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Having Employee Retention Issues? How Your Employees Are Feeling Might Offer Some Clues to Why
Episode 235th July 2023 • Engaging Leadership • CT Leong, Dr. Jim Kanichirayil
00:00:00 00:04:55

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Poor employee engagement can lead to high employee turnover, which is a significant cost for any organization. For small HR teams in scale-up environments, this can lead to massive retention headaches. Managers play a vital role in ensuring that employees are engaged and connected to the organization's mission, vision, and values. Disengaged employees are less satisfied with their jobs, less productive, and have lower morale, leading to higher turnover rates. Small HR teams need to delegate responsibility for employee engagement across the enterprise, especially at the manager level. They must also regularly survey employees to get a sense of job satisfaction and address any issues that arise. Ultimately, poor employee engagement can damage a company's reputation and cost the organization a significant amount of money. Small HR teams must take proactive steps to engage their employees to avoid retention headaches.



Poor employee engagement leads to employee turnover, which is costly for organizations.


Managers play a big role in employee engagement efforts and job satisfaction.


Disengaged employees are less satisfied, less productive, and have lower morale.


Poor employee engagement has downstream impacts on company reputation and costs.


Delegating responsibility for employee engagement is important, especially at the manager level.

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How Is Poor Employee Engagement Creating Massive Retention Headaches for Small HR Teams?

Dr. Jim: [:

Employee turnover is one of the biggest cost to an organization because for every employee that ends up leaving your organization, you're typically going to run into. A replacement cost that can be upwards of 200 to 250% of that person's salary, and your employee engagement is often a canary in the cold mine.

some of these things pop up [:

Which will eventually lead to a turnover issue. One of the things that you have to focus on is making sure that you have an eye towards the level of connection that exists within the team at the line level. And your managers play a big role in how connected the enterprise is at the line level to the overall mission, vision, values of the organization as well as the job.

If your managers aren't actively involved in your employee engagement efforts, you're going to see this pop up in your exit interviews. Job satisfaction is another thing to keep an eye on. And if you're not regularly doing surveys or getting the voice of the employee.

ulse of how satisfied people [:

And how are they being articulated from the manager level down so that you have a clear handle on where that is? Disengaged employees are gonna be less satisfied with their jobs. They're gonna be less productive. Obviously, if you're dealing with a disengaged workforce, you're gonna have issues of morale.

And that's gonna be a precursor to turn over as well. And ultimately, when you look at some of these issues that pop up as a result of poor employee engagement, that's gonna have downstream impacts for you from a company reputation perspective. From a cost perspective. And guess what?

and you're a small HR team, [:

For employee engagement across the enterprise, and especially at the manager level because they're the first line of defense when it comes to employee engagement. And they're also your first line of defense when it comes to retaining the people that you want to retain. So hopefully this conversation was helpful.

Let me know what you thought of it. If you have best practices that you'd like to share, be happy to hear that as well. And if you have any questions or want to have a conversation, a broader talent strategy conversation on how you can better engage your team, happy to have that chat too.

Till next time we'll talk more.



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