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BONUS - 5 Things I Learned From a Facebook Ads Bootcamp
Bonus Episode5th January 2024 • The Creative Teacher Podcast • Kirsten Hammond
00:00:00 00:21:36

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What's one of the best things you can do to build and expand your audience for 2024?

Run a list-building Facebook ad.

There are so many direct and indirect benefits when you put in as little as $5 a day into a lead magnet that already converts pretty well organically!

So today, I'm sharing with you this impromptu bonus episode on 5 things I learned from a recent Facebook Ads Bootcamp by Zach Spuckler that I joined this past October.

I also share with you the results of one of the list-building ads I ran and some of the positive effects of having it constantly running.

If you're interested in joining, the next 5 Day Facebook Ads Bootcamp is from January 13-17th, 2025. It's only $25 to register (a total steal for the value you get and what you learn). You won't regret it!

Mentioned in this episode:

Register for Spring Fling 2025!

Spring Fling 2025 will take place on March 14-16, 2025! You can register for free or upgrade to VIP using my special affiliate link! You'll love hearing from a variety of teacher business owners!

Register for Spring Fling 2025!

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Kirsten 0:04

You're listening to the creative teacher podcast, a show for busy teachers looking for ways to engage, inspire and make an impact in their teacher businesses. I'm Kiersten, a teacher business owner who is all about simple and actionable tips, strategies and resources that result in wins, big or small. If you're looking for that extra spark of creativity, you've come to the right place. Let's dive in together.

Hey there, welcome to a bonus episode of the creative teacher podcast. This is kind of a very impromptu episode that wasn't really planned. It's an honor my air table base. But I wanted to share with you just a little bit about a Facebook ad bootcamp that I participated in a few months ago. And just some takeaways from it, what I learned from it, and how you can participate in the upcoming boot camp as well. So I'll be sharing with you specific results that I got. And five main things that I learned from this bootcamp and ways that you can also join this boot camp that's coming up later this month, if you're listening to this in real time.

So let's start with setting out the scene of where I even learned about this Facebook ads bootcamp in the first place. So I think it was I don't remember who it was somebody posted it in the wallflowers Facebook group. And I remember, I was super intrigued. I was like, oh, it's only $10. And I can learn about list building Facebook ads and how to set one up. Because before that time, I really was not very familiar with Facebook ads, I was really just kind of blindly doing things. Getting leads, of course, but not really knowing, knowing what I'm doing. So I looked at the landing page, and I was like, okay, and then I remember the next day, I was trying to look for that same Facebook post, and I couldn't find it in the Facebook group. But because I had clicked on the sales page, the person had, I guess, put me in as a warm audience. And so I did eventually see it the next morning, as I was on my Facebook feed, so it kind of worked out. And so I was like, Okay, I'm gonna join. So it was $10. I shared it with my mastermind, and some of them also joined. And so I'm super excited. And this Facebook ads bootcamp is by Zach's buckler, he is a marketer. And he also hosts a podcast called not your average online marketing podcast, and he has a membership and all of that stuff. So I like didn't really know that much about him, I was just like, it's $10, it's really low entry fee, I'm going to just do it and see what I learned throughout the process. And when I tell you that it was life changing in various amount of ways, I'm like, literally not exaggerating, because by the end of that bootcamp, I had a much better understanding of how list building ads worked, I was able to walk through with Zach and his team to set up the ads, and get it running and getting leads from it. And so through his expertise, and through his different steps that he has, I was able to actually set up a successful list building lead magnet that still drives in leads for me today. So that's kind of what I'm going to be sharing with you is like what I learned and just kind of some indirect results from it as well.

So the first thing I learned is that you do need to pick a lead magnet that already converts well organically. If you're getting leads, just by sharing it organically on Instagram or Facebook, or in some type of email campaign, then it's likely going to do very well, if you are adding money behind it through a Facebook ad and promoting it. So I've heard from different sources of like maybe 30% 20%. But it does need to convert if there's a lot of use and very, very, very low conversion rate like you know, below 10% it's likely not going to do well as a Facebook ad. And it's likely going to cost you a high amount per result or just in general cost you more money to get leads or if it even gets leads at all.

The second thing I learned from the bootcamp is that you should consider using lead form ads versus traffic ads. So pretty Easily, I've always done my list building ads, when I do it blindly, I had no idea what I was doing. I used to traffic ad because I, I think that, you know, it makes sense to get people to click on the link from the Facebook ad, and it goes to my landing page and people opt in on that landing page. And while that is great for certain things, the bootcamp mainly focuses on utilizing the, it's fairly new, I'm not sure how new it is, it's a loot lead form ad. So it's directly opting in through Facebook, there are pros and cons to this one of the pros being, of course, they don't leave Facebook. So they could be scrolling and doing whatever they're doing. And they see your ad and they just opt in with a couple of clicks, boom, they get it sent to their inbox. So that's always a plus, it's like, okay, I'm assuming Facebook likes those types of things. The downside is sometimes it's odd, it's like a autofill with the name and the email address. And sometimes you're getting people with emails that they it's like their junk email that they you know, they don't think about and they just still click on it. So you may not be getting as high quality leads as people going directly to a landing page and taking the time to fill it out and opt in that way. But another pro to having a lead form ad is that you can track with the pixel, your leads for up to 12 months with Facebook lead form ads, whereas with landing pages, I think it's only tracked to up to maybe six months, or 180 days. So you do get the benefit of being able to track those, what would become your warm audiences for a lot longer than if you were to have them just hop onto your landing page and use the pixel for that. So I kind of was skeptical at this as well. And so I did during the boot camp, do some like side by side testing, like very basic testing. And I was like, You know what I'm gonna I'm just gonna go all in with this lead form. Um, it turns out, it did end up over time doing better than what I had already had been doing with the traffic ad.

Or the third thing I learned is to test it out. This is something that he recommends, as far as you're testing things out with the copy, having some type of long form copy and short form copy. So two different types of copy. And two different types of graphics. So we focus mainly on static images. And so I just did two different types. So it was like a two by two kind of thing. And then you're also testing it out with the ad sets or the audiences. So that was really kind of cool to see how these you what you think might be working like, Oh, I bet this image is going to be great. It turns out to be the opposite. Sometimes it convert, it confirms what you were kind of thinking might work. And sometimes it surprises you. So that was kind of really cool to see. And now the ads that I'm running truly are the best optimal ads I have that will get the most bang for my buck, because I tested it out. And that was a really cool part of the process is being able to see how this is you know how this whole process goes down.

The fourth thing I learned is that it's important to have a place for leads to go after they opt in. So you might have already some type of landing page and people opt into your freebie. And you might have some type of thank you page like Hey, thank you for opting in, come join me on in my Facebook group comm follow me on instagram comm check out my podcast. So it's very similar to that. But with the lead form ad that you're setting up, you can also kind of do something similar. So after they opt in on the Facebook lead form, it'll say like thank you click this button to join blank, whatever you want them to send, you can send them to podcast, you can send them to your Instagram, I went ahead and sent mine to my Facebook group. And I'll share with you kind of like how that's been working. But that's kind of like my little call to action is after they opt in like Hey, join my Facebook group. So I'm still trying to keep them on Facebook, make everybody happy, make Facebook happy.

The fifth thing I learned is to aim for B plus, I can be a bit of a perfectionist. always been that way. And so I kind of had to you know, think about okay, it's not going to be 100% Perfect. I can always tweak it I'm testing it out. I'm tweaking it as I see fit and I'm not going to spend hours and hours trying to get the perfect graphic for my ad because it may not even work. So that was something important that was helpful in the process is not to like overthink it is just aim for B plus, that's what he says. And so that's what I did, I just kind of kept it open. I'm just like, okay, one of my favorite parts of the boot camp is that on the first day, when you're focusing on the ad creative and the copy and stuff, you can actually get feedback from him, he'll like you just post in like the different options you're thinking about and the copy. And he gives you actual, like, feedback on what he thinks about it, and what you might be able to maybe tweak or which ones he likes. So that was really helpful in like guiding me like, hey, is this is this good. What I'm doing here is this good. So having that one on one feedback, where he can kind of help you out was super helpful.

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So again, that is at the southern teach forward slash bootcamp. I promise you, you will not be disappointed. All right. Hopefully you enjoyed this bonus episode. And I hope you have a wonderful rest of your week. Bye guys.

Thanks for listening to the creative teacher podcast. If you enjoyed listening to today's episode, feel free to subscribe and leave a review. I'd love to hear your feedback. You can also follow me on Instagram at the southern teach dot designs. Have an amazing day.





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