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TAP 161. A brand new tool to help agents win listings! An Interview with Sean & Mikah Abbananto
Episode 16129th January 2020 • Top Agents Playbook • Ray Wood
00:00:00 00:33:05

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So suddenly it's February 2020 and we're into yet another wi and there's no shortage of distractions trying to take our eye off the ball. And some distractions they are.

The Democrats are trying to impeach a US president. The Coronavius remains without a vaccine and so many of us are still struggling with the surreal reality that Kobe Bryant, the guy we grew up watching and admiring is gone at 41 in the prime of his life. 

So it's might feel like we're under siege with bad news and negative vibes but let's look at the upside for a moment and get this year off to the best possible start.

Interest rates remain at record lows around the world.
There has literally never been a better time to buy property. 
As agents, we have access to world-class coaching and support, amazing technology that can save us time and money and the real estate entrepreneurial spirit is thriving as savvy agents who know what they need to do are listing and selling more real estate than ever.

If the loss of Kobe Bryant can teach us anything, then surely it's to live, love and give thanks. That life is precious and time is our most valuable resource.  And that we owe it to ourselves to hone our skills to get better each day. Small improvements combine to deliver massive change and perhaps most important, don't put off that thing you know you have to do.

Personally, 2019 was a massive year. 

In addition to setting new audience records for this podcast, thousands of new Jigglar agents came on board as we rolled out some impressive new templates designed to win listings and make sales. In fact, late last year we were delighted to discover we were helping agents in more than 130 countries.

We're also delighted to know that as we grow, so do our partner Jigglar agents who log in to their dashboards each day and create and download templates to boost their brand and connect with more and more sellers in their local area and sphere of influence.

The regular emails we receive from Jigglar agents sharing their stories of extra fees earned though Jigglar marketing is a constant source of delight, vindication and proof that our idea not only works but is changing lives. ...and that, my friends is a very humbling reward.

Together with my partners, Josh, John and Aaron, we're excited to be in a position to empower so many people within our industry to achieve more by removing the barriers of cost and time to the creation of professional-grade digital and print marketing.

And just in case you're wondering, we all have other jobs.

The cost of building and maintaining a global online platform the size of Jigglar, in addition to renting server space and paying developers is enormous, so for the time being, everything we make goes to making a better platform.

If you'd like to join us and support our push to liberate real estate agents from expensive graphic design while accessing proven marketing concepts ideas and strategies to grow your business and your brand, please grab a free 30-day account at  You don't need a credit card and there are no contracts or tricky conditions.  We'd love the opportunity to work with you and share our career boosting ideas.  When you sign up for your free trial, you get access to everything we have.

Okay. I'm excited to share today's interview.

Have you ever thought, if only there was a simple, hassle-free and inexpensive way that you, the agent, could show your potential seller exactly what they need to not only prepare their home for sale but make it stand out from others for sale in the area and attract multiple buyers in a short space of time? 

...and isn't that the formula for real estate success? A sale at or below average days on market for a great price and a happy client... not to mention sellers in the area that notice your top result and hire you to sell for them.

Enter Interior designer Mikah Abbananto who not only picked up on this huge gap in the market but, together with husband Sean, built a stunningly simple home presentation coaching program, agents can deliver to their selling clients to help them prepare to achieve a top result.

I think the leverage for this concept is exceptional. 

What do agents need? Listings. And what do sellers want? An agent who can provide evidence they can do just that.

Sean and Mikah not only provide the online solution, they also offer marketing their agent clients can use on social media and point of sale flyers to attract potential sellers and listings.

I believe every agent needs a compelling and dynamic point of difference. What better way to do this than having the services of a top-rated interior designer to help you whenever you want?

This is defintely a great idea whose time has come. All that and more coming up.




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