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Flexibility, Change, and Outer Planet Transits
Episode 329th July 2021 • Astrology Hotline • Kyle Pierce
00:00:00 01:31:23

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Tristan and Kyle answer questions about working with indications of fixidity, what personality change looks like in a birth chart, and "midlife crisis" outer planet transits. If you have a question you would like to hear answered on the podcast, send us your question and birth data at Follow us on Instagram

Maggie's Birth Chart -

Michael Fassbender's Birth Chart -

Kyle Pierce -


Killer Cosmos:

Tristan Paylor-



Lofi Hiphop Intro 13 by TaigaSoundProd



Happy Calm Intro 05 by TaigaSoundProd




Kyle Pierce:

Hello, welcome to astrology hotline where we

Kyle Pierce:

answer birth chart and astrology questions submitted by

Kyle Pierce:

listeners. And if you have a question you'd like to hear

Kyle Pierce:

answered on astrology hotline, go ahead and shoot us an email

Kyle Pierce:

at astrology hotline I'm Kyle Pierce

Kyle Pierce:

and hosting with me today is Tristan Paylor. Hello, everyone.

Kyle Pierce:

It is July 25 2021. Sagittarius is rising here in Michigan, I

Kyle Pierce:

assume in Ontario as well. Yep. We have a couple of questions

Kyle Pierce:

here that we're gonna go over today. We want to go ahead and

Kyle Pierce:

get started or do you have any groundbreaking news to share? Tristan?


I don't think I have any groundbreaking news. So I'm


happy to go ahead and introduce our first question.


All right, fire away.


So Maggie wants to know how she can shift from


being such a Fixed sign to a person with more creativity, or


fluidity. She also says she has changed a lot in the last few


years. And she wants to know how charts account of deep


personality changes as the result of trauma or trauma


recovery. The first thing I notice is that Maggie is a


Gemini rising. And I absolutely love that we got two questions


in one from a Gemini rising is symbolically perfect. And that


there's a bit of a paradox between these questions. Yeah.


And that they both have to do with change. So this is the


Gemini our Sagittarius maybe rising where we are. But Gemini


is rising in spirit here.

Kyle Pierce:

Because we could be considered the other in this

Kyle Pierce:

context. Yeah.


As a descendant

Kyle Pierce:

the wise Sagittarian Jupiter ruled.


So Maggie's chart isn't actually overly fixed.


There's a really good balance of all the modes in this chart.


There's even you know, Mercury in Gemini being right on the


ascendant, which is probably the most adaptable, flexible


placement I could imagine in astrology. Right. So I think


there's a lot of, yeah, it's really there. There's lots of


potential for creativity and fluidity in this chart. But


there are a couple of things I see that could slow it down. I


think one of them would be that opposition between the moon in


cancer and Saturn and Capricorn happening in the second and


eighth houses.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. Alongside the the first house ruler, which

Kyle Pierce:

just real quick, just give a general overview of Maggie's

Kyle Pierce:

chart here is Gemini rising Mercury at about 20 degrees,

Kyle Pierce:

right on the ascendant at about 19 degrees. Sun in Taurus, and

Kyle Pierce:

moon in cancer, like you said, but the moon, you know, that's a

Kyle Pierce:

really important general indicator for the person. Let's

Kyle Pierce:

say, you know, sometimes the moon shows up more as other

Kyle Pierce:

people but like, I feel like almost consistently, even like

Kyle Pierce:

in day charts, the moon saying something about the individual.


Yeah, yeah, that's one where, I mean, I've been


learning so much about traditional astrology, where the


planets tend to represent people or events more so than they


represent the owner of the chart, but I still find the Sun


and Moon really consistently say something about someone's


personality, regardless of you know, the other things they also


indicate in a chart.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. The whole mean the whole chart and some

Kyle Pierce:

digression, but ended up describing personality was like,

Kyle Pierce:

those are like developments, which, you know, maybe we'll get

Kyle Pierce:

into as we're talking about, like personality change. But the

Kyle Pierce:

first Hospitallers kind of like your, your baseline, like your

Kyle Pierce:

main mode of operating.


Yeah. And the thing you have the most control over?


Yeah, the most say.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, but I would, thinking about the you have the

Kyle Pierce:

dichotomy in the question, which, again, very Mercury in

Kyle Pierce:

Gemini, but almost like I would feel like, it kind of almost

Kyle Pierce:

seems to indicate a personality change or like a significant,

Kyle Pierce:

like wearing many hats in life. You know,


I want to just going back to that Saturn moon


opposition, I feel like that's an important aspect to look at


in terms of feeling fixed in terms of feeling stuck,


especially since the moon in cancer is actually very fluid


and very changeable and very flexible. The moon in cancer is


good at sort of taking the shape of its environment. But Saturn


represents very much the opposite prints. supple and


intends to freeze things. And with you know, the moon,


representing our unconscious conditioning, you know, I can


see this aspect representing a sense of being stuck in certain


patterns of behavior may be connected to you know what you


need to feel secure the job of the moon is to make you feel


secure and Saturn in this opposition could represent a


fear or negative experience that makes it hard to relax or feel


comfortable. So, I don't know, there's like an overall sense


with this aspect that safety depends on prevention, and


Saturn is maybe being kind of rigid about what the moon should


be doing to prevent negative experiences from happening. Even


if there is no danger or danger has passed, that sort of


freezing effect of Saturn can just get these two planets


stuck. And being in the second and eighth houses, which are


houses that don't have a lot of visibility, those patterns can


be harder to change, because they might be harder to see,


might be harder to sort of bring, you know, whatever,


whatever feelings are, whatever feelings are caught up in this


sense of being stuck, it might be hard to sort of bring them to


the surface.

Kyle Pierce:

One thing I find about the eighth house, too, is

Kyle Pierce:

there is a feeling of powerlessness, you know, gets a

Kyle Pierce:

lot of its significations from being a succeed in house you

Kyle Pierce:

know, so like, with diurnal motion, the eighth house is the

Kyle Pierce:

house that will soon become the seventh house. But like a planet

Kyle Pierce:

moving is looking towards the ninth house, it feels like it's

Kyle Pierce:

on its way there. So there's like a feeling of falling

Kyle Pierce:

backwards. And it being so kind of closely tied with the seventh

Kyle Pierce:

house, it's kind of a very other tree house, and it doesn't make

Kyle Pierce:

an aspect with the ascendant. So it like, we don't always, like

Kyle Pierce:

identify very strongly with a house planets. Like initially,

Kyle Pierce:

there is like a feeling of like, lack of control, or even just

Kyle Pierce:

waiting for something to happen. Yeah, often negative and feeling

Kyle Pierce:

like stuck in the dark.


Or, like, you know, maybe whatever it is that had


you feeling stuck in the first place has passed, and you're


sort of waiting for the rest of you to get caught up, you know,


or it's like, okay, I don't have to be stuck in this place


anymore. You know, things are safe, I can move forward. But


there's, you know, a part of you that's not quite ready for


change that isn't quite there yet. And I feel like the answer,


you know, there isn't sort of a radical answer in that scenario,


other than patience and self compassion, you know, the usual


pieces of advice that people would probably give you that the


part of you that, that isn't quite caught up with the rest of


you yet in terms of being ready to become more flexible and move


forward. It's a part of you that just needs some patience and


some care in order to catch up. It's, it's going to take a


little longer.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, I think that's the general theme with

Kyle Pierce:

succeeding houses to like, is there move forward to kind of

Kyle Pierce:

show up a little later. Because otherwise, you know, that is a

Kyle Pierce:

difficult aspect, but I'm with the Moon and Venus as well, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, both very emotional kind of feeling planets. But Saturn

Kyle Pierce:

is, you know, it's in its own sign, it's in a day chart, as

Kyle Pierce:

well. It's a placement that, you know, I would still think would

Kyle Pierce:

tend to improve over time, that sort of tendency for Saturn to

Kyle Pierce:

put the freeze on things or slow things down. It hasn't had time

Kyle Pierce:

to cook, it thaws, it starts to thaw and let's hold, lets go of

Kyle Pierce:

its grip on you know, whatever, it's aspecting closely.


And I think the moon in cancer is always ready to


change. I mean, the moon in cancer is just the pure moon.


That's the moon's home sign. And the moon is very, obviously very


visually about change. That's what you know, lends the moon


its symbolism is going through all of these phases. And cancer


is a cardinal sign. This is a moon that's always ready to move


forward. And Saturn might be a voice of caution, you know about


doing too much too quickly. So yeah, it's like there's a bit of


a standoff here between a very a part of you that wants progress


that wants to let feelings move through you. That's that's ready


for change. And then maybe another part that's a little


more resistant and inflexible, but they both have your best


interests at heart. So I feel like you know, the resolution is


finding that balance between the intense desire for change and


the need to exercise caution and not try to do too much at once.


Yeah, I also, I also really feel like you're probably making a


lot more progress than you realize. When I see opposition's


from Saturn like this, sometimes the image that comes to mind for


me is like, you know, scraping gum off the bottom of a chair


that's been hardened for a really, really long time, and


you just kind of have to keep chipping away and chipping away.


And when you're chipping away at things, you know, you don't see


immediate progress, you don't see it happening very quickly.


So you kind of need to change your perspective and zoom out a


little in order to see the progress actually happening


because it's happening over, you know, on a larger scale or over


a longer period of time.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, I really love actually that gum stuck to the

Kyle Pierce:

bottom for chair analogy. I've had that experience of having

Kyle Pierce:

gum stuck to stuff. And I remember one time I figured out

Kyle Pierce:

that if you hold the lighter up, you know, not too far from it,

Kyle Pierce:

he did give it some heat, you know, it'll soften and you can

Kyle Pierce:

pull it right off there. Obviously too much heat, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, and it'll get all gooey and just get even more stuck all

Kyle Pierce:

over stuff but


and this is this is why Saturn prefers diurnal


charts, it needs the heat. Yeah. So so a little a little bit of


heat prevents it from you know, turning into a rock solid piece


of gas. Yeah.

Kyle Pierce:

Makes a lot of sense that I'm just like, kind

Kyle Pierce:

of having this question. come up for you, Maggie. is mercury, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, in your first house, in Gemini Ruling Your ascendant on

Kyle Pierce:

the ascendant, you know, very powerful placement, Mercury is

Kyle Pierce:

very oriented towards change, wants to change thrives on a

Kyle Pierce:

novelty, but there are kind of themes coming from houses that

Kyle Pierce:

are less than visible, indicating, you know, more

Kyle Pierce:

flaccidity in different ways, like the sun in Taurus, in the

Kyle Pierce:

12. And even you know, Jupiter, yeah, not that I'm, I see

Kyle Pierce:

everything about the 12th house is being strictly negative or

Kyle Pierce:

about suffering or about, you know, undoing you, but they are,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, their themes of what is in the 12th house, being not

Kyle Pierce:

entirely visible and representing challenges. Even

Kyle Pierce:

like a kind of a fixed acidity of the sun. What is the sun

Kyle Pierce:



That's number 3/3,

Kyle Pierce:

which is a house of movement and travel, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

you're kind of every day, your day to day goings on. In the sun

Kyle Pierce:

in Taurus, this is like everything that it would do. But

Kyle Pierce:

like there could be like fixity in your everyday environment,

Kyle Pierce:

like everyday feels maybe like exactly the same compared to

Kyle Pierce:

like, maybe what you're more oriented towards, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

you're looking for, but I could see how Mercury in Gemini, and

Kyle Pierce:

even that theme of like signs that are right next to each

Kyle Pierce:

other, traditionally considered to be an aversion, you know, the

Kyle Pierce:

they can work together in kind of odd ways, but they are almost

Kyle Pierce:

they're more opposite than an opposition, in a sense. Like, I

Kyle Pierce:

would say that Taurus and Scorpio have more in common than

Kyle Pierce:

Taurus and Gemini.


Oh, definitely. Yeah, I mean, opposition's are, you


know, it's like the difference between red and green, red and


green or opposite colors on the color wheel. What's the


difference between red and square, they're completely


different categories. So, you know, Capricorn, and cancer, or


Taurus and Scorpio. They're just at opposite poles of a single


spectrum, which means they have a lot in common categorically


two sides of this, whereas Taurus and Gemini, yeah, they


are exactly two sides of the same coin, or as Taurus and


Gemini being an aversion currencies. It's like apples and


oranges. Yeah. It's hard to get a conversation going between


them. It's interesting how mercury, there's a lot that


mercury can't see in this chart. Which, you know, I can imagine


might be frustrating because mercury is flexible, especially


in Gemini is flexibility and adaptability. And Mercury is so


open to new ideas and new ways of seeing things and willing to


change its mind based on new information. But they're all of


these other factors going on sort of in the shadows in this


chart that that mercury can't see that are kind of putting a


halt. On You know what this chart was has to do having both


the second light because, you know, maybe he was born during


the day. So the sun is you know the, the most important of the


two lights in this chart and then Jupiter being the diurnal,


but NAVFAC, and they're both in the 12th house, which is a place


that slows things down and breaks things down. It's not a


forward momentum, kind of house, it's trying to move through the


12th house is like trying to move through five feet of snow


in the middle of the night without a flashlight. Yeah.


Nothing happens quickly in there.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, it's only after like, long periods of

Kyle Pierce:

reflection, you have to really sit alone and really, like,

Kyle Pierce:

there is something about, you know, the 12. And, you know, it

Kyle Pierce:

being the joy of Saturn, it does have like a very Saturn quality,

Kyle Pierce:

where you kind of have to suffer for your gains a little bit.

Kyle Pierce:

There is a degree of letting go. It, you know, it's a it's gonna

Kyle Pierce:

sound very contradictory. But, you know, being a Gemini rising

Kyle Pierce:

with mercury, on the ascendant, you might be more receptive to

Kyle Pierce:

this sort of thought, but the there's a degree to which, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, you have to let go of what's in the 12. But at the

Kyle Pierce:

same time, sort of take control, but like, take control the

Kyle Pierce:

things that you can, there's a, what is that, um, the poem


called the serenity,

Kyle Pierce:

prayer, give me the strength to


accept the things you can't change. Yes, change the


things you can,

Kyle Pierce:

yeah, that, to me seems like a very tall house

Kyle Pierce:

sort of prayer. You know, the 12th house is very much

Kyle Pierce:

associated with prayer.


There is, I was taking a look at aspects of this chart


that might support becoming more flexible, I feel like supporting


the moon, and what the moon is trying to do would probably be


helpful. And there's this sort of, like, very beautiful,


symmetrical support group of planets going on in this chart,


the 12th house and the second house are giving each other a


lot of support, which is very interesting. But there is a


really beautiful, mutual reception going on between the


Moon and Jupiter, where Jupiter is in the sign where the moon


exalts, and the moon is in the sign where Jupiter exalts, and


they can see each other by a positive aspect. So they're


very, and yeah, moons applying to Jupiter. It's yeah, it's just


a gorgeous aspect. But the Moon, Venus, and sun and Jupiter,


they're all kind of just in this nice little party, all


supporting each other. And, you know, when I was looking at the


houses that these planets rule, obviously, the houses in a chart


contain a lot of the people in your life, a lot of the


relationships that you have. So you know, Jupiter, for example,


rules the seventh house, which is partnerships, the sun rules,


the third house, which is siblings and neighbors and


people who are sort of part of your everyday routine or


environment. You know, the grocery store clerks are people


you see on the bus every day, the 10th house is also being


ruled by Jupiter, which is, you know, people in positions of


authority. The third house also represents spiritual networks


and spiritual communities. So I feel like there's all this


support going on between these four planets. And so there's an


indication that reaching out to people in those relationships or


things that may help to support your moon

Kyle Pierce:

making spot like up in my head just looking at that

Kyle Pierce:

mutual reception by exultation with Jupiter and the moon.

Kyle Pierce:

Jupiter being you know, the sect, the nuffic You know, even

Kyle Pierce:

in the 12th house like Jupiter is still trying to do Jupiter

Kyle Pierce:

keeps popping into my head, like good things come to those who

Kyle Pierce:

wait. There is a strong theme that and just with Taurus in

Kyle Pierce:

general of just notoriously II, there's a very receptive sign

Kyle Pierce:

and it is maybe the most fixed of the fixed signs. It's fixed

Kyle Pierce:

earth, like rocks, you know, the ground that we're walking on,

Kyle Pierce:

you don't want that to become too unstable, however much, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, maybe you personally want to see shifts and changes, there

Kyle Pierce:

is a sort of patience that needs to be cultivated. Mercury in

Kyle Pierce:

Gemini is maybe not the most patient kind of planet, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, it has a lot of strength, it's very strong and its sign.

Kyle Pierce:

But there is, you know, it's very restless, very, craving new

Kyle Pierce:

things, and was like imagining, like maybe you changing a lot,

Kyle Pierce:

but like your environment, maybe lagging behind, and maybe it

Kyle Pierce:

doesn't seem like the changes have actually happened. Maybe

Kyle Pierce:

you've changed a lot more than you think. Think to the, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, Mars. There's, you know, a Trine relationship with Mars and

Kyle Pierce:

Aquarius in the ninth you know, it's pretty close to the MC

Kyle Pierce:

actually. You know, Mars is out of sect. So it's extra hot that

Kyle Pierce:

Trine it does add like a lot more heat in an energy to

Kyle Pierce:

Mercury, like you might really, really want to move forward. And

Kyle Pierce:

then Mars, squaring the sun to Taurus. And we think of So You

Kyle Pierce:

Think of like Mars, and Aquarius, like fixed air, like

Kyle Pierce:

just this. Like trying to blow a boulder across a field. There's

Kyle Pierce:

almost like a lot of momentum that needs to be developed to

Kyle Pierce:

get it going. And Mercury in Gemini may struggle with

Kyle Pierce:

maintaining focus long enough maintaining the direction of the

Kyle Pierce:

wind long enough to concentrating it to get things

Kyle Pierce:

moving. Yeah, or even when it does, it feels like this is way

Kyle Pierce:

slower than I want it to be.


Yeah, and I think I mean, the quality of flexibility


in the first place is I mean, it makes me think about Mercury in


Gemini because Mercury in Gemini tends to disperse. It wants to


do a lot of things at once and it's generally quite capable of


being successful at doing many things at once at once it wants


to change many things at once. And that kind of is the quality


of flexibility is you know, being able to change direction


at a moment's notice sort of unplanned and Mercury Ruling


Your ascendant and being right on your Ascendant is the most


sort of descriptive of of your personality and sort of the


direction that you feel your life is headed in. So yeah, I do


get that sense of contrast there where you've got this mercury


who really is ready to just make all of these changes right now.


And a lot of other factors in the chart that are like no, we


need to let things do

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. What was included in the question like

Kyle Pierce:

how how to complete change was


how how to become more flexible? Yeah.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, I think that I don't know that. Like the

Kyle Pierce:

chart seems to indicate that that you Maggie are quite

Kyle Pierce:

flexible. But maybe the flexibility that needs to be

Kyle Pierce:

cultivated is in the ability to like to be still and patient and

Kyle Pierce:

in waiting, you know, waiting is the hardest part right? What

Kyle Pierce:

song is that? If you like just having Taurus on the 12th house

Kyle Pierce:

is like God is this ever gonna change this is ever gonna move?

Kyle Pierce:

We're gonna go forward.


Well, there's a lot of stress on this Taurus planets to


move forward, which is kind of unfair towards hates


beings, not just to move to


being rushed. Not saying I'm talking archetypally


here. So just to clarify, Maggie, I'm not saying that


you're being hard on your Taurus planets, but your chart is being


your Taurus planets, where Mars is being kind of antagonistic


here and saying, Hey, let's go Yeah, and kind of trying to rush


those Taurus planets and putting pressure on them which is


ultimately just making them stressed. And I think that a


Taurus planet which is stressed is actually just going to move



Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. Makes me think of moving towards like the

Kyle Pierce:

the more you try to push tourists, for, you know, the

Kyle Pierce:

more digs in its heels. So you think of like a really tight

Kyle Pierce:

muscle. I used to be a massage therapist. And one of the things

Kyle Pierce:

with muscles, when they're really really tense is like you,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, some, there's two ways to to address a really tight

Kyle Pierce:

muscle. There's one I called it, the beat it into submission

Kyle Pierce:

approach, which some therapists do, you know, they dig their

Kyle Pierce:

elbows in there and they just, you know, rip and tear into that

Kyle Pierce:

muscle until it's until it just gives up, but usually much more

Kyle Pierce:

effective and much less painful, is soothing the muscle and

Kyle Pierce:

letting it relax. The other, you know, technique that that I

Kyle Pierce:

ended up using a lot was trigger point therapy. trigger point

Kyle Pierce:

therapy is when you apply pressure to the muscle, it's

Kyle Pierce:

gentle pressure, you can't just dig your thumb in, you have to

Kyle Pierce:

like feel it and let your thumb kind of feel each layer of the

Kyle Pierce:

muscle relax layer by layer until you get it to get it all

Kyle Pierce:

the way down to the bone you know into into in you just

Kyle Pierce:

you're basically choking the muscle out you're cutting it off

Kyle Pierce:

from its blood supply you're cutting its oxygen supply out

Kyle Pierce:

and eventually the muscle just has to it's like a sleeper hold

Kyle Pierce:

you know chokehold on the muscle. And then it gives up.

Kyle Pierce:

And there is something about the like, being oxidized with all

Kyle Pierce:

that fixed air Mars, like blowing on it. Like all the

Kyle Pierce:

approaches that Mars has to getting, getting that Taurus

Kyle Pierce:

stuff to, to let up is making tourists dig in. So again, with

Kyle Pierce:

the theme of adopting a more serene and relaxed approach, you

Kyle Pierce:

get the concept of hurling with a ray. You know, Mars is pretty

Kyle Pierce:

tight square with the sun, and being kind of the overcoming

Kyle Pierce:

position. But it's like so tight that like the sun has an

Kyle Pierce:

opportunity to hurl a ray. It makes me think of you're trying

Kyle Pierce:

to like push a bowl, which just sounds like a really terrible

Kyle Pierce:

idea. I'm trying to push it out of the pen. Just you know, kicks

Kyle Pierce:

you with the back kick. And you know, I can kill people

Kyle Pierce:

sometimes. See where we're pushing the ball, not saying

Kyle Pierce:

that that is going to kill you. Anything I find that the sun

Kyle Pierce:

doesn't raise so much in a violent way. You're gonna like a

Kyle Pierce:



Well, there's there is an interesting, I mean, I


couldn't help thinking about metaphors, if keeping bowls.


While looking at the Mars Sun square in this chart. The sun is


in the bounds of Mars. So the image of a bowl in a pen, you


know, the 12th house being a state of confinement. And within


that state of confinement, specifically being in the


bullpen that belongs to Mars, and Mars being antagonistic


towards the bull that they're keeping the pen. But the bull


still does have that power, because the aspect is so close


to hurl his photos every now and then when he's tired of what


Mars is doing.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, like Mars can only really keep in the pen.

Kyle Pierce:

That's the most


Yeah, that's that's as much as far as you know. I would


say I mean, I don't know how much. This helps with the first


question. I feel like it may be relevant to the second question


about how a chart can account for drastic personality changes.


Because I find that squares represent dynamic tension that


often indicates a dramatic change, or going from one


extreme to the other. And maybe, you know, this aspect represents


a situation like that that has happened in Maggie's life where


there was a really intense or extreme sort of situation that


caused a huge change in Outlook or personality.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, and just thinking that you know, Uranus

Kyle Pierce:

is going through Taurus right now. hasn't quite hit Jupiter

Kyle Pierce:

yet but it's getting close. Might go retrograde before it

Kyle Pierce:

hits it may not hit it this year. Distributed at 16 degrees.

Kyle Pierce:

Uranus is at 14 You know having some Taurus planets that are you

Kyle Pierce:

know, feeling Uranus right now. Taurus is not you know, sign

Kyle Pierce:

it's not super inclined to change. Uranus is like really

Kyle Pierce:

trying to make it happen. The change that happens with Taurus

Kyle Pierce:

is it's the very slow tectonic plate is this analogy problem.

Kyle Pierce:

million times slow movement of tectonic plates versus, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, the sudden volcanic eruption. Because it's like a

Kyle Pierce:

total landscape change. And it's making me think is that over the

Kyle Pierce:

next few years, does seem to to indicate that the landscape is

Kyle Pierce:

undergoing change. There is some some resurfacing of the soil, at

Kyle Pierce:

the very least.


On the restlessness, yeah. I just feel like yeah,


there's a real sense of restlessness there, that


whatever is happening in the 12 Hairs needed to change, it's not


changing fast enough. Uranus is sitting right there on top of


it, just kind of shaking things up and making it feel unsettled.


Yeah. And, you know, Taurus is saying, like, just be patient.


Yeah. And also, like, want to reiterate, you know, looking,


you know, if you journal, or anything like that, that can be


really helpful. And looking at journals over a long period of


time, can show you how you've probably become a lot more


flexible than you used to be, you've probably made a lot more


progress than you think you have. It's just happening. You


know, at a rate that isn't, at least you know, for like the


Mercury in Gemini that's like barely perceptible because


Mercury and Gemini is changing all the time. So if you know


something takes several years to change, Mercury and Gemini might


not notice that it's changed. Because they're used to existing


in the whirlwind, not in a world where there's slow, steady



Kyle Pierce:

just the the change that Taurus undergoes is so slow

Kyle Pierce:

that but like, you know, Taurus does change, Taurus does move,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, that herd of buffalo will make its way across the

Kyle Pierce:

field. And if you're not watching it happen, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

you're not really seeing the change. But like, at some point,

Kyle Pierce:

you're going to turn your head and they'll be gone, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

or it'll be all the way, you know, across the field. You

Kyle Pierce:

know, maybe see to some degree, maybe taking your eye off, but

Kyle Pierce:

to getting contradictory. Not focusing on on it so much. No,


I like that. I do like that. Because I think that is


something that happens where when you're so focused on, like,


I need to become more flexible. And you're, you're watching a


pop boil, you know, and it's it, the watch pot never boils, you


know, and you're just standing there staring at it. Whereas, if


you turn your back on it for one second, it's all over the stone.


Yeah. But there is there's some, you know, the way we perceive


things psychologically, we don't perceive change, as we're if


we're, if we're watching it very, very carefully. We don't


tend to perceive it.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, it's agonizing. You know, watching

Kyle Pierce:

the clock waiting for, you know, squeezing it out. You're like,

Kyle Pierce:

yes, that's five minutes has been forever. Like, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

when I'm on like, a road trip with my son. You know, it's like

Kyle Pierce:

every 10 minutes, are we there yet? How far are we are we are

Kyle Pierce:

you know, how much longer and like, if you just take your, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, what I always tell him, like, just if you pay attention

Kyle Pierce:

to something else will be there. Before you know it.


Yeah, it's that you need to change your attention,


what you're paying attention to you shift your focus of


attention away from, how long it's going to take to get to


your destination, and focus on how many purple flowers do you


see at the side of the road?

Kyle Pierce:

And stop and smell the roses.


And you know, by ELB be so yeah, you'll be so busy


counting flowers, you won't even realize you've already reached


your destination?

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. Do we want to say a bit about what change

Kyle Pierce:

looks like in general in a birth chart? Or?


Oh, yeah. The second part of the question, how birth


charts account for, you know, drastic personality change,


maybe as a result of trauma or trauma recovery. One thing I'd


like to point out about this issue with charts is that not


all of the charts, potential is active all at once, right from


the start. It's not like you're born and everything because the


birth chart represents your whole life. The people that you


meet the events of your life and your personality, it's the whole


the whole picture from beginning to end. So obviously, all of the


people that you'll meet and all of the significant events of


your life and all of the things that you will feel and believe


in think and learn, do not all occur at once at the moment that


you're born, they occur bit by bit over the course of your


life. So, you know, the chart shows potential for certain


things to happen. But whether or not you know, that potential is


actualized depends on other things, I mean, you can look to


transits and perfections. And those kinds of techniques for


clues to see when parts of your chart become activated and


become significant and might indicate a life changing event,


like a placement in a birth chart might symbolically


indicate a life changing events, like getting a specific job or


meeting a specific partner that only happens once in your entire


life. And then that event subsequently will change, you


know, your outlook on life and change other parts of your life,


possibly your personality. So I think, you know, that's one of


the ways that a birth chart accounts for change.

Kyle Pierce:

My eye is rather drawn to, you know, the Saturn,

Kyle Pierce:

Uranus conjunction, and, you know, that, that, when that

Kyle Pierce:

affects a large group of people, that conjunction existed, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, good two or three years, or at least that CO presence in

Kyle Pierce:

Capricorn. Um, one that, you know, Kristin and I are both

Kyle Pierce:

part of as well. And it does, you know, point to change, but

Kyle Pierce:

like Saturn, you know, Saturn's there everyday, you can see

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn, Uranus, pops in, and makes a big change and then pops

Kyle Pierce:

out. And you know, most of the time, Saturn is doing Saturn.

Kyle Pierce:

But that Uranus conjunction, it's like when it gets

Kyle Pierce:

triggered, or activated, it sort of points to, you know, a big

Kyle Pierce:

shift Saturn in Capricorn kind of representing walls and

Kyle Pierce:

boundaries. Irina's kind of pointing to, you know, breaking

Kyle Pierce:

down some walls of some kind, believe that, you know, that

Kyle Pierce:

conjunction course coincided with the breaking down of the

Kyle Pierce:

Berlin Wall, and, you know, Saturn ruling your ninth house,

Kyle Pierce:

and Mars being in your ninth house, with that square, like

Kyle Pierce:

maybe like trying to be done the door, or trying to try to enact

Kyle Pierce:

that change with the Taurus planets could be like a radical

Kyle Pierce:

change in the belief system, or, you know, the spiritual stance.


Yeah, I feel like anything, any sort of transit,


activating Saturn, because of that Saturn Uranus conjunction


being so close would perhaps indicate dramatic changes to


belief system and worldview, which is represented by the


ninth house which Saturn rules, or major changes to significant


partnerships, the kinds of partnerships where there are


shared resources, where a lot is shared.

Kyle Pierce:

And we're, you know, we're going, we're in a

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn during the square right now. And I feel like in a lot of

Kyle Pierce:

the readings I've done recently, a lot of people with, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

significant with the hard aspects with Uranus, and Saturn,

Kyle Pierce:

in their charts are seeking readings out, you know, this is,

Kyle Pierce:

like a time where that's being activated. So I mean, you might

Kyle Pierce:

be like, you might be kind of in it right now. But like those

Kyle Pierce:

changes, being kind of more unseen, like, you're maybe not

Kyle Pierce:

going to really know, when it's happening. We're not realize

Kyle Pierce:

that it's happening,


or they come out of nowhere. Yeah, there's there


extra unexpected because, well, at least that eighth house


changes the ninth house changes you might be able to see coming


a little more clearly, but the eighth house being so concealed,


represents things you wouldn't you really wouldn't expect.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, there's something about things moving

Kyle Pierce:

very slow. Looking for things already kind of said this, but

Kyle Pierce:

when things are moving slow and steady, you know, you can take

Kyle Pierce:

your eye off them, you're maybe you can, you may not. Maybe you

Kyle Pierce:

should. And then when you when you check them again, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

that's when you really see the changes that are worth

Kyle Pierce:

monitoring. Like when I look at my you know, my stock portfolio,

Kyle Pierce:

it's better not to look at it every single day. Because then

Kyle Pierce:

you get wrapped up in like the everyday movements, you know, or

Kyle Pierce:

the fact that it's not moving. But then if you check it like,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, once a month, as long as you're not doing like day

Kyle Pierce:

trading you must get more perspective on it. Like you see

Kyle Pierce:

the moral of the launch Some kind of trend or picture more

Kyle Pierce:

more clearly. So I mean, it's


very relevant to discussing the eighth house.

Kyle Pierce:

You wonder if you have a stock portfolio Maggie.

Kyle Pierce:

If you do might be in for some change. Yeah


might be a roller coaster Uranus in the eighth.


Well that was that conjunction also happened during a global


stock market crash between late 87 and early 88 Saturn and


Uranus conjunction happened around Black Monday. So, anyway


that's making you are you were born? Yeah, you were you were


born around that time. That was the general atmosphere that you


were born into Maggie and Warren into a time of change. You're


born into a time of global stock markets crashing for no apparent



Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, but that preceded you know what, if you

Kyle Pierce:

ever watched the matrix, you would know for a fact that the

Kyle Pierce:

1990s was the peak of human civilization. So there you go.

Kyle Pierce:

Shake up before you get that smooth ride of the 1990s go back


to ground things a little, you know, to come down


to earth away from from Uranus, who is very not down to earth. I


actually have an example from my own life in my own chart, where


there has been a very drastic personality change. And I can


see how it plays out in my chart. So I find I think I


mentioned this earlier, I started touching on this


question a little bit when I was answering the first question.


And I was talking about the square that Maggie has going on


between Mars and the Sun and Jupiter. Very, very, very


intense close square between Mars and the Sun and squares


representing extremes and extreme change. So I have a


similar configuration in my chart, but it is between Mercury


and Saturn. I have Saturn in Capricorn overcoming my mercury


in Aries through a square. And Saturn has an inhibiting or


delaying or limiting effect. Mercury has to do with


communication. I was an extremely chatty child, I was


frequently kicked out of my classrooms, because if it was


getting too chaotic in the class, sending me to the office


was actually a good solution for the teacher because I was just I


would not shut up. And at some point, you know, maybe when I


was around 11 or 12, I started to develop social anxiety


disorder. And over the course of my teenage years and up into my


young adulthood, I actually had selective mutism where I


physically could not speak, I could speak to certain people


within my inner circle who I had established, like a strong


amount of comfort with, but I, you know, take me to the grocery


strike, I could not physically speak to the cashier, which is a


very Saturn square mercury. Saturn is literally silencing


mercury. So that was a pretty extreme shift from you know, me


being the noisiest kid who had ever existed to having selective


mutism. And then, you know, I did some therapy and started


working, you know, at coffee shops where I had to talk to


people every day. The result is that like, here I am doing a


podcast. So, you know, there's some huge shifts in my


personality and my behavior over the course of my life that you


can really see with that aspect. And the chart is actually


indicating going between those extremes because the square the


nature of the square is about going between extremes.


Yeah, nature of Mars, is the


nature of Mars. Squares are squares are the


marzi aspects if you ever want to understand a square, it's a


conversation going on between two planets and that


conversation is very marzi. It's very tense.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, but it definitely indicates change, you

Kyle Pierce:

know? Often with rapid change


Yeah, yeah, and just that going from one extreme to


the next, like the pendulum swinging from one end to the


other. And I think, you know, for a lot of people who


experience extreme personality changes that pendulum, you know,


as, as you get older and you know, come to understand


yourself better, that pendulum may start to settle more in the


middle, those squares might start to become more manageable


as you become, you know, as you develop skills, or you get tools


for helping you manage extremes.

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn, you know, representing like old age

Kyle Pierce:

maturity. Once you you know, as you get older, you become more

Kyle Pierce:

like Saturn, which may involve being a little grouchy or a

Kyle Pierce:

little less open to, to new things. You also, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

achieve more stability, more more solid, and more wise.


And I think if, you know, Maggie are specifically


addressing trauma and trauma recovery. And I think, I mean,


if you're, if you're processing a traumatic event, and you're


looking at your chart, to kind of help you process that


traumatic event, and maybe find some symbols that resonate with


what happened, you know, big square like that might be a set


of symbols that's appropriate, you know, or it's just like this


very extreme, very sudden experience that causes this huge


shift, and then sends you on this journey of recovery, which


also really dramatically changes you like the journey itself


really changes you.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, and I mean, on the topic of seeing changing

Kyle Pierce:

charts, like usually, you can, there's all kinds of different

Kyle Pierce:

timing techniques. And I tend to use, you know, transits in

Kyle Pierce:

annual perfections. Mostly to get like, the dial releasing,

Kyle Pierce:

you get the Daraa periods. Pardon, I'm pronouncing that

Kyle Pierce:

correctly, or even just simpler ones, like kind of like the

Kyle Pierce:

planetary ages, or years, right? It's like, son is 18 years, Mars

Kyle Pierce:

is 15.


Oh, yeah, the greater and lesser yours.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, if that was like the focus of a reading,

Kyle Pierce:

like you can, you can dig that stuff out and get like a sense

Kyle Pierce:

of like, when this certain changes are most likely to

Kyle Pierce:



I do want to say something else on the subject of


accounting for personality change in a chart. Everything in


astrology has multiple layers of meaning. Each planet and house


in a chart represents several topics, and they can manifest in


hundreds of possible ways. So how the symbolism of a


particular placement is relevant to your life can change


significantly the the core symbolism remains relevant, but


how it sort of shows up or manifests may change. So like,


just to give you know, this isn't a personality example. But


a practical example. That comes from your chart, Maggie, you've


got Mars in the ninth house. You know, one one year of your life


that might look like being in a really stressful high pressure


university program. Another year, Mars in the ninth house


might look like joining and unusual religious movement or an


alternative religious movement. There's so many ways that you


know, when you blend the symbolism of Mars with the


topics of the ninth house that that can manifest. And it there


might be some, like, core symbolism that remains


consistent there for much of your life. But what it actually


looks like on a practical level is dramatically different all


the time. And like, you know, I think maybe there's, there's a


broader discussion to around this question about how you


conceptualize astrology, like, what do you think it's for? How


do you think it works? There's no one right answer to any of


those questions. There are a lot of ways to frame astrology and


to apply it to your life. I tend to think of it more as an


introspective or spiritual tool rather than a thing that's like


dictating your life in a very specific way. So you know, it's


and it's very complex and very layered, so I think it remains a


valuable tool for meditation on yourself in your life,


regardless of how much you change. And then you know it, it


responds it. The birth chart itself is static, but the


planets are continually moving. And so those techniques of you


know, looking at the relationship between these


cycles of time, and how they relate to your birth chart can


also make your birth chart sort of dynamic and active, even


though it remains the same, but it's always interacting with the


planets as they're moving. And so it's also like still


interacting with something that's in a constant state of


change in flux, and different things are being brought out of


it at different times. Indeed, well, I guess I Kyle, you use,


you use secondary progressions in your work, which actually


does, you are looking at how your chart would change, if you


sort of animated it through time, during the first few


months of your life, I it's not a technique I use, it's


something that I want to learn about, in the near future, that


I find that kind of interesting, because it makes the birth chart


a lot less static.

Kyle Pierce:

Absolutely. And I think that is maybe my main use

Kyle Pierce:

of secondary progressions. Maybe not my primary tech timing

Kyle Pierce:

technique, but what it really does help you do is looking at

Kyle Pierce:

the chart as a moving story. And get a sense of like, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

where you land in that story. And, you know, you do have an

Kyle Pierce:

interesting thing happening with your chart, and having taken a

Kyle Pierce:

little peek at your, you know, your secondary progressions. You

Kyle Pierce:

know, we didn't get really into, you know, the, the Venus,

Kyle Pierce:

opposition with Saturn. Spend a lot of time, too much detail,

Kyle Pierce:

but like that one is, you know, Venus is about to station

Kyle Pierce:

retrograde, kind of as it's hitting that opposition with

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn, and then it's going to go back into Gemini. So I mean,

Kyle Pierce:

there is a symbolic story of change, you know, maybe Venus

Kyle Pierce:

hitting something it doesn't like, and wanting to go back.

Kyle Pierce:

And you reassess, revisit, and maybe like a nicer way the story

Kyle Pierce:

can kind of look is you know, it's kind of go back into your

Kyle Pierce:

first house, somewhere where you're able to get like a little

Kyle Pierce:

bit of clarity on you know, whatever the difficult event

Kyle Pierce:

was, and it can potentially be becoming a more empowering, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, serving a more empowering stance or perspective on life.

Kyle Pierce:

But always hard to get a real sense of the story without, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, you spilling all your secrets.


Yeah, Maggie, tell us all your secrets. Tell us


everything. Yeah, I mean, there's there's always a limit,


you know, to what we can do when we don't have somebody in the


room with us to tell us about how their life matches up or


doesn't match up with what we're saying about their chart? Yeah.


Yeah, that that progression is interesting. Just indicating a


point, somewhere in Maggie's life, where there is a shift,


sort of like going back to a different way of being?

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. You're not You're not so

Kyle Pierce:

stuck and fixed is maybe you think, Maggie might take away? A

Kyle Pierce:

lot more movement and change happening? Yeah, and you have a

Kyle Pierce:

lot of you mean, you do have a lot of power and control over

Kyle Pierce:

that change. I think you can change, you know, the most about

Kyle Pierce:

yourself. Think you can change, you know, your environment may

Kyle Pierce:

lag behind. But yeah, change is always inevitable. And I really

Kyle Pierce:

think that you know, you when the changes do come, you have a

Kyle Pierce:

strong ability to adapt to them.


Yeah. And that, I mean, having the ruler of your


first house in your first house and so strongly placed, it's a


it's a nice thing to see in a chart. And it's a good because


your first house represents you and the planet that rules it,


you know, represents your agency within the chart. That's a good


suggestion of willpower, like the ability to change oneself.


Do you feel like maybe it's time to move on?

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. With that we should, should move on to the

Kyle Pierce:

second question. All right, so our second question comes from

Kyle Pierce:

St. James bath on Reddit. She asks I recently came across

Kyle Pierce:

midlife crisis transits Pluto square Pluto, Neptune square

Kyle Pierce:

Neptune and maybe Uranus Square Uranus. My natal Neptune is in

Kyle Pierce:

Sagittarius, Pluto and Libra and Uranus and Sagittarius. I am 38

Kyle Pierce:

and I feel like I've been going through an absolute reckoning.

Kyle Pierce:

So This is an interesting question, because there does

Kyle Pierce:

seem to be a distinctive pattern, you know, with those

Kyle Pierce:

outer planet, hard aspects to the natal position occurring,

Kyle Pierce:

often like around the same time, the Pluto square Pluto, and

Kyle Pierce:

Uranus, opposite Uranus, that all seems to happen at that, you

Kyle Pierce:

know that late 30s, early 40s period, I find it interesting

Kyle Pierce:

that often, the outer planets point to a lot of generational

Kyle Pierce:

themes. Not that they don't affect you personally, say

Kyle Pierce:

almost like, the more it's aspecting your personal planets,

Kyle Pierce:

the more you're affected by the sort of generational patterns

Kyle Pierce:

and trends, but the midlife crisis, it is, it's like a

Kyle Pierce:

universal experience. To some degree. Everybody has kind of a

Kyle Pierce:

different one. But it is, it's a prevalent, cultural, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

universal sort of theme and experience happens like around

Kyle Pierce:

that time. So there is a lot to cover, try to keep it focused on

Kyle Pierce:

those particular transits. So we'll start maybe with like the

Kyle Pierce:

Uranus, opposition, Uranus, and you know, Uranus, kind of

Kyle Pierce:

representing just starting maybe on a collective generational

Kyle Pierce:

level, you get innovation, of rebellion, right, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

maybe what particular age group is going to fight for and what

Kyle Pierce:

what they're maybe trying to rebel against, maybe like were

Kyle Pierce:

the big themes of, of change and sort of like to think of like

Kyle Pierce:

molting, eeriness like when you shed some skin off, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

what are we trying to kind of get off our backs, and I find,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, with the Uranus opposition, it's interesting,

Kyle Pierce:

because like that, around that age, that like late 30s, early

Kyle Pierce:

40s age, we can vary a bit, you do get people tending to start

Kyle Pierce:

to become a little more conservative, if anything, but

Kyle Pierce:

Uranus opposition can kind of coincide with the the waxing

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn square, which is a tradition is kind of considered

Kyle Pierce:

the, the maturity of Saturn, when you kind of get your your,

Kyle Pierce:

your full like Saturnian wisdom. And it's kind of like, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

what's being rebelled against are the big themes of innovation

Kyle Pierce:

are kind of contrary or opposite to do what they were, during

Kyle Pierce:

your time back in your day, you know, even maybe when you start

Kyle Pierce:

to think in those terms. But yeah, that also kind of points

Kyle Pierce:

to that, that oppositional nature of it too, because

Kyle Pierce:

there's kind of a push pole in opposite directions, like, can I

Kyle Pierce:

still change? Can I still change? Is it too late? And is

Kyle Pierce:

it realistic, so you're kind of bringing a little bit more

Kyle Pierce:

maturity, and, like the opposition being the nature of

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn, you can kind of like a poll and a drive to change. But

Kyle Pierce:

I internally or externally, like opposing viewpoints on how to go

Kyle Pierce:

about that. So you know, you sometimes get people doing weird

Kyle Pierce:

stuff around that age. People because it immediately does

Kyle Pierce:

coincide too often with the Pluto square, and the Neptune

Kyle Pierce:

square. I mean, but just with Uranus, I mean, what do you tend

Kyle Pierce:

to think of when you see the Uranus opposite Uranus?


When I think of outer planet transits in general, I


really think of significant generational concerns more than


anything, where outer planets have relevance to a sort of era


in history. You know, Neptune spends 14 years and this sign


Pluto spends between 12 and 31 years in a sign. So they really


mark out particular generations with Uranus may be representing


more the ways in which the generation born under that


Uranus sign breaks away from the previous generation, that's


where you see that, you know, drastic cultural changes and


political changes and changes these deities and yeah, yeah,


exactly. That's where you get that kind of thing. So yeah, I


mean, what you're saying makes a lot of sense to me that on a


personal level, the Uranus opposition would be, you know,


the individuals sort of confronting that. Where, you


know, they are part of a generation that represented a


radical shift away from the previous generations way of


living. And now you're old enough to contend with younger


generations, whose way of living is a radical shift away from


yours. And that can certainly, you know, provoke a lot of soul


searching and self questioning.

Kyle Pierce:

You know, something that's just coming to my mind

Kyle Pierce:

right now that I haven't given like a ton of thought to but you

Kyle Pierce:

do especially nowadays. Nowadays with these, you know, hooligans

Kyle Pierce:

running around, you get a lot of kind of displacement to the kind

Kyle Pierce:

of current economic environment, there is more of an expectation

Kyle Pierce:

that you will change careers, you know, at some point in your

Kyle Pierce:

life, you know, industries, kind of, you know, we're not all coal

Kyle Pierce:

miners anymore. And you do get people who have been coal

Kyle Pierce:

miners, most of their lives upset that maybe like that line

Kyle Pierce:

of work is increasingly unavailable, or being just the

Kyle Pierce:

side. So there's a time to you like reinvention, themes, like

Kyle Pierce:

reinvention, because the world has changed so much in that

Kyle Pierce:

time. But I would often tend to think that, you know, the

Kyle Pierce:

document always show up is significant for everyone. And

Kyle Pierce:

it's not always the first place I look. But I would say the more

Kyle Pierce:

tightly you have outer planets configured to planets in your

Kyle Pierce:

chart, you know, the more relevant it can they seem to be

Kyle Pierce:

in your chart, the more you're going to maybe see

Kyle Pierce:

manifestations of that up that show up,


like planets more connected to the personal


planets in your chart, as opposed to the outer planets in


your chart.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. So I mean, I wouldn't be looking at like,

Kyle Pierce:

okay, it's your Venus aspect and personal planets. You know,

Kyle Pierce:

there's, there's so much to look at so many layers, but you know,

Kyle Pierce:

kind of for the purposes of the question. And because it is

Kyle Pierce:

useful, like, trying to zero in on like, what maybe those

Kyle Pierce:

transits specifically do, it's interesting, and useful, because

Kyle Pierce:

they do something can vary a lot. I think on one level, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, you just kind of you sometimes see just an emphasis

Kyle Pierce:

on what that planet is doing in the chart already. So like, in

Kyle Pierce:

your case, with St. James bath, she did share chart with us. So

Kyle Pierce:

he said, Pluto and Libra Neptune in Sagittarius, and Uranus and

Kyle Pierce:

Sagittarius. So with your chart, Scorpio rising at about 11

Kyle Pierce:

degrees, with Mars in Libra and the 12. The sun in cancer in the

Kyle Pierce:

ninth with the moon in cancer also in the ninth. Now Pluto

Kyle Pierce:

being in Libra with Mars. And you kind of being in the midst

Kyle Pierce:

of the Pluto square. That is maybe where I would put the

Kyle Pierce:

emphasis for you personally, in terms to with outer planet

Kyle Pierce:

transits while that Neptune square is actually also pretty

Kyle Pierce:

tight right now. So where's Neptune at? Right now? Like 20

Kyle Pierce:

to 23 degrees.


Yeah, 22.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. I mean, it's applying and they both move so

Kyle Pierce:

slow. They go back and forth, back and forth. So we're, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, we're talking about like themes that kind of develop over

Kyle Pierce:

a long period of time. But like Pluto square Pluto, you get a

Kyle Pierce:

get Pluto themes, right? What are those, you know, you get

Kyle Pierce:

obsession. fixations, Pluto tends to exaggerate and distort

Kyle Pierce:

and kind of pull things in more extreme directions. And I think

Kyle Pierce:

that is, you know, Pluto B comes like a very, very, very useful

Kyle Pierce:

generational planet. Because it kind of points to that, that

Kyle Pierce:

thing that's just weird and different about, you know, an

Kyle Pierce:

age group. Pluto has kind of an eccentric orbit. So the Pluto in

Kyle Pierce:

Scorpio generation was maybe the shortest of the Pluto

Kyle Pierce:

generations. So, I mean, I will be looking at, you know, what

Kyle Pierce:

are things that are really affecting that particular age

Kyle Pierce:

group right now? And, you know, to what degree do you fit into

Kyle Pierce:



Yeah, and I think of, you know, the Pluto and Libra


generation in particular, sort of, like, between Gen Y and


early millennials. Which, you know, that was people who are


growing up from that generation were part of this transition


from the pre Internet era to the internet era. You know, this is


the generation that first populated MySpace, and I kind of


I love that. The word reckoning is in the question, that's just


such a good reckoning is such a good outer planet transit word.


And so I feel like, you know, this entire generation is, as as


we're getting closer to middle age, we're approaching a sort of


reckoning and that, you know, maybe the cultural or


technological or political events that shaped our


generation, those events are also starting to come to a head


and having a bit of a reckoning, I think social media is


definitely going to be going through a reckoning of its own


that will intensify in the coming years that you know,


where we're really going to be feeling as people who are kind


of there for the beginning of that transition to this new way


of socializing and connecting with each other.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, and just say, a couple of quick things about

Kyle Pierce:

Pluto and Libra in general, that I find interesting, kind of just

Kyle Pierce:

as a theme, you know, in the generation, because it's gonna

Kyle Pierce:

play out very differently for everyone. Libra has a tendency

Kyle Pierce:

to want to kind of bridge and build, you know, find harmony,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, it's Venus ruled. It's kind of see, I find that I

Kyle Pierce:

personally, and then just my general perspective of that age

Kyle Pierce:

group is that they're really cool that they're, there are

Kyle Pierce:

usually easy to get along with, you don't really feel like

Kyle Pierce:

they're being a Pluto and Scorpio, they seem to be very

Kyle Pierce:

open to whatever new was happening. They don't seem to

Kyle Pierce:

think that like, their generation is superior or

Kyle Pierce:

inferior to anyone elses, that they seem to be a little more

Kyle Pierce:

receptive, or a little more just kind of down just kind of cool,

Kyle Pierce:

easy to go along with, there's like a kind of a youthfulness to

Kyle Pierce:

I just noticed more and more broadly. I kind of feel, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, Pluto, tending to, like exaggerate and distort things to

Kyle Pierce:

some degree, or just kind of bring out the extremes, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, of a sign that where we are kind of now, I don't know,

Kyle Pierce:

40 I feel like I've heard a lot of people say that, like, 40 is

Kyle Pierce:

the new 30 You can be 40 and still be cool. Which, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

wasn't always the case, I feel like that's a more accepted

Kyle Pierce:

concept. And I always think Libras are cool, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

Libras, like, they know how to, like, they always have their

Kyle Pierce:

kind of finger on the pulse of, of whatever it was cool and

Kyle Pierce:

given given time. So, I would think that generationally, Pluto

Kyle Pierce:

turning to exaggerate, you know, that could be you know, themes

Kyle Pierce:

of like, Am I Am I still cool? You know, maybe an

Kyle Pierce:

intensification of that desire, maybe a clashing are coming to

Kyle Pierce:

realize, you know, being Pluto being in Capricorn, Saturn

Kyle Pierce:

ruled, which has the themes of time, and decay, and like the

Kyle Pierce:

limitations of time, could be like a, like an existential fear

Kyle Pierce:

of aging that could come up. Wanting to hold on to, to the

Kyle Pierce:

thing I keep thinking of is that I can still be cool.


Trying to hang on to try to hang on to you. Yeah,

Kyle Pierce:

I can still party, you know, which may or may not

Kyle Pierce:

be a problem. But maybe for you, specifically, Mars.


Me, you got both malefics present with Pluto in


the 12th house there. Yeah.

Kyle Pierce:

And Saturn, you know, being exalted. In the

Kyle Pierce:

second favor, it's not as difficult, the more challenging

Kyle Pierce:

planet. And I always get this steam with Saturn in the 12th

Kyle Pierce:

house. Saturn being in its joy, and doesn't mean that it makes

Kyle Pierce:

the 12th House happy. That Saturn, you know that everything

Kyle Pierce:

is now great and perfect in the 12th house because Saturn is

Kyle Pierce:

there. But it's almost like I don't know, it's like being on a

Kyle Pierce:

sinking ship or I was watching diehard the other day, right?

Kyle Pierce:

And, you know, the terrorists are not really the terrorist the

Kyle Pierce:

robbers they show up in the building, and they, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

hold everybody hostage. And you know, they kill the owner of the

Kyle Pierce:

company and everything. But you know, who happens to be there,

Kyle Pierce:

Bruce? Bucking Willis, he's there to save the day. He knows

Kyle Pierce:

what to do. You know, he's an, he's a New York cop. He's not

Kyle Pierce:

one of these like, California, LA cops, like, he knows how to

Kyle Pierce:

get gritty and dirty or whatever. But Bruce Willis just

Kyle Pierce:

happens to be there. And I think kind of think of that, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn being there in the 12 house knows how to save the day

Kyle Pierce:

to some degree or how to make the best of those 12 House

Kyle Pierce:

experiences which I think tends to lead to potentially more

Kyle Pierce:

constructive outcomes, especially being in a day chart

Kyle Pierce:

and being in Libra, in its exaltation. Do you have any

Kyle Pierce:

thoughts on on 12th House Saturn,


lead to all tariffs? I always have thoughts on the 12th


house. I always have thoughts on Saturn two those are really


those are my main topics. Yeah, I'm just gonna start doing


readings now where it's nothing but I look at your 12th house


Yeah, and I look at your malefics and I look at nothing


else in your chart. I think with Pluto squaring the 12th house


and everything that's in there. I just I can't get over how


appropriate the word reckoning is i that is such, that's really


a word. Yeah, specifically, it's a Pluto word. It's a Saturn word


for sure. Saturn is you know, I mean, it's a bit of a Mars word,


too. And it's definitely a 12th house word. I mean, the 12th


house is the end of things. It is the judgment card. In a tarot


deck, this is where the story ends, and things fall apart to


get ready for the next part of the cycle. So I think when


you've got Pluto, squaring a bunch of planets, you know,


Pluto included in your 12th house, there can be that sense


of an era coming to an end of things dissolving. And sort of


the the consequences of whatever Mars and Saturn have done in


your life in the last several years are sort of being realized


now with Pluto coming in and activating them.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, I think that just to me mean you using the

Kyle Pierce:

word reckoning? Or St. John, it's hard for me to say, hey,

Kyle Pierce:

you St. James Beth, but I'm referring to the fact that, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, you use the word reckoning in the question, it'd be kind of

Kyle Pierce:

clues me and personally and interesting, too, that like you

Kyle Pierce:

have a sense of, you know, the consequences may be catching up.

Kyle Pierce:

And that having, you know, kind of a 12th house theme. mean 12th

Kyle Pierce:

house can be kinda like we're, you know, we tend to get

Kyle Pierce:

ourselves into trouble a little bit.


With the first house also stuff we neglect.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, the, you know, you didn't take care of,

Kyle Pierce:

and, you know, having your first house ruler there. Definitely

Kyle Pierce:

not always, you know, it's not the end of the world. Just kind

Kyle Pierce:

of clues you in, though, that one of the things that maybe you

Kyle Pierce:

have to be careful about is doing stuff that's gonna get you

Kyle Pierce:

into trouble, right. And I, in this case, don't hate that, that

Kyle Pierce:

Mars, you know, in Libra is with Saturn. You know, we don't

Kyle Pierce:

always like to see Mars and Saturn together. But Mars can

Kyle Pierce:

have a bit of a hard time. In Libra. It's a little, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

more socially focused and it wants to be, which, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

can be a good thing. But Libra Saturn being there, it's not the

Kyle Pierce:

ruler, but it is, you know, the exaltation. It can offer Saturn

Kyle Pierce:

and Mars some guidance, maybe guidance that Mars doesn't like,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, that restraining quality of Saturn might be, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, overall good for Mars. For you. While you know, maybe not

Kyle Pierce:

altogether enjoyable. And kind of the Pluto square and Pluto

Kyle Pierce:

being with those planets could feel like maybe things that

Kyle Pierce:

you've done in the past, maybe your lifestyle is needing to,

Kyle Pierce:

like an intense realization or awareness of, of these things

Kyle Pierce:

that need to change.


And the things that need to be let go of, yeah,


where they go is such a big 12 House theme. Letting go of the


past of recognizing things that don't work anymore, or that


perhaps never did work. And just throwing them out?

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah. Yeah, and I think that that is maybe why

Kyle Pierce:

Saturn does so well. Part of the reason that Saturn does so well

Kyle Pierce:

in the 12th house, or you know, has its joy there. Again, not

Kyle Pierce:

making things happy, but it consort, this is you know,

Kyle Pierce:

something I don't need this something I do can kind of sort

Kyle Pierce:

through the things that you do need to let go and to think of

Kyle Pierce:

like the Fallout series of video games. The idea of like,

Kyle Pierce:

rebuilding after the apocalypse. Oh, yeah, that's great stuff

Kyle Pierce:

like Saturn in the 12. Like, to some degree, it's gonna be

Kyle Pierce:

what's still standing but you know, also like knowing what to

Kyle Pierce:

do with things that are still standing and being able to

Kyle Pierce:

rebuild in the rubble. I would think Neopets could be a time

Kyle Pierce:

where those things are becoming irrelevant. Can hard to say

Kyle Pierce:

without specifics. But generally, yeah, I'm in Neptune

Kyle Pierce:

to generally with like the Neptune square, which often

Kyle Pierce:

comes same time as the Pluto square, right around the same

Kyle Pierce:

time, same kind of decade span, should be a little closer to

Kyle Pierce:

Neptune is associated with kind of the popular imagination,

Kyle Pierce:

collective ideals and illusions, delusions, in some cases, more

Kyle Pierce:

negatively. And I don't think in your case you know you're going

Kyle Pierce:

to get that Uranus opposition at the same time because of Uranus

Kyle Pierce:

is that like one degrees Sagittarius so that's not going

Kyle Pierce:

to come for what another seven or eight years when Uranus gets

Kyle Pierce:

into Gemini, but when those two are kind of paired, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

it's like I want to do something really different. You do get

Kyle Pierce:

stories of people in their middle like that that midlife

Kyle Pierce:

crisis doing something rash is maybe not super well thought

Kyle Pierce:

out. Maybe getting the idea that they can do something that they

Kyle Pierce:

can't you know, that Neptune confusion like buying buying a

Kyle Pierce:

red, you know, sports car that they can't afford because they

Kyle Pierce:

want to feel young again.


Yeah, the Uranus opposite Uranus transit will


start for St. James bath in 2025. And that will also be


Uranus opposite Neptune, but Neptune is at 25 degrees of


Sagittarius in their chart. So that would be quite a while

Kyle Pierce:

yeah, and you know, especially with Uranus being so

Kyle Pierce:

early in the sign of Sagittarius like the Pluto square, being a

Kyle Pierce:

little more traditionally oriented interest, and I tend to

Kyle Pierce:

look at sign based aspect, not as much with outer planets. But

Kyle Pierce:

it's like once Pluto got into Capricorn, the Pluto square

Kyle Pierce:

started to cook, you know, it started to to get some traction,

Kyle Pierce:

and you know, it's moving slowly, you know, manifesting

Kyle Pierce:

and things over, over the last, you know, decade or so, that may

Kyle Pierce:

be starting to manifest you're having a reckoning with but I do

Kyle Pierce:

have a good example chart to dig into a little bit to give an

Kyle Pierce:

example of you know, what these kinds of outer planet transits

Kyle Pierce:

can can look like. So, you know, I was looking for a chart that

Kyle Pierce:

had at least one but only a couple, ideally all three but

Kyle Pierce:

that's might be asking for a lot of those outer planets being

Kyle Pierce:

very prominently placed. And what it did find was Michael

Kyle Pierce:

fast benders birth chart. He has a Sagittarius rising with

Kyle Pierce:

Neptune pretty closely on the ascendant, like within two or

Kyle Pierce:

three degrees, and Pluto in Libra, right on his midheaven.

Kyle Pierce:

Like exactly, which I feel like just fits on its own so well

Kyle Pierce:

with just Michael Fassbender, who he is and what he's known

Kyle Pierce:

for. One of the things I always noticed about Michael Fassbender

Kyle Pierce:

is that like he can be anybody. It's like a chameleon, you know,

Kyle Pierce:

he could play anybody. And I often didn't even know that it

Kyle Pierce:

was Michael Fassbender playing that character until later. I

Kyle Pierce:

was like, Wait, that's Michael Fassbender, you know, doesn't

Kyle Pierce:

look like Michael Fassbender, though. Oh, no, I see. You know,

Kyle Pierce:

like that Neptune kind of chameleon?


Yeah, it was I was startled to see him cast as Carl


Jung in a dangerous method. And then you see him any, like, as


an amazing performance. Yeah, but just looking at him. He


would not be the first person I would think, to pick to cast for


that role.

Kyle Pierce:

And then put on his MC even just like shows up and

Kyle Pierce:

just like his titles of the movies. He's in like a dangerous

Kyle Pierce:

method. You know, like,


Oh, they're all blood and danger and the red. Hunger


and shame. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

Kyle Pierce:

Do you gained the dairy Pluto. And what is

Kyle Pierce:

interesting about Michael Fassbender and his career, and

Kyle Pierce:

Pluto, the Pluto square. Which, you know, Pluto has been in

Kyle Pierce:

Capricorn since what? 2008? Yep. And, you know, it's going to

Kyle Pierce:

gain in strength and what it's doing kind of closer that square

Kyle Pierce:

gets in because it's so it's, you know, not only is it right

Kyle Pierce:

on his MC, his son is an Aries on the icy. So Pluto is like,

Kyle Pierce:

very, it's opposing, you know, his son. So I mean, it's, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, Pluto has a lot of influence, and I'm on him

Kyle Pierce:

personally. And you often see that with people who you know,

Kyle Pierce:

embody a lot of the qualities of their generation believe Kurt

Kyle Pierce:

Cobain had Pluto on his ascendant and opposing his son

Kyle Pierce:

in the seventh, Pisces Virgo. And he became a grunge icon, the

Kyle Pierce:

themes of that age group in that generation, you know, were

Kyle Pierce:

prominent for him, with them out. But anyway, and notice kind

Kyle Pierce:

of just looking at like the roles that he chose, and just

Kyle Pierce:

his overall career The closer that that Pluto squared got to

Kyle Pierce:

going exact, which I believe was like around 2013. It's like, it

Kyle Pierce:

almost becomes less important, you know when exactly that

Kyle Pierce:

happens with like Pluto or Neptune and Uranus because they

Kyle Pierce:

go back and forth over the same point so much. You know, his

Kyle Pierce:

roles got really intense, and really, really dark. More, more

Kyle Pierce:

and more. So there's also kind of like extremes.


Yeah. Yeah, like, it really starts in 2008. Yeah,


Pluto goes into Capricorn. And he plays the protagonist in


hunger. Yeah, this is a very, very dark, heavy movie.

Kyle Pierce:

And he was even like, he was willing to go to

Kyle Pierce:

extremes for that role, like he was when did he lose? Like? I

Kyle Pierce:

don't know, he went down to like a 600 calorie per day diet, just

Kyle Pierce:

for the role. You know, like, how devoted he was to do you

Kyle Pierce:

know, capturing that character. But that's pretty intense.

Kyle Pierce:

That's, you know, that's a it's, I mean, that's what he brings to

Kyle Pierce:

his roles in general. It's also like, what he's known for, and

Kyle Pierce:

then MC. And then I think, you know, it kind of culminated. I

Kyle Pierce:

mean, his career really picked up though to when to say like,

Kyle Pierce:

that was, oh, yeah, that's when I feel like I saw Michael

Kyle Pierce:

Fassbender was in everything good, or that Michael Fassbender

Kyle Pierce:

was in it. That meant like, Oh, this is gonna be interesting.


I feel like it was after Inglorious Basterds for


me, which was 2009. So a year into judo and Capricorn. That


was when he really came up on my radar. And I started noticing


him in all kinds of movies. And then, you know, he was in


Prometheus and 2012. He was on my radar, and he was in the X


Men movies. Yeah, it was really that mids you know, between 2010


and 2017. He was like, really on my radar.

Kyle Pierce:

Also interesting. Michael Fassbender, you know, he

Kyle Pierce:

has a Neptune on his ascendant. And that Neptune square started

Kyle Pierce:

to go exact, say around, kind of like the mean, years of that,

Kyle Pierce:

like 2015 2016, pretty tight by 2017. And in 2016, as Neptune

Kyle Pierce:

was transiting his fourth house, he started to pursue a childhood

Kyle Pierce:

dream of his just to be racecar driver, auto racer, which, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, a lot of cases for me for most people, like I'm 40 or so,

Kyle Pierce:

and I want to be a racecar driver, maybe not realistic for

Kyle Pierce:

most people do a little fantastic, a little idealistic.

Kyle Pierce:

But for Michael Fassbender, you know, somebody who maybe has a

Kyle Pierce:

little more agency to do that, or the resources that you would

Kyle Pierce:

require, but um, doesn't 16 He started training and then in

Kyle Pierce:

2017, he did his first race, Sagittarius kind of larger than

Kyle Pierce:

life experiences and kind of fast movement. You know, I want

Kyle Pierce:

to be a racecar driver seems very Sagittarius to me.


I'm just a scrolling through his filmography and in


2016, sort of as that your Neptune Square was peaking, he


played in this movie called The Light Between Oceans, a


description of which is it's a it's a romance and a drama and


the description is a lighthouse keeper and his wife living off


the coast of Western Australia raise a baby they rescue from a


drifting rowing boat. And like the poster for the movie is just


like this couple standing in the ocean. It's very Neptune.


Neptune in Pisces even


like the Neptune square came along and he was


like, I guess I'll take a little bit of a break from all these


very Pluto roles and you know, act in a romantic drama where


there's all this like soft lighting. Did water

Kyle Pierce:

I don't know what is the upcoming what kind of

Kyle Pierce:

roles do you have coming up?


Well, he's got one coming up in a comedy, but he's


also got one coming up in like a, you know, a movie that's


based off of a graphic novel about a serial killer, which is


a more Pluto on the midheaven typical of Michael Fassbender


kind of role for sure, but

Kyle Pierce:

I feel like I don't know. I think his roles are

Kyle Pierce:

gonna be really I'm gonna be really fascinating to watch you

Kyle Pierce:

know when Pluto gets into like Aquarius and Neptune and gets

Kyle Pierce:

into Aries you know, start to see him like embodying versions

Kyle Pierce:

of those two planets, you know? Yeah, you know I do a more of a

Kyle Pierce:

Pluto and Aquarius kind of role as opposed to like a I mean, it

Kyle Pierce:

is another Saturn rule Pluto, but I can't even think we've

Kyle Pierce:

been going too long for me to to imagine what what that might be

Kyle Pierce:

like. But I love the what was like the rescue BD from from the

Kyle Pierce:



About me to find it again. It was supporting space


between oceans or something's bass BETWEEN OCEANS 26 The Light


Between Oceans between oceans. The most Neptunian title I've


ever heard.

Kyle Pierce:

voices saying you've been like you get a baby.

Kyle Pierce:

fourth house? I don't know.


Yeah, yeah, it's a it's about starting a family


during you know. Yeah. fourth house transit. Anyway, so I


guess what we're saying here is that if St. James bath is an


actor attention to the roles they're getting during the


history my might find some changes in the calls they're


getting from their agent.

Kyle Pierce:

I mean, that's the thing is like, he's like, he's

Kyle Pierce:

such a personal, so private, you know, that he used to say what,

Kyle Pierce:

it's really how it might be affecting him personally. But,

Kyle Pierce:

you know, you are gonna see, like more obvious, maybe more

Kyle Pierce:

obvious manifestations with people who, you know, are

Kyle Pierce:

embodying those planets, you know, a little more tangible

Kyle Pierce:

tangibly, you know, like they have them on an angle. But yeah.

Kyle Pierce:

Let's you have any more thoughts on that one? Tristan?


Nope, I'm, I'm starting to fade.

Kyle Pierce:

Yeah, my brain is also no more. No more words.


Yeah, there, there are no more words. Thank you so much


to our listeners for submitting your fantastic questions, and


for being so open about your charts and transits and how


those experiences are going for you. And just before we wrap up,


is there anything you'd like to plug Kyle?

Kyle Pierce:

I would like to plug my as always, you can book

Kyle Pierce:

a consultation with me on my website, Kyle Pierce

Kyle Pierce: then on a bit of a hiatus with Cosmos, but planning

Kyle Pierce:

on coming out with a bit of a different style episode. A broad

Kyle Pierce:

look at World War Two, some weird and interesting astrology

Kyle Pierce:

associated with it. And I am also actually trying to, you

Kyle Pierce:

know, publishing some you know, more regular astrological

Kyle Pierce:

material starting to free up some some time in my schedule

Kyle Pierce:

for that so you can check out my Instagram at Kyle Pierce

Kyle Pierce:

underscore astrology and you know, see some of that stuff.


And you can find me at bad sign Where I am


available to be booked for birth chart consultations. I work on


Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. But if there's a


different day that works better for you, please feel free to


email me. And you can find me on Instagram at bad sign astrology.

Kyle Pierce:

Well, thanks, everyone for listening. And yes,

Kyle Pierce:

reiterate. Thank Thank you, Maggie for your question and

Kyle Pierce:

sharing your chart and thank you, St. James Beth, for your

Kyle Pierce:

question, sharing your chart. Till next time.


If you have a question you'd like to hear answered on


the astrology hotline. Please email us at astrology hotline



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