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Pilot Episode- Joe & Emily Traeger
Episode 11st January 2020 • capture it • Joseph T. Traeger
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Intro: Welcome to capture it! Don't forget to subscribe rate, and review: 

Life is a Journey full of moments that provide us with the opportunity to capture what it is that will help us grow into who we truly want to be. Let's talk about ideal characteristics that inspire and motivate us all, and in time work to capture it ourselves. 

Episode #1: My wife, Emily Traeger, interviews me

  • Who are you? 
  • Why a podcast?
  • Why now?
  • Where did “capture it” come from?
  • What does “capture it” stand for?
  1. Courage- facing fears, doing what is uncomfortable
  2. Attitude- Choose it, mindset, thought control
  3. Perspective- gaining understanding about how this world works (humility required)
  4. Truth- being a truth seeker, peoples stories, our story (hard truth and experience based)
  5. Uniqueness- true authentic self
  6. Empathy- seeing yourself in others
  • What about the “it”
  • When you use your logo, title, it is in lowercase, why? 
  • What can the listeners expect from episode to episode? 
  • The intro music, how did you land on that? 
  • Moment of gratitude




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