If you'd love to have an open mind and a willingness to look at depression from a different perspective, then join Dr Demartini for an insightful presentation that will equip you in dealing with and overcoming depression.
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Mentioned in this episode:
The Breakthrough Experience
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You find that if life was this way, I'd be happy. And people are addicted,
Speaker:if I had this, my parents did this, I'd be happy.
Speaker:Or if my wife wouldn't do this, I'd be happy.
Speaker:And then they don't realize that they're putting themselves in one of those 15
Speaker:delusions most commonly,
Speaker:In all probability in your life,
Speaker:you've probably had a moment where you felt depressed or down or maybe
Speaker:not on top of the world. Or maybe you know,
Speaker:somebody around you that's in a real low period, maybe a depression,
Speaker:or maybe even diagnosed clinically depressed.
Speaker:I've certainly run into thousands of those in my work as I've traveled and
Speaker:spoken. I'd
Speaker:like to talk about taking command of your depression today.
Speaker:So if you have something to write with and write on,
Speaker:and I have a feeling you'll get a few notes, it's worth taking care of here.
Speaker:I'd like you to first imagine a magnet.
Speaker:We have a positive and negative pole of a magnet.
Speaker:And I want you to imagine that the positive pole of the magnet
Speaker:is something you seek.
Speaker:And the negative pole of the magnet is something you're trying to avoid.
Speaker:You're trying to get a positive without a negative.
Speaker:And you try to cut the magnet in half and just get the positive pole of the
Speaker:magnet. When you cut the magnet in half,
Speaker:you find out that you got a positive and negative and a positive and negative to
Speaker:get two little magnets.
Speaker:So you didn't accomplish the game of getting a one-sided magnet.
Speaker:And the same thing,
Speaker:if you cut that in half and did that again and again and again and kept cutting
Speaker:it in half, you'd still, as long as there's molecules or atoms there,
Speaker:you would have positive and negative.
Speaker:And so you are going to get a balance of those two.
Speaker:If you meet somebody,
Speaker:you may have an assumption that you're going to get a positive without a
generous without stingy, supportive without challenging,
Speaker:But in all probability,
Speaker:you're mature enough to know that when you get with somebody,
Speaker:there's always a new set of challenges and pains that come with it.
Speaker:The negative side. You have positives and negatives.
Speaker:So in the relationships you have and in the events and goals that you have,
Speaker:anytime you're pursuing something that's one-sided, you'll get broadsided by
Speaker:the other side of the magnet.
Speaker:Life itself are events that have two sides.
Speaker:You can always see one way or the other.
Speaker:You can subjectively bias your interpretation,
Speaker:see only one side and ignore the other one with a false positive on the
Speaker:positives and a false negative on the negatives,
Speaker:where you're seeing something that's not there or you're not seeing something
Speaker:that is there. And you can give yourself the impression, at least initially,
Speaker:that there's a positive without a negative or a negative without a positive.
Speaker:But in actuality, over time, you eventually discover that there's both.
Speaker:You've all had goals and you've set out for and,
Speaker:and you thought this is going to give you more advantage than disadvantage and
Speaker:then you found out there was a whole bunch of challenges that came with it,
Speaker:you didn't expect and broadsided. The same thing in relationship.
Speaker:You get in there and you get a fatal attraction and you find out, oops,
Speaker:it's Glenn Close, you are Michael Douglas in Fatal
Speaker:So anytime you pursue a one-sided
Speaker:event, a one-sided relationship, a one-sided anything goal,
Speaker:you're setting yourself up for being blind, you know,
Speaker:blindsided by the side that you're ignoring.
Speaker:When somebody sets a true objective, they embrace both sides.
Speaker:And when they have both sides,
Speaker:they're now prepared and they have expectations that match what's actually
Speaker:there. But if you have an expectation of getting one side,
Speaker:your expectations are high and you have a bit of a fantasy,
Speaker:and then when they hit you with the other side,
Speaker:you're now upset and depressed.
Speaker:So I want to have you write this down. Depression,
Speaker:the way I define it, is a comparison of your current reality, which is balanced,
Speaker:to a fantasy about how life's supposed to be,
Speaker:which is one-sided.
Speaker:I've worked with thousands of people that have had depression and even been
Speaker:diagnosed with clinical depression and on medications and pharmaceuticals and
Speaker:all kinds of things. I see them in my seminar almost every week.
Speaker:And what I find is a series of unrealistic expectations
Speaker:driving this depression. I want you to know that inside your mind,
Speaker:if you're depressed,
Speaker:you're focusing on the downsides and you're comparing it to the fantasy that
Speaker:you're holding in your mind about how you wanted it to be.
Speaker:I've yet to find anybody who's depressed that doesn't have that, not one.
Speaker:And I know that they've been told, well they've got a biochemical imbalance.
Speaker:The pharmaceutical companies love to make you think that.
Speaker:And you may have biochemical imbalances,
Speaker:no doubt your neurotransmitters are imbalanced whenever you have ratios of
Speaker:perceptions imbalanced.
Speaker:And anytime you have an expectation of a one-sided event,
Speaker:you're going to get smacked with an unexpected.
Speaker:So let me give you 15 reasons what I found most common in
Speaker:depression. So make sure you write these down,
The first unrealistic expectation that's sort of a fantasy is that when you meet
Speaker:individuals that you're interacting with, you expect them to be one-sided.
Speaker:You expect them to be nice, not mean, kind, not cruel, positive, not negative,
Speaker:peaceful, not wrathful, generous, not stingy, giving, not taking, considerate,
Speaker:not inconsiderate, et cetera, et cetera, positive without negative.
Speaker:And anytime you have even a 51% or more of
Speaker:one side more than the other,
Speaker:you're going to set yourself up for having a little bit of you know, depression.
Speaker:Because you're not meeting your expectation.
Speaker:And when you're not meeting expectation, you get angry and aggressive.
Speaker:You feel blame them and you feel betrayed. You get criticism and challenge,
Speaker:despair and depression, desire to exit and escape,
Speaker:futility and frustration, grouchiness and grief, hatred and hurt,
Speaker:and irritability and irrationality.
Speaker:And then even you feel like they're a jerk and you feel jaded.
Speaker:I call those the ABCDEFGHIJ's of negativity.
Speaker:So that negative experience is a compensation for the fantasy that they're
Speaker:supposed to be one-sided. So anytime you expect a human being to be one-sided,
Speaker:another individual, you're going to end up with the ABCDs of negativity,
Speaker:guarantee it, because it's not going to happen.
Speaker:They may start out that way for the first time you meet them and almost anybody
Speaker:can put on that act. But long term, the probability,
Speaker:every time you interact with somebody,
Speaker:you have a higher probability because the sample size of interactions go up,
Speaker:a higher probability of what you call the mean distribution of responses,
Speaker:which means a balance of positives and negative responses.
Speaker:So anybody who's been married for a period of time knows there's things you like
Speaker:and dislike, the positive and negatives of the individual.
Speaker:So if you expect somebody to be one sided, not both sides,
Speaker:you're going to be setting yourself up for an unrealistic expectation.
Speaker:And life's not going to match your expectation. And the fantasy,
Speaker:what you have creates the nightmare of your life.
Speaker:But if you have an expectation for them to live according to what they are and
Speaker:then know that they're going to have both sides,
Speaker:your expectation is calm and your expectation is more real.
Speaker:And so they match your expectation and you feel fulfilled,
Speaker:because you're getting what you expect.
Speaker:Now the second thing that leads to this depression state is an expectation on
Speaker:them and unrealistic expectation on other people to live in your values.
Speaker:Now this is when you are self righteously,
Speaker:projecting your values down on somebody and expecting them to live in your
Speaker:values and meet your needs,
Speaker:instead of caring enough to communicate what you value in terms of what they
Speaker:value so they're actually having a sustainable fair exchange.
Speaker:So the second you expect them to live in your values,
Speaker:you're going to be betrayed. You're going to end up angry and aggressive again,
Speaker:and you're going to be depressed because they're not living up to your values.
Speaker:I see this in relationships.
Speaker:Wives are basically expecting husbands to come home and be with the kids
Speaker:And then the husbands are expecting the wives to not spend so much because
Speaker:they're trying to get ahead financially, it's a general rule,
Speaker:that could be reversed,a female could be working and the man could be taking
Speaker:care of the kids or anywhere in between. But the reality is,
Speaker:if you expect somebody to live in your values, not their own values,
Speaker:you have futility. They're not going to do that.
Speaker:Every decision people make is based on what they believe will give, you know,
Speaker:fulfillment to their values, not yours.
Speaker:So if you expect them to live in your values,
Speaker:you're going to end up with the ABCDs of negativity.
Speaker:And if you put those two together,
Speaker:expect them to be one-sided and expect them to be living in your values,
Speaker:you have a very strong probability of having a fantasy because of this.
Speaker:And your life's a nightmare because it's not matching it. And you feel let down,
Speaker:you felt down. And that is your, your depression is not an enemy,
Speaker:it's not this disease.
Speaker:It's a feedback to let you know that you're addicted
Speaker:and fantasies and one-sided expectations on life.
Speaker:And so the, the third one is a combination of the first two.
Speaker:The fourth one is an unrealistic expectation on yourself to live one-sided.
Speaker:Now you're expecting yourself to be always up, always positive, always kind,
Speaker:always this. And you know, when you're a child, you had your grandmother,
Speaker:your mother's saying, now be nice, don't be mean, be kind, don't be cruel,
Speaker:be positive, don't be negative, be generous, don't be stingy, be peaceful,
Speaker:don't be wrathful, stop fighting.
Speaker:And they're projecting that onto you and then they turn around and do just the
Speaker:opposite. It's a moral hypocrisy. So you're growing up with this fantasy,
Speaker:this moral hypocrisy, you're supposed to be one-sided. You can't,
Speaker:nobody can live that way. And so we can,
Speaker:we can try that way we can be socially repressed and try to put that facade on
Speaker:at times. But long term, based on the interactions of people,
Speaker:the longer we are interacting with people,
Speaker:the more probable we have a balance of responses.
Speaker:So the fourth one is the unrealistic expectation yourself to be one-sided.
Speaker:The fifth one is an unrealistic expectation on
Speaker:values in somebody else's.
Speaker:Now this is very common when you meet somebody and you're highly infatuated with
Speaker:them and you have a delusion about who they're going to be and you don't want to
Speaker:lose them for the fear of loss of them would be, you know,
Speaker:a loss of that what you seek. And in the process of doing it,
Speaker:you minimize yourself trying to live up to their expectation and you eventually
Speaker:get up angrier and resentment because you have to sacrifice yourself to be with
Speaker:So you end up depressed because you're not able to be yourself around them.
Speaker:But anytime you try to live in their values,
Speaker:you're going to have self-defeating, it's going to be futile,
Speaker:you can't sustain it, it's non-sustainable.
Speaker:You can't live in other people's values and you can't expect them to live in
Speaker:your values. It's unsustainable.
Speaker:So if you expect yourself to live in their values,
Speaker:you're going to have depression again,
Speaker:because you're not going to live up to it.
Speaker:So if you learn the art of communicating what you value in terms of their values
Speaker:and they're getting what they want by you being who you are,
Speaker:now you have a sustainable system and you have realistic expectation.
Speaker:So if you expect yourself to be one-sided or expect yourself to live outside
Speaker:your values, you're going to have the ABCDs of negativity and depression,
Speaker:or mild degrees.
Speaker:Now if you put those two together and now you put number five, pardon me,
Speaker:number six, together, now you have a combination of those two,
Speaker:just like combination of the first two.
Speaker:Now you've got six possible ways there that can generate a depression.
Speaker:Now the seventh one is a combination of all of them.
Speaker:You basically have an unrealistic expectation on
Speaker:outside their values and then live in your values and an unrealistic expectation
Speaker:on yourself to be one side and to live in somebody else's values and put all
Speaker:those together,
Speaker:now you've got a compounded depression because you're now angry at the world
Speaker:because the world's not matching your unrealistic expectation and fantasy.
Speaker:Every time I've had people that have been clinically depressed, I ask them,
Speaker:what are you comparing your life to? And then they come up with something, well,
Speaker:my mom should have been here, my dad didn't do this, my wife's not doing this.
Speaker:I go, if they did, what would be the drawback? They go,
Speaker:I don't see any drawbacks. I'd be happy if I did.
Speaker:Well as long as you have a fantasy that's one-sided and then your life is not
Speaker:matching that well, of course you're going to be depressed. And your depression,
Speaker:which is this quote, negative experience,
Speaker:is basically a compensation for your addiction to the other side,
Speaker:the positive experience. If you embrace both sides, you don't have that.
Speaker:And if you expect people to live in their values and you don't have unrealistic
Speaker:expectations, they won't betray you. Betrayal is not what somebody does to you,
Speaker:it's what you do to yourself with an unrealistic expectation.
Speaker:Now let's go to the next one.
Speaker:The next one is an unrealistic expectation on the collective society.
Speaker:Now you expect the world to be at peace without war and kind without cruel and
Speaker:give without take and generous and not stingy and considerate and not
Speaker:inconsiderate. But if you look,
Speaker:there's a law of eristic escalation that says that whatever somebody is striving
Speaker:for, there's somebody playing the opposite role.
Speaker:You probably in your own family have a brother or sister that's like your
Speaker:antiparticle, the behavior is completely opposite.
Speaker:The world is made out of complementary opposites.
Speaker:And for everything that's going on, there's somebody with an opposite view,
Speaker:pro-life, pro-abortion, pro guns, anti-gun, pro-democratic,
Speaker:pro-Republican or whatever. They're constantly having pairs of opposites.
Speaker:So if you expect the world to match one sidedness, it's again another delusion.
Speaker:We need both sides in order to evolve.
Speaker:Just like you have an autonomic nervous system,
Speaker:one for sympathetic for fight or flight, one for parasympathetic,
Speaker:for rest and digest. You need both, day night cycles,
Speaker:you need both of those systems. The fight or flight during the day,
Speaker:the rest and digest at night.
Speaker:You need a both in balance of life and so does society.
Speaker:So if you expect society to be one side,
Speaker:you're going to be angry at the world and then you're going to go listen to the
Speaker:TV or whatever and the mass media and it's going to be telling you one side and
Speaker:the other and you're going to be emotionally distraught
Speaker:expecting the world and they're giving you negative media purposely because it
Speaker:sells because it represents a predator and makes us, you know,
Speaker:stand alert and watch it.
Speaker:And so they're selling you that and then you're end up going but you have an
Speaker:expectation life to be positive and then you end up beating yourself up and
Speaker:angry at the world. Now if you on top of that,
Speaker:go and project onto the collective society your values and expect the whole
Speaker:world to live in your values, I see this very commonly. People say,
Speaker:well if people would just do this, the world will be fine.
Speaker:And that's delusional.
Speaker:And we are depressed because life's not matching our values and we want
Speaker:everybody to match our values. I was speaking at the United Nations,
Speaker:UNESCO in France one time to delegates there that were being trained.
Speaker:And I was amazed at how many delusions the people who were delegates were having
Speaker:because they were expecting the world to be at peace if they would just abide by
Speaker:their value system. It was a bit kind of bizarre to see how,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:somebody who's going to be the future delegate is going to be living in such a
Speaker:delusion, but people do.
Speaker:Then you also have unrealistic expectations of the two,
Speaker:that you expect the world to be one-sided and to live in your values.
Speaker:So add all those up, that's another three on top of the seven we had,
Speaker:now we've got 10. And now the 11th one is all the above. You add all those up,
Speaker:now you've got even more depression.
Speaker:It just keeps compounding because you have completely unrealistic expectations
Speaker:on life. The next one is an unrealistic expectation on mechanical objects.
Speaker:I've seen people really just take their computer and throw it on the ground
Speaker:almost, they're screaming at it. Silly, stupid computer.
Speaker:You have an unrealistic expectation on a computer to be nice, not mean,
Speaker:or positive, not negative, or function, not non-function.
Speaker:And a lot of times it's because we don't know how to run the computer and we get
Speaker:expect this thing to work and read our minds or something and do what we expect
Speaker:instead of knowing how to run the computer. But we have mechanical objects,
Speaker:garage door openers, cars, any mechanical object, computers,
Speaker:that we now expect to be one-sided. Or on top of that,
Speaker:expect to live in our values.
Speaker:And if all of a sudden everything that we thought of showed up on our computer,
Speaker:we might be a little surprised by what we found on there.
Speaker:But we have an unrealistic expectation on mechanical objects and technology
Speaker:and then we think they're going to save the world.
Speaker:But it's just a reflection of human behavior. And then
Speaker:now you have those three and then you add them all up and you have 15
Speaker:unrealistic expectations and delusions about life that I
Speaker:see in people that are depressed. So I've had people that say,
Speaker:well I'm on clinical, you know,
Speaker:I'm on medication cause I've clinical depression,
Speaker:I've got a biochemical imbalance, which has been refuted about six months ago
Speaker:it was refuted and shown to not be the real factor,
Speaker:but it was sold by the pharmaceutical companies.
Speaker:And what's interesting is you go there and you ask , okay,
Speaker:what exactly are you depressed about? Well they'll say, I don't know. Well,
Speaker:you cannot have a feeling without content in the mind.
Speaker:So go to the moment when you're depressed and then look at the content in your
Speaker:mind and you can identify what's going on.
Speaker:And we then go and find out that it's some unrealistic expectation.
Speaker:We find that if life was this way, I'd be happy. And people are addicted,
Speaker:if I had this, my parents did this, I'd be happy,
Speaker:or if my wife wouldn't do this, I'd be happy.
Speaker:And then they don't realize that they're putting themselves in one of those 15
Speaker:delusions most commonly. And then I go, well, if they did what you fantasized,
Speaker:what would be the drawback? They can't see a drawback. Well,
Speaker:anytime you see a positive without a negative, you have a fantasy.
Speaker:And anytime you're addicted to a fantasy that's all positive,
Speaker:life's going to suck.
Speaker:Life's going to be depressed because you're going to expect it to be one-sided,
Speaker:and this is not likely to occur.
Speaker:So depression is a comparison of your current reality, which is balanced,
Speaker:to a fantasy about how it's supposed to be, which is imbalanced.
Speaker:You're expecting others to live in your values,
Speaker:you're expecting yourself to live in other people's values,
Speaker:you're expecting life to be one-sided, or collectively.
Speaker:So once you get grounded about what's real in expectation,
Speaker:you calm down a lot of depressions. In the Breakthrough Experience program,
Speaker:which I've taught for almost 35 years,
Speaker:I've had people not even telling me that they had depression in the program
Speaker:and then I'm getting a letter from them says I've literally had depression for
Speaker:13 years, I've been on medication, and everything else,
Speaker:after the program of doing the Demartini Method on my mom,
Speaker:the thing I was so bitter about, I'm not depressed anymore,
Speaker:my depression lifted.
Speaker:Because for for many years there was an unrealistic expectation on a parent.
Speaker:The parent's supposed to be a certain way. The parent is the parent,
Speaker:the way it is, you have to ask, how's whatever they're being like, serving you?
Speaker:To compare them to something that they're not, is unrealistic.
Speaker:Anytime you expect something other than what it is,
Speaker:to be something other than what it is, you got an unrealistic expectation.
Speaker:If you expect somebody one sided, they're not going to do that.
Speaker:They're going to let you down, not because they're letting you down,
Speaker:but because you're letting yourself down by putting an unrealistic expectation
Speaker:on them. So get grounded about your expectations.
the philosophers of the ages said, if you have all these fantasy expectations,
Speaker:life's going to be miserable.
Speaker:But if you get grounded about realistic expectations and set real objectives,
Speaker:the executive center in your brain is designed to mitigate the risks that
Speaker:come with the fantasies that you get addicted to.
Speaker:If you set a goal that's only one-sided and it's only positive, not negative,
Speaker:you're going to have intuition bring up your anxieties, fears,
Speaker:self depreciations to try to point out that that's not real.
Speaker:Life's got two sides. But if you set a goal,
Speaker:an objective that's embracing both sides and you're mitigating the risk and
Speaker:you're preparing for it and you've got an expectation that's real,
Speaker:you achieve your goal, you're not depressed and you move forward.
Speaker:So I'm a firm believer in setting realistic expectations and not fantasies.
Speaker:You don't go to Mars or Elon Musk doesn't go to Mars with a fantasy,
Speaker:goes to Mars with putting the engineers in there and thinking what could go
Speaker:wrong? Thinking of the positive and negatives,
Speaker:preparing for both of them and mitigating the risks and then going for it.
Speaker:And the same thing in a relationship.
Speaker:If you want to have a a real fulfilling relationship,
Speaker:don't expect a one-sided relationship,
Speaker:don't expect them to live in your values and set realistic expectations.
Speaker:They're going to live by their values, make decisions accordingly,
Speaker:and they're going to be two-sided. You support their values, they're nice,
Speaker:you go against their values, they're mean.
Speaker:By grounding yourself and setting really balanced expectations,
Speaker:you automatically don't have these depressions.
Speaker:Now I know that they're going to try to tell you that well it's because of a b
Speaker:iochemical imbalance, but what is biochemical imbalance?
Speaker:Neurotransmitters in the brain respond to perceptions.
Speaker:If a tiger comes into a room and you all of a sudden you're frightened,
Speaker:your testosterone, your cortisol, your adrenaline is going to skyrocket,
Speaker:your serotonin, your endorphins, enkephalin's,
Speaker:and estrogen are going to plummet.
Speaker:If all of a sudden you find out it's Tony Tiger and he hugs you,
Speaker:and it's your childhood friend, Tony Tiger,
Speaker:then the thing will reverse in 200 of a millisecond.
Speaker:Your chemistry is changing constantly according to your perceptions.
Speaker:You have control over your perceptions.
Speaker:Pharmaceutical industry wants you to believe that it's because of their
Speaker:biochemical imbalance and they're the solution.
Speaker:But you're actually the solution. Now, you can store in your subconscious mind,
Speaker:in your hippocampus, an amygdala response. Every time you have a perception,
Speaker:your amygdala assigns a valency, positive or negative to it.
Speaker:It stores it in the hippocampus and short-term memory and sometimes long-term
Speaker:memory. And if we store that and we have expectations based on it,
Speaker:we can store and create memories that lead us to having unrealistic
Speaker:expectations. And then we have biochemical imbalances.
Speaker:It's not because that's the cause, that's murky,
Speaker:it's because it's the effect of our perceptions.
Speaker:I want to give you your power back and teach you that it's about your
Speaker:perceptions. That's why when I teach the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I show people these, these 15 delusions. I show how to dissolve those delusions.
Speaker:I show how to set realistic expectations.
Speaker:I show how to live by priority where you're more objective and balanced.
Speaker:I show you how to dissolve the emotions that may have been building up in your
Speaker:subconscious mind so you can clear those.
Speaker:So if you're in a situation where you're depressed, you have a solution,
Speaker:you're empowered again, you're taking command of your life.
Speaker:You're not necessarily discarding it over to here to some pharmaceutical company
Speaker:and become a dependent. I don't want you to be a dependent,
Speaker:I want you to be independently empowered in your life by setting realistic
Speaker:expectations with real values, with real strategies that give you real results.
Speaker:And then you're grateful for your life. If you're not grateful for your life,
Speaker:somehow you're setting up fantasies and you're not meeting those fantasies and
Speaker:then you're angry and you're ungrateful and that's totally a result of your
Speaker:own perceptions and your own expectations.
Speaker:That's why in the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I show people how to determine their values so they can live by their highest
Speaker:values where they're more objective, so they set realistic expectations,
Speaker:not polarized expectations. If they live in lower values,
Speaker:they tend to go for a pleasure without a pain.
Speaker:When they go in the highest values,
Speaker:they embrace pain and pleasure in some pursuit of something deeply meaningful.
Speaker:There's more fulfilling, more realistic expectations, more achievement.
Speaker:So in the Breakthrough Experience, I show people how to determine their values,
Speaker:how to set priorities by values, how to delegate lower priority things,
Speaker:how to then using with the Demartini Method,
Speaker:how to dissolve all the baggage that's stored in the subconscious mind that
Speaker:holds people back and it's running around and causing that imbalance. I mean,
Speaker:literally when they do the Demartini Method,
Speaker:they're changing the chemistries in their brain. Absolutely.
Speaker:They're changing the heart rate variability, the
Speaker:They're setting realistic expectations, they're learning to love.
Speaker:It's amazing what happens if all of a sudden they balance it out.
Speaker:So that's what the Demartini Method's for,
Speaker:to clear out the subconscious baggage that's got the imbalanced chemistries and
Speaker:automatically set real objectives so you have realistic expectations.
Speaker:And you dissolve away the depression
We've had thousands of people come and say, you know, hey, I was depressed,
Speaker:I'm not depressed anymore. I understand what's behind it now.
Speaker:And I'm amazed at how many people just fall,
Speaker:the majority of people out in the world just fall for it,
Speaker:and there's like 30% of the population are taking drugs. It's insane.
Speaker:Absolutely not the path that I promote.
Speaker:I'm not saying that there's not a place for it for some people I guess that
Speaker:don't want to do the work and don't want to be accountable and don't want to
Speaker:break their illusions,
Speaker:and may have some sort of damaged brain or whatever from injuries or something.
Speaker:But that's not the majority.
Speaker:The majority of people can take command of their life and really transform their
Speaker:physiology and psychology.
Speaker:So that's why I wanted to go over these 15 delusions and unrealistic
Speaker:expectations. Just know you don't get a one-sided magnet,
Speaker:and people that are living in a fantasy world, they're going to have depression.
Speaker:Depression is a comparison of your current reality to a fantasy or unrealistic
Speaker:expectation that you're living in.
Speaker:If you get grounded and have a realistic expectation, it calms down.
Speaker:Depression's not your enemy, it's not even a disease in my opinion.
Speaker:It's a feedback mechanism to let you know that you're addicted to something
Speaker:that's unrealistic and it's trying to get you grounded and getting realistic
Speaker:again. And the moment you do, it calms. And I've seen it happen,
Speaker:and I've seen really, really challenging cases,
Speaker:there've been years of medication and sometimes getting them,
Speaker:I don't take people off medication, they take themselves off.
Speaker:I just tell people,
Speaker:let's just clear out the illusions and then let you decide what is going on with
Speaker:your physician.
Speaker:And many times they were able to wean themselves right off the medications.
Speaker:Not because that they were told by me to do it,
Speaker:but they just did it with their physician. And they said,
Speaker:I'd like to wean it 10%, 10%, 10%.
Speaker:And some have just say cold turkey because they understand what was really
Speaker:behind their depression.
Speaker:And they have completely delusionary expectations sometimes.
Speaker:And so I love breaking those fantasies so they can get grounded and get reality.
Speaker:The magnificence of who they are is far greater than the fantasies they impose
Speaker:on themselves.
Speaker:So if you've had depression and you're sitting there and you want to transcend
Speaker:it, come to the Breakthrough Experience. Let me show you the tools,
Speaker:I'll give you the tools. You can do it on your own.
Speaker:You can always have your medication,
Speaker:but you may be able to set yourself free and not have to go through that and go
Speaker:through and take command of your life and realize what's actually going on.
Speaker:The second you take command and you dissolve it with the Demartini Method,
Speaker:the baggage and the subconsciously stored emotional stuff that's distracting
Speaker:you, the infatuation resentments, the griefs and all that, the expectations,
Speaker:and ground that and set realistic expectations according
Speaker:your life changes. That's one of the reasons. I mean since I was, you know,
Speaker:very young, I've wanted to help people master life.
Speaker:I am absolutely certain this helps you master your life.
Speaker:It's amazing what I've seen, the transformations.
Speaker:I get letters on a daily basis of people that have changed their life because
Speaker:they've applied the principles.
Speaker:So take the time to go in there and let's set realistic expectations.
Speaker:Come to the ±Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Let me show you how to dissolve the baggage,
Speaker:clarify your mission and vision and your highest values,
Speaker:set realistic objectives, not fantasies, polarizations,
Speaker:not looking for a one-sided magnet.
Speaker:And let's get grounded because the magnificence of that is far greater than
Speaker:those fantasies you keep imposing yourself. If you
Speaker:don't want to self depreciate, you don't want to have depression,
Speaker:come to the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Let me show you how to take command of your life and instead of being
Speaker:ungrateful for your life, you'll be able to be grateful.
Speaker:Anything you can say thank you for is baggage.
Speaker:Anything you can say thank you for is fuel.
Speaker:I'd like to come and help you fuel your life and go do something amazing in your
Speaker:life. So go and sign up for the Breakthrough Experience
Speaker:26 hours together and I'm going to show you some amazing information that I
Speaker:assure you will help and make a difference. You'll
Speaker:right there in the program you'll see and feel the difference.
Speaker:So it's not something that's going to someday happen,
Speaker:it's right there you get to experience the result and learn how to do the tools.
Speaker:So I look forward to seeing you on the next round next week.
Speaker:Thank you for joining me for this presentation and
Speaker:That's where I can sit down personally and help you transform your life.