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Fight The Devil - Message 2: Understanding The Ranks of the Enemy
Episode 636th October 2024 • The Message with NJ • Njabulo James
00:00:00 00:10:38

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Understanding the hierarchy of demonic forces is crucial for effective spiritual warfare. In this episode, we explore the organized ranks of the enemy, including principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness, and how these forces influence our world. By recognizing the specific roles and authorities within the demonic realm, we can pray more strategically and combat these influences in our lives and communities. We delve into the significance of strategic prayer, emphasizing the need to target our prayers against the specific demonic structures at work. Join us as we equip ourselves with the knowledge to fight with precision and stand firm against the spiritual forces arrayed against us.


In this episode, we dive deeper into the structure of the enemy’s forces. Demonic powers operate in ranks, such as principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness. Understanding the enemy’s hierarchy helps us to pray and fight more strategically.

Key Points:

• Spiritual warfare is organized, and demonic forces have different ranks and roles (Ephesians 6:12).

• Principalities influence nations, while powers control cultural systems.

• Strategic prayer is needed to dismantle these demonic structures.


#DemonicRanks #PrincipalitiesAndPowers #SpiritualAuthority #FightTheDevil #PrayStrategically

Call to Action:

Understanding the enemy’s hierarchy is key to victory. Do you know what you’re up against? Dive deeper into spiritual warfare by subscribing to the series and learning how to fight with precision.

Exploring the theme of spiritual warfare, the episode sheds light on the organized and strategic nature of demonic forces as they engage in battle against believers. By examining the hierarchy of the enemy, which includes principalities, powers, and rulers of darkness, the discussion highlights the importance of understanding these ranks to pray effectively. The episode underscores that spiritual warfare is not just about personal struggles but also involves broader societal and cultural influences. Listeners are urged to adopt a strategic mindset in their prayers, targeting specific areas where demonic forces exert their influence, and to bring issues such as corruption, false ideologies, and spiritual deception into the light. This proactive approach equips believers to fight with authority and confidence, knowing that they are backed by the victorious power of Christ over all evil.


  • Understanding the organized ranks of demonic forces empowers us to engage in effective spiritual warfare.
  • Principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness each play distinct roles in influencing our world.
  • Strategic prayer against specific demonic hierarchies is essential for overcoming their influence in our lives.
  • Recognizing the spiritual forces at work allows us to pray with greater precision and authority.
  • As Christians, we must identify the principalities affecting our communities and nations to combat them effectively.
  • Jesus Christ has triumphed over all powers, reminding us that we fight from a place of victory.


Speaker A:

Hey brothers and sisters, welcome back to the podcast where we inspire faith and empower lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Speaker A:

In our last message we laid the foundation for this series by discussing the reality of spiritual warfare and the importance of knowing the enemy.

Speaker A:

The devil operates through deception, temptation and accusation, seeking to destroy our faith and to resist him.

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We must be vigilant and equipped with gods word and in todays message we will take the next step by examining the structure of the enemys kingdom.

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Just as an army has ranks and hierarchies, so is it within the demonic realm.

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Understanding these ranks help us pray more effectively and engage in strategic spiritual warfare.

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For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

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A general once told his soldiers, if you want to win a battle, you must understand the enemy's structure, know who commands them, how they are organized and where their weaknesses lie.

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Only then can you attack effectively.

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In much the same way as christians, we must understand the spiritual forces arrayed against us.

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The devil doesnt operate alone, he commands an organized army of demons with specific roles and authorities.

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Knowing the enemys structure allows us to fight more strategically and pray more effectively.

Speaker A:

In this message we will explore the ranks of the enemy, how they influence the world and how we can combat them with God's power.

Speaker A:

Let's go through some key points.

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One, we need to understand the enemy's hierarchy.

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There are principalities, powers and rulers of darkness.

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Pauls words in Ephesians 612 reveal that the spiritual forces we face are organized and ranked.

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The terms principalities, powers and rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places are not random.

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They describe different levels of authority within the demonic kingdom.

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Lets talk about principalities.

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These are high ranking demonic forces that have jurisdiction over nations and regions.

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In Daniel 10 12 13 we see a glimpse of this when the angel Gabriel is delayed for 21 days by the prince of Persia.

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A demonic principality principalities influence governments, policies and leaders, often promoting corruption, injustice and oppression.

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Powers now powers are spiritual entities that exert influence over societal structures.

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They affect cultural trends, the media, education and ideologies.

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Now these forces work to blind the minds of people to the truth of God's word.

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As we read in two corinthians four four, they spread lies and distraught truth and leading entire societies into moral decay.

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The rulers of darkness, these are spirits that operate in hidden places promoting evil practices such as witchcraft, occultism and other forms of spiritual darkness.

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They work behind the scenes, sowing confusion, division and deception among people.

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Spiritual wickedness in high places.

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Now, this refers to demonic entities that operate in the heavenly realms.

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They influence false religions, heresies, and doctrines of demons, as we read in one Timothy four.

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One, their goal is to lead people away from true worship and into idolatry and spiritual bondage.

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Two, we need to understand the roles of each rank.

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Just as an army has different divisions, infantry, artillery, air force, each demonic rank serves a specific purpose.

Speaker A:

Principalities and powers control larger systems.

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While rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness often target individuals and communities, knowing their role helps us discern the area in our lives.

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Churches and communities where spiritual attacks are concentrated.

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Principalities often influence national and regional events like political unrest or widespread corruption.

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Powers aim to shape the cultural and ideological framework of society, spreading ideas contrary to gods word.

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Rulers of darkness thrive in environments of secrecy and confusion, leading people into practices like witchcraft or spiritualism.

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Spiritual wickedness manipulates false teachings and promotes idolatry, turning peoples hearts away from God.

Speaker A:

Three, we need to understand.

Speaker A:

Spiritual warfare requires strategic prayer.

Speaker A:

Spiritual warfare requires strategic prayer.

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Knowing the ranks of the enemy means we must be specific in our prayers.

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When Daniel prayed, it took 21 days for his answer to come because of the battle in the heavenly realms.

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In the same way, our prayers should be targeted not just at systems of evil, but at the spiritual forces behind them.

Speaker A:

How do we pray against principalities now?

Speaker A:

When praying for your country, pray specifically against the principalities that influence its leaders and government systems.

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Ask God to tear down strongholds of corruption, injustice, and immorality that these demonic forces uphold.

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How do we pray against powers?

Speaker A:

Pray for cultural renewal.

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Ask God to open the eyes of people blinded by the lies of the enemy.

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Pray against the influence of media, education and ideologies that promote unbiblical values.

Speaker A:

How do we pray against rulers of darkness?

Speaker A:

These spirits thrive in hidden places, so bring their works into the light.

Speaker A:

Pray that God will expose and dismantle occult practices and deception in your community and nation.

Speaker A:


Speaker A:

How do we pray against spiritual wickedness in high places?

Speaker A:

Pray for the truth of the gospel to prevail over false religions and heresies.

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Ask God to break the spiritual deception that leads people into idolatry and away from Jesus Christ.

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What are some applicable?

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We need to be aware of spiritual influence on societal systems.

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We must be spiritually discerning about the systems and structures that govern our world.

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From governments to media to education, many areas of society are under the influence of demonic forces.

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Recognizing this enables us to pray strategically and influence these systems.

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For gods kingdom.

Speaker A:

We need to pray specifically, instead of just praying general prayers for protection, lets ask God to reveal the specific demonic forces at work in our life, lives, community or nation.

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Once identified, pray against these forces with boldness and faith, using the authority given to you in Christ.

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Remember that Christ has ultimate authority.

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While the devils kingdom may be organized and powerful, Jesus has already triumphed over all powers and authorities.

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As we read in Colossians 215, we fight from a place of victory knowing that Christs authority supersedes every rank in the enemys kingdom.

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Here are some questions upon which we can reflect.

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One, have you ever considered that different demonic ranks may be influencing the world around you?

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If so, how?

Speaker A:

Two, what systems or structures in your community or nation seem to be under the influence of principalities or powers?

Speaker A:

And three, how can you pray more strategically to address the specific ranks of demonic forces in your life and community?

Speaker A:

Let us pray heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us insight into the ranks of the enemy.

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Help us to be spiritually discerning, knowing that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against powerful spiritual forces.

Speaker A:

Give us the wisdom to pray strategically against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness.

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We declare your victory over the demonic force and ask for your guidance as we stand firm in battle.

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Thank you Jesus for triumphing over all evil and giving us the authority to fight in your name.

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In Jesus mighty name we pray.

Speaker A:





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