Kylee Leota is the founder of ‘Elements 4 Success’ - a global organisation delivering transformational experiences to individuals, teams, and businesses.
Earl Nightingale defines success as “the progressive realisation of a worthy goal or ideal”. Kylee wishes to empower people of all ages so that they can develop the confidence, skills, and tools they require to live a life of their design and purpose. She believes that you have the knowledge within yourself to create success and gives you the right tools in your toolbox to help you make these goals and ideals, reality!
After 20 years in the education sector, including leadership roles at both schools, and regional levels, Kylee wants to empower and have a positive impact, further than just the education sector: working collaboratively across sectors including complex behaviour, trauma and early intervention, as well as transition to work sectors. Her depth of experience and knowledge ensures she is adaptable to any industry.
Kylee is a change management facilitator, specialising in sustainable behaviour changes for both individuals and teams. With a track record for results, Elements 4 Success has a long list of happy clients who have achieved their goals, a team renowned for its out of the box thinking and solution-focused approaches.
In this episode, Kylee and I chat about:
- Her leadership roles
- Her leadership style
- Her leadership journey
- The leaders that helped her rise
- The challenges she faced on her journey
- How she navigated those challenges
- How she thinks you can become a strong and kind leader
- Her ‘take home’ leadership messages for the listeners, and
- What she is currently excited to be working on.
Kylee can be found and/or contacted via the following online platform addresses: (@elements4success)
And emailed here:
Please reach out to Dr Harrison for individual coaching and/or organisational training via
His web address and social media profile links / handles include:
He has co-written a new online course entitled ‘How to be Assertive, Maintain Boundaries, and Say “No!”‘ which can be accessed instantly here for only £55/$70: