds itself in as much as I would like to I don't have the time in this episode to dive any deeper into what would amount to be a geopolitical one night stand but I can give you an admittedly oversimplified version of what is currently going on listen carefully if a country let's use America as an example which we will hence refer to as
05:30 country a so if country a wants to invade country B and to do that they enlist the help of their Coalition Partners country C and Country D and then after the invasion and conquest by country a of country B if countries C and D are not properly compensated for their participation something that has by the way happened very often when the United States has decided at once to invade a country the Coalition Partners will remember how they got screwed out of their share of the loot you know oil gas whatever the loot may be and most likely
06:29 we not be so eager to help country a again so when country a inevitably request Count's C and D's assistance yet again and Count's C and D refuse it makes country a very unhappy with countries C and D otherwise known as its Coalition Partners which turn causes problems with those Coalition Partners which is exactly what's been happening with America for the last 30 years so this is why the smart play for the US government would be to start the process of declaring Alle legiance and becoming subjects of the British crown
07:28 and actually that relatively easy any intelligent politician would understand that and it's not that they're being unpatriotic quite the contrary they understand that it's one of the most beneficial things this nation could ever commit to but trying to convince the American public of this is a horse of an entirely different color but before before this the politicians even begin to try to take credit from my proposal allow me to give you a few more thoughts about this if I were going to give an example
08:17 of just one thing that I know would relatively speaking be taken care of very quickly with a British government it would be the plague of homelessness across America America and I'm going to tell you why when you look at the history of Britain and the British there's one thing that becomes abundantly clear they are very good at introducing and maintaining if allowed to govern without interference Civilization now a brief message from my sponsor you my entire life I have never been a Salesman I've done just about everything
09:03 in the world but never been a Salesman and I was not a Salesman because I am not slick and I'm not a squirrel so I don't do slick advertising with a lot of uh Fancy videos and all that kind of thing because it just ain't my style what I would like to ask you is first of all if you would consider subscribing it would be much appreciated the next thing is about uh tube buddy now the rumor I've heard is that tubebuddy can make you a millionaire or a multi-millionaire in only 24 to 48 hours that is of course just a rumor but
09:46 who you going to believe at any rate they are pretty cool and I use them and they do a a million different things so if you check them out with my Affiliated link it would be greatly appreciated and also lastly but certainly not least if you want to throw a few bucks my way just to keep the lights on and I do mean literally keep the lights on that as well as tube buddy is also in the description below once again it would be greatly appreciated so there it is it wasn't slick or fancy but at least it was sincere now let's get back to the show
10:31 as a matter of historical fact I believe it could be easily argued without a doubt that Britain has done more to civilize the entire world than any other group of people in recorded history now you'll notice I didn't say anything about democracy because one of the very valuable lessons that the Brits learned from the occupation of the Romans is the importance of a civil society and simply put you don't try to introduce democracy to a chaotic and uncivilized Society the society must be made civil first and America
11:23 unfortunately has become very uncivilized the British on a intuitive level alone know the truth that it is self-evidently hideous grotesque and certainly a public health hazard that a nation which is obsessed with celebrity and wealth along with its military might allows its own citizens to live in misery and squalor on the streets something no decent and civilized society does and the British understanding this would make such a sad human spectacle an absolute priority to get rid of I'm not saying the British don't have
12:18 homeless I'm saying it's different first of all relatively speaking they have a very small percentage of homeless compared to the us and secondly you'll find that the reasons for the homeless in Britain and it's quite often very different than that in the US but that's for another episode if you would like to hear me talk about that so tell me what you think do you think it would be great fun to raise the Union Jack on your house or lawn or do you think some else give me a holler and let me
13:03 know I would just like to say this though there is one benefit that would be undeniable it would certainly take some time but I do believe we could get rid of ghetto speak and learn to speak proper English that alone will be quite a step towards becoming more civilized until next Monday or Friday this is Ernest man wishing you peace and good things