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Matthew 26:57-67 (#98.2024.06.02)
6th June 2024 • Beholding Bible Truth • Scott Keffer
00:00:00 00:45:52

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Welcome back to more Beholding Bible Truth, where once again, Scott Keffer continues his study of the book of Matthew. Scott discusses the distinction between the corrupt world system and the people within it, urging listeners to view individuals with compassion rather than as enemies. He also emphasizes the need to endure suffering justly, following the example of Jesus, who faced false accusations and injustice with silence and submission. Using insights from 1 Peter 3, he connects these ideas to everyday situations like dealing with difficult bosses and maintaining respectful marriages.

Scott also addresses the nature of sin, referencing Mother Teresa and Billy Graham to illustrate the depth of human sinfulness and the patience of God. He speaks on the role of the law and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice, encouraging believers to endure with the understanding that Jesus, who faced immense suffering, is with them in their struggles. The episode concludes with a reminder of the temporal nature of the current world system and the hope in Jesus' ultimate return and justice.

Key Topics Discussed:

  • Corruption and injustice in the world system
  • Enduring suffering while doing right
  • Jesus' example of handling false accusations
  • Respectful relationships in marriage, according to 1 Peter 3
  • The depth of sin and God's patience
  • Role of the law in understanding sin
  • Jesus' trial and the concept of mockery of justice
  • Temporal nature of the current world system and hope in Jesus' return
  • Prayer for blessings and a reminder of hope in Christ

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Scott Keffer [:

Hi. If you're looking for greater hope, assurance, and confidence through the shifting sands of life, then join me on today's episode as we dig deep into the bible to discover rock solid truth for life and living from the God of the bible. I'm your host, Scott Keffer. Hi, and welcome to today's episode. As always, for a deeper experience, you can go to the show notes and download the blank insight sheet. Fill in the blanks along with the group. Depending on how you're listening to this, there will be a link to the episode website at, and a sheet with the answers is included as well. Enjoy today's episode.

Scott Keffer [:

What was the Kangaroo Reports? What's the Kangaroo Report? Another Kangaroo report?

Scott Keffer [:

A champ. Kind of champ. Yeah.

Scott Keffer [:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just one of the best stuff. They just exactly. People


Scott Keffer [:

I got

Scott Keffer [:

Including the Internet, of course, which is always true. Right? They're calling because of the lecture. It is the most egregious Hangar Report in history. Various answer will come up over time. But the one answer that's missed is the most egregious paying report, and we're gonna look at it today in the book of Matthew. Yep. That'd be 2657 through 67. Those who exceed Jesus' land and wait to buy this the high priest, who

Scott Keffer [:

were the size of the elders to gather together. Fear would swallow the event distance of star. Courtyard behind Greece and sat on big officers. She had come. Come. Now she breached and the whole council kept their mind to obtain false testimony against Jesus. So, like, if I put into them, they do not have any, you didn't have any false written pertaining forward. They'll later on

Scott Keffer [:

to the team for

Scott Keffer [:

the defense. David. You have last week. We have we have. We hold your back.

Scott Keffer [:


Scott Keffer [:

another slapped him. Said that.

Scott Keffer [:

Christ. The one issue. Word of the Lord. Speak to the holy Be of God. So just like Peter was about to review what had happened. We had an opportunity to see history of most approaches and egregious kangaroo or Kangaroo courts. Kangaroo courts were with the mock trial, really, where where justice is subverted and subverted and. And so it is subverted and perverted because the outcome is determined in advance.

Scott Keffer [:

And it's really interesting here. Right? Because the first thing that happens is they go to the home of the ex high priest. Right? So we see in John, they led him to Annas first, where he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was high priest that year. And Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jews that it was expedient. What a word. It was expedient, efficient. It was efficient. Think about that.

Scott Keffer [:

It was efficient for one man to die on behalf of the people where they had no idea. That would indeed be a position for 1 man to die on behalf of the people. But he had no idea. And so I put that the appointed high priest was judging a great high priest. Standing before that was the great high priest, the lord Jesus, the one who would be sent on behalf of all the people, which says the high priest questioned him about his disciples and about his teaching. Love that Jesus answered to have spoken openly to the world. I always thought synagogues in the temple where all the Jews come together. I spoke nothing in secret, and this was being done in secret.

Scott Keffer [:

He said, I spoke nothing in secret. What do you why do you question me? Question those who have heard when I spoke to them. They know what I said. When they said this, one of the officers standing nearby struck Jesus saying, is that the way you answer the high priest? He struck he struck the great high priest. It's just we see just the mock justice that's going on here. Jesus answered him, if I spoken wrongly, testify of the wrong. But if rightly, why do you strike me? So Anna sent inbound to Caiaphas, the high priest. Well, in between this and what would be the official so the next one is the daytime will be the official trial.

Scott Keffer [:

But first, if this meeting with the ex high priest, then there'll be the daytime official trial. It'll be council of elders. They will assemble together both chiefs, priests, and scribes. They led him away to their council chambers saying, if you're the Christ, tell us. He said to them, if I tell you, you will not believe. And if I ask the question, you will not answer. From now on, the son of man will be seated at the right hand of the power of God. They all said, are you the son of God then? And he said to them, yes.

Scott Keffer [:

I am. But further need, do you have a testimony? It's the question. So first, 3rd, we're gonna see in between. So the official trial will occur, if you will, in daytime, This is the second in between. It's the illegal court. It is the illegal court at the home of the high priest. What's very interesting is this is a court per se, which is supposed to be carrying out justice, and yet they were breaking a whole bunch of Jewish laws in carrying out the courts. I put down some of them here.

Scott Keffer [:

Only decisions made in the official place were valid. This was going to be made in secret. Criminal cases could not be tried during the Passover, and yet they were trying it during the Passover. Acquittals could be issued on the day of the trial. Guilty verdicts had to wait a night. So they gave the opportunity for the guilty verdict for mercy to come in. Right? So they would say guilty verdict, not the same day, right, of acquisals only. Evidence has to be guaranteed by 2 witnesses.

Scott Keffer [:

And keeping in mind that under Old Testament law, if you brought false testimony, what was the outcome?

Scott Keffer [:


Scott Keffer [:

You'd be put to death. Yes. Which led to, true witnesses, but not always. Always evidence of innocence first in the trial and then evidence of guilt second. But what do we see here? Evidence of guilt Mhmm. First. So all these Jewish laws are being broken. This is in the illegal court, if you will.

Scott Keffer [:

It was a mockery of justice. Right? Mockery of justice. And they sought false evidence. Right? They're asking give us testimony. Give us testimony. Let's find some false evidence. We don't need evidence because we've already determined the bridge. We've already determined the outcomes.

Scott Keffer [:

We're looking for evidence. The problem with them is standing before them was the one who had no evidence against them. Right? Who committed no sin nor was any deceit found in the mouth, it says in first Peter. So Jesus kept silence. Jesus kept silent. The most stunning silence. How many of you been in a position where you've been wrongly accused and you wanna you just wanna cry out, don't you? You wanna cry out? You wanna defend yourself? You wanna say, what? What? So here is Jesus kept silence in the midst of this. And it reminds me because it it was as it was written.

Scott Keffer [:

As it was written. But I thought I did tell them, what will he be like? What will the Messiah be like? He will be oppressed. He will be afflicted. He will not open his mouth like the lamb that's led to slaughter like a sheep that is silent or in shears. So he did not open his mouth. But as I said with Bruce, and I shared with him, I said, here's the problem. There is a stumbling block between you and faith. Because I said, you're Jewish.

Scott Keffer [:

See, Paul says, I have preached Christ and him crucified. If you're a Jew, it's a stumbling block. A messiah that would hang on a cross versus the man who hangs on a tree. That's a stumbling block. To to a gentile, who I am, is stupid. Right? Foolishness. It says it's foolishness. So Christ, the Messiah will be like a lamb led to slaughter.

Scott Keffer [:

What? What kind of messiah is that? Because that's a messiah we want. And we, you know, we we flash forward to the myriads of the myriads, 1,000 upon 1,000 who will say worthy is the lamb who was slain, to receive power and riches and wisdom and might and honor, glory, and blessing. The lamb was slain. You'll worship for eternity. The lamb was slain. But it's counter to our nature, isn't it? I don't want the lamb who was slain. I want a god who was small. Right? Beneath the land who was slain to be kept silent as it is written.

Scott Keffer [:

And then Caiaphas says to him, I adjure I adjure you. I put you under oath. He said before what? The living god. No. You're standing before the living god. About

Scott Keffer [:

the food.

Scott Keffer [:

He he said, like, who you under oath before the living god? I am the living God. So what's happening as he seeks to carry out false judgment upon the lord Jesus, he's calling out judgment upon himself. He's literally calling out guilty upon himself. He's standing before the living God. And I love Jesus says, hereafter, you will see. He says, you will see what we see. The son of man seated. What? Hebrews tells us the high priest doesn't sit because they are continually offering.

Scott Keffer [:

Jesus, the great high priest, sat down, which means it's done. It is finished once for all. Right? He says, you will see the son of man seated, and he's coming back in glory. He said, you will see it. You want evidence? You will see it. It's a great reminder that Christianity is not about beliefs. Christianity is about history. The Lord Jesus became flesh.

Scott Keffer [:

He encapsulated himself. The uncontainable stepped into a container. He tabernacled among us. You saw him. He said, you saw him. John says, we saw him. He experienced it in the flesh, and he was resurrected. And he said, you will see.

Scott Keffer [:

He said, you will see. So Christianity is evidence. It's evidence. The resurrection is evidence. We have we have it's not about, oh, you believe and what I believe it is. We have evidence. Our messiah came in the flesh, was resurrected from the dead. He said, you will see him coming again as Daniel says in the clouds.

Scott Keffer [:

You ever look up and think, one day, you might be here, and the clouds will split open, and the lord Jesus will come back. And the people will need adult dependents, it says. They will so we'll say, what? They will run and say, let the rocks come upon you. Right? The Lord is coming back again. He said, you will see it. We are a historical faith. There is historical evidence. It's not opinions.

Scott Keffer [:

It's evidence. It's evidence. He said, you will see it. You will see it. Love that. He reminds us in Isaiah, the lord of hosts, godly of hosts, is sworn. Well, as he said, surely, just as I have intended, it is happened. And then he said, just as I have planned, it will stand.

Scott Keffer [:

Is that great? Mhmm. It will come to pass. He says, who is like me? So the beginning to the end. Right? Who's like me? The first and the last. When I plan it, it comes to tab. But Jesus said, you'll see it. You will see it. And you'll see the the son of man where at the right hand, he says at the right hand of power, not only the position of of of favor and but the position of authority.

Scott Keffer [:

And I thought he reminds them that that that you're judging the one who will judge you. Right. You are judging the one who will be judging you. I will be seated. He said, you'll see him at the right hand of my Gotcha. So that is, for us, the gospel. The the lord Jesus resurrected from the dead sits down the great high priest sits down at the right hand of power. And why is it finished? Because he's done he's he's he's sanctified once for all Once for all, and then he sits down.

Scott Keffer [:

Is that good news? No. No. It's great news. Yes. Thank you. It is. The gospel is great news. It'd be great, great news.

Scott Keffer [:

But we see this this spelling picture of a mock really mock trial injustice. Right? And in the midst of this I love it because he said he's not quivocating. He said, I am. He said, I am. Before Abraham was, I am. Are are you are you the Messiah? I am. It's like he says, Right? I am. I am God.

Scott Keffer [:

He's not equivocating. I am God. So CS Lewis says, if you were someone like Jesus, you would not be confused. He says he would either be a lunatic on the level of a man who says he is a poached egg or else he would be the devil of hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was and is the son of God or else a madman or something worse. He says you can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon, or you can fall at his feet and call him lord and god. Amen.

Scott Keffer [:

But Lewis said you can't ignore him. You can't ignore him at all. Can't ignore him. So he stands there before him. I was trying to think about this situation. He stands there before him. They spit out the Lord Jesus. They spit in his face.

Scott Keffer [:

They spit in his face. And I I thought about what does that mean in that time? That was that was a sign of disdain and contempt. And it was done in public. You would go to somebody spit in their face, say, since you're you are worthy of of less and less. You are contemptible. And so you spit right in their face. And then they beat him, and then they mock him. They mock him, the sinless one the sinless one standing before them.

Scott Keffer [:

Sinless one standing before them. So the spit is extreme disdain. It is it it was reserved for the utterly and the fault. The less than less. The less than less. But, oh, okay. What do we do with that? What do we do with that? There's a picture of the Lord Jesus. And as I said before, we can encounter things so often that they become emotionless for us, but we we're we're we're let in.

Scott Keffer [:

He opens up the door for us to stand and see this in secret, what's going on. We see it in secret. And what he means for us to do that, what do we see about the lord Jesus, what do we see about god the father? What do we see about his power and his purposes over time? And what do we see about ourselves? So the first thing I thought is we see man's heart for God. We see it as hearts, man's heart for God, don't we? What do they say about the lord Jesus? He deserves them echoing back at themselves with the judgment upon them. If the sin was born to serve death, what do you deserve? Right? Back upon themselves, the judgment comes back upon themselves. He deserved it. So we see man's hearts. David Guzik said for a long time, man waited until literally hit, slap, and spit in god's face for a long time.

Scott Keffer [:

And so at at our core, we'd love to put god to death, wouldn't we? To dishonor him, to remove him, get out of my life. I don't want you. I don't wanna I don't wanna put God out of my life. I want you away. Right? Now I may keep you over there. These days, we have the sense that I wanna have a, you know, great god in case of emergency. I might call upon him in the midst of it. But we know a god who's gonna forward to you over our life, do we? We want it in the fund, essentially put to death.

Scott Keffer [:

And so this idea that we would spit or we would slap or we would mock him. Right? The light came into the world and men loved the darkness. They loved the darkness rather than the light. 28 years, I love the darkness rather than the light. I love the darkness. I didn't want the light in my life. I didn't want the light to shine in around me or on me at all. Right? Because why? It would expose the fact that I love the darkness.

Scott Keffer [:

Love the darkness. So it shows man's heart toward God. The second thing I thought is it shows the other sinfulness of man's sin. The other sinfulness of man's sin. One of the hardest concepts for me, and I think for all of us, is the idea of sin. Mhmm. That it's abhorrence to a holy God. It's hard for us to comprehend because all we can think of is less sin, baby.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? Just a little bit less. Like, Mother Teresa is probably better. Right? She's a lot better. But, you know and then Billy Graham and then, you know so we have this kind of a sin, right, scale, And I'm and I know people are worse than me. I should be. Not many people are worse than me. So I'm okay. I'm kind of in the middle of an I hope.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? Well, without Christ, she's told god it's not her. Yeah. Right? Because otherwise, we're in big trouble. Yep. But his holiness is a pure eye than to people iniquity, and the soul that sins must die. The wages of sin is death. I think it's crazy. Then if you've broken one law, you've broken them all.

Scott Keffer [:

That's hard for us to comprehend. The depth of sin, the the the way it is an affront to a holy god. So in Romans, Paul said, before the law came and said, do not covet. I didn't understand coveting. When the law came, I coveted more. So he says, is the law bad? And then he said, may it never be. In fact, he says in here. I put it in here.

Scott Keffer [:

He said, therefore, did that which is good, so the law is good, it became a cause of death for me. He said, no. They have it for me. Don't be confused. Rather, it was sin. He said, okay. In order that that's a pointer. Always follow in order.

Scott Keffer [:

Here's the corpus. In order. In order for what? That it might be shown to be sin. Okay? Why? How? By affecting my death through that which is good. So what is good brought about sin. Right? Brought about my death. Right? That through the commandment, sin might become utterly sinful, utterly sinful. So you're saying the law shows up, and what happens in me? I come to the door.

Scott Keffer [:

You know that. Don't go there. I'm going there. Don't do that. I'm doing that. Right? And those are just basic stuff. Do not do that. I told them that was so early on, I was making a cold call somewhere on, a business owner, and there was a, you know, there was a collector guy.

Scott Keffer [:

So I've been said, don't do that. So I just went like that. You know? Oh, really? Told. So the nature. Right? Do not do that. But he said, so the law comes so do not covet, not covet. And so is the law the problem? That's what he's saying. Is the law the problem? No.

Scott Keffer [:

The law is good, holy, and righteous. And so what's holy and righteous produces sin in me and shows you how sinful sin is. So the sinless one shows up and and me the desire to murder, how sinful is sin? As the sinless one stands before me, right, we literally behold the sinfulness of man. He sends his son, the sinless one, who is to be my savior. And what do I wanna do? He came to die for me. I wanna put him to death. That's sin in its nature. Man's sin.

Scott Keffer [:

Man is not good by nature. Man is not good by nature. So hold the other sinfulness of sin. And lastly, behold the enduring patience of almighty God and his patience for his ultimate mercy. So here's the lord Jesus standing there, and they spit in his face. They beat him, and they mock him. What should have happened? Instantaneous death. They should have died on the spot.

Scott Keffer [:

Why is that? Well, at the same time, the minute you sinned, what should you die? You should die instantaneously. Why isn't god's just place and judgment instantaneous? Committed a soul of sins, they should die. The way you do the same is Yeah. Why is god why is God right? He says so he says in in in Romans 9, what if God, although willing, and what's he gonna demonstrate? Is wrath and put justice because we get confused about wrath. We think it's evil. No. Wrath is justice. His justice and his power in other words, his authority to bring about justice.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? His he he grabbed his his righteous justice. So god is willing to demonstrate his justice, his righteous judgement, and to show you his power and authority. He endures with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction. Why does he do that? Why does he do that? He did. Why? So that he could make known, but the riches of his Right. Glory upon vessels of mercy. Mhmm. Riches, glory, mercy.

Scott Keffer [:

I will have compassion on whom I'll have compassion on whom I'll have mercy on whom I'll have mercy. He says he endures it. He endures it. Right? When he is prepared beforehand for his glory, he endures it. Do you think it's hard to live in the world? God sees sin every moment of every day across the entire globe for all of time. He seemed to all. He endures it. His righteous nature demands justice.

Scott Keffer [:

Why does he endure? The riches of his glory, mercy, pardon. And that includes you who come to a knowledge of it. You were part of the reason he endures this, part of the reason the son endures this. Yes. God, though, willing is patience for his ultimate mercy. So we endure man's heart. We endure the other sinfulness. We behold the other sinfulness of man's sin, and we see god's patience in light of his ultimate mercy.

Scott Keffer [:

To go out he's patient, long suffering, merciful, compassionate, gracious, slow anger, abounding in loving kindness, keeping loving kindness for 1,000, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin. Oh, thank you, Lord. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So we see. We see. Lastly, we consider the world system.

Scott Keffer [:

To remind myself, because the world system and the people in the world are 2 different things. The world system who's the prince of the power of the world system? State.

Scott Keffer [:

State. The prince

Scott Keffer [:

of the power of the air. Right? The world system. Well, the world system here's what's interesting. When they brought Jesus in, they didn't bring him in to judge him. They had already judged him. We're gonna be a death. They already judged him. It was a mock deal.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? And without Christ, we've already judged God. We're by worthless. Not worthy of buying time, not worthy of being. Right? He's already judged by people. You've noticed that? Even and it's not you know, Josh McDowell who, had the privilege to go to brought it in 1994 with it. He wrote, evidence that demands a verdict and then some more evidence, and it's these gigantic things. I mean, it's still evident. It's not evidence that people need.

Scott Keffer [:

It's got to take out their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh and speak light into their dark heart because evidence doesn't convict, does it? You hope it does, but there's more than enough evidence. The world system is already judging and hates Jesus Hates Jesus. And, therefore, it should hate us. If the world hates you, what? You know that it's hated me. Well, you think, you know, if only I have it all together, then the world would respond. Right? If I did all the right things. You ever feel like that? I see, you know, seeing that by my family and my friends. I've brought up.

Scott Keffer [:

You know, Lord Jesus stood in front of the world with no sin. Were they waiting for him? Beside that the world's waiting to see you. The world's not waiting to see you. The world hated the lord Jesus. He showed up. They put him to death. The other thing I put is that the world sent to literally the enemy, the devil, holds people captive, holds people captive. And and second Timothy writes when he says the lord's bond servant should be patient.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? We're jealous correcting those who are in opposition if perhaps. Mhmm. But, god, god may grant them repentance. So who granted?

Scott Keffer [:


Scott Keffer [:

God be granted. Leading to what? Knowledge of the truth. Right? If God grants repentance, they will come to a knowledge of truth, then they will come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil. From the snare of the devil. People are held captive. Having been held captive to do his will, they're blind and captive. We all know as we share and move through the world whom God will grant repentance, leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they'll come to their senses. I don't know, but there are some, he said.

Scott Keffer [:

He always said, there are some in this city. There are some in this place. There are some in the midst of your family and friends and work and where you are. There are some. God means to bring them to a knowledge. Right? And he includes those in there. But it remind us as we look around that the world's systems, it's not the you know, the the people in the world not are not our enemies. It's the world system.

Scott Keffer [:

It's the the prince of the power of the air. Does that make sense? Though, by being very frustrated about at those who are held captive held captive, and he reminds us. Right? He reminds us. So they're held captive. Snare of the devil. Lord, grant repentance, leading to a knowledge of the truth. That's why I pray for for Bruce. Lord, grant repentance.

Scott Keffer [:

Convict and convince. Convict and convince. That's why I heard her all the time. Convict and convince. For for Bob and Sharon, convict and convince. The next thing I put in there is the world system is not righteous or just. It's not righteous or just. We're surprised these days at the open injustice that's occurring in our world today.

Scott Keffer [:

Because it used to be in dark. Now they just do it in the light, and they'd say, you know, go ahead. And nobody cares. What everyone does was right in the road on us. We should not expect the world system. It was never righteous and just. It was just mostly done in the dark, and you didn't see it as much. So people are you're waiting for the for the injustice system, which we have in our world, to become just.

Scott Keffer [:

It's not. Government's not just. The justice system is not just. It's just not. Corporations are not just. Right? Science is not just. Right? Pharmaceutical companies are not just. They're not.

Scott Keffer [:

They're they're not right. That's why they are led by sinful people. There's a surprise. In the name of protecting think about this. It's stunning to think that the high priest, right, and and the priest at the time, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, to protect their honor and their. I mean, in a little community, they were willing to put someone to death in the name of don't mess don't mess with me and my stuff. Right? And then we see it today, y'all. Don't mess with me and my stuff.

Scott Keffer [:

Right? And now I'm willing to put you into debt. So That's true. He says, keep in trusting yourself.

Scott Keffer [:

Okay. I don't know you keep in trust. Who do you

Scott Keffer [:

trust yourself to? God who judges right. It's the underlying that. God who judges right to flee. So he says, he defines favor if for the sake of conscience, poor God, hurts and bear with us under her sorrows when suffering unjustly. I hate that. Don't you Suffering unjustly. It seems so unfair. Why would I suffer unjustly? Where Jesus suffered unjustly.

Scott Keffer [:

So he said, well but if when you do what is right and suffer for it, how may I have done that? Right? Make a stand. Now I've done a lot of we've done it wrong and suffer for it. He said, if you do what's wrong and suffer for it, what's the deal? If you do what's right in self report, you patiently endure it. This provides favor with God. Why? You've been called to this purpose. Oh, dang. They hate that. Why? Since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example to follow in his steps.

Scott Keffer [:

He committed no sin nor was any deceit found in his mouth. And then he gives us a picture. So he said, while being reviled, what did he do? He did not revile the return. When you're being reviled, what do you wanna do? You do wanna revile back. You wanna fire a meal, fire back. And we do that. We do that with friends. We do that with spouses.

Scott Keffer [:

We do that. Right? You wanna revile me, I'll revile in return. Because he, while being reviled, did not. And while suffering, he uttered no Rest. Stress. If I was the son of God, I don't know if you ever met. Like you said, I would have called down the 12 legion. I would have called down the an angel.

Scott Keffer [:

I would have said, do you know who I am? But what do you do? Nothing. It said he kept Silent. Entrusting himself, attacking. He wasn't passively silent. Mhmm. He was actively silent, standing firm under the sovereign providence of almighty God, entrusting himself to the one who judges righteously. You will protect me. You will preserve me.

Scott Keffer [:

The outcome is in your hands. Is that hard? It's hard. It's hard. It's trusting in his sovereignty, his providence. He kept interrupting himself to him who judges voraciously. So expecting the world system waiting for the world system, it didn't it it it's not a it's not a change in our world. It's not a election. Nothing's going to bring about right it's just as in the world.

Scott Keffer [:

It just doesn't exist. So we're saying stop waiting for that. Don't be surprised that, the world's system is unrighteous and unjust. They're not gonna get better. They're not gonna get better until So he says, here's the application for this. This is the hard part. Where I'm viewing from a distance, viewing him on the close is stunning, isn't it? His his obedience, his submission is stunning to me. He says, so here is how you apply this.

Scott Keffer [:

Submit for the Lord's sake, says in scripture. To what? Human institutions. Human institution and bad bosses. In fact, it said, wicked boss. Wicked boss. Yeah. Alright. So I was okay looking at the Lord Jesus.

Scott Keffer [:

Now let's all go to this part where now I have to apply it in my life. I have to stand under the sovereignty, his providence, and apply it to my life. Human institutions and that will get better. So this is first Peter 2. It says here's the Lord Jesus, gave you an example to following his steps. In 1st Peter 3, of course, as you know, there aren't really chapters and there aren't really verses. But 1st Peter 3 starts out with this phrase. Already here.

Scott Keffer [:

In the same way in what? 2. 1st Peter 2, which was the Lord Jesus, while being reviled Mhmm. He did not revile return While suffering, he uttered no threats. Mhmm. In the same way, and then he says, wives, wives, submit your husbands. Okay. That's not a popular message. I I know I shouldn't have come today.

Scott Keffer [:

Oh, don't wait up. He says, husband, hold on. He says, live with your wife in an understanding way and branch your wife honor like a fellow heir fellow heir of the grace of God. And then he said, by the way, you guys, you think she's hard? If you don't get this right, your prayers will be hindered. Right? He said, get this right. Grant, live with your wife in an understanding way. Grant her honors, fellow heir of the creation of life. So that so that always pay attention to so that your prayers may not be hindered.

Scott Keffer [:

So that my prayer will not be hindered. Don't you see this? It's saying, here's the lord Jesus. He stood under. Right? He took. And he's saying, in the same way, buy this human institutions, your bosses, your family relationship. You can stand under the sovereign providence of almighty God, entrusting yourself to him who judges righteously. Him who judges righteously, which means what? I'll do what is right and I'll suffer for it. I hate that, don't you? The problem with going mind upon line, precept upon precept through the bible, you gotta go through the stuff you like.

Scott Keffer [:

And so you don't like. But it's true. The good news is he says he's been tempted in all ways as you have yet without sin. Sin. What do you mean? Wherever you stand, wherever you're trusting yourself, standing out of providence, he understands, and he will be with you. He will be with you because he stood it. He looked at it. He endured it without sin.

Scott Keffer [:

So he says, right, keep entrusting yourself to God who judges right to be. He entrusted himself to the heavenly father in the midst of it. That means in the midst of society, human institutions, in the midst of work, with with that where you bought it, in your home, in your marriage, right, where you stand, where you're being reviled and you wanna reviled every turn. We're doing right and and our suffering for it. And lastly, remember, you just said to them, hereafter. Hereafter. Hereafter. What's that mean? There's a now and then there's a hereafter.

Scott Keffer [:

And Jesus said, hereafter, right, you will see. Hereafter, you will see. So the world system is not forever. The world system and the son of god is seated at the right hand of the father, and he is coming back again. And all injustice will be brought to justice either at the cross, right, or directly. You know what? All justice. Mhmm. All justice.

Scott Keffer [:

Remember hereafter, the world system is not forever. The love of the some time 150. Not to us, but we're not to us, but to your name be glory. And then they say, well, where is your god? Where is your god? Now think about this with Bob. I have no idea what's gonna happen to Sophie. She may she may die. And he would say, probably what I would say to an unbeliever, where is your god? Where is god in the midst of that? Why would that happen? I don't have an answer to that. Mhmm.

Scott Keffer [:

What's he saying? The nations will say, where is your god? Where is your god? Where is your god? How come all the evil? I hold the question. How come this? How come that? Where is your god? He said, our god is in the heavens. Guess what? He does as he pleases. In other words, he's not controllable by you. He's not answerable to you. Mhmm. He's not answerable to the world, and he's not controllable by the world. Our god is in the heavens, and he's righteous, and he's just, and he's full of love and kindness and truth.

Scott Keffer [:

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. Loving kindness and truth go before him. That's our God. I don't need to he doesn't need me to explain it. He he's not worried about bad press. He doesn't he doesn't care what they say on Facebook. Mhmm. Right? He doesn't care what CNN or anyone else says.

Scott Keffer [:

Our god's in the heavens. He does as he pleases. And the good news for Christians is hereafter. Whatever the now is, we could say hereafter hereafter, you will see the son of man. You will see justice. You will see righteousness. You will see it. He's coming back again, coming back again.

Scott Keffer [:

So the world system has already been already judged Jesus and hates him and will hate Christians. The world system is holding captive. Pray for their release. World system is not righteous or just even trusting yourself to god who judges righteously. The whole system is not. Remember, remember, you're at. Alright. Find out an insight and share a few.

Scott Keffer [:

Oh my god.

Scott Keffer [:

We thank you for your word. We thank you for Scott and his faithfulness and his diligence in bringing us your word every week. Or we thank you for the ultimate sacrifice made on our behalf, a death that brought new life to all the believers that are in this room. And, Lord, you planned and executed the death of your very own son, the ultimate sacrifice. May we live with gratitude, with love. May we call upon your spirit to help us to set aside the sin that so easily entangles and wait may we live with the knowledge and the and the awareness of the great love and sacrifice you made on our behalf. May we have that on our minds each and every day. But we're so grateful, and we're so thankful.

Scott Keffer [:

We ask that you would be with us, Lord, and that you would allow us the privilege to share with others that they may also see the great blessings of the sacrifice of your son, Jesus. Lord, thank you for this time. Be with us in your son's name. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Scott Keffer [:

Amen to god. Send your son. May the son who came and shed his blood for you. May he bless you. May he keep you. May he cause his face to shine upon you. May he lift up his countenance and bring his love deep into his soul. With grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God the father, and the, fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you now and this day, to this week, and always.

Scott Keffer [:

Amen. Milling up again before you know.

Scott Keffer [:

Thanks for listening. I hope you have greater hope, assurance and confidence in your life and a deeper trust in the God of the bible and his son, Jesus Christ. Until next time, may the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. And may the Lord lift up his countenance on you and give you his peace, his shalom in your soul and in your life. Until next time, may god bless you and keep you.




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