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2022-11-29. Line Goes Everywhere: Matt Levine and Aaron Lammer Explain FTX, Exchanges, and Everything Else Crypto
Episode 228th November 2022 • Reqless: Software in the Age of AI • Aboard
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Crypto exchange FTX has melted down, whatever that means—and it turns out nothing means what it seems to mean, especially the word "exchange." Paul and Rich invite two friends to guide us through the latest crypto maelstrom, finance journalist and crypto chronicler Matt Levine and polymath crypto advisor/journalist Aaron Lammer. Can they explain what's happening? Can Aaron convince Paul that crypto is just getting started? Why is our first podcast about crypto?


Paul Ford:

Hey Rich, do you have any money in crypto?

Rich Ziade:

I do not.

Paul Ford:

But I notice that you like to look at the website,

Paul Ford:

a lot when we're working together.

Paul Ford:

Why is that?

Rich Ziade:

I can't explain it.

Rich Ziade:

I, I, it's, uh, first off, I take off my pants every time

Rich Ziade:

before I

Paul Ford:

and that's something we're gonna discuss.

Rich Ziade:

It is, um, I'm fascinated by how the movie ends.

Rich Ziade:

That's really the best way I can put it.

Paul Ford:

Boy, it's a long movie.

Paul Ford:

So far though.

Rich Ziade:

Do you own crypto?

Paul Ford:

No, I, I don't understand it . I'm Irish, so I, I put all of

Paul Ford:

my savings into lottery tickets.

Paul Ford:

So did you read the big article on crypto?

Rich Ziade:

I did,

Paul Ford:

It's by Matt Levine from Bloomberg.

Paul Ford:

It's a whole issue of Bloomberg Business Week.

Paul Ford:

It was pretty cool.

Paul Ford:

It explained how it all worked.

Paul Ford:

And so we were, lucky enough to book Matt Levine on this podcast.

Paul Ford:

And we also reached out to a good old friend of ours, Aaron Lammer,

Paul Ford:

who is a true crypto expert.

Paul Ford:

That guy's done everything.

Paul Ford:

He's, he's had podcasts and now he's, um, involved in, in

Paul Ford:

crypto on a professional level.

Paul Ford:

And we asked him to just come on in the world, the chaotic world of

Paul Ford:

crypto, just tell us what's going on.

Paul Ford:

So, uh, we've got Matt Levine from Bloomberg.

Paul Ford:

Matt, hello.

Paul Ford:

Welcome to the show.

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

Thanks for having me.

Paul Ford:

And we've got Aaron Lammer from

Rich Ziade:

Many places.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, it's hard to put Lammer in a box man, but,

Rich Ziade:

A true Renaissance man.

Paul Ford:

but, Lammer, you have a job.

Paul Ford:

Where are you right now?

Aaron Lammer:

I work for a cryptocurrency, uh, trading firm, but I also

Aaron Lammer:

host podcasts and do other stuff.

Paul Ford:

Matt Levine is a great finance journalist and he writes Money stuff,

Paul Ford:

which is the newsletter about what, in my god, what happened in finance.

Paul Ford:

Aaron, what are we allowed to say about your new professional context?

Paul Ford:

You have been a podcaster, crypto expert, crypto podcaster,

Paul Ford:

podcasting, crypto podcaster,

Rich Ziade:

weed expert.

Rich Ziade:

Mu musician.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, there's a lot here.

Aaron Lammer:

Well, I'll, I'll give a little bit of context that

Aaron Lammer:

I came to this stuff, uh, not with an intention of being involved in

Aaron Lammer:

crypto in a professional context.

Aaron Lammer:

And I, I would even shy away from calling myself for a trader.

Aaron Lammer:

I work for a trading firm, but not everything I do there is trading.

Aaron Lammer:

But the way I came to this was doing a podcast about crypto with j Kang

Aaron Lammer:

many years ago called Coin Talk, which was largely about this kind of

Aaron Lammer:

stuff about frauds, scams, polarity coming outta the crypto industry.

Aaron Lammer:

Uh, somehow actually got to be a believer while doing that podcast.

Aaron Lammer:

Later made a podcast called Exit Scam, which was about the collapse of an

Aaron Lammer:

exchange quote called Quadriga, which at the time was a massive deal and now seems

Aaron Lammer:

to be quaint and firmly Canadian compared to the events of the last few weeks.

Aaron Lammer:

But I would consider myself an aficionado of insolvent exchanges.

Matt Levine:

I, I don't, I don't wanna get ahead of us, but I really, I wanted,

Matt Levine:

I want a reality television show where, so like I think you come down on the, the

Matt Levine:

Quadriga guy probably being dead, but like the mystery there not to spoil anything

Matt Levine:

is like he may or may not be dead.

Matt Levine:

Um, and like there are, there's like a, like right now there's a high number

Matt Levine:

of very much on the run or like their bags are packed, they're ready to be

Matt Levine:

on the run Crypto exchange founders and I kind of want them to all find

Matt Levine:

their way to one, like Penthouse in Dhabi and live together and fight

Matt Levine:

with each other about whose exchange blow up, blew up, who else's exchange.

Matt Levine:

And I feel like the Quadriga guys in some ways the original of that,

Aaron Lammer:

I will say that Exit Scam was acquired for TV rights and

Aaron Lammer:

Matt's pitch is like, not way off.

Aaron Lammer:

Some the writer's room

Rich Ziade:

is how it

Paul Ford:

this is great.

Paul Ford:

No, but what I want is I want the crypto Odd Couple narrative, right?

Paul Ford:

I want the do, do, do,

Matt Levine:

Right, but it's like an, it's like an odd octuple, right?

Matt Levine:

It's like they all hate each other and they're all like, they all

Matt Levine:

blew up their exchanges in their

Matt Levine:

own ways.

Matt Levine:

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Aaron Lammer:

person I would put into that reality show is that there's a

Aaron Lammer:

North Korean unit that's probably the most prolific hackers in cryptocurrency.

Aaron Lammer:

So you have these sketchy founders versus sketchy North Koreans, who

Aaron Lammer:

I think are living in China and run this extremely elite hacking unit.

Aaron Lammer:

So lot of good characters in this,

. Paul Ford:


. Paul Ford:

Everything's great.

Aaron Lammer:

I, but on the other hand, if crypto was not attracting

Aaron Lammer:

these kind of people, I think it would show that there was no money,

Aaron Lammer:

no upside, no future in this stuff.

Aaron Lammer:

I think there's a baby in bathwater element probably with like sketchy

Aaron Lammer:

stuff and crypto, maybe more less baby, more bathwater in the future.

Aaron Lammer:

You hope it's tilting in, in the right direction, but,

Rich Ziade:

Let's talk about that issue.

Rich Ziade:

Why, uh, by the way, it feel, it, as I was reading it, I was like,

Rich Ziade:

where were you Matt, seven years ago?

Matt Levine:

Interesting, right?

Matt Levine:

Like the timing is in some ways bad, but I actually think like there's a really

Matt Levine:

good micro timing, which is that I think we closed, stopped making substantive

Matt Levine:

changes to it in probably like the end of August or like early September.

Matt Levine:

And uh, it published in in like October and I was like, this is really dangerous.

Matt Levine:

Like there's gonna be a lot of news coming out between when I stop tinkering

Matt Levine:

with it and when it publishes and we're gonna look foolish and like

Matt Levine:

actually no news happened in that month.

Matt Levine:

And then two weeks later, so

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

it was great.

Rich Ziade:

Just to clarify for the listeners who don't know

Rich Ziade:

what we're talking about sum up what, what you, what you wrote.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, It's

Rich Ziade:

not an article, it's an entire issue of a magazine, but go

Matt Levine:

business Week came to me and they were like, would you

Matt Levine:

like to write an entire issue about crypto like Paul Ford did about code

Paul Ford:

I cant remember that guy.

Paul Ford:


Matt Levine:

that guy.

Matt Levine:

They were like that that worked out fine.

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

did, what is code?

Matt Levine:

Can you do what is crypto?

Matt Levine:

And our working title for it for a while was What was crypto?

Matt Levine:

Which I wish we had actually

Matt Levine:

titled it that because it would've, like, that would've

Matt Levine:

made it look really pressured.

Matt Levine:

But, um, instead we ended up calling it like the crypto story, but it was a

Matt Levine:

whole issue of business week trying to explain crypto and um, uh, you know, let's

Matt Levine:

say not make any predictions, explain crypto where we are so far, and then

Matt Levine:

get you set up so you're caught up for two weeks later when everything changes.

Aaron Lammer:

I have a question for you guys.

Aaron Lammer:

So I think that a lot of this stuff where you're like, ah, this is jargony.

Aaron Lammer:

Who gets this?

Aaron Lammer:

The original of this was the world of startups and the normalization of startup

Aaron Lammer:

culture in America where you start talking about seed rounds and valuations.

Aaron Lammer:

And this company's worth $8 billion, though we lost $2 million last year.

Aaron Lammer:

So my question to you is, when Elizabeth Holmes was revealed as

Aaron Lammer:

a fraud, did it change your view on doing a startup in America?

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

It didn't, mainly because I've always had, I, Paul and I are

Rich Ziade:

East coast, blue collar, and we've always founded all outlandish.

Rich Ziade:

She happened to do things to actually harm actual human beings

Rich Ziade:

with bad medical information, right?

Rich Ziade:

Like, it was

Rich Ziade:

bad that a very particular line was crossed there.

Rich Ziade:

Let me actually bounce back a question because you guys know this world

Rich Ziade:

much more intimately than we do.

Rich Ziade:

Did, did you feel like as you're interacting and, and Matt, you've

Rich Ziade:

directly interacted with, with FTX and the leadership there, did you feel like.

Rich Ziade:

"Oh boy, this is gonna freaking stumble on its face in the next 12 months"?

Matt Levine:

No, I mean, I, I like, you know, actually, Jay Kang read a nice thing

Matt Levine:

about what Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX were trading on and it was this sort of like

Matt Levine:

image of being people from traditional finance who knew what they were doing and

Matt Levine:

were, he wore shorts and was very young.

Matt Levine:

But there was a sense in which like, they felt like the adults in

Matt Levine:

the room, because they weren't like crypto evangelists, they weren't

Matt Levine:

" The world is going to change because of web 3 They were like, these

Matt Levine:

lines go up and down and we can make money by selling and buying.

Matt Levine:

And like they had came from places on Wall Street where like people

Matt Levine:

were good at that in a sort of like really rigorous and scientific way.

Matt Levine:

They all came from Jane Street Capital, which is this trading

Matt Levine:

firm that just makes tiny pennies trading stocks back and forth.

Matt Levine:

And there was this impression that they brought over good practices from

Matt Levine:

the financial industry where like people knew what they were doing and

Matt Levine:

were applying it in a world that uh, Issues, but was very lucrative, right?

Matt Levine:

Where you can make a penny trading stocks, you can make $40 trading crypto.

Matt Levine:

And that was my impression.

Matt Levine:

There's a Bloomberg Odd Lots podcast that I did with Sam Bankman-Fried.

Matt Levine:

I asked him about yield farming, and he described like a magic

Matt Levine:

box that produced money.

Matt Levine:

And I was like, you're describing a Ponzi scheme.

Matt Levine:

He's like, yeah, you know, it's fine.

Matt Levine:

Uh, And at the time I was like well, you know, that's like,

Matt Levine:

he's not like, like there's, he's making no claims about crypto here.

Matt Levine:

He's just he sees the box that produces money and he's extracting money from it.

Matt Levine:

And so I don't know, that sounded like a good business to me.

Matt Levine:

Clearly I was wrong, but

Rich Ziade:

Oh, okay.

Rich Ziade:

So you walked away from that thinking, okay, this guy seems

Rich Ziade:

to self-police pretty well.

Rich Ziade:

He's got good financial concepts under his belt.

Rich Ziade:

So this, you can do this

Matt Levine:

And also, he was in a business of, he, he started trading firm

Matt Levine:

that was a market maker where he was making money on lines going up and down.

Matt Levine:

But then he like moved into starting an exchange, which like, like the thing

Matt Levine:

about the Elizabeth Homes comparison like those blood tests didn't work.

Matt Levine:

Like the exchange worked, like people used it and like people liked the technology

Matt Levine:

and found it a good exchange to trade on.

Matt Levine:

So it wasn't like a fake

Aaron Lammer:

excellent user experience like you guys as software developers.

Aaron Lammer:

If I showed you Binance and FTX, you would go, that guy's gonna win far and away.

Aaron Lammer:

You would've been like, this is like low latency.

Aaron Lammer:

This is a high quality website where if I was trading large amounts of

Aaron Lammer:

money, it would be valuable to me.

Rich Ziade:

Let me dive in here as a layman, because

Rich Ziade:

you can help us explain it.

Rich Ziade:

I'm gonna make some assumptions and tell me what's wrong.

Rich Ziade:

It's an exchange, so I guess they're, the way they make their money or

Rich Ziade:

their business model is they take a little bit of a fee on transactions

Rich Ziade:

that happen on the exchange.

Rich Ziade:

So they are not really holding anything on their books on behalf of anyone.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Because they are in exchange.

Rich Ziade:

Help me understand how we got from Exchange.

Rich Ziade:

That's really good.

Rich Ziade:

UI to, "I'm really sorry, customer."

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

Exchange in crypto means something different from what it means

Matt Levine:

in traditional finance and exchange is like both a brokerage

Rich Ziade:

comes the six paragraphs, Matt.

Matt Levine:

No, it's just that,

Aaron Lammer:

it a shadow bank

Matt Levine:

It's a broker and an exchange.

Matt Levine:

It's they hold your money for you and they do the trades for you.

Matt Levine:

and so when you wanna buy crypto, like it's a broker and

Matt Levine:

an exchange in a bank, right?

Matt Levine:

When you wanna buy crypto, the thing that you do is you send a check to a

Matt Levine:

crypto company, to an exchange, and they send you back some crypto, right?

Matt Levine:

And and when you do that, then they get your money

Aaron Lammer:

Well act actually, they don't give you crypto.

Aaron Lammer:

They give you US dollars on your account, which means even without

Aaron Lammer:

owning crypto, you might have a significant amount of money on it.

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

So like you, like the first thing you do is you deposit money at the

Matt Levine:

brokerage slash exchange, which is called an exchange for no reason.

Matt Levine:

And the second thing you do is that you have money in your account and you say,

Matt Levine:

I'm gonna move, I'm gonna exchange that, those dollars for Bitcoin or whatever.

Matt Levine:

And then when you do that, like in theory and sometimes in practice, they could be

Matt Levine:

like, we're gonna send you Bitcoin on the blockchain and then you'll own them on

Matt Levine:

the blockchain and you'll have all of your like crypto -ey like self custody stuff.

Matt Levine:

But mostly they don't.

Matt Levine:

Mostly they're just like, okay, we're gonna make a little notation in your

Matt Levine:

account saying that you own some Bitcoin and then they hold the Bitcoin

Matt Levine:

for you and they hold whatever for you

Paul Ford:

And that's in like an old school database, like we've

Paul Ford:

been using from the seventies.

Paul Ford:

Not on the blockchain.

Rich Ziade:


Matt Levine:

or, or not even turns out at

Aaron Lammer:


Aaron Lammer:

Um, maybe

Aaron Lammer:

in a database.

Rich Ziade:


Aaron Lammer:


Aaron Lammer:

Maybe nowhere.

Aaron Lammer:

But, but a lot of the stuff when you guys, when we were talking

Aaron Lammer:

earlier about crypto and trustless.

Aaron Lammer:

That is the stuff that happens on the blockchain, and that's

Aaron Lammer:

what I'm interested in.

Aaron Lammer:

That's what decentralized finance is.

Aaron Lammer:

That is a very specific path.

Aaron Lammer:

Everything that was happening on FTX was not on the blockchain and therefore

Aaron Lammer:

was not visible, and therefore was not particularly different than any

Aaron Lammer:

Caribbean shadow bank other than it serviced a heavily crypto audience

Rich Ziade:

I just wanna ask Aaron if he knew this 60 days ago.

Rich Ziade:

Did you know this 60 days ago?

Rich Ziade:


Aaron Lammer:

that FTX was gonna implode.

Rich Ziade:


Aaron Lammer:

Uh, no, I did not know that

Rich Ziade:

Did you know that it was a shadow bank and not really an

Aaron Lammer:

Oh yeah, yeah,

Rich Ziade:

they weren't properly

Matt Levine:

Oh yeah, that this is, this is widely known

Matt Levine:

this, this is in my article.

Aaron Lammer:

Well, I'm gonna go even crazier hair.

Aaron Lammer:

You guys had that party for the opening of your company how long ago?

Paul Ford:

Couple weeks?

Aaron Lammer:

A couple weeks ago before this happened, I was talking

Aaron Lammer:

to Brady Dale who works for CoinDesk at your party, and we discussed

Aaron Lammer:

Sam Bankman-Fried at your party.

Aaron Lammer:

This can be fact Check Brady, and he was like I said, "I think Sam

Aaron Lammer:

is either gonna become the richest man in the world or go to jail."

Aaron Lammer:

That was something I've said to multiple people over the last year.

Aaron Lammer:

So I didn't know this was gonna happen, but looking at all the possibilities, I

Aaron Lammer:

was like, this is one end of the spectrum of what, what could, how this could end.

Matt Levine:

No, to your question, this is like the fact that crypto exchanges

Matt Levine:

are like this, that they hold your money for you and keep a database and

Matt Levine:

sometimes lose it is widely known.

Matt Levine:

It's the reason that they're keep being, Podcasts, like errands where, you know

Matt Levine:

like this is not the first exchange or the second or the 10th to lose people's money.

Matt Levine:

This is like for a while I used to write the fate of every crypto exchange

Matt Levine:

is to lose its customer's money.

Matt Levine:

And then that stopped being true for I don't know, four years and

Matt Levine:

now it's back with vengeance.

Matt Levine:

Like it's not hard.

Matt Levine:

It's not that hard.

Matt Levine:

It's like a little hard.

Matt Levine:

It's not that hard to have customers give you the money and you keep it right.

Matt Levine:

That's a thing that exists in the world and can be done.

Aaron Lammer:

And I would also say there are exchanges that

Aaron Lammer:

operate completely differently.

Aaron Lammer:

I can't believe I'm gonna come on a podcast and like shill Brian Armstrong.

Aaron Lammer:

But like, that is not how Coinbase operates.

Aaron Lammer:


Matt Levine:

No, it is,

Matt Levine:

it is,

Aaron Lammer:

but like

Matt Levine:

is in the sense that they, take your money and they keep it.

Matt Levine:

It's not on the blockchain, but like, but they're, yeah, they're publicly traded.

Matt Levine:

They're audited.

Matt Levine:


Aaron Lammer:

They're audited.

Aaron Lammer:

So you had a choice as a consumer in this to go to a audited,

Aaron Lammer:

publicly traded American Exchange or a Caribbean shadow bank.

Aaron Lammer:

Now the Caribbean Shadow Bank offered products that the regulated

Aaron Lammer:

American Exchange did not offer.

Aaron Lammer:

And part of what Sam Bankman-Fried was lobbying for was for him to be able to

Aaron Lammer:

bring some of those Caribbean shadow bank types of financial products to American.

Aaron Lammer:

That's right, Matt, like that's, he wanted FTX International

Aaron Lammer:

to be available to Americans.

Aaron Lammer:

Is that part of the lobbying?

Aaron Lammer:

I don't totally

Matt Levine:

I'm not sure they would've said it that way, but yeah, that's

Matt Levine:

the basic idea, is like they had a much broader product offering in the

Matt Levine:

Caribbean and they wanted to bring more of those products to the US.

Aaron Lammer:

Including "perpetual futures," which are like the most

Aaron Lammer:

widely traded crypto product.

Aaron Lammer:

Most people who are trading like big crypto aren't like buying and selling

Aaron Lammer:

like actual Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Aaron Lammer:

They're buying these futures that are, you can longer short them.

Rich Ziade:

So is I guess just to close the loop on the

Rich Ziade:

other big, big guy that's out.

Rich Ziade:

I mean, Binance is out there.

Rich Ziade:

Are, do they have, are they holding on to the money that got deposited?

Matt Levine:

All of the Shadow Bank stuff we knew a month ago.

Matt Levine:

And if you had asked me does FTX have the money, I would've

Matt Levine:

been like, probably right.

Matt Levine:

So if you asked me now does probably, but like what use is me saying that, right?

Aaron Lammer:

I would say you guys are thinking about this from the

Aaron Lammer:

perspective of being savers or HODLers.

Aaron Lammer:

A lot of the people who are at FDX are traders.

Aaron Lammer:

They needed it to be at FTX to do the trades that made

Aaron Lammer:

the money for their business.

Aaron Lammer:

So they weren't there cuz they were like, "yo, these shadow banks are sick.

Aaron Lammer:

Cool place to put your money."

Aaron Lammer:

They were there because it was necessary.

Aaron Lammer:

And really the only alternative to FTX for this is Binance.

Aaron Lammer:

Choose your poison.

Paul Ford:

Well now we don't have to.

Paul Ford:

Now there's just one

Aaron Lammer:

if I had asked you, Matt, two months ago, who was more

Aaron Lammer:

likely to go down in flames, Binance or FTX, I think you might have

Aaron Lammer:

said, we might have said Binance.

Aaron Lammer:

I would've said Binance.

, Matt Levine:

I don't wanna like, endorse that too strongly cuz I just don't know

, Matt Levine:

that much about Binance, but but Right.

, Matt Levine:

Ftx definitely sort of put out the signals of we hired Tom Brady and we lobby a

, Matt Levine:

lot and were trying to be regulated and good citizens and they're just like,

, Matt Levine:

although they were in the Caribbean, they were more like legible to reg like,

, Matt Levine:

like the Binance, like regulatory and entity structure is much weirder than

, Matt Levine:

the FTX one, where no one knows what the company is that runs Binance because they

, Matt Levine:

don't want one target for regulation.

, Matt Levine:

So like, Binance is a website and what company owns it?

, Matt Levine:

Nobody knows.

Rich Ziade:

What needs to change?

Rich Ziade:

So we don't have, how do we avert the next big bomb dropping in crypto?

Matt Levine:

I don't have a lot of money at offshore crypto exchanges.

Matt Levine:

Know, like it's a little bit like casinos being robbed.

Matt Levine:

It's okay, it's bad that the casino got robbed, but there are

Matt Levine:

worse places that get robbed.

Rich Ziade:


Matt Levine:

uh, what needs to change?

Matt Levine:

I don't know.

Matt Levine:

I feel like, uh, if you're Aaron, you'd say something like custody

Matt Levine:

your own coins and use defi.

Matt Levine:

Is that about right?

Aaron Lammer:

Yeah, I mean, I think we've revealed the central . That's

Aaron Lammer:

literally almost exactly what I

Aaron Lammer:

" Paul Ford: Yep,

Aaron Lammer:


Matt Levine:

that's like widespread view in

Aaron Lammer:

yeah, we found the weak link in crypto's, Achilles

Aaron Lammer:

heel and crypto's Achilles heel is

Matt Levine:

the exchange is always steal the money.

Aaron Lammer:

Yes, to change your bank account dollars into crypto, you have

Aaron Lammer:

to go through a centralized exchange.

Aaron Lammer:

The centralized exchange is like in Lord of the Rings.

Aaron Lammer:

When you've got the ring right above your finger and you're deciding whether

Aaron Lammer:

you're gonna put it on, it attracts the guy who's gonna put the ring on.

Aaron Lammer:

It attracts thieves and scoundrels.

Aaron Lammer:

Historically, people who've gotten access to billions of dollars of

Aaron Lammer:

other people's money, take it.

Aaron Lammer:

We can dig into the human psychology behind this.

Aaron Lammer:

My guess is this has existed for a thousand to 5,000 years.

Aaron Lammer:

That the guy who you let, who the guy who you choose to give all the money

Aaron Lammer:

to is the guy who takes the money.

Aaron Lammer:

So my belief is that we have to take centralized actors out of the system.

Aaron Lammer:

And various people can find dystopian reasons not to do that.

Aaron Lammer:

But my belief is that that system will be safer, more transparent, and will really

Aaron Lammer:

like allow the promise that people, if you believe in this stuff at all, that is the

Paul Ford:

Okay, so back to the an, is there a name for the

Paul Ford:

blockchain Nativist movement.

Paul Ford:

Do you, what do you

Paul Ford:

call yourselves?

Aaron Lammer:

I would say, I mean people call it defi, but

Aaron Lammer:

I would say it's "on chain."

Aaron Lammer:

You're on chain or off chain.

Aaron Lammer:


Paul Ford:

So if you're on

Rich Ziade:

is off chain.

Aaron Lammer:

Off chain.

Aaron Lammer:

All centralized

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

Any company you've heard of is off chain.

Matt Levine:

Rich, my answer to your question, how did this happen?

Matt Levine:

Like the main answer is that like the user experience you get

Matt Levine:

from a centralized exchange is just gonna be easier than so far.

Matt Levine:

The other user experience like, like to get crypto, the thing you do is you take

Matt Levine:

a credit card or check and you exchange your dollars for crypto, and you can

Matt Levine:

do that without a centralized exchange.

Rich Ziade:


Matt Levine:

I've done it without a centralized exchange, is that I Venmo

Matt Levine:

like a friend of mine and he sent me crypto on the blockchain, right?

Matt Levine:

And then I'm like, oh, I venmo myself some crypto.

Matt Levine:

But that's not like scalable, that's not a friendly user experience.

Matt Levine:

It doesn't make you feel like you're, doing your retirement savings.

Matt Levine:

The thing that's user friendly is a centralized exchange, but there's

Matt Levine:

like a website and you type in your credit card and maybe they even

Matt Levine:

have public financial statements.

Matt Levine:

So I think that's a big part of the answer.

Matt Levine:

And I think that it is harder for the decentralized, it's like

Matt Levine:

Twitter and Mastodon, right?

Matt Levine:

It's like there's there is there is some sort of you can cobble together your

Matt Levine:

own server to do it, but then you're like, the audience for that is small.

Matt Levine:

The other thing I'll say is that like, how do we get this way?

Matt Levine:

Like, you know, As Aaron said, FTX was for traders.

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

Like, I see there, like in crypto, there's like an initial real like philosophical,

Matt Levine:

decentralization, like libertarian vibe and like the early Bitcoin people.

Matt Levine:

And then people at Jane Street discovered it and were like, oh, we

Matt Levine:

can make so much money trading this.

Matt Levine:

And then they wanted to have all the stuff that you could, have

Matt Levine:

access to in traditional finance.

Matt Levine:

And we want, like we want leverage, we want a, an exchange that will

Matt Levine:

allow us to borrow, 10 times our investment and all that stuff works.

Matt Levine:

Again, it can be done in Defi, but has a better and more like

Matt Levine:

finance friendly user experience in like the centralized exchanges.

Matt Levine:

And so there's this wave of crypto people who are not like crypto,

Matt Levine:

decentralization, like true believers.

Matt Levine:

They're just like guys from hedge funds who wanna make money.

Aaron Lammer:

Just further, like I've literally watched almost every

Aaron Lammer:

video that Sam Bankman-Fried put on the internet in the last week.

Aaron Lammer:

And if you look really closely at his plans, they were really pushing

Aaron Lammer:

the presidential betting markets.

Aaron Lammer:

They had a $7 billion, a $7 million short Trump position, and they were

Aaron Lammer:

interested in getting into sports.

Aaron Lammer:

Clearly the next step for FTX was going take over the Fanduel Caesar sports

Aaron Lammer:

book market and these things like that.

Aaron Lammer:

So if you zoom out, looks a little less crypto E and a little bit more

Aaron Lammer:

like our desire is to own all markets.

Aaron Lammer:

And this and in addition to sports

Aaron Lammer:

and elections, they were very interested in tokenizing stock trading and like

Aaron Lammer:

bringing the

Paul Ford:

so just more

Rich Ziade:

Question to build on what you're saying Matt, great UX means

Rich Ziade:

the barrier is way lower and there's a lot more people who are frankly

Rich Ziade:

more ignorant, more naive about the risks involved and what it attracts.

Rich Ziade:

Like it, there it is.

Rich Ziade:

It is.

Rich Ziade:

There, there are, I'm gonna say, you know, uh, innocent people who think, okay, I

Rich Ziade:

should probably put some money in this.

Rich Ziade:

And some people go too far and they blow their life savings and

Rich Ziade:

pension funds and whatnot because usability, the usability actually

Rich Ziade:

lower the barrier so dramatically, and there's a lot they don't know.

Rich Ziade:

There's a lot of knowledge that is not there.

Rich Ziade:

And they go in when the UX lowers the barrier, should something else kick

Rich Ziade:

in that protects people from making terrible decisions, do you think?

Matt Levine:

I, yeah, like I'm, you guys asked what, what needs to change?

Matt Levine:

And I said, I can give you Aaron's answer.

Matt Levine:

And we talked about defi.

Matt Levine:

I mean, like, like, I don't have a great answer, but to me, like I'm a traditional

Matt Levine:

finance guy and I don't know if Coinbase is stealing the money, but I don't think

Matt Levine:

they are because like they have audited public financial statements and they

Matt Levine:

are, they're in the US steal the money, they will get arrested in a way that

Matt Levine:

doesn't necessarily happen in The Bahamas.

Matt Levine:

and so I think that like, you know, and like Aaron talks about the the,

Matt Levine:

like the temptation of the ring.

Matt Levine:

If you hold the money, you steal the money.

Matt Levine:

Jamie Dimon doesn't steal the money.

Matt Levine:

JP Morgan just keeps your money.

Matt Levine:

And there are risks in traditional banking, right?

Matt Levine:

Because it is a leveraged business and it's not always keep the money

Matt Levine:

on the vault, but like they mostly don't steal the money and for various

Matt Levine:

reasons, including they can get, they can make plenty of money by doing

Matt Levine:

stuff with the money, which is also true of crypto exchanges, right?

Matt Levine:

And then someone else comes along with a won or website

Matt Levine:

who's I'll give you 20% returns.

Matt Levine:

And like people go to that one and then they steal the money.

Matt Levine:

Cause like the 20% returns are fake.

Matt Levine:

And so there is, I think and I realize crypto people don't like this, but

Matt Levine:

I imagine that there is a, like a potential regulatory solution where it's

Matt Levine:

you have the easier to use centralized experience and it's run by a set of

Matt Levine:

people who are subject to regulation.

Matt Levine:

And if they just steal the money, they like very much go to prison.

Matt Levine:

And like I think that, that's like to me that's intuitive, but

Matt Levine:

it's hard to see how we get there.

Matt Levine:

In part because crypto is so international where if you want

Matt Levine:

to use an exchange, you can go to Binance, which has like better the US

Aaron Lammer:

It's legally in Dubai, but I believe one of Matt's colleagues

Aaron Lammer:

tried to visit their office and it's just an empty floor of an office Dubai.

Aaron Lammer:

So that's about

Aaron Lammer:

where it is,

Rich Ziade:


Matt Levine:

I even legally based on Dubai.

Matt Levine:

I think it's like there no

Matt Levine:

one knows legal entity runs.

Matt Levine:

It's like It's nowhere.

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Matt Levine:

And like I think it's hard for like the US to say we're

Matt Levine:

gonna regulate crypto, we're gonna be pretty strict about it, and then all

Matt Levine:

the crypto exchanges will be here and all the US people will use US Crypto

Matt Levine:

exchanges like this is not true, right?

Matt Levine:

I Like us people in fact trade FTX and Binance in various ways and it's

Matt Levine:

not really supposed to happen, but like it can happen in a lot of ways.

Matt Levine:

And uh, and um, it's just hard to have a sort of, like the crypto

Matt Levine:

is so international, it's hard to have a really contained regulatory

Matt Levine:

regime that, that you can rely on.

Matt Levine:

But obviously there are companies like Coinbase that are making a bet.

Matt Levine:

Being subject to US regulation is going to be a good marketing move.

Matt Levine:

They're gonna be like, you can put your money here and we probably won't steal it.

Matt Levine:

Whereas if you put your money in The Bahamas, they'll

Matt Levine:

probably steal it and that's a

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

And you know, Pricewaterhouse Coopers will come look at the spreadsheet and

Paul Ford:

say that they didn't steal your money.

Matt Levine:

And like, and publish an audit on the SEC website.

Aaron Lammer:

And some of this is moot.

Aaron Lammer:

Like if, if your desire is to hold, let's say Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Aaron Lammer:

That's gonna be on Fidelity in a year or two.

Aaron Lammer:

So if you don't wanna be involved in banking in the

Aaron Lammer:

Caribbean, there's gonna be great

Paul Ford:

Just walk into the branch.

Paul Ford:

Just go in.

Paul Ford:

I want to do something new with crypto.

Paul Ford:

I want to build something.

Paul Ford:

Everything is so dodgy.

Paul Ford:

Like everything is so vague

Aaron Lammer:

gonna give you three words, Paul, initial coin offering.

Aaron Lammer:

That was a, I was joking for people at home.

Aaron Lammer:

I'm joking.

Aaron Lammer:

There was a very sketchy period of crypto history that potentially

Aaron Lammer:

we're still in where people who had an idea like, Hey, I'm gonna make

Aaron Lammer:

a decentralized Twitter before they actually made it, would say, and I'm

Aaron Lammer:

selling off the coins for this, for governance of this decentralized network.

Paul Ford:


Aaron Lammer:

And then I'm gonna fund development by selling those coins off.

Rich Ziade:

By selling the coins?

Aaron Lammer:

Now that has a lot of problems because after you've sold the

Aaron Lammer:

coins, what is your real incentive to actually deliver the on chain Twitter,

Aaron Lammer:

you've already become a billionaire from selling your decentralized

Aaron Lammer:

Twitter coins, and therefore you have very little incentive to run

Paul Ford:

So it got financialized too early.

Aaron Lammer:

A lot of things I think got financial, I mean the whole idea

Aaron Lammer:

of yield farming is basically things getting financialized too early.

Aaron Lammer:

There are things that basically are buying audience or buying development

Aaron Lammer:

money by printing tokens and so on.

Paul Ford:

All All right, so let me, I'm taking you both out for

Paul Ford:

drinks I'm sitting with you and you know, we're not on a podcast.

Paul Ford:

You can speak, speak your heart.

Paul Ford:

I wanna start this crypto company.

Paul Ford:

Do you think I should do it?

Paul Ford:

Like, I want to create my own version?

Paul Ford:

I, I ER's okay, but I want do my own thing and I want, I want to build it.

Paul Ford:

Uh, but I don't even

Matt Levine:

And and then your question is like, how do I start that?

Matt Levine:

And the first thing is you are like a really big crypto guy, right?

Matt Levine:

And you're like on the blockchain all the time and you're like,

Matt Levine:

I've got a metamask wallet.

Matt Levine:

Like the first step is that you assume that your audience is entirely

Matt Levine:

crypto people, which is problematic if you wanna have the, you know, and

Matt Levine:

this is again the question of the UX where the centralized exchanges, like

Matt Levine:

they have a website the, like we're gonna do it on chain with a token.

Matt Levine:

It's like, you've gotta code up everything.

Matt Levine:

And so I think it's a harder

Matt Levine:

pitch to

Matt Levine:

Even Metamask

Rich Ziade:

is reelly hard.

Rich Ziade:

It's just

Aaron Lammer:

so you guys introduced me as working for a trading firm, but a

Aaron Lammer:

large portion of what I actually do for a living is explain how metamask works to

Aaron Lammer:

people who are extremely, uh, advanced in

Paul Ford:

Please do it.

Paul Ford:

That's a great way to

Aaron Lammer:

So, so basically I, a lot of this is like, hey, you guys are thinking

Aaron Lammer:

we're building a modern web stack, and I'm gonna tell you that we're, we have

Aaron Lammer:

a bulletin board system, and this is how you call it with your 14.4 modem.

Aaron Lammer:

Now, here's some errors you normally get when you're connecting

Aaron Lammer:

to this bull board system.

Aaron Lammer:

And so the question is, you're describing modern web apps, and I'm describing an

Aaron Lammer:

era of technological history that has kind of more in common with the era I think

Aaron Lammer:

that like we came up in, you know, where you had to be able to use DOS, you had to

Aaron Lammer:

be able to know what, what to do, right?

Aaron Lammer:

And so I see some of the products that I think are truly profound, like

Aaron Lammer:

maybe I only see them because I'm like spending my whole life in this,

Aaron Lammer:

but like, I'm gonna take an example.

Aaron Lammer:

ENS domains, right?

Aaron Lammer:

These are domains that are held as an NFT on the blockchain so

Aaron Lammer:

I can prove I own this domain.

Aaron Lammer:

I can buy and sell this domain.

Aaron Lammer:

I can literally own this domain as long as the Ethereum blockchain

Aaron Lammer:

goes on, which is a powerful idea.

Aaron Lammer:

You don't ever have to go back to GoDaddy's website again, right?

Aaron Lammer:

You don't have to rely on this centralized institution, but that's

Aaron Lammer:

just like the lowest, tiniest building block of a stack that would build the

Aaron Lammer:

experiences that you're describing in a completely decentralized manner.

Paul Ford:

DNS, like the fundamental registration building block of the

Paul Ford:

Internet is kind of coming online now.

Aaron Lammer:

Kind of coming online now.

Aaron Lammer:

So I would be like, slow your roll.

Aaron Lammer:

It could be another 15 years cuz it's infinitely harder to build

Aaron Lammer:

all this stuff in this manner.

Aaron Lammer:

But it also, in my opinion, totally changes the products you make when you,

Aaron Lammer:

when you build on chain in that manner.

Aaron Lammer:

So I'm, I think you're gonna be disappointed in the short term, but you

Aaron Lammer:

might be excited in the mid long term.

Aaron Lammer:

Cause a lot of this has been like, "Why does my shit not work?

Aaron Lammer:

This stuff is too primitive."

Aaron Lammer:

And I'm like, and you're like, "Who's gonna build this shit?"

Aaron Lammer:

And I'm like, you, I'm talking to the two people who would be building this stuff.

Aaron Lammer:

About a year ago, maybe a year and a half ago, I sent both of you a dm, and I said,

Aaron Lammer:

you guys should become a web 3 shop.

Aaron Lammer:

You're gonna have a ton of business doing it.

Aaron Lammer:

And Rich said, what's Web 3?

Aaron Lammer:

And I've realized that I was living in an ideological bubble cuz two people who

Aaron Lammer:

would be the most likely to understand what I was talking about didn't

Aaron Lammer:

understand what I was talking about.

Aaron Lammer:

So I wanna clarify what I meant and what I meant is that It's just like the web.

Aaron Lammer:

You've gotta build the thing you want.

Aaron Lammer:

No one's gonna build it for you.

Aaron Lammer:

It's a canvas for you.

Aaron Lammer:

It's not a movie for you to watch.

Paul Ford:

Can I make my own coin for the group chat?

. Aaron Lammer:


. Aaron Lammer:

It's easy.

. Aaron Lammer:

It's super easy to make your own coin.

. Aaron Lammer:

I'll make you a coin.

Paul Ford:

All right, let's start there.

Paul Ford:

Make me a coin.

Paul Ford:

Can we give something to Matt too?

Aaron Lammer:

You gotta

Matt Levine:

not sure am I allowed to accept that?

Aaron Lammer:

If Matt will give up his wallet, we can get, we can

Aaron Lammer:

can give some to Matt too, but I

Matt Levine:

I feel like I'm not supposed to accept coins.

Aaron Lammer:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Journalistic ethics again.

Matt Levine:

Uh, maybe I can accept value.

Matt Levine:

This one I'll

Paul Ford:

All right, let's do that.

Paul Ford:

Make us a coin and I'm gonna suck it up.

Paul Ford:

I'm gonna stop complaining about ye old in the web and accept that the

Paul Ford:

new, the new, you know, something is slouching towards Bethlehem struggling

Paul Ford:

to be born, and that's crypto.

Paul Ford:

And, uh, I'm gonna accept it into my heart.

Paul Ford:

I'm ready.

Matt Levine:


Rich Ziade:

You can't

Matt Levine:


Matt Levine:

I think that's how you have to

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

I'm coming

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

I'm coming to crypto.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:


Aaron Lammer:

I think I convinced Paul during this podcast.

Aaron Lammer:

Every time I talked to Paul, he becomes slightly more receptive.

Aaron Lammer:

Of all the people in this chat.

Aaron Lammer:

I can see Rich and Matt are like, I've gone as far as we want.

Aaron Lammer:

I can kind of see just in the back of Paul's mind, there's gears running

Aaron Lammer:

and he's but what if I made it my own?

Paul Ford:

Like, I don't like Bitcoin stuff, but I love the idea of like,

Paul Ford:

the computer is decentralized and so yeah, I'm a total sucker for that.

Paul Ford:

Total sucker for that.

Aaron Lammer:

My work.

Aaron Lammer:

Here's done

Paul Ford:

Ah, damn it.

Paul Ford:

God damn it,

Rich Ziade:

Matt, Aaron, thank you so much for

Aaron Lammer:

I look forward my fourth or fifth appearance on this

Paul Ford:

is great.

Paul Ford:

Everybody come

Paul Ford:

back on.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

Once we get that, once we get that chain set up, we can start to pay you in the

Paul Ford:

coin that you created, and then we'll set up an exchange or as you like to

Paul Ford:

call it, a, a, a shadow bank, and then we can, then we'll really be doing crypto

Aaron Lammer:

I'll be on an island in the Gowanus Canal.

Paul Ford:

In a boat, All right.

Paul Ford:

Thank you friends.

Paul Ford:

Good luck everyone.

Paul Ford:


Paul Ford:

So, well, R ich, what did they tell us?

Paul Ford:

What did they tell us?

Paul Ford:

What did you learn?

Rich Ziade:

Um, I learned that it's a, i I learned about humans.

Rich Ziade:

I, I've said this quote in the past.

Rich Ziade:

Many, many times.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, but I'll say it again here.

Rich Ziade:

The right thing is easy.

Rich Ziade:

Unfortunately, people are involved and when get in the mix and people see

Rich Ziade:

opportunity and people see inefficiency, uh, things get kind of bananas.

Paul Ford:

I see the tech industry as this ongoing eternal battle

Paul Ford:

as to which transactions matter.

Paul Ford:

Here's what I mean.

Paul Ford:

1999, it was e-commerce.

Paul Ford:

I can buy something through the web 2006, it's social media.

Paul Ford:

I can connect to a friend and follow them.

Paul Ford:

And now we're in this brand new battle.

Paul Ford:

Is it metaverse?

Paul Ford:

Is it web three?

Paul Ford:

Is it crypto?

Paul Ford:

Is it blockchain?

Paul Ford:

No one knows what the big new transaction will be.

Paul Ford:

And it's driving everybody crazy because when you don't know,

Paul Ford:

that's, that's instability.

Paul Ford:

And you can't plan your venture fund you don't know how to invest and so on.

Paul Ford:

Um, and so I think that, you know, Aaron did convince me in.

Paul Ford:

I did go, you know, he's right.

Paul Ford:

15 years from now, will this still be around?

Paul Ford:

Computers will be faster, blockchains will be more robust.

Paul Ford:

People will still be transacting in some of these coins.

Paul Ford:

Yeah, absolutely.

Paul Ford:

There's something, 15 years of continued creativity and weirdness

Paul Ford:

will produce things out of this.

Paul Ford:

I don't know if there'll be things I really want to use,

Paul Ford:

but it'll, it'll happen.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

I, I, I, think you're right.

Rich Ziade:

I think it's also just real early in the movie and it's causing a

Rich Ziade:

lot of damage along the way because there are some bad actors out there.

Paul Ford:

You got anything good for me?

Rich Ziade:

I do.

Rich Ziade:

I do.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, I really recommend you listen to the song Moving Out by Billy Joel

Paul Ford:

Oh, the one that's, is that the one with trading in a Chevy for Cadillac?

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

But this was a bait and switch.

Rich Ziade:

I care about that song.

Rich Ziade:

It's actually a terrible song.

Rich Ziade:

And Billy Joel, there's just that weird period in his life where he sounded

Rich Ziade:

like a 1950s doo-wop singer kind of.

Rich Ziade:

Anyway, moving out is a video game.

Paul Ford:

Why Why are you talking about video games?

Paul Ford:

When we could be talking about Billy Joel's "The Stranger"?

Paul Ford:

An absolute classic.

Rich Ziade:

Are very good.

Rich Ziade:

And that's.

Paul Ford:


Rich Ziade:

Actually a classic album.

Paul Ford:

We'll talk about that.

Rich Ziade:

On all the platforms.

Rich Ziade:

There's this fun, fun video game called Moving Out.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, if I like playing games with my kids and family and friends and

Rich Ziade:

whatever, it's really ridiculous.

Rich Ziade:

You're kind of moving furniture out of a house and onto a truck.

Rich Ziade:

Um, but you have to cooperate.

Rich Ziade:

Like, I can't pick up one side of the couch without you helping me on the other.

Rich Ziade:

And it, it has a weird, there's a weird social dynamic to it.

Rich Ziade:

Um, that's really, really fun.

Rich Ziade:

Moving out on every platform you can imagine, uh, is out there.

Rich Ziade:

I like games where I play with other people.

Paul Ford:

You play with your kids?

Rich Ziade:

It's great.

Rich Ziade:

It's great.

Rich Ziade:

You'll scream at each other.

Rich Ziade:

Uh, that's kind of the, the thing.

Paul Ford:

Frankly, unfortunately when it comes to my parenting style, um, there's

Rich Ziade:

screaming anyway.

Paul Ford:

might as well scream about a video game.

Rich Ziade:


Rich Ziade:

Fun game.

Rich Ziade:

Check it out.

Rich Ziade:

Stay off the, uh, the, the, uh, crypto, uh, pricing charts,

Rich Ziade:

Paul, and go play Moving Out.

Paul Ford:

That's all I'm gonna do, right?

Paul Ford:

Rich, let's get outta here.

Paul Ford:

talk to you

Rich Ziade:

Have a lovely week everyone.

Rich Ziade:


Paul Ford:

Hello, at Ziade




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