Are you using your appliances wrong? Lets take a look at some use and care tips that can lead to cleaner clothes, dishes, and saving you money. All is this weeks mid-week special.
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[00:00:34] Eric Goranson: For joining us today. Happy midweek everybody, man, it's been a crazy one and I want to thank everybody who came out in the Portland area to the v i P party for the TV show that was on Saturday and had a lot of fun with everybody out there, had mimosas, and it was a great time at the Spring Home and Garden Show in Portland.
[:[00:01:19] Eric Goranson: And the first one is around the House Show, and you can find every episode that is airing right there. Well, today I wanted to talk about are you using your appliances wrong? This is something that, uh, many sh you know, shocks many people that maybe the way they've been doing it isn't the best way. So let's start out with one of the most controversial ones, your dishwasher.
[:[00:02:07] Eric Goranson: So first off, you know, you need to have a decent dishwasher. Something under 500 bucks is hard to say, is a decent dishwasher these days. But even the basic ones, if they're in good running order will work correctly. Just maybe not as nice as the nicer ones. So here's the. First thing, scrape the dishes off, get the big chunks off, but do not pre rinse those dishes.
[:[00:02:55] Eric Goranson: Cuz now you're not letting that activate and your dishes are getting less [00:03:00] clean. So make sure that you're scraping them. Not rinsing them and put 'em in the dishwasher. You will have cleaner dishes in the long run. Now, if you have an inherent problem with the dishwasher and you're like, Hey, it doesn't clean, then you need to look at why it's not cleaning and what's wrong with it, what's broken, and does it need to be repaired?
[:[00:03:38] Eric Goranson: I, you could find out what is best for your machine or what's recommended by taking a look at your instructions. Yeah, those are those things that you threw in the drawer you haven't looked at or put into a folder someplace. Sometimes they will say, Hey, this is, this was manufactured, and here's your first load of Cascade Complete.
[:[00:04:21] Eric Goranson: Versus your dishwasher not working correctly. Now another trick that I do as well is I actually sit there and run the water for a second and get hot water before outta the kitchen sink, before I start the dishwasher, because that will reduce my wash time on that. And yes, you know, in, in my house, for instance, I have a heat pump water heater, so it's more efficient energy wise for me to do that for a second and get that hot water from the water heater to the.
[:[00:05:09] Eric Goranson: And just be careful with what you're putting through there. Plastic and that stuff. And then one other thing too, make sure you reach down and clean out those filter. And take that front toe kick off. Every once in a while you'll see the pipe and electrical down there. Don't mess with that stuff, but get all the dust bunnies and junk outta there.
[:[00:05:53] Eric Goranson: What I mean by clean out is run some of the cleaners through there, because there are two different drums in there. There's the one that's [00:06:00] on the inside that you see, and then there's the waterproof one behind it that holds the. And that gets all the oil buildup, nastiness. So when you do that, buildup will keep on growing.
[:[00:06:30] Eric Goranson: Now, one way to help do that too is I've done it as I've actually run, you know, a towel set of white towels through there and bleach 'em really well. And that will also help get that. But, uh, those detergents that are meant to clean a washing machine do help. Now also, I want you to take a look behind. If you have black rubber hoses back there, now is the time that change those out.
[:[00:07:15] Eric Goranson: First off, I want you to go ahead and take. That filter and make sure you've cleaned it. There is a filter on most of these units. It is a drain filter. It is right before the pump, and that needs to be changed out from time to time and cleaned out. It's not something that you put a new filter in, but it's basically a catch basket that gets all the coins, hair pins, tools, 10 millimeter sockets, and uh, any screw that was left in your pants while you're doing DIY projects.
[:[00:08:00] Eric Goranson: So make sure that you're doing it and following the directions. Uh, my LG one has a drain hose. You can drain into a pan first, but some of the ones like GE and their older ones, you take that out and uh, you better have something to grab the water cuz depending on how plugged up it. We'll determine how much water comes out.
[:[00:08:37] Eric Goranson: And mine reminds me when it needs it. Now you're gonna see that, you know, in the next, I guess, couple years. I've been saying this now for a little bit, but the top load washing machines are on their way out. I think, uh, we're gonna see those anytime go out the door. So those are done. Okay. Refrigerators pretty simple.
[:[00:09:15] Eric Goranson: Do a little cleaning down there. Generally if you get down there and start hammering around stuff and uh, be in the bull in the China shop, you can break things and that can get expensive where you need a new fridge. So be careful. Chest freezers. Pretty simple. Just keep those things defrosted clean, you know, just keep it, keep it in good working order, and uh, use your home energy monitor to see older ones.
[:[00:09:54] Eric Goranson: Make sure those filters are cleaned out and make sure there's no grease buildup around it. You know, get out the 4 0 9, [00:10:00] clean it down, and then make sure that that's vented outside. Of your house, the recirculate ones, those are junk. Take the time. It's a great DIY project. Make sure that thing vents completely to the outside, not into the attic, but outside the house.
[:[00:10:34] Eric Goranson: That is not a dryer hose. That is not meant to be a dryer hose that is flammable. So all of your hose needs to be a metal or a flex metal that goes out behind that. So do not use the white dryer hose. Pull that out. That's gonna be a fire hazard. So clean that out and make sure that's looking good. And then, uh, of course vacuum around it cuz you don't wanna see any of that stuff get sucked up and cause a fire.
[:[00:11:17] Eric Goranson: You would have if you have a dryer fire. So that is another good one. All right everybody. Well, we got a great show coming up this weekend on around the House. Give you a little tease of that. We're gonna have, uh, DuPont on talking countertops. We're gonna talk about, uh, some new products and some new, we got a go.
[:[00:11:58] Eric Goranson: So if you wanna be able to. [00:12:00] Budget it. This is a show that you wanna see. This could save you money on that, as well as have some contractors that could help you with. It's a pretty, pretty cool system that nobody has done before, so it's something to take a look like. Take a look at there. All right everybody.
[:[00:12:33] Eric Goranson: Just look for around the house or the YouTube page, which is over on our Facebook. You can. You'll see the link over there as well. All right, everybody have a great rest of the week and as always, thanks for tuning in to around the House[00:13:00]