All right, let's do it.
Welcome to the Wise Guys Podcast, where we unleash the unthinkable and step over the line to help us see things differently, go to the inside edge and stimulate new thinking. This is us. So, hi, I'm Mac. I'm your host. And you know, I say that every week. I say, hi, I'm Mac. I'm your host. But you know what?
These guys right here, I. I just have to start this new year out by just saying I am so thankful that I got my co hosts. I'm gonna call them tonight.
I mean, we have had such a blast. We're almost to one year, and I just gotta look at both of you guys and say, thanks, man. You guys are so cool and I love doing this with you.
The Rev:Same to you. More of it.
Mac:You know, I mean, you know, they're just as much a part of this as I am, so I don't want to make you think, like, you know, they're just. They're awesome. You know, this friendships that we have. I mean, it's just really.
The Rev:You're changing my mindset, though, by saying this because I think of you, and I said, I think, oh, captain, my captain. I think you're driving this bus and you're doing a great job.
Coach Stu:I still think that way. This. This is my favorite time of the week.
Mac:I know.
Coach Stu:Favorite part of the week.
Mac:I mean, we're so blessed by this whole thing. So, gang, I. I'm gonna. We say this all the time.
So I'm gonna say this to you, Ruger, go find you some of your tribe of five, because it just doesn't get any better. Right? It's so awesome. So, right. We get to do this. So this week together, we are going to go into some kind of a little bit more.
Some deep spirituality. Gang, I want you to strap in a little bit. But, you know, we've said this before. We want to play to your intelligence.
We don't want to make it like we're thinking you don't have any. You know, that's not what we're all about. So, you know, we're going to come at you. We are. We're going to come at you. We're going to try to just.
Whether we need to shake you or we just need to encourage you and pull you along or, you know, whatever it is.
The Rev:I love that about this podcast. We're calling forth from individuals that which we know already exists within them. That's it. You know, somebody did it for us at some point, right?
And we're just paying it forward.
Mac:Exactly. You know, this is us. This is maybe there's a, I think there's a movie show, there's a TV show.
Coach Stu:Right.
Mac:This is us. So, you know, we're going to dive deep a little bit into the spirituality.
Each of us is a mixture of complacent commitment to whatever you're committed to. A lot of times it's complacent and complex consciousness. And that's what we say about being a cocktail. Right. Just beautiful cocktail.
But it's time to pull out the recipe book and find out just what kind of exotic cocktail you are.
The Rev:You are a collection of so many incredible ingredients, things, you know, things you have yet to discover. And that's what I love about what we're doing here is we're calling out those ingredients. The rest recipe that you didn't even know were there.
Mac:Ah, that's it.
Coach Stu:Amazing. So since you mentioned cocktail, let me say hello to, to those, to you, you exotic cocktail out there. Let me say hello to you.
Mac:So keep that identity in mind. Right. As all parts of you. All right, so we're gonna do a little two part series this week.
We haven't really done one of these before, but you know, this is part one. We'll do part two next week. We'll kind of get into that a little bit more. But I want to set you up for next week.
Coach Stu:Yeah.
Mac:And then here's our words to the wise. How about this? This struck me this week, right? Because I think this is exactly what we're going to talk about in the episode.
Here's the words of the wise. "A gift is not a gift until it's given." Let me think about that. What do you think about that statement? True. Not true. Partially true. Kind of true.
Coach Stu:No, it's so true, you know, so true. This is, this was Bruce Lee, right? He's noted for saying this.
Mac:Oh really?
Coach Stu:Yeah.
Coach Stu:Bruce Lee is noticed for saying this. I was kind of researching this quote. I'm like, where'd this come from? And everywhere I looked it was Bruce Lee.
And the reason that for him it reflects his philosophy about sharing knowledge and wisdom. If you know anything about Bruce Lee's story, he believes that something only gains true value when it's passed on or shared with others.
Coach Stu:So that's, that's part of where this idea is.
Mac:A gift.
The Rev:Nothing until it is given. It doesn't even exist until it is given. It's just potentiality. Has no substance.
Coach Stu:Right.
Mac:Oh, just, Just wrap your head around that a little bit out there that it's only a potential until it manifests. Right. Oh, I love that.
Coach Stu:And if you think about it like this kind of thing, generate it create this kind of generosity, creates bonds. Right.
Coach Stu:It transforms.
Coach Stu:Relationships that you have. And, and it's beneficial for both. Both parties. For the giver and the give.
Mac:And we're going to talk about the divine tonight. And just. I don't know where you went with that when I said that word.
All right, but we're going to. We're going to talk about it. But it's all about gifting. It's all about something that's freely given as a gift.
Now we're going to talk about, well, how does it manifest?
The Rev:So, you know, the question comes to mind with this idea that we're about to enter into. Is a gift nothing? And that's it's given, but is it nothing until it is received?
Does the gift have to be received for the completion of the energy for the full manifestation and fruition of that gift, or does it have to be received to have value?
Coach Stu:Yes. I say yes.
Mac:I don't know. I think it has to be received to have value to the person you're giving it to. Okay. But I can't control whether that person receives my gift or not.
Okay, so there's. The first part of that equation is my heart, my passion, my perspective in giving. And I think there's value in that.
The Rev:So my generosity is a gift to me in of itself. Whether it hits a blank wall or an unwilling heart, it's still of great value.
Mac:But then it manifests when you accept it. For sure. I think that completes the circle, like you were saying. Absolutely.
The Rev:So put this in the realm of God that we're talking about here. God is a gift to humanity, and it's a gift whether it is received or not.
My belief system, my sharing of how God has changed my life may not have a receptive audience, but it's still a precious given.
Mac:Yeah, I don't know. That's just where I would come from with that. Sorry for the detour, but I think that's really important.
We talked about this a couple of weeks ago where you're bound by thinking, but the door is really not locked. We think it is. Okay, but it's not. All right. We can be released from it. So, you know, this is coming from the Bible. Now we're talking about divinity.
All right, so we're going to start with some setup, if you want to call it that, of a couple of verses from the Bible. But again, I think these are universal.
All right, we'll use these biblical examples, but I don't think that by any means that they're exclusive to Christianity. Right. But. But again, this is why we do what we do. We're here to grow ourself, and we're here to challenge.
Because at the end of the day, guys, we got to fix some things out there. The world needs a bit of a higher, you know, consciousness and higher thinking and even more critical thinking.
And so it's got to come from somewhere.
Coach Stu:It comes from inside of you, is where it comes from.
Mac:Yeah, we want to.
The Rev:Everything in this world was created twice. Everything that's ever been on the planet has been created twice. First in mind, then in experience.
And so when we say we have to fix something out there, it's clear indication we have to fix something inside here. Mind and the heart and the spirit.
Mac:That's right. Yeah. So these guys either. You're exactly right. You know, we got to be right here. Right. But then it flows. All right?
And this is what we're talking about tonight, the flow. Right. So there's a couple of Bible verses, and I thought one of these was pretty interesting. I'm going to flesh it out just a little bit. If you're.
If you read the Bible or if you're a Christian, or even if you're not a Christian, you read the Bible, all right? That doesn't mean you can't.
In the very beginning, as God is making everything right, you know, whether the world, this, the animals, the plants, the sky, whatever. Here's what he says when he gets to this point. In Genesis 1:26, then God said, let us make humanity in our image, in our likeness. So that's.
That is how we are made, created. Again, if you want to accept that. And again, I. I think there's other. The other. Other religions will.
Will go along with the concept of the divine birthing humanity. Right?
The Rev:Well, you've got to play with that word, our in there. You know, that scripture brings up a question. Our image, our likeness. Who is God talking to in this hour?
Mac:Yeah, who's there?
The Rev:Or is it just the various.
Coach Stu:Father, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Is he. God is wise guys, in my mind.
Mac:Okay. I mean, I mean, yes, if you follow that Christian, if you're perspective, that's.
Coach Stu:That's. I mean, I know there's other perspectives, but that's.
The Rev:Yeah, mine's. That and more and more God as Love, God as peace. God is joy, God as harmony, God as wisdom.
When we're talking about these things tonight, it's all the different aspects of the one, right. But it's God having a conversation with itself.
The Rev:That may get a little too blasphemous for some people, but just consider that maybe.
Mac:Yeah, I think it. But again, I think, like, what Stu said was if you, you know, we're.
We're really good at wanting to try to put stuff that it's hard to figure out about in some sort of sense of picture or, you know, describing or whatever.
And I think the Trinity is a really good, you know, example, as Christians would use it, of a flow, you know, a oneness that you have of the character.
The Rev:Three in one.
Mac:Yeah. But here was another verse. I. And here's what I did. I really didn't ever realize this. As many times as I read the Bible, I.
I put in image just, you know, just as a search. And this verse came back, and I thought this was really interesting. So in Genesis 5, 3, and now we're down the road a little bit. Genesis 5, right.
People have been created. You know, all this other good kind of stuff. It says this. When Adam, the first quote, human being, Right. If you read the Bible. All right.
Had lived 130 years. He had a son. What? He had a son in his own likeness, in his own image, and he named him Seth.
Now, I thought that was a real interesting perspective, you know, that when Adam has a son in his own image, what is that really, for the most part, is human. It's a human. You know, he had a human son. He was a human being. He had a human son.
The Rev:You know, there's cultures, a lot of cultures in Africa that sing a song, and the song of that child begins. Before the male and the female come together to create a child, there was an image of having a child before the child was born.
And they are singing the song of that soul when they decide we're going to have children. And then they sing that song through all the. Through the birth process, through the birthdays, through the celebration that the song is image to.
You know, imagination is. You got to go back to image as the root of that word.
Adam was thinking about a child and about what could be, what life could be through me in partnership with my mate, long before Seth was ever born.
Mac:That's pretty great!
The Rev:First in mind and heart and soul and spirit, then in reality.
Coach Stu:Wow, that's amazing. You know, what you just had me realize is I did this in my Life. I didn't know until you just described it. Like, I. I've always.
So my daughter's name is Sage and she is aptly named, let me tell you. But that I've. I had that name and I. Like, I had the vision of her when I was young.
Coach Stu:Like, you know, like high school. I mean, high school age. Like teenager. Like, I had. You know, so I didn't realize that's what it is. Rev, what you're describing right there. I was.
Yeah, yeah.
The Rev:I was sure glad that God downloaded the name Sage and not Bertha.
Coach Stu:Hey, she would have been perfect if she was a perfect Bertha.
Mac:Jody might have had a little, too.
The Rev:But are there seeds being planted and we're walking this earth journey. Are there seeds being planted from the infinite, from the spiritual realm, the east, the ethers, and the cosmos?
Coach Stu:Yeah, they're there.
The Rev:That when we pay attention, there's foreshadowing and forewarning about all the good that's going to manifest on Earth.
Mac:Well, the reason this struck me was because in the first verse in Genesis 1, you can kind of go, well, that was like God doing it, you know, however you want to, you know, couch all that. But I love the fact, as you both have been saying, but it's really for us right here, right now, the human race right now, as we propagate.
And it doesn't even, you know, it doesn't even necessarily have to be a physical birthing of a natural child. Right. I mean, you have all of these images of birthing and a likeness and all of that. I mean, just take it wherever you want.
But I thought it was really great that this doesn't have to be something ethereal that's out there.
The Rev:Dreams, music, art was a thought in somebody's mind that's a child of your. Your mind.
Mac:There it is. That's a good example. I'm just. Yeah, it's certainly what Stu is describing as his daughter in this case, for sure. But it also can be.
Coach Stu:Isn't. Isn't another part of this. That is very cool. And I'm remembering.
Isn't this another part of the verse where God says, let us make humans to be like us and represent. Oh, before that, and represent us so they can take care of the world and everything in it.
Mac:Yeah, yeah, that's the birds.
Coach Stu:How cool is that? I mean.
Mac:Yeah, we have dominion over.
The Rev:Dominion's been misquoted. You know, it means responsibility. It's not power over. It is responsibility.
Mac:Right. That's a little nugget right there, guys.
The Rev:Well, Let me tell you what about this idea. You said the first scripture is all about God, and the second one's all about Adam. What if it is all about God and God doing business at the.
The point of Adam, at the. The point of. Of his children, his. His wife, of the whole creative process? It's all God.
Mac:It's all God.
The Rev:I like that. The point of Godness within each person, each heart, each experience.
Mac:Well, that's exactly what we're going to talk about tonight.
The Rev:I'm trying to get leader.
Mac:That's a good leader. It's a good leader.
Coach Stu:Here we go.
Mac:All right, so, you know, this whole idea about image and likeness and. And God indwelling. Now, again, we're going to kind of.
We might kick a little bit in, a little bit against the goads here, which is a common Christian saying, maybe some orthodox theology, but this is what we're trying to introduce. So why does this matter? I mean, okay, it's a story in Genesis. Yeah. And we move on. Right. Okay, we're doing our thing. But you can't.
You got to realize these truths. And, and here's what I mean by, you know, truths. And this might be a little bit of a kick in the, you know, the teeth thing a little bit, but I want.
I'm going to play this little clip, right? I'm going to play this little clip. Here we go.
Coach Stu:I'm entitled.
Mac:You want answers? You can't handle the truth. Well, here's my question to you, Roger. I think you're going to be able to handle this truth. This is our truth. I agree.
Okay. And this is truth. As. As we. I'm going. The collective here, we have our own little way to look at stuff, for sure.
But in the collective, we're going to say to you directly, you are divine. Okay. Period. No, I mean, period. All right, there it is. Right? There you are.
And so with that declaration of truth, you know, you have these innate characteristics just like the divine does, but you have to cultivate them and acknowledge them to even express them. I think this gets back. Back to what the rev was saying. Right. We have the image automatically.
This is our divine nature, and we develop, in my opinion, the likeness. That likeness becomes more manifest as we grow in our spirituality.
And the Bible would say, you know, grow into the image of Christ, Christ consciousness, however we want to use it. So it's a journey, but.
The Rev:And this is a pay it forward moment, let me tell you. I look back at my life and the people that saw quality, saw divinity within me, saw Goodness that could not see for myself. And they.
They did exactly what we're doing here. They called it out of me. I see in you, which you have yet to discover. And so this is a pay it forward moment.
I think we're obligated as Christed beings, as light beings, to absolutely pay those things forward that have benefited our lives. I want it for every roguer who is listening to this podcast to know that there is more of you, more than you've ever experienced, imagined or known.
The Rev:You were created in the image and after the likeness of goodness, of holiness and perfection.
Mac:Well, hello. All right. And it matters. Okay, this is what we're saying, too.
It matters because when you embrace these eight attributes, you're going to enhance your spiritual vision, because this is deep spirituality here, gang. All right? You know, this is like deep one, you know, deep session five series, whatever. This isn't 101. All right?
So, you know, you're going to see with a different way. You're going to see spiritually in a different way. Now, again, what does that mean? We don't have time in the podcast. Just.
I'm going to tell you, it's true. Okay? You can. You. You can contact us if you want to, but, you know, my.
The other question that came up for me is I was putting this together is with that, if all that's true, therefore. What's the therefore there? It's. What's it there for? Does having this innate image, this.
This divinity that exists there, does it come with some sort of spiritual responsibility? In other words, gee, what do I need to do with that? Maybe nothing. Can I just do nothing with it? Or do I have a responsibility in that?
Coach Stu:Well, if you want to connect, if you want to stay connected or connect with God, then. Then, yes. And it's. It's. I don't even. I don't even see it, like, as a responsibility or obligation. You're just going to do it.
It's just to live a better life. Yeah. It just comes naturally. You just are.
Mac:You just are.
Coach Stu:You just are.
Coach Stu:I mean, it's not. It doesn't have to sound like a job. Okay. Or like, you know, a. I got to go to school and do the homework. And I mean, it's not.
To me, it's not like that.
Mac:All right?
The Rev:It's moving the consciousness from. I have to, or I choose to, to even past I get to. I'm just being that which I am.
Coach Stu:Right.
Mac:Just am.
Coach Stu:And you have this inside of you already right now, whether you're you're activating it or not that, you know, that's. That's up to you. It's there.
Coach Stu:You can choose to ignore it or, you know, push it aside or kind of do it. Yeah, I think most people are doing that. They're kind of just sticking their toe in the water and.
Coach Stu:And sometimes like, woo, that's cold. Sometimes. Oh, yeah, that feels good. Let me get the whole body in there, you know, and then there's some of us that just like you. Cannonball.
Mac:I just had this vision in my mind. Okay. Everybody's heading for the side of the pool because Stu just did a. Okay.
The Rev:You know, and it's really important. There are people that this idea can be misused. This is an idea and a truth that can be completely misused. Yeah, I'm jumping all in.
And it's coming from the ego. I am divine. I am amazing. I'm magnificent. Well, the reality is you are special just like everybody else.
The truths that we are claiming for you are true about everybody in your life. The good, the bad and the ugly have that same spark of divinity within them.
That same spark of goodness may be forgotten, but they plunge in, they do the cannonball into the deep end, thinking it's all about me. No, it's all about us as cells within the body of the one energy that is God.
Mac:Yeah. Well, let's do a little humility.
The Rev:Shared divinity.
Coach Stu:I'll tell you what, if you express that kind of joy, I mean, you're going to inspire people to do it with you.
Mac:Oh, I hear that. Okay. Right.
Coach Stu:They're gonna be like, oh, man. We always say, I want some of that. It's gonna be like. It's gonna be. I want to do that.
The Rev:Like.
Coach Stu:And it's like, you can do that.
Coach Stu:Roger out there, you. That. Yes. That said. Nah, that's not me. Yes, that is you.
The Rev:Well, the next. It's not that. I just want a piece of that. I am that, too. I feel that stirring within me because of the way you're behaving. I am that.
Mac:But this is. I mean, this is gonna mess with you a little bit out there.
The Rev:All right.
Mac:Hopefully it does. So one of the characteristics. We're going to do four of them this week in this. In this episode, and then we're gon.
And it's certainly not a closed list. This is eight characteristics and attributes of the divine that we've come up with.
But that doesn't mean that that's eight, because those are the only.
Coach Stu:The divine essence that's Right.
Coach Stu:Right. Of, of God.
Coach Stu:Right.
Mac:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Coach Stu:If that's where your thoughts go, I agree. Right. So can I talk about the first one? Absolutely, because I want to talk about it.
Coach Stu:It, it's called, it's called life. I mean, and there's, you can go in a lot of, you can go down a lot of paths in your mind.
When you think about life, you can talk about, you know, women are birth human beings. That's life. They're creating life. I mean, God created life. Right. But you know, women do this as well.
You know, men participate in it, but that, that's part of it. And you know, the, the, the life that is around, around you every day, I kind of feel like we are stewards of that life.
So let me give you an example. Right. So in my house, you know, let's just call it, there may be bugs, spiders, what have you. Right. I've had snakes in the house. For real.
This is true story, right? So I, you know, if a lot of people, they just squash them, throw them away, that I do not.
I will pick up a little ant, I will pick up a spider, I will pick a bug and put it outside.
The Rev:So like when I spent 25 minutes one day trying to capture a stink bug that just didn't want to be captured so I could save his life, right?
Coach Stu:To take him outside. It was funny when I, when I, when the snake was in her house and I found it, my wife says, you better not be, just be putting that thing outside.
I'm like, well, I am certainly not going to kill this snake.
The Rev:Get in the car and take it 40 miles away.
Coach Stu:That's exactly what she said. She goes take it somewhere. But I mean, my point is, is that like, I feel like we, everything that's here, it's a, it's an honor to be amongst it.
And, and you know, one of the things I learned when, when we lived in my family and I lived in Costa Rica for a year is that the people in Costa Rica lived amongst nature, not on top of it. A lot of us in the United States live, let's kind of live on top of it.
So I mean, that's, I only say that because that's all part of, of life and the giving of life. And it's like, you know, I, I can allow that bug to continue to have life.
You know, I don't know what kind of consciousness they have, maybe none, but it doesn't matter. I'm just like in my mind, right? Exactly what you're Talking about, okay, it.
The Rev:Goes back to that scripture. It's not dominion over life. It is responsibility to be an integral.
Mac:Player when respecting it. Absolutely.
Coach Stu:Right.
Mac:No doubt about it.
Coach Stu:Right.
Mac:Life. I mean, the divine is life. Okay, first of all, we all are. We have life.
But at the same time, if we are life like the divine is, then we will be life giving that our spirit, that our countenance, our actions, our words, will help rejuvenate, will help give essence and life to things that I'm going to just say that are either dead or they're dormant. You know, things like our thinking. You know, think. We. We talk about that all the time. To raise in the consciousness to get you to think differently.
That's giving you life into it. We're birthing. We're blowing, like cpr. We're blowing life into it.
The Rev:Is that part of the responsibility that we have as earth beings or spiritual beings is to be life doulas?
Mac:We are.
The Rev:We are charged with bringing life to where there is no life, where it is lost or forgotten. I get to be the one that's the source of remembrance.
Mac:Yes, yes. And life can be. It can take all sorts of different. A hug, a good word.
Just sitting with somebody in a situation, appreciating the greater scheme of life on the planet. Like Stu's talking about, whether it's a sunset or a bug in your house or whatever it might be, it's an awareness level.
We're trying to kickstart you a little bit here on, you know, because you are life.
Coach Stu:You for sure are life.
The Rev:Right.
Coach Stu:And. And let. Let Coach Stu come into the room for a moment. Oh, you know, being healthy, exercise, eating, nutrition, that's. That's giving yourself life.
I mean, it's re. It's allowing you to regenerate cells which are life inside of you. Right. So, I mean, all of that's important.
The Rev:It's an. It's an awareness that's body, mind, spirit. It's all life. And it's many forms and. And iterations.
And so, yeah, every cell within your body, every cell within humanity, every cell within creation, I am bringing life to it, light to it, and love to it. Those are the three names I have for God. I don't use the word God a lot. I use life, love, and light. And I like to say that's exactly what we are.
So God is happening as love, as life, at the point of us, every single one of us.
Mac:Well, that's a. That's a great place to sort of pause a little bit. Right here. All right. Because that is exactly what we're trying to convey in. In these episodes.
I'm going to say now the plurals. So let us take a break a little bit. We'll. We'll be right back in a few minutes, and we'll keep going on into attributes of the divine, which is us.
We'll be right back. All right, so welcome back to the Wise Guys podcast, where in this episode, we are talking about our attributes that are exactly like we are divine.
We have the same characteristics and qualities and essence as the divine does, because we are. That's the way we're created. And so we've.
We talked about why, you know, why this matters and where it might come from as an example from the Bible, and then how one of those characteristics is life and how we are life. But there's more.
The Rev:There's always more.
The Rev:You know, from the Baha'I tradition, they say that there's this great unknowable essence. That's what they call God, the unknowable essence. But we can know God through these attributes, which is exactly what we're talking about.
And I like to. Let's take the word love, for instance. You know, love is often construed as a verb, as an. As an action. I'd like to say love is just a noun.
And so what if God as love is a noun and not a verb? So I'm not experiencing God. You know, I said this a couple episodes back. God is not loving. God is love itself.
And so at the point of us is God expressed when we have an awareness, a view, a sight, a hearing that love is happening, that is the direct experience of God that may be unknowable as a verb. I'm doing loving things because I want to know God. I'm experiencing love at the point of me.
I'm having the direct download of God when I am expressing myself verbally as love, when I'm thinking love, when I'm demonstrating love, when I witness love, two people doing something kind for each other, that's love and action. That is the direct experience of God itself, which brings God from way out here and puts God right here.
Mac:Sure. Because that's, again, that's us. Right. It's a beautiful example of that. And that here's the thing.
You might be sitting out there right now, because I think I've been there before. Well, wait a minute. I'm not sure how that works.
I mean, if it's true and it's here in I Am love, what does that Mean for me now, I mean, okay, I'll buy into that idea. But do I have something I gotta do? Do I have to unfold something? Do I have to go through a checklist? What do I gotta do?
The Rev:Well, it starts for me, for paying attention. I'm just paying attention to what I'm paying attention to.
Am I looking for things to be angry about or am I looking for evidence of God as love in my life? I'll say at this table, you know, I've listened to the. You guys talk to each other.
Coach Stu:You got.
The Rev:Your friendship is deep. And the way you've talked to each other, I've had the direct experience of God in the way you've treated each other as brothers.
And I think that that's what I want. I have that in my life with a whole bunch of people in my congregation.
The Rev:And I have it with people that drive me nuts, too.
I have to dig to a deeper part of myself by listening not only more deeply out here, but more deeply within my own heart to look past the surface to where love exists.
Coach Stu:Well, we all are the expression of love. Love. And there's a lot of ways to look at that. But. And here. So here's one way to look at that is this. If it matters to you, it matters to me.
That's love, right?
Mac:Sure. Yeah.
Coach Stu:I mean, I. So I may not believe in what matters to you.
I may not necessarily care about it, but if I choose to say that and feel that and express that to you and show that to you.
Coach Stu:That it matters to you. So it matters to me. Think about this. In relationships, if you were to do that, that is the ultimate expression of love right there to me.
The Rev:Well, Love has got 10,000 roots going everywhere. It's compassion, it's kindness, it's caring, it's generosity. It's all these things that. How to get there is. Cultivate it.
Mac:There it is.
The Rev:Make a decision. Every morning I'm going to do one more kind thing than I did yesterday.
I'm going to be a little bit more compassionate or understanding with that person who drives me nuts, because it matters to them.
Mac:Well, and then it becomes like Stu will say all the time, then you just are that.
Coach Stu:You just are it. Yeah.
Mac:Then you just become it, you know, but as I'm thinking about this concept of love, I can't get off this topic or I can't leave this discussion without talking about the energy of love as well. That, you know, there is an absolute palpable energy that comes with being love. And that's one of those.
Who's saying at the beginning that I just, I want to be some of that, you know, I don't know. It's winsome.
Coach Stu:Let me jump in that pool.
Mac:Yeah, that's right. It's winsome.
The Rev:Well, you know, and I got to get a little mathematical here. If God equals energy and energy equals. Or God equals love and love equals energy, then God is energy.
Mac:That's right.
The Rev:Not this personality, not this entity. Separate. It's the energy of love. And that again, back to the direct experience.
Mac:There it is. So there's all kinds of examples of love, but we're not talking about give this person a gift, do this, do that, do that. Those are all good things.
But it's way more about cultivating this innate divinity of love that you are love, not you're ex.
The Rev:You know that.
Mac:Not that you are giving love. Not that that's true.
The Rev:I have seen people walk into a dark room, a difficult room, an argumentative room, and single handedly, without offering any gifts other than their presence and their being and their vibration of love, change that room.
Mac:Let's see there. Cultivate that.
Coach Stu:Oh yeah.
The Rev:That's what the Christ did. That's what Jesus did. And Jesus said we had that same power within us.
And we have that every rope, yogurt, listening, has that same power to transform condition and circumstance.
Mac:You. Do you. Do you mind?
Coach Stu:And I'm going to say you witnessed it too. You have. You, you may not acknowledge it, but you have witnessed it.
The Rev:I like to say if you spot it, you've got it.
Coach Stu:There you go. Yeah.
Mac:So you know, this is just life.
The Rev:Love and pursuit of happiness.
Coach Stu:Life, love and wisdom.
Coach Stu:So here, here's the, here's the secret, guys. Here's the secret. Rev and man.
Mac:Oh, the secret. I gotta get my pen.
Coach Stu:The secret. Here we go about wisdom.
Coach Stu:Everyone has this. That's the secret. Everybody. It's inside. That's very wild of everybody.
You out there may not say to yourself, I am wise, or other people may not say that you are wise, but guess what? You. It's in you. Yes, it is in you.
Mac:And it is.
Coach Stu:It's a matter of you cultivating it, finding ways for it to come out and express itself if you just would allow it to happen. And the way you do this is trusting, I'm going to say trusting yourself. To me it's more about trusting God because God's working through you.
So it's more about that kind of a, of a trust.
Mac:No, I agree.
Coach Stu:And developing that kind of spirituality where this wisdom just exudes it from you.
Mac:It's undeniable.
The Rev:I'm really curious how many people listening has ever had that moment where you knew that you knew that you knew that you knew something and you had no idea why you knew it, but.
Mac:You knew it and you were convicted of it.
The Rev:I mean, you were convicted. There was no. Nobody's going to challenge this because this is my truth.
Mac:Well, here's the thing. Maybe you can't handle the truth. I don't know.
The Rev:I think that's why a lot of people shut down their innate wisdom. Because I can't handle. Oh, man, I'm more bigger than I ever thought I could be.
There's more God happening at the point of me than I ever gave myself permission to feel.
Mac:Well, in a minute. We're the wise guys, right? This is what we, you know, this is what we try to become more of and hopefully help you to become more of.
And it's in our bones. It's just in what we really believe matters and makes a difference. You can end up with poise. Your spirituality will become more poised.
You're not going to get flustered. You're not going to get blown with the wind all over the place. Right.
By anybody, number one, challenging you or you challenging you with those little voices.
I'm not saying that you don't need to develop and you don't need to evolve, but we can tell ourselves all kinds of cool little stories that get us all bent out of shape.
The Rev:The Buddhists say that our comparison is a state of argument. And so many of us on this planet are considering this comparison game of, well, they're smart and I'm not smart, or they're wise and I'm not smart.
And that's creating a sense of suffering. It's tearing the entire planet down. If I spot it, if I see that wisdom in you, I have to have it or I would not be able to recognize it.
Mac:Well, you're speaking to oneness.
The Rev:It says the scripture that you read at the beginning. We were created in the image and after the likeness of God.
The Rev:Of wisdom itself.
When I have that epiphany, that revelation and that light bulb moment that is the direct experience of God that chose to reveal itself through your thought, not somebody else's.
Mac:Yeah, well, you're going to see it more and more. You will see it in yourself, others will see it in you.
And there's going to be this sense that's going to come upon you that you're doing the Right Thing you're developing so that you can express these godly attributes into the world to make a difference. Because believe me, we need more wisdom in the world, don't we?
Coach Stu:So a piece of. We sure do. And so a piece of. I was going to call it homework, but I didn't really want it to be that. But I guess we'll call it homework, all right.
Is to not ignore these thoughts or these feelings. Because it's not always just thoughts.
The Rev:True.
Coach Stu:Sometimes it's a feeling. Like Rev earlier was talking about the energy when you walk in a room. I mean, sometimes it is a feeling.
And I'll just ask you out there, Roger, to not forget, not to ignore that. Right, right, right. Like to pay attention to it. You may not know what it means, and that's okay. But pay attention to it and see what happens, too.
And you can ask questions, right? You can say, hey, what is. What is this? I don't get it. I'm feeling it. I don't get it. What is it? Trust me, you will get answers if you ask.
The Rev:And that means you're going to have to suspend anything and any idea on any teaching you ever got that said. God cannot speak directly to you. Oh, I'm standing at the door, knocking at the mind, your mind. You know, Stu and Coach and Mac.
I'm standing at the door of your mind, your soul and your heart. And we're told, oh, no, no, no, you have to go to the Authority. No, the Authority is within you.
Mac:You gotta cultivate it so that you can trust it. I mean, it's just, you know, we want to question it. We always want to say, well, I don't know, I'm not sure. Stop that shit, okay?
Just stop it, all right? You're gonna know that, you know, as we've always been talking about right here. So cultivate it, press into it, see what happens.
You know, ride the roller coaster. Because that's kind of what it's gonna be a bit of, right? But believe me, what a great journey. But it's also gonna take.
You're gonna have to use your mind in this thing.
The Rev:Yeah, well, you know, one is an internal process, the other is an external. So we have intelligence as one of those four attributes of God.
And so again, I'm gonna go back to the idea that as we know it for ourselves, if it's ego based, I'm wise, I'm all powerful, I'm all knowing Oz. No, that doesn't work. There is the intelligence in the universe, God expressing as ideas, you haven't thought of.
Somebody else is going to say something, somebody else is going to write something. You're going to go. Intelligence says I need to recognize the light bulb they're having.
I need to recognize the revelation they're having as well as mine. And that's what intelligence does. It opens up the field through which God can be discerned, through which God can be learned and known greater.
We're in this together. But, but I'm only one cell, you know, And I love that scripture where Paul's telling us the hand cannot say to the foot, I don't need you.
Intelligence and wisdom are sisters. They are partners. It is what's coming through me and what's coming through you two guys and through every roguer that's out there listening to this.
I want to be paying attention to how God is doing business as you.
Mac:Well, and it's not isolated. This is a great point.
Coach Stu:Right, right. Yeah, for sure.
The Rev:And sometimes that means being able to hold my own wisdom lightly, loosely, because, oh, a new truth just came through. I want to be open and receptive. That's what intelligent people do.
Mac:That's right.
The Rev:Close minded people are dumb. They said, no, I've got the corner on the market of truth. I don't listen to God anymore. God's speaking through everybody.
Coach Stu:I think it's healthy to question, to ask questions, to question ideas and truths that are out there. But from this perspective, to be more interested than interesting. Right?
Mac:Yeah. Because then it isn't about you.
Coach Stu:Right. It's about me just wanting to understand.
Coach Stu:You know, like if you say this, that's interesting. Tell me more about that. Yeah, not, not inserting anything else but that and then see what happens.
Mac:Well, I would say yes. And if you're in an environment. Listen to me now. If you are in an environment, I'm poking, I'm pointing at you.
If you're watching the video, Okay, I shouldn't, people don't like me. I'm not a point at you.
The Rev:Okay, now he's punching you.
Mac:If you are in an environment, and I'm going to say without a doubt into a spiritual environment where you are being asked to check your brain at the door and to just blindly walk in and believe and adhere to and follow whatever it is you're hearing. Okay.
We're going to challenge you on that, that you don't, you shouldn't leave your brain at the door because you are created with an intelligence that the divine gave you. You need to apply it any environment.
The Rev:Talking about any environment. That is causing you or asking you or telling you. You have to shut down your intelligence and your wisdom is asking you to shut down God.
Doing business at the point of view.
Mac:That's right.
Coach Stu:I was there when I was young. I was in that. Yeah, that's right.
Mac:You tell the story all the time.
Coach Stu:I was there, so I'm glad I' of there.
Mac:Well, you know, these are just beautiful characteristics and there's just four, right? They're just for life, love, wisdom, intelligence. Again, you are these things.
And we're going to talk about four more of them in the next episode that we. That that will be also as not more important than one than the other by any means. They're all flowing in a circle anyway.
And at the same time, we're going to have to challenge you like we've been doing and like we always do, right? We got to challenge. We just did an episode on this, but we want to challenge you in it.
So your ongoing mission, since you choose to accept it, as we've always said, and we said last week, go listen to our episode from last week at which we really climbed into these things. But it doesn't mean that we're going to stop encouraging you to decide to go rogue. You gotta go out there different than everybody else, right?
Find like minded roguers.
Coach Stu:There you go.
Mac:These are my guys.
Coach Stu:They're right around you, okay?
Mac:They're all around you. I guarantee you they're out there, right? Just find some people that want to take the red pill instead of the blue pill.
Then you need to strap on the armor, right? You gotta, you got. We talked about this last week that you gotta prepare yourself. You've gotta ground yourself in the truth, okay?
Hopefully you can handle it. All right? Then you got to just storm the gates.
And when we talk about that is you got to be willing in your own mind first of all to debunk a lot of the stuff that holds you back, right? You're stinking thinking. We talk about that all the time. You got to storm those gates, you know, and you got to blow them open.
And then lastly when you do that, you're going to unleash the unthinkable. And these are the missions that we love for you to go on. We try to go on them all the time, but it'll make a difference in your life too.
So there we are, guys. The divinity, the divinity within us. I love it. I love that. I just look in my, the eyes of these two guys beside me and I see the divine.
You know, it's so cool. All right. So thank you. Thank you for listening. We're going to challenge you.
We're going to continue to keep challenging because that's what we care and we think it's going to make a difference. So come back next week. We'll finish this up. Have a great week, and we'll see you next time. Thanks.